New AFI research shows why reorganization of the C.I.A. is a liberty imperative
Bill & Hillary Clinton and John Podesta organized a C.I.A. digital takeover by the deep state military-industrial complex in 1999
The C.I.A. and the Clintons blackmail for a living, and are now attempting to undermine President-elect Donald Trump
It is not OK for the C.I.A., a government body, to use taxpayer funds to invest and have controlling interest in private companies—that is called nationalization. It's OK for the C.I.A. to buy technology, but not invest in and thus control companies that have obviously gained uncompetitive advantage in Silicon Valley. Further, it is not OK for the C.I.A. to use the profits from these investments to operate as a rogue agency without Congressional oversight
This Clinton-Bush-Obama spying scam is just outrageous. How many elected officials, bureaucrats and judges are compromised by bribes, coercion, blackmail, insider trading, money laundering, offshore bank accounts, drug smuggling, pedophilia, rigged contracts, threats and cronyism?
In-Q-Tel secretly created the social networking industry. That's right, the C.I.A. essentially created Google, Facebook, Yahoo, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and others as a universal spying tool to gather dirt ("information") on every citizen of the planet. We believe the C.I.A. has emerged from the shadows after Donald Trump’s election because they are just about to lose control of their social media spy platform, as well as the technology relied upon by their co-conspirators Facebook, Google, AT&T, Verizon, AOL, What's App, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc.
Just imagine how unscrupulous globalist New World Order actors like George Soros, John Podesta and the Clintons have used this C.I.A. / NSA dirt to coerce and blackmail politicians, bureaucrats and judges into submission since 1999. Their plan to control global information flow after Bill Clinton took power in 1993 was being delayed because legacy IBM, Xerox and Microsoft "groupware" technologies were not able to handle the millions of simultaneous Internet transactions. In 2000, their serendipitous discovery, theft and exploitation of the social networking invention of Columbus innovator Leader Technologies was pure evil genius. Lock them up.
Independent media kingpin Matt Drudge thinks the C.I.A. / NSA may be using its "own dirt" to blackmail (this suspicion is consistent with AFI research discussed above and below and in this blog (see Blog Archive on right)...
“Are Corrupt U.S. Intel Agencies Blackmailing Trump?”
(Jan. 06, 2016)—On Sep. 29, 1999, Bill Clinton and his White House shadow government allowed the C.I.A. to form a private company named In-Q-Tel. However, there is one BIG problem: the C.I.A. / NSA are forbidden from operating inside the United States. It appears that our nation’s leaders turned a blind eye to our Constitutional privacy rights en masse.
In-Q-Tel immediately began investing in Silicon Valley hardware and software companies. They now effectively own and certainly control much of Silicon Valley, directly and indirectly. They reap hundreds of billions of dollars a year from these investments. They manage massive offshore accounts. Those funds are used to fund a global technocracy of crony capitalists led by globalist don George Soros.
The current narrative that the Russians hacked the U.S. elections was allegedly leaked by an unidentified C.I.A. operative―who produced no evidence. WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange has said repeatedly that his John Podesta emails did not come from Russia or any other state actor. Other sources say they came from inside the U.S. intelligence community in order to inform the American electorate about the extent of the corruption. Even the FBI would not confirm the shadowy C.I.A. allegations, yet the MSM continues to repeat the accusations ad naseum.
There are at least three reasons why Americans cannot rely on the truthfulness of the C.I.A.
First, the C.I.A. broke the law in 1999 by investing in private U.S. technology companies. This means that Silicon Valley is essentially a nest of spies aligned with their globalist taskmasters. These spies grossly abuse the digital privacy rights of every American.
Secondly, the C.I.A. are hired liars who assassinate people for a living. They are not to be believed.
Thirdly, NSA Director Eric Clapper lied to Congress on Mar. 12, 2013 when he said that the NSA was not spying on Americans. See video below "NSA Clapper's Big Lie."
On Sep. 29, 1999, the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) formed In-Q-Tel and hired it first CEO, Gilman Louie. See the book: In-Q-Tel: A New Partnership Between the CIA and the Private Sector:
THE BIG LIE: "The origins of the concept that has become In-Q-Tel are traceable to Dr. Ruth David, a former CIA Deputy Director for Science and Technology [she was appointed by President Obama as a member of the National Science Board and National Science Foundation in 2012]. She and her Deputy, Joan Isham, were the first senior Agency officials to understand that the information revolution required the CIA to forge new partnerships with the private sector and design a proposal for radical change. The timing of the proposal was fortuitous. The Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), George Tenet, had just launched his Strategic Direction initiative that included technology as one of its areas for review. The study made a direct link between the Agency’s future technology investments and improving its information gathering and analysis capabilities."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about the rise of this military-industrial complex
No one appears to have challenged the constitutionality of the C.I.A. owning a private American company on U.S. soil. Despite President Eisenhower's dire warning about the amassing of unchecked power, the entire military-industrial complex lined up behind C.I.A. In-Q-Tel and supported a fundamental breach of U.S. law that fobids the C.I.A. from operating inside the United States.
C.I.A. In-Q-Tel founding military-industrial complex technocracy trustees: | |
Individual: | Organization: |
Ault III, Lee A. | Telecredit, Inc. |
Augustine, Norman R. | Lockheed Martin Corporation |
Brown, John Seely | Xerox Corporation |
Crow, Michael M. | Columbia University |
Friedman, Stephen | Goldman Sachs; Marsh & McLennan Capital, Inc. |
Kaminski, Paul G. | Technovations, Inc., Global Technology Partners, U.S. Under Sec. of Defense |
Kim, Jeong H. | Lucent Technologies, Yurie Systems |
Mandl, Alex J. | AT&T, Teligent,Inc. |
McMahon, John N. | Lockheed Missile & Space Systems Company; C.I.A |
Perry, William J. | U.S. Department of Defense, Stanford University |
Sen. Ron L. Wyden (D-OR) asked Gen. Clapper:
Clapper lied: "No, sir," rubbing his head.
Sen. Wyden then asked, "It does not?"
Still rubbing his head (knowing that NSA was engaged in massive illegal surveillance and that he was willfully ["wittingly"] covering it up): "Not wittingly. There are cases where they could inadvertently, perhaps, collect, but not wittingly."
Edward Snowden blew the whistle on Clapper nine weeks later on Jun. 06, 2013. Clapper was undoubtedly feeding salacious blackmail data to the DNC, Clintons and Podesta—an age-old spy tactic to compromise a target. See video evidence of Clapper's cover up and lie. See the official Senate transcript. Attorney General Eric H. Holder was obviously in on this, which is why it has taken three years for Clapper to go.
The C.I.A. and their New World Order globalist conspirators are attempting to use “fake news” as a Russian bogey man to block a Donald Trump presidency.
Knowledge is power.
America is under attack from rogue C.I.A. / NSA spies bent on running a permanent global technocracy. Resist.
* * *
Related Posts:
Dec. 13, 2016: Fake social media is run by the CIA and creates fake news to demonize truth tellers and overturn Trump's election
Dec. 19, 2015: The fall of the U.S. & the rise of a New World Order
Oct. 23, 2015: Hillary testimony uncovered collusion with the spy state cartel
Sep. 11, 2015: Spy state cartel has taken over the digital world.
Aug. 11, 2015: Hillary & Bill shill for a secret intelligence agency cartel.
Aug. 03, 2015, Will Republicans debate the real core of Washington corruption — the C.I.A. Facebook spy state?
Jul. 17, 2015: Disastrous rise of a lawless C.I.A.
Jul. 09, 2015: Facebook started by C.I.A. as spy-state tool.
Jun. 23, 2015: IBM lied about NSA spy platform.
May 29, 2015: NSA bulk data scheme controlled by an IBM cartel.
Apr. 18, 2015, Shadowy IBM Eclipse Foundation lords over American media and politics
Mar. 25, 2015, Betrayal: former FBI director colluded with cartel offshore money laundering havens
Feb. 11, 2015, Obama promotes IBM criminality in latest executive order
Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo. Fair Use is relied upon.
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Email comment by Joseph Farah:
ReplyDeleteLeo Hohmann. (Jan. 05, 2017). ISLAMIC TERROR CELLS SHIFT FROM MIDEAST TO U.S.-MEXICAN BORDER - 'They are only waiting for the order' to attack American cities. WND.
A new report by a government watchdog agency says jihadists are partnering with Mexican drug cartels along the U.S.-Mexican border, preparing to carry out precision attacks in American cities.
Judicial Watch cites confidential U.S. and Mexican law enforcement sources for the disturbing report, which builds on earlier JW reports shining light on the jihadists’ exploitation of the porous border policies of President Barack Obama.
As part of the plan, Islamists have arrived recently at the Monterrey International Airport situated in Apodaca, a city in the Mexican state of Nuevo León, about 130 miles south of the Texas border, JW reports.
Full story:
Email comment by JM/DL/GH/AS:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Jan. 02, 2017). LEAKED AUDIO: OBAMA WANTED ISIS TO GROW - Kerry also admitted U.S. helped arm jihadists. WND.
As President Obama reflects on his legacy, a recording of Secretary of State John Kerry conversing with leaders of Syrian opposition groups is casting more light on his approach to ISIS, indicating his administration believed that allowing the Islamic State to grow would serve the White House’s objective of ousting Syrian President Bashar Assad.
The recording was leaked to the New York Times and reported Sept. 30, but the Conservative Tree House blog this week featured portions of Kerry’s statements that were virtually ignored at the time.
Full story and audio:
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Jan. 06, 2017). Revealed! DNC lies exposed by FBI. Horn News.
Democrats are sticking to their guns Friday, loudly insisting that the Russian government was behind the email hacks that revealed numerous scandals involving former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign.
It’s a narrative the mainstream media has eagerly repeated since the election of President-elect Donald Trump — and the Democratic National Committee was just caught lying about it!
The FBI has come forward and admitted the DNC wouldn’t let them properly investigate, according to officials.
Full story:
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteDavid Martosko. (Jan. 06, 2017). More Hillary Clinton emails surface – and show how anti-gay Sharia law ruler shunned by celebrities treated Bill 'like part of his family'. Daily Mail.
Email released by the State Department shows aide Huma Abedin telling Hillary Clinton that the Sultan of Brunei wanted an 'informal' dinner with her and Bill
Abedin wrote that the Brunei government told her the sultan sees Bill Clinton 'as part of his family' and wanted an intimate 'family style dinner' with them
Sultan's autocratic government is a repressive Sharia law regime that criminalizes homosexuality and other behaviors
He gave Hillary $58,000 in jewelry – which she turned over to the U.S. government – and donated at least $1 million to the Clinton Foundation.
Celebrities protested sultan's decrees in 2014 outside the Beverly Hilton Hotel, which he owns, as they tried to encourage a public boycott
Among the thousand cuts Donald Trump delivered to Hillary Clinton en route to her political death was the accusation that she was cozy with the repressive Sultan of Brunei. A 2012 email released Thursday by the U.S. State Department seems to back him up.
In the message, Clinton aide Huma Abedin told the then-presidential candidate that Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah, worth a reported $20 billion, wanted to see her and husband Bill for an intimate 'family style dinner.'
Full story:
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteAnonymous America. (Jan. 05, 2017). "DNI Clapper" oh my look I found a full list of countries who tried to influence the outcome of our election. Twitter.
Full tweet:
Email comment by CTM:
ReplyDeleteI just tweeted this to bring my followers to this post:
See incredible latest revelations & truth about CIA, their lies & why they are attacking PE Trump
Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDeleteClifford Cunningham. (Jan. 05, 2017). COMMUNIST CHINA MOVES AGAINST TRUMP, ASSERTS CONTROL OVER STRATEGIC PORTS - China taking over key shipping lanes, morphing into Portuguese Empire 2.0. InfoWars.
The Sri Lankan government, heavily indebted to China, recently agreed to lease approximately 80% of a strategic port in the southern part of the country to a state-owned Chinese company for $1.1 billion.
The port of Hambantota lies along an important trade route connecting Asia and the Middle East, and is a key part of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s “one belt, one road” plan to expand Chinese control over key shipping lanes.
The United States refers to these strategic ports as China’s “string of pearls.”
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Email comment by Patsy:
ReplyDeleteWell, well. More Obama false flags? Dead Americans are just 'collateral damage' to our Community Organizer in Chief? He is turning out to be evil it seems. I am ashamed for allowing myself to have been duped into voting for him in 2007, not that Establishment hack John McCain would have been any better.
Staff. (Jan. 06, 2017). Ft. Lauderdale shooting suspect made confused visit to FBI, said US intelligence forced him to watch ISIS videos. Fox News.
Estaban Santiago, the 26-year-old airline passenger accused of shooting up a baggage claim area at the Ft. Lauderdale-Hollywood airport Friday, leaving five dead and eight injured, visited the FBI Anchorage field office and told officers he was being forced to watch ISIS videos, law enforcement sources told Fox News.
The visit took place last November. The sources said Santiago told agents that US intelligence had infiltrated his mind and were forcing him to watch ISIS propaganda videos.
"In November 2016, Esteban Santiago walked into the Anchorage FBI Field Office to report that his mind was being controlled by a U.S. intelligence agency,” a senior federal law enforcement official said.
Full story:
Email comment by CT:
ReplyDeleteLOL. SUCH HYPOCRITES. Obama and Michelle are building a . . . WALL around their next digs. So, walls are no good for American national borders, but they are perfectly fine for them.
Staff. (Jan. 06, 2017). UNREAL: Reporter Passes New Obama Home, Snaps Pic of New WALL Going Up. Conservative Tribune.
This is just too good not to share. President Barack Obama is getting his own little border wall.
That’s right. After 18 months of bashing President-elect Donald Trump’s plan to strengthen our southern border and keep out those who would harm us, the Obamas are about to become private citizens. Although rich by any measure, they will at least share a few average American concerns, like personal safety.
And what do they want? A wall, of course!
Full story:
Email comment by Conservative Tribune:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Jan. 06, 2017). BREAKING: Trump Issues Shock Order for ALL Embassies on Inauguration Day… Ambassadors to Get Out. Conservative Tribuine.
President-elect Donald Trump is making it clear to President Barack Obama’s political cronies: on Inauguration Day, you won’t be working for me.
Trump is serious about draining the swamp. Within a week after the Nov. 8 election, Obama’s many overseas political appointees received notice from the transition team that their terminations would be effective Jan. 20.
On Dec. 23, the new boss underscored that with a State Department memo. No exceptions, no extensions, no grace period, according to The Washington Examiner.
Full story:
ReplyDeleteIn a blatantly dictatorial move during the final days of his LAME DUCK presidency, Obama's Homeland Security department has nationalized electioneering in America. This is yet another disturbing coup-like development.
Alex Jones. (Jan. 06, 2017). BREAKING: OBAMA FEDERALIZES ELECTIONS - Move Key to Overturn Trump Election: Inauguration Only 13 Days Out. InfoWars.
Alex Jones breaks it down:
AFI Readers are encouraged to spread this Alex Jones analysis widely.
DeleteREMINDER: The supposed reputable source for the Russian hacking information is NSA Director James Clapper who LIED to the American people that the NSA was not spying on Americans.
Ask yourself why the mainstream media and Establishment in the House and Senate must rely on the word of a PROVEN LIAR now to maintain this ridiculous accusation about the Russians.
It's a false flag.
Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteAmbassador Murray's whistle blowing has been IGNORED by MSM. This is all misdirection. The point is what was in Podesta's and Hillary's emails. The American electorate needed to KNOW about this corruption. Shame on the NSA/CIA/Intel for withholding these corruptions from us.
Staff. (Jan. 07, 2017). 'Clinton email leak done by insider, not Russia' - frmr UK diplomat & whistleblower. RT
The US Intelligence Community has accused Russia and Vladimir Putin personally of meddling in last year's US presidential election, through hacking and propaganda. Craig Murray, a former UK diplomat and whistleblower joins RT to discuss this issue.
Full video:
Email comment by WND.
ReplyDeletePaul Bremmer. (Jan. 07, 2017). TOM DELAY CALLS FOR 'REVOLUTION FOR THE CONSTITUTION' - Former House majority leader shares hopes for Trump administration. WND.
Donald Trump’s inauguration is only two weeks away, and countless Americans are looking forward to the changes they hope the new president will bring. Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, has one wish for the forthcoming Trump presidency, but it’s a whopper.
“What I want to see from the Trump administration is a focus on God and the Constitution,” DeLay told WND. “It’s pretty simple. The implementation is very difficult, but what I want to see is a bold understanding that faith is the core of this country and the Constitution is the core of our government.”
The former majority leader calls for a revolution that will transform the very core of America in his brand new book “Revival! Revolution! Rebirth!” He assures Americans he does not want a violent revolution but a spiritual one, similar to the First Great Awakening of the 1730s and 1740s.
“The United States of America is in critical need of a rebirth,” DeLay writes in the book’s prologue. “This renewal can come only in the same way of the nation’s original birth: Spiritual revival must lead to revolution that will once again produce a constitutional republic exceptional in its freedom, opportunity, peace, and security. Just as the First Great Awakening preceded and helped lead to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, so this is the process that must occur now.” [Emphasis in original]
Full story:
Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteAndrew Black. (Jan. 05, 2017). ‘Guccifer,’ Clinton-tied hacker, doubts claims concerning Russian cyber campaign: Report. The Washington Times.
A self-taught computer hacker convicted of compromising the emails of one of Hillary Clinton’s closest advisers said the White House’s allegations of a Russian-led cyber campaign aimed at the recent U.S. presidential race are overblown.
Marcel Lehel Lazar, a Romanian national better known by the alias “Guccifer,” doubts the Obama administration’s claims with respect to Russia’s widely believed meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Fox News reported Wednesday.
Full story:
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteNEW FBI HILLARY CLINTON DOCUMENT DUMP. These people are unbelievable. They are still pretending to protect national security with all these redactions. It is obvious these insiders are only covering their butts and protecting their friends. DRAIN THE SWAMP.
FBI Records: The Vault - Hillary R. Clinton
Hillary Rodham Clinton served as U.S. Secretary of State from January 21, 2009 to February 1, 2013. The FBI conducted an investigation into allegations that classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on a personal e-mail server she used during her tenure.
Here are the FBI documents:
Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteRon Blitzer. (Jan. 08, 2017). Wikileaks Will Hold ‘Press Conf’ Monday to Address U.S. Intel Report on Russian Hacking. LawNewz.
The so-called open-government group Wikileaks, founded by Julian Assange, sent out a tweet late Saturday night announcing plans to hold a press conference on Monday to address claims made in a report released by the U.S. Intelligence Community late Friday.
Among the many findings in the 25-page, declassified report released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, one particular finding seems to have received the most attention from Wikileaks.
Here's the DNI report:
Ron Blitzer. (Jan. 9, 2017). Assange Mocks U.S. Intelligence Report on Hacking, Denies Russian Involvement. LawNewz.
on Monday, Wikileaks held a press conference addressing a U.S. report on Russian hacking related to the Presidential election. The report, written by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), was declassified on Friday. It says that “Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election,” and that the Russian campaign sought to hurt Hillary Clinton‘s chances in the election while boosting Donald Trump‘s. The report specifically alleged that the Russian government worked with Wikileaks to spread information that they collected in hacking operations.
At the press conference, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange addressed this accusation. First, he mocked the nature of the report itself “This is a press release,” Assange said. “It is clearly designed for political effect, and U.S. intelligence services have been politicized by the Obama administration.” He also criticized how Americans conflated the hacks of Democratic officials’ emails and Wikileaks’ publishing them with the notion that the actual U.S. election was hacked, which is very different. Assange said that as a result, many Americans went to the polls believing that actual voting machines were hacked.
Full story:
Email comment by JM:
Clifford Cunningham. (Jan. 09, 2017). SILICON VALLEY CEO: MIDDLE AMERICA A “SH*THOLE” FULL OF “STUPID PEOPLE” - "Clean up your act" by electing progressives. she says. Infowars.
A Silicon Valley tech CEO suggested that jobs are disappearing from middle America because “educated people” do not want to live in a “sh*thole” with “misogynistic, racist, stupid, and violent people.”
Full story:
SOURCE: Robert Donachie. (Jan. 08, 2017). Tech Founder: Middle America Is [A Sh*thold Filled With] Too ‘Violent, Stupid And Racist’ For New Jobs. Daily Caller.
Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteLee Ann McAdoo. (Jan. 09, 2017). SPECIAL REPORT: THE CIA THREATENS TRUMP!
'You take on the intelligence community - they have 6 ways from Sunday at getting back at you'. Infowars.
Senator Chuck Schumer sends a threat to President Elect Donald Trump from the CIA.
“I tell ya. You take on the intelligence community – they have 6 ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”
Full story:
Michael W. Chapman. (Jan. 09, 2017). POLL: 80% WANT JUSTICES WHO APPLY CONSTITUTION AS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN - Even three in 10 Democrats (31%) agreed with this view, although six in 10 (59%) did not. Infowars.
ReplyDeleteThe vast majority of Americans believe it is important to appoint justices to the Supreme Court who will apply the Constitution as originally set by the Founders and, in particular, protect religious freedom, according to a new Marist poll, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
Eight in 10 Americans, 80%, say it is an “immediate priority” or an “important” one “to appoint Supreme Court justices that will interpret the Constitution as it was originally written,” according to a statement from the Knights of Columbus.
Full story:
Email comment by DL:
Cody Derespina. (Jan. 09, 2017). Assange blasts 'embarrassing' US intel report, insists Russia not his source. Fox News.
WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange fired back Monday at the U.S. intelligence community for its report stating the anti-secrecy website was used by the Russian government to distribute hacked information from Democratic figures during the run-up to the presidential election.
Assange, speaking during an audio-only Periscope Q&A session, said the source of his information was not a member “of any government” or “state parties” and did not “come from the Russian government.” The WikiLeaks editor-in-chief blasted Friday’s declassified intelligence report on “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections” as being inadequate and misleading.
Full story:
Americans all over the country are in shock as Obama shows his full colors, the extent of his ego and the depths of his fraud. Fake soc sec, fake birth certificate - a genuine fraud- and now doing all he can to make the country less safe, and in as bad a shape as possible for PE Trump. Truly unbelievable, how much he must hate us
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by CM:
ReplyDeleteHere is definitive proof of the smear campaign by Hillary Clinton and perpetuated two nights ago by Meryl Streep was a hoax.
Washington Post "fact checkers" used the disabled reporter fabrication as smear and misdirection for their embarrassment from earlier false reporting regarding Donald Trumps true post 9/11 comments which they said were a lie, but turned out to be true. They even ignored one report from their own journalists that confirmed Donald Trump's assertion that jihadis were dancing on the roof after 9/11.
(Sep. 14, 2016). Media Exposed: Donald Trump Did NOT Make Fun of a Disabled Reporter. Catholics4Trump / Bloodletters & Badmen.
Laura Ingraham. (Jan. 09, 2017). Ingraham: Meryl Streep rant reflected intolerant Hollywood. Fox News Video / Tucker Carlson.
DeleteJan. 09, 2017 - 6:37 - Radio host and Fox News contributor sounds off on the Hollywood liberal pile-on in attacking President-elect Trump during the Golden Globe awards #Tucker
Email comment by DM:
ReplyDeleteSean Hannity. (Jan. 05, 2017). Hannity: Democrats ignored cybersecurity until Hillary lost. Fox News Video.
Jan. 05, 2017 - 7:22 - What has the Obama administration done in the past 8 years to stop cyberattacks on U.S. government agencies?
Full story:
Forgot this one . . .
DeleteSean Hannity. (Jan. 09, 20170. Sean Hannity exposes the anatomy of a smear. Fox News Video.
Jan. 09, 2017 - 6:20 - Democrats are going to pull out all the left-wing tactics from their worn-out liberal playbook for the Cabinet confirmation hearings
Full story:
Email comment by AS:
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones. (Jan. 09, 2017). High Level Inside Intel: Dems Still Trying to Block Trump Inauguration. Infowars.
All over the world humanity is waking up to globalism.
The reason Infowars is so popular is because we are not controlled and we actually know what we are talking about.
We are given information no one else can access.
AJ has had it confirmed to him from multiple sources that indeed, the globalists are thinking of ways to keep Trump from getting in office 11 days from now.
Jeh Johnson of DHS federalized all the elections in a letter sent out recently.
They would only do that, knowing Trump will reverse it, to have the apparatus in place to prevent him from taking over.
This is 21st century warfare, but the good news is the public is not buying it.
Help is here, we have patriots in place that will take this country back from George Soros etc.
They will not get away with their tricks, but they will try them.
Full video story:
Email comment by CT:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Jan. 10, 2017). Computer Legend John McAfee Reveals 4 Fishy Problems With Claims Russia Hacked Election. Conservative Tribune.
For the past two months, liberals have been screaming 24/7 about Russian hacking of the Democrat National Committee and the illegal access to Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s email account, claiming that Russian agents did so to help President-elect Donald Trump win the election.
John McAfee, the founder of McAfee anti-virus, came forward and explained that he had four serious questions about some of the “facts” that have come out about the alleged hacking.
Full story:
Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteAre all Members of Congress crooks? Sorry, that is an oxymoron. Clean this SWAMP!!!~!
Mary Papenfuss. (Jan. 10, 2017). Congress Quietly Passes New Rule Allowing House Members To Hide Records From Ethics Probes - Politicians can now shield expenditures from investigations. Huffington Post.
Just when you thought ethics standards couldn’t get much worse on Capitol Hill... It’s emerged that the House GOP quietly changed a rule last week to allow members to keep their records hidden from ethics or criminal investigations.
The tweak allows politicians to conceal any information members produce — even suspicious expenditures and budgets — if the Office of Congressional Ethics or the Department of Justice investigates them for criminal activity, the Center for Responsive Politics reports.
Full story:
Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteChrisitan Datoc. (Jan. 09, 2017). Judicial Watch Goes After ‘Another Corrupt Politician — Eric Holder’. Daily Caller.
Judicial Watch filed a records request with the California State Legislature on Monday regarding the recent hiring of former United States Attorney General Eric Holder to help the state resist President-elect Donald Trump.
Holder’s firm, Covington & Burlingt, was hired last week to serve as “outside counsel” to the legislature.
Judicial Watch’s filing targets “all contracts between the California Legislature and former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. or Covington and Burling,” in addition to “all communications between the California Legislature and former U. S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. or Covington and Burling about the Legislature’s retention of Holder and/or Covington and Burling.”
Eric Holder points to the crowd on the second day of the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center onJuly 26, 2016 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Getty Images)
Full story:
Email comment by CM:
This should tell you everything you want to know about the Silicon Valley and Wall Street Soros globalist's plan to build China and destroy the West, and destroy "Americanism not globalism." Remember, John P. Breyer and his sone James W. Breyer (Facebook, Accel Partners, Groupon, Zynga...) run IDG-Accel Capital China and the Chinese "venture capital" scam, along with their buddies at Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, T. Rowe Price, Vanguard, Fidelity, yada, yada, yada.
"China's President Xi Jinping will promote 'inclusive globalization' at this month's World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos and will warn that populist approaches can lead to 'war and poverty'"
Tell us what to do Oh Mr. Chinese Great One, whose communist regime has slaughtered 80 million people in the last 80 years. Yours is such a sincere model of human governance. Now you want to rule the whole world? We don't think so.
Reuters. (Jan. 10, 2017). ANTI-TRUMP: XI TO BE FIRST CHINESE PRESIDENT TO JOIN DAVOS - Davos will end just as Trump takes office. Infowars / Reuters.
Full story:
Christian Shepherd and Tom Miles. (Jan. 11, 2017). China's Xi to promote globalization at Davos, not 'war and poverty'. Reuters.
Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteAndrew Buncombe. (Jan. 11, 2017). Donald Trump dismisses as 'fake news' claims that Russia gathered compromising information about him - The President-elect responded to the claims on social media. The Independent.
Donald Trump has dismissed as “fake news”, claims that Russia officials had developed compromising and embarrassing information about him in an attempt to exert influence over him.
In a tweet written entirely in capital letters, the President-elect said: “Fake news – a total political witch hunt.” For now, he provided no other details, or evidence.
The blunt comment came amid a flurry of reports that said senior US intelligence officials last week presented to both President Barack Obama and Mr Trump, a summary of unconfirmed reports that said Russia had collected compromising and salacious personal information about the 70-year-old Republican.
Full story:
Email comment by David Knight:
ReplyDeleteDavid Knight. (Jan. 10, 2017). CIA NEWS NETWORK (CNN) BUSTED BY WIKILEAKS - Mainstream media continues to be exposed. Infowars.
Wikileaks was instrumental in 2016, exposing the crimes of the Clinton crime family and the numerous ways in which Hillary Clinton flaunted the law and endangered national security.
Full story:
Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Jan. 11, 2017). Breaking! Soft Coup Against Trump in Progress! Massive Conspiracy of Treason and Sedition! Before It's News.
US Intelligence Agencies Conspire To Implement A Coup D’état
FAKE NEWS: British Press Abets A Soft Coup In America
State of the Nation
There is now a highly coordinated conspiracy afoot to take down President-elect Donald Trump.
This deliberate scheme to execute a soft coup has been orchestrated at the highest levels of the Obama Administration, Democratic and Republican National Committees, as well as the major intelligence agencies and special secret services.
Such a coup d’etat has all the hallmarks of the CIA, DIA, NSA, DHS, FBI, as well as many other organizations which comprise the “17 Agencies of the US Intelligence Community“.
FBI Agents Prepare To Counter CIA Coup Against Trump
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Staff. (Jan. 11, 2017). EPIC: TRUMP SHUTS DOWN CNN REPORTER, CALLS NETWORK ‘FAKE NEWS’ - Trump calls several mainstream press organizations "terrible". Infowars.
ReplyDeleteCNN’s Senior White House Correspondent Jim Acosta was shut down by President-elect Donald Trump Wednesday during his latest press conference at Trump Tower.
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Email comment by SM:
ReplyDeleteBloomberg. (Jan. 11, 2017). HUNGARY’S ORBAN PLANS TO CRACKDOWN ON ALL SOROS-FUNDED NGOS - Nationalist PM making moves against billionaire terrorist. Infowars.
Hungary plans to crack down on non-governmental organizations linked to billionaire George Soros now that Donald Trump will occupy the White House, according to the deputy head of Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s party.
The European Union member will use “all the tools at its disposal” to “sweep out” NGOs funded by the Hungarian-born financier, which “serve global capitalists and back political correctness over national governments,” Szilard Nemeth, a vice president of the ruling Fidesz party, told reporters on Tuesday. No one answered the phone at the Open Society Institute in Budapest when Bloomberg News called outside business hours.
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Alex Jones. (Jan. 11, 2017). DRUDGE: “ARE CORRUPT US INTEL AGENCIES BLACKMAILING TRUMP?” - Independent media kingpin thinks CIA may be using its 'own dirt'. Infowars.
ReplyDeleteAre corrupt US intel agencies blackmailing Trump with their own dirt cleverly tagged to 'Russian' operatives?
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Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeletePEDOPHILE: "Mission to revolutionize Society's understanding of underage attraction."
Owen Shroyer. (Jan. 10, 2017). DISGUSTING: MEDIA NORMALIZING PEDOPHILIA - The media has steadily rolled out articles showing sympathy for pedophiles. Infowars.
A breakdown of the phenomenon that is media normalization of pedophilia.
ReplyDeleteGreg Richter. (Jan. 11, 2017). Ex-British Spy Who Authored The Trump Dossier Flees Home. Newsmax.
Christopher Steele, the former British intelligence officer who was revealed to be the author of a controversial dossier on President-elect Donald Trump, has fled his home amid the backlash of his report being made public, and fears for his safety, The Daily Mail reported.
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Daily Mail. (Jan. 12, 2017). EX-MI6 SPY ‘WHO WORKED WITH MURDERED ALEXANDER LITVINENKO’ FLEES HIS £1.5M HOME ‘FEARING FOR HIS LIFE’ - Outed as the man behind the dirty dossier on Donald Trump. Infowars.
DeleteA former British spy has vanished after being named as the author of a ‘dirty’ file smearing Donald Trump and fled his £1.5million mansion in fear telling his neighbour: ‘Look after my cat.’
Ex-MI6 agent Christopher Steele has been named as the author of the salacious Russian dossier containing outlandish claims about Donald Trump’s sex life and bizarre footage allegedly held by the Kremlin’s blackmail unit.
The 35-page briefing, which is littered with spelling mistakes, includes an unsubstantiated and far-fetched claim Trump watched prostitutes perform a ‘golden shower (urination) show’ in the Presidential Suite of a Moscow hotel.
Mr Trump called the dossier ‘fake’ and ‘phony’, even suggesting that US secret services had leaked it to damage his reputation before his inauguration.
He debunked the 'golden shower' claim by saying: 'Does anyone believe that? I'm a germophobe'
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ReplyDeleteTodd Beamon. (Jan. 11, 2017). DNI Clapper Expresses 'Profound Dismay' Over Trump Russia Leaks. Newsmax.
Director of National Intelligence James Clapper late Wednesday expressed "profound dismay" to Donald Trump over the leak of a dossier of unsubstantiated negative information on the president-elect's ties to Russia.
Clapper said he assured Trump in a telephone conversation that the two-page summary was "not a U.S. intelligence community product and that I do not believe the leaks came from within the intelligence community."
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDeleteKit Daniels. (Jan. 11, 2017). PEEGATE: TRUMP TROLLS “FAKE NEWS” MAINSTREAM MEDIA OVER YELLOW JOURNALISM - Trump destroys fake press. Infowars.
President-elect Donald Trump trolled “fake news” mainstream reporters trying to smear him, including the “reporters” who claimed he paid Moscow hookers to pee on a bed Obama slept in.
Trump destroyed one reporter in particular who was still asking him about his tax returns – after the election.
“I’m not releasing the tax returns because, as you know, they’re under audit,” Trump told the reporter at a press conference on Wednesday. “…You know, the only ones who care about my tax returns are the reporters.”
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Email comment by Steve Watson:
ReplyDeleteSteve Watson. (Jan. 12, 2017). RAND PAUL: TRUMP INTEL LEAKERS ‘SHOULD GO TO JAIL’ - "Whoever leaked it should be prosecuted". Infowars.
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul said Wednesday that those responsible for leaking intelligence pertaining to Donald Trump, whether fake or not, should be prosecuted and jailed.
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Email comment by Glenn Greenwald:
ReplyDelete[EDITOR: Glenn Greenwald is the former Guardian journalist who broke the Edward Snowden NSA privacy abuse story. He is now the editor of
Greenwald (no friend of Donald Trump) raises serious warnings to the citizens of the world regarding the meltdown of the mainstream US media and how it is fueling rogue C.I.A./NSA mischief all over the planet. He warns that this corruption could pull down the entire world and sounds an alarm to Americans who are watching their mainstream media become something 10 times worse than the old Soviet PRAVDA propaganda machine during the Cold War.
Greenwald may have even read AFI's warning (this post) about the C.I.A. that also cites President Dwight D. Eisenhower's Farewell Address on Jan. 17, 1961 warning of the rise of the dangers of the rise of a military-industrial complex possessing unlimited, unaccountable powers.
The day Eisenhower feared is upon us, it appears.]
Glenn Greenwald. (Jan. 11, 2017). The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer. The Intercept.
IN JANUARY, 1961, Dwight Eisenhower delivered his farewell address after serving two terms as U.S. president; the five-star general chose to warn Americans of this specific threat to democracy: “In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.” That warning was issued prior to the decade-long escalation of the Vietnam War, three more decades of Cold War mania, and the post-9/11 era, all of which radically expanded that unelected faction’s power even further.
This is the faction that is now engaged in open warfare against the duly elected and already widely disliked president-elect, Donald Trump. They are using classic Cold War dirty tactics and the defining ingredients of what has until recently been denounced as “Fake News.”
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Email comment by TM:
ReplyDeleteThese lefty anarchists are the antithesis of American patriots and the best fake protesters rogue C.I.A. money can buy. This is the kind of anarchist rhetoric of 100 years ago. The globalists were on the move then, and now. When are we going to lock people like Soros, the Rothchilds and the Rockefellers up for good. They are a plague on humanity.
Morgan Chalfant. (Jan. 14, 2017). Protest Aims to ‘Take Down’ WhiteHouse.Gov on Inauguration Day - National PR service circulates—then pulls—release highlighting campaign to crash government website. Washington Free Beacon.
A leading public-relations service blasted and then removed a news release this week highlighting a campaign to protest the inauguration of Donald Trump by crashing
PR Newswire, a global news-release distribution service, circulated a release on Thursday highlighting a campaign launched by, a digital protest organizing platform, to “take down” the White House website next Friday in protest of Trump’s inauguration.
“On January 20th, hundreds of thousands of Americans are going to Washington, DC to march in protest of the inauguration of Donald Trump. Millions more around the country will be joining the cause from home. If you can’t make it to Washington DC on inauguration day, you can still participate by occupying online,” the release read.
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Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteBOGUS SENATE INVESTIGATION ANNOUNCED !!! Our "Senators" really do think their constituents are dumb as rocks. So, now the Senate "Intelligence" committee is going to ask the C.I.A. and NSA -- high paid liars -- to investigate and report on THEIR OWN WRONGDOING while blaiming it on the Russians.
These senators need to be impeached for trying to foist such a fraudulent "investigation" on the American public.
Staff. (Jan. 13, 2017). Intel Panel to Examine Possible Campaign Links With Russia. Newsmax.
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Here are the current members of the Senate "Intelligence" Committee. Perhaps they should all be put on the official "no fly" list as jihadi terrorists out to destroy the US Constitution.
United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Richard Burr, North Carolina, Chairman
Jim Risch, Idaho
Marco Rubio, Florida
Susan Collins, Maine
Roy Blunt, Missouri
James Lankford, Oklahoma
Tom Cotton, Arkansas
John Cornyn, Texas
John McCain, Arizona
Mitch McConnell, Kentucky
Mark Warner, Virginia, Vice Chairman[10]
Dianne Feinstein, California
Ron Wyden, Oregon
Martin Heinrich, New Mexico
Angus King, Maine[11]
Joe Manchin, West Virginia
Kamala Harris, California
Jack Reed, Rhode Island
Chuck Schumer, New York
Email comment by Joseph Farah:
Staff. (Jan. 13, 2017). OBAMA UNLEASHES NSA CACHE OF YOUR DETAILS - Agency now allowed by executive order to release 'raw streams of communication'. WND.
A new door for government agencies to share “raw information” about citizens has been opened by a rules change made by President Obama, according to a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Report.
It was made in a document called “Procedures for the Availability or Dissemination of Raw Signals Intelligence Information by the National Security Agency under Section 2.3 of Executive Order 12333.”
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, one of multiple privacy organizations expressing concern about the change, explains what is going on.
“President Barack Obama’s administration just finalized rules to make it easier for the nation’s intelligence agencies to share unfiltered information about innocent people.”
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READER NOTICE: Longtime AFI readers on Cox/Road Runner have suddenly started seeing the site (this site) marked as SPAM and "dangerous." This is censorship of the most heinous kind. Please let fellow readers know that this is an attempt to block FREE SPEECH and to ALLOW links to this site. Also, go to your SPAM Filter at Cox/Road Runner and mark AFI as NOT SPAM.
ReplyDeleteThese attacks on Free Speech must be strenuously resisted.
Email comment by CT:
Bill Hoffman. (Jan. 13, 2017). Dem Rep. John Lewis: I Don't See Trump as 'Legitimate President'. Newsmax.
Rep. John Lewis says he believes Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election is not valid due to Russia's efforts to tip the results by hacking and releasing private Democratic Party emails.
"I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president," Lewis, a Georgia Democrat, says in an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" to be aired on Sunday.
"I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton."
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Email comment by Alex Jones.
ReplyDeleteJoe Rappoport. (Jan. 13, 2017). HERE’S WHY OBAMA NEVER INTENDED TO CREATE JOBS - Obama’s farewell: a soap opera for liberals and minority pawns. Infowars.
Here are a few snippets from Obama’s goodbye speech to the American people:
“Going forward, we must uphold laws against discrimination…But laws alone won’t be enough. Hearts must change…For blacks and other minorities, it means tying our own struggles for justice to the challenges that a lot of people in this country face – the refugee, the immigrant, the rural poor, the transgender American, and also the middle-aged white man…For white Americans, it means acknowledging that the effects of slavery and Jim Crow didn’t suddenly vanish in the ‘60s; that when minority groups voice discontent, they’re not just engaging in reverse racism or practicing political correctness…”
The question is: do people want empty sentimental sop from Obama or do they want action?
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ReplyDeleteStaff. (Jan. 14, 2017). REVEALED: THE ESTABLISHMENT’S PLAN TO STOP PRESIDENT TRUMP - Democrats instilling chaos on all fronts. Infowars.
The establishment is currently devising a multi-faceted plan in order to stop Donald Trump from becoming President of the United States.
With less than one week left until the 2017 presidential inauguration, major moves are being made to inject chaos into the ceremony and to challenge the very legitimacy of Trump’s election victory.
Far left groups and Democrat lawmakers are already preparing and aiding protests that are expected to include tens of thousands of people in D.C. and nationwide.
One of the groups, known as #DisruptJ20, has brazenly announced that it intends to stop the notion of a “peaceful transition of power.”
“We are making the argument that we can ruin the notion that this is a peaceful transition of power,” the group’s leader told the Washington Examiner.
“The first part of the plan involves blocking ‘all of the major ingresses into the city especially from the south,’ meaning that the protesters intend to make entering the District from Virginia an ‘absolute nightmare’ by closing highways and stopping trains headed into the city,” the Examiner adds.
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Email comment by MK:
DeleteThis is insanity. I have always suspected that the Obama administration would try and use police or military action to keep control. Makes me sick. And to think I and many of my friends fought and laid down their lives in Vietnam for this bullshit we are having to deal with. God almighty please hear our prayers.
Email comment by MK:
DeleteMarshall Law coming?
Email comment by JM:
Alex Emmons. (Jan. 13, 2017). Obama Opens NSA’s Vast Trove of Warrantless Data to Entire Intelligence Community, Just in Time for Trump. The Intercept.
WITH ONLY DAYS until Donald Trump takes office, the Obama administration on Thursday announced new rules that will let the NSA share vast amounts of private data gathered without warrant, court orders or congressional authorization with 16 other agencies, including the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Agency, and the Department of Homeland Security.
The new rules allow employees doing intelligence work for those agencies to sift through raw data collected under a broad, Reagan-era executive order that gives the NSA virtually unlimited authority to intercept communications abroad. Previously, NSA analysts would filter out information they deemed irrelevant and mask the names of innocent Americans before passing it along.
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Email comment by AS:
Staff. (Jan. 14, 2017). CAIR TO TRUMP: DROP FRANKLIN GRAHAM FROM INAUGURAL PRAYERS - Charges 'ill-informed and extremist views are incompatible with the Constitution'. WND.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, a Muslim-rights group designated by the Justice Department as a terrorist co-conspirator, is calling on Donald Trump to drop Rev. Franklin Graham as one of six clergy who will offer prayers at the Jan. 20 inauguration ceremony.
In a press release issued this week, CAIR referred to the son of evangelist Billy Graham as a “notorious Islamophobe”
“If President-elect Trump truly seeks to unite our nation as he promised in his acceptance speech, he will limit the list of those offering prayers at the inauguration to religious leaders who work to bring us together, not to create divisions between faiths,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. “Rev. Graham’s ill-informed and extremist views are incompatible with the Constitution and with American values of religious liberty and inclusion.”
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Email comments by JM, AS, CT:
Bob Woodward: Russia Dossier on Trump a 'Garbage Document'
On Fox News Sunday, Bob Woodward calls the Russia dossier on Donald Trump a 'garbage document' and says the heads of the intelligence agencies who briefed on it should apologize.
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Cathy Burke. (Jan. 15, 2017). Bob Woodward: Trump's Right – Intel Community Attacking Him With Garbage. Newsmax.
Bob Woodward blasted as "garbage" an unsubstantiated dossier released by U.S. intelligence agencies that alleges deep ties between President-elect Donald Trump and Moscow.
In an interview on "Fox News Sunday," the celebrated Washington Post editor said he sided with Trump in his fight with intel agencies on the salacious document.
"I’ve lived in this world for 45 years where you get things and people make allegations," he added. "That is a garbage document."
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Marisa Schultz. (Jan. 15, 2017). Bob Woodward calls Trump dossier ‘garbage’. New York Post.
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Email comment by Joseph Farah:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Jan. 15, 2017). 8 OTHER EXTREMIST OUTRAGES FROM DEMOCRAT JOHN LEWIS - Compared McCain to Wallace, said Romney would bring back segregation. WND.
After 37 years in Congress, that kind of rhetoric is in keeping with a highly partisan record of accusing all Republican presidential candidates of racism as well as calling for the impeachment of George W. Bush.
Almost glossed over in Lewis’ questioning of Trump’s legitimacy was his reasoning.
“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president,” Lewis told NBC News’ Chuck Todd in a clip released Friday. “I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others, that helped him get elected.”
His reason Trump isn’t a legitimate president-elect, according to Lewis, is because the Russians helped elect him. To date, not a single shred of evidence to suggest Russian hacking had any impact on the outcome of the election. Indeed, as Democrats are fond of pointing out, Clinton won the popular election. She merely failed to win the prerequisite number of electoral votes of the states.
Lewis’ comments are not only conspiratorial and divisive, they also question the legitimacy of the nation’s electoral process and the integrity of the vote.
But such partisan rhetorical overkill has come naturally to Lewis throughout his public life.
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Email comment by CT:
ReplyDelete(Jan. 13, 2017). Michelle Malkin STRIKES Against The IDIOCRACY On ‘The View’! They’re Left SPEECHLESS! Conserviative Americans.
If there’s anyone who hasn’t heard of Michelle Malkin, here is what you need to know about her. She is an author, blogger, columnist, has appearances on Fox News and other conservative media outlets, the smartest and most accurate proponent in the conservative media. She comes close second to Ann Coulter, which is at the top.
On the other hand, we have The View. That show is filled with the biggest liberal idiots you can imagine. And through all of them, on the top is Joy Behar. Every time she has interview with some political personality, she talks like knows what she is talking about, yet never held an office in her life.
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Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteMichael Snyder. (Jan. 16, 2017). WELCOME TO ONE OF THE MOST PIVOTAL WEEKS IN MODERN AMERICAN HISTORY - Will the next four years bring us together as a nation, or will anger, frustration, strife and discord tear us much farther apart? Infowars / Economic Collapse.
Many are anticipating that a wonderful new era of peace and prosperity is just a few days away, but others are using terms such as “civil unrest” and “civil war” for what they believe is about to happen in America.
Without a doubt, Donald Trump is one of the most electrifying politicians in modern American history, but he is also one of the most polarizing. So will the next four years bring us together as a nation, or will anger, frustration, strife and discord tear us much farther apart? It is being projected that extremely large crowds of supporters will attend Donald Trump’s inauguration on January 20th, but the mainstream media is also reporting that “hundreds of thousands of protesters” are on their way to Washington. Many on the far left are hoping to turn Trump’s inauguration into one of the biggest riots in U.S. history, but thousands of law enforcement personnel are going to do their very best to prevent that from happening.
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Here is the Snyder source article:
Email comment by HN:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Jan. 16, 2017). Judge Napolitano: Arrest Hillary for espionage. Horn News.
For decades, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has managed to get off scot-free with a crime spree that would send any other politician to prison for a long, long time. But new evidence proves she is guilty of one of the most serious crimes imaginable — and one legal expert says it’s time she face the music for it.
One of the nation’s most distinguished judges is calling for Hillary to be prosecuted for espionage against her country based on new email evidence.
On Jan. 8th, the FBI quietly posted hundreds of Clinton’s emails online — all of which had been intercepted by foreign governments, including China. And the reason their spies were able to poach U.S. secrets should make Americans’ blood boil.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteJohn Hayward. (Jan. 15, 2017). Was Hillary Clinton’s Nomination Legitimate? Six Reasons to Say No. Breitbart.
Democrats are consoling themselves by claiming Donald Trump’s election is illegitimate, but they’ll do themselves and the nation a favor if they consider their own faults — including the top-to-bottom corruption in their own party and political strategy.
1. The Democrats’ rigged primary: Democrats should begin by accepting the obvious truth of a rigged primary revealed by WikiLeaks. The party’s key leaders — not the party’s voters — picked and promoted Hillary Clinton, meaning she was secretly coronated before the primary ever began. Her rival Bernie Sanders never had a chance. The “nomination” contest was theater designed to make Sanders voters accept Clinton. His voters ought to be furious at Sanders for playing along with this farce, which he most certainly did.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteJim Holt. (Jan. 15, 2017). Guccifer 2.0 Comes Out of Hiding: I Breached DNC Network, The Intel Russia Report “A Crude Fake”. The United States of Paranoia.
"Hacker Guccifer 2.0 came out of hiding and posted his first tweet since November on Thursday.
The obscure hacker admits he breached the DNC network in his latest post. He also says the Russia Report released by the CIA is a “crude fake.”
. . .
I really hope you’ve missed me a lot. Though I see they didn’t let you forget my name. The U.S. intelligence agencies have published several reports of late claiming I have ties with Russia.
I’d like to make it clear enough that these accusations are unfounded. I have totally no relation to the Russian government. I’d like to tell you once again I was acting in accordance with my personal political views and beliefs.
The technical evidence contained in the reports doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. This is a crude fake.
Any IT professional can see that a malware sample mentioned in the Joint Analysis Report was taken from the web and was commonly available. A lot of hackers use it. I think it was inserted in the report to make it look a bit more plausible.
I already explained at The Future of Cyber Security Europe conference that took place in London in last September, I had used a different way to breach into the DNC network. I found a vulnerability in the NGP VAN software installed in the DNC system.
It’s obvious that the intelligence agencies are deliberately falsifying evidence. In my opinion, they’re playing into the hands of the Democrats who are trying to blame foreign actors for their failure.
The Obama administration has a week left in office and I believe we’ll see some more fakes during this period.
I guess you have a lot of questions for me. So, feel free to send them via DM."
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Email comment by AS:
ReplyDeletePan Pylas. (Jan. 16, 2017). Obscene inequality Oxfam says 8 men as rich as half the world. Associated Press.
The gap is starker than previously thought, with just eight men, from Bill Gates to Michael Bloomberg, owning as much wealth as 3.6 billion people, according to an analysis by Oxfam.
DAVOS, Switzerland — The gap between the super-rich and the poorest half of the global population is starker than previously thought, with just eight men, from Bill Gates to Michael Bloomberg, owning as much wealth as 3.6 billion people, according to an analysis by Oxfam released Monday.
Presenting its findings on the dawn of the annual gathering of the global political and business elites in the Swiss ski resort of Davos, anti-poverty organization Oxfam says the gap between the very rich and poor is far greater than just a year ago. It's urging leaders to do more than pay lip-service to the problem.
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Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteRobert Gehl. (Jan. 15, 2017). Clinton Global Initiative Shutting Its Doors FOREVER. Federalist Papers.
One more brick in the grand edifice that was the Clinton Empire has crumbled.
The “Clinton Global Initiative,” Bill’s venture into so-called “non-profit” philanthropy, announced they were laying off all their employees and shutting their doors, effective April 15.
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ReplyDelete'Going to fight everything he stands for with no quarter asked, no quarter given'
Published: 39 mins ago.
An undercover video of leftists meeting in Washington, D.C., has exposed a well-advanced plot to use acid to disrupt this week’s “Deploraball” event in honor of Donald Trump’s inauguration.
The video released by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas showed the rabidly anti-Trump coalition already had scouted the National Press Building, and members were confident they could release acid there “with no negative consequences for our side, nor any collateral damage.”
The video exposing the plot includes statements from several members of the group DC Anti-fascist Coalition, which is allied with other far-left groups plotting to prevent Trump’s inauguration as president.
Project Veritas said the group plotted to deploy butyric acid at the National Press Club during the Deploraball event scheduled for Thursday.
“The meeting, captured on hidden camera, was held at Comet Ping Pong, a DC pizza restaurant that is better known as the location of the Pizzagate controversy,” Project Veritas said. “The coalition members discuss the steps they would need to take to halt the Deploraball event.”
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
Spread the word.
Staff. (Jan. 16, 2017). SPECIAL REPORTS: MISSING NUKE THREAT INSIDE US - Is it a threat to Trump inauguration? Infowars.
President-elect Trump is defying the will of the deep state, the military-industrial complex base of ultimate power in the United States.
That is why he is treading dangerous waters and risks suffering the same fate as JFK.
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