Tries to codify IBM's theft of social networking from Ohio innovator Leader Technologies by calling it "The Internet of Things"

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A succession of executive orders preceded Obama latest order on Feb. 09, 2016.
EO 13130 (Jul. 14, 1999, Clinton) became:- EO 13286 (Feb. 28, 2003, Bush), then
- EO 13385 (Sep. 29, 2005, Bush), then
- EO 13446 (Sep. 28, 2007, Bush), then
- EO 13511 (Sep. 29, 2009, Obama).
- Now comes: EO [unnumbered] (Feb. 09, 2016, Obama).
This is the shadowy "Washington Cartel" that uses mass surveillance to blackmail, coerce and bribe bureaucrats, politicians, judges, academia and the media into submission, in our opinion. An endless stream of "dirt" on your targets is a powerful weapon to preserve power.
(Feb. 11, 2016)—Just a few days ago, on Feb. 09, 2016, Barack Obama signed an Executive Order creating the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity (CENC).
Obama is documenting a pattern of fraud and racketeering
President Obama wrote in protections for IBM's "The Internet of Things" market push. We believe this action is criminal on numerous counts. (1) He violates ethical pledges of impartiality by federal employees, (2) he fraudulently conceals his IBM loyalties, and (3) he colludes with a host of individual and companies across state lines in a pattern of RICO racketeering (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations).
Barack Obama Executive Order, Sec. 3(a)(ii), Feb. 09, 2016, Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity (CENC)

Obama's order is the latest in a string of cybersecurity orders reaching back to Bill Clinton in 1999. On the surface the goal to protect the national from cyber threats seems noble enough. However, these orders are the devil's playground. They have created the illegal American spy state outside of Congressional oversight.
The councils created carry the same acronym:
1999-2001 National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC) (Clinton)
2002-2016 National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC) (Bush, Obama)
Here's the sequence of these secretive executive authorities, all funded by the U.S. Department of Commerce which also manages the U.S. Patent Office:
Clinton EO 13130
Bush EOs 13286, 13385, 13446
"In confusion, there is profit." See this overview of the Bush EO 13286 for a veritable playground for legal mischief, unaccountable power-mongering and greed.
Obama EOs 13511, [02/09/2016 unnumbered]
Preparing the way for behind the scenes manipulation via IBM, Silicon Valley, Wall Street cronies during the next administration
The public record shows that IBM and its career IBMer Thomas E. Noonan have been fixtures at NIAC since inception.
On Jan. 18, 2001, Clinton appointed career IBM outside counsel (and his national security adviser), James P. Chandler to NIAC.
On Nov. 29, 2001, IBM provided a $40 million "donation" to start The Eclipse Foundation with their chief outside intellectual property counsel, James P. Chandler, who was also Leader Technologies' patent counsel, but who did not disclose his conflicts of interest, which is unethical and illegal for an attorney.
On Aug. 29, 2002, Leader Technologies invention, magically appeared in IBM Eclipse Version 2.0.1, just 11 weeks after Leader had provided a custody copy of the source code to Chandler.
On Sep. 18, 2002, Bush appointed career IBMer Thomas E. Noonan to begin what would become a 14-year reign at NIAC (2002-2016), along with others, notably Cisco's John T. Chambers. Under George Bush, the name changed to the National Infrastructure Advisory Council, but the NAIC acronym was unchanged.
On Feb. 2-5, 2004, IBM Eclipse Foundation sponsored the first EclipseCON 2004.
On Feb. 4, 2004, Facebook launched during IBM EclipseCON 2004.
On Apr. 14, 2004, Bush invited Wall Street to the spy state party, under the guise of "best practices;" banks like Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and Morgan Stanley (later Facebook underwriters).
On Dec. 08, 2004, IBM wrote they were "unable to locate" the original creator of the Eclipse social networking source code (Leader Technologies).
On Dec. 08, 2004, IBM sold the PC Group to the Chinese (Lenovo), underwritten by Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and Credit Suisse (later Facebook underwriters).
On Feb. 10, 2007, Barack Obama announced his candidacy for president on Facebook, evidently an IBM spying creation.
On Aug. 07, 2009, Obama appointed another career IBMer, David J. Kappos, to run the Patent Office. Kappos is a Chandler protégé. The Patent Office is managed by the U.S. Department of Commerce which was and is also funding the NAIC executive orders. By Oct. 27, 2009, Kappos dumped his IBM stock and purchase The Vanguard Group—a big winner in the Facebook pintail public offering in 2012.
On Oct. 07, 2009, Obama awarded IBM the 2008 National Medal of Technology and Innovation social networking "The Internet of Things" invention which was STOLEN from Leader Technologies.
On Nov. 03, 2011, IBM, Eurotech SpA and The IBM Eclipse Foundation gave Facebook IBM's MQTT messaging technology.
On Mar. 22, 2012, IBM sold Facebook 750 patents.
On Apr. 17, 2012, career IBMer and Patent Office director, David J. Kappos, ordered Leader Technologies' patent killed by internal secret "reexamination" court. He assigned former IBM employee, Stephen C. Siu, as chief judge.
On Mar. 02, 2015, Obama and Valerie Jarrett met with his Pay-to-Play "Technology CEO Council" at the White House, including IBM's Virginia M. Rometty.
On Feb. 09, 2016, Obama promotes IBM's the "Internet of Things" by name in a new Executive Order likely in violation of ethics, racketeering and fraud laws, for starters.
It is time to pull the plug on this abject criminality masquerading as national security.
Bill Clinton installed James P. Chandler to navigate NIAC through the Bush years
Tellingly, on Jan. 18, 2001, just a day before Clinton left office, he appointed James P. Chandler as a member of NIAC. Chandler was legal counsel to both IBM and Leader Technologies.
Evidently, Chandler's role was to ensure that: (1) IBM controlled the emerging spy state and (2) Leader Technologies' new social networking invention became NIAC's core Internet architecture and applications.
On Nov. 29, 2001, IBM and Chandler founded The Eclipse Foundation to become the repository of Leader Technologies' social networking invention.
On Aug. 29, 2002, IBM published Leader's invention in IBM Eclipse Version 2.0.1 illegally marked with IBM copyrights. Chandler had received a custody copy of Leader's invention—his other paying client—eleven weeks earlier.
On Aug. 30, 2002, a whistleblower revealed Chandler's duplicity and collusion with IBM and the U.S. Patent Office in Chandler's personal notes.
Thomas E. Noonan (NIAC member from 2002-2016) disguised deep IBM loyalties

On Sep. 18, 2002, two weeks later, George Bush appointed Thomas A. Noonan as a member of NIAC, but cleverly disguised his long association with IBM.
Noonan's current biographies hide his deep IBM affiliation (1994-2008). Even NIAC's official records present a confused jumble of ambiguous associations. For example, Noonan's LinkedIn profile list five different affiliations from 1994 and 2008. He lists:
- GM, IBM Internet Security Systems, December 2006–June 2008 (1 year 7 months)
- CEO, Internet Security Systems (ISS) (an IBM Company) 1995–2008 (13 years)
- CEO, ISS (NASDAQ: ISSX, Acquired by IBM) 1994–2008 (14 years)
- Chairman and CEO, Internet Security Systems (ISS) 1994–2008 (14 years)
- CEO, Internet Security Systems March 1994–December 2006 (12 years 10 months)
How can one IBM employee be so confused about who he works for, unless he's not, but wants readers of his resume to be confused?
Noonan's shell game
Noonan's jumble of company names and titles are clearly meant to hide his continuous and ongoing IBM affinities. IBM corporate website states: "Once an IBMer, always an IBMer." Judging from Noonan's post 2009 resume and current position at Cisco (another NIAC fixture), Noonan is receiving his "handsome reward" of significant financial gains, like another one of his dutiful counterparts at Baidu (China), Robin Y. Li.
AFI researchers see a now familiar Cartel pattern of obfuscation in Noonan's jumbled affiliations meant to confuse and discourage the casual reader from further investigation.
Noonan has failed to disclose Cobian Corp (now IBM too)
Noonan failed to disclose a shady Cobian Corp, formed in Andover, Massachusetts on Nov. 04, 2002, just two weeks after George Bush / James P. Chandler appointed him to NIAC on Sep. 18, 2002. Germans Olaf Jacobi and Friedrich von Diest are identified on the incorporation papers. The incorporation attorney was a thuggish-looking Steffan Vounessea.
No evidence of a real Cobian Corp business exists.
However, on Oct. 11, 2006, IBM merged Cobian into Noonan's Internet Security Systems and moved the operation, such as it was, to IBM's Atlanta office at 6303 Barfield Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30328.
The evident purpose of Thomas E Noonan's jumbled biographies is to distance himself from his career IMB association which would lessen IBM's overarching control of NIAC activities to direct public policy on national security. Obama's latest executive order shows that IBM intends to embed the future of IBM in America's embedded infrastructure, just ensuring that the gravy train will be in perpetuity. One small problem for IBM is the fact that they rely on the seminal cloud computing invention of social networking that they stole from Columbus innovator, Leader Technologies. Click here: NIAC Meeting Minutes from Jan. 13, 2004. Click here: Terrorex 04 timeline.
Noonan knows about perjury. His failure to disclose Cobian Corp appears willful. What are IBM & Noonan hiding?
On Oct. 11, 2006, IBM and Thomas E. Noonan merged Cobian Corp into IBM and Noonan became its chief executive and chairman. In Cobian Corp's Massachusetts filings, Noonan acknowledges that he knows what perjury is.
Fig. 7—Thomas E. Noonan demonstrates in this Cobian Corp disclosure that he is aware of the legal penalties for failing to disclose material information. However, nowhere does he ever disclose his association with Cobian Corp. To the best of our knowledge and research, Noonan has never disclosed Cobian Corp to the American public during his tenure at the National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NAIC). Click here: Cobian Corp, MA Sec. of State Filing Apr. 06, 2006.
Cobian Corp appears to have been a "shell" company (no operations) that IBM and Noonan felt compelled to merge into IBM on Oct. 11, 2006 to make it go away. Given Noonan's and IBM substantial role in the secret workings of the NAIC, the American public have a right to know what Noonan and IBM are hiding.
Fact: IBM's theft of Leader Technologies' social networking invention was occurring concurrently with the Cobian Corp formation
The AFI Timeline shows for a fact that James P. Chandler and IBM were in the thick of the theft of Leader Technologies' invention at that time. On Aug. 29, 2002, IBM Eclipse release version 2.0.1 On Nov. 04, 2002, Cobian Corp formed, and without any known operation. Then on Oct. 11, 2002, Cobian Corp was merged out of existence into IBM Internet Security Systems (Thomas E. Noonan's company) whereupon Noonan became its Chairman and CEO.
Fig. 8—Cobian Corp timeline. IBM has very evidently exploited Leader Technologies' invention of social networking and co opted it for its "The Internet of Things" strategy. It appears that IBM's entire corporate strategy is now based on theft of Leader Technologies' invention. Even Barack H. Obama, the man we elected to protect the property and invention of all Americans, steals it for himself and his narrow-minded cronies. Click here: PDF of this timeline.
Noonan's smoking gun: undisclosed relationships reveal the Spy State Cartel promoted by Clintons, Obama, Bush
Internet Security Systems Form S-1. (Jan. 20, 1998). SEC Edgar (verifies material Thomas E. Noonan relationships with Goldman Sachs, UBS, Bank of America, Kleiner Perkins (Google), Facebook, LinkedIn, Reid Hoffman, Accel Partners, James W. Breyer, AT&T and Greylock Partners, Merrill Lynch, PNC Bank, Intel, IBM, HP, Xerox, Microsoft, Lucent, Siemens, Lockheed Martin, AOL, Bell Atlantic, Bell South, GTE, Nippon, Netcom, NASA, USAF, US Army, US DoD, US State Dept, EDS, KPMG, Price Waterhouse, SAIC, SITA).
Karkaria, U. (May 29, 2013). Cisco to acquire Atlanta energy firm JouleX [Thomas E. Noonan] for $107 million. Atlanta Business Chronicle.
Karkaria, U. (May 31, 2013). JouleX [Thomas E. Noonan] sells for 100 times revenue. Atlanta Business Chronicle.
Endolyn, O. (Jun. 03, 2015). [Thomas E. Noonan] On an Epic Winning Streak. Georgia Tech Alumni Magazine.
NJH Security Consulting. (Mar. 07, 1996). Corporate filings, No. K607704. GA Sec. of State.
NJH Security Consulting. (Dec. 27, 2001). Merger with Internet Security Systems, No. K607704 [Thomas E. Noonan]. GA Sec. of State (includes Internet Security Systems Articles of Organization, Apr. 19, 1994).
Having now established that IBM and Thomas E. Noonan have been fixtures at NIAC since inception. And, having also established that IBM, James P. Chandler and Noonan are playing a crooked game with America's security and Leader Technologies' social networking invention, we now return to Barack Obama's latest Executive Order promoting IBM's the "Internet of Things."
In any other industry, Obama's promotion of the IBM "Internet of Things" brand slogan would be an outrage
It would be like Obama ". . . protecting the policy and legal foundation for product security in the context of:"
- Eat Fresh (Subway),
- Just Do It (Nike),
- Finger Linkin’ Good (KFC),
- Sea food Differently (Red Lobster),
- Fueling the American Spirit (Marathon), or
- The Internet of Things (IBM) . . . wait, Obama just protected this brand.
Obama violates the federal employee code of ethics
Obama endorsement of IBM’s The Internet of Things Cloud initiative, including his attempt to give it legal status, is a flagrant violation of 5 C.F.R. § 2635.702(c) that states:
“An employee shall not use or permit the use of his Government position or title or any authority associated with his public office to endorse any product, service or enterprise."
Obama violates the RICO Act
In addition, Obama’s promotion of IBM’s social networking “cloud” infrastructure crosses state lines to conspire with IBM and others to misappropriate Leader Technologies’ invention violates the RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations) Act racketeering statute 18 U.S. Code § 1962(c) that states:
"It shall be unlawful for any person employed by or associated with any enterprise engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce, to conduct or participate, directly or indirectly, in the conduct of such enterprise’s affairs through a pattern of racketeering activity."
The wheels are coming off of this spy state Administration and its cronies.
Click here for a full timeline of this public corruption.
* * *
10% to whistleblower(s)
Leader Technologies has indicated they are willing to pay a 10% reward for information that leads to the recovery of funds by their shareholders.
The Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment empowers Congress to legislate a payday for Leader Technologies shareholders. This would provide adequate financing for Leader to offer a rational social networking environment—one that offers the application utility that people have come to enjoy about Leader’s invention without sacrificing security and privacy.
Contact your elected representatives and ask them to use Congress' power of the purse to pay Leader Technologies and unplug the Cartel.
Click here for hijack of the cyber world timeline and database.

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself.
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Ninety-one percent of contributions to current presidential candidates made by Harvard faculty, instructors, and researchers in 2015 went to former Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton, according to a Crimson analysis of Federal Election Commission filings.
ReplyDeleteOf the individuals who donated, 37 gave the maximum contribution for the primary period—$2,700—to Clinton.
Of total donations, just $8,850 went to Republican candidates Bush, Rubio, and Christie. The remaining $3,290 in donations went to Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders. All other candidates—including GOP frontrunners Donald J. Trump and Ted Cruz, who came first in the Iowa caucuses last week—received no contributions from Harvard faculty, instructors, and researchers listed in the FEC filings
It took only a few minutes after news broke of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's death on Saturday for conservatives to demand that Senate Republicans block any replacement nominated by President Barack Obama.
ReplyDeleteI thought you might be interested in this article:
ReplyDeleteOne of the classified email chains discovered on Hillary Clinton’s personal unsecured server discussed an Afghan national’s ties to the CIA and a report that he was on the agency’s payroll, a U.S. government official with knowledge of the document told Fox News.
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteBarack Hussein Obama just put whip cream on his his cow patty of a presidency by announcing that he can't make it to Judge Scalia's funeral on Saturday. This action by BHO is despicable, mean spirited, and low class. Judge Scalia was a man of faith, integrity, had a brilliant mind for jurisprudence, and dedicated his life to the words of our founding fathers. Obama would rather hit the links.
You can bet your toosh that BHO would attend funeral services of Kanye West, Malcolm X, Saul Alinsky , Ahyatolla Khomeni or Fidel Castro. He has established a tradition of hating America and its founding values that is just incomprehensible . And to think that Hillary is running a campaign to follow in BHO's path of destruction. They make me sick to my stomach.
Have a great day, TEX
Congressional leaders to increase the degree of federal oversight for large university endowments Congress has the power to reclassify these large universities as private foundations instead of public charities.which are applied to private non-profit organizations like the Gates Foundation. Harvard, which manages a $37.6 billion endowment, has repeatedly argued against such measures
ReplyDeleteHarvard University responsibility to educate and install a strong moral code into future world leaders and its leadership are failing to maintain the academic and civic focus. so what is Harvard mission statement a free blowjob in the oval offices, unscrupulous dealings enabled by Goldman Sachs Wall Street people who don't cheat and steal,Harvard teaches that the right thing to do is vote for Hillary
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteI sit in front of my TV this morning watching the highest religious funeral service available to a Catholic....the Burial Mass. The solemnity of the service is perfect for a great American such as Antonin Scalia. His son is one of the priest celebrants. As a Catholic myself, I can think of no greater send off than having a son at the altar.
Of course Barack Hussein Obama showed his disdain for America by refusing to attend this beautiful Mass. I can't wait to see how many attend BHO's funeral. As Yogi Berra said, " if I don't go to his funeral, he won't come to mine".
I pray that Obama's cold and calculating heart is softened by the love shown to this marvelous American icon and magnificent jurist. I pray that all of us find the true meaning of life:
- understand God, love God
- understand our neighbors, love
our neighbors
- understand ourselves, love
Go in Peace , Justice Scalia.
Have a great day, TEX
Obama visited the Pope. Followed by the CEO of Google. Now the Pope says Trump is not a Christian. The Pope doesn’t appear to be doing his job on his impartiality. He leads a big institution full of people with a variety of opinions and needs to refrain from such comments and treat every one of his fellow men equally.
ReplyDeleteIBM supplied Adolf Hitler's mass data collection devices. Looks like they have not learned their lesson. Now, IBM has wormed their way in to control our entire communications. Unplug the bas__rds before they betray us like they betrayed the German people.
ReplyDeleteWe wrote about this geek betrayal surrounding encryption and the data world's illegal cooperation with the NSA in recent posts:
DeleteAFI (Nov. 06, 2015). Complicit encryption geeks enable the American spy state. Americans For Innovation.
AFI (Nov. 25, 2015). Dell and Lenovo (IBM) ship computers with spy state back doors. Americans For Innovation.
Here is a complete NIST List of companies who embed the Dual_EC_DRBG backdoor algorithm in Apple products.
Apple's Tim Cook says that Apple products don't have security back doors, but this list definitively proves that they do. Here are Apples NIST entries:
Again, whatever these digital pirates say, assume they are actually doing the OPPOSITE.
According to NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden, on June 6, 2013, Apple began feeding customer data to the NSA. Interestingly, a year after Steve Jobs died.
So, the San Bernardino police should ask the NSA for the data. All sides in this supposed Apple encryption controversy are presenting faked up positions.
What's their end game? If history is a teacher, they want Congress to change some law that will further strengthen their secret control over digital networks, including the ability to conduct warrant-less surveillance on Americans in violation of the Bill of Rights.
History confirms Lord Acton (1834–1902): "Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely."
Here is The Guardian's source data on Edward Snowden's disclosure that Apple has been sharing customer data with the NSA:
Greenwald, G., MacAskill, E. (Jun. 07, 2013). NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, [Facebook,] Google and others. The Guardian.
It's worth noting that Apple can bypass the passcode on devices running software prior to iOS 8, with or without a court order.Even if they were able to unlock the phone, there is no assurance that any 3rd party applications that the terrorists used were not still further encrypted like what’s app. But i have to ask this question is this all just a marketing ply Apple did sell out According to NSA whistleblower, Edward Snowden
ReplyDeleteGangster Government: Barack Obama and the New Washington Thugocracy - (Hardcover)
ReplyDeleteDavid Limbaugh is an author and attorney and a regular weekly columnist for WND. His books include “Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama,” “The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama’s War on the Republic” and the New York Times bestseller “Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Today’s Democratic Party
IBM Eclipse insiders met with The White House here in Silicon Valley on Jan. 8, 2016:
ReplyDeleteHere's some of the coverage: David Louie, January 8, 2016. "White House wants Silicon Valley to help stop terrorist recruitment." ABC7News.
A very tight little clique of tech conspirators attended:
CARTEL: Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook
CARTEL: Reid Hoffman, Facebook, LinkedIn
CARTEL: Twitter
They met at the CARTEL: U.S. Patent Office! The scene of the crime in the theft of Leader's social networking invention???!!! These people are getting reckless.
The word in the coffee houses here is that the San Bernardino iPhone contains information that is damaging to the CARTEL, so they concocted a misdirection story to get the public thinking the opposite of what is really going on.
Everyone here knows from Edward Snowden's NSA leaks that Apple has been feeding data to the NSA since October 2012. So, the idea that Apple is holding back from sharing the San Bernardino data is ludicrous. Just ask the NSA!!! Therefore, they want America to think the OPPOSITE - that Apple is protecting them, when in fact, the opposite is true . . . . . Apple is protecting the CARTEL from damaging information on that iPhone.
Let's not be fooled any longer by these pathological liars.
Here's more proof that the NSA is nothing but a two-bit blackmail hustler:
DeleteWikileaks. (Feb. 23, 2016). NSA Targets World Leader for US Geopolitical Interests [Press release].
Today, 23 February 2016 at 00:00 GMT [updated 12:20 GMT], WikiLeaks publishes highly classified documents showing that the US National Security Agency bugged a private climate change strategy meeting; between UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin; singled out the Chief of Staff of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for long term interception targetting his Swiss phone; singled out the Director of the Rules Division of the World Trade Organisation (WTO), Johann Human, and targetted his Swiss phone for long term interception; stole sensitive Italian diplomatic cables detailing how Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu implored Italy's Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to help patch up his relationship with US President Barack Obama, who was refusing to talk to Netanyahu; intercepted top EU and Japanese trade ministers discussing their secret strategy and red lines to stop the US "extort[ing]" them at the WTO Doha arounds (the talks subsequently collapsed); explicitly targetted five other top EU economic officials for long term interception, including their French, Austrian and Belgium phone numbers; explicitly targetted the phones of Italy's ambassador to NATO and other top Italian officials for long term interception; and intercepted details of a critical private meeting between then French president Nicolas Sarkozy, Merkel and Berluscon, where the latter was told the Italian banking system was ready to "pop like a cork".
Facebook Inc chief Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter Inc founder Jack Dorsey and Google head Sundar Pichai, who have all backed Cook's decision,
DeleteEmail comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteBEWARE OF ZUCKERBERG BEARING GIFTS. One cannot build a reliable house on a foundation of shifting sand.
Check out this great article I read on WIRED:
To make the world's wireless networks faster and better, Facebook will build a new breed of gear---and freely share it with the world's telecoms.
The simple math proves Zuckerberg is a liar. It is amazing that the lame stream media never did this math and discredited the kid long ago.
ReplyDeleteLeader Technologies testified that their social networking platform consisted of 750,000 lines of computer code by 2002. Code for which they had invested over $10 million.
Zuckerberg testified in the Winklevoss Twins case that he developed the entire Facebook platform in less than two weeks. Leader Technologies proved that the engine running Facebook is Leader's invention.
Zuckerberg's math does not compute. He'd have to be typing 5.2 times faster than the fastest typist on the planet. 750,000 lines of code in 14 days. That is 53,571 lines per day. Let's say its a long 10 hour day. That would mean 5,357 lines per hour, or 89 lines per minute.
Currently, the fastest English language typist is Barbara Blackburn, who reached a peak typing speed of 212 words per minute during a test in 2005. At 12 words per line. Blackburn can type 17 lines per minute.
Hmmm. Fastest typist on the planet = 17 lines per minute
Zuckerberg claims 89 lines per minute (5.2 times faster than the fastest typist on the planet typing nonstop, 10 hours a day for two weeks, without a break.)
Zuckerberg's claim is impossible.
Bill Gates backs FBI not Apple, is Bill Gates coming out of the cold ?. Mark Zuckerberg is the latest tech leader to voice his support of Apple against the FBI .Zuckerberg said I don't think requiring backdoors is going to increase security, this is the guy that turned of of your privacy setting's on facebook
ReplyDeleteFBI Director James Comey, in an article published late Sunday on the national security legal blog Lawfare, asserted the case was not about setting a new legal precedent but rather about "victims and justice."BUT WHAT ABOUT OUR JUSTICE
ReplyDeleteZuckerberg testified in the Winklevoss Twins case that he developed the entire Facebook platform in less than two weeks. Leader Technologies. But you stole the PLATFORM and you stole the idea facebook The Winklevoss Twins knew you had stolen the idea facebook and extorted millions out of zuckerberg SAYING the idea facebook was their idea
The two companies made waves in July 2014 by making a deal in which IBM became a glorified value-added reseller of Apple devices, selling iPhones and iPads loaded with custom IBM apps to the enterprise. IBM has developed and delivered 100 different enterprise apps for iOS devices since then. Now, experts wonder what will come next from this partnership
ReplyDeleteOn Wednesday, IBM and Facebook are announcing a partnership to take a step closer to the ideal. The partnership stems from how the companies bring complementary strengths to the lucrative business of data-fueled marketing.
ReplyDeleteThere is no cloud. It's just someone else's computer.
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteSo I am 35,000ft flying back to Texas ( and drinking a very small glass of red wine). I am in first class because I can. The guy next to me just fell asleep but only after blasting me for liking Donald Trump. He is fairly red neck, to use a slang term. My point to him was : DT is not a Dem nor a Repub. He is a hybrid. He is a buffoon. He is a braggart. He is rich. He has won in his business goals. His choice, Ted Cruz , is a decent guy but he can not instill winning in the hearts of Americans. We need someone that is adverse to quitting. Trump doesn't yield. He attacks rather than defends. He pretty much likes the America we all grew up in. He will not apologize to the world for our previous leadership position, he will apologize to us if we don't maintain it.
Under Obama we have taken an extreme left in this country. To quote Mr Trump, we really don't win anymore . The way to make our country great again is to relearn how to win. Trump can beat Hillary. She lies. He will point that out. She cheats. He will point that out. She spent her life seeking this power. She has demonstrated her arrogance and disdain for our laws. Trump will point that out. Trump is a rookie in politics, but he has a long list of wins. He will point that out. His wife is a little better looking than Bill. He will not have to point that out.
If you are an investor, vote for Donald. If you want rule of law. Ditto. If you want to live a life of less fear, more confidence in our leaders, less lying, less cheating, less fraud, more action, and once again lead the world in categories like innovation, science, education and rugged individualism, vote for Donald Trump.
Excuse me ma'am, I would like another Cabernet, please.
Have a great day, TEX
Oh for god's sake. If any of this was remotely true, McKibben or Leader would just file a new lawsuit. I have never seen such wild speculation in my life. It's time to give this up.
ReplyDeleteMichael, I have read this blog for a long time and notice that you make only this argument, repeatedly. It not so cleverly avoids responding to the facts presented, and instead, throws out the hackneyed astroturfer polemic "oh for god's sake" and "wild speculation." That is not a reasonable or convincing response, it is the response of a bully. Even so, your logic is flawed. The idea that the only way to get justice is to run to our corrupt courts is laughable. It appears that people like Michael are part of that corruption. It telegraphs the logic of an attorney who thinks the whole world is a nail to his/her hammer. Think again, Michael. We in the hinterlands have your number.