Anthony Stephen Fauci. (Compiled Apr. 09, 2021). Fauci-Abys Family Tree with full bibliography. Anonymous Patriots. [citation to follow]
The self-anointed Pilgrims Society “elites” are obsessed with blood lines
crest 1609
(Click image to enlarge)

Fauci’s “Abys” family bloodline is obsessed with satanic royal rulership, devouring God's image in humanity's children (bombs, poisons, irradiation, pollution, vaccines, paedophilia, ritual sacrifice, hallucinogens, neurotoxins, psychotomimetics, eugenics) and the bank profit-taking to achieve all this
Fauci buries a bizarre "Abys" Swiss family crest that glorifies a crowned satan eating a human child and profiting from it in gold, uranium (and other resources) mined by the Abys offspring in Switzerland and Kyrgyzstan (source: Klaus Schwab's ETH Zürich University, etc.)
The “Abys” bloodline is fused into Switzerland’s history in war, banking control and exaltation of abuse of humanity’s children
The Abys family exploited Swiss “neutrality” to ship uranium, gold, silver, talc and other vital resources from Kyrgyzstan where they exploited mining and trade since ca. 1650
The British Pilgrims Society and its London bankers started two world wars to subdue and control the Swiss banking and trade strongholds, then invited their fellow Swiss and German satanist “elites,” including the Habsburgs, to join them once they were tamed (like Klaus Schwab)
Schwab's Davos is only 15 straight-line miles from Fauci's Abys family stronghold in Chur
BREAKING NEWS: Anthony Fauci and Klaus Schwab are Swiss kissing cousins in profiting from human devourment
The Abys (alt. Abyss) family name is unique among surnames and means the regions of hell conceived of as a bottomless pit—"Satan's dark abyss"
Bookmark: #fauci-abys | https://tinyurl.com/eesvu4an
Click three dots on the right of the audio player to download the raw (*.mp3) file. Then, check your Downloads folder.
Editor’s note: We have all the supporting evidence for the information discussed in this article. It is being processed by the team and will be available shortly, so please return to download it.
Apr. 10, 2021—Informed critics of Dr. Anthony S. Fauci call him “Dr. Death.” This is not metaphorical with regard to his family history.
Fauci is a Jesuit-groomed physician (high school and university) who has controlled the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984—37 years—and has worked at NIH since 1968—53 years. Holy Cross (2002).
It is now evident that Fauci was planted at NIH to follow orders, and is not there on his merit or intellect.
Anthony Fauci: An Abys Viper-Monarch
During Fauci’s reign at NIH (an Abys viper-monarch) the world had suffered through a horrendous number of viral diseases including HIV/AIDS, SARS, foot-and-mouth disease, mad cow disease, the Swine flu, Anthrax, MERS, Ebola, and now COVID-19.
Fauci played a significant role in the early 2000s in creating the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and in driving development of “bio defense” drugs and vaccines following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. See Fauci's astounding 212-page biography at the NIAID. Fauci U.S. NIAID bio (2021). He is yet another Pilgrims Society-recruited cardboard cutout with a larger-then-life made-for-TV fake resume.
These appear to be bio warfare plagues that Fauci von NIH and his British colleagues at Wellcome Trust and the Pirbright Institute, knighted all, fabricated (assisted by WHO, EU, Bill Gates and the British government), then pitched to save us from, while his pharmaceutical conspirators made fortunes off of humanity’s suffering that they caused. See Coronavirus source uncovered (it is the British with $$$ from NIH Fauci and Bill Gates).
See also Fig. 12 below for Carnegie Foundation 2001 confirmation of the top murdering eugenicists in the United States (includes: Fauci, Turner, Gates, Annenberg, Soros, Astor, Ramphele, Rockefeller, Walters, Parsons).
Who really controls Dr. Death's satanic agenda?
We conclude from our research that the British Pilgrims Society directs Fauci, along with their dutiful banking, science and engineering minions in Switzerland as their staff assistants.
Doctors of Death
History teaches us that the British Pilgrims Society has been experimenting with using viral diseases as the secret weapon of the British Empire to subdue their Commonwealth subjects and America, as well as their enemies.

See also ABYS. (ca. 1609). Swiss geneological-heralic web catalog, Marianne's TAPAS blog. Wappen.bild.ch.
British bio warfare and eugenics grew legs in the late 1800s in the bio labs of Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (now GlaxoSmithKline), The Pirbright Institute (funded by Gates, Fauci, UN, WHO), the Tavistock Institute and the Wellcome Trust.
Those labs: (1) experimented on the Boers in South Africa in 1899-1902 with measles, typhoid and diphtheria; (2) wireless radiological effects on the human body after the British Admiralty, Post Office and Rothschilds stole Nikolai Tesla's patents for wireless (see David Sarnoff, RCA/NBC); (3) chemical warfare in WWI; (4) the Spanish Flu in 1919; (5) human experimentation in WWII; (6) nuclear irradiation; (7) Agent Orange in Vietnam; (8) Rwanda mass murder to hide a CIA takeover of the rare earth mineral mines in the Congo; (9) Kosovo attacks and faked "massacres" blamed on Orthodox Christians to pave the way for the Moslem migrant hordes; (10) nanoparticles as bio weapons, (11) 9/11 killings to consolidate Fauci von DARPA's power and (12) GMOs; as well as the diseases listed above.
The historical footprints of these satanic monsters led by British Privy Councillors Cecil J. Rhodes, Lord Rothschild. W.T. Stead (incl. his chief of staff: Oracle's Larry Ellison's psycho-science black magic baby daddy Rev. Dr. Hugh "Sinclair" Moore) and former British prime minister Lord Rosebery (Rothschild) are finally becoming evident.
In short, for the satanic Pilgrims Society, wars, conflict and crisis are useful smokescreens to hide biological and technological experiments in the fog of war. They are also money makers for their fascist multinational corporations.
Is it accidental that Fauci just happened to run N.I.H. at the time of these calamities, or did he orchestrate them?
In any other line of work, Fauci's failures would get him fired. So why is he still working at NIH as its spokesman and "America's doctor?" Says who exactly?
The propaganda media. (See links above to the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 where the British Pilgrims Society took total charge of world media. Sir Henry Wellcome, Wellcome Trust, Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (now GlaxoSmithKline), was heavily promoting his medicine chest full of supposed vaccine cures. . . at the press conference of 650 newspapermen from around the world.)
We think a satan-worshipping Fauci-Abys was groomed to orchestrate them.
If you are having difficulty wrapping your head around this premise, consider these facts.

See also ABYS. (ca. 1609). Swiss geneological-heralic web catalog, Marianne's TAPAS blog. Wappen.bild.ch.
On Jan. 28, 2020, Harvard professor Dr. Charles M. Lieber was indicted for selling nanotechnology to the Chinese. We believe this was orchestrated to protect Fauci’s boy from questions about his role in the imminent Coronavirus hoax, but that is another subject.
Lieber’s and Harvard's name is on 65 nanotech patents—many to be used for viral delivery systems, cell-level censors, cell-level data storage, cellular-level outbound reporting, surveillance chip implants and mind control.
Biological nano canons funded by Abys-Fauci and friends
One DARPA/Army/Navy-funded Lieber-Harvard patent is for a nano canon to blast inside your body, as well as Fauci-NIH-funded patents to transfer cells in and out of other cells, as in viruses. [citation to follow, whistleblower affirming Fauci's participation in the Highland Group weaponization of biology and Internet technologies]
"Like snakes-ssss"
Dr. Sydney Brenner, chief biotechnology research advisor to Lord Victor Rothschild’s Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL) venture capital fund described mRNA strands inside the DNA structure “like snakes” writhing their way through our cells.
See AFI. (May 29, 2020). How the Rothschilds use mass surveillance and nanotech bioweapons to sustain the Imperial British world order. Americans for Innovation.

See also AFI. (May 29, 2020). How the Rothschilds use mass surveillance and nanotech bioweapons to sustain the Imperial British world order. Americans for Innovation.
Click on images to enlarge / This first PDF contains links to individual family biographies.

Errata: Raget Abys drafted the first Swiss Federal Constitution in 1848, not 1874

Perhaps Brenner’s description of the attack of this so-called Coronavirus non-vaccine was prescient for what we have learned about Anthony Fauci-Abys’ Swiss bloodline—Fauci and his Abys family freely depicts a snake devouring a human child.
But isn’t Fauci-Abys Italian?
With a name like Fauci, one assumes he is Italian.
But, that development is relatively recent and the result of a massive landslide on Sep. 4, 1618 in then Piuro [citation to follow], Switzerland (now in Italy) where the Abys family were talc mining and trading merchants. That landslide sent the Abys family packing north to Chur, Switzerland, in the same state of Grison canton, also called Graubünden, due to the negligence Abys mining practices that caused the avalanche. One can imagine the Abys family ran for their lives after the tragedy.
Fauci is basically Swiss on the Abys side of the family. His grandfather artist (so his bio says) Giovanni was born in Chur, Switzerland. [Editors, Apr. 15, 2021: We have now heard from more than a dozen art sources in America and Europe. Not a single source can find any mention of an artist named Giovanni (John Robert) Abys. We are now ready to call Fauci's biographical information about his grandfather Giovanni a hoax. Patriots are requested to track down this probable lie.]
Curiously, the Abys family in Priori had adopted the City of Milan “biscione” symbol of the crowned viper eating a grizzling human child early.
Indeed, the Abys [alt. Abis] crest added the yoke and buckets of gold in the 15th century ("Mentioned at the end of the 15th century, e.g. see 1609" CHUR Wappen [Coats of Arms] 1887, PDF pp. 7, 33, 43).
Raget Kaufmann Abys & Co. Oberkriegskommissär (Swiss Commissar of War) (b. 1790-d. 1866)

Fig. 8—
Raget Kaufmann Abys & Co. Oberkriegskommissär (b. Mar. 16, 1790 (Chuy, Kyrgyzstan); d. Sep. 16, 1861 (Bern); portrait created in 1849 while Raget was the Swiss Commissar of War. See ABYS alt. ABYSS. (1609). Including RAGET ABYS (b. Mar. 16, 1790, d. Sep. 16, 1866) biography, A to Basel, Administration des H.B.L.S. Neuenburg, Historical-Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland, ed. Prof. Dr. Heinrich Türler et al, PDF p. 101. General History Research Society of Switzerland, 1921. (28.9 MB).
Read an ENGLISH translation of this ABYS historical record here (p. 101).
The ABYS Family Crest (pre-1609): Crowned viper consuming a grizzling human child while bearing a black yoke balancing two buckets of gold. (The full crest contains three vipers.); Anthony S. Fauci's great, great uncle.
• b. Mar. 16, 1790 (Chuy, Kyrgyzstan)
• d. Sep. 16, 1861 (Bern, Switzerland)
• "Descendant of an old family of Rhaetian nobility“ (La Tribune de Genève, May 08, 1902"
• Abys & Co. Traders, Chur, Switzerland
• Quartermaster, royal Dutch Swiss regiment, 1815-22
• Chur mayor and politician, 1834-48
• Swiss Federal grand counsellor, 1847
• Sonderbund war materiel supplier, 1847
• Swiss Commissar of War, former colonel, 1826-31, 1847-1861
• War and commerce collaborator with Albert Escher, founder of Credit Suisse Bank, Swiss Life, Swiss Northeastern Railway, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Gotthard Railway
• Swiss Federal Constitution of 1848, drafter (revised in 1866, then rewritten on May 29, 1874)
• Anthony S. Fauci’s great great uncle—common grandfather Daniel Staatssekretär Abys von Chur GR (1690-1767) and grandmother Ursula Finner Abys von Chur GR, 1690-unk. (Chuy, Kyrgyzstan)
What we can summarize now is that without question, Fauci’s great great uncle Rageth Kauffman Abys [citation to follow] was an Abys & Co. war trader managing a resource pipeline from Kyrgyzstan to Switzerland (source of Hitler’s uranium, talc [dry lubricant for war machinery] as well as gold), the Swiss Commissar of War, influential in collaboration with Alfred Escher in the development of the modern Swiss canton system of independent states, and influential in the founding of Swiss Life, Credit Suisse, the Red Cross, ETH Zurich university (Klaus Schwab's alma mater), Escher Wyss (Eugene Schwab's company), Escher banking and engineering and key Swiss railroads.
His great grandfather, Raget Rageth Abys von Chur GR (1829-1872) was born in Chur, Switzerland. [citation to follow]
His great great grandfather, Johannes Johaess Abys von Chur GR (1781-1833) was born in Chuy, Kyrgyszstan along the silk road to China. It is notable that the currently persecuted Uygur people comprise almost 2% of the Chuy region population today. Do they know something about Dr. Death and the Abys family from Kyrgyszstan that we need to know? [citation to follow]
The Swiss Abys merchant family tie to Chuy, Kyrgyszstan goes back at least five generations ca. 1663 when another Raget Abys von Chur GR (1663-1699) was born and lived there. [citation to follow]
Notably, Fauci’s great great great great grandfather, Daniel Staatssekretar Abys von Chur FR (1690-1767) had moved from Chur, Switzerland to Chuy, Kyrgyszstan. They were following the family mining business that had been devastated by the Piuro, Switzerland landslide wiping out Piuro literally off the map caused by their negligent talc mining. His great grandson, also born in Chuy, was Raget Kaufmann Abys von Chur GR (1790-1861) who moved back to the family center in Chur, Switzerland to pick up the family trading business, Abys & Co. [citation to follow]
Raget Kaufmann Abys von Chur GR (1790-1861) was Fauci’s great great uncle. [portrait and citation to follow]
Raget Kaufmann Abys von Chur GR is a pivotal figure in the history of Swiss government, banking and preserving ancient family lineages and banking to this day The Historical - Biographical Lexicon of Switzerland 8 volumes published 1921-1934 dedicates more than a half-page to the Abys family—a one-of-a-kind family name in all Switzerland, also spelled “Abyss.”
Much of the Wikipedia information on Raget [K] Abys, a politician, merchant and soldier comes from this lexicon. [citation to follow]
Perhaps most notably, Raget K. Abys was the Swiss Federal Commissar of War for 14 formative years (1847-1861) for the emerging federal state that exists today.
Raget K. Abys was mayor, councilman and deputy minister of Chur for 14 years from 1834-1848. In 1847, he was liberal grand counselor (attorney general) to the Swiss Federal government. He supplied the army during the Sonderbund war that spark formation of the current federal canton government system. He was also a member of the committee that developed the Swiss federal constitution, first adopted in 1848 (revised in 1866, then wholly revised on May 29, 1874).
During his tenure as Commissar of War, Raget K. Abys worked closely with Alfred Escher. Besides eliciting money for Escher to pay war expenses, Raget K. Abys provided key influence in the creation of the current Swiss banking and finance system that led to the creation of the Bank for International Settlements today. [citation to follow]
Alfred Escher subsequently created the Swiss Northeastern Railway (now Swiss Federal Railways), the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (Klaus Schwab's alma mater), Credit Suisse Bank, Swiss Life and Gotthard Railway (trans-alpine railway). [citations to follow]
Tony Fauci and Klaus-y Schwab are kissing Swiss cousins working to wipe out humanity with nuclear and cellular weapons
Escher’s family also created Escher-Wyss engineering and manufacturing in Zurich and Ravensburg, Germany. Escher-Wyss & Cie. (Co.) in Ravensburg was managed by Eugene Schwab, Klaus Schwab’s Nazi father responsible for helping develop the Swiss-German nuclear program from the 1920s (likely using Abys uranium, talc and gold from Kyrgyszstan). See previous post.
Now things get surreal re. the Fauci-Abys family crest

The Abys [alt. Abis] crest added the yoke and buckets of gold in the 15th century ("Mentioned at the end of the 15th century, e.g. see 1609" CHUR Wappen [Coats of Arms] 1887, PDF pp. 7, 33, 43).
Title page, German: Wappen der Anno 1887 lebenden Bürgergeschlechter der Stadt CHUR zusammen getragen aus Wappenbüchern, älterer u. neubrer Zeit sowie nach Sigillan und Pettschaften in der Sammlung Bünd nerischer Wappen von Dietrich Jäklin in Chur Lith. v. B. Gerhardt, Chur | p. 33 German: Abis (à Biss) V. Flurs. Alter Adel. Genannt Ende 15. Jahrh. B. s. 1609. | p. 33 English: Abis (à Biss) V. Corridors. Old nobility. Mentioned at the end of the 15th century, e.g. see 1609 [p. 43].

Anton Bernegg, editor. (1854). Coat of arms of the families of the city of Chur who lived in 1854 compiled from heraldic books, Zurich, 1855, Shelf Mark: Rar 332, PDF p. 8. ETH Library Zurich. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.
á Biss crest 1854 image only.
Abysvel, Abifs crest 1854 image only.
The Abys [alts. Abis, á Biss, Abysvel, Abifs] crest added the yoke and buckets of gold in the 15th century ("Abysvel, Abifs von Plurs [renamed Piuro after the tragic 1618 landslide of the slipshod Abys talc mine practices] Burgers, 1609 zü Ponte" CHUR Wappen [Coats of Arms] 1854, PDF pp. 8).
Title page, German: Wappen der anno 1854 lebenden Geschlechter der Stadt Chur zusammen getragen aus Wappenbüchern älterer und neuerer Zeit so wie nach Signellen und pettschaften in der Sammlung Bünd nerischer Wappen von Anton Sprecher von Bernegg in Chur. Verlag von J.J. Siegfried Antiquar in Zurich.
The Abys family coat of arms is three snakes and a crowned viper devouring a grizzling child while balancing two pails of gold on a black yoke.
Family crests are very important to families who claim noble heritage. They have always been intended to convey the moral aspirations of the family... or in the Fauci-Abys case, immoral aspirations
While almost all commenters agree that the Abys viper is devouring the child, a few propose the opposite: that the snake is goodness and is spitting out the child. This is a pagan argument that appears to have been slipped in to soften the blow of this satanic imagery.
Other commentators propose that the Abys viper is a Christian who is devouring his Muslim Crusade opponent. This is ridiculous since no Christian would use the symbol of satan on his family crest unless it was showing St. Michael or St. George slaying the dragon. [Polish citation to follow]
No commenter we could find explains the yoked golden pails. We believe it most likely means the use of monarchical satanism (crowned viper) to destroy humanity (human child) while attaining great wealth in the effort (yoked buckets of gold being carried by the viper while he is eating the human child).
Now let’s look at this at face value and consider the predominant Christian imagery of the day.
In Holy Scriptures, vipers always denote evil, the devil. Indeed, Jesus himself spoke on this: “Serpents, brood of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell?” Matthew 23:33. [citation to follow]
Other Biblical denotations include serpent, snake, evil power, underworld, chaos, venom, dragons, divination, fortune-telling, fall from grace, curse, poison and the devil.
Did Fauci’s Abys (alternatively spelled Abyss) family crest portend the anti-Christ banking and medieval system financed by the British Pilgrims Society from their cleverly “neutral” Swiss hideouts?
Abyss means bottomless gulf, pit, or chaos.
Is Dr. Abyss deploying the NIH to consume humanity, like his Abys family crest is eating the human child?
We think so.
You can decide for yourself what this imagery taught the Abys children about life during the last 11 generations.
What is clear is that Anthony Fauci has been conspiring with foreign powers to destroy America and Americans.
We think the serpent-monster must be stopped.
[Numerous citations to follow. We suggest you return next week to pick up the supporting evidence.]
(See 18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason and 10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition.)
Click on image to go to PDF of the press release.
![Press Release. (Dec. 10, 2001). First Andrew Carnegie [Pilgrims Society] Medals Awarded to Seven Visionaries of Modern Philanthropy. Carnegie Corporation.](https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2001-12-10-First-Andrew-Carnegie-Medals-Awarded-to-Seven-Visionaries-of-Modern-Philanthropy-Press-Release-Carnegie-Corporation-Dec-10-2001.jpg)
See also more Fauci conspiring with notorious depopulation eugenists: Anthony S. Fauci. (Accessed Apr. 13, 2021). Golden Plate Awards Council, p. 4. American Academy of Achievement.
This Pilgrims Society front named the American Adademy of Achievement includes rogue biotech terror globalists like:
- James W. Breyer, Accel-IDG China, Facebook, NVCA, Instagram, Ji Jinping, terrorist
- Sergey Brin, Google
- Jimmy Carter, SES
- Anthony S. Fauci, NIH, Pilgrims terrorist
- Bill H. Gates III, Microsoft, Gates Foundation, Pilgrims terrorist
- Neil M. Gorsuch, U.S. Supreme Court
- Paul Gagame, the Butcher of Rwanda, CIA
- Robert Langer, Wellcome Trust
- George Lucas, Star Wars
- David H. Petraeus, MI6, CIA, Five Eyes, Pilgrims terrorist
- Lord Jacob Rothschild, Pilgrims terrorist
- Carlos Slim, Mexican warlord, Pilgrims terrorist
- Sonya Sotomayor, U.S. Supreme Court
- James D. Watson, Wellcome Trust
- Oprah Winfrey, Epstein/Weinstein madame
- Feng Zhang, Wellcome Trust
Click on image to enlarge

* * *
Described above is abject immorality.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
Return to return to the beginning of this post.
Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.
Click "N comments:" on the line just below this instruction to comment on this post. Alternatively, send an email with your comment to afi@leader.com and we'll post it for you. We welcome and encourage anonymous comments, especially from whisteblowers.
Ever since Dr. Foul Cheese said you can stop a virus with a mask I've known he was total B.S.!
ReplyDeleteThank you, for bringing so much information to us, I have been sharing on GAB, and a few other places, yes on facebook.
They haven't chopped me off at the knees, yet, like twitter did.
Hi Jimmine1: We have added quite a few evidence links today.
DeleteThe AFI team.
Dear AFI team
ReplyDeleteRe: Is This True?
After receiving the link to this post, I stumbled onto this information, attached hereto as a PDF.
Internal Revenue Service Circular 230 Disclosure: As provided for in Treasury regulations, advice relating to federal taxes that is contained in this communication (if any), including attachments, is not intended or written to be used, and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of: (1) avoiding penalties under the Internal Revenue Code or (2) promoting, marketing or recommending to another party any plan or arrangement addressed herein.
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This electronic mail transmission and any accompanying documents contain information belonging to the sender which may be confidential and legally privileged. This information is intended for the use of the individual or entity to whom this electronic mail transmission was sent as indicated above. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution, or action taken in reliance on the contents of the information contained in this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you received this transmission in error, please call me collect at PHONE to let me know and delete the message. Thank you!
Dear NAME:
DeleteIn general, we have always found Charles Savoie accurate, factually and instinctively. His research on the Pilgrims was really helpful as we took our deep dive.
In the process, we uncovered the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 and its organizing role in modern propaganda, surveillance, banking and biowarfare—Charles still does not use that data for some reason. He discusses its consequences and players, but doesn’t finger the Conference, which is odd.
To be fair, the information was heavily suppressed by the censors since WWI. The Trumps have certainly swam in these filthy waters in NY real estate.
We have been told from people close to him that he had a genuine Christian conversion on the campaign trail in 2015. That said, he put way too many Pilgrims in his cabinet for our taste, but we don’t have the facts that he has, so we have been praying for his wisdom. It would take somebody that knows this world to defeat it, seems to us, like an Apostle Paul.
Charles also packages his evidence frustratingly! He generally skips proper citations, so the evidence cannot be used as judicially-recognizable. That is very frustrating because he has some great, tantalizing stuff. But we get it, his objective is promoting silver.
For example, below is a huge piece of evidence, but useless as a citation without the source document:
Allen W. Dulles was one of the organizers for the British OSS (future CIA, director, Kennedy assassinator) of the Bank for International Settlements in Switzerland during the war. He organized the laundering of the stolen Japanese and Nazi gold. This screen capture is USELESS as evidence. Grrrr.
continued below
Our words almost verbatim (below):
Deletep. 34
"The CIA was mentioned. To set the record straight, the CIA, Federal Reserve, Rand Corporation, Pentagon, Bank for International Settlements, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, Bank of England et al are not “running the United States.” Those are all Pilgrims Society instrumentalities. The Pilgrims Society is running these United States. To stop short of that is either to be underinformed or “controlled opposition.” Blaming anything besides The Pilgrims Society will never help the dual rosters of these Worthy Gentlemen to get
busted loose!"
If we judge Trump by his associations, he is most certainly a Pilgrim. However, many of his actions and decisions as President upset/slowed down/thwarted the Pilgrims new world order agenda…
You Will Know Them by Their Fruits -- Matthew 7:15-20
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thornbushes or figs from thistles? 17 Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Therefore by their fruits you will know them."
Charlie is speculating about Trump. We get it. We am tempted as well except for the evident fruit of his actions as President. We do fault him for not cleaning house of the SES staffing. Having loyal people around him could have made a huge difference. There we think he missed the ball completely.
All the comments about Volcker, Kissinger and Rockefellers (being Pilgrims) are true!.
See the ACTUAL TAX RETURNS identifying Kissinger and Volcker becoming Pilgrims Vice Presidents before and during the “boondoggle, sorry, insider trading, sorry, bank bailout” (See Fig. 9)… WE DUG THEM UP—real evidence! (CHARLIE ONLY SCREEN CAPTURED A PIECE—tantalizing hearsay).
Bottom line, we cannot fault a single Charlie fact. We believe he needs to layer in the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 and its aftermath, and that will further tighten his conclusions.
But, we just said it the other day in an interview. We must stop talking about the amorphous “deep state” and give it a name: The British Pilgrims Society.
Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteCAT NIPS
Let’s be very clear here. We are living through world-wide genocide
Klaus Schwab: Cyberattack Worse than COVID-19 Crisis – Power Grid Down, Banking Offline
Dr. Zeke Emanuel on why the U.S. should consider a vaccine mandate
Using a pot belly stove for preppers
Home Hydroponic Farm: Hundreds of Pounds of Produce in 10 Sq Ft!
How are YOU doing during the Great Shift?
You only need to be authentically you to begin to change the world.
Full stories:
Previous comment:
Spread the truth.
awesome article! Thank you so much for your hard work!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome Inna. Many blessings to you!
DeleteThe AFI Team
great research!
ReplyDeleteI only stumbled upon a detail: raget died 1861. but it's listed in different places that he wrote the swiss constitution 1874?
greets from Switzerland
Dear K. Spa.
DeleteThank you! Great catch. We have refined the wording like this:
"Swiss Federal Constitution of 1848, drafter (revised in 1866, then rewritten on May 29, 1874)."
Raget ABYS was Swiss Federal counsellor in 1874 when the first constitution was adopted, then it was revised five years after his death in 1861, then again on May 29. 1874, thirteen years after his death.
We would welcome your help. We replied to you by email.
Special shoutout to the Cowgirl from Australia. Thank you so much for your prayers and warm wishes. Keep singing!
ReplyDelete(at 1hour:22minutes)
More cures coming our way from Dr.Welby by day
Email comment by TG:
Check out CERITY’s Pandemic Investment Fund where Gretchen Whitmer holds all of her investment money, or so she reports
Whitmer has financially benefited from the deaths of Michigan citizens and thousands of closed Michigan businesses through her stock portfolio.
She has withheld the disclosure of G.E.R.W. LLC and its relationship with her father.
But don’t wait for the Detroit Free Press or Crain’s Detroit to report on any of this because they financially benefit from advertising revenue from the very companies that keep Whitmer flush with cash.
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the tyrant of Michigan, is making big $$$ from the bioweapon ‘vaccines’ and election rigging boxes.
You can’t believe how CORRUPT this ugly, viscous governor is!
Full stories:
Email comment by DG:
Check out CERITY’s Pandemic Investment Fund where Gretchen Whitmer holds all of her investment money, or so she reports
Whitmer has financially benefited from the deaths of Michigan citizens and thousands of closed Michigan businesses through her stock portfolio.
She has withheld the disclosure of G.E.R.W. LLC and its relationship with her father.
But don’t wait for the Detroit Free Press or Crain’s Detroit to report on any of this because they financially benefit from advertising revenue from the very companies that keep Whitmer flush with cash.
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Email comment by JB:
Michael Maurice Crow, president of Arizona State University—-the self-anointed King of Arizona—is a well-groomed member of the British Pilgrims Society—placed to facilitate the “Great Reset” using Arizonians as experimental guinea pigs for election rigging, viral pathogens, brainwashing, 5G and depopulation
Crow’s 32-page ASU resume is evidently fake—no human being could do all the things he claims
Evidently, Crow has been placed in his position at ASU and at the C.I.A.’s highly illegal In-Q-Tel “private” venture capital arm
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Previous three comments:
Spread the truth.
Email comment by BR:
ReplyDeleteCROW ATTACK ON AMERICA - Michael M. Crow, president, Arizona State University; Chairman, CIA In-Q-Tel monstrously illegal trust.
Also availble at:
Where is the evidence that Gretchen Whitmer actually owns any part of that company?
ReplyDeleteResearchers found her disclosure statement for G.E.R.W., LLC where she is handling the business. This makes her a principal fiduciary, at minimum. That is all the proof you need in ethics disclosure law. We citizens need to get wise about disclosure laws because these people are getting away with murder while we remain ignorant of the disclosure principles.