These lawyers, bankers, academics, journalists, bureaucrats and self-styled elitists sponge off the actual wealth-creation of hard working Americans via SES, OPIC, Lockheed Martin, Crown Agents, Serco, USAID in pursuit of the seven deadly sins
Since they don’t do real work, President Trump can simply turn off their lights
Then, he can use the trillions of dollars recovered to empower real wealth creators

(Apr. 20, 2018)—AFI began this investigation in 2012 to try and understand why the U.S. Supreme Court failed to protect Leader Technologies’ revolutionary invention of social networking—even after Leader proved that Facebook infringed their patent on 11 of 11 claims.
What we have discovered is a labyrinth of organized sin and corruption that permeates practically every institution on our planet. Besides watching the Leader v. Facebook court ignore well-settled precedent so that they could protect Facebook, the judges themselves held volumes of Facebook financial interests.
Judges are expressly prohibited by their sworn Code of Conduct from engaging in such immoral and illegal activity. They are prohibited from holding “even one share” by a spouse in a litigant. The games that our judges, politicians and bureaucrats are currently playing by hiding their financial holdings in large corporate litigants behind conspiring mutual funds is just obscene. This corrupt practice began in earnest after a Judicial Conference in March 2001—six months before 9/11 & the theft of Leader's social networking invention—without public hearing or debate. We call it The Great Mutual Fund Scam.
Here are the corrupt judges and clerk in Leader v. Facebook who each failed to disqualify himself/herself due to his/her substantial holdings in Facebook financial interests. Each person gained great wealth from the Facebook initial public offering in 2012, this is without even knowing the extent of their offshore accounts. They also failed to disclose their intimate relationships with Facebook's appeal attorney Thomas G. Hungar, Gibson Dunn LLP:
Our initial scratching at the surface of this injustice to Leader Technologies has now given way to bulldozers and dump trucks. We have teamed up with corruption fighters from around the globe. We have worked to meticulously document these crimes with indictable evidence that some are calling the Crimeline. It is intended as a research tool for lawyers, judges, politicians and the media to help speed up the coming prosecutions. Honest citizens of the world cannot allow these corruptocrats to succeed. [Note: Over a year ago we sent a copy of this Crimeline to then Senator Jeff Sessions before he became Attorney General.]
Leader Technologies’ shareholders are currently asking President Trump to pay them for the 18-year theft of their social networking invention by the federal government and our rogue Silicon Valley technology community. They have filed “Miller Act Notices” at the White House and have proposed a remarkable non-tax $500+ billion new revenue source and a Win-Win fix for the horrific problems that this theft has caused. See Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S.
Bookmark: #constitution-vs-crownBig Picture: The corruptocrats stole Leader’s invention to speed up their globalist takeover

What is the connection with Leader Technologies’ social networking invention? These corruptocrats stole it because they knew it would speed up their takeover of the American Republic. They appear to have been right about that. “Social networking” appeared almost overnight like a Phoenix via the IBM Eclipse Foundation in early 2004 once Leader Technologies had finished debugging their source code. See First annual IBM EclipseCon 2004, Feb. 2-5, 2004 (Facebook started Feb. 4, 2004).
For new readers unfamiliar with the Leader Technologies story, we have added a footnote overview of the Leader “innovation magic” story below so that we can get to the main theme of this post.
Once we proved the immediate evidence of the Leader v. Facebook corruption, we widened our lens aperture to look at who and what was behind these peoples’ choices to be so corrupt.
In summary, the following organizations came into focus:
- Senior Executive Service (SES),
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC),
- Serco,
- Crown Agents, and
- Lockheed Martin.
We knew a little about Lockheed and USAID, but nothing about SES, OPIC, Serco or the Crown Agents. Considering that these organizations move hundreds of billions of dollars of American tax money around the planet, why are they not in our civic consciousness? The MSM has been silent and has clearly failed to hold them accountable, as is their job. Now we know that this gaggle of criminals are the successors of Nazi Brown Shirts for the Deep State shadow government. They could cease tomorrow and the world would only improve, wars would stop, and a new era of human creativity will be unleashed.
SES & OPIC constitutes an unconstitutional secret government of war profiteers, but it’s worse. Other governments help drive this SES / OPIC bus to perdition.

The Senior Executive Services (SES) includes over 8,000 Obama stay-behind senior federal employees in all agencies of the U.S. government. They openly state that they cannot be fired by the President, which means they are not accountable to our Republic and have a law unto themselves. See our previous post Obama hired them. Trump cannot fire them. So they say. It went viral 30 days ago with an estimated 500,000 views. The story is out.
Former FBI Director James B. Comey’s book title speaks volumes: A Higher Loyalty. Evidently Mr. Comey believes his oath to serve America does not include its leaders if he decides to have a globalist agenda. His associations with Lockheed Martin and London-based HSBC clearly show that he leads this coup against American sovereignty. The arrogance of his current book road show speaks volumes about his moral character.
Connecting the dots, AFI, Leader Technologies, American Intelligence Media (AIM) and other researchers from groups like The Right Media, Anonymous, the real Q and KimDotCom among them have helped uncover primary institutions through which the SES-OPIC funds its sedition (we believe)—totally outside of We The People Congressional oversight.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) was formed on January 19, 1971 in an amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. The Act had previously formed the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which is closely aligned with OPIC’s seditious activity.
OPIC is actually a corporation whose sole shareholder is the U.S. Secretary of State. The SES provides the executive staffing and leadership for OPIC. Note that the Crown Agents in the UK adopted an identical organizational structure in 1995, see below.
Herein is the scandalous scamming of America. Through convoluted legal gobbledygook, OPIC as a company and not a federal agency per se is solely “owned” by the Secretary of State. OPIC is staffed by the SES who state openly that they cannot be fired by the President, and therefore by direct inference don’t work for him—even though the President appoints the Secretary of State, their sole shareholder. As if this could not get more twisted, the Secretary of State is an SES member and technically cannot be fired by the President, who works for We The People. This likely means that We The People have no control over SES or OPIC—even though we fund them both. The lawyers who wrote these laws and regulations (and then protect these entities from FOIA transparency) should be shot for this treasonous word play.
While Rex Tillerson recently left his position as Secretary of State, being SES himself, we doubt he was fired. Just look at how Attorney General Jefferson B. Sessions—also SES—is stubbornly hanging on, almost begging the President to challenge his SES employment protections.
OPIC is run by the SES according to the Plum Books from 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 (named after their purple title sheet . . . and the "Purple Revolution?") The 2016 Plum Books state clearly on p. 218. Since the documents intentionally fail to define the phrase “independent regulatory commission” it could mean anything if challenged and must be assumed to mean all SES members. Whether narrowly or broadly defined, thousands of federal employees fall into this insulation from Presidential authority:

OPIC’s 2017 Annual Management Report says they have provided $23.2 billion in benefits to recipients worldwide—all decisions made by the SES.
Conclusion: SES-OPIC has been a rogue outfit ever since the SES was formed in 1978.
SES + OPIC + USAID + Serco + Crown Agents + Lockheed
The more our investigators dove into the seditious SES-OPIC labyrinth, the deeper it went, and the more convoluted it became.
Bookmark: #gardner-soames-serco-pilgrims | Group Plc (UK)
Serco is led by a British knight and the son of one. Both men have pledges oaths of loyalty to the British Crown. They are Sir Roy Gardner, and Rupert Soames OBE (Order of the British Empire), son of Sir Nicholas Soames, grandson of Winston Churchill, a founding member of the British Pilgrims Society.
America: Meet your British overlords | |
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Sir Roy Alan Gardner (born 20 August 1945) is a British businessman and Chairman of Serco. He was knighted in 2002. He was also managing director of GEC Marconi Ltd. | Rupert C. Soames OBE (born 18 May 1959) is a British businessman and CEO of Serco. He was awarded an OBE (Order of the British Empire) in 2010. He is the son of Sir Nicholas Soames, and the grandson of Winston Churchill. |
British Oath of Allegiance to the Monarch: These men have pledged oaths of allegiance to the Queen substantially in this form: “I, NAME, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Her Heirs and Successors, according to the Law. So help me GOD.” Some British citizens consulted discount these awards by the Queen as somewhat meaningless, while others did not. The point to be made here is less about opinions on royal orders, and more about whether these men take seriously their oath to Queen and God. It is certain that British courts consider these oaths to be legally binding. Since these are binding legal oaths, it is certain that they run Serco, and its subsidiaries in America, with loyalty to the Queen over the U.S. Constitution. These oaths are similar in principle to swearing to tell the truth so help you God before testifying in court. See Promissory Oaths Act 1868. (Jul. 31, 1868). 1868 c. 72 (Regnal. 31_and_32_Vict). | |
Fig. 7: Sir Roy Gardner and Rupert Soames lead Serco Group Plc and its subsidiaries around the world in total allegiance to the British Crown. |
"Serco is the biggest company in America that you have never heard of.” Why? Why is a company that operates the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and over 58 air traffic control system in the U.S. so obscured from the public consciousness?!
Serco Group PLC is a British company with 10,000 employees and annual revenue of $5.9 billion. Serco runs the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office!
Do you mean to tell me that the U.S. Patent Office is not capable of running itself without foreign help?! American inventors take note: You're screwed.
We could not believe this either, but here is Serco’s 2015 press release announcing its deal with Obama. No reasonable person can view the giving away of a vital office to a foreign power as anything but sedition. This alone should get your blood boiling, but it gets much, much worse.
Serco has 11 contracts with the U.S. Army, Navy, SPAWAR, Intelligence, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, US Border Patrol as well as the Transportation and Commerce Departments.
Serco operates 58 U.S. air traffic control towers! WAT? Isn't this a national security issue? Are Americans not capable of running their own airports?!
Serco has major contracts with the FCC, FTC, FAA, DOJ, DOS, DHS, ERO, ICE, GSA, prisons, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp and they even run U.S. military boot camps.
Serco runs major public works in Chicago, Colorado, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Georgia—all Deep State shadow government globalist strongholds. Georgia = IBM.
Sweetheart Serco U.S. Honey Pots: "Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity"
In short, we have ceded great swaths of U.S. infrastructure to this foreign control. Many of the Serco contracts are the most lucrative imaginable. They are “Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity” contracts (STATED SO in the contracts), meaning they are blank checks for the SES.
Here is just a partial list of these lucrative Serco GSA contracts with numerous federal government agencies. What? Are not American companies worthy of such honey pot contracts?
America’s corporate borders against foreign intervention were overrun long ago
More likely, these contracts reveal that America’s corporate borders were overrun long ago. Ask yourself: Why are we giving our sovereignty to the United Kingdom? That is a longer answer that is superbly answered in the just released AIM article: EXPOSED: ALL THE QUEEN’S AGENTS AND CORPORATIONS THAT CONTROL THE WORLD.
Serco’s American subsidiary, SI International, Inc. was founded and funded on Oct. 14, 1998 by Chicago bankers with Frontenac Company principals Rodney L. Goldstein formerly with Booz Allen Hamilton, and Jeremy H. Silverman formerly with Bain & Company (Mitt Romney).
SI International’s officers included S. Bradford Antle who, according to his Bloomberg biography, was still working for Lockheed Martin, where he was leading Lockheed Martin's Washington Technical Operations with 1,700 employees. Other officers came from the U.S. Intelligence supplier CACI, Inc. and Gen. R. Thomas Marsh came from MITRE Corp. Marsh is SES.
On Dec. 28, 2008, Serco Group PLC (UK) bought SI International and renamed it Serco, Inc. aka Serco Services, Inc. and appointed S. Bradford Antle its President. The Lockheed logo on this deal is evident.
Brad Antle was the Serco-Lockheed Martin go-to executive for the Deep State overlords
While Brad Antle was triple-timing employment among SI International, Serco and Lockheed Martin, former FBI Director James B. Comey was General Counsel at Lockheed Martin (2005-2010).
Now comes the very sad reality that both Antle and Comey sold out America to the British Crown via Lockheed Martin and Serco.
British Patriots: Serco and Lockheed Martin run your nuclear program
AFI investigators have discovered what looks like hard proof of sedition among Lockheed Martin, Brad Antle and James Comey.
Bookmark: #awe-managementAWE Management Limited (UK) (Atomic Weapons Establishment)
On Nov. 10, 1998, AWE Management Limited was incorporated in the United Kingdom by two lawyers who had one share each. This is a standard way lawyers start companies without involving the founders in order to handle the perfunctory formation paperwork which usually gets amended later.
On Dec. 13, 1999, Serco Limited facilitated the updating of the stock to the real owners British Nuclear Fuels Plc (50,000 A shares – Golden Shares controlled by the Crown), Lockheed Martin (50,000 B shares) and Serco (49,998 C shares).
Remember, just a year earlier on Oct. 14, 1998 Lockheed’s director S. Bradford Antle had just started Serco’s US predecessor SI International in Chicago.

Serco and Lockheed Martin hold 2/3rd of the shares in AWE Management Limited (UK). AWE stands for Atomic Weapons Establishment. AWE runs Britain’s nuclear programs for weapons grade materials. The other 1/3rd of AWE shares are held by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL). Most importantly, the Queen holds a “Golden Share” in AWE and its uranium mining mega supplier Rio Tinto Plc giving her ultimate control.
Here is the Queen’s “Golden Share” in Rio Tinto Plc as inauspiciously recorded by hand at Companies House (London, UK) on Dec. 31, 1999, p. 8. Note: When attorneys handwrite disclosures in this day and age, it is generally an intentional act to thwart search engines from being able to index the document, so it is more difficult to find.

To make this circumstance even more unscrupulously confusing, the AWE Limited (UK) annual report on Dec. 31, 2016 actually says in very slimy lawyerly parsing that “The directors consider Lockheed Martin Corporation, a company registered in the USA, as the ultimate parent undertaking and controlling entity.”
They did not mention the Queen’s Golden Share that ultimately controls everything having to do with uranium and atomic weapons production in the UK. The Queen, via Rio Tinto, actually sells these companies uranium ore to produce the nuclear fuel—that is enriched in America!
So, did the AWE directors check with the Queen before making this deceptive statement? Did the Ernst and Young LLP auditors include this slippery language to give the directors, officers and Crown deniability about their duplicity? The later seems most likely. The auditors probably slaved mightily over this obfuscation. Such material nondisclosures are likely criminal offenses, especially considering the grave national interests involving Britain's nuclear arsenal.

If we are to believe the AWE directors, Lockheed Martin controls the British nuclear program!
If we are to believe British Companies House filings, the Queen controls the nuclear program by way of her Golden Shares.
Something is horribly wrong with this picture, especially when one adds the Uranium One, Clinton, Putin, Mueller fiasco into the mix. It appears more and more likely that Putin and the Crown were jockeying over control of global uranium mining rights (Rio Tinto vs. Rosatom). Bill and Hillary Clinton knew this, so they played the American card since the Queen's ore is enriched in the U.S. in Eunice, New Mexico.
The Queen holds a Golden Share (100% control) of Rio Tinto, that operates numerous mines in Canada. In this scenario, the Uranium One deal appears to have been Bill & Hillary and The Clinton Foundation injecting themselves in the middle to get a piece of the financial action. The Kazakhstan "deal" was probably a sham, a cover, just leverage. Mueller was used as a goat to show the quality of the Eunice, NM processing of the Queen's (READ: Frank Giustra) ore.
If the former is true, then British sovereignty over its national security has been ceded to Lockheed Martin.
If the latter is true, then America’s national security has been traded away by Lockheed Martin who is managing multiple sets of national interests and is, therefore, sometimes acting against the United States in its dealing with the United Kingdom.
Who are the common threads here? Former FBI Director James B. Comey and former Lockheed Martin director of Technical Operations in Washington, D.C. S. Bradford Antle.
It is important here to note a longer Serco thread that reaches back almost a century. Serco was founded in 1929 as RCA Services Limited, a UK division of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). In 1985, General Electric purchased RCA. Two years later in 1987, the UK managers of RCA bought the RCA UK operations and changed the name to Serco in 1988.
These events within Serco (UK) occurred right when S. Bradford Antle worked for General Electric (and probably facilitated the sale, with the plan to eventually work for Lockheed, form SI International, then have Serco UK buy in to the US classified business via SI International). These sorts of devious convolutions have come to be expected by our researchers.
So more likely, the Queen controls the nuclear activities of both Lockheed Martin and Serco in Britain. This control then walks back to the U.S. via URENCO LIMITED (UK).
URENCO manages the U.S. nuclear enrichment plant in Eunice, NM. Curiously, in their 2018 annual report, URENCO disguises their British 1/3rd ownership by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL) and says instead that “Enrichment Investment Limited” (EIL) is the holder. Further investigation shows that EIL is a mere shell front for British Nuclear Fuels Limited. Why the deception?
British Golden Share owner of URENCO LIMITED (UK) which controls U.S. uranium enrichment at Louisiana Energy Services (LSE), Eunice, NM:

Lockheed Martin appears to be a globalist government unto itself
Lockheed’s influence over critical national security organizations on both sides of the Atlantic, including AWE, Serco, SES and OPIC is evident. However, these alliances fold back on each other. It appears that Lockheed Martin sold out the American Republic long ago. We The People just never got the memo.
We have two more groups to discuss, then we will swing back around to SES and OPIC.
Crown Agents USA Washington DC & USAID
See American Intelligence Media’s new article laying out the history of the Crown Agents. We won’t repeat this superb research here. EXPOSED: ALL THE QUEEN’S AGENTS AND CORPORATIONS THAT CONTROL THE WORLD. This article includes links to actual contracts that USAID pays to Crown Agents, its similar British counterpart.
Even our week-long review of government contracts shows that the U.S. government pays tens of billions of dollars a year to Crown Agents USA Washington DC—which is a vassal of the Queen of England. Why do we not hire Americans for this work? This is another example of the corporate borders having been dropped long ago.
OPIC funds USAID and Crown Agents—globalist front men
Hidden inside OPIC are many dozens of contracts with billions of dollars awarded to Citibank. This tie to Wall Street is evident, especially considering that Citigroup was the first merged bank formed after Bill Clinton and Treasury Secretary Larry Summers (with Facebook’s Sheryl K. Sandberg in tow) abolished Glass-Steagal on Nov. 12, 1999.
In addition, OPIC funds hundreds, if not thousands, of USAID projects that involve financing sent through the Crown Agents as the prime contractor or supplier to a prime contractor.
For example, OPIC provided $100 million in funds and an “Impact Award” to Helios Investment Partners LLC—a creation of the Crown Agents Ltd headquartered in London. Crown Agent Ltd. has only one shareholder – the Crown Agents Foundation.
On Jul. 19, 1995, the Crown Agents were “privatized” meaning they became a stock company with a board of directors. The issuance of stock amounts and rights was in the complete control of the Crown’s Secretary of State, and he or she was bound by The Crown Agents Act of 1995. Here is proof that while privatization may sound like the Queen gave up control, she did not. The Crown simply channeled its authority through the Crown’s Secretary of State who controlled the Crown Agents “privatized” successor board of directors. Therefore, the Crown has 100% control of its subsidiary in the U.S. named Crown Agents USA Washington DC.
We should note that OPIC is similarly organized as a corporation with the U.S. Secretary of State as its sole shareholder. Also, seven days before Crown Agents was privatized, on Jul. 12, 1995, IBM purchased Lotus Corporation whose collaboration software, Lotus Notes, was planned by the illegal "public-private" Highlands Forum. and the DoD Director of Net Assessment—an SES member since 1978 Andrew W. Marshall—to be the platform to be used by the Deep State shadow government to control and spy on Internet communications. At this same time Michael McKibben (who later founded Leader Technologies) was being told by AT&T Bell Labs engineers with whom he was working to create AT&T AccessPlus 3.0 for Windows 95 that Lotus Notes probably could not be made to scale in large Internet transaction volumes.
All of the above shows the collusion among SES, OPIC and the Crown Agents.

In conclusion, we have tried to introduce the primary caves in this labyrinth of global corruption.
These caves lead us back to the beginning of our investigation—into the people and organizations who stole Leader Technologies’ social networking invention to promote their globalist One World agenda.
The rogue C.I.A. (interestingly, headquartered in CERN, Switzerland), in collusion with Lockheed Martin, appear to be the intelligence arm of this globalist corporate takeover.
The American Republic can survive this, if we acknowledge what is going on and do something about it.
Mr. President: Defund the Criminals and Fund The Miller Act Notice
Mr. President, please pull the plug on these corruptocrats and their illegal funding streams. Since they are all based on fake values, no real services will be affected.
In addition, write the Miller Act Notice check to Leader Technologies for 18 years of unpaid use of their revolutionary social networking invention. This will generate new cash streams to free up our economy from the globalist stranglehold. This will also empower Leader Technologies and other actually creative people in America to fix our foundering ship of state. See Leader proposes trillion dollar fed revenue while lowering taxes.
One Miller Act Notice check starts the ball rolling, Mr. President.
Keep up the good work and Godspeed. We’re praying for you and your family.
* * *
Bookmark: #leader-storyFootnote:
The magic of Leader’s invention
Leader’s late 1990’s breakthrough in digital scalability gave these corruptocrats a platform to unify their communications globally—on a large scale not previously possible with IBM and Microsoft platforms. Leader’s founder Michael McKibben knew that because he had previously rebuilt AT&T’s email system AT&T AccessPlus 3.0. He knew exactly what IBM’s and Microsoft’s collaboration shortcomings were because AT&T Bell Labs engineers had told him after they had abandoned their failed alliance with IBM-Lotus called “Network Notes.” He knew they could not scale to the transaction volumes needed for the emerging Internet. Problem-solver McKibben very intentionally set out to create a whole new paradigm. See The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All.
Once they had their “ah hah” moment in Dec. 1999, McKibben sought legal advice to protect the invention. He was eventually referred to the federal government’s top intellectual property lawyer, James P. Chandler, III. Little did McKibben know that Chandler was chief among the world’s corruptocrats. Chandler, who was already conspiring with the C.I.A., NSA, IBM, Microsoft, Cisco and Silicon Valley, knew that Leader’s invention would finally enable them to implement their dream to spy on everyone.
As wolves in sheep’s clothing, they offered the “social” services and email free of charge, replete with slippery legalese that gave them rights to all user data forever. This power has utterly corrupted them. Property and privacy were abolished in their pursuit of the seven deadly sins… in the name of “national security,” of course.
What they did not plan on was that Leader’s invention could not be controlled so precisely. Social users figured out ways to beat their censors and spread the truth using the very tools with which they are trying to enslave us.
Return to the paragraph where I jumped to this Footnote.These lawyers, bankers, academics, journalists, bureaucrats and self-styled elitists sponge off the actual wealth-creation of hard working Americans via SES, OPIC, Lockheed Martin, Crown Agents, Serco, USAID in pursuit of the seven deadly sins
Since they don’t do real work, President Trump can simply turn off their lights
Then, he can use the trillions of dollars recovered to empower real wealth creators

(Apr. 20, 2018)—AFI began this investigation in 2012 to try and understand why the U.S. Supreme Court failed to protect Leader Technologies’ revolutionary invention of social networking—even after Leader proved that Facebook infringed their patent on 11 of 11 claims.
What we have discovered is a labyrinth of organized sin and corruption that permeates practically every institution on our planet. Besides watching the Leader v. Facebook court ignore well-settled precedent so that they could protect Facebook, the judges themselves held volumes of Facebook financial interests.
Judges are expressly prohibited by their sworn Code of Conduct from engaging in such immoral and illegal activity. They are prohibited from holding “even one share” by a spouse in a litigant. The games that our judges, politicians and bureaucrats are currently playing by hiding their financial holdings in large corporate litigants behind conspiring mutual funds is just obscene. This corrupt practice began in earnest after a Judicial Conference in March 2001—six months before 9/11 & the theft of Leader's social networking invention—without public hearing or debate. We call it The Great Mutual Fund Scam.
Here are the corrupt judges and clerk in Leader v. Facebook who each failed to disqualify himself/herself due to his/her substantial holdings in Facebook financial interests. Each person gained great wealth from the Facebook initial public offering in 2012, this is without even knowing the extent of their offshore accounts. They also failed to disclose their intimate relationships with Facebook's appeal attorney Thomas G. Hungar, Gibson Dunn LLP:
Our initial scratching at the surface of this injustice to Leader Technologies has now given way to bulldozers and dump trucks. We have teamed up with corruption fighters from around the globe. We have worked to meticulously document these crimes with indictable evidence that some are calling the Crimeline. It is intended as a research tool for lawyers, judges, politicians and the media to help speed up the coming prosecutions. Honest citizens of the world cannot allow these corruptocrats to succeed. [Note: Over a year ago we sent a copy of this Crimeline to then Senator Jeff Sessions before he became Attorney General.]
Leader Technologies’ shareholders are currently asking President Trump to pay them for the 18-year theft of their social networking invention by the federal government and our rogue Silicon Valley technology community. They have filed “Miller Act Notices” at the White House and have proposed a remarkable non-tax $500+ billion new revenue source and a Win-Win fix for the horrific problems that this theft has caused. See Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S.
Bookmark: #constitution-vs-crownBig Picture: The corruptocrats stole Leader’s invention to speed up their globalist takeover

What is the connection with Leader Technologies’ social networking invention? These corruptocrats stole it because they knew it would speed up their takeover of the American Republic. They appear to have been right about that. “Social networking” appeared almost overnight like a Phoenix via the IBM Eclipse Foundation in early 2004 once Leader Technologies had finished debugging their source code. See First annual IBM EclipseCon 2004, Feb. 2-5, 2004 (Facebook started Feb. 4, 2004).
For new readers unfamiliar with the Leader Technologies story, we have added a footnote overview of the Leader “innovation magic” story below so that we can get to the main theme of this post.
Once we proved the immediate evidence of the Leader v. Facebook corruption, we widened our lens aperture to look at who and what was behind these peoples’ choices to be so corrupt.
In summary, the following organizations came into focus:
- Senior Executive Service (SES),
- Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC),
- Serco,
- Crown Agents, and
- Lockheed Martin.
We knew a little about Lockheed and USAID, but nothing about SES, OPIC, Serco or the Crown Agents. Considering that these organizations move hundreds of billions of dollars of American tax money around the planet, why are they not in our civic consciousness? The MSM has been silent and has clearly failed to hold them accountable, as is their job. Now we know that this gaggle of criminals are the successors of Nazi Brown Shirts for the Deep State shadow government. They could cease tomorrow and the world would only improve, wars would stop, and a new era of human creativity will be unleashed.
SES & OPIC constitutes an unconstitutional secret government of war profiteers, but it’s worse. Other governments help drive this SES / OPIC bus to perdition.

The Senior Executive Services (SES) includes over 8,000 Obama stay-behind senior federal employees in all agencies of the U.S. government. They openly state that they cannot be fired by the President, which means they are not accountable to our Republic and have a law unto themselves. See our previous post Obama hired them. Trump cannot fire them. So they say. It went viral 30 days ago with an estimated 500,000 views. The story is out.
Former FBI Director James B. Comey’s book title speaks volumes: A Higher Loyalty. Evidently Mr. Comey believes his oath to serve America does not include its leaders if he decides to have a globalist agenda. His associations with Lockheed Martin and London-based HSBC clearly show that he leads this coup against American sovereignty. The arrogance of his current book road show speaks volumes about his moral character.
Connecting the dots, AFI, Leader Technologies, American Intelligence Media (AIM) and other researchers from groups like The Right Media, Anonymous, the real Q and KimDotCom among them have helped uncover primary institutions through which the SES-OPIC funds its sedition (we believe)—totally outside of We The People Congressional oversight.
Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) was formed on January 19, 1971 in an amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. The Act had previously formed the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) which is closely aligned with OPIC’s seditious activity.
OPIC is actually a corporation whose sole shareholder is the U.S. Secretary of State. The SES provides the executive staffing and leadership for OPIC. Note that the Crown Agents in the UK adopted an identical organizational structure in 1995, see below.
Herein is the scandalous scamming of America. Through convoluted legal gobbledygook, OPIC as a company and not a federal agency per se is solely “owned” by the Secretary of State. OPIC is staffed by the SES who state openly that they cannot be fired by the President, and therefore by direct inference don’t work for him—even though the President appoints the Secretary of State, their sole shareholder. As if this could not get more twisted, the Secretary of State is an SES member and technically cannot be fired by the President, who works for We The People. This likely means that We The People have no control over SES or OPIC—even though we fund them both. The lawyers who wrote these laws and regulations (and then protect these entities from FOIA transparency) should be shot for this treasonous word play.
While Rex Tillerson recently left his position as Secretary of State, being SES himself, we doubt he was fired. Just look at how Attorney General Jefferson B. Sessions—also SES—is stubbornly hanging on, almost begging the President to challenge his SES employment protections.
OPIC is run by the SES according to the Plum Books from 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016 (named after their purple title sheet . . . and the "Purple Revolution?") The 2016 Plum Books state clearly on p. 218. Since the documents intentionally fail to define the phrase “independent regulatory commission” it could mean anything if challenged and must be assumed to mean all SES members. Whether narrowly or broadly defined, thousands of federal employees fall into this insulation from Presidential authority:

OPIC’s 2017 Annual Management Report says they have provided $23.2 billion in benefits to recipients worldwide—all decisions made by the SES.
Conclusion: SES-OPIC has been a rogue outfit ever since the SES was formed in 1978.
SES + OPIC + USAID + Serco + Crown Agents + Lockheed
The more our investigators dove into the seditious SES-OPIC labyrinth, the deeper it went, and the more convoluted it became.
Bookmark: #gardner-soames-serco-pilgrims | Group Plc (UK)
Serco is led by a British knight and the son of one. Both men have pledges oaths of loyalty to the British Crown. They are Sir Roy Gardner, and Rupert Soames OBE (Order of the British Empire), son of Sir Nicholas Soames, grandson of Winston Churchill, a founding member of the British Pilgrims Society.
America: Meet your British overlords | |
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Sir Roy Alan Gardner (born 20 August 1945) is a British businessman and Chairman of Serco. He was knighted in 2002. He was also managing director of GEC Marconi Ltd. | Rupert C. Soames OBE (born 18 May 1959) is a British businessman and CEO of Serco. He was awarded an OBE (Order of the British Empire) in 2010. He is the son of Sir Nicholas Soames, and the grandson of Winston Churchill. |
British Oath of Allegiance to the Monarch: These men have pledged oaths of allegiance to the Queen substantially in this form: “I, NAME, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Her Heirs and Successors, according to the Law. So help me GOD.” Some British citizens consulted discount these awards by the Queen as somewhat meaningless, while others did not. The point to be made here is less about opinions on royal orders, and more about whether these men take seriously their oath to Queen and God. It is certain that British courts consider these oaths to be legally binding. Since these are binding legal oaths, it is certain that they run Serco, and its subsidiaries in America, with loyalty to the Queen over the U.S. Constitution. These oaths are similar in principle to swearing to tell the truth so help you God before testifying in court. See Promissory Oaths Act 1868. (Jul. 31, 1868). 1868 c. 72 (Regnal. 31_and_32_Vict). | |
Fig. 7: Sir Roy Gardner and Rupert Soames lead Serco Group Plc and its subsidiaries around the world in total allegiance to the British Crown. |
"Serco is the biggest company in America that you have never heard of.” Why? Why is a company that operates the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and over 58 air traffic control system in the U.S. so obscured from the public consciousness?!
Serco Group PLC is a British company with 10,000 employees and annual revenue of $5.9 billion. Serco runs the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office!
Do you mean to tell me that the U.S. Patent Office is not capable of running itself without foreign help?! American inventors take note: You're screwed.
We could not believe this either, but here is Serco’s 2015 press release announcing its deal with Obama. No reasonable person can view the giving away of a vital office to a foreign power as anything but sedition. This alone should get your blood boiling, but it gets much, much worse.
Serco has 11 contracts with the U.S. Army, Navy, SPAWAR, Intelligence, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, US Border Patrol as well as the Transportation and Commerce Departments.
Serco operates 58 U.S. air traffic control towers! WAT? Isn't this a national security issue? Are Americans not capable of running their own airports?!
Serco has major contracts with the FCC, FTC, FAA, DOJ, DOS, DHS, ERO, ICE, GSA, prisons, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp and they even run U.S. military boot camps.
Serco runs major public works in Chicago, Colorado, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Georgia—all Deep State shadow government globalist strongholds. Georgia = IBM.
Sweetheart Serco U.S. Honey Pots: "Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity"
In short, we have ceded great swaths of U.S. infrastructure to this foreign control. Many of the Serco contracts are the most lucrative imaginable. They are “Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity” contracts (STATED SO in the contracts), meaning they are blank checks for the SES.
Here is just a partial list of these lucrative Serco GSA contracts with numerous federal government agencies. What? Are not American companies worthy of such honey pot contracts?
America’s corporate borders against foreign intervention were overrun long ago
More likely, these contracts reveal that America’s corporate borders were overrun long ago. Ask yourself: Why are we giving our sovereignty to the United Kingdom? That is a longer answer that is superbly answered in the just released AIM article: EXPOSED: ALL THE QUEEN’S AGENTS AND CORPORATIONS THAT CONTROL THE WORLD.
Serco’s American subsidiary, SI International, Inc. was founded and funded on Oct. 14, 1998 by Chicago bankers with Frontenac Company principals Rodney L. Goldstein formerly with Booz Allen Hamilton, and Jeremy H. Silverman formerly with Bain & Company (Mitt Romney).
SI International’s officers included S. Bradford Antle who, according to his Bloomberg biography, was still working for Lockheed Martin, where he was leading Lockheed Martin's Washington Technical Operations with 1,700 employees. Other officers came from the U.S. Intelligence supplier CACI, Inc. and Gen. R. Thomas Marsh came from MITRE Corp. Marsh is SES.
On Dec. 28, 2008, Serco Group PLC (UK) bought SI International and renamed it Serco, Inc. aka Serco Services, Inc. and appointed S. Bradford Antle its President. The Lockheed logo on this deal is evident.
Brad Antle was the Serco-Lockheed Martin go-to executive for the Deep State overlords
While Brad Antle was triple-timing employment among SI International, Serco and Lockheed Martin, former FBI Director James B. Comey was General Counsel at Lockheed Martin (2005-2010).
Now comes the very sad reality that both Antle and Comey sold out America to the British Crown via Lockheed Martin and Serco.
British Patriots: Serco and Lockheed Martin run your nuclear program
AFI investigators have discovered what looks like hard proof of sedition among Lockheed Martin, Brad Antle and James Comey.
Bookmark: #awe-managementAWE Management Limited (UK) (Atomic Weapons Establishment)
On Nov. 10, 1998, AWE Management Limited was incorporated in the United Kingdom by two lawyers who had one share each. This is a standard way lawyers start companies without involving the founders in order to handle the perfunctory formation paperwork which usually gets amended later.
On Dec. 13, 1999, Serco Limited facilitated the updating of the stock to the real owners British Nuclear Fuels Plc (50,000 A shares – Golden Shares controlled by the Crown), Lockheed Martin (50,000 B shares) and Serco (49,998 C shares).
Remember, just a year earlier on Oct. 14, 1998 Lockheed’s director S. Bradford Antle had just started Serco’s US predecessor SI International in Chicago.

Serco and Lockheed Martin hold 2/3rd of the shares in AWE Management Limited (UK). AWE stands for Atomic Weapons Establishment. AWE runs Britain’s nuclear programs for weapons grade materials. The other 1/3rd of AWE shares are held by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL). Most importantly, the Queen holds a “Golden Share” in AWE and its uranium mining mega supplier Rio Tinto Plc giving her ultimate control.
Here is the Queen’s “Golden Share” in Rio Tinto Plc as inauspiciously recorded by hand at Companies House (London, UK) on Dec. 31, 1999, p. 8. Note: When attorneys handwrite disclosures in this day and age, it is generally an intentional act to thwart search engines from being able to index the document, so it is more difficult to find.

To make this circumstance even more unscrupulously confusing, the AWE Limited (UK) annual report on Dec. 31, 2016 actually says in very slimy lawyerly parsing that “The directors consider Lockheed Martin Corporation, a company registered in the USA, as the ultimate parent undertaking and controlling entity.”
They did not mention the Queen’s Golden Share that ultimately controls everything having to do with uranium and atomic weapons production in the UK. The Queen, via Rio Tinto, actually sells these companies uranium ore to produce the nuclear fuel—that is enriched in America!
So, did the AWE directors check with the Queen before making this deceptive statement? Did the Ernst and Young LLP auditors include this slippery language to give the directors, officers and Crown deniability about their duplicity? The later seems most likely. The auditors probably slaved mightily over this obfuscation. Such material nondisclosures are likely criminal offenses, especially considering the grave national interests involving Britain's nuclear arsenal.

If we are to believe the AWE directors, Lockheed Martin controls the British nuclear program!
If we are to believe British Companies House filings, the Queen controls the nuclear program by way of her Golden Shares.
Something is horribly wrong with this picture, especially when one adds the Uranium One, Clinton, Putin, Mueller fiasco into the mix. It appears more and more likely that Putin and the Crown were jockeying over control of global uranium mining rights (Rio Tinto vs. Rosatom). Bill and Hillary Clinton knew this, so they played the American card since the Queen's ore is enriched in the U.S. in Eunice, New Mexico.
The Queen holds a Golden Share (100% control) of Rio Tinto, that operates numerous mines in Canada. In this scenario, the Uranium One deal appears to have been Bill & Hillary and The Clinton Foundation injecting themselves in the middle to get a piece of the financial action. The Kazakhstan "deal" was probably a sham, a cover, just leverage. Mueller was used as a goat to show the quality of the Eunice, NM processing of the Queen's (READ: Frank Giustra) ore.
If the former is true, then British sovereignty over its national security has been ceded to Lockheed Martin.
If the latter is true, then America’s national security has been traded away by Lockheed Martin who is managing multiple sets of national interests and is, therefore, sometimes acting against the United States in its dealing with the United Kingdom.
Who are the common threads here? Former FBI Director James B. Comey and former Lockheed Martin director of Technical Operations in Washington, D.C. S. Bradford Antle.
It is important here to note a longer Serco thread that reaches back almost a century. Serco was founded in 1929 as RCA Services Limited, a UK division of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA). In 1985, General Electric purchased RCA. Two years later in 1987, the UK managers of RCA bought the RCA UK operations and changed the name to Serco in 1988.
These events within Serco (UK) occurred right when S. Bradford Antle worked for General Electric (and probably facilitated the sale, with the plan to eventually work for Lockheed, form SI International, then have Serco UK buy in to the US classified business via SI International). These sorts of devious convolutions have come to be expected by our researchers.
So more likely, the Queen controls the nuclear activities of both Lockheed Martin and Serco in Britain. This control then walks back to the U.S. via URENCO LIMITED (UK).
URENCO manages the U.S. nuclear enrichment plant in Eunice, NM. Curiously, in their 2018 annual report, URENCO disguises their British 1/3rd ownership by British Nuclear Fuels Limited (BNFL) and says instead that “Enrichment Investment Limited” (EIL) is the holder. Further investigation shows that EIL is a mere shell front for British Nuclear Fuels Limited. Why the deception?
British Golden Share owner of URENCO LIMITED (UK) which controls U.S. uranium enrichment at Louisiana Energy Services (LSE), Eunice, NM:

Lockheed Martin appears to be a globalist government unto itself
Lockheed’s influence over critical national security organizations on both sides of the Atlantic, including AWE, Serco, SES and OPIC is evident. However, these alliances fold back on each other. It appears that Lockheed Martin sold out the American Republic long ago. We The People just never got the memo.
We have two more groups to discuss, then we will swing back around to SES and OPIC.
Crown Agents USA Washington DC & USAID
See American Intelligence Media’s new article laying out the history of the Crown Agents. We won’t repeat this superb research here. EXPOSED: ALL THE QUEEN’S AGENTS AND CORPORATIONS THAT CONTROL THE WORLD. This article includes links to actual contracts that USAID pays to Crown Agents, its similar British counterpart.
Even our week-long review of government contracts shows that the U.S. government pays tens of billions of dollars a year to Crown Agents USA Washington DC—which is a vassal of the Queen of England. Why do we not hire Americans for this work? This is another example of the corporate borders having been dropped long ago.
OPIC funds USAID and Crown Agents—globalist front men
Hidden inside OPIC are many dozens of contracts with billions of dollars awarded to Citibank. This tie to Wall Street is evident, especially considering that Citigroup was the first merged bank formed after Bill Clinton and Treasury Secretary Larry Summers (with Facebook’s Sheryl K. Sandberg in tow) abolished Glass-Steagal on Nov. 12, 1999.
In addition, OPIC funds hundreds, if not thousands, of USAID projects that involve financing sent through the Crown Agents as the prime contractor or supplier to a prime contractor.
For example, OPIC provided $100 million in funds and an “Impact Award” to Helios Investment Partners LLC—a creation of the Crown Agents Ltd headquartered in London. Crown Agent Ltd. has only one shareholder – the Crown Agents Foundation.
On Jul. 19, 1995, the Crown Agents were “privatized” meaning they became a stock company with a board of directors. The issuance of stock amounts and rights was in the complete control of the Crown’s Secretary of State, and he or she was bound by The Crown Agents Act of 1995. Here is proof that while privatization may sound like the Queen gave up control, she did not. The Crown simply channeled its authority through the Crown’s Secretary of State who controlled the Crown Agents “privatized” successor board of directors. Therefore, the Crown has 100% control of its subsidiary in the U.S. named Crown Agents USA Washington DC.
We should note that OPIC is similarly organized as a corporation with the U.S. Secretary of State as its sole shareholder. Also, seven days before Crown Agents was privatized, on Jul. 12, 1995, IBM purchased Lotus Corporation whose collaboration software, Lotus Notes, was planned by the illegal "public-private" Highlands Forum. and the DoD Director of Net Assessment—an SES member since 1978 Andrew W. Marshall—to be the platform to be used by the Deep State shadow government to control and spy on Internet communications. At this same time Michael McKibben (who later founded Leader Technologies) was being told by AT&T Bell Labs engineers with whom he was working to create AT&T AccessPlus 3.0 for Windows 95 that Lotus Notes probably could not be made to scale in large Internet transaction volumes.
All of the above shows the collusion among SES, OPIC and the Crown Agents.

In conclusion, we have tried to introduce the primary caves in this labyrinth of global corruption.
These caves lead us back to the beginning of our investigation—into the people and organizations who stole Leader Technologies’ social networking invention to promote their globalist One World agenda.
The rogue C.I.A. (interestingly, headquartered in CERN, Switzerland), in collusion with Lockheed Martin, appear to be the intelligence arm of this globalist corporate takeover.
The American Republic can survive this, if we acknowledge what is going on and do something about it.
Mr. President: Defund the Criminals and Fund The Miller Act Notice
Mr. President, please pull the plug on these corruptocrats and their illegal funding streams. Since they are all based on fake values, no real services will be affected.
In addition, write the Miller Act Notice check to Leader Technologies for 18 years of unpaid use of their revolutionary social networking invention. This will generate new cash streams to free up our economy from the globalist stranglehold. This will also empower Leader Technologies and other actually creative people in America to fix our foundering ship of state. See Leader proposes trillion dollar fed revenue while lowering taxes.
One Miller Act Notice check starts the ball rolling, Mr. President.
Keep up the good work and Godspeed. We’re praying for you and your family.
* * *
Bookmark: #leader-storyFootnote:
The magic of Leader’s invention
Leader’s late 1990’s breakthrough in digital scalability gave these corruptocrats a platform to unify their communications globally—on a large scale not previously possible with IBM and Microsoft platforms. Leader’s founder Michael McKibben knew that because he had previously rebuilt AT&T’s email system AT&T AccessPlus 3.0. He knew exactly what IBM’s and Microsoft’s collaboration shortcomings were because AT&T Bell Labs engineers had told him after they had abandoned their failed alliance with IBM-Lotus called “Network Notes.” He knew they could not scale to the transaction volumes needed for the emerging Internet. Problem-solver McKibben very intentionally set out to create a whole new paradigm. See The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All.
Once they had their “ah hah” moment in Dec. 1999, McKibben sought legal advice to protect the invention. He was eventually referred to the federal government’s top intellectual property lawyer, James P. Chandler, III. Little did McKibben know that Chandler was chief among the world’s corruptocrats. Chandler, who was already conspiring with the C.I.A., NSA, IBM, Microsoft, Cisco and Silicon Valley, knew that Leader’s invention would finally enable them to implement their dream to spy on everyone.
As wolves in sheep’s clothing, they offered the “social” services and email free of charge, replete with slippery legalese that gave them rights to all user data forever. This power has utterly corrupted them. Property and privacy were abolished in their pursuit of the seven deadly sins… in the name of “national security,” of course.
What they did not plan on was that Leader’s invention could not be controlled so precisely. Social users figured out ways to beat their censors and spread the truth using the very tools with which they are trying to enslave us.
Return to the paragraph where I jumped to this Footnote.
The German Queen on the English throne owns it all - Even America !! Article here >
ReplyDeleteThis may be the most stunning and important set of revelations by the AFI team. Worth reading every word, and there is so much here. With these revelations and understandings, there is so much we can do to recover control of our own country
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteHeidi Blake. (Apr. 19, 2018). The UK Refused To Raid A Company Suspected Of Money Laundering, Citing Its Tory Donations. BuzzFeed.
“It is of note that they are the biggest corporate donor to the Conservative party led by Prime Minister Theresa May and donated 1.25m Euros to the Prince Charles Trust.”
The British government refused to assist a French investigation into suspected money laundering and tax fraud by the UK telecoms giant Lycamobile – citing the fact that the company is the “biggest corporate donor to the Conservative party” and gives money to a trust founded by Prince Charles.
French prosecutors launched a major probe into the firm and arrested 19 people accused of using its accounts to launder money from organised criminal networks two years ago, after BuzzFeed News revealed its suspicious financial activities in the UK. But the Conservatives continued taking Lycamobile’s money – and it can now be revealed that the British authorities stonewalled a formal request from French prosecutors to carry out raids in London as part of the ongoing investigation.
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ReplyDeletePeter D'Abrosca. (Apr 22, 2018). Confirmed: Coup Attempt In Saudi Arabia, Western Media Buries. Big League Politics.
Riyadh — Last night, the area surrounding the royal palace in the capitol of Saudi Arabia was riddled with gunfire, as a suspected coup took place.
Western media has brushed off the event, repeating the official story handed to them from King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud. According to the King and many news outlets, there was no coup attempt, but rather a toy drone was shot down over the palace.
Many on the ground in Saudi Arabia aren’t buying that story, and several eyewitnesses have confirmed that there was a coup attempt against the King and his Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman.
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ReplyDeleteUK PM’s husband’s Capital Group is largest shareholder in BAE, shares soar since Syrian airstrikes
How Philip May's Company Benefits From the Syria Strikes: Lockheed Martin, the JASSM, and the Capital Group
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ReplyDeleteJeff Dunetz. (Apr. 23, 2018). IG Report: Obama’s DOJ Tried To Influence FBI Clinton Foundation Probe. The Lid Blog.
IG Report: Obama’s DOJ Tried To Influence FBI Clinton Foundation Probe
Missed until the Washington Times put two and two together, the inspector general’s report about the leaking and lying of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was the story of Justice Department big shot calling McCabe with the purpose of interfering with the FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation:
McCabe told the OIG that on August 12, 2016, he received a telephone call from PADAG [Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General] regarding the FBI’s handling of the CF Investigation (the “PADAG call”). McCabe said that PADAG expressed concerns about FBI agents taking overt steps in the CF Investigation during the presidential campaign. According to McCabe, he pushed back, asking “are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?” McCabe told us that the conversation was “very dramatic” and he never had a similar confrontation like the PADAG call with a high-level Department official in his entire FBI career.
On October 30, 2016, the WSJ gave a more detailed account which McCabe and the PADAG confirmed as accurate:
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- James Clapper: Enemy of the State
-GOP Rep Jim Jordan on a Run for House Speaker: "I'm Going to Look at It Very Seriously"
-Republicans Have A Plan For 2018 -- It's Terrible News For Hillary Clinton
-Roger Stone To Use DNC Lawsuit Discovery To Probe Servers, Hacking Evidence
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- Goodlatte, Gowdy say they struck deal with DOJ for Hillary Clinton probe documents
- Rosenstein Memo Release: Collusion Revealed
-DNC told to preserve servers after lawsuit against Trump campaign, Russia and WikiLeaks
-14 states hit record-low unemployment
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ReplyDeleteBen Shields. (Apr. 23, 2018). 4/23: MIND CONTROL DOCUMENTS REVEALED #VoiceToSkull. The Right Media.
There was a document released by the government in a FOIA request detailing plans for mind control through microwaves emitted from cell towers, vans, helicopters, etc. This is serious content that people need to be informed on.
Full story [VIDEO]:
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ReplyDeleteJeff Mordock. (Apr. 23, 2018). Obama Justice Dept.’s attempts to influence investigations exposed in McCabe probe. The Washington Times.
By - The Washington Times - Monday, April 23, 2018
Tucked inside the inspector general’s report on former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was the story of an August 2016 phone call from a high-ranking Justice Department official who Mr. McCabe thought was trying to shut down the FBI’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation while Hillary Clinton was running for president.
The official was “very pissed off” at the FBI, the report says, and demanded to know why the FBI was still pursuing the Clinton Foundation when the Justice Department considered the case dormant.
Former FBI officials said the fact that a call was made is even more stunning than its content.
James Wedick, who conducted corruption investigations at the bureau, said he never fielded a call from the Justice Department about any of his cases during 35 years there. He said it suggested interference.
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Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteJoe Saunders. (Apr. 22, 2018). DNC Unknowingly Suicides with Trump Suit, Opens Door for Trump to Depose Hillary. Conservative Tribune.
When the news broke Friday that the Democrat National Committee had filed a federal lawsuit against the Trump campaign for literally helping its candidate win an election, the party’s water-carriers in the media were full of intimations that it was the end of the Trump presidency.
But as the story settles in that the DNC is accusing Trump’s camp of being involved in the hacking of the DNC’s computer systems, some possibilities raised by the suit make it look like the worst potential move by Democrats since the party made Hillary Clinton its nominee in 2016.
In fact, it could be political suicide.
That’s not the spin in the liberal-loving media, of course.
USA Today published an Op-Ed from former DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile headlined, “Democrats Were Crime Victims. If Trump Won’t Protect Elections, We Will.”
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Email comment by GH/TL:
ReplyDeletePatrick Howley. (Apr. 24, 2018). OFFICIAL REPORT: Sex Cult Hacked Hillary Clinton’s Emails. Big League Politics.
A New York sex cult whose top members donated lavishly to Hillary Clinton’s campaign also hacked into emails that Hillary Clinton sent to a billionaire.
NXIVM, the sex cult led by Keith Raniere — who was arrested for sex trafficking alongside former Smallville actress Allison Mack — counted Clare Bronfman as one of its top leaders.
The Times-Union reported in 2015 (hat tip Mike Cernovich):
Clare W. Bronfman, an heiress of the Seagram Company business empire, allegedly implanted a “key logger” virus on the computer of her late father, Edgar M. Bronfman Sr., so officials with the NXIVM corporation could secretly monitor his emails, including his exchanges with world leaders and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, according to court records.
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Email comment by BW:
ReplyDeleteAnna Von Reitz. (April 24, 2018). Follow Up on Marshals Services and Piracy. Paul Stramer.
Please be aware that the current "US Marshals Service" is being run by Interpol on a contractual basis and that both Steven T. Mnuchin and Jeff Sessions are Interpol Officers. They take their instructions out of Berne, Switzerland. They are still under obligation to obey our laws and fulfill our contracts, or they are subject to arrest and prosecution.
This places them in an odd No Man's Land. To become Interpol Officers, they forswear and give up their citizenship, so that they no longer can be considered either Americans (gave up or were swindled out of their birthright and then confirmed it by going to work and staying employed by the Territorial United States) or as "US Citizens".
Much of the crime that goes on in the international jurisdictions policed by the US Marshals and Continental Marshals is in the nature of piracy--- what happens in many of these courts is a form of "inland piracy". They dry-dock their foreign "vessels" on our land, and open a foreign court and shanghai unwary Americans into their jurisdiction via improper solicitations and falsified public records.
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ReplyDeleteStaff. (Apr. 24, 2018). 'Straight Out of James Bond': Reporter Explains New Details in Dem IT Staffer Scandal. Fox News.
'Relentlessly Negative': Hillary Blasts 2016 Media Coverage for 'Opening Door to Charlatans'
A new report could prove that President Trump was right when he tweeted about a so-called "Pakistani mystery man" who kept Democratic National Committee documents and servers out of the hands of investigators.
The report, by The Daily Caller's Luke Rosiak, says that Imran Awan -- the IT aide of former DNC chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) -- took a laptop with him in 2017 after being banned from the House computer network for “unauthorized access to data.”
The report also says that Awan left the laptop, which had the username "RepDWS," "in a phone booth with a letter to prosecutors" in April 2017.
"This is like straight out of James Bond," Rosiak said on "Fox & Friends First" Tuesday.
Full story [VIDEO]:
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It goes without saying that most Americans do not trust the phrase “foreign aid” and would rather stop giving money away to “foreign countries” and give that same money to U. S. citizens who are in economic need. In 2016, Obama’s State Department and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) gave away over $50 billion dollars in “alleged” foreign aid. This does not take into account the tens of billions the U. S. federal government gives away yearly to the United Nations and its agencies that are supposed to be doing the same job that USAID claims it is doing.
These United Nations agencies, such as: the World Health Organization, UNESCO, UN Peacekeepers, the UN Refugee Agency, the World Trade Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the many other U. N. agencies seem to be equally incapable of helping people in need as is the USAID. Lots of money gets spent, and the same problems continue unabated. It is disgraceful.
When you look at Hillary Clinton’s State Department “pay-to-play” schemes with foreign governments, you can see an added layer of overt corruption and cronyism between the source of U. S. foreign aid (U. S. State Department) and the recipients of the money.
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- Romney Falls Flat on His Face in 2nd Round Voting at Utah Convention
- How Philip May's Company Benefits From the Syria Strikes: Lockheed Martin, the JASSM, and the Capital Group
- Melania Trump is The Belle of The Ball in Chanel Haute Couture at US-France State Dinner
- Huge Conclave Notes Dump
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- The British Crown's "Goldan Share" controls Lockheed Martin, SERCO, SES and BAE Systems
- Senior Executive Service Arthur Elkins Blocks Scott Pruitt's Attempt to Run the EPA
- While DNC Was Busy Suiting Russia - Grifter Hillary Clinton Reportedly Stole 84 Million in Donations
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Apr. 25, 2918). Congressman Louie Gohmert Just Absolutely Wrecked Robert Mueller With Epic 48-Page Investigative Blowout; We Have it Here. TruePundit.
“What I have accumulated here is absolutely shocking upon the realization that Mueller’s disreputable, twisted history speaks to the character of the man placed in a position to attempt to legalize a coup against a lawfully elected President,” writes GOP Congressman Louie Gohmert.
Gohmert is referring to the exhaustive expose he just released called: Robert Mueller: Unmasked.
And the GOP Representative does exactly that, shining a bright light on decades of Mueller misdeeds, stating:
“Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people that is
a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence. He lacks the judgment and credibility
to lead the prosecution of anyone.”
And that’s the nice part.
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ReplyDeleteInvestigative Bureau. (Apr. 25, 2018). DOJ: Key FBI Brass Flip on McCabe & Comey; High-Level Officials Testify Against Fired FBI Chiefs, Set Stage for Grand Juries. True Pundit.
The inner circle of James Comey and Andrew McCabe on the 7th Floor of FBI HQ has flipped, according to high level Justice Department officials.
The once-loyal cabal of FBI brass and leaders who reigned during the FBI tenures of Comey and McCabe have been testifying against their former bosses, DOJ sources confirm.
For now at least that cooperation involves cooperation with the Inspector General. Soon, that would likely extend to grand juries, according to sources.
In law enforcement circles, these players are referred to as Rats, cops who implicate other cops to save their jobs and pensions. So who is ratting on Comey and McCabe and cooperating with the proceedings against each?
FBI Counterintelligence Head Bill Priestap is the biggest fish, federal law enforcement sources said. And he is a key player here. His cooperation spells trouble for McCabe and likely Comey too.
“Last guy I would have thought would cooperate is cooperating,” one high-ranking Justice official said about Priestap. “He knows about everything the IG is looking at because he was involved in it all.”
The Justice official called Priestap’s cooperation “devastating” especially to McCabe. The source would not elaborate.
McCabe realized this when he banked over $500K on a GoFundMe campaign for upcoming legal fees.
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- Kim John Un Makes History, Crosses Border to Meet with South Korean President
- Soros-Funded Group - Funded by U.S. Grant - Launches App to Help Illegal Aliens Avoid Feds
- John Breannan's CIA 'Operated Like A Branch OFfice Of The Hillary Campaign'
- New Batch of Perter Strzok and Lisa Page Messages Released - PDF Attached Here
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Jennings Brown. (Apr. 26, 2018). Facebook ‘Looking Into’ Palantir’s Access to User Data Harvested by Cambridge Analytica. Gizmodo.
British lawmakers grilled Facebook Chief Technology Officer Mike Schroepfer on Thursday, asking him questions about the social media company’s role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, in which roughly 87 million Facebook users had their data pilfered through a personality quiz app.
When one of the members of Parliament asked about Palantir having “improper access” to user data, Schroepfer confirmed that the company was looking into concerns about Palantir, a highly secretive surveillance and data-analytics company that has worked with the CIA, NSA, and FBI.
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ReplyDeleteJames Hall. (Apr. 27, 2018). DHS to Monitor “Media Influencers” - DHS To Collect, Catalog Journalists, Blogger info to Monitor “Media Influencers”. Krisanne Hall.
The Department of Homeland Security is seeking bids from contractors to create a database that will monitor and collect information on journalists and bloggers the government designates as “media influencers.” The call for bids first showed up on can be seen now at
Now the Department of Homeland Security says we have nothing to worry about. As a matter of fact, DHS spokesman Todd Houlton tweeted on April 6, 2018 that anyone who has concerns is merely a “tinfoil hat wearing, black helicopter conspiracy theorist”:
So the Department of Homeland Security is going to be collecting personal information and internet activity on people they classify as “media influencers” and anyone worried about that is just an anti-government extremist. What could possibly go wrong with that?
For more details on this program listen to this short clip from The KrisAnne Hall Show:
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Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteKerry Cassidy. (Apr. 25, 2018). An interview with DAVID HAWKINS FROM ABEL DANGER. Project Camelot.
DAVID HAWKINS is an investigator with a vast background looking into 911 and various corporations involved in threatening our freedoms, secret societies and the technology they use.
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Email comment by Anon Patriot:
ReplyDeleteI find the entire concept of ‘money changing’ to be the heart of most problems in history. Was Jesus correct when he vented at the money changers in the temple? I can assume he fully understood the law’s of nature, and God’s law for man to control his lesser nature.
IMHO banks are antiquated relics of trash. If Rothbard’s description in “Money and Banking” aptly describes the boom and bust periodicity induced into any economy by ‘banking’ or ‘fractional reserve lending’, then alternatives must be created and put in place. These alternatives must become sacrosanct so citizens are served as well as commerce in the larger sense. The essential question of ‘credit’ must be defined, as well as the limitation on ‘bonds’, ‘loans’, and ‘government confiscation and spending’. Without clear and absolute legal limitations established the currency and its sacrosanct value cannot be maintained. In order to maintain this value, only one form of governance can be established, and that is the ‘republic’. America has not actually seen the ‘real’ republic and its value to humanity, since America did not actually win its independence from the Crown and the Bank of England. The devastating effects of fractional reserve banking has to be eliminated, to be viewed as dangerous as nuclear weapons, and as toxic as nuclear waste.
There may be a real position for ‘crypto-currency’. It would have to be properly formatted for security. It would not be used for ‘intrinsic value’. Instead it would be used as a way to prevent inflation by either the populace or any government. It could be a valuable tool to convey ‘value’ that was held in a ‘bank’ whose existence would be redefined as the ‘security agents’, ‘transaction auditors’, and ‘regulators of digital coin creation’. All of this would have to be calculated against a nation state’s specie holdings, national debt, manufacturing capacity, citizen debt, land holdings, etc. The crypto-currency would immediately transmit this value through all of its accumulated transactions. Meta-data accumulations would be instantly calculated on servers, adjusting to market transactions internally, and then recalculated outside the nation state, instantly for balance of trade balances. With absolute sacrosanct prohibitions of inflation, and internal ratios of expansion against specie holdings, this could resolve many problems noted from history with banks. There could be a built-in resistance to inflation, that is rejected by all ‘coins’ across the globe. This would certainly contain ‘war’ and ‘fiat theft’.
Some of my thoughts on banking in a modern world. The Language of Liberty.
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ReplyDeleteEmail comment by GHJ:
Matthew Vadum. (Apr. 29, 2018). STUNNING: DNC’s $84 million campaign finance scandal exposed. Director Blue.
While it obsesses over an aging porn star, Russians, discredited ex-FBI officials, and pimple-faced gun-grabbers, the mainstream media has been ignoring an explosive federal lawsuit unearthing a huge illegal money-laundering conspiracy said to have been masterminded last election cycle by the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign.
It is yet another facet of the plot by which Clinton, possibly in league with then-President Obama, broke the law in an attempt to rig the election. Throughout his agonizingly long presidency, Obama serially abused his powers as the nation's Chief Executive to undermine his political opponents.
Against this backdrop, the DNC and Hillary’s campaign “allegedly used state chapters as strawmen to launder as much as $84 million in an effort to circumvent campaign donation limits, and the Federal Election Commission ignored complaints exposing the practice,” according to a Fox News report that has been gathering dust since April 16.
The civil proceeding, filed against the FEC earlier this month in the nation’s capital, spells out a vast left-wing criminal conspiracy while providing detailed evidence from FEC filings to support the claim that Democrats orchestrated the scheme to do an end-run around federal campaign limits.
Full story:
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Email comment by LP:
ReplyDeleteMike Cernovich. (Apr. 29, 2018). Watch the Video the Media Doesn’t Want You or Kanye to See.
When Kanye West tweeted out 9 clips from a recent Scott Adams Periscope, the media didn’t do what it always doesn’t to: Not one journalist watched the video Kanye posted. Think about how significant that is. If Kanye posted 9 video clips, shouldn’t the story be: What was in the video?
But that is not how our media works. Journalists do not critique or respond to ideas. They character assassinate people they don’t like.
The media is terrified of what will happen if you watch this video.
Full story:
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Email comment by TG:
- Citizens Can Prevent Election Fraud
- Trump: Money to Stormy Daniels used to stop 'false and extortionist accusations'
- Pope Takes Over the Knights of Malta
- Reuters Poll: Black Male Approval For Trump Doubles In One Week
- 'Buckets of Money' Case Tests Power of SEC Judges in Trump Era
Full stories:
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Email comment by TG:
- Trump Announces 'Full Support' for Congreassional Term Limits
- Bob Goodlatte Requests Review of DOJ Influence Upon Clinton Investigation
- Texas leads a coalition of states suing to stop DACA
Full stories:
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Analysis. (Apr. 30, 2018). Social Networking Ecosystem Jobs Created By Inventor Leader Technologies. Americans for Innovation.
ReplyDelete459,113,298 jobs created by Leader's invention.
See the study base on a Deloitte analysis commissioned by Facebook.
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Email comment by DG:
ReplyDeleteMichael McKibben, Douglas Gabriel. (May 02, 2018). CITIZENS CAN PREVENT ELECTION FRAUD. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation.
All hands on deck. We need patriots standing watch over election integrity for the mid-terms. Click on the link above for amazing insight on how a type of fraud called man-in-the-middle works. It is a digital fraud that can not be detected by average citizens, election watchers, or many election officials.
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Spread the truthy.
Email comment by Anon. Patriot:
ReplyDeleteI am working on 'the chain of custody' issues in WA state, that I discovered just today involving the vendor from Texas called Hart. This vendor is also used in CA along with Boss, Ballot Now, Tally, and Vote Tech. Refer to the links below.
Issue: I discovered today, in a phone discussion with a jr. auditor staff member, who spilled the beans. Through the Socratic is was able to determine the whole weakness in the state of WA...and maybe why we keep getting 'bluer' and 'bluer' against the odds and counter to exit poll sampling. Prior to each election that has congress people on the ballot, a 'memory stick' is delivered to each county auditor that is inserted into a 'standalone PC', to serve as the ballot tally counter. Mail in ballots are 'digitally scanned' (oops custody break, 1st one), by pairs of bi-partisan citizens (opps 2nd break...there are no bi-partisan citizens), into the 'standalone computer'(oops, 3rd break...standalone has nothing to do with electronic integrity). The 'scans' are then viewed by the auditors staff, not against the ballot for tally integrity, but just for the purpose of ensuring the barcode and scanning process was not in error. Then a report(oops, 4th verification of the tally totals) is generated to be on the 'memory stick' which is inserted into a courier pouch(oops 5th break), no verification by part number of the memory stick, or photograph, or identification on the memory stick, or embedded encrypted block chain signature, and sent to the secretary of state. Along with the memory stick, is a paper .pdf of the report that is on the memory stick. However, here is the problem...the .PDF is generated from the memory stick, and it is the same as what the state uses to verify the tally count. Total bullshit. There is absolutely no 'chain of custody' in this process at all. It is how 'all' votes are tallied in the state of WA.
What we have learned as data scientists, programmers, and engineers. You cannot trust anything, process, or statistics that have been transmitted over the wire, processed by software, and printed in any format by electronics. The closest I have encountered is the software part number control for the Boeing airplanes. Prior to any software part being sent to Boeing, an 'encrypted signature' generated just for that unique software instance, is sent to the vendor to incorporate into the software part number. The 'signature' is good only once, never to be used again...ever! The software can then be received into the receiving lab, verified, and the 'real part number' generated by Boeing for the airplane. It is a multiple step fool proof process against fraud, human error, and terror.
Our voting process does not have the talent, knowledge, or checks and balances for a Boeing level of security or control, or even personal sagacity to utilize this advanced control industrial engineering process. Couple this with the false notion among the elected officials and average bureaucrat, that anything 'electronic' is somehow magically 'safe', and we have the perfect cognitive dissonance petri dish to grow fraud nationwide.
***END Anon, Part I***
***BEGIN Anon, Part II***
DeleteWithout chain of custody for the 'memory sticks' delivered to each county auditor in WA state, with embedded encrypted signatures, to match through the mail or from a 3rd party repository(maybe guarded by the National Gaurd against the Russians), there can be no claim for 'chain of custody' right up front before the election counting even begins.
Imagine as a programmer that I want to write a machine language program for a hidden integrated circuit on the memory stick, that is enabled only for a few seconds when the 'submit tally' is pressed on the 'standalone machine' with the application to which I am synchronized. Since I know months ahead of time all of the candidates, the registered voter tally, the past history for decades, and my own preferences given to me by the SES, through SERCO, I can now create a 'standard deviation' by which to carve up the total tally, at each county level, to ensure how the election votes are 'tallied'. Since I know that I generate both the tally, and the official 'report', I am guaranteed to produce the outcome desired. When I am finished, I erase myself, and the memory stick, unless forensically analyzed under electron microscopy, is simply recycled by the state to the vendor for 'cleaning'. The last break in the chain of custody, is when the stick is not returned to the county of origin, and verified. Since it does not contain any identification signatures from the county, this is a moot point anyway.
And thus, is how you hack state elections. How do you fool the public, you hire the National Guard to be posted at the official counting polls with guns, to protect the people from the Russians...which is being done this Fall in WA state. Thus, the sham, the magic show, the prevarication, the wizardry, the illusion of freedom is maintained, when what is really happening, is that the slaves are being driven even deeper into their comas.
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More from Anon. Patriot:
DeleteEmail comment by Anon. Patriot:
... here are results of my inquiries yesterday into chain of custody in the State of Washington.
The election process is uniform across the counties. The same vendors, the same ‘digital scanning machines and software’. I learned this today in a lengthy discussion with Okanogan County’s Auditor this am.
“Chain of Custody” is the optimum word for all election verification. Sadly, I have found the ‘break’ digitally in the process. Here is how it works: Before each election, the vendor from Texas arrives in WA state, travels to each county, and plugs a ‘thumb-drive’ into the ‘tally machine’. The vendor is out of Texas called “VoteTec” The ballots, witnessed by two people at each ‘digital scanning machine’ are scanned into this standalone PC. It is not ever tied to the Internet/Intranet.
The auditor staff, verifies each ballot, not the count, but that each ballot scanned correctly. The thumb-drive is removed when all ballots have been counted, and put into a ‘certified mail’ pouch by the auditor’s staff, and sent to the Secretary of State’s Office. The count on the thumb-drive is verified at the state level, and the county verifies it against the ‘report’ created on the ‘standalone’ PC against what the state sent.
Did you catch the break in the ‘chain of custody’? First break is with the thumb-drive. Although the vendor is ‘certified’ with the state, there is no ‘checksum’ software check, or digital integrated circuit verification performed with the thumb-drive. Was there a digital fingerprint created, loaded, and sent to the state or the county, or to a 3rd-party to verify the software, to scan for any hidden machine circuits? No…nothing.
The report generated at the county level, is the report against which the state authenticates, created simultaneously by the ‘memory stick’ and the tally PC. There is total break in the chain of custody. In addition, there is no part number verification, with the thumb-drive. Prior to its leaving the ‘vendor’, no ‘signature’ is created and sent ahead to the states or the counties.
*** END, More Anon. Patriot, Part I***
*** BEGIN, More Anon. Patriot, Part II***
DeleteThus, there is no chain of custody, although the memory stick is ‘blank’ there is not verification that it is the one that left the vendor. Any number of hidden circuits can be on the stick, either from the vendor, or a substitute, if there is no embedded part number verification at the county or state level, back to the original creation. It is very conceivable, that the ‘standard deviation’ to win, is calculated ahead of time, since all of the candidates are known months in advance. In this manner, the entire election can be ‘shaped’ simply by the ‘memory stick’ loaded as machine language on a hidden integrated circuit and then delivered in a mock chain of custody charade to each county auditor.
Software to be loaded at the flight-line at Boeing, to protect the airplane goes through a rigorous verification process from the vendor to the lab that receives the software. All signatures must be verified and match what was sent to the vendor by Boeing as part of the verification signature, before the part number can even be shipped, and then verified again before it is loaded. This maintains the ‘chain of custody’. No such process exists within the WA state vote tally process.
BTW, I called back to our county auditor’s office. I wanted to verify if there was a process with the vendor to verify the memory stick part number, and embedded signature, if any. At this point, the auditor simply said that she no longer had time to talk with me. I said that we could have the conversation using FOIA, or in court. She hung up on me.
Natalie Brand. Apr. 30, 2018. National Guard to tighten election security in Washington
Election cybersecurity in Washington is getting a boost from the National Guard. NBC Kings5 News.
Cybersecurity experts with the Washington National Guard are teaming up with state election officials to tighten election security in Washington for the 2018 midterms.
Other states across the country are forming similar partnerships with National Guard units. However, Washington’s National Guard has long been recognized as a leader in cybersecurity.
“You have a number of guard members who are Microsoft employees and Google employees, so they have been on the forefront of cybersecurity planning,” said Secretary of State Kim Wyman.
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Mad yet? Read this.
ReplyDeleteSerco, a British company, has received $43,452,779 in new federal contracts every month since 2007, including management of the U.S. Patent Office.
Serco Inc. (Accessed May 05, 2018). US Federal Contract Analysis (prime contracts only) prepared by Anonymous Patriots using and data. Americans for Innovation.
Spread the word about the giant sucking sound of cash (YOUR MONEY) and sovereignty (YOUR COUNTRY) out of America.
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Email comment by BR:
- Serco Has Received $43 Million in New Federal Contracts Every Month Since 2007
- Patent Theft is Rampant in Serco-Run Government Operation Killing American Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- May 4 transcript from the USA v. Manafort hearing in front of Judge Ellis
Full stories:
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Email comment by BR:
- Special Counsel Tells Federal Court That Rosenstein Investigative Scope Was Detailed in Secret Verbal Instructions [This is illegal: Attorney Rules require all attorneys to put client engagements IN WRITING AND WITH SPECIFICITY. Also, The Statute of Frauds requires certain kinds of seminal contracts to be put in writing before binding -- these lawyers are trying to fool the non-attorney public.]
- Trump-Appointed Judge REJECTS Dirty Cop Mueller's Request For Delay in Junk Russian Bot Case
- Newly Released Unredacted Documents Were Not a National Security Threat - Instead Show DOJ-FBI was PROTECTING COMEY.
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Email comment by BR:
- Three Judges Outed as Swamp Skunks
- Judge Ellis Must Recuse Himself in the Manafort Case
- Scheiderman Let Clinton Foundation Skip Identifying Foreign Donors
- It's Official - AG Jeff Sessionsi in California Presser Divulges He is Part of the Deep State
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Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteTRUTH NEWS HEADLINES MAY 10, 2018 am
- Hostages Arrive Home Safely
- Trump's IRan Deal Decision Was a Masterstroke
- McCain Admists He Gave Trump Dossier to Comey
- Justice Department invites Devin Nunes, Trey Gowdy to view classified Russia investigation info
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Email comment by Anon:
The money exists in funded accounts already to pay the “Miller Act Claim”. Read the article.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (May 8, 2018). George Soros’ Right Hand Man Arrested For Rape And Human Trafficking. The Disclosure News.
A former Wall Street trader, Howard Rubin, 62, has been accused by three women, including two high profile Playboy bunnies, of raping and beating them in a Midtown penthouse which he allegedly rigged with ropes, chains, and other BDSM equipment.
Soros’ right hand man is said to have lured dozens of women from all over the US by offering between $2000 and $5000 for ‘supposed companionship and photoshoots’ before assaulting them so brutally that they needed cosmetic and dental reconstructive surgery, according to the lawsuit.
Full story:
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Email comment by Anon:
The ‘global crime syndicate’ aka: global central bank system has never ceased its trade in drugs. As the cartel raped China, Burma, and India, so it continues with the United States. America is being ravaged by the globalist banking drug crime syndicate. It appears that the ‘Iran Nuclear Deal’ under Obama was cover for massive drug money laundering from Columbia, Central American, Mexico, Afghanistan, Burma, and China. The deal inside the deal was for ‘cash’ to be ‘laundered’ using American military transport cargo carriers with pallets of cash, first to Iran, and then re-distributed to the cartel members from Iran as needed. Iran’s part was to have their bank assets unfrozen, be the collection agency for drug laundering and distributor, and given permission to concentrate enriched Uranium for a nuclear weapon.
Just as the drug money at the turn of the 19th century was used to extract gold from China, culminating in the Boxer Rebellion, and the city state concessions of Hong Kong, Macao, and Shanghai, the analog in America is ‘sanctuary cities’. These ‘sanctuary cities’ are havens of drug distribution using Mexican Cartel gangs such as MS13, where local politicians are paid off to support and sanction the drug trade. Almost all of the policies during the Clinton, Bush, and Obama era, internationally, and nationally in America were in support of consolidating the world drug trade, including massive factories in China for synthesizing new types of super addictive psychoactive compounds for population control. It is ironic, that the cartels have regained the control within China. The cartels are using the same Triad control mechanisms leading to the Boxer rebellion. The average Chinese slave citizen, believes the 100 year rebellion against the West destroyed the influence of the West. It is now known, that this was never the case, just as it was never the case that the United States gained its ‘independence’ from the same syndicate. This cartel of crime, who owns and controls the global banking centralized system, is now working overtime to consolidate its drug trade, cash flows, and metal resources globally using the old tools of trade agreements, inflation of currencies, credit starvation, confiscation, conflict, bribery, deception, and global war if necessary to continue harvesting mankind as a commodity. The ‘Iran deal’ under Obama, it appears, was part of this program. Curiously, the ‘Iran Deal’ was never ‘officially signed, and appears to be a mere ‘illusion’ of official policy, hidden in plain site within the ‘cloud’ of SES controls within the Justice Department. Thus, the Justice Department, as a ‘wing of the banking cartel, is in full complicity of treason, money laundering, trade in weapons, and illegal transference of technology to a foreign belligerent. “Et tu, Brute?”, is the tragic phrase the citizens of America should be speaking regarding our flaccid Justice Department and ‘intelligence agencies’. It seems that all cartel programs, bureaucracies, and elected compromised officials, are set to drain the last full measure of wealth from the United States.
The problem against which they are having, similar to the Boxer Rebellion fomented inside China by poets, patriots to China, and writers of song, is a ground swell movement within the United States that seeks to disrupt the evil networks using the powerful weapon of truth. This is being embodied into and through Donald J. Trump. The ‘Trump Effect’ is a calculated and planned polemic to save the United States from being carved up and redistributed among the cartel worldwide. Were it not for this last ditch effort to save America, and if HRC had not been thwarted, it would have been ‘fait accompli’ for the American Citizen. As it is, America sits on a knife’s edge, fully dependent upon a small group of people, who have dedicated their lives to ensuring the continuation of, and redefinition of Freedom with a nation state using the form of political organization called a ‘Republic’.
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How can Brits be American??
DeleteEmail comment by JB:
ReplyDeleteGreg Hunter & Dave Janda – Global Criminal Syndicate Stripping Us of our Freedoms and Money
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Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteSES Fleeces America with No-Bid Contracts to Serco
Check out how much American taxpayers are shelling out to Serco and their no-bid contracts. Thanks to the Senior Executive Service, Americans will continue to be fleeced as their hard earned money flows to Serco, OPIC, and USAID to line the pockets of the greedy, subhuman transnational globalists who suck off our life force like hungry piglets on the teat.
Meanwhile, our roads are full of potholes, our infrastructure is crumbling, our education is indoctrination, our medicine and food are poison. They spray us from the skies like we were bugs to be exterminated. They feast on the bodies of our children. They rape our women and murder our sons and daughters in their fake wars.
Full story:
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Email comment by JD:
ReplyDeleteComment: Dear All,
I was hoping you could help me. I have emailed the address at but I did not get a response; perhaps I used the wrong email address.
I'm trying to obtain the Plum Books in alternative formats. I have the following as either a text file or HTML file:
* 1996
* 2002
* 2006
* 2012
* 2016
I wanted to know whether the other Plum Books are available in a non-PDF data format so I can convert these, Perhaps you could kindly forward this email to AFI or someone else who knows about this stuff?
I had something like this in mind:
I know there are other people to address this to but I cannot get hold of them! Do please forward this on if possible.
Many thanks, JD
Hi JD.
DeleteWe are preparing what we think you are asking for and will forward those links through your intermediary.
Thank you for your efforts to spread the truth.
AFI Contributing Authors
We'll also post those file links here shortly.
Email comment by Anon:
ReplyDeleteThe American Inns of Court
“opportunity to continue supporting the Inn movement”
Hmmm. I thought that was called the U.S. Constitution.
Silly me.
The Mission and Vision of the American Inns of Court –does not mention the U.S. Constitution!
American Inns of Court[edit]
Main article: American Inns of Court
From the late 1970s, U.S. Chief Justice Warren Burger led a movement to create Inns of Court in the United States, loosely modelled after the traditional English Inns. In 1985, he and others established the American Inns of Court Foundation to promote and formally charter local Inns of Court across the United States. Each local Inn is devoted to promoting professionalism, civility, ethics, and legal skills amongst the American bench and bar, in a collegial setting, through continuing education and mentoring.[11]
Inns of Court
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the American legal organization, see American Inns of Court.
Combined arms of the four Inns of Court. Clockwise from top left: Lincoln's Inn, Middle Temple, Gray's Inn, Inner Temple.
The Inns of Court in London are the professional associations for barristers in England and Wales. All barristers must belong to one such association.[1][2] They have supervisory and disciplinary functions over their members. The Inns also provide libraries, dining facilities and professional accommodation. Each also has a church or chapel attached to it and is a self-contained precinct where barristers traditionally train and practise, although growth in the legal profession, together with a desire to practise from more modern accommodations, caused many barristers' chambers to move outside the precincts of the Inns of Court in the late 20th century.
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American lawyers are sedition-ists.
We note that the American Inns of Court Professional Creeds pledges to the Rule of Law, not the U.S. Constitution.
Touche. Outstanding arguments. Keep up the great effort.