(May 16, 2018)—On Jan. 02, 2018, a British Crown-controlled company named Serco Inc. was awarded a $610 million contract to manage FEMA Region 9 that covers Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. On Jul. 16, 2013, Obama awarded Serco a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website. Serco also manages the air traffic control towers in 63 U.S. airports, and has been paid more than $95 million to run the U.S. Patent and Trademark examination processes. See substantiating evidence below.
Who is Serco?
Why have we not heard of them? More to the point, why are we outsourcing critical American infrastructure, ingenuity and private medical information on every U.S. citizen to sworn agents of the British Crown?!
Serco’s most recent 2016 annual report published at Companies House in London provides critical clues about Serco’s unstated mission. In looking at Serco’s bizarre collection of subsidiaries, one is left with the evident conclusion that something nefarious is afoot.
On the surface, Serco is the weirdest assortment of companies on the planet
Serco builds nuclear weapons, provides housing for migrants, reviews U.S. patents, runs the Obamacare website, operates obvious money-laundering shell companies in the Middle East, is teamed with Lockheed Martin, builds ships, manages massive IT infrastructure, manufactures space vehicles, runs job placement agencies, provides air traffic control to cities, runs rail services, manages parking meters, oversees FEMA Region 9, manages courts and prisons, and runs sports and recreation centers. Huh? This is the weirdest list of companies one can imagine, until one overlays Richard C. Walker's "wet-ware" patents on top, then it makes sense.
This Serco list of 73 subsidiaries revealed a shocking correlation among; (1) Serco’s business interests, (2) the activities of the Senior Executive Service (SES), and (3) the monstrous “Internet of Things” patents filed by Richard C. Walker, Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies.
Eureka! Serco is tasked by the SES to manage the global execution of The "wet-ware" internet of things 5G satellite system for the Deep State
In the Walker patents, human beings or people are labeled as mere “wet-ware.” “Wet works” is a spy euphemism for assassination. Tellingly, Obama’s chief of staff, John D. Podesta, used the term just days before Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead in Texas, after which Obama immediately began promoting SES gloabalist Merrick B. Garland to replace him at the Supreme Court.
The association of the spy tradecraft “wet” words is apparent. Walker does not even hide it, he states that his patents are intended to track and control everything and ever body in this world, even ino low orbit—The Internet of Things. It is apparent that neither Walker nor his SES handlers ever expected deplorables to read his work. We have.
Bookmark: #ted-turner-depopulation-goal | https://tinyurl.com/yd6zehjcFCC Chair Wheeler said 5G is intended to dramatically alter life on this earth with no plan to test the known harmful and potentially deadly effects of 5G on mind and body
The widely-promoted 5G wireless plan is very clearly designed to make Walker’s one-world government population control plan a reality. Elon Musk (SpaceX), Eric Schmidt (Google), OneWeb (Qualcomm, Amazon) have been working with the SES-controlled The Aerospace Corporation to put up a hundred satellites so far, with a planned 24,000 more in the 5G plan. 5G will enable the SES to eliminate people without harming plants and animals, so they think.
They're wrong. Why do you think honey bee populations are collapsing? ANSWER: Electromagnetic smog. Something like eight billion different radio frequencies surround us at all times. Can you mitigate these harmful frequencies? Yes, but we digress.
Obama's Net Neutrality pitchman FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler (2013-2017) told the National Press Club on Jun. 20, 2016 that the health effects of 5G will not be tested before roll out. Here are culture commentator David Icke's observations on Wheeler's 5G industry bullying.
Globalist eugenicist Ted Turner, CNN founder (now known as the C.I.A. News Network) was caught here on video calling for a 75% reduction in the world population ("I think 2 billion is about right right."). According to the U.N. Agenda 21, the goal is to reduce populations in high tech rare earth mineral rich poor countries (many in Africa), and to reduce populations in the consuming nations to make more room for the genetically superior elites who will remain. (And we thought the world turned its back on such evil thinking after Adolf Hitler and WWII. No, we secretly imported those depraved Nazi eugenicists into the C.I.A. and IBM during operation Paperclip.)
It is no longer a secret that New World Order globalists are proponents of eugenics and world depopulation, as was Woodrow Wilson, Adolf Hitler and as are Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Planned Parenthood. Indeed, government data aggregator Deagel.com, Agenda 21 and Ted Turner's Georgia Guidestones predict higher than 70% population reduction by 2025-30. It appears that Serco is being paid billions of dollars a year to get ready and make it happen.
As you can see, in the video below, eugenics has been promoted by self-styled "elites" for a very long time.
Edwin Black. (Feb. 05, 2004). Hitler's debt to America. The Guardian. ("The Nazis' extermination programme was carried out in the name of eugenics - but they were by no means the only advocates of racial purification."). See Edwin Black video: IBM sold Nazis Holocaust infrastructure, supplies & staff - even at the death camps.
Eugenicists want to dramatically reduce the world’s population—by stealth if necessary. Wars have always been good for population reduction. Bankers get a two-fer when they fund war. They make money and they depopulate. In Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's world, 500,000 dead Iraq children was acceptable collateral damage. Poisons, toxins and altered genetics work too. For example, billionaire eugenics promoter Bill Gates recently suggested that medical treatment be withheld from the elderly and the savings given to education. With Gates its all in the family. In 2003, he told interviewer Bill Moyers that his father was the former head of Planned Parenthood. Gate's mother also worked at IBM—another eugenics promoter who supported Hitler's eugenics campaign of murder throughout WWII.
Serco companies are evidently working with the SES Deep State shadow government to implement 5G, and then manage the societal effects of their coming mass murder program. That’s why Serco runs FEMA camps, owns pathology companies, houses migrants, owns laundries, operates prisons, provides transport and rail, run hospitals and leisure centers, builds ships and space technology—to zap the populace with 5G like a mosquito zapper, then handle the clean up.
Serco is directed by the SES
Ever since Americans for Innovation (AFI) and American Intelligence Media (AIM) unearthed the Senior Executive Service (SES), the revelations of their nefarious activities have been pouring in.
See Obama hired them. Trump cannot fire them. So they say (over 500,000 views). See also The shadow government uses SES, Serco and OPIC as portals into horrific corruption.
Suddenly, the amorphous “Deep State” blob has SES names, faces and titles. See SES Plum Books. For example, almost all of the current players in Robert S. Mueller's witch hunt are SES.
Serco history
Among these SES corruptocrats is perhaps the largest British company in America that you have never heard of—Serco Group Plc. (“Serco”).
Serco began life in 1929 in the United Kingdom (UK) as RCA Photophone Limited. In 1956, they changed their name to RCA Great Britain Limited. In 1969, they changed names again to RCA Limited. In 1987 their name changed again to Serco Limited.
Today, Serco employs 47,000 people around the world with 8,000 in the United States alone. In 2005, Serco bought commercial, government and defense contractor Resource Consultants Inc. (RCI). Then in 2008, they bought SI International, Inc., an almost carbon copy of RCI. SI International, founded by Lockheed Martin and CACI, Inc. insiders, became wholly-owned US subsidiaries of Serco Inc. These acquisitions gave Serco a significant foothold in major U.S. and government services, including IT, engineering, strategy consulting, HR, business process management, professional services, military and intelligence.
Serco has been handed huge swaths of U.S. security infrastructure
Serco has become, in some cases, the single source provider of critical American infrastructure via 5,000 contracts totaling $6.2 billion (not including secret offshore accounts) including 477 contracts worth $41.3 million at the Senior Executive Services' Office of Personnel Management (OPM), four contracts worth $172 million at the Department of State (DOS), and 4,644 contracts worth $4.22 billion at the Department of Defense (DoD).
Three astonishing Serco contracts are: (1) a $95 million contract to run the U.S. Patent Office’s processing of new patent applications, (2) a $1.2 billion contract to run the Obamacare website, and (3) $610 million to run FEMA Region 92: Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. Here's the actual Serco FEMA contract Solicitation No. HSFE80-R-004-DHS.
In addition, already mentioned, but bears repeating, Serco manages air traffic control at 63 U.S. airports! You cannot make this up. Outrageous? Most certainly.
The SES Deep State shadow government is silently using Serco for the takedown of our Republic
Obvious questions are: “What is going on? (a) Why isn’t Serco a household name in America? (b) Why are we outsourcing critical American infrastructure and ingenuity to the British Crown? (c) Why are our three branches of government and the media silent about this evident coup d' etat of American sovereignty?
Bookmark: #inns-of-court | https://tinyurl.com/y9pl6wfnThis British hegemony extends to the American judiciary and government.
British Crown Agents operate in America and have numerous U.S. government contracts too. Here is one example, a $23.7 million USAID contract with Serco. These are the very same Crown Agents whose taxes on tea sparked the Boston Tea Party. See Crown Agents Act of 1995. Why are we giving any money and contracts at all to the British Crown?
In addition, both British and American attorneys are given the title of “Esquire” despite the fact that Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution prohibits the federal government from granting titles of nobility due to the corrupting foreign influences.
The fact is, American lawyers, judges, law professors and students are organized into an elaborate British-styled union called The American Inns of Court with over 30,000 members. It is directly modeled on the British Inns of Court comprised of four “Temples” in and around the City of London and Westminster.
Tellingly, our American Inns of Court nowhere mention the U.S. Constitution in their charter documents, including their Vision Statement and Professional Creed. To whom do they pledge? To “the movement” and a generic "Rule of Law."
When one considers that The City of London UK banking center is adjacent to the British Inns of Court temples, one begins to get the picture. The British Army may have withdrawn in 1776, but Britain’s bankers and lawyers dug in, and have never left. Now, a British company name Serco is being tapped by the SES to finish the job of bringing the American colonies to heel.
Bookmark: #serco-group-plcConclusion: Britain is still, in effect, running America
Serco Group UK Plc’s most recent annual report (2016) appears to be a very odd assortment of companies ranging from outer space, military, air traffic control and satellites to nuclear weapons, parking, pathology, laundry and immigration housing.
The following slides summarize our findings and conclusion that Serco was selected by Deep State shadow government globalists to manage the implementation of the SES soft kill of our population.
Here’s a full list of Serco Group Plc’s subsidiaries taken directly from their 2016 annual financial report.

Call to action:
God-fearing citizens of the United States and the world must call upon President Trump and loyal American leaders to defund the feeder systems used by these SES corruptocrats.
Ask President Trump to write the check to Leader Technologies for their Miller Act Notice so they can help implement new technologies that respect Constitutional privacy and property and help implement a truly Free Press.
Mr. President: Defund the Criminals and Fund The Miller Act Notice
Mr. President, please pull the plug on these corruptocrats and their illegal funding streams. Since they are all based on fake values, no real services will be affected.
In addition, write the Miller Act Notice check to Leader Technologies for 18 years of unpaid use of their revolutionary social networking invention. This will generate new cash streams to free up our economy from the globalist stranglehold. This will also empower Leader Technologies and other actually creative people in America to fix our foundering ship of state. See Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S. Government.
One Miller Act Notice check starts the ball rolling, Mr. President.
In addition, Leader shareholders have proposed a win-win solution to the collapse of the American Free Press, as well a large new revenue source without raising taxes. Leader principals are willing to funnel these payments back into establishing a truly Free Press. See Leader proposes trillion dollar fed revenue while lowering taxes.
* * *
Bookmark: #leader-storyFootnote:
The magic of Leader’s invention
Leader’s late 1990’s breakthrough in digital scalability gave these corruptocrats a platform to unify their communications globally—on a large scale not previously possible with IBM and Microsoft platforms. Leader’s founder Michael McKibben knew that because he had previously rebuilt AT&T’s email system AT&T AccessPlus 3.0. He knew exactly what IBM’s and Microsoft’s collaboration shortcomings were because AT&T Bell Labs engineers had told him after they had abandoned their failed alliance with IBM-Lotus called “Network Notes.” He knew they could not scale to the transaction volumes needed for the emerging Internet. Problem-solver McKibben very intentionally set out to create a whole new paradigm. See The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All.
Once they had their “ah hah” moment in Dec. 1999, McKibben sought legal advice to protect the invention. He was eventually referred to the federal government’s top intellectual property lawyer, James P. Chandler, III. Little did McKibben know that Chandler was chief among the world’s corruptocrats. Chandler, who was already conspiring with the C.I.A., NSA, IBM, Microsoft, Cisco and Silicon Valley, knew that Leader’s invention would finally enable them to implement their dream to spy on everyone.
As wolves in sheep’s clothing, they offered the “social” services and email free of charge, replete with slippery legalese that gave them rights to all user data forever. This power has utterly corrupted them. Property and privacy were abolished in their pursuit of the seven deadly sins… in the name of “national security,” of course.
What they did not plan on was that Leader’s invention could not be controlled so precisely. Social users figured out ways to beat their censors and spread the truth using the very tools with which they are trying to enslave us.
Return to return to the beginning of this post.
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteDrug Traffickers Exploit Haiti While Amassing $10 Billion Under U.S. Scurtiny. Coreysdigs.
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Spread the truth.
Email comment by DG:
ReplyDelete- SES - Serco Plans to Take Over the World is Not Conspiracy. HEre's the Proof
- Global Elitists Are Not Human
- Report: Inspector General Will Declare FBI, DOJ Broke Law in Clinton Email Probe
- Judicial Watch Obtains Emails Showing Podesta Group's Work for Pro-Russia Ukrainian Political Party
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Spread the truth.
Email comment by TG:
- Guiliani says Mueller 'has all the facts... and he has nothing' on Trump
- Shock Claim: Serco is Tasked by the SES to Manage the Murder of 75% of the World's Population
- Republicans Trying to Force a DACA Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
- Leaders to NYT Confirm FBU Ran Spy Operation Against Trump Campaign
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Spread the truth.
Email comment by Anon:
ReplyDeleteCristina Laila. (May 16, 2018). DIRTY COP STEPS FORWARD – Admits Leaking Michael Cohen’s Bank Records. Gateway Pundit.
On April 9, 2018 FBI agents raided the office of one of Trump’s personal lawyers Michael Cohen at the request of Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Michael Cohen is President Trump’s personal attorney. The Mueller mob took all of his records and emails.
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Spread the truth.
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (May 15, 2018). Clinton Campaign Funneled $150,000 To Hillary Clinton’s Personal Company. Daily Caller
NEW YORK, NY - MAY 02: Hillary Clinton speaks onstage at the Planned Parenthood 100th Anniversary Gala at Pier 36 on May 2, 2017 in New York City. (Photo by Andrew Toth/Getty Images)
Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign has transferred nearly $150,000 of leftover campaign funds to a company she solely owns in the months following her election defeat, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The Clinton campaign has paid $149,457 to ZFS Holdings LLC, since May 2017 for the purpose of “rent,” FEC filings show, but the campaign has left it unclear if it’s paying at, above or below fair market value for the office space it’s renting.
Also, the rent payments to ZFS were sent to the same address as Rorrie Gregorio, Clinton’s personal financial manager.
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteRuby Henley. May 15, 2018). Update – America’s Sovereignty Thrown Under The Bus – The Corrupt Iran Deal – George Soros Funded. Investment Watch Blog.
I promised an update on my previous report, which can be viewed here – www.investmentwatchblog.com/no-wonder-john-kerry-and-the-eu-leaders-are-in-a-state-of-panic-bribes-taken-on-the-iran-deal/
Information can be found by going back in time, so I am going to start with a report from 2015.
I am using sources that I believe to be legitimate, as this is very serious. I always try to use sources I trust, but in today’s environment – it is difficult to trust what you read- from anyone.
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Spread the truth.
Email comment by GH:
Allum Bokhari. (May 17, 2018). Facebook Partners with Globalist Atlantic Council to Interfere in Elections Around the World. Breitbart.
Facebook has partnered with the Atlantic Council, whose members include arch-globalists like Henry Kissinger and Dina Powell, to “protect free and fair elections around the world.”
Facebook announced earlier today that the Atlantic Council will provide it with “real-time insights and updates on emerging threats and disinformation campaigns from around the world.”
In other words, Facebook will trust a globalist think-tank to distinguish “disinformation” from the spin and sloganeering that characterize virtually all democratic elections.
Facebook says it will also rely on monitoring teams from the Atlantic Council during elections:
Facebook will also use the Atlantic Council’s Digital Research Unit Monitoring Missions during elections and other highly sensitive moments. This will allow us to focus on a particular geographic area — monitoring for misinformation and foreign interference and also working to help educate citizens as well as civil society.
The thought that a globalist think tank might be biased against certain politicians around the world, and that this might affect their opinion of what counts as “misinformation,” does not seem to have occurred to Facebook.
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Email comment by Anon.
ReplyDeletePatrick Howley. (May 17, 2018). INTERCEPTED DEEP STATE PRIVATE CHAT: Rosenstein Was Blackmailed Into Appointing Mueller. Big League Politics.
WASHINGTON — Deputy attorney general Robert Rosenstein appointed special counsel Robert Mueller because “our friends all have stuff on him,” according to private messages exchanged by five federal government employees on the day Mueller was appointed in May 2017.
Intelligence insiders in Washington are exchanging the messages presented below because they believe they show an accurate presentation of what the House Intelligence Committee has long known: that an inter-agency coalition of a small number of operatives including a top official at John Brennan’s CIA conspired to leak negative stories and “memos” on General Michael Flynn. They ran an operation called “The Limey” to target Flynn and weaken his mental state.
Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller because “he knows our friends have stuff on him.”
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Spread the truth.
Blackmail is the coin of the realm in the Washington D.C. dysfunction.
Email comment by GH/LT:
ReplyDeleteTrue Pundit Staff. (May 17, 2018). California Prosecutors Call Out George Soros For Meddling In Local D.A. Races. True Pundit.
A group of prosecutors in California has called out New York billionaire George Soros for meddling in several local district attorney races taking place across the Golden State.
Michele Hanisee, President of the Los Angeles Association of Deputy District Attorneys, warned of Soros’ ongoing attempts “to buy the criminal justice system” in a pair of editorials recently posted on the organization’s website:
Now, California is in the crosshairs of Soros funded campaigns that target District Attorney races in San Diego, Alameda, Yolo and Sacramento counties.
District Attorney elections used to be lightly financed campaigns largely focusing on personal qualifications. Definitions of criminal conduct and the proper penalties for that conduct were left to be decided in the political process by legislation or initiative. … Soros has seized on District Attorney races to bypass the legislative process, seeking to elect candidates who support Soros’ political agenda and social views. A staple of these candidates is the promise not to enforce laws with which they disagree.
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Take Soros down.
Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteChuck Ross. (May 17, 2018). EXCLUSIVE: Cambridge Prof With CIA, MI6 Ties Met With Trump Adviser During Campaign, Beyond. Daily Caller.
Days after Carter Page’s high-profile trip to Moscow in July 2016, the Trump campaign adviser had his first encounter with Stefan Halper, a University of Cambridge professor with CIA and MI6 contacts.
The conversation seemed innocent enough, Page tells The Daily Caller News Foundation. He recalls nothing of substance being discussed other than Halper’s passing mention that he knew then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort. But the interaction was one of many that the pair would have over the next 14 months, through a period of time when Page was under the watchful eye of the U.S. government.
Their relationship included a number of in-person meetings, including at Halper’s farm in Virginia.
Page’s encounters with Halper were quite different from those that another Trump campaign adviser had during the campaign with the 73-year-old academic. As TheDCNF reported exclusively in March, Halper and George Papadopoulos met several times over a period of a few days in Sept. 2016. Several days earlier, Halper contacted and met with a third Trump campaign official. That official, who has requested anonymity, told TheDCNF that Halper expressed interest in helping the campaign.
Unlike with Page, Halper’s relationship with Papadopoulos was ostensibly more of a business arrangement than a fledgling friendship.
Halper, a veteran of the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations, unsolicitedly contacted Papadopoulos on Sept. 2 with an offer to fly the Trump associate to London for several nights to discuss a policy paper about energy issues in Turkey, Cyprus and Israel. Papadopoulos, who has worked on energy issues at various think tanks, accepted the offer and flew to London.
Papadopoulos and Halper met several times during that stay, having dinner one night at the Travellers Club, an Old London gentleman’s club frequented by international diplomats. They were accompanied by Halper’s assistant, a Turkish woman named Azra Turk. Sources familiar with Papadopoulos’s claims about his trip say Turk flirted with him during their encounters and later on in email exchanges.
Papadopoulos wrote the paper and delivered it in early October. He was paid $3,000 for the work. Days before making that payment, Halper had finalized a contract with the ***Office of Net Assessment***, the Pentagon’s think tank. Federal records show that Halper has been paid $928,800 since 2012 for work on four policy projects for the Pentagon. (RELATED: EXCLUSIVE: A London Meeting Before The Election Aroused George Papadopoulos’s Suspicions)
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The Office of Net Assessment at the DoD is an SES-funded activity run since 1978 by Andrew W. Marshall. He decides who lives or dies in war. He also ran the Highlands Group started under Bill Clinton that conceived of the Internet of Things as a global population control and mass surveillance grid.
Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Patriots. (May 19, 2018). Who is Stephan Halper? Patriots for Truth.
As the treasonous players in the Deep State try to explain their illegal spying on the Trump campaign (see headline below), we headed back into the mines to see what we could find out about Halper.
Corrupt Intelligence Apparatchik Leaks “Informant” Name (Stefan Halper) and Defensive Perspective To New York Times.
Contract proof that Stefan Halper was recruited by Andrew W. Marshall, Director of the Office of Net Assessment, Department of Defense.
Chuck Ross. (May 17, 2018). EXCLUSIVE: Cambridge Prof With CIA, MI6 Ties Met With Trump Adviser During Campaign, Beyond. Daily Caller.
Clarice Feldman. (May 15, 2018). The Office of Net Assessment paid Stefan Halper…why? American Thinker.
Marshall is SES. The Office of Net Assessment is evidently a Deep Sate Saboteur.
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ReplyDelete- Michael McKibben Knocks Thruth Right Out of the Ballpark in this Epoch Interview
- Stephen Halper is a total CIA asset - is paid millions to do research to overthrow, control, and decimate other nations
- Trump Defunds Planned Parenthood, Will Cut Almost $60 Million in Taxpayer Funding
- All Chilean bishops offer their resignation over sexual abuse cover-up
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Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteStefan Halper: Senior Executive Service Spy
Proof from Halper’s Institute of World Politics:
Stefan Halper is a “Career Incumbent” SES employee (proof the SES is hiding Halper’s SES Career Incumbent association with SES)
Full proof:
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Spread the truth. Halpern is a C.I.A. mole. Is and always has been.
Email comment by Anon:
This is really big, because to me, it demonstrates the ‘spirit’ and ‘character’ of DJT. I love this guy. I know this for certain: all that we are capable of being comes from God. It is pure suicide for a nation, to adopt actions, that thwart the expression of God’s spirit in the world. The ‘collective’ spiritual condition of a nation state is expressed in action in the physical world, and “God is Watching”.
Our enemies embrace a lifestyle and world view briefly experienced by Leo Tolstoy, the novelist, but not the ‘man’…one that he renounced eventually.
“I killed people in war, I challenged people to duels in order to kill them, I lost at cards, I consumed the labor of peasants, I punished them, I fornicated, I deceived. Lies, theft, adultery of every kind, drunkenness, violence, murder. … There was no crime I did not commit, and for all this my contemporaries praised me and thought me a relatively moral man, as they still do.”
The crown agents, the SES, and the corrupted America elected in Congress, embrace the debauchery of Tolstoy’s existential quest, but without his repentance and enlightenment. Comey, Steele, Benner, Obama, Rosenstein, etc. will never realize Tolstoy’s enlightenment:
“You can only live as long as you’re drunk with life; but when you sober up, you can’t help but see that all this is just a fraud, and a stupid fraud. Precisely that: there’s nothing even amusing or witty about it; it’s simply cruel and stupid.”; “Confessions”.
This is the beauty, the power, the beatitudes of DJT. He reaches beyond the rational machinations of the political world. Like Tolstoy, having lived through the debaucheries, has realized that the spiritual dimensions of power are unlimited, and are ‘le raison d’etre’. For this alone, he is hated among the elite who cannot escape their own wretchedness. No one has expressed this, but it is plainly evident. 😊
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Email comment by JM-GN:
ReplyDeleteThis is a must see.
Staff. (May 22, 2018). Republicans Announce They're Going After Hillary, Comey, Lynch, And Others in DOJ and FBI For Crimes. Media Buzz.
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteStyx. (May 23, 2018). Trump Has His Foes Literally Defending the Criminal Deep State. Styxhexenhammer666.
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Email comment by GH:
Patriot James Woods can trigger the left like few can. Well, he’s does it again. James Woods asks for photographic evidence of Obama attending Columbia University. As a result, Twitter erupts. The responses were absolutely hilarious.
The records of Barack Hussein Obama are still sealed, so we don’t know what kind of grades he made or anything about the papers he wrote.
To compound the issue, there are many people who attended Columbia University at the same time he did and have zero recollection of seeing him on campus or having any classes with him.
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Email comment by TG:
- President Trump: The Only Collusion Is Between Teh Dems, DOJ, and Russia
- Growing Consensus: Impeach and Prosecute Obama
- No Children Died at Sandy Hook, Yet Mainsterm Media Keeps Forcing the False Flag Propaganda Down Our Throats
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Wake up, America!