Our history books are silent about the Pilgrims Society that has controlled the MSM (mainstream media) with lies for 120 years
This anti-Christian secret society hijacked the name “Pilgrims” in 1902
They lure promising young Americans, Brits, Russian & Chinese with Rhodes, Schwarzman, Oxford Russia Fund Scholarships and Privy Council peerage for continuity and legal protection
The Pilgrims control all British and American intelligence (MI5, MI6, GCHQ, Foreign Office, FBI, C.I.A., NSA, GlaxoSmithKline, State Department)
They organized The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 to take over the public discourse and the meaning of words, not to mention they hijacked the Russian Duma

See The First Amended Miller Act Notice below. #first-amended-miller-act-notice

See The First Amended Miller Act Notice below. #first-amended-miller-act-notice
"We are responsible for a large part of the life of the world. . . [ If news editors . . .] were to agree to proclaim peace, there would be peace, but if they were to declare for war, war there assuredly would be." *
Therefore, we highly recommend that you return and re-read it, and follow the links to the evidence, until the facts start to take hold. We will also be adding more research links over the next few weeks. We have learned in working with this evidence that practically all of our assumptions about the principalities and powers of this world have been FAKED by a secret Pilgrims Society formed in 1902 intent on a satanic world-domination agenda. And, they are still at it.
We "deplorables" have not known about them because all our news and books have been published by them. Remarkably, the Monarch's banker, Pilgrims Society co-founder Lord N.M. Rothschild, who was also Cecil Rhodes' De Beers diamond and gold mining financier, attended the Conference. Also notably, the rewrite of history appears to have been one of Pilgrims Andrew Carnegie's primary motivations in funding the U.S. library system—to rewrite American history to be pro-British. See A Declaration of Interdependence (Jul. 04, 1918) ("corrected histories"). When some news would leak out about the Pilgrims Society's secret motives, their Press minions would demean it as "tin foil hat conspiracy theory."
We have worked for many months to dig up these facts buried deep in sometimes offsite archive warehouses around the world so that you can learn them quickly. The future of freedom-loving humanity hangs in the balance, we believe.

(Oct. 24, 2019)—Few history books even mention The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 (Jun. 5-26, 1909). This silence is deafening given that the Conference is perhaps the most defining event of the Modern Era. None of the British historians we interviewed had even heard of it.
We now believe the silence is intentional because the results of the 1909 The First Imperial Press Conference are still being played out on the world stage in 2019.
Bookmark: #fake-news-intelligencers | https://tinyurl.com/y3fyrnzu
The Pilgrims Society founders (Jul. 16, 1902) organized these three weeks of meetings. Their heirs in the UK and U.S. continue to execute on Cecil Rhodes' 200-year information war (which was the evident hidden agenda of the Conference) for world domination by white, English-Speaking, self-anointed elitists—120 years later.
See AFI. (Jan. 24, 2019). So you thought Rhodes Scholarships Were Good?; AFI. (Jan. 08, 2019). The 100-year Anglo-American Propaganda War Is Coming To An End; and AFI. (Sep. 12, 2019). Stunning Revelations Prove MSM Is Much More Dangerous Than You Can Imagine; see also Empires of Print (2017).
The UK-U.S. Pilgrims Society is the “Deep State” or “shadow government”—start naming it!
In the U.S.A., their step-and-fetch-it boys and girls are the Senior Executive Services (SES), SERCO, C.I.A., FBI, NSA, GlaxoSmithKline and British Crown Agents. They are spread out in all executive agencies. We know this is hard to believe, but the previously suppressed facts don't lie. We have been brainwashed by MSM not to believe this. "Run along little doggy [as they pat you on the head]," they said. "Orange man bad, promiscuity good."
See AFI. (Mar. 16, 2018). Obama hired them. Trump cannot fire them. So they say; AFI. (Apr. 20, 2018). The shadow government uses SES, Serco and OPIC as portals into horrific corruption.
In the UK, they control the British Privy Council, SERCO, Fleet Street (law, banking, intelligence, propaganda/press), MI6, MI5, GC&HQ, Tavistock Institute (psychiatry), GlaxoSmithKline (formerly Burroughs Wellcome & Co, now Wellcome Trust) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO).
All other government and nongovernmental agencies take their orders from the Pilgrims Society, including the United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), Atlantic Council, Bilderberg Group, World Economic Forum (Davos), Aspen Institute, Tavistock Institute, NATO, USAID, OPIC, Clinton Foundation (35 different operating entities), The McCain Institute, Romney Institute, Obama Foundation, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Open Society Foundation, Quantum Fund, George Soros, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Sir Geoffrey Pattie, Strategic Communications Laboratories (SCL) Group, U.S. State Department, U.S. Dept. of Defense, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bohemian Grove, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, etc.
The Pilgrims Society founders recruited the world’s newspapermen as their mouthpieces in June 1909 for their 200-year marathon

Unprecedented societal forces converged on Shepherds Bush, White City in West London between Jun. 05-26, 1909. This is the current site of BBC Television Centre, London—the actual scene of the Pilgrims Society crimes we are going to unfold here.
ALL of the 1909 Conference organizers were founding members of the Pilgrims Society (1902) led by Sir Harry Brittain. Sir Harry Brittain was also the organizer of The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909. No coincidence here.
See Pilgrims Society membership list with detailed commentary; Pilgrims Society List (alphabetical). See also A Study of the Anglo-American Establishment and the 1940 Congressional Record.
The dominance of the 1902 Pilgrims Society over the 1909 Imperial Press Conference agenda is self-evident.
In fact, the Pilgrims Society should be considered merely an extension of the one-world, English-Speaking corporation-driven government advocated by Cecil Rhodes a decade earlier. In fact, the Conference minutes describe Rhodes’ influence quite clearly.
The delegates were not only leaders of the British Empire Press, like Lord Burnham owner of The Daily Telegraph, and Lord Northcliffe owner of The Daily Mail, but they were also the Empire’s leading figures in politics, banking, technology, military, commerce, industry, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, legal, medicine and education.
It seems that the whole of the British Empire staked its future on this Conference. The Pilgrims Society founders hovered over every First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 meeting between Jun. 05-26, 1909.
Banker Lord Nathan M. Rothschild was there. In politics, Prime Minister Asquith, Lord Alfred Milner and Winston Churchill, then President of the Board of Trade, were there. In military, General Lord Roberts—the King’s general, was there. In pharmacy and print chemicals, Henry Wellcome—Burroughs Wellcome (now Glaxo Smith Kline) bankrolled the meetings and likely provided the "discreet" recreation for the delegates. In technology, Guglielmo Marconi (now GE Co., RCA, NBC, BAE, SERCO) provided suitable window dressing for the Admiralty-Post Office's confiscation of global cable and wireless telegraphy. In education, Lord Curzon—Oxford chancellor sang the praises of saint Cecil Rhodes' ("cheers").
Organizationally speaking, if ever a plan for global domination were to be set in motion, this was the time to do it.
And, do it they did, as we shall unfold below, thanks to the discovery of their meeting minutes, fully bound and in near pristine condition (albeit with 120 years of yellowing of the pages) in a box of old books in an offsite university library warehouse in America's fly-over country.
“A Parliament of the Press” shows these media spies are the new world order

Download Instructions: If you click on this link and you don't see anything, it is likely that your browser is set to download PDFs automatically to your DOWNLOADS folder. Go there to retrieve it. Otherwise, it should display right in your browser window.
They ignominiously named their gathering like a sovereign government, "A Parliament of the Press."
Even the master of ceremonies, Lord Rosebery, recognized the significance of the event in his preface to the Conference minutes memorialized in a recently-discovered original copy of A Parliament of the Press.
Lord Rosebery wrote:
“. . . this Press Conference stands out by itself; it makes a distinct epoch in the history of our Empire.”
This EPOCH-making result is what the Pilgrims Society wanted, and they made sure they orchestrated the meetings to get what they wanted.
The minutes show that the founders of the Pilgrims Society—all Cecil Rhodes disciples, some even trustees of the Rhodes Scholarship trust—hovered over every meeting.
They listened, cajoled, initiated, steered conversation, reinforced copasetic thoughts and sussed out the best candidates to be their new Imperial spies (“Hear, hear.”).
At the end of the three weeks, they had recruited a cadre of newspaperman-spies to start their new Imperial intelligence services. They also used the Conference as the springboard to form a "permanent" Empire Press Union (all were Pilgrims Society members) as the platform for running their Imperial spy operation, including in the U.S. These were the precursors to the U.S. intelligence services that they set up and direct to this day, namely the FBI, C.I.A., State Department and NSA.

See Parliamentary Record, Jul. 29, 1909 (Home Defence—MI5, Colonial Defence—MI6 and archiving—GC&CS, renamed GCHQ).
To name some names here because this is hard to believe, we know, key players were the Pilgrims' Sir Gilbert Parker who ran propaganda targeting America in WWI for the British War Propaganda Bureau (Wellington House), and the Pilgrims' Philip Whitwell Wilson (Vladimir Lenin's Pilgrims Society handler in London 1902-1917). Whitwell moved to New York and ran American propaganda at The New York Times between 1918-1955, having been the NYT London correspondent earlier. Whitwell is also very likely to have been the handler for the infamous British spy "Intrepid" (Sir William Stephenson).
Bookmark: #duma
Czar Nicholas abdicated just five weeks later on Mar. 15, 1917 due to Milner's evident meddling in Russia's internal politics and refusal to provide the aid already approved by the British Parliament.
Conclusion: The British Pilgrims Society destroyed the Czar. Lenin was merely their cardboard cutout.
Click here for the full image.
Also notably, Viscount Alfred Milner and Prime Minister Asquith hosted Russia's president and many members of the Duma (Russian Parliament) during the Imperial Press Conference, 1909. Hindsight shows that Milner and Asquith, among other Pilgrims Society members, were subverting the Czar's legislature.
From about Feb. 05-07, 1917 (just three days after a Feb. 04, 1917 reception with the Czar in St. Petersburg, giving one day to travel), Milner had visited members of the Russian Parliament. In Moscow, Milner met with Prince Georgy Y. Lvov (who assumed control of the Provisional Government after the Czar abdicated on Mar. 15, 1917—just five weeks later) and Mikhail V. Chelnokov, Moscow Mayor. This is even after the Czar had specifically asked Milner not to interfere in their internal politics.
On Apr. 16, 1917, Lenin returned to St. Petersburg at the Finland Station train terminal.
Timeline of Pilgrims Society Treachery re. Russia | |
1917 | |
Feb. | Viscount Milner hosted by the Czar and the Duma; refused to provide UK Parliament aid against the Bolsheviks |
Mar. | Czar Nicholas Romanov abdicated |
Apr. | Lenin returned in St. Petersberg |
1918 | |
Jul. 17 +++ |
Lenin assassinated the entire Romanov family; the Russian Orthodox Church canonized the Romanov family after extentive investigation and much debate, as passion bearers, on Aug. 20, 2000 |
Table: 1—Timeline of Viscount Alfred Milner, the Pilgrims Society and the British government's orchestration of theBolshvik Revolution |
Viscount Milner's (non-interference [NOT]) visit to St. Petersburg and Moscow in Feb. 1917, just before the Czar abdicated in Mar. 1917, and Lenin returned to Russia on Apr. 16, 1917 is all just coincidence, of course. Move along little doggy.

[Note to American Readers: We should not underestimate the propaganda power of a simple “Hear, hear” to affirm British Pilgrims Society group-think. You will read those affirmations throughout A Parliament of the Press, 1909.]
1,000 pages of Propaganda were showered on the delegates to help ensure the desired outcome: Imperial Spies
The books were also useful encryption keys
A Parliament of the Press (248 pgs.) was printed within days of the end of the Conference. It was distributed to the 650 participants before they departed. It was not the only book lavished upon the delegates.
The delegates were given two other books provided by the imperial warmonger pharmaceutical Burroughs Wellcome & Co., now GlaxoSmithKline:
The Evolution of Journalism Etcetera (371 pgs.) and
Imperial Press Conference, Souvenir Guide to London (653 pgs.).

Imperial newspapermen became the world’s modern corporate-government (Fascist) spies
The Burroughs Wellcome & Co. sponsored The Evolution of Journalism Etcetera book is quite curious. Only with the benefit of hindsight can its purposes be unpacked. See further analysis below in Footnote 1.
We know that these newspapermen were recruited at this Conference by Prime Minister Asquith and Lord Alfred Milner to be Imperial spies and propagandists (liars) who staffed a newly-forming MI5 (Home Defence), MI6 (Colonial Defence) and GC&CS (Archiving, renamed GCHQ), as confirmed a month later in the Parliamentary Record for Jul. 29, 1909.
We also know that Burroughs Wellcome & Co. had been experimenting on live subjects during the outbreak of typhoid fever and measles in the 2nd Boer War concentration camps (1899-1902). Those camps were established by Lord Alfred Milner and General Lord Roberts. Those heinous camps were only closed just months before Milner and Roberts helped form the Pilgrims Society on Jul. 16, 1902.
Those British concentration camps murdered over 60,000 non-English-speaking whites and blacks, including over 14,000 white children who were used in Burroughs Wellcome & Co. medical experiments. History points to these camps as Hitler’s model for his WWII camps. Yes, the idea for concentration camps was British spawned and was no respecter of non-English-speaking ethnicity or race.
Eugenics: English-speaking white breeding, Non-English-speaking white, brown & black exploitation
This empowerment of 650 Imperial newspaperman-spies with many untested and bogus vaccines, including solutions of dead human and bovine tissues, makes absolutely no sense medically. Even if they were all legitimate (which they were not), it was like equipping a nurse with a bulldozer. Since so few, if any, of these newspapermen were medical doctors, why the brouhaha over so many fake cures?
Beware journalistic "sources"
Evolution of Journalism even included detailed mortality charts for diphtheria (!) in the hospitals of the Metropolitan Asylums Board in the vicinity of Colchester, England (1888-1907). Notably, the flip side of knowing what can cure a disease is knowing how to wield it as a eugenics weapon to cull a vulnerable population. Indeed, Burroughs Wellcome & Co. was arming the Empire Press with just enough information to deceive the public that serious research had been done by the journalists.
We know that eugenics-smitten British liberalism was all the rage at the turn the 18th century. By 1902 they were entertaining socialists and Bolsheviks like Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin in London.
British Liberals promoted the ideas of eugenics (controlled human breeding) and the supremacy of the white “English-speaking race.” W.T. Stead wrote in 1902 that Cecil Rhodes stipulated “In his Will he aimed at making Oxford University the educational centre of the English-speaking race [including Americans].” Notably, Rhodes wrote German students out of his first will.
Non-English-speaking whites, brown and black families were to be discouraged from having children and were to be subjugated (jingoistically, for their own good). See First Universal Races Conference (Jul. 26-29, 1911), Burroughs Wellcome & Co. Archives (447 pgs.).

Shockingly, when viewed in this new light, the 1918-20 Spanish Flu pandemic that killed 50-100 million people may have been induced by a simple telegram broadcast in minutes, encrypted, to Empire Press Union newspaperman-spies throughout the world to "administer XYZ acne vaccine to 100 children in your capital."
Indeed, these Wellcome medicine chests, in the hands of Press people, would be much better at administering poisons and pathogens than cures. Also curious here is the timing of the pandemic. It occurred during the negotiations to establish the League of Nations. Was the Spanish Flu pandemic the 20th Century's first 911-type "false flag?" It now appears this crisis was fabricated to push the delegates into agreement out of fear that disagreement would cause further damage.
The Wellcome acne vaccines were pure voodoo science dressed up to look respectable
It is certain that the Wellcome medicine chest “Tabloid” brand concoctions advertised for acne vaccines were pure voodoo. There has never been a vaccine for acne.
And yet, these mad British spy-Press-scientists were instructed, for example, to inject “An emulsion of killed tubercle bacilli of human or bovine origin” (p.235). This is simply outrageous in its inhumanity. The first licensed vaccine made with the use of a human cell strain (see History of Vaccines) was the adenovirus vaccine used by the military in the late 1960s, experts tell us.
What untold damage to world health did the Empire Press Union spy delegates do when they took their Wellcome “Tabloid” medicine chests back home and on their many expeditions? Were those fake acne vaccines merely delivery mechanisms for depopulation viruses like the Spanish Flu pandemic?
Spy poisons
How did Britain’s Imperial spies use these Wellcome medicine chests? Experts in spy craft tell us that they would most certainly have used them to kill or otherwise incapacitate their targets.
These medicine chests contained numerous African poisons, for example. Some of those poisons had antidotes. In the right coercion circumstance, the antidote may be offered to a poisoned target in exchange for cooperation. This is a well-known Jesuit tactic.
Indeed, at the very least these Burroughs Wellcome “Tabloid” brand medical kits were cases full of intelligence and eugenics weapons.

Notably, Facebook’s current European communications vice-president, Baron Richard B. Allan, has a baby mommy paramour, Dr. Ana Elena Padilla Jargstorf (Allan), who is a permanent Wellcome Trust advisor to the British Parliament. Her specialty is human blood—an elixir in great demand among Pilgrims Society members for alleged life extension.
It is also widely known that adrenochrome-enhanced babies blood is an especially potent stimulant and life-extender for the Pilgrims Society members. Indeed, Fast and Furious Judge Amy B. Jackson's JPMorgan investment benefits from "Fast & Furious" Mexican blood money, via JPMorgan's clients Cerberus Capital Management LP, Talecris Therapeutics and Facebook.
Media propaganda underpins the Pilgrims Society agenda
The psychological weapon of choice for these Pilgrims Society spies was (and still is) propaganda. This is why propaganda is one of the most dangerous and powerful weapons, in history.
Indeed, the Conference president Harry Lawson, who later became Lord Burnham when his father retired, owner of The Daily Telegraph and president of the Empire Press Union, admitted it in a New York speech to the Pilgrims Society on Jan. 23, 1923.
In that speech, Lord Burnham said "public opinion in all its phases and, above all, in all its minorities—which may be the righteous remnants of good causes—can only be expressed and explained in the newspaper press."
Lord Burnham's effusive expressions that the Press could cure all the world's societal ills caused The Fourth Estate correspondent (a leading resource for newspapermen of the day) to write: "We have been shown that he [Lord Burnham] is nearly a thirteenth apostle, standing for a faith by which he and his equals may deliver the world from its present ungodly imperception."
Burnham did not hold back in his speech to the Associated Press:
LORD BURNHAM: "We [newspapermen] are responsible among us for most of the influences which form the opinion and determine the conduct of the world."
Burnham told the world in no uncertain terms that total control of the world Press was and still is paramount to the Pilgrims Society's 200-year globalist takeover agenda.
The Power of Words
Lord Burnham boasted in his American speeches that newspapermen held in their hands the power to CREATE public opinion and use words to make peace, or war.
Bankers learned millennia ago that both good and bad news can be good for profits, if one has advance knowledge of the triggering event.
For this reason, bankers like N. M. Rothschild helped bankroll The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909. The Rothschild family had long ago perfected the ability to profit from the advance knowledge of a story that newspapermen would write. Alternatively, they would simply pay the Press to plant false stories in order to spook financial markets up and down—triggered by nothing more than the “false flag” newspaper article itself.
World populations have been played the fools by the Pilgrims Society
It appears that since The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, the world’s populations have been played the fool by these Pilgrims Society newspapermen turned spies.
Since 1900, the world has seen over 193 wars and conflicts big and small that have been triggered by the desires of the Pilgrims Society to consolidate their profits and power.
Demons of the Seven Deadly Sins
We now think that since these people have so chronically abused every moral standard of decency and humanity, they have "seared their consciences with a hot iron" and they allowed themselves to become demons of the seven deadly sins. I Timothy 4:2 ("Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron" KJV) (Emphasis added).
The Power of Words
The Bible has much to say about the power of the tongue for good or evil. By the words that we speak, we choose whether we bring:
- Healing or sickness.
- Death or life.
- Restoration or destruction.
- Peace or strife.
- Blessings or curses.
“The lips of the righteous feed many: but fools die for want of wisdom.”
Proverbs 10:21 (KJV).
“There are some whose uncontrolled talk is like the wounds of a sword, but the tongue of the wise makes one well again.”
Proverbs 12:18 (BBE).
“For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”
Luke 6:45 (NKJV).
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1 (KJV).
In 1909, human words were hijacked by dark imperial forces who have directed social discourse to this day
Those dark forces of human nature meant to divide us are screaming vacuous epithets loudly today: Impeach! Racist! Homophobe! Tin Foil Hat! Islamophobe! Transphobe! Xenophobe! Misogynist! Sexist! White Male! Uncle Tom! Nazi! Communist! Socialist! Anti-semite! Conspiracy Theorist! Bitter Clinger! Snowflake! Much of this activity is occuring among astroturfers (paid actors who are only faking actual grassroots thoughts to fool unsuspecting nice people).
"They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen."
Romans 1:25 NIV.
Imperial newspapermen in 1909, funded by insider bankers, took control of propaganda, intelligence, education, publishing, big pharma and banking. They employed Cecil Rhodes’ recommendation to use Jesuit stealth tactics to seize control of the worlds resources. In doing so, they bastardized their communications skills into fomenting endless fake wars that have the three-fold benefit of: (1) making profits, (2) murdering populations to reduce their number, and (3) further consolidating power.
Up until the Internet, these newspapermen had their way. They seized control of the emerging telegraphy and wireless communications to further control their propaganda.
Marconi even attended the 1909 Conference with his cable engineering technology handler Dr. Erskine Murray. ("Mr. Marconi delivered an address to the Conference.") ("the Marconi system of telegraphy has come as a new factor in the situation.").
Through the IBM-GE-RCA-SERCO DARPA military in the U.S., they created the Internet, but then something wonderful happened—the IBM and Microsoft technology that they were counting on failed to scale to the demands of the Internet. Average users were jumping on to the networks too fast. They lost control of the medium. The average person started innovating.
One of their first big moves to fix their scalability problem was in 2000-2003 when they used their control over the U.S. government Office of Net Assessment to steal the social networking inventions of Ohio State civil engineering inventor Michael McKibben and his company Leader Technologies, Inc.
McKibben and his team had solved the problem of scalability in the way communications could occur on the massive scales on the World Wide Web. Previous AT&T, IBM and Microsoft platforms were failing to handle the large volumes of transactions so they could spy on the users and push their propaganda (e.g., MS Exchange, Lotus Notes, Novell Groupwise, IBM Websphere). In short, the Pilgrims Society technology "giants" were caught with their pants down.
McKibben’s invention was so critical to the Pilgrims Society’s 200-year takeover plan that they ordered the U.S. government to steal it, which they have done.
See The Weaponization of Social Networking Should Concern Us All.
The Pilgrims Society commandeered Leader Technologies' invention to deploy mass surveillance and propaganda, consistent with their 200-year 1909 strategy.
Once stolen, the newspapermen and their minions in radio, TV and cinema (Mainstream Media) went to work fabricating creation stories for how Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter and Yahoo! all emerged almost overnight in 2004. That’s right. Mark Zuckerberg’s The Social Network Harvard story was pure Hollywood fiction to fool the masses.
Consistent with their British Privy Council origins, Facebook has essentially turned over control to its British handlers in Sir Nick W. P. Clegg and Baron Richard B. Allan.
Fake News
President Trump has brilliantly called out "Fake News" foisted upon the world by the Pilgrims Society. We have just shown you from absolutely unexplored history of our modern world that our media (newspapers, radio and TV) are all dangerously fake, by nature.
The weaponization of the word—they lie by nature
Pilgrims Society-directed newspaperman-spies only know how to lie, and that’s what they have been refining for 120 years. Any person alive has only ever lived under this dark cloud where words were turned into weapons for the Pilgrims Society.
Knowledge is power
Hopefully, the WORDS of this post will be like a candle to your soul.
We encourage you to examine your thinking and opinions for the telltale signs that you have formed many of those opinions based upon the darkness and lies told to us by Mainstream Media propaganda spies who have, by nature, NEVER told the truth in their 120-year history since 1909.
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
St. John 8:32 NKJV.
“No one who lights a lamp hides it away or places it under a bushel basket, but on a lamp stand so that those who enter might see the light.”
St. Luke 11:33 NABRE.
Light your candle. Stand up for truth.
Hammer Time
It is hammer time for the demons of the seven deadly sins. Through the Pilgrims Society, for 120 years, they have attempted to subvert human words that are in themselves the image of God in Trinity (mind, word, breath)—unique yet inseparable attributes of unity. These demons have brought only words of domination, death and destruction.
"Is not my word like fire," declares the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces? Jeremiah 23:29 NIV.
This is why we must ALL fight with all our power to identify and crush fake news.
The future of America depends on it.
* * *
#footnote-1Footnote 1
Summary of The Evolution of Journalism Etcetera
The first 51 pages of The Evolution of Journalism Etcetera cursorily summarize the history of the written word. It finishes with samples of British newspapers, more than a few are operating today, like The Times, The London Gazette, The Daily Express and The Daily Telegraph.
The next 131 pages lionized some 81 notables in the British Press, including 14 war correspondents.
Consistent with the militaristic tone, the next 139 pages had 16 sections under the title “The Evolution of Weapons for the Battle of Life.”
On the surface, this was the most absolutely bizarre part of a book that was otherwise dedicated to the Press.
It drilled down on the history of Burroughs Wellcome vaccines. It even published test results for diphtheria, e-coli, diphtheria, tuberculosis, scarlet fever, rheumatism, puerperal fever, meningitis, typhoid fever, staphylococcus, gonorrhea, streptococcus, pneumonia and acne.
Then, for 41 pages, Burroughs Wellcome promoted its “Tabloid” brand of vaccines, potions and treatments (and poisons) in an all-in-one medicine chest.

It also advertised Wellcome's printing and photography chemicals!
Two pages included evident promises of pedophilia, possibly implying that the medicines could induce such opportunities (pp. 310, 311), or otherwise promising young children to the delegates for their enjoyment. The experts consulted strongly believed these images were promises of pedophilia.

The naked child is holding an inverted pentagram which is usually associated with the devil Baphomet. An upside-down pentagram, with two points projecting upwards, is a symbol of evil and attracts sinister forces because it overturns the proper order of things and demonstrates the triumph of evil over spirit. Baphomet is the “goat of lust” attacking the heavens with its horns and is a well-known symbol of black magic.
The Knights Templar were accused of worshipping the “Sabbatic Goat” or Baphomet. The Wellcome logo being held by the naked child is clearly an occult signal to the delegates. The image above was drawn by the magician Eliphas Levi and was later adopted as the Sigil of the Church of Satan.

The last part of the book showed the Burroughs Wellcome employees exercising and at play.
One notably odd page showed the inside of a gymnasium with walls festooned with African war spears and shields. This was an evident reference to blood rituals and killing—all favorites of demonic blood rituals (p. 336).
Burroughs Wellcome's World War I propaganda speaks volumes about the militaristic motivations of this company:

We have observed that these globalist Pilgrims' propaganda accuses their opponents of the very acts that they are committing or promoting. With that tactic, they force their opponents to swat at air and prove negatives. (Q: "When will you stop beating your children?" A: "I have never beaten my children." Reply: "Prove it.") Listen to their incessant propaganda with new ears. Whatever they are accusing someone of is what they are doing. Sex, drugs, pedophilia, human trafficking, extortion, liable, defamation, money laundering, counterfeiting, tax evasion, drug smuggling, hypocrisy, homosexuality, infidelity, fornication, bestiality, insanity, mental illness, sodomy, climate abuse, cow farts, plastic straw fetish, child abuse, spouse abuse, homophobia, xenophobia, necrophilia, brainwashing, conspiracy theory, mind control, misogyny.
The Nov. 16, 1918 British Burroughs Wellcome war propaganda poster above depicts its German pharmaceutical rivals as the Leviathan octopus that threatens the British Empire. The fact is, the British-American Pilgrims Society was the Leviathan that was determined to enslave the world... in the name of peace and security, of course. Was not that the same excuse the George W. Bush administration used to abolish the Bill of Rights in The Patriot Act? Safety and security. Its been the same Pilgrims deception for 117 years. Abuse rights, create a fake press hue and cry, then get paid to repair what you broke.
This is a classic Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals tactic to demonize your opponent by saying they are doing exactly what you are doing.

Burroughs Wellcome became Glaxo Wellcome, which is today GSK-Glaxo Smith Kline. Wellcome Trust operates today as a powerful UK pharmaceutical lobby and eugenics promoter. In fact, Dr. Ana Padilla, the paramour and baby-mommy of Facebook vice-president of European communications, Baron Richard Allan, is a consultant for the Wellcome Trust in Parliament. See AFI. (Dec. 04, 2018). Facebook no-name [Baron Richard B. Allan] sent to spook the markets. Americans for Innovation.
Return to return to the beginning of this post.
Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.
Click "N comments:" on the line just below this instruction to comment on this post. Alternatively, send an email with your comment to afi@leader.com and we'll post it for you. We welcome and encourage anonymous comments, especially from whisteblowers.
Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump today. It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and that Pilgrims Society that steals and weaponizes inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of its fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
I am a Brit who was educated through Masters degree in England, have lived in various parts of the Empire and also in the USA for many years. I have had many knighted relatives and many colleagues in high British positions. Despite a substantial and worldly education, never until now have I realized the incredible dangers of weaponized fake news. We ALL have to do our part to expose and kill it.
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by JB:
ReplyDelete"A choice not an echo"
by Phyllis Schlafly (1964)
Free pdf:
is a clear, concise statement of the issues of the 1964 presidential campaign, including the hidden issues within the Republican Party. It gives a fascinating inside account of Republican National Conventions since 1936. If is full of authentic details never before assembled. It answers such questions as:
Who really picks your presidential candidates? How are political conventions stolen? Who are the secret kingmakers? How do "hidden persuaders" and propaganda gimmicks influence politics?
Will the Republicans win in 1964?
PHYLLIS SCHLAFLY is the President of the Illinois Federation of Republican Women, an office she has held since 1960. She is a Phi Beta Kappa with a Master's Degree in Political Science. She was an elected Delegate to three Republican National Conventions, and many of the events described in this book are from first-hand experience.
Email comment by Tom Fitton:
ReplyDeleteOCTOBER 22, 2019
Andrew Weissmann organized off-the-record DOJ/FBI meeting with AP to exchange ‘clarification’ and ‘assistance’ in their investigation for details on former Trump Campaign Director Paul Manafort
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released two productions of heavily redacted FBI documents – 28 pages and 38 pages – about an April 11, 2017, “off-the-record” meeting set up by then-Chief of the Justice Department’s Criminal Fraud Section Andrew Weissmann, between the DOJ, the FBI and the Associated Press in which AP reporters provided information on former Trump Campaign Director Paul Manafort, including the numeric code to Manafort’s storage locker.
Two months later, in early June, Weissmann was hired to work on Robert Mueller’s special counsel operation against President Trump. Weissman then reportedly spearheaded the subsequent investigation and prosecution of Manafort.
Included among the new documents are two typed write-ups of the meeting’s proceedings and handwritten notes taken during the meeting by two FBI special agents.
Full story:
Email comment by HN:
ReplyDeleteJosh Boswell. (Oct. 24, 2019). Shocking photos of Congresswoman Katie Hill are revealed showing off Nazi-era tattoo while smoking a bong, kissing her female staffer and posing nude on 'wife sharing' sites. Daily Mail.
Katie Hill, 32, has been seen in a series of shocking photographs obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com
Hill was pictured kissing and brushing her young female staffer's hair, who DailyMail.com can identify as Morgan Desjardins from Santa Clarita, California
The then 22-year-old began a throuple relationship with Hill and her husband Kenny Heslep shortly after she started working for Hill in 2017
Texts and photos between Hill, Heslep and Desjardins reveal their throuple was steamy at first, but ended with Hill leaving them 'high and dry'
The congresswoman was also seen posing naked while smoking a bong on 9/11 in 2017, as a tattoo of a Nazi-era Iron Cross on her bikini line is on full display
The tattoo could open the congresswoman to accusations of hypocrisy, after she criticized racist Facebook posts that included a similar-looking cross
Sources revealed Hill and Heslep also posted Hill's naked photos online in 2016 under a thread called 'WouldYouF**kMyWife' and 'wifesharing'
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteTyler Durden. (Oct. 25, 2019). The DOJ's Russiagate Probe Just Turned Into A Criminal Investigation. Zero Hedge.
What began as an administrative review by the Justice Department into the origins of Russiagate has "shifted" to a criminal inquiry, according to the New York Times, citing two people familiar with the matter.
The move will allow prosecutor John H Durham the power to subpoena documents and witnesses, to impanel a grand jury, and to file criminal charges. Durham's progress has been closely monitored by Attorney General William Barr, who appointed the veteran investigator in May, tasking him with looking into FBI and CIA intelligence gathering operations surrounding the 2016 US election.
Full story:
Email comment by GN:
ReplyDeleteTim Constantine. Oct. 24, 2019. Hillary's Admission of Guilt. Washington Times.
The fact that Hillary Clinton plays fast and loose with the truth is not news to anyone. Countless times in her public life, as first lady, as a senator from New York, as secretary of State and as a failed presidential candidate, she has said things that are blatantly untrue. Never, however, does she acknowledge any of these errors or deceptions.
Until now.
William Shakespeare wrote a little story you may have heard of titled, “Hamlet.” It was assigned reading for many of us during our school days. In the play, Queen Gertrude speaks a particular line that is often repeated in modern society, “The lady doth protest too much methinks.” Essentially, she is saying a character in the play is overacting or overemphasizing a point so strongly that it makes Queen Gertrude question that character’s sincerity and truthfulness.
The website Literary Devices describes the phrase this way, “By this phrase, she meant that the woman tried too hard to convince the audience, losing her credibility. In simple words, her vows are too artful, too elaborate, or too insistent to be true. More cynically, Gertrude may imply that such affirmations are silly, and this may indirectly defend her own situation.
Full story:
[EDITOR: We've been telling Readers this since at least 2013!]
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by Anon/GH/Tom Fitton:
The State Department utilized a powerful Facebook-owned social media tracking tool linked to leftist billionaire George Soros to unlawfully monitor prominent U.S. conservative figures, journalists and persons with ties to President Donald Trump, according to an agency source. The State Department veteran identified Crowdtangle as the tool used to closely watch more than a dozen U.S. citizens, including the president’s son, personal attorney and popular television personalities such as Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham, among others.
Last week Judicial Watch launched an investigation into the unlawful monitoring, which State Department sources say was conducted by the agency in Ukraine at the request of ousted U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch, an Obama appointee. Judicial Watch has obtained information indicating Yovanovitch may have violated laws and government regulations by ordering subordinates to target certain U.S. persons using State Department resources. Yovanovitch reportedly ordered monitoring keyed to the following search terms: Biden, Giuliani, Soros and Yovanovitch. Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the State Department last week and continues gathering facts from government sources. This week Judicial Watch filed another FOIA request for information related to the State Department’s use of Crowdtangle.
A private, invitation-only engine, Crowdtangle describes itself as a leading content discovery and social monitoring platform that can help identify influencers and track rivals. It was launched in 2011 to organize activism via social media and Facebook purchased it in 2016. Crowdtangle monitors more than 5 million social media accounts and uses dashboards to track keywords, data and specific topics across platforms. For years Facebook has made Crowdtangle available to the mainstream media and in January founder and CEO Brandon Silverman announced he will give access to select academics and researchers in order to help counter misinformation and abuse of social media platforms. “To date, Crowdtangle has been available primarily to help newsrooms and media publishers understand what is happening on the platform,” Silverman writes. “We’re eager to make it available to this important new set of partners and help continue to provide more transparency into how information is being spread on social media.”
*** PART I, end***
Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteCAT REPORT, Oct. 25
Time to Lawyer Up – The House of Cards is Collapsing
Stunning, Potentially Game-Changing, Court Filing by Flynn Defense Lawyer Sidney Powell
Lisa Page edited the Flynn 302
Ratcliffe says DOJ was used by Obama administration to go after their enemies
Trump Cancels All Admins’ NYT, WaPo Subs: “Will Save 100s Of 1000s Of Taxpayer Dollars”
200-Year Information War. Patriots around the world know the enemy now and join together to defeat the one world order beast.
S.C. Judge Rules the Obvious: It’s Unconstitutional for Police to Seize and Keep People’s Property Without Proving They Committed Crimes
Trump accuses Obama of treason for ‘spying’ on his 2016 campaign
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Email comment by BR:
Trump Accuses Obama Of “Treason”
Hunter Biden followed his dad to Romania, too?
Human Wetware & The 5G Computer Weapon
All The Russia Collusion Clues Are Beginning To Point Back To John Brennan
Donald Trump Asks for List of Never Trumpers in His Administration
William Pelham Barr is a traitor
Michael Flynn’s Lawyers Claim Lisa Page Altered FBI Interview Record to Frame Him
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Email comment by TP:
Donald Trump Addresses the Nation After Mission Against ISIS Founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
General Michael Flynn’s attorney is demanding that charges be immediately dropped after they found that FBI Agents manipulated records against him.
Trump Admin Gives $10 Billion Cloud Computing Project To Microsoft
We are living through historic times. Are you awake and engaged?
NASA Discovers THC on Meteorite Fragment
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Email comment by TF:
AP Reporters Pushed FBI to prosecute Manafort
New Benghazi Documents Confirm Clinton Email Cover-Up
The State Department Monitored People It Didn’t Like
AP Reporters Pushed FBI to prosecute Manafort
The Associated Press, founded in 1846 as a cooperative association of newspapers, has enjoyed a reputation for independence and fairness over the years. Lately, however, it has come under criticism for what some see as a left/liberal bias.
Certainly, what we have just learned about its dealings with anti-Trump partisans in the Justice Department does nothing to improve our perception of the news service.
We have released two sets of heavily redacted FBI documents – 28 pages and 38 pages –about an April 11, 2017, “off-the-record” meeting set up by then-Chief of the Justice Department’s Criminal Fraud Section Andrew Weissmann.
The meeting included representatives of the DOJ, the FBI and the Associated Press in which AP reporters provided information on former Trump Campaign Director Paul Manafort, including the numeric code to Manafort’s storage locker.
Two months later, in early June, Weissmann was hired to work on Robert Mueller’s special counsel operation against President Trump. Weissman then reportedly spearheaded the subsequent investigation and prosecution of Manafort.
Included among the new documents are two typed write-ups of the meeting’s proceedings and handwritten notes taken during the meeting by two FBI special agents.
Full story and evidence.
Email comment by GJ:
ReplyDeleteRe: Petition at the Australian Government for Australia to leave the Paris Climate Accord.
The Paris Climate Accord is a vehicle of the globalists with whom we all at ‘war’.
Fellow Aussies: Please Sign this Petition to Leave the Paris Agreement
This is a link to an article which provides a link to the actual petition. As of writing there are only about 3000 signatures and it closes 13th November.
Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteTavistock and Frankfurt School – Deadly Combination Will End Humanity Unless Patriots Wake Up and Destroy Their Agendas
Anti-Trump ‘Whistleblower’ Worked With DNC Operative Who Sought Dirt On Trump From Ukrainian Officials
The White House “whistleblower” is Eric Ciaramella
Chuck Grassley Rips Comey: You Missed Key Evidence In Clinton Investigation. I’m Going To Find It.
The 200-year Information War: The UK-U.S. Pilgrims Society controls the Press that directs intelligence (spy-lies) to bend words and culture to atheistic social fascism.
Twitter intensifies attack on conservatives by forbidding political ads
Full stories:
This is some great material.A word of caution however on one : Joël van der Reijden and 'his' material.I would caution against mirroring any of his site.On this very platform,I had a blog disappeared with over 5000 files because I had some of his 'stuff' among the files.Did not matter that I attributed the work to his site,as well as using the disclaimer about education.Just a heads up,and thanks for your work and effort you put into your sites
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by Dinesh D'Souza
ReplyDeleteBeto “cheer guides” found after his rally. How pathetic can this guy be? He’s literally coaching his audience on what to chant. America’s biggest loser!
Email comment by GH
ReplyDeleteSundance. (Nov. 03, 2019). Why John Brennan, Peter Strzok and DOJ Needed Julian Assange Arrested – And Why UK Officials Obliged… The Conservative Treehouse.
According to recent reports U.S. Attorney John Durham and U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr are spending time on a narrowed focus looking carefully at CIA activity in the 2016 presidential election. One recent quote from a media-voice increasingly sympathetic to a political deep-state notes:
“One British official with knowledge of Barr’s wish list presented to London commented that “it is like nothing we have come across before, they are basically asking, in quite robust terms, for help in doing a hatchet job on their own intelligence services””. (Link)
It is interesting that quote comes from a British intelligence official, as there appears to be mounting evidence of an extensive CIA operation that likely involved U.K. intelligence services. In addition, and as a direct outcome, there is an aspect to the CIA operation that overlaps with both a U.S. and U.K. need to keep Wikileaks founder Julian Assange under tight control. In this outline we will explain where corrupt U.S. and U.K. interests merge.
To understand the risk that Julian Assange represented to CIA interests, it is important to understand just how extensive the operations of the CIA were in 2016. It is within this network of foreign and domestic operations where FBI Agent Peter Strzok is clearly working as a bridge between the CIA and FBI operations.
By now people are familiar with the construct of CIA operations ...
... involving Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese professor now generally admitted/identified as a western intelligence operative who was tasked by the CIA (John Brennan) to run an operation against Trump campaign official George Papadopoulos in both Italy (Rome) and London. {Go Deep} ...
In a similar fashion the CIA tasked U.S. intelligence asset Stefan Halper ...
... to target another Trump campaign official, Carter Page. Under the auspices of being a Cambridge Professor Stefan Halper also targeted General Michael Flynn. Additionally, using assistance from a female FBI agent under the false name Azra Turk, Halper also targeted Papadopoulos.
The initial operations to target Flynn, Papadopoulos and Page were all based overseas. This seemingly makes the CIA exploitation of the assets and the targets much easier.
One of the more interesting aspects to the Durham probe is a possibility of a paper-trail created as a result of the tasking operations. We should watch closely for more evidence of a paper trail as some congressional reps have hinted toward documented evidence (transcripts, recordings, reports) that are exculpatory to the targets (Page & Papadop). HPSCI Ranking Member Devin Nunes has strongly hinted that very specific exculpatory evidence was known to the FBI and yet withheld from the FISA application used against Carter Page that also mentions George Papadopoulos. I digress…
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Email comment by BR:
ReplyDeleteCAT REPORT, Nov. 03, 2019
John Brennan is Proud of Deep State for Launching Coup Against Trump
Even Scientific American admits that 5G could devastate public health
British Zionists used the Holocaust to sell their takeover in Palestine at the end of WWII
Banks beg the Fed for money & may all fall in domino effect
Joe Biden’s Campaign Is Imploding
Kamala Harris fades into irrelevance
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteEditor. (Nov. 07, 2019). WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL: Whistleblower’s Attorney Zaid Worked With CIA to Imprison Client. True Pundit.
Now surfaces an Intel gem from Julian Assange’s Wikileaks alleging that the lawyer for Adam Schiff’s anti-Trump and Ukraine whistleblower was called out by Wikileaks and Assange for selling out a legal client to the CIA.
And the client ended up in prison, according to Wikileaks.
Wikileaks previouly hurled a brutal and damning Tweet at attorney Mark Zaid accusing him of selling out a client and working with the CIA to get that client locked up.
Sounds familiar.
Mark S. Zaid
@MarkSZaidEsq · Nov 23, 2018
Replying to @NaomiPitcairn and 6 others
Lol, that's your argument? �� I get new WBer clients every week. In fact, it's overwhelming how many. But thank you for your concern. ��
WikiLeaks is aware, from those directly involved, of serious allegations that Mark S. Zaid revealed one of his clients to the CIA. The client was later imprisoned.
Wikileaks and Assange slammed Zaid after he was pontificating about representing whistleblowers in court.
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Email comment by Anon:
ReplyDeleteEditor. (Nov. 07, 2019). Bombshell Report: Burisma Was Paying Hunter Biden MILLIONS Under The Table. Diamond and Silk.
According to former Ukrainian official Oleksandr Onyshchenko, Hunter Biden was receiving “off the books” payments from Burisma in the millions.
Burisma Holdings, where Hunter Biden worked with the Ukrainian natural gas company, had pressured the Obama State Department to help end the corruption investigation during the 2016 election cycle. Joe Biden bragged about getting Viktor Shokin fired during a 2018 speech to the Council on Foreign Relations. The prosecutor was probing corruption related to his son Hunter’s involvement with Burisma Holdings.
The media covered for Biden and said his targeting of Mr. Shokin was unrelated to the prosecutor’s corruption investigation into Hunter. New memos released this week are blowing the lid on everything.
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Email comment by RD:
ReplyDeleteJohn Doe
Field McConnell is arrested, Craig Sawyer is jumping for joy & so are a ton of other glowy YTr's-
It seems Field was arrested on warrants for violation of an injunction set forth by a BROWARD county judge, that barred Field from speaking about attorney Kim Picazio .
You might recognize Picazio's name in tandem with Timothy Holmseth.
Holmseth surfaced a year or so ago, claiming to have evidence of an elite pedophile ring in Indiana connected to Pence.
Holmseth, pursued by Picazio for libel has been subsequently arrested multiple times.
This is another odd arrest in an even stranger series of events
We all know about corruption in Broward county, & we also know how easily stories can be made up for $$$.
Libelous trends in our culture are committed & set forth by media, why are 'nobody's' the only ones arrested?
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Email comment by TG:
The GOP Romney Problem: The Elephants in the Room
Adam Schiff Calls His First Public Witnesses And It Tells Us Everything
CBS Allegedly Fires Former ABC Employee Who Had Access To Amy Robach Video
Billionaire George Soros Now Effectively Owns The Virginia Criminal Justice System
Anti-Trump Impeachment Hearings an “Abomination unto the Constitution–It’s a Coup!”
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Email comment by BR:
Eric Ciaramella Attorney, January 2017: “Coup Has Started” – July 2017: “We Will Remove Him”
Donald Trump Reads Aloud 2017 Tweets from Whistleblower’s Lawyer Declaring a ‘Coup’
Looks like attorney Mark Zaid has a “thing” for underage Disney girls
Election Rigging Alert for Kentucky
RNC Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel silent about obvious Kentucky election rigging
Democrats’ ‘Star Witness’ Admits He Wasn’t On Trump-Ukraine Call, Sole Source Was NY Times
45 Population Control Quotes That Show The Elite Are Quite Eager To Reduce The Number Of People On The Planet
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Email comment by BR:
Is this why ABC killed the Epstein story? Ian O. Cameron?
Alleged ‘Whistleblower’ Eric Ciaramella Worked Closely with Anti-Trump Dossier Hoaxer
NY Times Sat On Evidence Debunking Elizabeth Warren Pregnancy Firing Claim
DOJ Makes Jaw-Dropping Admission in Flynn Case – Prosecution “Mistakenly” Attributed Wrong Notes to Wrong FBI Agents
Jessie K. Liu is in Place to Protect the Unelected Senior Executive Service (SES) Secret Government
What did NBC News’s Chelsea Clinton do for her $600,000 salary?
Judge Amy Berman Jackson is a Corrupt Mueller ‘Witch Hunter’ Coming for Roger Stone
Flynn attorney demands FBI search internal database, claims FBI manipulated interview notes
While You Slept, The US Government Created ‘Internal Passports’
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteHaley Kennington. (Nov. 8, 2019). BREAKING: Voter Fraud Confirmed in Kentucky: Electoral Office Confirms 175k Voters Were Added Back To Voter Rolls in 2019. Loomered.
In 2016, our own Tore Lindeman and her husband, who is not a U.S. citizen went to cast their votes at their local precinct. Tore had not yet switched her address over to her new residence and instead produced her passport. She was refused and told she would have to show her state issued ID. A woman seated at the desk looked at her printed list and said, “Barry Lindeman CAN vote, but NOT you.” Tore responded to the woman by explaining that she was Lindeman’s wife and referred the woman again to her passport, to which the woman told Tore that was NOT considered valid identification.
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Email comment by JB:
ReplyDeleteNancy Morgan Hart. CIA to Move on White House Next Week. Headlines with a Voice.
Think 25th Amendment, section 4...
"Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President."
Full story:
George Dvorsky. (Sep. 04, 2012). How the Soviets used their own twisted version of psychiatry to suppress political dissent. Gizmodo.
Illustration for article titled How the Soviets used their own twisted version of psychiatry to suppress political dissent
Over the course of its 69-year history, the Soviet Union was notorious for its heavy-handed suppression of political dissent — most infamously through its use of the Siberian GULAGs. But it was during the 1960s and 1970s that the Communist Party took their intolerance for ideological deviance to extremes by diagnosing and institutionalizing so-called counterrevolutionaries with mental illness. It was a frightening episode in Soviet history in which perfectly healthy citizens could be deemed psychotic simply on account of their political views.
And indeed, what better way to deal with activists and naysayers than to diagnose them as being mentally unstable. Dissenters, who were often seen as both a burden and a threat to the system, could be easily discredited and detained.
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Email comment by wolvenwood
ReplyDeleteWolvenwood. (Nov. 09, 2019)
Serco runs our local internet where I live. When I first moved here 2 yrs ago, Serco took out almost $200.00 out of my checking account that I did NOT approve, I had also already paid for my internet that month. When I called up, I told them I needed to know WHY they had done that. They told me "that is not public information". I told them I"m not the public, I'm a CUSTOMER and you stole my money. I also told them this is America, we have a right to know why you took my money out of my account. They refused to tell me anything at all about it, and I never got my money back. I tried to call the cops 3 times but they would not take a crime report. There was nothing I could do. Apparently, because Serco is a British company, they don't have to follow U.S. laws.
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Email comment by TG:
John Brennan hand-picked whistleblower for White House
Ukraine State Dept. Experts Clueless – Senator Grassley Asked DOJ to Investigate Ukraine in 2017
Exposing John Brennan’s CIA Trump Task Force
Alex Jones Responds To Roger Stone Verdict VIDEO
How to play the Glass Bead Game
Here’s The Moment Erdogan’s White House Visit Took “A Dark Turn”
Supreme Court says Ginsburg home sick with stomach bug
Barack Obama Slaps Joe Biden in the Face with Deval Patrick
Leaked Bank Records Confirm Burisma-Biden Payments To Morgan Stanley Account
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Email comment by BR:
Leaked Documents Show Tens Of Millions From Ukraine Paid To Kerry, Biden Jr Fund, Report
April 29, 2014: Nuland-Pyatt leaked phone conversation _COMPLETE with SUBTITLES
The president did nothing wrong, nothing has changed: Gaetz
Son of House Speaker Pelosi made money in Ukraine
Mortgage Delinquencies Fall to Lowest Level in Nearly 25 Years
Deval Patrick Fired State Officials To Protect Rapist Ex-Brother-In-Law From Registering As Sex Offender
Trump Impeachment Update–Where’s the Whistleblower? Joe Biden? Hunter Biden?
One Bank Finally Admits The Fed’s “NOT QE” Is Indeed QE… And Could Lead To Financial Collapse
Allie Stuckey: Abortion Is ‘Tearing A Child Apart Limb By Limb’
Trump Derangement Syndrome Fatigue: Impeachment Viewership 32% Lower Than Comey Hearings
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Email comment by JB:
I request that President Trump immediately pardon ROGER STONE, PAUL MANAFORT and JULIAN ASSANGE since the LAWFARE attacks against them are clearly politically motivated by the Pilgrims Society (Deep State shadow government) and their un-elected (unaccountable) US-British bureaucrats within the Senior Executive Service (SES), Crown Agents, C.I.A., MI-6 and the Privy Council.
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Deval L. Patrick –
A Pilgrims Society / Senior Executive Service (SES) / Crown Agents-Groomed Harvardian Lawyer plucked from the Chicago Hood
Note to Miners: START DIGGING! The devil is in these details, even if they are scrubbed, the bad guys always miss things. Download and repost these supporting documents in many places so they will not disappear from web availability.
Note: This Deval Patrick resume is too good to be true. We’ve looked at too many of them now. They have a standard grooming signature: larger than life, exhausting just to read all the alleged accomplishments, busier than life, broader than life, more connected than real life, especially for a man who says he was raised in the hood on the Chicago South Side. Raising yourself up to be successful is one thing. This resume is pure fiction, in our opinion.
What is the strategy here? We believe it is “baffle the ’deplorables’ with b__ s__”
Here’s the Pilgrims Society / Senior Executive Service (SES) spin (lies and misdirection) on Little Patrick:
*START, Part II, Deval Patrick links***
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Email comment by BR:
ReplyDeleteHow Republicans Won Phase One Of Impeachment
Farage Says UK Needs ‘Political Reform’ to Drain the Westminster ‘Swamp’
Liars Club – Fusion GPS Glenn Simpson Claims He was Tricked by Russian Operative Natalia Veselnitskaya
Giuliani: If Joe Biden Not Prosecuted, Nobody in America Should Ever Be Prosecuted for Bribery
Republicans & Democrats Agree: Give Vast Snooping Powers to The U.S. Government
FUTURE GLOBALISTS OF THE WORLD BEGIN THEIR TRAINING – Here’s the 2019 list of up-n-coming globalist puppets
What’s the Best Star Wars Project in the Last 20 Years, and Why Is It The Mandalorian?
Russia Is Readying For Robot Wars
$736,000,000,000 in US foreign aid doled out between 2000 and 2016. Only Trump is questioning where the money is going
The Fight Against Infanticide in a Deep Blue State
Cultural Marxists Using Corporate America to Aggressively Push Transgender Agenda
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Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteNOV 26, 2019
Ilhan Omar is a ‘Qatari asset,’ Florida court hears
US Rep Ilhan Omar accused of being foreign agent
GALT: The Best Kept Secret in the World that Could Free Humanity with Unlimited Free Energy
Disturbing Likelihood – FBI Lawyer Manipulated Carter Page’s Own Communication With FBI to Target Him
Trump Awards Conan the Hero Special Forces Dog a Medal at the White House
CNN Guest: Trump Is ‘Destructive Cult’ Leader, Uses ‘Mind Control’ on Supporters
How China Is Using Artificial Intelligence in Classrooms
Democrats’ Worst Nightmare: Polls Show 34 Percent of Black Likely Voters Approve of Donald Trump
Teachers Strive to Ensure Students ‘Unlearn’ Thanksgiving ‘Myth’
This is probably my last video! COPPA
YouTube Terms Of Service Policy Update Threatens ALL Creators
Michael T. McKibben. (Nov. 26, 2018). Ann Vandersteel's Interview with Michael McKibben on the $6T Miller Act takes on USG Theft of Social Media. SteelTruth.
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Email comment to BR:
ReplyDeleteNOV 24, 2019READ MORE
Rudy Giuliani Sends Letter to Senator Graham Outlining Ambassador Bill Taylor Efforts to Block Witnesses
Eye popping memes of Barack Obama and Ruth Bader Ginsburg
The Real Origins of the Coup
White House’s Pam Bondi on Impeachment ‘Sham’: ‘We Have the Truth on Our Side’
MSM scrambling to minimize importance of Horowitz Report criminal referral of FBI lawyer
Why Did the Obama Administration Funnel Millions to Secretary of State John Kerry’s Daughter’s Nonprofit?
Joe Biden Says He Wouldn’t Lock Up Trump If Elected
Barr Ends All Conspiracy Theories: Jeffrey Epstein Killed Himself In “Perfect Storm Of Screw-Ups”
Propagandist and actress Sara Carter spewing more distractions to keep you from looking at the Brits
Soros and Clinton Connections of Extreme Neocon Globalist Fascist Fiona Hill
The ‘Royals’ – Time To Face Facts – David Icke
Roger Stone Was Right 100% about Globalist Soros operative Fiona Hill
What Are the Benefits of Hugging?
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Email comment by JB:
The Intelligence Community is an ENEMY of the People of the World
Nunes ridicules impeachment hearings: ‘This is totally nuts’
Pedophile Mueller witness and tech millionaire are charged with funneling $3.5 million in illegal foreign cash to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign
Devin Nunes: Adam Schiff Violated My ‘Civil Liberties’ with Phone Snooping; Pursuing ‘All Legal Options’
Bill Barr Indicts 8 For Illegally Funneling Foreign Money To Adam Schiff And Multiple Dem Senators
Why is Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse so confused about Joseph Mifsud?
Dems Risk LOSING 50 SEATS Going Forward with Impeachment
Baltimore Mayor Warns Of Body “Snatching” White Van Targeting Young Girls To Sell Their Organs
Guess what happened to Gillette after ‘toxic masculinity‘ ads
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Email comment by TG:
GALT: The Best Kept Secret in the World that Could Free Humanity with Unlimited Free Energy
Who was John Galt?
Thorium Energy Technology Can Free the World from Nuclear Poisons Today
BUILD YOUR OWN!! Home energy devices that run on water
Andrew Yang, a Democrat candidate for president, advocates thorium
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Email comment by DG:
Donald Trump Cancels NATO Press Conference in London
Brutal Honesty – President Trump Calls Justin from Canada “Two-Faced”
Cryptocurrency Ponzi Scheme Explained with Drs. Jonathan Levy and Douglas Gabriel
House Passes Uyghur Bill Urging Sanctions on Chinese Officials
Trump unloads on ‘maniac’ Adam Schiff on overseas trip: ‘He’s a deranged human being’
Matt Gaetz: Brian Kemp Ending Political Career by Picking Kelly Loeffler
Nunes Sues CNN for $435 Million Over ‘Hit Piece’
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Liberal Tim Pool: California Plans FORCED Internment And Asset Seizure To Solve Homeless Crisis
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Spread the truth.