Mueller's investments reveal collusion with Larry Summers' former Harvard professor and exclusive Wall Street hedge funds

(Mar. 25, 2016)—Americans expect and our laws require that our top law enforcement officer--the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)—be above reproach and vigorously prosecute wrongdoers.

Former FBI director Robert S. Mueller’s was a sponsor of Supreme Court nominee, Merrick B. Garland, during Garland's first Senate confirmation hearing for D.C. circuit judge in 1995—a formative year for the current NSA spy state and IBM’s “The Internet of Things.” Mueller led the FBI under George Bush and Barack Obama for 12 years from Sep. 4, 2001 to Sep. 4, 2013.
Following the money, AFI investigators evaluated Mueller’s 2001 and 2011 financial disclosures, his first and last. Read these noble words from Mueller when he wanted the top law enforcement job in 2001:
“We must tell the truth and let the facts speak for themselves. The truth is what we expect in our investigations of others, and the truth is what we must demand of ourselves when we come under scrutiny." Robert S. Mueller Senate Confirmation, Jul. 30, 2001, page 26.
Sadly, Mueller often did the opposite.
After Virginia law school in 1973, Mueller worked for various U.S. Attorneys before becoming one himself in 1998. These long stretches with the U.S. Justice Department were interspersed with stints in the law firms Hill & Barlow LLP (Boston) and Hale & Dorr LLP (Washington). He focused on financial fraud, terrorism, money laundering and public corruption—a set of skills he appears to have leveraged for himself and his friends.
In our opinion, the knowledge Mueller gained about beating the system has been turned on the American people and unleashed a lawless FBI during Mueller's tenure as FBI director. We will name the ways.
Separation of powers fails when the FBI colludes
America has been here before. Our first FBI Director, G. Edgar Hoover, used dirt on political targets to maintain his power for 42 years. Hoover proclaimed famously: “Justice is incidental to law and order.” It appears that Robert Mueller agrees.
Separation of powers as a principle breaks down when those powers collude, especially our chief law enforcement officers at the FBI.
Dramatic changes in America have occurred on Mueller’s watch. He was either incompetent or complicit.
QUESTION: Did Mueller miss all this fraud incompetently, or was he in on it?
- Mutual fund judicial bribery thru ethical redefinition as not a financial interest (2001)
- 9-11 attack (2001)
- Terrorism war (2001)
- Patriot Act abuses masked as protection (2001)
- Theft of social networking invention by IBM and NSA confiscation (2001)
- Citizen privacy abused by NSA for security (2003)
- Hedge fund Ponzi schemes (2003)
- 2008 banking crisis (2007)
- Barack Obama election (2007)
- Energy stimulus (2009)
- Obamacare welfare (2009)
- IRS political enemies targeting (2010)
- BLM land redistribution (2009)
- American Invents Act patent destruction (2011)
- Fast and Furious gun running (2009)
- Common Core and M.O.O.C.* education federalization (2009)
- Open border voter recruiting masked as liberalization (2009)
- Judeo-Christian morality attacked as archaic intolerance (2009)
* M.O.O.C. (Massive Open Online Course) (University level)
CONCLUSION: Mueller was a participant who was cared for by the Cartel ringleaders.
Mueller’s money — obfuscation and great wealth
Between 2001 and 2011, Mueller’s holdings exploded four-fold, from 41 to 178 entries. This begs the obvious question how a public servant can get so rich on the job. In our experience, officials often bury dubious transactions in long lists of small transactions. It discourages the unsuspecting public from taking the time to figure out what they are doing. Mueller’s 2011 disclosure exhibits that pattern.
In the ten years between 2001 and 2011, Mueller’s net worth grew from $1.8 million (hard number) in 2001 to approximately $7 million in 2011 (soft number). The 2001 number is a hard number since Mueller submitted a complete financial statement to the Senate for his 2001 confirmation hearing. However, for 2011 he submitted only investing ranges.
$1.8 million (2001)
Please recall that the stock market collapsed during this period (2001-2011) and the assets of most investors DECLINED significantly. However, Mueller's assets increased up to $7.0 million.
$7.0 million (2011)
Researchers believe Mueller's 2011 numbers are probably much higher due to dubious hedge fund entries and, unless he lives under a bridge, missing real estate disclosures.
Mueller’s offshore Top 1%-er hedge funds

Average Americans cannot participate in hedge funds because the minimum investments, typically between $100,000 and $10,000,000, are unachievable. Therefore, hedge funds are the exclusive playground of the 1%-ers, normally.
However, the 1%-ers let Mueller play.
Buried in Mueller’s explosion of holdings between 2001 and 2011 are two hedge funds that no other person in government holds, to our knowledge:
- Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fd LLC
- Defenders Multi-Strategy Hedge Fund LLC
AFI investigators focused on the Mellon Optima fund for the moment. It is damning enough.

bread crumbs lead back to Cartel's Harvard godfather —Larry Summers
In short, the Mellon Optima fund appears to be another misguided scheme of Lawrence H. Summers. New readers should know that Summers is a central figure in the Cartel. AFI has written extensively on Summers, so we will not repeat it here.
See Hijack of the Cyberworld Timeline starting at 1990; See also Briefing for Representative Jim Jordan (OH) – House Oversight Committee - American and Russian Opportunists Undermining U.S. Sovereignty and Corrupting U.S. Financial and Judicial Systems, Oct. 19, 2012.
BNY and Harvard took care of Mueller in the Caymans
Mueller’s two hedge funds are intertwined.
The first glaring ethical problem is the lack of disclosure of the activity inside these funds.
These funds are "closed" limited liability companies whose carefully selected members actively participate in the management of their funds and benefit directly from the financial returns. They receive quarterly allocations of profits and losses to their capital accounts for which they must pay taxes.
Mueller's Mellon Optima 2004, page 6 investment memorandum describes the exclusivity of the fund unabashedly:
"An investment in the Fund enables Investors to invest with Investment Managers whose services generally are not available to the investing public, whose investment funds may be closed from time to time to new investors or who otherwise may place stringent restrictions on the number and type of person whose money they will manage." (Emphasis added).
Said less kindly: the great unwashed American public need not apply.
Another remarkable feature of Mellon Optima is this shocking statement:
"Investors in the Fund have no individual right to receive information about the Investment Funds or the Investment Managers, will not be investors in the Investment Funds and will have no rights with respect to or standing or recourse against the Investment Funds, Investment Managers or an any of their affiliates."
Huh? They're saying give us your tens of millions of dollars but don't ask what's in the box you are buying. Wow.
Why would Robert S. Mueller, America's chief law enforcement officer, invest up to $250,000 in Mellon Optima? What does he know about these fund managers that he is not disclosing the public? The whole point of financial disclosure laws is to be transparent. FBI Director Mueller hides this information.
Bookmark: #hale-dorr-friedmanHale & DoRr LLP
Another conflict of interest is that Mueller's former law firm, Hale & Dorr LLP, is corporate counsel to Mellon Optima. This is yet more evidence of funny business.
Another Harvard backdoor
From its 2004 inception, one of Mellon Optima's directors has been Benjamin M. Friedman, a Harvard political economy professor. Friedman led Lawrence H. Summers' PhD dissertation committee.
For one year starting in 2008, Mellon Optima's Chairman, President and CEO was J. (John) David Officer. J. David Officer was also executive vice president of Bank of New York (BNY) and vice chairman and chief operating officer of Dreyfus Funds. Tellingly, Mueller holds 15 BNY Mellon funds and 11 Dreyfus Funds.

BNY Mellon 2008 Scandal
During the 2008 banking crisis, J. David Officer and BNY engaged in a scheme to defraud custodial customers in undisclosed, fraudulent and misleading foreign exchanges. They were indicted in 2011. U.S. v. BNY Mellon, Case No. 11-cv-6969 (SDNY 2011). This could help explain why J. David Officer was only Chairman, President and CEO at Mellon Optima for one year.
AFI covered HSBC Whistleblower Hervé Falciani who blew the lid off of these offshore tax havens where money launderers, arm's dealers, spies and fraudsters sip coffee together. Falciani exposed all of the banks in Mueller's portfolio.
More on Mellon Optima's formation
Mellon Optima was formed on Dec. 17, 2004—one week after IBM stunned the world by selling its profitable PC Group to the Chinese (Lenovo). Hindsight shows that the purpose of this transaction was to embed spy algorithms into PC hardware and software more easily. See Hijack of the Cyber World Timeline, 2004.
That was also one week after IBM Eclipse Foundation recorded in their minutes that they were “unable to locate” the originator of the social networking source code they were distributing (actually it is Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies) and would therefore have to “re-implement” it. Timeline, Dec. 08, 2004.
Also a week earlier, Bill Clinton was paid $125,000 for a Goldman Sachs speech in New York.
Goldman Sachs had provided the financing to the Chinese to buy the IBM PC Group.
JPMorgan handled the IBM side of this dubious spy state transaction.
Cravath Swaine LLP handled the transaction for IBM.
Cravath Swaine LLP is where former IBMer and Patent Office director, David J. Kappos, landed after leaving the Patent Office. Before leaving, Kappos ordered an unprecedented third "reexam" of Leader Technologies social networking patent and invalidated it with a secret kangaroo court of IBM and Microsoft insider patent judges, led by Judge Stephen C. Siu.
Exclusive hedge fund holdings for 1-%ers… and FBI Director Mueller

$32.3 Billion
Mellon Optima is invested in 22 hedge funds worth $32.3 billion.
$73.9 Billion
Defenders Multi-Strategy is invested in 33 hedge funds worth $73.9 billion.
36% in the Caymans
Thirty-six percent (36%) of these fund holdings are offshore, mostly in the Cayman Islands.
These funds are exclusive clubs for the 1%-ers where even a one quarter of one percent increase in the value of these two funds distributes $265.5 million to the holders.
The rich get richer
Mueller's hedge funds are brokered by Citibank, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, among others.
Mueller held/holds stock directly in JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, State Street, Bank of America, BNY and Wells Fargo.
The other big banks drive Mueller’s other funds, including Barclays, Credit Suisse, UBS, RBS, RBC, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, Merrill, BNP and BNY.
Not a single FBI prosecution
Curiously, not a single executive from these banks was ever prosecuted or even investigated by Mueller's FBI. Now we know why. Our chief law enforcement officer was a willing beneficiary of the global scams.
Holding funds is not illegal. Failing to disclose conflicts of interest is.
Obviously, if Mueller had taken enforcement action against these banks, he would hurt his portfolio.
Mueller’s FBI was silent about illegal NSA wiretapping.
Mueller’s FBI was silent in 2008 when banks in which he was invested gorged themselves on $475 billion of TARP taxpayer bailout funds. [Editor: Then Secretary of the Treasury Paulson, former Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs, had pushed through $700 billion, but that number was cut back by The Dodd-Frank Act to $475 billion.]
Mueller's FBI was silent when BNY Mellon took advantage of the international turmoil and manipulated currency markets in 2008 to benefit Mueller's Mellon Optima investment.
Mueller’s FBI was silent when his banks again gorged themselves on Obama energy stimulus freebies.
Mueller’s FBI was silent while Barack Obama fed Obamacare consulting and software development contracts to Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate, Toni Townes-Whitley, senior vice president, CGI Federal.
Theft of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention by IBM
Mueller’s FBI was silent in 2001-2002 when Mueller’s mentor, James P. Chandler, fed his client Leader Technologies' social networking invention to IBM and IBM's Eclipse Foundation.
Bookmark: #mueller-clinton-obama-deep-state-conflicts-of-interestThirty-two (32) of Mueller’s technology holdings valued up to $3.7 million read like a Who Who of the IBM Eclipse Foundation members. They include
Name | Mueller $$$ Holding (up to) | IBM Eclipse Foundation Member | Facebook relationship | DEMOCRAT: Clinton speech fee / donor |
REPUBLICAN: Mitt Romney holding / donor |
Obama CEO Tech Council | NSA spy state vendor |
Amazon | Yes | Yes | Yes | data | |||
AMEX | Yes | Yes | advertiser | Yes | |||
Apache | Yes | Yes | vendor | embedded | |||
Apple | Yes | Yes | Yes | data | |||
AT&T | Yes | Yes | advertiser | Yes | data | ||
Autodesk | Yes | Yes | Yes | embedded | |||
Bank of America | Yes | Yes | underwriter, advertiser | Yes | Yes | ||
BMC Software | Yes | Yes | embedded | ||||
BNY | Yes | Yes | underwriter, advertiser | ||||
Capital One | Yes | Yes | advertiser | ||||
CBS | Yes | Yes | advertiser | Yes | |||
Cisco | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | data, embedded | |
Comcast | Yes | Yes | Yes | data, embedded | |||
Covidien | Yes | Yes | embedded | ||||
EMC | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | embedded | ||
GE | Yes | Yes | advertiser | Yes | embedded | ||
Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | data | |||
Honeywell | Yes | Yes | embedded | ||||
IBM | Yes | Yes | advertiser | Yes | Yes | Yes | embedded |
Informatica | Yes | Yes | Yes | embedded | |||
Intuit | Yes | Yes | advertiser | Yes | data | ||
JPMorgan Chase | Yes | Yes | underwriter, advertiser | Yes | Yes | ||
Microsoft | Yes | Yes | advertiser, vendor | Yes | Yes | Yes | embedded |
Morgan Stanley | Yes | Yes | underwriter, advertiser | ||||
Motorola | Yes | Yes | advertiser | Yes | embedded | ||
NetApp | Yes | Yes | vendor | Yes | embedded | ||
News Corp | Yes | Yes | advertiser | data | |||
Oracle | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | embedded | ||
Qualcomm | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | embedded | |
State Street | Yes | Yes | advertiser | Yes | Yes | ||
Time Warner | Yes | Yes | Yes | embedded | |||
Vanguard | Yes | Yes | advertiser | Yes | |||
VMware | Yes | Yes | vendor | embedded | |||
Wal-Mart | Yes | Yes | advertiser | Yes | data | ||
Wells Fargo | Yes | Yes | underwriter, advertiser | Yes | Yes | ||
Table 1: Align of Cartel interests among Cartel members, Robert S. Mueller with IBM, IBM Eclipse Foundation, Facebook, established Democrats and Republicans, Obama's White House, the NSA Spy State |
What can the average American (We the People) do about this lawlessness
Release the angels of heaven against these scoundrels and their hounds of hell.
Support Leader Technologies' patent property rights, and the rights of other inventors cheated by the Cartel. | Stop allowing the Cartel to abuse our privacy. | Boycott Cartel companies. |
Resist. | Demand justice. | Demand real transparency and accountability. |
Impeach corrupt judges. Failing that, shame them into disgraced resignation (like Randall R. Rader - the chief judge in the Leader v. Facebook appeal) or following the law. See How judges grow rich on the backs of American inventors. | Remove the people who are abusing the powers delegated to them. | Be vigilant. |
Be courageous. | Be bold. | Don't take "no" for an answer. |
Expose the Cartel's legal, accounting and banking providers. | Support the victims of this abuse of power. | Please add to this list in the comments section below ... |
* * *
Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.
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Blumenthal ran a private intel service with Tyler Drumheller, who had left the CIA years before this exchange took place. (Drumheller died in August 2015.) Neither one of the men should have been able to get their hands on NSA reports, especially those from a compartmented program. And yet, somehow Blumenthal was able to quote a GAMMA compartment report verbatim: Mr. Blumenthal’s information came from their reports. “It’s word-for-word, verbatim copying,” one of them explained. “In one case, an entire paragraph was lifted from an NSA report” that was classified Top Secret / Special Intelligence. The fact that he was able to take four separate highly classified NSA reports – none of which he was supposed to have any access to – and pass the details of them to Hillary Clinton via email only hours after NSA released them in Top Secret / Special Intelligence channels, indicates something highly unusual, So how did Mr. Blumenthal got hold of this Top Secret-plus reporting is only the first question. Why he chose to email it to Ms. Clinton in open channels is another question. So is: How did nobody on Secretary Clinton’s staff notice that this highly detailed reporting looked exactly like SIGINT from NSA? Last, why did the State Department see fit to release this email, un redacted, to the public?
ReplyDeleteQuestion (1)How did Mr. Blumenthal got hold of this Top Secret-plus reporting
Hillary Clinton in an Email to a friend was talking about starting YOGA class in one of the Email’s Hillary Clinton sent this friend a copy of highly classified NSA reports – none of which she was supposed to have any access to, And ASK what do you make of this??. Well this friend scent on a copy of this Email to Blumenthal YES you got it Blumenthal and Tyler Drumheller
Question (2)
Why he chose to email it to Ms. Clinton; DON'T KNOW?
Question (3)
How did nobody on Secretary Clinton’s staff notice that this highly detailed reporting looked exactly like SIGINT from NSA? [ INEPT]
Question (4)
AND Last, why did the State Department see fit to release this email, un redacted, to the public? [well i will leave that one up to you ]
Mueller's investments reveal collusion with Larry Summers' former Harvard professor and exclusive Wall Street hedge funds,Larry Summers' knew how Mark Zuckerberg stole facebook
DeleteRobert S. Mueller. FBI director knew how Mark Zuckerberg stole facebook he had all the Emails on how this was don but say they have lost the Email’s[you fucking sell out]buy the way AFI Blumenthalknow’s the truth about facebook????????
Christians for 2000 years have greeted one another on this special day with the greeting:
and with the joyous response:
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteSee the reference to Clinton Foundation money laundering. Looks like FBI Director Robert S. Mueller knew and approved that message! Given the revelations of this blog, perhaps somebody should educate Judge Napolitano about what the FBI really will and won't do. Sounds to me like most of these comments believing in the FBI's integrity are meant only to fool us Great Unwashed.
Silverstein, K. (Mar. 25, 2016). Bombshell: Clinton Foundation Donor's Flight From Justice Aided by Hillary Allies. Observer.
Clinton donor smeared a decorated DEA agent and helped crooked Venezuelan friends escape justice.
Recent news reports indicate that the FBI is investigating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for granting favors to her family’s foundation donors and for its systematic accounting fraud. In January, the Sunday Times of London cited former Judge Andrew Napolitano, a conservative libertarian and frequent Fox News guest, as saying that the FBI was taking evidence “seriously” and that Hillary “could hear about that soon from the Department of Justice.”
It’s hard to believe that the Obama administration and its hideously politicized Justice Department would ever indict Ms. Clinton, given that President Barack Obama picked her for secretary of state and its clear favoritism toward her in the presidential race. But there is massive evidence that shows financial abuses—including money laundering—at the Clinton Foundation and overwhelming evidence that donors were helped by Ms. Clinton.
Robert S. Mueller. FBI director knew Obama was corrupt, you think you had a choice when you voted for Obama? you think you where exercising your democratic right’s when you VOTED?, Hillary Clinton was the BACK UP? after bill got a blow job. Question who is Hillary Clinton’s back up? Sanders, Clinton want campaign finance overhaul, but face huge obstacles
DeleteBryan Pagliano is cooperating with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's. Pagliano, who helped set up and run the email system in Clinton's New York home, told investigators that the logs he handed over indicated that no intrusion occurred, The Times said. But Pagliano was called in about the hacking that was going on, half the hackers on the planet knew of Clinton’s Email server he had to shut it down
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteI thought you might be interested in this article:
Federal prosecutors reportedly are expected to try to interview Hillary Clinton and already have started reaching out for interviews with top aides as part of the FBI probe into her personal email use, a sign the investigation is moving into a new and potentially final phase.
Staff. (Mar. 28, 2016). Feds reportedly eye interview with Clinton, reach out to aides in email probe. FoxNews.
Given the chummy relationship between Mueller and the current FBI Director, James B. Comey, I compiled information from his Senate Judiciary Confirmation Hearing on September 15, 2012.
ReplyDeleteHouston, we have a problem. Comey is in bed with the Cartel too!
First, Comey worked for almost three years with the largest hedge fund on the planet, Bridgewater hedge fund.
Second, Comey was working for HSBC as general counsel. That's right, the bank whose offshore money laundering accounts were blown by HSBC
whistleblower Henri Falciani.
Third, Comey worked for Lockheed Martin for five years when they were busy ripping off Leader Technologies' social networking invention as a card carrying member of IBM's Eclipse Foundation.
Fourth, he worked for Gibson Dunn LLP, Facebook's Leader v. Facebook appeals attorney with severe conflicts at the Federal Circuit and the US Supreme Court.
What else do you need to know?
06/82-08/82 - Bruinooge, Esq. - law clerk
07/83-09/83 - McCarger & English LLP - summer associate
06/84-09/84 - Cahill Gordon LLP - summer associate
09/85-09/86 - Hon. John M. Walker, Jr. NY - law clerk
09/86-10/87 - Gibson Dunn LLP, associate
10/87-08/93 - US Attorney SDNY, asst. us attorney
06/95-07/95 - US Senate, deputy special counsel (Whitwater)
08/93-09/96 - McGuireWoods LLP, partner
01/94-01/02 - Richmond Law School, adjunct professor
09/96-01/02 - US Attorney EDVA, mngng. asst. us attorney
01/02-12/03 - US Attorney SDNY, us attorney
12/03-08/05 - US Justice Dept., dep. attorney general
09/05-09/10 - Lockheed Martin, sr. vp, general counsel
09/10-01/13 - Bridgewater Assoc. Hedge Fund, general counsel
03/13-09/13 - HSBC Group PLC, director
09/13-current - FBI, director
I am emailing AFI the Senate confirmation information I have compiled.
Run folks, Comey is unquestionably skilled at hiding his true Cartel loyalties in red, white and blue... hence all the foot dragging with Hillary Clinton's criminality.
Here is Rain's package of James B. Comey's Senate Confirmation Hearing (kuddos!!!):
Although unable to get a full copy of Comey's Net Worth Statement (it has been REMOVED from the Office of Government Ethics site). PolitcalTracker had evaluated it and determined that Comey's Net Worth in 2012 was $11 million.
On October 29, 2003, Comey declared his Net Worth as $206,000.
Therefore, in nine years, Comey's net worth climbed $1.2 million per year in while working at Lockheed, Bridgewater and HSBC (the IP thief of Leader Technologies' social networking invention, the world's largest hedge fund full of Harvardians, and a proven money launderer)... After than, Comey was appointed FBI Director by Obama.
The Cartel pulls Comey's strings too. The zebra did not changed its stripes when Mueller left.
Comey changed jobs every two years from 1982. Where I come from that is an unstable person/hire. But, in government that qualifies you to be FBI director? :-( Looks to me like the Cartel old boys were grooming Mr. Comey too, just like Merrick B. Garland, eh? We have got to stop this corruption. It is killing America.
DeleteDOJ Says It Hacked Into Encrypted iPhone — Without Apple’s Help
DeleteThe Feds withdrew legal action that would have forced Apple to help crack open an iPhone from the San Bernardino shooting.
I can see why Obama was seeking a two year extension for Mueller to find a replacement like Mueller
DeleteThe Post reported that, according to a lawmaker briefed by FBI Director James Comey, the FBI has assigned 147 agents to the case, and has accelerated the probe in order to avoid taking any action close to the November election.
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton Obama's back up plan for the 1-%ers lol
FBI Supervisors To FBI Director: We Want You Gone
DeleteMay 21. 2011
Obama is seeking a two year extension for Mueller, a man that has violated the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code for the President, in illegally spying on political enemies, rivals and outspoken critics, giving him the contents of their phone calls, emails, computers, daily movements and financial holdings.
Obama is very grateful and wants to repay him with an extended term, which spits on the Congressional term limit that was appropriately put in place. According to the mainstream press, Congress is expected to approve the extension of Mueller's term, which will please Obama, as the illegal spying to gain a political advantage, can continue.
However, some press outlets are reporting FBI supervisors are not happy with the news and want Mueller gone from the agency. Mueller is known for his abusiveness at the agency, in conduct which extends to unlawfully retaliating against FBI employees that are whistleblowers. Additionally, if one does not kiss Mueller's overrated, power mad backside at the FBI, one is out of a job
In development work, assigning 147 programmers to a project will condemn the project to be slower and less effective than having maybe 20. Too many cooks spoil the broth. In such a hierarchical and bureaucratic organization as the FBI, I gotta believe assigning 147 agents to a project is the kiss of death for speed. We're probably being hoodwinked.
DeleteFacebook, Goldman Sachs & How Money Seeks Regulatory Free Zones
ReplyDelete2004 In the six years since then, a number of other companies have worked on a number of loopholes and ways to avoid going public even longer. Witness Goldman Sach's recent deal to invest a ton of its investors' money into Facebook shares -- which normally would have tripped this rule -- except that Goldman is playing a little game, and setting it up so that it pretends there's only one shareholder, keeping Facebook away from the magic 500 number. The SEC is apparently already looking into this.
But even before the Goldman/Facebook deal became public, the SEC had apparently begun probing the rise of these new efforts to let hot startups sell shares on a market, without actually going public. Hot startups including Facebook, Twitter, Zynga and LinkedIn have all been heavily involved in such markets, which basically let employees of those companies get many of the benefits of being a public company, without the massive costs and regulatory oversight. And to hid investors LIKE FBI chief James Comey, Obama,Clinton, Larry Summers,Mueller, and so on.?? THEY ALL KNEW FACEBOOK WAS STOLEN
Mueller’s FBI was silent in 2001-2002 when Mueller’s mentor, James P. Chandler, fed his client Leader Technologies' social networking invention to IBM and IBM's Eclipse Foundation.Patent Office filings are shuffled out the USPTO backdoor to crony lawyers, banks and deep-pocket clients’, and to keep this all safe they put up Obama to be elected president and if this failed their was Hillary Clinton
Dave123 you live in New Zealand. Why the hell do you keep meddling in American politics? Focus on your own country.
ReplyDeleteThis is an opinion blog. Any information contained or linked herein should be independently verified and should be considered the sole opinion of the writer. Free Speech and Freedom of the Press are protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and other local, state, national and international laws
DeleteDeer Beer, you are way off base. This blog has readers and commenters from around the planet. Post away folks wherever you are from. But tip toe around Deer Beer, he/she thinks he/she is the only important person in the room.
Delete[Editor] "Jill Abmblin" just posted more wild speculation about commenter identities which we have warned him/her numerous times before violate our editorial policy. He/she seems to be allergic to commentary on facts.
ReplyDeleteClass action alleges Facebook wrongfully mined cancer websites
ReplyDeleteJessica Karmasek Legal News Line
Smith alleges in his 88-page complaint that the medical institutes’ websites include a secret “Facebook code” that allow users’ data to be transmitted to Facebook, which then creates targeted advertising campaigns.
“Without the knowledge,or consent,
There’s A Huge New Corporate Corruption Scandal. Here’s Why Everyone Should Care.
Bribery fuels political instability — and it’s a propaganda tool for terrorists.
what makes the corruption revealed in a new trove of confidential emails from a mysterious Monaco-based company called Unaoil so significant.
On Wednesday, The Huffington Post and its Australian partner, Fairfax Media — led by reporters Richard Baker and Nick McKenzie — published the results of a months-long investigation of Unaoil, an obscure firm that helps big multinational corporations win contracts in areas of the world where corruption is common.
Most people remember that the Arab Spring started with a guy who lit himself on fire. What they don’t remember is that he did it as a protest against corruption: Mohamed Bouazizi, a Tunisian fruit vendor, decided he'd been shaken down by police officers one too many times.
Shutterfly Settles Privacy Battle Over 'Faceprints' IS FACEBOOK NEXT
by Wendy Davis @wendyndavis,
ReplyDeleteWhat are the potential legal consequences for Unaoil and its clients?
that helps big multinational corporations win contracts in areas of the world where corruption is common. "
places like the US Congress
Sarah Chayes witnessed the damage that flood of Western money — and the accompanying corruption — did in Afghanistan. When U.S. forces entered Kabul to oust the Taliban, Chayes was a reporter, covering the invasion for National Public Radio. She decided to stay and help rebuild, eventually opening a cooperative that produced soaps and body oils. She was one of very few Americans over the last 15 years who lived and worked with the Afghan people rather than behind the razor wire.
ReplyDeleteAfter just a few months, Chayes noticed people she thought of as moderate, normal folks expressing sympathy for the Taliban. She soon realized what was happening: the corruption that had been rampant at all levels since the U.S. invasion was fueling anger and unrest.
Chayes later began working for the U.S. military in Afghanistan, waging an internal war to persuade policymakers to focus on corruption. The issue ultimately reached the desk of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who largely dismissed it in a 2010 memo that remains CLASSIFIED.??
Striking Images Show The Face Of Cuba As Obama Begins His Visit---- realize THIS WILL HAPPIN IN CUBA
There is always somebody who pays,” the billionaire hedge fund magnate George Soros has said, “and international business is generally the main source of corruption.” That’s part of the story that terrorists have long told local populations to justify jihadist insurgency.YES to justify jihadist insurgency In many of the cases uncovered here it happens to be TRUE?
DeleteIS the media that BAD we have to go to jihadist insurgency to get the truth i can name six media out sets that have the Emails on how facebook was stolen Bribery fuels political instability — and it’s a propaganda tool for terrorists. Making it to send troops Obama you know it so own it?. Is trump as bad as Bush well you voted for bush but why,? well that’s a good Question?.
Here is a NYTimes story by Sarah Chayes.
DeleteFoden, G. (Feb. 20, 2015). 'Thieves of State,' by Sarah Chayes. The New York Times.
Across much of the world, populations suffer daily shakedowns by the police. At roadblocks, market stalls and entrances to government buildings, thugs in uniform gather “like spear fishermen hunting trout in a narrows,” as Sarah Chayes writes. But that isn’t the half of it. Globally, the three most important desiderata of our age — security, resilience and poverty reduction — are consistently being hollowed out by structural theft on a much larger scale, operating across corporations, governments, military establishments and civil services.
Emotional Nicky Hager emerges with destroyed hard drive ...
An elated Nicky Hager has spoken of his joy after police destroyed cloned data seized in the 2014 raid of his home. Clutching a smashed two terabyte hard drive ...
Givealittle - Cause - Legal fund for Nicky Hager
No tags Nicky Hager is a hero. With his book Dirty Politics he exposed a twisted web of power and influence in New Zealand politics and opened the Government and its
DeleteIn December last year, the High Court ruled the raid on Mr Hager's home was illegal.
Police were hunting for the identity of the hacker who supplied information for Mr Hager's Dirty Politics book.
The book was heavily reliant on material hacked from the computer of Cameron Slater.
Mr Hager obtained that material from a person whom he promised confidentiality.
His lawyer Steven Price said the case sent a strong message to police.
"When the police do a raid like this, it's not just the source that they are looking for. It’s all of the other sources of that journalist, and behind that all the other journalists who have sources and material that they keep in their homes.
"Be very, very, very careful before you conduct searches of journalists’ houses because there are different and more fundamental interests at stake."
DeleteWho Uses the Offshore World
Published: 16th April 2013
Secret records obtained by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists reveal tens of thousands of people in more than 170 countries and territories linked to offshore companies and trusts. Here are some examples from around the world. By Marina Walker Guevara, Nicky Hager, Mar Cabra, Gerard Ryle and Emily Menkes
How do you make sense of more than a million leaked documents?
Published: 9th April 2013
The story behind the massive leak of documents revealing the extent to which the world’s wealthy go to avoid and evade tax and New Zealand’s part in the investigations
Money trail leads home to New Zealand, Sunday Star-Times
Published: 7th April 2013
Leaked documents reveal one of New Zealand’s richest families was for a time at the heart of a major international tax haven company that hit the news in the United States last week.
Disclosure of secret offshore documents may force top Mongolian lawmaker to resign
Published: 3rd April 2013
Deputy speaker of Mongolia’s Parliament admits he had $1 million Swiss account….
Secret Files Expose Offshore’s Global Impact
Published: 3rd April 2013
Dozens of journalists sifted through millions of leaked records and thousands of names to produce ICIJ’s investigation into offshore secrecy
By Gerard Ryle, Marina Walker Guevara, Michael Hudson, Nicky Hager, Duncan Campbell and Stefan Candea
The anonymity of the offshore world makes it difficult to track the flow of money. A study by James S. Henry, former chief economist at McKinsey & Company, estimates that wealthy individuals have $21 trillion to $32 trillion in private financial wealth tucked away in offshore havens — roughly equivalent to the size of the U.S. and Japanese economies combined.
DeleteEven as the world economy has stumbled, the offshore world has continued to grow, said Henry, who is a board member of the Tax Justice Network, an international research and advocacy group that is critical of offshore havens. His research shows, for example, that assets managed by the world’s 50 largest “private banks” — which often use offshore havens to serve their “high net worth” customers — grew from $5.4 trillion in 2005 to more than $12 trillion in 2010.
Henry and other critics argue that offshore secrecy has a corrosive effect on governments and legal systems, allowing crooked officials to loot national treasuries and providing cover to human smugglers, mobsters, animal poachers and other exploiters.
Clariden, owned by Credit Suisse, sought such high levels of confidentiality for some clients, the records show, that a TrustNet official described the bank’s request as “the Holy Grail” of offshore entities — a company so anonymous that police and regulators would be “met with a blank wall” if they tried to discover the owners’ identities.
Here's an (offshore) funds list from former FBI Director Robert Mueller's Defenders hedge fund at the SEC:
ReplyDeleteAsk yourself why one fund changed its names four times in nine years. Who are they hiding from? The American People?
State location: NY
formerly: BNY/IVY MULTI STRATEGY HEDGE FUND LLC (filings through 2009-10-19)
formerly: IVY MULTI MANAGER HEDGE FUND LLC (filings through 2003-12-10)
formerly: IVY MULTI STRATEGY HEDGE FUND LLC (filings through 2004-11-08)
Form N-CSR (Jun. 09, 2010). Defenders Multi-Strategy Hedge Fund LLC. Certified (Annual) Shareholder Report
41.7% Equity
17.2 Event Driven
13.8 Relative Value
10.2 Money Market Fund
5.2 Tactical Trading
4.5 Credit
92.6 Total Investments
7.4 Other Assets, Less Liabilities
100.0% Members' Capital
01. York European Opportunities Fund, LP
02. SCP Ocean Fund Ltd.
03. Dirigo LLC
04. Alydar QP Fund, LP
05. Avesta Fund, LP
06. Clovis Capital Partners Institutional, LP
07. Cobalt Offshore Fund Ltd
08. Eminence Partners, LP
09. Ivory Flagship Fund, LP
10. JANA Partners Qualified, LP
11. Karsch Capital II, LP
12. Locust Wood Capital, LP
13. SEG Partners II, LP
14. Tiedemann/Falconer Partners, LP
15. Cerberus Partners, LP
16. King Street Capital Ltd.
17. King Street Capital, LP
18. Longacre (QP) SPV IV, LLC
19. Davidson Kempner International Ltd., Tranche 1
20. Davidson Kempner International Ltd., Tranche 3
21. Deephaven Event Fund, LLC
22. Merced Partners Limited Partnership
23. Owl Creek Overseas Fund Ltd.
24. Scoggin Capital Management, LP II
25. Amaranth Partners, LLC
26. Basso Multi-Strategy Fund, LP
27. Brevan Howard Fund Ltd.
28. Elliott International Ltd.
30. Investcorp Interlachen Multi-Strategy Fund, LLC
31. Stark Investments, LP
32. Stark Select Asset Fund, LLC
33. Two Sigma Spectrum US Fund, LP
34. Boronia Diversified Fund Ltd.
35. Kaiser Trading Fund 2X SPC
36. Brigade Leveraged Capital Structures Fund, LP
37. Oak Hill Credit Alpha Fund (Offshore) Ltd.
Seems like a large cast of rogues when you read this data cold for the first time. But, after a while, the faces keep showing up at the same bars, we've learned.
Here's an (offshore) funds list from former FBI Director Robert Mueller's MELLON OPTIMA L/S STRATEGY FUND, LLC at the SEC:
Form N-CSR (Jun. 02, 2015). Certified Shareholder Report. Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fund, LLC CIK#: 0001312483
01. Bay II Resource Partners, L.P.
02. CCI Healthcare Partners, L.P.
03. Coatue Offshore Fund, Ltd.
04. Conatus Capital Overseas, Ltd.
05. Criterion Horizons Fund, L.P.
06. Discovery Global Opportunity Fund, Ltd.
07. Dreyfus Institutional Reserves
08. East Side Capital Offshore, Ltd.
09. Espalier Global Partners, L.P.
10. Glenview Institutional Partners, L.P.
11. JANA Nirvana Fund, L.P.
12. LAE Fund L.P.
13. Lafayette Street Fund II, L.P.
14. Long Pond Capital, Q.P. Fund, LP
15. Miura Global Partners II, L.P.
16. OCCO Eastern European Fund
17. Pershing Square, L.P.
18. SEG Partners II, L.P.
19. Southpoint Qualified Fund, L.P.
20. SRS Partners, Ltd.
21. Third Point Offshore, Ltd.
22. Tiger Eye Partners, L.P.
23. Tourbillon Global Equities, LLC
The devil is in the details of the investing activities within these funds.
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteI thought you might be interested in this article:
Former FBI agents who worked the notorious 1970s sting operation known as ABSCAM have written FBI Director James Comey to warn that nothing less than the bureau's "reputation" is on the line as the investigation into Hillary Clinton's email practices enters a critical phase.
Herridge, C., Browne, P. (Apr. 16, 2016). ABSCAM agents to FBI chief: Bureau's 'reputation' on the line in Clinton probe. FoxNews.