WikiLeaks: McAuliffe is part of Clinton Foundation inner circle with Cheryl Mills, John Podesta, Doug Band and Justin Cooper—the email server guy

McAuliffe and Cooper are insiders in The Clinton Foundation. McAuliffe paid $675,000 to Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe’s wife’s 2015 Senate campaign while he led the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email servers. Since McCabe’s wife received funds from a potential witness in the investigation, McCabe should have recused due to the ongoing relationship between McAuliffe and Cooper. The reasons given for not recusing themselves are misdirection. Andrew McCabe claimed he was not involved in his wife’s campaign. But, the conflict isn’t with his wife. McCabe’s real conflict is with McAuliffe, Cooper and Cooper’s association with Hillary’s email system. It has nothing to do with Jill McCabe’s Senate campaign as the FBI has alleged.
(Oct. 25, 2016)—Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe broke the law by leading the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private emails server. He should have recused himself.
McCabe had a duty to recuse himself from the Hillary investigation after his wife received $675,000 from Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. McAuliffe has a close relationship with The Clinton Foundation and its employee Justin Cooper—the man who set up Hillary’s email system.

Virginia Governor, DNC former chair, Hillary Clinton campaign former chair, China energy partner, Clinton Chappaqua guarantor, Clinton Foundation director, FBI Dep. Dir. Andrew McCabe donor
This obvious McCabe fraud of willful nondisclosure is evidence of a cover-up. It certainly taints the findings of the Comey FBI investigation as biased, and now requires a Special Prosecutor.
On Dec. 17, 2011, Hillary R. Clinton’s longtime aide Cheryl D. Mills circulated an email with the subject “Re: Draft Infrastructure Model.” The attachment to the email was named “2011-12-16 Infrastructure Support Model.doc”. This is just one of 29 documents in which Terry McAuliffe was a principal actor at The Clinton Foundation.
This email was sent to John D. Podesta, Douglas J. Band, Justin G. Cooper and Terry R. McAuliffe.
Bookmark: #judge-nap-fbi-corrupted
Judge Andrew P. Napolitano. (Oct. 27, 2016). Judge Napolitano: What happened to the FBI? It's been corrupted by Obama and his team. Fox News. |
The email thread with John D. Podesta was triggered by the latest in a series of suicide threats by The Clinton Foundation’s chief operating officer Laura Graham. Doug Band, the creator of the original Clinton Foundation concept, wrote [Editor’s note: We are going to fix some of the poor punctuation in the next three paragraphs below just to make them easier to read]:
“Late last night, Laura Graham called me as she couldn't reach my brother or her shrink. She was on Staten Island in her car parked a few feet from the water’s edge with her foot on the gas pedal and the car in park. She called me to tell me the stress of all of this office crap with WJC and CVC [William Jefferson Clinton, Chelsea Victoria Clinton] as well as that of her family had driven her to the edge and she couldn't take it anymore. I spent a while on the phone with her preventing her from doing that, as I have a few times in the past few months, and was able to reach Roger and her shrink.
Bruce [Lindsey, chairman of The Clinton Foundation] said the stress of specifically the office had caused his very serious health issues as you both know. But I'm sure Chelsea is more concerned with a mostly false story in the distinguished NY Post about MF Global and Teneo, [and] not her role in what happened to Laura/Bruce, what she is doing to the organization, or the several of stories that have appeared in the NY Post about her father and a multitude of women over the years.
For Teneo, well before MF Global, we have been discussing this. It’s going to hurt Teneo to have WJC on the advisory board any longer, but we need come up with a reorg [reorganization] concept for the relationship with WJC and Teneo that is lower key and handled privately and properly that we should discuss. Life is to short so let's have a call and get this over with.”
This Podesta email is full of evidence of corruption.
In Bed Together: MF Global, TENEO Holdings, Jon Corzine, Goldman Sachs, Obama, The Clinton Foundation
MF Global had just gone bankrupt a month earlier after Chairman and CEO Jon S. Corzine (March 23, 2010 to Nov. 04, 2011) announced that $1.6 billion in investor funds was lost. Corzine was formerly Goldman Sachs’ CEO (Aug. 04, 1994 to Aug. 08, 1999) during the Bill Clinton presidency.
TENEO HOLDINGS, founded by Douglas J. Band, creator of The Clinton Foundation concept, was hired by Corzine to improve his image and enhance his political connections with the Clintons. Bill is said to have been paid a $50,000 per month retainer by TENEO to “improve his relations with Corzine.“
Evidently the stress of this corruption was affecting the health of both The Clinton Foundation chairman Bruce Lindsey and chief operating officer Laura Graham.
McAuliffe helped reorganize The Clinton Foundation in 2011

Virginia Governor, DNC former chair, Hillary Clinton campaign former chair, China energy partner, Clinton Chappaqua guarantor, Clinton Foundation director, FBI Dep. Dir. Andrew McCabe donor
It appears that Chelsea had ample reason to be concerned. Band, Podesta, Mills and Cooper evidently used the latest threatened Graham suicide as motivation to reorganize The Clinton Foundation.
Under a court order, Citizens United received Hillary’s White House phone logs between Jul. 06, 2010 to Mar. 29, 2012.
Graham had called Secretary of State Hillary Clinton more than any other member of the Obama Administration. She called 134 times as compared to the White House chiefs of staff 16 times. By comparison, Podesta called 24 times and Band called 31 times. According to the actual White House phone logs, The Clinton Foundation had ten times more calls and conversations to the Secretary than anyone.
Curiously, McAuliffe does not appear even once (that we could find) in any of the State Department FOIA disclosures to Judicial Watch or Citizens United. Not once. This is not reasonable for such a prominent Democrat operative. Very evidently, the State Department's FOIA Nazi, Patrick F. Kennedy, deleted any reference to McAuliffe. Thankfully, Julian Assange and WikiLeaks came to the rescue.
Bookmark: #band-memo-confirms-clinton-corruption
New! 10/28/2016: WikiLeaks BOMBSHELL
Nov. 18, 2011 Memorandum by Doug Band. In our opinion, this document proves the epic globalist collusion that is attempting to steal the 2016 Presidential election..
Band is the founder of TENEO HOLDINGS and creator of The Clinton Foundation. He had prepared a 13-page MEMORANDUM titled "Background on Teneo and [Clinton] Foundation Activities" that described the rat's nest of collusion among the U.S. State Department, The White House, The Clinton Foundation, Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), DK Consulting (Delcan Kelly), Coke, Dow, UBS, Allstate, Simpson Thatcher, American Ireland Fund, Barclays Capital, BHP Billiton, Mylan, GEMS Education, Rockefeller Foundation, Laureate International Universities, AT&T, Black Diamond, Bank of America, Firebird, Liberty Mutual, Stone Harbor, Frank Stronach, TiVo, Ericson and Mati Kochavi. Note: UBS, Barclays and Bank of America were announced as Facebook underwriters ten weeks later. Obama's SEC Chair Mary L. Schapiro had over 51 holdings in major Facebook investor beneficiaries of these banks' underwriting. AT&T was actively and illegally feeding private customer information to the NSA . . . and to the Clintons? (Having the dirt on everyone on the planet makes blackmail an especially lucrative profit center for influence peddling and one's speaking fees.)
Laura Graham & John Podesta—coordinated the activities among State Dept, White House, Clinton Foundation & George Soros
Clearly, Graham and Podesta were the relationship enablers between the State Department and The Clinton Foundation who is taking marching orders from globalist George Soros. Foundation lieutenants had dual Obama Administration titles. Podesta was special counsel to Barack Obama while he also served a similar role at The Clinton Foundation with Obama’s blessing.

Soros' Open Society Foundations liason with Hillary Clinton State Department and 2016 campaign
This grossly unethical intermingling of public and private interests will not be explored further in this article so that we can get to the McAuliffe crimes of state.
Clinton Reorganization Plan: “classic layers to deflect culpability for actions of paid agents”
The Clinton Foundation reorganization document is bizarre. One would expect professional Six Sigma-like (process improvement) approaches from such senior government officials, but nothing of the sort are present.
We asked a number of seasoned professional services consultants and former Fortune 100 executives to review the document. Their comments were incredulous to a person. The kindest was that it described a “family enterprise.” Another said it is “what you’d expect from an organized crime godfather keeping his soldiers in line.” A former Fortune 40 executive said it described “classic layers to deflect culpability for actions taken by ‘paid agents,’” then concluded it described “a snake pit of evil.”
Cheryl Mills on 2011 Clinton Foundation reorg:
". . . for ensuring that the implementation of the President's [Clinton] will occurs . . ."
In the service of two masters: State Dept. and Clinton Foundation
Keep in mind, Cheryl Mills was preparing this document even though she is chief of staff for Secretary of State Clinton. This is further proof of the horrendously unethical mixing of private and public interests in all the Clinton affairs.

How can these people serve the interests of the American people at the same time that they are organizing and privately benefiting from the Clinton’s private foundation? The Secretary of State peddled influence throughout the world in return for donations to the Clintons. We may never know the total amounts, but they currently measure into the multiple billions of dollars in donations in return for favors.
Justin Cooper is copied throughout on this WikiLeaked email thread.
Justin Cooper set up Hillary’s private email server
According to Cooper’s FBI testimony, he set up Bill Clinton’s private email server in the basement of his and Hillary’s home on or about Jun. 01, 2008.
On Jan. 05, 2009, Hillary Clinton signed an ethics pledge not to participate in Clinton Foundation business (including its 35 aliases).
On Jan. 13, 2009, Cooper registered on the Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY basement server. This is the email account targeted by the FBI, House and Senate probes. Other domain names followed.
Before finalizing the reorganization draft, Band and Podesta invited Terry McAuliffe into the drafting.
Who is Terry McAuliffe?
Year: | Terry McAuliffe Activity: |
1997-1999 | Invested $100,000 in Global Crossing telecom. Sold shares for $8.1 million two years later—81 times his investment. |
2001 | $1.35 million Guarantor of Clinton’s Chappaqua, NY residence |
2001-2005 | Democratic National Committee Chair |
2004- | Director, The Clinton Foundation |
2007-2008 | Hillary Clinton 2008 campaign chairman |
2009-2013 | Founded Green Tech Automotive (China) (Obama energy stimulus). Sold one year later for $20 million. |
2014- | Common Good VA, founder; donated $500,000+ to Jill McCabe State Senate campaign; donors include Doug Band (Clinton Foundation), JB Pritzker (beneficiary, Penny S. Pritzker (see p. 22), Commerce Secretary; her trust donated $1 million to Clinton Foundation in 2011), WalMart, Pfizer, Raytheon, Visa, DuPont, Micron Technology, Microsoft, DLA Piper, Facebook, Cigna |
2014- | Governor of Virginia |
2015 | Jill McCabe VA State Senate candidacy, third largest donor |
Click here for Barbra Jill McCabe's 2015 Statement of Economic Interest. Source: Richmond Times-Dispatch.
What kind of Doctor supports the murder of innocents? Eugenics? KKK-Sanger devotee?
FBI Investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server
On Oct. 23, 2016, The Wall Street Journal reported that the wife of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, Dr. Jill McCabe, received more than $675,000 in cash and benefits from Terry McAuliffe-controlled entities when she made an unsuccessful Senate bid in 2015—during the email server controversy.
Andrew McCabe was put in charge of the investigation into Hillary’s Clinton’s illegal use of private email servers while Secretary of State.
Catherine Herridge, intelligence investigator for Fox News, reported that a separate FBI corruption probe of the Clinton Foundation is currently ongoing in New York. It is reportedly assigned to U.S. Attorney Preetinder Bharara. The ethically-challenged Bharara is currently conducting a systematic persecution of Paul Ceglia in Ceglia v. Zuckerberg/Facebook despite recent proof by Secret Service forensics that Ceglia’s contract with Facebook is genuine--a fact uniformly unreported by the mainstream media.
McAuliffe was intimately involved in the organization and operation of The Clinton Foundation, as proved by the Dec. 17, 2017 WikiLeaks Podesta email.
McAuliffe was a Clinton Foundation collaborator with Justin Cooper, the man who set up Hillary’s private server, and was a witness in the FBI investigation, not to mention the House Oversight Committee investigation.
FBI: Negligent or Complicit?
Therefore, either the FBI was negligent in its conflicts of interest checks before selecting Andrew McCabe to lead the Hillary investigation, which is doubtful, . . . or
The Dept. of Justice / FBI / Comey / Obama selected McCabe precisely because he was conflicted by McAuliffe and would cooperate to let Hillary and her lieutenants off the hook.
McAuliffe had made an almost unprecedented contribution to McCabe’s wife.
$675,000 purchased an FBI shill for the “shadow government” to pretend to investigate their darling Hillary
A reasonable person can see that the $675,000 paid to McCabe by McAuliffe was a bribe, in our opinion. McCabe was likely trapped into cooperating with the concealed “shadow government” that the FBI says was directing the investigation.
The WikiLeaks email discussed herein proves that McAuliffe was heavily involved in both the Clinton’s public business at the State Department and their private organized crime Clinton Foundation syndicate of 35 aliases.
Tainted judgments are void; Hillary investigation must be done again
This revelation of collusion between The Clinton Foundation and the FBI taints the entire investigation and should invalidate it. In law, judgments made based on fraud are to be unwound as if they had never been made. Therefore:
- The immunities for Hillary’s staff are void.
- The non-prosecution of Hillary is void.
- Director Comey’s conclusion that Hillary is not subject to indictment is void.
- The little meeting of Attorney General Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Phoenix was clearly criminal tampering with a witness—Bill Clinton.
What side deal was Bill Clinton making for the “shadow government?” Bill, Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Obama, Podesta, etc. evidently do not fear our government and system of laws.
Special Prosecutor a must
A special prosecutor must be appointed. The Dept. of Justice and FBI had their shot and they blew it, perhaps criminally so.
Bookmark: #judge-nap-obama-lied
Fox & Friends. (Oct. 27, 2016). Judge Nap: Obama 'Lied Directly and Pointedly' to the Nation About Hillary's Emails. Fox News.
Bookmark: #chris-wallace-doug-band-clinton-memo
Chris Wallace. (Oct. 27, 2016). Chris Wallaces on the Doug Band Clinton Inc. memorandum from WikiLeaks. Fox News.
Bookmark: #hillary-armageddon
Alex Jones. (Oct. 27, 2016). Hillary and Armageddon. WTF Did I Just Watch? The Wildest Campaign Ad Ever! InfoWars.
Bookmark: #how-elections-are-stolen
Bev Harris. (Oct. 31, 2016). How Elections Are Stolen In America. /
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