Sabina (Menschel) Priestap’s father Richard L. Menschel and Facebook's James W. Breyer funded HarvardX for the rogue C.I.A.
HarvardX M.O.O.C. (Massive Open Online Course) pushes rabid C.I.A. MKUltra anti-Trump virtue signaling and censorship to our children and teachers

Rev. Billy Graham moves on at 99
Dr. Graham loved Romans 1:16 and preached on it often: "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes . . ." Dr. Graham, may God have mercy on your soul, and please pray for us as you celebrate with the Great Cloud of Witnesses in the Kingdom. ✝
Read: Michael McKibben: In Memory of Dr. Billy Graham ✝
See this short video of Dr. Graham preaching at the first fully integrated public meeting in Durban, South Africa (1973).
American Intelligence Media (AIM) interviewed Michael McKibben on Feb. 16, 2018 about how entrepreneurs in America are being ripped off by Deep State "public-private" fascist Establishment insiders hiding as liberal progressives & RINOS | Raw (*.mp4 video file).
Bookmark: #priestap-fascist-corporatism | | Raw *.mp4 video file
(Feb. 13, 2017)—On Dec. 21, 2015, then FBI Director James B. Comey appointed William E. “Bill” Priestap as Assistant Director of the Counterintelligence Division at the FBI.
Priestap is embroiled in the current cover-up of the FBI’s lies and disinformation to Senate and House Judiciary, Intelligence and Homeland Security Committees.
Investigations into Priestap’s background reveal important new clues about Priestap's Deep State mission at the FBI.
What is Priestap hiding in his biography?
Priestap’s biographies are uniformly missing the name(s) of the universities where he claims to have received degrees in business and education. Clearly, the school identities are being intentionally withheld. Why? What are Mr. Priestap and the FBI hiding?
Second, Priestap’s spouse, Sabina (Menschel) Priestap, has a suspiciously successful intelligence resume for a 1999 Harvard College graduate, who then received a Harvard MBA in 2005.
Sabina (Menschel) Priestap IMMEDIATELY became a Special Advisor at the FBI (Jul. 2005)—a truly magical rise.
Note that Sabina (Menschel) Priestap attended Harvard Business School during the tenure of Lawrence “Larry” Summers, who became Harvard President after leaving the Clinton White House.
Summers brought his rogue C.I.A. Treasury employee, Marne L. Levine (Deutch), to be his Harvard chief of staff while he sent his Treasury chief of staff Sheryl K. Sandberg to Google to start Gmail. He had already sent his other World Bank protégé Yuri Milner to Russia to start, Russia's version of Gmail.
Marne L. Levine (C.I.A. Deutch) is the daughter-in-law of Bill Clinton’s disgraced C.I.A. Director Philip J. Deutch ("Daddy Deutch"). Daddy Deutch was pardoned by Bill Clinton on Jan. 19, 2001 along with finance fraudster Marc Rich. Daddy Deutch had been indicted for mishandling classified information on his home computer.
Levine (C.I.A. Deutch) later went to AOL Email (2006), National Economic Council as Larry Summers' chief of staff (2009), Facebook as vice president of global policy (2010), and is now chief operating officer at Instagram, where Summers joined as director on Jun. 29, 2011. See Timeline.
Levine (C.I.A. Deutch) has had another truly magical professional rise.
Note that Facebook Boy King cardboard cutout Mark Zuckerberg started attending Harvard in 2001—contemporaneously with Sabina (Menschel) Priestap. Zuckerberg's is another truly magical professional rise starting as a 19 years old Harvard sophomore. See AFI. (Nov. 22, 2017). The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All. Americans for Innovation.
M.O.O.C. HarvardX rogue C.I.A.-inspired brainwashing system
Sabina (Menschel) Priestap's father, Richard L. Menschel, funded HarvardX in 2013. HarvardX is one of the primary M.O.O.C. platforms for the takeover of higher education by the Deep State shadow government. M.O.O.C. means “Massive Open Online Course.” It is essentially Common Core for higher education.
Facebook's rogue C.I.A. handler, James W. Breyer, is a co-conspirator with Menschel in promoting HarvardX.
Given the Deep State’s intensive anti-Trump virtue signaling, the control by Daddy Menschel and Facebook's James W. Breyer over HarvardX, EdX—M.O.O.C. renders Priestap hopelessly compromised.
These relationships alone prove that Bill Priestap cannot be impartial in the Trump-Russia investigation. It further proves that he is evidently running cover for the globalist takeover of education and the U.S. Constitution.
More Conspiracies among Menschel, Priestap, HarvardX, M.O.O.C.
Ohio State University is a global Deep State shadow government network hub for M.O.O.C. – Massive Open Online Course

In 2014, Ohio State Marching Band Director Jon Waters was inexplicably abused over his advertising successes after using Apple iPads to create wildly popular animated on-field marching formations that went viral. The incoming president Michael V. Drake from Stanford, who did not even know Waters, accused him of promoting a "sexualized culture." These accusations were denied and never proven. However, they were successful in getting Waters fired and stopping the Apple publicity momentum.
These bizarre events appeared nonsensical since Waters' creativity had just generated $30 million in advertising revenue and positive PR for the university. However, hindsight shows that the Apple attention threatened to expose Ohio State's and Governor John Kasich's cooperation with IBM and the rogue C.I.A. to make Ohio State a global networking hub for M.O.O.C. / HarvardX / EdX. This conspiracy was being organized by Ohio State trustee president Jeffrey Wadsworth, who is a rogue C.I.A. DARPA agent at Battelle Memorial Institute where he is CEO.
Ohio State’s then provost Joseph E. Steinmetz was busy promoting M.O.O.C. / HarvardX at Ohio State. At the same time, Ohio governor John Kasich gave IBM a $267 million exclusive contract (2013) to move Ohio State’s data center off campus to become a global network control hub for M.O.O.C.

Former OSU data center engineers interviewed by AFI investigators say the move to an off campus site was wholly unnecessary on technical grounds. See IBM Opens Advanced Analytics Center in Columbus, Ohio.
That's right, Ohio State today does not even have its own campus data center. That center is completely controlled by John Kasich, M.O.O.C. and globalist forces that have no loyalties to Ohio State.
As case in point, Ohio State's president Michael V. Drake, who fired Waters as his first act after hiring, came from Stanford where he had no prior association with Ohio State, but had plenty of associations with the Silicon Valley Boy King cardboard cutouts in the Deep State.
Governor Kasich’s alignment with anti-Trump RINOs (Republicans in Name Only), and with anti-Trump Deep State Wall Street interests, reveals highly suspicious ties among Priestap, James B. Comey Robert S. Mueller and Governor John Kasich. This Gordian knot of relationships disqualifies Priestap from the Russia-Trump investigation.
Bookmark: #priestap-deep-state-rogue-cia-footprints |’s Anti-Trump, Deep State Footprints:
Goldman Sachs »
Daddy Menschel »
James W. Breyer / Facebook »
HarvardX »
M.O.O.C. »
Sabina (Menschel) Priestap »
Mueller »
Comey »
Bill (Menschel) Priestap »
IBM / M.O.O.C. / HarvardX »
Rogue C.I.A. »
Ohio State »
HarvardX »
M.O.O.C. HUB »
Gov. John Kasich »
Trump-Russia Acute Bias » Back to Goldman Sachs »
Given all of the above, there is NO WAY that Priestap can be a part of any investigation related to President Trump. In fact, he should probably join the others in Guantanamo.
* * *
Bookmark: #obama-loves-internet-of-things |
Do you need more proof that Internet of Things Fascism has descended upon America? Click below.
Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.
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Email comment by DU:
ReplyDeleteGiven the way this post just exposed Ohio State, Jeffrey Wadsworth, John Kasich and IBM, it is certainly curious that this little article about Apple was the lead story in the Ohio State Lantern's email newsfeed this morning.
Amanda Parrish. (Feb. 13, 2018). New Ohio State app developed as part of Apple partnership. The Lantern.
This article is obvious misdirection. Anyone in technology knows that they might as well have announced BREAKING: Four Ohio State students ordered Cafe Lattes yesterday at breakfast!
No, it is clear that OSU rushed out this article as misdirection.
Gotcha. Payback is a bitch.
Karma sucks.
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Email comment by RY:
DeleteYes, I live in Columbus and assure you that OSU has not paid any attention to Apple, and most especially not following their mistreatment of Band Director Jon Waters after his Apple ad success. We miss him and pray that justice will be served cold.
Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteGary Franchi. (Feb. 13, 2018). BREAKING: All Hell Just Broke Loose When The Smoking Gun That Proved Obama’s Guilt Surfaced. The Next News Network:
Cristina Laila for the Gateway Pundit reports, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley uncovered an unusual email former National Security Advisor to Barack Obama, Susan Rice sent herself on January 20th 2017–Donald Trump’s inauguration day.
Full story [VIDEO]:
Email comment by JB:
DeleteThomas Paine. (Feb. 13, 2018). New Sheriff in Town. American Intelligence Media.
You are going to be blown away with the revelations that Thomas has for you in this deep dive. He is unleashed, way out in the weeds, bringing up the biggest swamp monster of all, handing it to We the People to give it to President Trump.
For more on Susan Rice see this citizens intelligence report:
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Tucker Carlson. (Feb. 13, 2018). Best REACTIONS To Obama And Michelle's Portrait Unveiling. Fox News.
ReplyDeleteTucker Carlson, Ben shapiro and Alex Jones reacts to the obama portrait unveiling
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Email comment by DG:
ReplyDeleteThomas Paine. (Feb. 11, 2018). Military Tribunals - The Time Has Come. American Intelligence Media.
The coup d’etet has failed and the Republic wins. Now the hard reality of setting up military tribunals lies before us. Betsy and Thomas are calling on all first-tier alternative media creators to begin preparing their audiences.
The article Betsy references is:
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Email comment by SW:
ReplyDeleteThere’s something very wrong with this picture.
Staff. (Feb. 13, 2018). Obama’s Official Portrait Reveals His Dirty Little Secret - The Obama Official Portraits: When art imitates life and truth is stranger than fiction. The Millennium Report
First of all, why did Obama choose an artist who likes to paint black women beheading white women?
What follows are two paintings produced by the painter who Obama chose to paint his official portrait — Kehinde Wiley — which will hang in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Feb. 13, 2018). Hillary Lashes Out at Trump for ‘Abuse of Power,’ Warns Him Not to Prosecute Her [Video]
Corrupt Hillary Clinton must be scared out of her mind right now. She knows her ‘Uranium One’ scandal isn’t going away anytime soon, also, that President Trump’s DOJ is hot on her heels. Why else would she lash out like this?
From Politico:
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has slammed President Donald Trump for suggesting that a special prosecutor investigate her role in the Uranium One deal, a current cause célèbre among conservative commentators and some House Republican lawmakers.
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Email comment by JM-GN:
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Google has decided to expand its war to censor conservatives and libertarians, including, by waging a campaign to demonetize videos and block Live Stream on Google Channels daring to feature the intelligence agent QAnon posting on the “8chan” bulletin boards. has received credible reports from Google users that Google has also engaged in shadow-banning user channels that feature videos discussing QAnon, as well as unsubscribing users from the channel without informing the person creating the channel.
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Email comment by CM:
ReplyDeleteWOW stunning confirmation. Listen to this!!!
Q-Anon says CIA is "Comin' Down." Russian "Influence" Gone Widespread Voter Fraud. Seeting Frog.
Major DOJ announcement that Russians did NOT influence election, That Widespread Voter Fraud DID occur - Illegals voting, Disenfranchised stopped, Digital manipulation in many States and three Senate races impacted. Trump/Q signals demise of empty shell CIA. And Bill Cooper finally given some of his due.
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteLittle Georgie Soros appears to be getting word about his takeover plan.
Staff. (Feb. 17, 2018). Soros Calls on EU to Regulate Social Media to Fight Populism. True Pundit.
Billionaire open-borders activist George Soros has demanded the European Union (EU) regulate social media because voters’ minds are being controlled and “manipulated”.
He claimed the size of social media firms made them a “public menace” and argued they had led people to vote against globalist causes, including electing President Donald J. Trump, in an article for The Guardian published Thursday.
The speculator, who runs one of the largest campaigning groups in the world and is noted for his interference in foreign politics and elections, said ultimately unregulated social media threatened democracy and the “integrity of elections”.
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Email comment by JB:
ReplyDeleteThis is not a list of all patented mind control technology and devices in the United States. This is only some of them.
Staff. 23 U.S. Patented Mind Control Related Devices (1956 – 2003)./ Anti-NWO Anti-Communist.
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Email comment by JB:
ReplyDeleteQ, Anons, I've been following these drops since day one, but this is the first I'm hearing of this "Behold a Pale Horse" book from 1991, by Bill Cooper. It actually describes clowns planning to use school shootings as a way to disarm the citizenry.
This looks legit to me, astonishing as the quotes are. What say you all?
Behold a Pale Horse — Milton William (Bill) Cooper, 1991
[Screen Shot:]
“Bill Cooper, former United States Naval Intelligence Briefing Team member, reveals information that remains hidden from the public eye. This information has been kept in topsecret government files since the 1940s. His audiences hear the truth unfold as he writes about the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the war on drugs, the secret government, and UFOs. Bill is a lucid, rational, and powerful speaker whose intent is to inform and to empower his audience. Standing room only is normal. His presentation and information transcend partisan affiliations as he clearly addresses issues in a way that has a striking impact on listeners of all backgrounds and interests. He has spoken to many groups throughout the United States and has appeared regularly on many radio talk shows and on television. In 1988 Bill decided to "talk" due to events then taking place worldwide, events that he had seen plans for back in the early 1970s. Bill correctly predicted the lowering of the Iron Curtain, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and the invasion of Panama. All Bill's predictions were on record well before the events occurred. Bill is not a psychic. His information comes from top secret documents that he read while with the Intelligence Briefing Team and from over seventeen years of research.”
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Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteMichael T. McKibben, Betsy Gabriel. (Feb. 16, 2018). Entrepreneurs Screwed. American Intelligence Media.
Betsy goes solo and interviews Michael McKibben, Founder and CEO of Leader Technologies about the state of entrepreneurship in America when no one can trust the patent or legal system to protect their inventions.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeletePeter D'Abrosca. Feb. 17, 2018). Clinton-Connected Councilman Attended Rally Organized by Indicted Russians.Big League Politics.
Secretary of State Hilliary Clinton speaks about the Nuclear Posture Review during a press conference with Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Adm. Mike Mullen, and Secretary of Energy Steven Chu at the Pentagon, April 6, 2010. DOD photo by Cherie Cullen (released)
In November 2016, a Charlotte City Councilman with ties to the Clintons attended a rally reportedly organized by Russian interests.
“Defendants and their co-conspirators organized a rally entitled ‘Charlotte Against Trump’, in Charlotte, North Carolina, held on or about November 19, 2016,” said an indictment by Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III against 13 Russians, released on Feb. 16.
The indictment alleges that Russian special interests bought advertisements and created groups on social media to influence American voters in the 2016 presidential election.
According to the indictment, Russian interests, using social media platforms, went so far as to organize rallies both for and against Hillary R. Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Sen. Rafael E. “Ted” Cruz (R.-Tx.), and President Donald J. Trump. Unwitting Americans subsequently participated in those rallies.
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Email comment by CM:
ReplyDeleteJournalist title must be stripped from Isikoff and fraud charged
Michael R. Isikoff, currently the Chief Investigative Correspondent for Yahoo! News. To prop up their false narrative, the FBI fed the phony "dirty dossier" to Yahoo reporter Mike Isikoff, and then used the article he wrote as further evidence before the court. Photo: MSNBC.
(A Roger Stone Selection)
While Yahoo News struggles to remain a relevant source of political commentary, Wikileaks exposes top shill in Ukrainian/DNC collusion [Yahoo! News' Michael Isikoff.]
Over the past few weeks, the world has learned that the basis for the FISA warrant to surveil members of the Trump campaign was based on a political opposition research document, crafted by a dirty spy.
The infamous “Steele Dossier” was rife with lies and political posturing based of unverifiable and blatantly false statements and allowed the jackboot thugs in the Obama era intelligence community commit disgusting acts of sedition in an effort to tilt the election for Hillary Clinton.
The Obama-Clinton partisans infecting the FBI and DOJ used evidence they knew was fabricated, as the legal basis for warrants to spy on the Republican candidate for president.
To prop up their false narrative, the FBI fed the phony dossier to Yahoo reporter Mike Isikoff, and then used the article he wrote as further evidence before the court. Thus Isikoff exposed himself for what he is; not a journalist… but a stooge for the Deep State.
Full story.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteMark Tapscott. (Feb. 19, 2018). Sessions Confirms Justice Probe of FBI’s FISA Warrant Application. Lifezette.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions confirmed Sunday that the Department of Justice is investigating whether the FBI disclosed all relevant facts to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court in seeking a warrant to spy on a 2016 Trump campaign volunteer.
“Let me tell you, every FISA warrant based on facts submitted to that court have to be accurate,” Sessions replied when asked by Fox News “Sunday Morning Futures” host Maria Bartiromo about the controversial FISA warrant application.
“That will be investigated and looked at, and we are not going to participate as a Department of Justice in providing anything less than a proper disclosure to the court before they issue a FISA warrant,” Sessions said.
Sessions was referring to a warrant submitted by the FBI to the FISA court in 2016 to spy on Carter Page, a volunteer foreign policy adviser to President Donald Trump’s campaign organization. The application was based mainly on information compiled by former British spy Christopher Steele in a dossier.
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New Video describing how the FBI promotes fascist corporatism.
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Jonathan Serrie. (Feb. 20, 2018). Georgia looks to drop electronic voting machines in favor of paper ballots. Fox News.
Georgia considers using paper ballots over touch screens
Jonathan Serrie brings you the latest.
A unique effort is underway in Georgia to safeguard elections by taking voting machines back to the future.
“The most secure elections in the world are conducted with a piece of paper and a pencil,” said Georgia State Rep. Scot Turner. “It allows you to continue into the future to verify the result.”
Turner has proposed a bill that would retire Georgia’s electronic touch-screen voting machines and switch to paper ballots that voters would fill out and then be counted by optical scan machines. The technology has been in use for decades to score standardized tests for grade-school students.
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteGary Frenchi. (Feb. 13, 2018). BREAKING: All Hell Just Broke Loose When The Smoking Gun That Proved Obama’s Guilt Surfaced
Cristina Laila for the Gateway Pundit reports, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley uncovered an unusual email former National Security Advisor to Barack Obama, Susan Rice sent herself on January 20th 2017–Donald Trump’s inauguration day.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteKristinn Taylor. (Feb. 19, 2018). Photos=> Student School Massacre Survivors and CBS Reporter Party Like Rock Stars. Gateway Pundit.
Shocking photos posted to Twitter of a CBS News reporter and students who survived last Wednesday’s high school massacre in Parkland, Florida that killed seventeen students and faculty, show the reporter and students laughing uproariously and posing for the photos like they are partying rock stars.
The photos featuring CBS reporter Gisela Perez and the students were posted by CBS This Morning staffer Caroline West and student activist Cameron Kasky. The photos come off as if they were promo stills for Glee: The High School Massacre.
Following the publication of the TGP article, CBS’s Caroline West deleted the tweet with the photo.
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Roger Stone. (Feb. 16, 2018). FBI Indicts Russians For Protesting Against Trump. Infowars.
Roger Stone joins Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer live to give his expert analysis of why the FBI is indicting these Russians for their social media activity during the 2016 Presidential Election.
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Email comment by JM-GN/JM:
ReplyDeleteAs promised. I ‘ve watched this report for over a year. They seem to have good statistics. If what they indicate is true, the ‘rats’ are now cornered and will ‘lash out’ prior to being prosecuted. The target is obvious.
Staff. (Feb. 21, 2018). Clock Is Activated, Protect Code Went Live, Timetable Accelerated:Q - Episode 1504b. X22Report.
The entire indictment against the Russian trolls is now being debunked. The Judge ordered Mueller to provide evidence on the Flynn case. The deep state is meddling in Thailand election. d North Korea allegedly backs out of talks with Pence. Second wave of Syrian soldiers are now entering Afrin and Turkey did not fire upon them. Trump is getting ready to ban bump stocks, there is a reason he is doing this. Q is warning that the procection code has been activated, the timetable has been accelerated. Q is referring to the assassination of Trump, the deep state might be preparing something big, either a false flag or they are ready to remove Trump from office.
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Email comment by RP:
ReplyDeleteThank you for they memorial to Rev. Billy Graham. It was very moving.
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteLuke Rohlfing. (Feb. 20, 2018). DELETED VIDEO: News Station Tries To Cover Up Student Claiming 3 Shooters In Florida. Big League Politics.
Since last week’s school shooting in Parkland, Florida that left 17 people dead, three students have told news cameras that they heard more than two shooters. One of those students was interviewed by a Houston-based NBC affiliate who happened to be in the area, and stated that she heard three shooters in the school.
Since releasing the video, the NBC affiliate has taken down the video, and explained their reasoning on their Facebook page.
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Here is the video that includes the deleted/Google-censored David Hogg interview, which YouTube has censored even from Infowars' YouTube.
DeleteOwen Shroyer. (Feb. 20, 2018). David Hogg Can't Remember His Lines in TV Interview, @ 8min29sec. Infowars.
Download and multiply copies on all platforms.
Spread the truth about Parkland. Hogg is a stooge. Shame on the Deep State for abusing this child.
Email comment by Jill:
ReplyDeleteThank you for that inspiring message about Dr. Bill Graham. I have been a fan for a long time and have a great book full of pictures of his life's journey.........
Email comment by DL:
Susan Duclos. (Feb. 21, 2018). As Silicon Valley Elite Invade New Zealand In Preparation For 'Apocalypse', Both Obama And Hillary Have Trips Planned There In Next 3 Months - Do They Know Something That We Don't Know? All News Pipeline.
A few separate bits of news have been reported recently that when looked at together, brings up some interesting questions about what the "elite" know and why they are rushing to buy property and build panic rooms in New Zealand in preparation for the "apocalypse," at a faster rate than they had been doing in recent years.
Whether that is from a natural disaster, a banking or economic collapse, nuclear war, or whatever catastrophe they believe will befall the world, some very rich people, including many billionaires, believe something is coming and they are preparing accordingly, and have been for the past few years, and one of their prime locations of choice just happens to be New Zealand.
A rough and ready description of the attraction of New Zealand came last year in The New Yorker magazine, with LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman suggesting the country had become shorthand for apocalypse insurance in Silicon Valley.
“Saying you’re ‘buying a house in New Zealand’ is kind of a ‘wink, wink, say no more’,” Hoffman said.
The latest billionaire to purchase another property for $13.5 million, as well as having recently built a panic room in another 4.8 million dollar home in Queensland, New Zealand, is Peter Thiel.
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