Governor’s trustee appointments reveal strong bias toward protecting his investments
"Your complaint regarding the actions of Ohio State University Trustees and Administration in the firing of OSU Marching Band Director Jon Waters has been received by the Office of the Ohio Inspector General...The Office of the Inspector General remains dedicated to the principle that no public servant, regardless of rank or position, is above the law."
Sincerely, Randall J. Meyer, Ohio Inspector General

The problem is, MOOC (a.k.a. University Innovation Alliance) uses ideas first proposed to Battelle in 2002 (Fig. 5), and the social networking invention of OSU grad Michael McKibben — just ask Battelle's Jeffrey Wadsworth and Trustee Alex R. Fischer. See previous post.
See disciplinary complaint templates drafted against the OSU Trustees who are attorneys. Any citizen can submit such complaints if they suspect laywer wrongdoing. As many citizens as possible should file their complaint immediately. Consult the Ohio Supreme Court website for more information on attorney discipline. The form they provide is for guidance, but is not required. A signed letter from you should be sufficient.
Sep. 21, 2014: JUST PUBLISHED: Template for Ohio Inspector General Complaint against Jeffrey Wadsworth, President, The Ohio State University Trustees. Click here to download the Wadsworth complaint Word template.
[Sarcasm Alert!] The OSU Trustees "cover up" appears to be more than the cover up needed for the band's underwear session. Where is the investigation of OSU Trustee President Jeffrey Wadsworth awarding 12 cush OSU contracts to his McBee Strategic lobbying cronies? Where is the investigation of the controversial MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) collusion involving Provost Joseph A. Steinmetz? Steinmetz is the band's boss. Where is the investigation of the theft of Michael McKibben's social networking invention by OSU Trustees Wadsworth and Alex R. Fischer at Battelle and their secret ties to McKibben's former patent counsel, Professor James P. Chandler III who also advised Glaros, Holder, Battelle, Livermore Labs (Wadsworth's former employer) and OSU Trustee Algernon L. Marbley? Not to mention Governor John Kasich's role in the recent nepotistic appointments of Fischer and attorney Abigail Wexner just 11 days before Waters was fired, and his tight association with and many investments (see below) in Wall Street and Silicon Valley interests through Mark Kvamme. Now those are real scandals that make even Title IX herself blush.

Photo: The Catholic Vote.
—Original Post—
(Sep. 05, 2014)—Suspicions of OSU Trustee and Administration impropriety swirl around the firing of beloved OSU Band leader Jon Waters on Jul. 26, 2014.
New evidence reveals that treacherous personal financial interests, and a universal MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) education agenda, are primary motivators for this cartel of actors.
Buckeye Nation's outrage shows no signs of subsiding. Despite the public outcry, Ohio State Trustees obstinate president, Jeffrey Wadsworth “stands firmly” behind the decision. Questions are now being asked about where Wadsworth gets his authority since Trustees are not executive roles. Some trustees are telling us privately that they did not approve Jon Waters' firing—that such a vote was never taken. If that is true, then Wadsworth's public statements are false.
McBee Strategic appears to be driving the bus from Washington, D.C.
AFI was the first to report that the university has awarded at least twelve (12) contracts to clients of McBee Strategic, a chief lobbyist for Jeffrey Wadsworth, President of the OSU Trustees, in his job as CEO of Battelle Memorial Institute.

MOOC will be big money for the cartel; they stole the social networking invention of OSU Grad Michael McKibben to start Facebook and create MOOC
OSU Provost Joseph A. Steinmetz was discovered making a sales pitch for a controversial new MOOC initiative that is heavily promoted by McBee Strategic clients Google, Oracle and the National Venture Capital Association.
The Ohio governor appoints Ohio State trustees, and his impartiality is both required and assumed.
Governor Kasich knew, or reasonably should have known, about his conflicting holdings
However, Governor Kasich’s 2013 financial report shows that he is anything but impartial. Governor Kasich knew, or reasonably should have known, about these conflicting holdings, but failed to report them. Since this accusation ("knew, or should have known") was hurled at Jon Waters, turnabout is fair play.
Governor John Kasich holds multiple stock interests in McBee Strategic’s publicly disclosed clients, as well as stocks in well-known McBee/Wadsworth collaborators. These companies include:
Jeffrey Wadsworth / McBee Strategic client | John R. Kasich holdings | Known MOOC advocate |
JP Morgan Chase | 26 | X |
Citigroup | 22 | X |
Oracle | 8 | X |
8 | X | |
Time Warner | 6 | X |
Honeywell | 3 | |
Wadsworth / McBee known collaborator | ||
5 | X | |
3 | X | |
Microsoft | 9 | X |
Baidu (China) | 5 | X |
Tesla Motors | 4 | |
State Street Corp | 11 | X |
Goldman Sachs | 10 | X |
Morgan Stanley | 12 | X |
Bank of America | 15 | X |
Wells Fargo | 5 | X |
Xerox | 4 | X |
Fidelity | 8 | X |
T. Rowe Price | 4 | X |
Accenture | 4 | X |
Athenahealth | 4 | X |
Castlight Health | 4 | X |
IBM | 6 | X |
Table 1: John R. Kasich financial holdings in OSU Trustee President Jeffrey Wadsworth collaborators.
Note: IBM created The Eclipse Foundation in late 2001 with the aid of Columbus-based Leader Technologies' former attorneys, to distribute Leader’ social networking invention which they had just stolen, and which Leader had disclosed to Jeffrey Wadsworth, Livermore Labs (Univ. of Calif.), Alex R. Fischer and Battelle Memorial Institute under firm confidentiality secrecy agreements. See previous posts.
Governor Kasich holds stock in Wellpoint, Inc., a political contributor to Betty Montgomery and DRake CA crony

Governor Kasich also has five (5) holdings in Wellpoint, Inc. Incoming OSU President Michael V. Drake’s Stanford associate, Woodrow A. Myers, is chief medical officer at Wellpoint. Wellpoint has donated liberally to Ohio political campaigns starting in 2006. Wellpoint contributed to Betty Montgomery’s 2006 campaign. Despite this evident conflict, the governor and university president appointed their crony, Betty Montgomery, to lead the ongoing Waters investigation into the band's culture.
Instead, investigations need to occur immediately into the corrupt culture of the Ohio State trustees and their conflicts of interest with Governor John Kasich.
Normally squeaky clean Smuckers is being tainted

Normally squeaky clean Timothy Smucker cannot escape controversy in this matter. In 2011, Governor Kasich appointed Smucker as an OSU trustee. The governor holds at least two (2) stocks in Smuckers Inc. Timothy Smucker is also a director at Hallmark Cards.
Given Governor Kasich’s heavy financial interests in OSU Trustee President Jeffrey Wadsworth’s business associates, his bias in the Jon Waters firing is evident.
Propriety demands an impartial tribunal
It appears time for unbiased members of the Ohio legislature to be put in charge of a thorough investigation of the corruption within the Ohio State Board of Trustees exposed by their attack on the Ohio State Marching Band and its director, Jon Waters.

Remarkably, AFI investigators recognize the cartel of companies into which Governor Kasich has invested. We call them the “Facebook Cartel.” For example, besides the governor’s five (5) investments in Facebook, he holds three (3) investments in LinkedIn, and five (5) investments in Baidu (CHINA) which was funded by this cartel to offer a Chinese social site like Google and Facebook. However, his close yet controversial advisor, Mark Kvamme, is the former director of LinkedIn. Like Wadsworth and Drake, Kvamme too has close ties to the University of California.
Curiously, Kvamme came to LinkedIn at the same time that IBM and The Eclipse Foundation were distributing Leader Technologies' stolen invention to their eager "members." These members included Facebook and many members of the National Venture Capital Association when Facebook's first financier and future chairman, James W. Breyer, was chairman.
As a reader observed recently, the coincidences involving the theft of Leader Technologies' invention are so many, they are starting to eclipse the sun.

MOOC is the brass ring to influence future Ohio voters; was TBDBITL a political threat as well as a diversion to protect Gene Smith?
Facebook, McBee Strategic lobbies for the National Venture Capital Association whose members will make out like bandits when the MOOC learning initiative is fully embraced at Ohio State. MOOC relies on Ohio State graduate Michael McKibben’s invention of social networking as the basis for the technology.
McBee Strategic’s partner is Cooley Godward LLP, Facebook’s attorney in the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption scandal. Cooley also advised the White House on judicial appointments that switched the judges to an Obama nominee, Leonard P. Stark, just a month before trial. Also significant is that Cooley Godward LLP’s fellow attorney in Leader v. Facebook, Gibson Dunn LLP, was former employer to Chris Glaros, the author of the now discredited Waters Report. See previous two posts.
OSU Provost Steinmetz doesn’t promote MOOC so heavily while President of Psychological Science Association for his health. It means money in his pocket, and the pockets of his Facebook Cartel cronies.
In conclusion, propriety dictates that Governor John R. Kasich must recuse himself from the OSU Marching Band scandal investigation.
* * *
Read more about the storied history and tradition of the OSU Marching Band on Wikipedia.
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Email comment by TEX
ReplyDeleteWow, what does it take to be prosecuted for a string of complicitous actions that begin with an obvious theft of patented intellectual property, then weaves through a string of corrupt , greedy judges, and continues with a gaggle of colluding intellectual "buddies " that are all in various headline positions around the world ? And then to put a cherry on a cow pattie, the corruption infiltrates the best dadgum college band outside of Okla State (just kidding, our band is made up of non musical rodeo clowns..... but give 'em a few beers and they are quite entertaining).
C'mon Eric Holder, I showed all of this evidence to our local Sheriff, Bubba Ramrock, and he was ready to deputize every single person at the Waffle House and load up the van to head for Ohio. I guess that if the fake reverend Al Sharpton doesn't get his panties in a wad, then Holder ( Head of our Department of Revenge) doesn't give a flip either. Are you feeling safe at night with those yo- yo's having the big ears of our president?
Sheriff Bubba and my assistant, Flavia , go two stepping every Wednesday night after Church, so Bubba knows music , and he certainly is trained to spot a thief..... we had one once in our small town. It took years to get past that episode since it involved our mayor , a horse, and a pair of boots. Sheriff Bubba was ok until the mayor called him a shrimp. Bubba is only 4 foot tall but does a lot of damage in a fight, if you know what I mean. I like the Sheriff and envy his very well groomed mullet although his dentures are way too big for his mouth.
But back to this latest revelation. I thought I liked John Kasich ......but evidently he couldn't get around his desire to gain wealth at the expense of his soul. I hope that my last sentence is not true......however, his next few actions will make it crystal clear where his true heart and soul are. I will say this, there are more bad actors than good ones in this ongoing nefarious endeavor, beginning with the Zuckster and ending with this Jon Waters lynching. The victims are many, but none bigger than Leader. Justice must be served.
One last thought.....Obama is terrible ! Have a nice day.
Welcome back Tex! It is not about chains anymore..It is about nooses around our necks .History was not my strong point in school..but I get it now... Let us not let our past be in vain..God Bless America..Let us stop this corruption and control and get back our futures! This is a beautiful YouTube video.
ReplyDeleteMAFIA IN HIDING: At the end of the day the poorest as always pay the most U.S. Attorney Preetinder "Preet" Bharara sued Ceglia on trumped up fake criminal charges to hid the stolen idea facebook
Thiel knew facebook was stolen idea he knew this before facebook started even the idea paypal the payment idea was stolen? Hoffman and Thiel are members of the PayPal Mafia
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteBeen thinking about this notion of "liberalism/ socialism". Doesn't appear to me to be much good for anyone in America except the super rich......not even good for our first (half ) black president even though he has no clue about anything . His ratings are 38% favorable , and 55% unfavorable. Not good for Congress , 11% favorable . Not a good time to be an ambassador, you could get killed without even trying and nobody in Washington cares. Not good to be a border agent as our DOJ will arm the intruders you are chasing and they will kill you. And nobody in Washington cares. Not good for black employment or women employment......over 11% can not find work. Almost 25% of the black youth are unemployed. Not a good time for medical costs ( just wait until we see the results of the real costs of medicine when we include the corporate mandate ) . And how about cost of gasoline or cost of meat or eggs or milk or anything else we consume. For example, gasoline has doubled under Obama. Other than the top 10% earners, few are getting raises. Let's just give everybody more birth control pills and food stamps ! That will calm them down.
End, TEX, Part 1
Start, TEX, Part 2
DeleteIt's not a good time to be a tax payer that has irritated Lois Lerner ( that is one nasty woman). It's not a good time to be a land owner on our southern border, or a veteran that needs promised healthcare. Not a good time to be a policeman trying to stop a robbery . The LGBT community can get married but can't find work. The straights can also get married but can't find work. The singles can't find work and can't afford a partner from any of those other categories. It's not a good time to be an American company since they pay the highest tax rate on the planet. It's not a good time to retire as a pensioner. A union man negotiated on your behalf years ago by bribing a crooked politician , and it sure looked good at the time, huh? Got them both re elected but your monthly payment may be in real jeopardy.
Not a good time to be a loved band leader at a podunk university , or a super smart man from a podunk town that believed his intellectual property was protected with a patent. How frightening is it that the fecklessness of this corrupt administration goes that deep into our society ? It's not a good time to be a captured reporter , or a Christian in the Middle East . You will be beheaded and nobody in Washington cares. It's not a good time to challenge the body of fake work from UN climatologists that want to create a world police force to save the ice caps. Obama said the science is "settled" so that clinches it. It's not a good time to work for CNN or MSNBC. How embarrassing it must be to talk to no one all day long . It's not a good time to be General Motors. They should put a recall notice on the same window with the price sticker. It could save them some postage. Since nine ( yep, 9 !) commanding military Generals have been fired by Obama, it's not a good time to be one of those. He is dismantling our military. It's not a good time to be one of the solar companies that Obama funded, they are all broke but not his buddies that owned them. They all came out much wealthier.
So who is loving this Obama liberalism/ socialism? Well,,let's see.....all of Obama's buddies, ISIS , Al Queda, Russia, Cuba, the drug cartels, the Wall Street bankers, the White House visiting rappers, the crooked judges, all Harvard graduates, the smelt fish in CA, Bill Ayers, the tax collectors, Michelle ( she is finally proud of America), the fake Rev Sharpton loves it, the street gangs in Chicago, the funeral homes in Chicago, Valerie Jarrett and George Soros love it, the fuel providers for Air Force One , the TelePrompTer repairman, eleven million illegal poachers, and that blonde with black rim glasses that works for John Kerry and faces the press every day.......her explanations are just breathtaking. Those ISIS commanders must wet their pants laughing at America.
One last thought....I wonder if Obama would like to have his missile defense system back in Eastern Europe ? I wonder if he is still flexible with Putin "after the election"? I wonder if Hillary would like to have that red reset button back.? What a bunch of friggin bozos.....and, Mr Obama, your golf swing is awful. Take a lesson ! I need a drink.
MORE SLIMY HARVARD, MIT, SILICON VALLEY VENTURES PROFITING FROM ILLEGAL OFFSHORE PAYDAY LENDING WEBSITES ---VECTOR CAPITAL THAT REINVESTS HARVARD AND MIT PENSION MONEY CLAIMS THEY ARE BEING HONEST AND ABOVE BOARD. HARVARD REFUSED TO COMMENT. This scheme is hiding behind Native American Indian Tribes and Caribbean shell companies. They create returns up to 900% per year that is extracted from American LOFOs (low information voters).
ReplyDeleteThis investing conduct is almost identical to the investing shell games by Leader Technologies' former attorneys who stole Leader's source code and funneled it to the emerging "social" companies of IBM's choosing via The Eclipse Foundation founded by IBM in late 2001. Eurotech, Ltd. and The White Oak Group, Inc. are two keys to the exploitation of Leader's source code in the homeland security world.
NEWS: "Vector Connects Harvard to Caribbean Payday Loans" by Zeke Faux
Sept. 4, (Bloomberg) –- Bloomberg’ Zeke Faux discusses his investigation into payday-lending websites and a connection to Harvard. He speaks on “Market Makers.” (Source: Bloomberg)
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteThe magnitude of utter incompetence in this Harvard administration has become so apparent that even the very left leaning media Obama worshipers are gasping for air. Today's example: Debbie Wasserman Shultz, aka The Pit Bull.
First of all, never trust a woman with three or more last names that has an agenda of spewing hatred with not an ounce of logic in her verbiage. Granted , liberals must create controversial diversions because the results of their last six years are the worst imaginable for Americans who just want to live a safe, prosperous life. The Pit Bull took it to a new low level, however, when claiming that Conservatives have a "war on women". Please indulge old TEX as I vent.
Let's discuss the real war on women by reintroducing a man that MSNBC just called our best president in modern times......Billy Jeff Clinton. You talk about a war on women. Think about the path of destruction he delivered which certainly includes his wife ( an alleged woman ) and his daughter, a woman. Monica Lewinsky, Gennifer Flowers, Maria Furtwangler, Belinda Stronach, Naomi Robson, Markie Post, Patricia Duff, Elizabeth Gracon, Sally Perdue, Dolly Kyle Browning, and Paula Jones are certainly just a few of his affairs and/ or molestations while in public office. That's as many women as in a small city in Texas.
Without sickening detail, I will just point out a few other liberal leaders that have had real a war on women :
- Jesse Jackson. Had a love child daughter with a mistress while married. Went two years behind on child support. War on at least three women.
-John Edwards ( VP Candidate) . Had an affair with his photographer , a baby girl was the result, all the while his campaigning wife was dying of cancer. That's a war on women.
- Peter Orzag. Obama spokesman in finance. Was engaged, had a separate mistress who got pregnant, and he walked away. War on women.
- James McGreevy, Dem from NJ, had an affair with a man while in office, while his wife and three kids were at home. War on all sorts of folks.
- Larry Summers. Mr Mentor to the Zuckster, while president of Harvard, said that women generally are not capable mentally of being top rated innovators or scientists. Got his butt fired. That's a war in women.
- LBJ. Had a 20 year affair and a love child. Lady Bird loved wild flowers , LBJ loved wild women. That's a war on women.
- JFK. Had a directors couch in the White House. He nailed every movie star of that era. That was a war on very sexy women and his wife and kids.
End TEX comment, Part 1
Begin TEX comment, Part 2
DeleteThese are just a few of the examples of the real liberal mentality towards women. Quite frankly liberal women brought it on themselves. They wanted to be treated with this way without being judged. Liberal women have their own war on women. The examples above are guys had no respect for their wives, daughters, or their conquests. It's coming home to roost for our entire society.
Another couple of thoughts. This will get me blasted.....50% of the 50,000,000 babies aborted since Roe v Wade have been tiny little women. This is one of the greatest genocide of women since the beginning of time. That's a war on women. Now, I must admit that ISIS and the Taliban have a war on women. Perhaps Ms Debbie Pit Bull could snarl at the abortion clinics, ISIS, or the Taliban. Or perhaps she could address the fact that 50% of all babies today have no father in the house, especially young black babies. Go after that problem, Ms Pit Bull. Not only do you have the attitude of a Pit Bull, but you also remind me of a catfish; big head, all mouth, no brains. A bottom feeder that will swallow anything. The Catfish Pit Bull's response would be that I hate women because I don't want to pay for Sandra Fluke's promiscuity while she makes herself available to the men in her dorm in law school. Hey, I like driving fast, will you pay my speeding tickets?
OK ,you women, let me have it. I can take it. Where am I wrong ?
In the meantime, perhaps the Zuckster will clear his conscience today by telling all about how he accidentally stole the Facebook source code and all about the cadre of folks that are complicit in his slimy success. I would certainly have a better feeling about America's direction. Have a nice day, TEX=
Email comment by Patent Blogger:
"PTO commissioner illegally intervened in hiring" by Dena Levitz, Federal News Radio, Jul. 14, 2014
This is a glimmer of good news from the USPTO. However, by comparison to the widespread corruption and collusion of David J. Kappos and his IBM cronies in Leader v. Facebook, this move against the trademark commissioner, Deborah Cohn, is child's play. It is the same sort of slap on the wrist we've seen from Attorney General Eric H. Holder who has "sanctioned" the Wall Street banks for mere pittances as compared to the hundreds of billions of dollars that they made off the so-called mortgage crisis. Some pundits now believe that the 2008 "bank bailout" was nothing more than a concocted scheme for the Obama Administration cronies to line their pockets, pump the value of their pre-IPO Facebook stock, and buy votes; led by IBM, attorney James P. Chandler III, The Eclipse Foundation, Lawrence "Larry Summers" and George Soros.
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteGetting my barf bag ready for Obama's big speech tonight on his strategy for dealing with the thugs that are dismembering and beheading Americans and Christians in the Middle East. He's already said that these probable distant cousins of his are insignificant and not a danger to us. I can tell you what he will say and what he won't say. He will tell ISIS what we won't foot soldiers, no commitment , no urgency, and nothing personal towards each of these poor ISIS soldiers that are so misunderstood. They will taking copious notes. Here's what he will say.......not one coherent thought. It will be a lot of gobbledygook about how long this will take, and how he is putting together a coalition, and so on. He also will call these guys a PC name, ISIL, not ISIS. Did they behead a coalition , or did they behead two Americans? How long did it take to cut the throats of those defenseless men? Well, that's how long it should take to crystallize the sand under them.
Obama has engaged a war on our energy complex but not Islamic radicals. We have a war on non- PC words, but not jihadists. We have a war on our Second Amendment, but not "beheading " Americans. We have a war on Tea Party folks, but not lying for political gains. We have a war on successful businesses but not the folks that are not even trying to get a job. We have a war on cops that protect themselves but not on punks that rob stores or NFL stars that try to behead their girlfriends with right cross punches in elevators. After all, as he pointed out in the past, Michael Brown might look like a son if he had one and if he had three daughters , Mrs Rice would look like the third one..Obama is good at white on black issues but not black on black,or black on white problems. Hey Obama, ISIS has declared war on us. They are calling you out. What does it take for you to come out of your fetal position and throw a counter punch ? We need a a man. The world is waiting on you. =
Well said Tex!
ReplyDeleteLooks like Kasich allowed a real goon squad of political misfits to take over at Ohio State. What did they have that he wanted so badly? Mark Kvamme's resume is highly suspect.
ReplyDeleteOSU MARCHING BAND and JON WATERS were thrown under the bus by the university in order to settle the university's Title IX problems. This is absolutely amazing since Waters' most recent job performance review was glowing. This rat grows smellier by the minute.
Just read the Title IX "settlement" agreement. More examples of an out of control federal bureaucracy with nothing else to do but impress themselves with their verbosity. Most if not all of the Glaros Report has been discredited, yet these goons just keep quoting it as if it is still true. Of course, they are just following the lead of a President who lies and keeps lying so you will forget his previous lies.
DeleteEmail comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteThe wussification of America continues. Our progressive leaders, wussies themselves, won't stop until women become masculine and men become feminine and they meet somewhere in the middle as being "equal"..... hey, we are equal but we are also different. If you don't think we are different, then stop reading , this will just upset you. I look at our lazy, sloppy, uncouth male kids today and really get frightened for this country's future. Our young men need the discipline of athletic team structure and/ or a tour of duty in the military. Do you not see that kids seek that basic needs from gangs?
Since Title IX was enacted in 1972, hundreds of men's collegiate athletic programs have been canceled. These include over 50 football programs, 40 baseball programs, 25 basketball programs, 180 wrestling programs, 84 tennis programs, 60 men's gymnastics teams, 20 track teams, and 25 men's swimming programs have been canceled at the collegiate level,due to,this dumb mandate. Now couple that with no mandatory PE in school , bad eating habits, drug use, and no military for young men, and ,wahla, we have young wussies in large numbers. If the progressive , feminine little men leading our nation want to do something constructive, start school programs for boys to use their hands and backs in building things. Make them do push-ups, run laps, shoot guns, wrestle, and box. I call this Title X.
I ask Flavia to set up a 24 hour phone hotline for folks to call about Title X......we hired two illegals ( Spanish only please) to take your calls. The phone center is named Nine Juan Juan. Thanks for listening.......gonna have a glass of Cabernet now.
From the Ohio State Lantern:
ReplyDeleteJonathan Waters to march with alumni band at Ohio State game
Former Ohio State Marching Band director Jonathan Waters plans to perform with the alumni band during Saturday’s home Ohio State game against Kent State.
In a release, the OCR agreed with the university that a “sexually hostile environment” within the band violated Title IX, and praised the university for its handling of the situation.
The "OCR" is the Department of Education Report that we just reported on in the Sept. 11 news update at the top of this post. Astoundingly, The Lantern, that bastion of hard-nosed investigative journalism, is spouting the line that the US Department of Education "praised the university for its handling of the situation." Who is kidding who? The "Glaros Report" has been discredited as political whitewash.
DeleteIf you keep lying loudly enough and often enough, the poor huddled masses will believe anything? Ohio State and their cronies in Washington DC do appear to have been hijacked by "goon squads," as Rain keeps saying.
Go Buckeye Nation! Get to the bottom of this.
Email comment by Bill:
ReplyDeleteEmail to OSU Marching Band Alumni this morning:
Dear TBDBITL Alumni,
Yesterday afternoon, the U.S. Department of Education announced an agreement with Ohio State bringing an end to their investigation of, and ensuring the university's compliance with, Title IX going forward. It goes without saying that the method by which the university chose, in part, to come to this agreement is extremely disappointing, disheartening, and otherwise incomprehensible.
It's no secret the university was in trouble with the U.S. Department of Education on Title IX compliance. The university decided to use Jon and the OSUMB as their scapegoat to end their troubles. Yesterday we had confirmation of that and it validates what many of us have been thinking all along.
The timing of this announcement is ironic if not peculiar. Remember how we, TBDBITL Alumni, have conducted ourselves over the last six and half weeks; with dignity and class. It is safe to assume the university would like nothing more than for us to unravel now, during our annual Reunion weekend.
Don't let that happen. We have come this far. Our fight isn't over. Don't take the bait.
Today, the Special Committee, consisting of Shelley Graf, Dr. Paul Droste, Gary J. Leppla and me, will conduct a press conference at 3pm to announce the release of our own investigation and subsequent response to the university's poorly written and ill-conceived travesty of a "report." We will address yesterday's announcement by the U.S. Department of Education during today's press conference.
This weekend is our signature weekend. It is the culmination of all that is right with our culture. We appreciate your continued support.
We appreciate your thoughts about how to best address these issues. But most of all we appreciate the manner in which you have conducted and continue to conduct yourselves in support of Jon, the OSUMB, and TBDBITL Alumni everywhere.
Safe travels to Columbus if you are coming to Reunion. If you are not able to attend, we will make you proud with our work on your behalf.
Our Honor Defend...
Brian J. Golden, President
TBDBITL Alumni Club Board of Governors
TBDBITL Alumni Club
Email comment by TEX
ReplyDeleteSorry that my recent posts have been so lengthy. I have doubled my meds so maybe this will be shorter. I know I feel shorter when I take so many of the green ones.
I must comment on this Department of Education fiasco . I remember when Jimmie Carter established this socialist program in 1979. At that time we had the best darn educational system on the planet, bar none. Carter moved the emphasis from the state level to Washington, DC.
Today we rank 30th in the world in math, 23rd in science, and 24th in reading. Not bad, eh? A child today will cost us $115,000 to educate from grade 1-12, by far the highest in the world. The cost is rising each year for a myriad of really dumb reasons and this year we will spend almost 6% of our GDP on education. The Dept of Education has a $60 billion budget and 5,000 employees. Programs like Common Core, No Child Left Behind, and Title IX , not only cost us a fortune but are dumbing down our kids. Obama is trying to outdo Carter in total incompetence and it appears that once he grabbed the socialist baton, no one will come close to catching him.
Now let's add 1,000,000 new illegal, non-American students that are about to get amnesty from our dictator at $11,000 per student per year and we can quickly add $11,000,000,000 to our annual budgetary needs, not including new teachers, new books, and new buildings. Now remember that most of these kids can not read English. I can just see a small hand in the back of a class room with these comprende , señora. I truly feel badly for these kids but I also feel badly for every other child in the world that is not located in our country.
So what is Arne Duncan's answer ? Fire the band leader at Ohio State University. That'll fix it, you idiot. C'mon, you guys, we are better than this.......or, at least, we used to be.
It seems that the OSU president, the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights, (OCR), and all of the Trustees, (remember it was stated that the Trustee vote was "UNANIMOUS!"), are trying to divert attention away from the acts of the athletic director, Gene Smith, because they failed to follow through with compliance of Title IX when the complaints were raised against the athletes that were accused of rape in March of 2013. Where was that investigation by the OCR? These accusations were during this Title IX “proactive compliance review” and NOT A WORD!
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to note that the OCR does not acknowledge that there were any accusations against the 3 football players.
On the U.S. Department of Education's website the first paragraph states,
The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) announced today that it has concluded a proactive compliance review of The Ohio State University (Ohio State), and has entered into an agreement to ensure the university’s compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) by providing a learning, living, and working environment that is free from sexual assault and sexual harassment. This review began in 2010 and was not initiated by a complaint.
Started in 2010 with no complaint?
On the website Know Your, it lists information that you should know about Title IX, one question is about rights of both the accuser and accused
Does your school have an “equitable” Title IX complaint process?
Under Title IX, both the accuser and accused have equal rights, such as the right to:
•Have an adviser of choice present during the process (this includes an attorney if allowed at all by schools)
•Present evidence or have witnesses speak on their behalf
•Have timely access to information that will be used at the hearing
•Be present at pre-hearing meetings that provide an opportunity to present their testimony
•Receive the final hearing decision in writing at the same time as the other party without being required to sign a non-disclosure agreement
•Have the right to appeal a final decision
•The DCL warns schools creating a disciplinary system requiring the accused and accuser to directly interact may be re-traumatizing and discourages this practice.
Were any of these directives given to Jon Waters?
The "Dear Colleague Letter" that the U.S. Education Department’s Office for Civil Rights uses as a mandate for it's enforcement is NOT law!
A serious question arises with this ruling against Jon Waters. Since Judge Algenon Marbley is a trustee for the university and a United States District Judge, was he at all concerned that Jon Waters rights were being violated or was he promised that the Ethics investigation against him might go away for his cooperation? Logical conclusion in light of conflict! Appearance of Impropriety? Hmmmmmm!
Another thing to keep things in perspective is that the OSU Marching Band budget was exclusively under the Athletic Department until June of 2013.
ReplyDeleteThe news article states."The Ohio State University marching band, known as The Best Damn Band In The Land, will get a big bump in its budget, from $220,000 to $1 million a year.
The College of Arts and Sciences and the Office of Business and Finance now will contribute to the band’s funds that one time only received money from the athletic department.
Did athletic director Gene Smith have his head buried "in the sand"? (another phrase might be better), or was he not doing his job.
Is he taking the attitude that former president Gorden Gee took. In a New York Times article, Gee is quoted; “I don’t need to know everything. And I don’t. I run this complex organization. How would I know Terrelle Pryor is out getting tattoos?”
Head in "sand" (bet youthought it might be somewhere else!).
He apparentley saw the errors of his ways. The article goes on to say,"Yet Gee now calls that thinking — engaging with the athletic department at arm’s length — a “fool’s paradox” for those in his position. As the head of Ohio State, he took “direct responsibility” for the scandal; he hired the key members of the athletic department, he set the expectations."
Where is Gene Smiths culpability.
They even hired former CIA agents to investigate, all the while the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) had its investigation going since 2010!
Any one for odds making. 3 trustees all work or worked for Battelle, a sitting district judge who teaches at the University and under an Ethics violation asking for an "Opinion" from Ohio State because
he doesn't agree with 2 other "Opinions" about it is a conflict of interest for him to be a trustee.
All the Ohio State Trustees are in collusion with the President of the University, to cover up the ongoing ethics violations of one of their own.
ReplyDeleteThat would include all new Trustees.
By their own standards, they knew or should have known that Judge Marbley was in violation of R.C. § 3335.09.
“Ignorantia juris non excusat”, (Latin for "ignorance of the law does not excuse" or "ignorance of the law excuses no one") is a legal principle holding that a person who is unaware of a law may not escape liability for violating that law merely because he or she was unaware of its content.
Judge Algenon Marbley might have other conflicts also since the Ohio law states,
3335.09 Powers of board of trustees regarding president, professors, other employees and course of instruction.
The board of trustees of the Ohio state university shall elect, fix the compensation of, and remove, the president and such number of professors, teachers, and other employees as are necessary; but no trustee, or his relation by blood or marriage, shall be eligible to a professorship or position in the university, the compensation for which is payable out of the state treasury or a university fund. (emphasis added)The board shall fix and regulate the course of instruction and prescribe the extent and character of experiments to be made at the university. Cite as R.C. § 3335.09 Effective Date: 10-01-1953
His excuse is that he,
1. At this time is teaching without pay during the investigation.
2. Does not vote on Trustee pay raises.
3. Didn’t know his daughter in-law is employed by the University until after she was hired.
I didn’t see any of those excuses in the law above.
Shouldn’t he have been dismissed as a Trustee when his daughter in-law was hired and he found out about it? He has already been paid $214,000 to teach courses in the OSU Moritz College of Law over the past seven years.
It seems the “Good Old Boy Trustee” network should be under investigation for their blatant violation of their own responsibilities.
They want to shift their own trespasses to Jon Waters as a scapegoat to say look how good we are! We got rid of a “bad” person!
The University was never in danger of losing funds from Title IX penalties. Not even Penn State was in danger.
Should we ask Governor Kasich to resign since he appoints the Trustees? Who holds the Trustees accountable?
We have received eyewitness reports that when Jon Waters took the podium of the OSU Alumni Band to direct HANG ON SLOOPY, the 800+ alumni band (twice a normal turnout) stood and cheered, then as stadium fans in the closed end of the famed horseshoe realized that Waters was on the podium, they stood and cheered as well. When asked how many, the eyewitness estimated "a significant portion, all the way around the stadium to maybe the 50 yard line--as many as could quickly figure out what was going on... Waters returned the accolades with waves, salutes and his hand on his heart... he was such a gentleman."
ReplyDeleteThe eyewitness also said that members and interim directors of the active OSU band made pilgrimages to the other side of Ohio Stadium all through the game to greet Jon and show their obvious affection for their director.
Local TV news covered the event:
"Former OSU Marching Band Director Returns" by Harrison Hove,
"Jon Waters Makes Emotional OSU Alumni Band Reunion Weekend Appearance" by WBNS10TV, Saturday, Sep. 13, 2014
4. FILE A DISCIPLINARY COMPLAINT against any of the Ohio State Trustees who are attorneys. They do not have the luxury of hanging their ethical oath as attorneys and judges when they are not in court. It is a 24x7x365 solemn public oath if they want to maintain their law license.
Ohio State Trustees who are attorneys:
a. Alex Shumate
b. U.S. District Court Judge Algernon L. Marbley
c. Abigail S. Wexner
5. ASK YOUR ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES TO OPEN AN INQUIRY into this scandal. They are duty-bound to pay attention to you. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Be persistent. TIP: many times a young staffer will answer you and try to blow you off. If that happens, persist. Ask for a face to face meeting with your representative to express your concerns in person. THEY WORK FOR YOU (even though they often act in the opposite way).
6. PLEASE SHARE YOUR REQUESTS AND COMPLAINTS with AFI. We'll re-post them (and redact your personally identifiable information if you request).
7. FILE A COMPLAINT WITH OHIO STATE on the website they have set up ostensibly to gather additional complaints about Jon Waters and the Band. Turn the tables and file a complaint about the investigators themselves
See the results of this investigation that refutes many if not most of your "facts."
This investigation also raises serious questions about the impartiality of this investigation.
I call upon President Michael V. Drake, Trustee Jeffrey Wadsworth, Trustee Alex R. Fischer, Provost Joseph A. Steinmetz, Ms. Montgomery, David Vaughn and Arent Fox LLP to disclose their obvious conflicts of interest and to disqualify themselves.
I wonder if the board of trustee president Mr. Wadsworth, with his rush to judgement and hardcore stance, (Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up!), ever bothered to notify the University Police and have them investigate the charges against Jon Waters.
ReplyDeleteSeems the Trustees might have overstepped their authority.
Since the OCR was on a witch hunt since 2010, (remember, they were investigating the University since 2010 without a complaint being filed!). When they notified the Trustees of the code violation.
Did any one of the Trustees notify the University Police as they are required to do?
Did the OCR notify Jon Waters that he would to be able to provide his own witnesses to the procedures he put in place to correct the problems or was he blindsided and told he could not provide anything but his own testimony..
Even the "Dear Colleague" letter says he can have representation!
• Adequate, reliable, and impartial investigation of complaints, including the opportunity
for both parties to present witnesses and other evidence;
Did Jon Waters get any of the 3?
The OCR can do their own investigation, but the Trustees cannot without going through proper channels.
3335-23-05 Initiation and investigation of code violations.
1.Role of the University. a.The Ohio state university police or other appropriate law enforcement agency shall have primary responsibility for the investigation of acts that involve suspected violation of federal, state, local laws or applicable university policies.
My experience in political campaigns is that the neighbors of a public figure are often the best people to change minds and positions. Therefore, I had an assistant consult publicly available information and she prepared this OSU TRUSTEE CONTACT LIST. We are reasonably certain it is accurate.
Jeffrey Wadsworth
2356 Oxford Road
Columbus, Ohio 43221
Ronald A. Ratner
17300 Parkland Drive
Cleveland, Ohio 44120
(216) 921-7607
Alex D. Shumate
209 Springbrook Place
Gahanna, Ohio 43230
(614) 886-3780
Algernon L. Marbley
1080 Poppy Hills Drive
Blacklick, Ohio 43004
(614) 864-2612
Linda S. Kass
4363 Riverway Court
New Albany, Ohio 43054
(614) 253-3472
Janet B. Reid
5492 E. Galbraith Road
Cincinnati, Ohio 45236
(513) 792-9560
W. J. Jurgensen
215 N. Parkview Avenue
Columbus, Ohio 43209
(614) 251-0379
Clark C. Kellogg
5423 Medallion Drive E.
Westerville, Ohio 43082
(614) 898-8120
Timothy P. Smucker
5350 Deerfield Avenue NW
North Lawrence, Ohio 44666
(330) 682-1726
Cheryl L. Krueger
6435 Thrasher Loop
Westerville, Ohio 43081
(614) 561-1731
Michael J. Gasser
1200 Drumbarton Court
Columbus, Ohio 43235
(614) 888-5199
Brent R. Porteus
17257 Township Road #3115 SR
Coshocton, Ohio 43812
(740) 622-0119
Erin P. Hoeflinger
511 Fallview Court
Springboro, Ohio 45066
(513) 439-3993
Alex R. Fischer
1475 W. 3rd Avenue #403
Columbus, Ohio 43212
(614) 424-6424
Abigail S. Wexner
1Whitebarn Road
New Albany, Ohio 43054
(614) 939-3000
George G. Cloyd
14107 Panorama Drive
Austin, Texas 78732
(512) 266-5871
Corbett A. Price
455 W. 148th Street
New York, NY 10031
(212) 281-6443
Alan Vandermolen
200 E. Randolph Street, Suite 6300
Chicago, Illiniois 60601
(312) 240-3000
Wow; this is brutal. The defendants absolutely destroyed Dr. A's motion to vacate judgment.
Dear "Fernando:"
DeleteYour comment is nonsensical. The case number "3-14-cv-04022-EDL" does not exist.
Dear Readers:
DeleteWe just reached out to Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam to ask about this Fernando post. As is typical of our Facebook Cartel posters, this is clearly more misdirection and innuendo (which, along with using crooked attorneys and buying off judges, seems to be all these people know how to do). She has indeed filed a motion to vacate judgment in cases started in 2012 (Fernando cites a 2014 case), but no rulings have occurred in those cases. We have read her motion, which complains "fraud on the court" since her judges hold stock in JPMorgan, one of the litigants that she has sued for patent infringement.
Another point of fact. Ohio Governor John Kasich holds large amounts of JPMorgan interests. See Table 1 above.
JPMorgan, well, well. JPMorgan is a big client of McBee Strategic. McBee is a chief lobbyist for Jeffrey Wadsworth at Battelle Memorial Institute, and President of the Ohio State Board of Trustees. This looks like more efforts by the Facebook Cartel to take control of university education through MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and kill all broad Internet patents like Dr. Arunachalam's. She is the highly respected former director of network architecture for Sun Microsystems who holds over a dozen patents related to core features of Internet banking which JPMorgan has stolen and wishes to kill. This is the same conduct that AFI has been covering in the judicial corruption surrounding Leader Technologies' patent.
The pattern of this misconduct is now apparent. The Facebook Cartel, financed by the likes of JPMorgan are working to sweep all Internet patents off the table that stand in the way of their plan for global domination and control.
We will post Dr. Arunachalam's court filings as they become available.
Factoid: JPMorgan has a global data center in Columbus, Ohio and has "more than 20,000 employees in the Columbus market". This is a lot of reasons to take over Ohio State to ensure JPMorgan's hiring base.
AFI has just obtained DR. LAKSHMI ARUNACHALAM'S complaint against JPMorgan and the Delaware federal courts. She calls their conduct "organized crime."
DeleteMOTION TO VACATE, filed Sep. 03, 2014
It appears that OSU Trustee President Jeffrey Wadsworth is somehow connected to this corruption via his JPMorgan relationships with McBee Strategic and Battelle Memorial Institute? Inquiring minds want to know. Go Buckeye Nation!
These JON WATERS AND THE OSU MARCHING BAND ACTION DOCUMENTS were posted on Facebook yesterday. Everyone is being encouraged to customize them as needed and file your own complaints and requests for information. Such complaints and requests are every American citizen's right and privilege ------ to ask for public information of your government. They work for you (although many seem to forget that!!!!). The FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests can be filed by any American citizen anywhere. The Ohio Inspector General Complaint may be limited to Ohioans, but I am not sure since Ohio State is a public university partially funded by the U.S. Government. Get moving folks! Time's awaistin'. See you at the Rally for Jon on Saturday at Flanagan's.
ReplyDelete1. Narrative of Complaint against Ohio State and Trustee President Jeffrey Wadsworth submitted to the Ohio Inspector General, Sep. 17, 2014.
2. Complaint to the Ohio Inspector General re. Ohio State University corruption and Trustee President Jeffrey Wadsworth, TEMPLATE, Sep. 17, 2014.
3. FOIA Request A - Jeffrey Wadsworth, GENERAL BACKGROUND, Sep. 17, 2014.
4. FOIA Request B - Jeffrey Wadsworth, INDUSTRY AND GOVERNMENT RELATIONS, Sep. 17, 2014.
5. FOIA Request C - Jeffrey Wadsworth, MOOC, Sep. 17, 2014.
6. FOIA Request D - Jeffrey Wadsworth, JON WATERS AND OSU MARCHING BAND, Sep. 17, 2014.
We encourage as many people as can to file the following attorney disciplinary complaint against CHRISTOPHER M. GLAROS, the author of the bogus "investigation" into Jon Waters and the OSU Band, as well as two of the OSU Trustees who are lawyers and should have spoken up, namely ALEX D. SHUMATE and Judge ALGERNON L. MARBLEY.
ReplyDeleteThe following Ohio Supreme Court Disciplinary Complaint template has been prepared for submission by anyone. They do not have to be from Ohio (also attached).
Let’s get as many people as we can to file this complaint right away. Generally, the attorneys will be notified within days of a complaint being filed against them. Unlike constitutional rights of citizens, the license to practice law by these members of the OSU Trustees, is a PRIVILEGE bestowed upon individual practitioners who swore a solemn oath to practice ethically. As you can see, they have not.
Taking a chapter from recent complaints of abuse of power by attorneys and judges: Jon Waters had an affirmative right to assume he would not be mistreated by these attorneys while they were Trustees, and thus his employer and therefore HIS attorney too! Said another way, Jon had an affirmative right to assume that these attorneys would follow the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct. As you can see, they violated many provisions. We stopped after two pages of violations just so it did not get too long.
Go Bucks!
Initially we could not find OSU Trustee Abigail S. Wexner's attorney license listing in either Ohio or New York. However, kuddos to some Seattle researchers who found it! Her maiden name is ABIGAIL SARA KOPPEL and her New York Law License is Reg. No. 2218105. Her law license is SUSPENDED.
DeleteSee for yourself: Abigail Sara Koppel (Wexner), New York Supreme Court Attorney Directory, Status: Suspended, accessed Sep. 20, 2014.
Here are the New York Disciplinary Council rules for filing a complaint against Keppel/Wexner in New York. Representing yourself as an attorney with a suspended license cannot be a good thing. Did Ohio State know her law license was suspended?
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteWhat a road trip....when "Rain" posted the names and addresses of the OSU trustees, I put Flavia and her twin sister, Mavis , in my Hummer and we drove around checking out these folks houses. WOW!!! I guess socialism pays off for the head honchos. Several of these mansions look like they would be owned by people that make millions a year.... way more than educators could make. I wonder from where their second and third sources of revenue come ?
I have to admit that I was a little intimidated pulling my boat through those neighborhoods but , hey, Flavia loves to fish. She was the national women's noodling champion in high school. Mavis was the state shot put champion...she can still throw her bowling ball about 50 yards in the air. I have seen her throw a small man 25 yards. I may have been intimidated but I was not afraid.
But back to the Trustees. When did we lose our understanding of the word "trust"? Do you trust these people? Trustee is a sacred and earned moniker . From now on I will refer to them as "thrustees"....they have thrust themselves into a situation that has not demonstrated "trust". As a matter of fact, Prima facie evidence shows exactly the opposite. And that really irritates the twins.
Transcript of Jon Waters speech at the “We Stand With Jon” Rally, Flannagan’s, Dublin, Ohio , Sep. 20, 2014, 6:30pm
ReplyDeleteYouTube, Sep. 20, 2014:
JON WATERS: I would just like to say on behalf of my wonderful family, Molly, my wife is around here somewhere, and our kids, we would not be here today had it not been for your generosity and your love.
There is only one way to describe this scenario today and that is love. Everyone in this audience, and everyone in these young men and women behind me (laughter from many decades of band alumni) are true representatives of what it means to be great people. They learned that, in part, from The Ohio State University Marching Band. (cheers, clapping)
I see here in the front row, and I just want to embarrass her for a moment. Chris Tikson. Chris had a dream of being The Ohio State University Marching Band. Except, she is a non-traditional student because she is 52 years old. (cheers) Hold on, 53.
A few years ago she came to us and said she wanted to be in the band. And, she had this dream. She worked hard, she self-taught mellophone horn. She tried out for the band. In fact, the first time she decided not to try out because she was not ready. The next year, she tried out after practicing all year and didn’t make the band, as so many don’t. And finally, the third time, the third year, she did try out and she did make the band. (clapping, cheers)
And she is today a third year member. (clapping cheers) But, the best part of that story is not what I just told you. The best part of that story is the following.
Every year the band votes, the band not the staff, but the band votes on one award each year called “The Most Inspirational Bandsman.” And always, that award always goes to a senior band member. In its history it has never not gone to a band member who has given time and dedication to the band over multiple years.
Well, a couple of year ago, our band, in Chris Tikson’s first year, the students in the band voted her Most Inspirational Bandsman. (cheers, clapping) And they say the culture is bad in The Ohio State Marching Band. (boos) They say that that decision by the students and other student decisions that they make contribute to a poor culture. Well, I am here to tell you, and say it loud and clear so everyone understands completely, that the culture of The Ohio State Marching Band is one of love, dedication and those students would not have voted Chris Tikson MIB [Most Inspiration Bandsman] if they had not felt it in their hearts. That is the culture of the band. (cheers, clapping, hugs)
So, to the generations that are here today; to the generations that are in the audience; to the students that I see here in the audience. I see current band members here, and I will, they’re in disguise. (laughter) I mean, they’re not here.
END, Jon Waters’ Speech, Sep. 20, 2014, Part I
DeleteSTART, Jon Waters’ Speech, Sep. 20, 2014, Part II
YouTube, Sep. 20, 2014:
Those students need us now more than ever. They need every one of us to be there for them. This is not about me. This is not about my firing. This is about standing up for what is right. This is about standing up for the students. (clapping)
A year ago we met with the alumni band and honored the first five women, plus Shelly as the first female drum major (clapping), and Jan Duga as the first female “i”-dotter. That was one short year ago.
Now that is what the Ohio State marching Band thinks of Title IX. We embrace it. We celebrate it. And, because of Paul Droste and the work that happened in 1972 and 1973, women are embraced in The Ohio State Marching Band. And, that is our culture. (clapping cheering) So, as we move forward together; as we march forward together, we just ask two things.
Number one is that you support our current students. (cheers, clapping)
And number two that we work to set the record straight―to make all of America understand that what Ohio State put out was complete and utter nonsense. (cheers, clapping)
Just think about this. These people would not come [ref. alumni band]… This is a unique organization. It exists all year round. They do concerts all over the state of Ohio. They are everywhere. It wouldn’t exist if the culture were bad.
We would not have decades and decades and decades of people coming back to our alumni reunion if the culture in the band were bad, if what we were teaching them, if what Paul Droste, and Jon Woods, and Jack Evans, and Charlie Spohn taught those students was bad. CROWD: And Jon Waters. (cheers)
I am a humble steward of a tradition. I am a humble steward of this great tradition. I happen to be number nine in a long line of band directors since 1878 who led our band. Number nine―that certainly is threatened right now.
But, if you will walk with me. If you will uphold the good name of The Ohio State Marching Band. If you will defend our students. If you will stop people from approaching our students in a football game situation, and making a snide remark about something was put in the media that was incorrect.
If you will stand up for them, I will stand with you. I will stand up for every one of you. (cheers, clapping) This is not just a happenstance gathering of people. The Ohio State Marching Band is not a community of students endeavoring in academic pursuits at The Ohio State University. This is a family. (cheers, clapping) And so, for the honor of our students, for the honor of the alums, for my own honor, for all our honor. We indeed will defend it. We will indeed be victorious. Thank you so much.
Email comment by TBDBITL:
Ohio State's Provost Joseph Steinmetz (the guy who fired OSU Marching Band Director Jon Waters) just announced his first MOOC initiative today--Massive Open Online Course, you know, the technology that was stolen from Leader Technologies by Battelle Memorial Institute and CEO Jeffrey Wadsworth, OSU Trustee President. Very interesting timing.
ReplyDeleteThe Ohio State Trustees must be getting worried that the hubcaps are starting to fall off their grand plan to take over the electronic infrastructure of American higher education?
Ohio State Joins Alliance To Help More Post-Secondary Students Make It To Graduation by Bill Rice, STATE IMPACT OHIO, EYE ON EDUCATION.
Consumer Alert: DROPBOX is making a big push into the market right now. Be warned that Dropbox is a creation of Goldman Sachs and Accel Partners LLP, two of the prime players in the Facebook Cartel that have stolen Leader Technologies' invention for social networking and is the same cartel behind the OSU Marching Band scandal centered around Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio. Be assured that once you click on the DROPBOX link just once, you will be giving away permission to the cartel to snoop into your computer and phone any time their tech goons wish.
ReplyDeleteDROPBOX and MOOC are tied at the hip as well. Once they get DROPBOX established as a "cloud" storage option, they will be collecting the files of students from Grades 1 through graduate university level for DATA HARVESTING.
Notice to readers: Deal with the facts. As stated numerous times. Our policy is to remove comments that speculate on the identities of anonymous posters and commenters. We respect an individual's preference for anonymity. Curiously, those that engage in this speculation are also posting with obviously fictitious names. They don't get to conceal their identities while posting wild speculation about the identities of others. Turnabout is fair play.
ReplyDeleteThis website contains much good resource material on how we layman can sue corrupt judges (pro se representation). Since the legal profession is AWOL, we're going to have to do it.
Additional thought and suggestion. Buckeye Nation should start writing to the universities that Steinmetz is inviting to his "University Innovation Alliance" and giving them a heads up to the corruption behind MOOC and the Ohio State Trustees and Administration.
DeleteWe need to start throwing cold water on everything these corrupt actors try to do. They need to learn a lesson that human decency is a requirement if you are going to hold a position of public trust.
Email comment by The Wolfpack
DeleteWe recommend that the administration leaders in these universities be contacted and warned about the corruption at Ohio State with a recommendation to investigate the intellectual property and licensing claims of Steinmetz's MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) initiative. They need to investigate the dubious connections between MOOC, Battelle Memorial Institute, Jeffrey Wadsworth and Alex R. Fischer.
1. University of Central Florida
2. Oregon State University
3. The University of Kansas
4. Georgia State University
5. Purdue University
6. Arizona State University
7. The Ohio State University
8. University of California Riverside
9. Iowa State University
10. The University of Texas
11. Michigan State University
12. California State System (observer)
University Innovation Alliance
Email comment by The Wolfpack:
DeleteThe following universities were announced as participants in Ohio State Provost Joseph A. Steinmetz corrupt MOOC initiative named "University Innovation Alliance" (UIA). We have identified the instructions and online forms you need to file a complaint with the participants. You should complain about:
(1) the intellectual property theft of social networking source code from Leader Technologies, Columbus, Ohio that is the software engine running the UIA;
(2) the corruption at Ohio State University and OSU's collusion with Battelle Memorial Institute which helped steal the software being used by UIA; and
(3) the mistreatement of OSU Marching Band Director Jon Waters regarding fabricated Title IX charges that were used to pave the way for Steinmetz to announce UIA.
Universities pride themselves on protection of intellectual property.
Therefore, these universities cannot participate in this abuse of inventor copyrights, patents and trade secrets by The Ohio State Trustees and Administration. If these universities participate knowingly with Ohio State in its theft of intellectual property, then they are aiding and abetting the theft of intellectual property on a "massive" scale... Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) also known as The Eclipse Foundation.
Arizona State University
University of California Riverside
California State System (observer)
University of Central Florida
Oregon State University
Purdue University
Iowa State University
Michigan State University
The Ohio State University
The University of Kansas
The University of Texas
Let's make sure that the "University Innovation Alliance (UIA)" and MOOC never get off the ground.
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteJust in case you folks missed the Instagram that appeared yesterday from the White House showing our disrespectful president saluting a Marine standing guard for his protection, take a peek at it . You can find it on your search engine. The man had just ordered our military heroes into battle again in the Middle East . Why was the salute disrespectful ? He is holding a cup of coffee in the saluting may have been spontaneous but it certainly projects his disdain for all that we , as Americans, stand for.
Although this flippant action was so disrespectful, nothing will ever match his quick flight to the golf course after talking to us about our fellow citizen being beheaded. I am sure that his staff is conjuring up some new ideas for him to use his community activist training to destroy our status quo ......
Tomorrow he might "moon" those guys.
I am certain that in the next day or so, we will hear this imposter declare that the heat from global warming caused the eruption of terrorism around the world. Climate change will be the cause of Ebola, and rising oceans ( even though they are not rising) have caused a failed corporate tax system in this country. As I type these thoughts, our great deceiver is speaking at the UN. He claims loudly that the UN is our only solution. Well , Mr Nobel Peace prize holder, I am saluting you with one of my phalanges protruding upwards while the rest of my phalanges hold my Starbucks dark roast.
Like it or not, what he's doing is exactly what the patent thief , the Zuckster, and his band of thieves want for this country. A one world order controlled by the elitists. So here's a salute to the Zuckster , coffee and all. Have a nice day.
Here's coverage of the "Coffee Cup Salute"
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteI have heard it all now..... The very first private , non Harvard investor in Facebook is a gay ( not that there is anything wrong with that) billionaire that has made his fortune off of sanctioning the obvious confiscation of patents and ideas from unlucky victims such as Leader Technologies. As it turns out he picked really good con men with which to invest his money ( that money he raised from other hard working, productive folks ). Now he is putting forth the idea that " he" is brighter than the average American that chooses to live by conservative values. He is also proffering the notion that overall liberal progressives have a higher IQ than the average conservative. Really, Peter, come on down to Texas. I will show you some really clever conservatives that would eat your lunch in yielding real value to society.
And by the way, Peter, your statement is below your proclaimed IQ level. IQ is a measurement of capacity, not a measurable performance level. I learned that in my MENSA therapy class. I must admit that I quit that group because I was embarrassed at their lack of understanding of the real nature of real men.
I can't believe its been several hours now and this blog has yet to take credit for Eric Holder's resignation!
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by TEX:
DeleteWilliam, Eric Holder is simply a pawn in the big game of transformational chess. He will be replaced with another radical lawyer that despises our laws. The real goal is to corner the king. But, staying on the game board theme, I hope Mr Holder has a "get out of jail free "card. Who knows how deep his legalities go ?
By the way , You must enjoy this site. Interesting stuff , huh?
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteMy hair is on fire today. I just read where Obama's reliable mentor on healthcare, Ezekiel Emanuel, thinks we should all die by age 75. He carries a comical title of " bioethicist" . This is what our leaders really believe, except perhaps Joe Biden, who has no idea about much of anything. By the way, I showed the article in the newspaper about Emanuel's concept to Flavia and she said that she is going to challenge Emanuel to either cage fighting or cow patty throwing. She is very close to the ethicists' magic age number. In the cage , Flavia would maul that coward. So what about some of the other pernicious ideas supported by the progressive elites who are leading us commoners into mediocrity or worse ?
. They raise taxes and regulate our free market to a point of basic zero growth, zero job expansion, and zero income increases. Only one class has prospered in this movement....the super rich elites.
. We are battling a radical group of maniacal Islamic warriors that wear no uniforms or dog tags, play by no rules, have no borders, will maim/destroy innocent women and children, and are not afraid to die. All the while, our Muslim inculcated President is reducing the size and strength of our military and will use a minimalistic approach to defending Americans.
. Our president has issued his own fatwas on refineries, pipelines, and exploration for oil and gas while promoting Don Quixote windmills, solar panels, and lithium batteries. We are losing thousands of eagles and condors but thank goodness that sweet little fish ( smelt) can swim around in Northern California (thanks to the dry canals ). Your gasoline and utility costs have doubled under this man's leadership. And the economy in the fertile valleys in Northern California is devastated.
. Climate change ( a recent phenom that is 4 1/2 billion years old) , according to Obama , Eric Holder, Harry Reid, Hillary, and Biden is far more threatening than the radical in OKC that just beheaded a woman primarily for Allah. Her crime ? She had a head. Anyone lost a head lately with warmer weather ?
. We are sending untrained American soldiers into Africa( home of Obama's father) to combat Ebola while hundreds of thousands of illegals ,from very far away ,enter our country unencumbered.We will pay these intruders American wages , put them in our hospitals, we will educate them in their language, they will pay no taxes, and they will vote in our elections. Our soldiers are not trained to fight Ebola and many could die. Our soldiers families at home are being invaded by folks whom we know not their intentions, their future locations, nor even their names.
. Our society is getting more violent and our social divide is widening, yet our president wants to take your guns and ammo. The vulnerable citizen can not allow that to happen. Perhaps he will ask his security guards to drop their weapons.
. I have dozens of additional examples but will limit my post today. I hear drones over my house.
Listen to old TEX here. The issues on this site.....patent infringement, failure of enforcement, high jacking of our educational systems, are all part of the plan of the elite erudites but also are systematic of societal collapse. No laws, no borders, no self defense, control of the media and education, lethargy of the average citizen.....boom. America will be "transformed fundamentally". Have a nice day. TEX
Tex, just wanted to put you and the Twins mind at ease, at least about the tremors being felt all the way in California. Rumors have it that the OSU spokespeople, Mr Drake and Trustees are now "Tap dancing" around the fumbling of the Jon Waters issue with this lawsuit!
ReplyDeleteWill be glad to see the report from the "appropriate law enforcement agency" that the Trustees notified to do the investigation when they learned of the supposed code violation!,
3335-23-05 Initiation and investigation of code violations.
I am sure the Twins would have done a better investigation than the OCR did in the 4 years they were looking into this. If the offenses were so rampant then why wasn't the Athletic Director investigated.
The Band was funded by the Athletic Department until mid 2013. Most of the violations they spout were under his watch. Yet the OCR found nothing during that time?!!!
Now they have Ms. Montgomery continuing their investigation. Since when is "FORMER" anything an "Appropriate Law Enforcement Agency"???
The farmer, the rabbi and the facebook con
ReplyDeleteIn the transcript Weinstein is heard telling them "you've got to trust me". It's going to be hard for you because I'm the bad guy. I'm the thief. I only made Schleider money and I made you money
"Where is it?" demanded Chambers. "You made it" insisted Weinstein. I wired it back to you. I didn't wire you the money ?
Weinstein emerged as the ringleader of the facebook scam, According to the F.B.I He spent a decade creating and executing a series of elaborate fraudulent investment schemes taking advantage of his closest friends in New Jersey's ultra orthodox Jewish community (A.K.A Mark Zuckerberg? ultra orthodox Jew)
Attorney General Eric Holder is resigning, NPR reports. According to NPR's Carrie Johnson, Holder will resign as soon as his successor is confirmed (or as soon as they can find sum one new to sew Ceglia in the ass) AP confirmed the report
lisa simpson was made a were of the fact that ZUCKERBERG had sign a contract to PAUL CEGLIA years a go 'and was a were that on a video disk ZUCKERBERG openly admitted saying that facebook was not his idea Lisa Simpson got a court order to get the video disks and distorted the sound track on the disk in a deliberate act to hid the fact zuckerberg stole the idea facebook The court order went out to a reporter and Robert Muller of the F.B.I yes the fbi knew that facebook was stolen
HAY Rain Onyorparade all the I.Ms and emails on how zuckerberg stole facebook was on DROPBOX this is why zuck had to buy DROPBOX and Dropbox knew about this
ReplyDeleteThe global economic crisis of 2008 cost tens of millions of people their saving, their jobs, and their homes. And it all started at Harvard . Obama Summers and the bankers showered money on
themselves each other and their friends, Obama bailout chief, former Harvard professor and president, Lawrence Summers, was busy shuffling $33 billion in U.S. taxpayer bank bailout funds off to Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and State Street Corp. Of the $33 billion $9 billion was for Leman Brothers, But Leman Brothers got nothing the only bank interested in buying Leman Brothers was the British firm Barclays, All the other banks knew that there was going to be no bank bailout funds for Leman Brothers?? Paulson AKA Goldman Sachs Refused to give out. Goldman Sachs sold at least $3.1 billion worth of toxic C.D.Os in the first half of 2006 The CEO of Goldman Sachs was Henry Paulson at this time. Goldman Sachs peddled $40 billion in Securities and in risky home mortgages and sold out just in time So what did Goldman Sachs lose it lost nothing in fact they made money on it but still got $33 billion bailout funds, and Summers got the $9 billion that was for Leman Brothers. The ponzi scheme had everything it needed, in September 15 2008 Leman Brothers the biggest investment bank was made and forced to declare it self bankrupt, and this crisis was not an accident. In a private email Goldman Sachs said it was willing to do everything to destroy Leman Brothers, the F.B.I got the email on this
THE MAFIA FACEBOOK: Facebook low information voter "likes" are credited with winning obama the rigging of the 2008 and 2012 elections. they got Obama in by micro election-targeting these voting subgroups on facebook Larry Summers used the promise of wild Facebook IPO returns as the currency for their plans to install Barack Obama as President and press their global data gathering agenda. Summers is the shadow power behind Facebook where Sandberg and Zuckerberg were merely follow orders. Larry Summers knows how Mark Zuckerberg stole the idea facebook Goldman Sachs and Summers Moscow partners Alisher Asmanov, Yuri Milner, DST, and Digital Sky Technologies invested up to $3 billion in private Facebook stock to become the second largest shareholder using stolen bailout funds and they all knew how facebook was stolen?. They did not even ask for a board seat or any normal participation by a large investor.
THE MAFIA PAY OFF: Facebook's Latham & Watkins LLP and Fenwick & West LLP have men and women at the Securities & Exchange Commission to approve Facebook's exemptions that opened the floodgates for billions of pre-IPO, valuation-pumping billion's of dollars in "dubious" foreign investments into the stolen Facebook, most of it was from billion's of bailout funds that was stolen and the IRS, like the Patent Office blanked out most of its disclosure including every reference to Microsoft Bill Gates and Facebook. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer herself, attorney Kathryn Siehndel, failed to disclose her prior employment with Facebook’s lawyer in Leader v. Facebook, White & Case LLP. in an email to David London from Microsoft Bill Gates said he was interested in investing into the idea facebook but he wonted to do the investment under the table, David said you cant do that, the investment was to big, two weeks later in an email said he was not going to invest in the idea facebook But what Microsoft Bill Gates did find was some one that was willing to hid his investment? its called insider trading and Bill Gates did this knowing that facebook was a stolen idea?
Whenever you are tempted to get discouraged by the breadth and depth of the corruption we are witnessing in our government and American society, watch this recent speech by Congressman Jim Jordan, a friend of this blog. Keep the faith and keep pounding folks. "No step in the direction of virtue is lost." --John Adams
"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclination, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence. --John Adams, In Defense of the British Soldiers on trial for the Boston Massacre, December 4, 1770
Original from:
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteIs anybody paying attention in this country? Hello out there !!!!!
The world is burning up and our elected leaders are talking about climate change.....well maybe the explosions and riots around the world are creating the differential in atmospheric CO2. This is most likely a better scientific answer than the one we are hearing. We have unknown intruders streaming across our borders, beheadings on our soil, massive unemployment problems, liars at every level of our government, incompetence in our national intelligence departments, a Justice Department that is built to extract revenge on the last 200 years of American "racial" issues, educators and reporters that hate the fact that a free market rewards effort and excellence, and , other than the previously mentioned problems, a leadership that has done ZERO to enhance the lives of the bulk of Americans.
So why do I have my panties in a wad ? I am so tired of the Bushes, the Clintons , and the Obamas , that I could probably get uncontrollably nauseated. Who cares if Michelle wears a blue dress to watch Beyoncé run around the White House? Who cares if Hillary is a grand mother? Who cares if Obama hits a wedge on his third shot to a short par three? I want to know how we are going to get out of this mess without a strong visionary leader, an honest ( truthful ) evaluation of our "politically correct "agenda, and I want to know why we are cutting our national security and military budgets while spending more on welfare programs for folks that want something for nothing. I want to know why we stand down in Libya, stand down on our borders, stand down on Iran, humiliate Israel, disregard daily briefings, and ignore advice from our generals. Did you know that we have a shortage of Tomahawk missiles? Our HHS bought up our private ammo yet we are running out of munitions to destroy our enemies. Have you been watching the blame throwing president crucify his team on every front? And what is Eric Holders last gift to our tragic direction? No profiling......really ? That'll fix it. What a bunch of bimbos.
I hope the world listened intently to what Bibi Netanyahu said yesterday at the UN. The truth is frightening. We have an enemy in radical Islam that respects no life, has no border, no PC police, but has a long term goal of annihilating you and me. Let's not profile anybody. The really scary part is that the Zuckerbergs, Obamas, Clintons, the media, college professors, progressive liberals also have an agenda to destroy our fundamental will to concert, these simultaneous movements spell disaster to our liberty and freedom. Hey Mr President, they are jumping over your fence. Profile that ! Sleep tight.
I am going fishing today .I plan on using our US border policy of catch and release unless, of course, I catch a man eating shark. In that case, I would propose that he/she be the next DNC chairperson. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Every one is running to Isil and why it's a winner winner CHICKEN dinner, Obama you failed Egypt you failed Syria you failed Iraq you failed to bailout Leman Brothers and not a single senior financial executive had been criminally prosecuted or even arrested not a single firm had been prosecuted criminally for securities or accounting fraud, and Obama has made no attempt to recover any compensation it was Money in the Bag, The only people that made money on this was the winner winner CHICKEN'S that crawled up your ass Obama
DeleteWe've just had confirmation today that complaints have been filed against the OSU Board of Trustees with the Ohio Inspector General and the Ohio Supreme Court Disciplinary Council regarding the Jon Waters mistreatment and the connections to the corruption centering around OSU Trustee president Jeffrey Wadsworth (also Battelle Memorial Institute CE) and Trustee Alex R. Fischer.
ReplyDeleteFollow up to the report... an AFI activist called the Ohio Office of Inspector General this morning about getting confirmation of her entry which she had emailed. She was told, “Oh yes, we have received your complaint. In fact, we have received MANY complaints which we are processing now and we will send your confirmation shortly.”
DeleteWe have obtained a copy of a confirmation from the Ohio Office of Inspector General and will post it tomorrow. Betty Montgomery made comments today about her supposed independent investigation. Strangely, not a single mainstream media outlet has carried news of her 2006 political donations received from OSU president Michael V. Drake's Stanford crony Woodson Myers, who has spread around Ohio political donations liberally as chief medical officer of WellPoint, Inc.
DeleteSee the Oct. 2, 2014 Update at the beginning of this Post to get the link to the response of the Ohio Inspector General.
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteThis is unreal. My gal Flavia got an email in her inbox today that was obviously meant for an ISIS warrior in Iraq. I had to share it.
"My dearest Khalib, I know you are in Iraq enforcing Allah's will on the non-believers so I thought I would drop you a note from deep inside the USA. As you know we are laying low until we lull these infidels to sleep. Did you realize that we can now walk into this crazy country on their South border? My friend Azul rode his camel all the way into San Diego. Not sure how far he has traveled but I think he's heading for the nation's Capitol because he can probably ride that nasty beast right into the Green Room . It's obvious that the Secret Service and CIA are now totally ineffective, so our world expansion plans look most encouraging. One question. I know Obama has a love for our religion, but do you know if he is a Sunni or Shi'ite ?
I would like to suggest an idea to our senior ISIS council. If we just hide out for awhile and recruit our normal number of new soldiers, the math is on our side. The US bombs are killing 10 of us a day and we are gaining a 1000 new troops a day from all over the world. What's really funny is we get more new soldiers each day from America than they are killing over a year or two, the time Obama said we have, our army will be bigger than his. And, praise Allah, soon we will have that great big bomb and missiles that Iran is building . I have a question. We are lopping off heads of US citizens and we get no reaction. Why? They trade five of our captured leaders for one US soldier that deserted his post. Why? They have a marine in jail in Mexico and the president does nothing ? Why? Can you believe that those idiots have already spent over a billion dollars and have killed less than a 1000 of our troops ? This enemy is not even competitive. Perhaps we should start to behead a few Chinese or Russians so we can have a real war.
Anyway, hope all is well. My inside spy in the White House said that Obama is going to present an idea to the Washington Redskins today that rather than change their name , they should change their logo from an Indian chief to a small red potato. Yep, a potato that grows in Idaho. I can not believe that Americans elected this guy. That is proof that free elections do not work. I will keep you informed. Praise to Allah, Ishmael ."
Have a nice day. TEX
Ken Burns' recent documentary on the Roosevelts has a central theme.
ReplyDeleteIt takes moral, strong leadership to make our country better. TR faced corruption in the private and public sectors. But it wasn't until he personally witnessed the disease-ridden tenements in NYC the he decided to "take on" those corrupt leaders. Throughout his legislature and Presidential careers, he changed the marketplace and broke up monopolies ("trusts"). Facebook has created a market concentration that similarly needs to be broken up. They stole the technology from Leader and now have over a billion users. You need to "hire" (elect) morally guided, strong leaders next month. Our country depends on it.
As Ben Franklin admonished: If we don't hang together, we will certainly hang separately. We certainly have serious foes (e.g. ISIL and others) who will gladly destroy us and everything we have.
It appears that JPMorgan Chase is getting hacked on one side, and abusing American inventors on the other. Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam is a true Internet pioneer who holds over a dozen patents on the basic infrastructure of web transactions, but JPMorgan has not only stubbornly refused to acknowledge her existence, but has engaged in collusion with the judges in her cases. In this case, Delaware federal court judge Richard G. Andrews holds substantial investments in JPMorgan and he was employed at a law firm (Mayer Brown & Platt LLP) whose partners practically live at JPMorgan's headquarters and have done perhaps 50 or more large financial deals for JPMorgan. Dr. Arunachalam is asking that he recuse himself from her cases, but so far, he is refusing and playing procedural tricks with JPMorgan's attorneys.
ReplyDeletePLAINTIFF'S REPLY BRIEF, Pi-Net International, Inc. (Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam), v. JPMorgan et al, Doc. No. 115, 12-cv-00355-RGA, Sep. 30, 2014 (D. Del. 2012).
ReplyDeleteGood afternoon TBDBITL Alumni and friends,
Last week was certainly an eventful week, both with Jon filing suit against the university and making an appearance at Skull Session to the delight of everybody including the OSUMB. For those of you involved in making certain Jon made it safely into and out of Skull Session, you know who you are and THANK YOU!
Although headlines have been quieter this week, here are some things for you to know:
* TBDBITL Alumni Club released an Op Ed last week that will be posted on our website I invite you to visit and use as talking points regarding the Club's ICR
* Marching Band Task Force UPDATE - In case you missed it in yesterday's Dispatch, a letter written by Betty Montgomery to university leaders on Thursday stated "...we are continuing our work and anticipate issuing our report to the University in the next four to six weeks..."
I view this as a good thing. Time will tell. I encourage you to comment on all Dispatch articles involving the band and Jon and to show your support. Consider, also, polite comments to those individuals who choose to ignore facts and remain close-minded, and remind them about the true culture of TBDBITL
* Director Emeritus Dr. Paul Droste and TBDBITL Alumni Club Legal Chair Gary J. Leppla will speak at the Columbus Rotary Club on October 13th
* The TBDBITL Alumni Club is working with #WeStandWithJonWaters on setting up town hall meetings in Columbus and elsewhere. We will pass on more information as it becomes available. In the meantime, if you know of speaking engagements and/or opportunities, please send email to
* Many of you in Ohio have written your state legislators, thank you! This past week, I mailed letters to my state representative as well as my state senator. I can't underscore how important it is to reach out to your state legislators to remind them Jon Waters was fired based on a flawed, unbalanced report and an independent investigation should be conducted regarding the university's actions. Most legislators are paying attention. As a reminder: Ohio residents
- send them your letters or write new ones.
It is easy to find your state legislator: Bottom left, click in the “ZIP” box and search for your house member.
- For your state senator:, click in the “ZIP” box and search for your senate member
- To send a Complaint to the Ohio Inspector General:, click “File a Complaint” and follow the guidelines. The form of your complaint is not that crictical, but getting the process started is. If they need more information, they’re write you back. Be sure to ask for confirmation that they received it. Call them if you haven’t heard in a reasonable amount of time.
- Another resource for state of Ohio residents When you send your letters, please email a copy to: It is important to "inventory" how many letters are sent to whom. PLEASE SEND THEM LETTERS!
---END, Part 1---
---START, Part 2---
Delete* If you wish to write letters to the OSU Board of Trustees, please feel free to redirect previously written and all newly written letters to the following address: TBDBITL Alumni Club PO Box 14769 Columbus OH 43214 We will see to it that your letters are delivered. Please also email a copy to:
* Also this past week, Dana Smith (I Row 1981-1985), Jacob Lowe (I Row 2007-2011) and I (J Row 1995-1999) met with new percussion instructor Mark Reynolds and several JI Row Squad Leaders to discuss the development of this year's percussion section. Some facts that may be beneficial to know at this time:
- Jon Waters recruited Mark Reynolds to become the new OSUMB percussion instructor this past spring
- Jon's vision was for JI Row was to become the best percussion section in the country musically and gave Mark freedom to make it happen
- James "Doc" Moore was Mark's professor and mentor at the OSU School of Music
- Carriers were slated for introduction last year, but JI Row did not have a percussion instructor
- The introduction of carriers this year for halftime has been slow and remains a work-in-progress due the situation with Jon and equipment issues from the supplier
- In the future, plans are for JI Row to return to the look and sound of '80s and '90s
- mirror-chrome drums, duos, etc. - for pregame
- Slings will remain for pregame going forward
- With halftime tempos and step sizes evolving dramatically with new intricate halftime shows, carriers will be used by all of JI Row during halftime only and going forward in order to help JI Row physically but more importantly musically
- Carriers will be worn under uniforms; snare carriers will include a tilt of the drum
- Mark is uncertain what the future may hold for him until the situation with the band is resolved. We had a good discussion; it was respectful, we listened to each other, and we agreed to keep the communication lines open going forward. Any amount of change is tough; this year especially as timing was bad. Each member of JI Row is working incredibly hard given the challenges the band has faced as a whole this year. Despite these challenges, JI Row is having fun, and the foundation of tradition the alumni has laid down before them is not lost on these students. They wish to build upon Jon's axiom "tradition through innovation." Going forward, let's do our best to support JI Row and the rest of the band as they continue on with their season.
Thank you again for all you have been doing to support Jon, the OSUMB, and the TBDBITL Alumni Club. I can't say that enough. It's important to keep our message alive. Ten weeks has come and gone, but here we are still talking about it because of all your hard work. Let's keep it up!
WB, pass it back!
Our honor defend,
Brian J. Golden, President
TBDBITL Alumni Club Board of Governors
TBDBITL Alumni Club