To REALLY understand what's going on today, we need to go back to Bill Clinton's corrupt orders to the C.I.A., NSA & FBI to give intelligence secrets to select private companies on July 1, 1994 to achieve the globalists' agenda
The U.S. counter-intelligence community became a secret army for companies, judges & bureaucrats profiting from continuous war and stolen trade secrets
The Internet of Things is actually repackaged Nazi-style fascism and must be dismantled
(Feb. 01, 2017)—Our regular readers know that Mark Zuckerberg did not create Facebook, and that Columbus innovator Leader Technologies’ social networking invention was stolen by Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III.
Chandler then formed the IBM Eclipse Foundation on Nov. 29, 2001 with a $40 million “donation” from IBM's legal counsel David J. Kappos.
The larger question is why would the U.S. government so flagrantly abuse a real American inventor in violation of the Constitution?
Now we know.
Bill Clinton literally codified C.I.A. & NSA fascism in 1994
On Jul. 1, 1994, President Bill Clinton wrote “A National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement.” Clinton actually authorized the C.I.A. and NSA to use their super-secret and illegal Echelon Program (started in 1947) to assist American private companies with whom he and Hillary were aligned in pay-to-play schemes.
Curiously, just weeks later Clinton permitted the Rwandan Genocide false flag as his excuse to seize rare earth mineral mines in Africa for his pay-to-play high tech partners. Congressional testimony later proved that C.I.A. teams on the ground monitored the slaughter of innocents in silence while NSA satellites video taped the faked tribal outrage from space. Eugenic depopulation of the region was a collateral benefit. These people are pure monsters.
Bill Clinton, Jul. 1, 1994, PDF p. 12: “Countering terrorism effectively requires close day-to-day coordination among Executive Branch agencies. The Departments of State, Justice and Defense, the FBI and CIA continue to cooperate closely...”
Deep State fascist overlords created The Internet of Things to manipulate humanity 24x7, like cattle
They were given cute Boy King cut out brand names like Facebook, Google, Gmail, Instagram, YouTube, Flickr, Yahoo!, etc. for demonic intentions
Clinton’s counter terrorism Executive Branch collaborators look uncannily similar to the nefarious actors being exposed in the current Russia probe, not to mention Benghazi, Server-gate, Fast & Furious, U.S. Digital Service Election Rigging, ISIS, Arab Spring, etc. State (Albright, Hillary, Rice, Christopher, Powell, Kerry), Justice (Chandler, Holder, Lynch, Mukasey, Ashcroft, Gonzales, Reno), Defense (Hayden, Gates, Panetta, Hagel, Carter, Cohen, Rumsfeld, Perry, Cheney), FBI (Mueller, Comey, Rosenstein, McCabe, Ohr, Strzok, Louis Freeh), CIA (Hayden, Clapper, Brennan).
These government officials, by providing intelligence data to selected private companies, committed treason by conspiring to promote modern day Fascism in America behind the smoke screen of incessant false flags and national security.
Bill Clinton, Jul. 1, 1994, PDF p. 19: “Partnership with Business and Labor: Our economic strategy views the private sector as the engine of economic growth. It sees government’s role as a partner to the private sector – acting as an advocate of U.S. business interests; leveling the playing field . . . ”
You read this right. Clinton’s directive actually authorized fascism. He ordered his intelligence agencies to help selected private companies. This is outrageous, but who complained? Apparently no moral voices were around. Everyone who knew about the scam was benefiting and silent. That is why we have not learned about this until now. Whenever the power of the state rewards a selected few companies over others . . . open markets, competition, entrepreneurism, free enterprise, inventorship and accountability die.
Richard C. Walker was recruited as a Boy King cut out for globalist, Fascist technology companies planning global tyranny
These fascists recruited engineer Richard C. Walker to front for their grand plan.
The patent filings Walker began making in 1996 emphasized a well-known build vs. buy approach called "Commercial Off-the-Shelf Software" or C.O.T.S.
C.O.T.S. says buy commercial off-the-shelf technology whenever possible instead of build it. However, the devil is in this detail.
Our communications are quite literally ruled by fascist tyrants
Once the government picks a vendor, then that vendor becomes the de facto government supplier for life. Microsoft. Oracle. Cisco. AT&T. SAP. Apple. Motorola. Siemens. Lockheed. Boeing. Google. Etc. Power corrupts. Once the government agency implements that infrastructure, the argument, along with the bribes to grease the skids, says it is cost prohibitive to switch to a new vendor. Therefore, the natural evolution makes these decisions inherently corruptible. We quite literally, TODAY, live in a fascist American state where our communications infrastructure is ruled by tyrants. Period.
In short, C.O.T.S. is anti-competitive and unAmerican when promoted by the government for its own uses. President Trump is going to stop this.
RiCHARD Walker literally incorporated the super-secret C.I.A. Echelon Program in his claims
Walker made an astounding claim in his patent filings. He actually dictated that his global data collection scheme:
“. . . should be developed by the US government State Department, CIA and (echelon program). The programs should also run voice recognition and identification” and be “used by the FBI to detect stress and deception as well as panic and other emotions of excited human states.”

This is crazy. The government does not even acknowledge that the C.I.A. Echelon Program exists!
Monstrously, Walker also specifies that his C.I.A., NSA and FBI system includes the capability to remotely shock, sedate, "behavior supression," poison, steal identities, stalk and drug citizens anywhere on the planet. He even identifies one of his public-private Canada-based suppliers named Descretes Systems Group.
Look at the extraordinary extent of products and applications covered

Read this Fig. 3 carefully. In the bottom left of the figure you'll notice that Walker claims sole ownership over this entire system. He has put both government entities and private companies on notice that he will license it to them. How did an Agilent Technologies nerd acquire such power? Someone should ask him.
This patent claims that Walker (and his Kline & Walker LLC company) is the sole owner of The Internet of Things. While those exact words are not said, the breadth of Walker’s claims leave no doubt.

This is completely outrageous and shows how 9/11 was almost certainly achieved.
Walker benevolently offered his PFN/TRAC system to help restore the public trust in air travel:

The verbiage betrays an advanced insider’s knowledge of the event of 9/11.
C.I.A. whistleblower Susan Lindauer [VIDEO] says that the plan to crash planes into the World Trade Center was well known within the C.I.A. as early as April 15, 2001. It is highly suspicious that Richard Walker jumped on the 9/11 tragedy to promote his patent claims for The Internet of Things just days following the tragedy.
Walker fronts for rogue C.I.A. / NSA / FBI Deep State Fascists
Walker dictates how he will license The Internet of Things to third parties in the government and private industry. This is just surreal. No nerd engineer would ever have this kind of power, unless he was given it or told to do it by insiders. This circumstance, besides revealing likely racketeering, conspiracy, organized crime, and is a betrayal of due process for every honest inventor who honestly puts forward claims to the Patent Office.
Walker confirms his association with the illegal, rogue C.I.A. Echelon Program.
As written previously, Walker includes human beings inside his global censor dome as "wet-ware."
The patent actually says that their plan is to identify, tag, track and control literally everything on the planet! They plan is to embed micro-electronic control devices, either surgically or by injection, in every human being on the planet. To them, it’s all about “management of the world’s resources” including you. Walker Patent No. 6,965,816 Col. 118, Lns. 53-54.
Unbelievably, you are just “wet-ware”
These documents show that their authors have a total disdain for humanity. These define people as "wet-ware." In this world view, a human is merely a silicon chip surrounded by a membrane of carbon and water.
Bookmark: #wet-ware |
These are the people who are planning to take over the world.
Here are two lines captured from the actual patent:

"PFN" means Protected Primary Focal Node. "TRAC" means Trusted Remote Activity Controller.
The illustrations in Walker's patent are truly dystopian (a community or society that is undesirable and/or frightening)—and they have been implemented! Their message is clear: "you can run but you cannot hide." In this illustration, even the trees are watching you! Here is Figure 21 from Walker's patent.
Bookmark: #blanket-surveillance |
Richard Walker's patent could not work without Leader Technologies' social networking invention, so they stole it
Despite Walker's insistence that everyone license from him, he has not licensed the invention of social networking from Leader Technologies. Instead, as this Walker patent reveals, they just stole it.
Indeed, Walker's patent would not have worked on the large scale they describe without Leader social networking invention. We’ll show that below.
First, these patents to remotely control vehicles started being filed within two months of the passage of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA) during Bill Clinton’s first term. The EEA was written by law professor James P. Chandler, III.
Robert Mueller, James Comey, Rod Rosenstein, Loretta Lynch, Eric Holder, Larry Summers were strategically positioned at the top of the Justice Department and Treasury. The patentee, Richard C. Walker, could have patented a ham sandwich had this group wanted it.
Second, the evident intent of the Walker patent was to illustrate the technology planned for control of everything—The Internet of Things.
Third, Robert S. Mueller’s law firm, Wilmer Hale LLP, formerly Hale & Dorr LLP, drove Walker's filings. Mueller was sworn in as FBI director just seven days before 9/11. This clearly implicates Wilmer Hale in the treachery.
Fourth, the global data sharing platform described in the patent was not doable by the likes of IBM, Microsoft, Boeing, AT&T and Cisco. They were all behind the curve from an R&D perspective when the Internet emerged. For example, Bill Gates thought it was a fad. The telephone pager network that Walker described could not scale to the volumes required for such global communication.
Bookmark: #who-is-richard-c-walker |
Who is Richard C. Walker?
a.k.a. "Rick Walker"

Did he really invent all these patents?
Walker is a geek scientist who has worked inside the bowels of Hewlett-Packard and Agilent Technologies his entire career.
We do not believe that Walker is the sole inventor. The sheer breadth of global policy perspectives incorporated in these documents shows a collective policy mind.
Our hunch is that they are derived from the illegal Highlands Group that has been secretly convened since late 1994 by the Department of Defense to begin coordinating the Deep State takeover of the Internet.
According to Walker’s resume, he was a Principal Staff Scientist at Hewlett-Packard (HP) for twenty-one (21) years from Jan. 1981 to 2002. Since 2002 he has been a Senior R&D Electrical Engineer at Agilent Technologies, for whom he continues to file patents.
Richard C. Walker Online biographies | |||
Years | City | Organization | Activity |
1978-1981 | Caltech | BS, Engineering and Applied Science | |
1988-1992 | California State University-Chico | MS, Compter Science | |
1981-1991 | Hewlett-Packard Laboratories | Technical Staff | |
1981-2000 | Palo Alto | HP Labs | Principal Project Engineer |
1981-2001 | Palo Alto | Hewlett-Packard | Principal Project Engineer |
1991-2003 | Palo Alto | Agilent Technologies | Principal Project Engineer |
1982-2004 | Palo Alto | Agilent Technologies | Principal Project Engineer |
2005-2012 | Palo Alto | Adema Technologies | Consultant |
2009-2015 | Palo Alto | Corning | Consulting Electrical Engineer |
2015-2016 | Palo Alto | Speck Design | Consulting Electrical Engineer |
2010-current | Palo Alto | R&R Engineering LLC | Owner |
2016-current | Santa Clara | Agilent Technologies | Sr. R&D Electrical Engineer |
Table 1–Richard C. Walker biographies. Sources: LinkedIn, ResearchGate. |
Walker has consistently failed to disclose his Kline & Walker, LLC company that claims ownership of this 170-page total global surveillance "Internet of Things" patent . . . even though he assigned the patent to Kline & Walker, LLC (a defunct company) on Nov. 15, 2005
1998 to (at least Nov. 15 2005) | Potomac MD | Kline & Walker, LLC | Owner & Inventor |
Bookmark: #hp-agilent-complicity |
Agilent Technologies is evidently a Deep State surveillance supplier
Walker’s current employer, Agilient Technologies, was a spin off of HP that went public on Nov. 18, 1999. That was only a week after Bill Clinton and his Treasury Secretary Larry Summers abolished Glass-Steagall. Summer’s chief of staff then was Sheryl K. Sandberg, the subsequent creator of Gmail (2004) and the current chief operating officer of Facebook (2008 to current). Another Summers employee then was Marne L. Levine. Levine who married disgraced C.I.A. director John M. Deutch’s son, and is now chief operating officer at Instagram. Deutch was pardoned by Bill Clinton on the same day as Marc Rich. It's truly a cozy little world at the top of the criminal Internet of Things.
Agilent raised $2.1 billion and was the largest Silicon Valley public offering ever at that time. The usual globalist shadow government suspects were the Agilent underwriters: Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Credit Suisse, JPMorgan, etc. The insider trading is evident.
To put the Agilent Technologies / HP actions in context, on Jul. 14, 1999, President Bill Clinton formed the National Intellectual Property Assurance Council (NIAC) by Executive Order #13130 with James P. Chandler, III.
A few months later on Sep. 29, 1999, President Bill Clinton formed In-Q-Tel to run a rogue C.I.A. private venture capital company in Silicon Valley.
A few weeks later on Nov. 12, 1999, Bill Clinton and Larry Summers, Clinton’s Treasury Secretary and Chandler’s Harvard colleague, abolished Glass–Steagall market protections separating underwriting and banking.
Evidently, Agilent Technologies and HP are key suppliers to the Internet of Things.
HP & Agilent are Complicit
Here is a complete U.S. Patent Office list of the patents attributed to Richard C. Walker as the inventor. Eleven (11) are assigned to Hewlett-Packard and fourteen (14) are assigned to Agilent Technologies, Inc.
These patents are very evidently refinements of Walker's "control everything" patent. They are full of euphamisms (deceptions) to obscure the true censorship purpose.
Bookmark: #walker-can-crash-planes-remotely |
This system can crash planes & vehicles remotely
Bookmark: #world-economy |
This system was planned to control the global economy in Nazi-Fascist Style
"Socio-Economic and Environmental Technology Accounting System for Democratic Government"
This appears like a Soviet-style central government system.

Bookmark: #internet-of-things |
Memo to Wet-ware: The Internet of Things is a Fascist plan to control everything in your life and your family's life

Bookmark: #trump-fund-leader-miller-act-notice |
Can this Fascist takeover be stopped? Yes, but we must start removing the spying tools immediately
Defund these criminals—their corruptly-acquired power must be removed.
Stop the criminals who are responsible for this, which means we need to lock up Hillary and the others truly responsible.
Ask President Trump to pay Leader Technologies' Miller Act Notice. This generates hundreds of billions of dollars in new revenue for the federal government without raising taxes, among the many benefits. It will also help to start developing a true Free Press envisioned by the Founders and now lost to the globalists.
See also previous post: AFI. (Nov. 22, 2017). The Weaponization of Social Media Should Concern Us All [VIDEO]. Americans for Innovation.
* * *
Bookmark: #obama-loves-internet-of-things |
Do you need more proof that Internet of Things Fascism has descended upon America?
(1) Read Barack Obama's Executive Order 13718, Feb. 09, 2016 promoting The Internet of Things specifically.

(2) Read the Obama White House Aug. 30, 2016 promotion of the Internet of Things titled "Internet of Things: Examining Opportunities and Challenges: Summary: The Administration is working with stakeholders to understand and harness the benefits of connected devices while also assessing and addressing potential challenges."

(3) Read Obama's report on the Internet of Things on Dec. 01, 2016 titled Commission on Enhancing Cybersecurity: Report on Securing and Growing the Digital Economy—AFTER his election defeat to Donald Trump. Pay close attention to the public-private entities that participated in this totally fascist cabal.
Were these people planning on giving up their carefully cultivated Internet of Things power? Obvious not, the profit & Power from fascism is too intoxicating.

Ask yourself, do you think these people were planning to dismantle their grand fascist digital takeover plan after Donald J. Trump's election victory? Clearly they were not, hence their insane behavior since the election.
Checklist of I.o.T. Fascists (*.xlsx)
No | Organization_Title | Lastname | Firstname |
1 | Amazon, Chief Solutions Architect | Ryland | Mark |
2 | American Express, Exec. VP | Gordan | Marc |
3 | American Univ. | Lewis | Rebekah |
4 | American Univ. Business, Dean | Delaney | John |
5 | American Univ. Law, Dean | Nelson | Camille |
6 | AT&T | Boyer | Chris |
7 | Automation Federation | Mustard | Steve |
8 | CENC, Exec. Director | Todt | Kiersten |
9 | CIA In-Q-Tel, CEO | Louie | Gilman |
10 | Cisco, Chief Security Officer | Conway | Edna |
11 | Citigroup, Global Digital | Baxter | Greg |
12 | CITL, Chief Scientist | Zatko | Sarah |
13 | City of Houston, Chief Security Officer | Laplander | David |
14 | Commerce Dept., Dir. Digital | Davidson | Alan |
15 | Congressional Research Service | Fischer | Eric |
16 | Consumer Fed. of America | Grant | Susan |
17 | Cyber Statecraft Initiative; Sonatype, CTO | Corman | Joshua |
18 | Cyber Threat Intelligencew | Donahue | Tom |
19 | DARPA, Prog. Manager | Walker | Mike |
20 | Dept. of Commerce, General Counsel | McKenna | Alice |
21 | Dept. of Commerce, General Counsel | Willams | Gaye |
22 | Dept. of Commerce, Secretary | Pritzker | Penny |
23 | Dept. of Homeland Security | Edwards | Marty |
24 | Dept. of Homeland Security | Kolasky | Robert |
25 | Dept. of State | Painter | Chris |
26 | Dropbox | Heim | Patrick |
27 | Edison Electric et al | Aaronson | Scott |
28 | ExxonMobile, Cyber | Robichaux | Scott |
29 | Facebook, Chief Security Officer | Stamos | Alex |
30 | FBI-Housant, ASAC | Webster | Mark |
31 | FCIC, Comm; Merrill Lynch, Global Research | Murren | Heather |
32 | Federal Trade Commission, Sr. Attorneu | Moriarity | Kevin |
33 | Frontier Communications, Chair; Grand Reserve Inn | Wilderotter | Maggie |
34 | GAO | Wilshusen | Gregory C. |
35 | Georgia Institute of Technology | Anton | Ana I. |
36 | Goldman Sachs, Managing Dir. | Venables | Phil |
37 | Google, VP | Grosse | Eric |
38 | GSA, Sr. Advisor | Mill | Eric |
39 | HyTrust | Prafullchandra | Hemma |
40 | IBM, Chairman | Palmisano | Samuel J. |
41 | IBM, Director | Chenok | Dan |
42 | IBM; Blockchain Technologies | Cuomo | Jerry |
43 | Intel, IoT Strategy | McCarson | Brian |
44 | JetBlue | Gavin | Lee |
45 | JPMorgan Chase, Managing Dir. | Rattray | Greg |
46 | Kleiner Perkins, Managing Partner | Schlein | Ted |
47 | LifeJourney | Geritz | Rick |
48 | Marsh & McLennan, Exec. VP | Beshar | Peter |
49 | MasterCard, CEO | Banga | Ajay |
50 | Microsoft, Scientist | Dwork | Cynthia |
51 | Microsoft, VP | Lee | Peter |
52 | MIT, Mastercard, NYU, Imperial College | Wladawsky-Berger | Irving |
53 | MIT, Professor | Pentland | Alex |
54 | National Guard | Hoover | Reynold N. |
55 | New York Univ. Law, Exec. Dir. | Goldman | Zachary K. |
56 | New York Univ. Law., Dean | Morrison | Trevor |
57 | NIST, Computer Scientist | Ross | Ron |
58 | NIST, Director; Univ. of Pitts., Chancellor | Gallagher | Patrick |
59 | NSA Advisor; O'Melveny & Myers | Donilon | Thomas E. |
60 | NSA Director, Cyber Command; IronNet | Alexander | Keith B. |
61 | NSA, Tech. Dir. | Ziring | Neal L. |
62 | Palo Alto Networks, CEO | McLaughlin | Mark |
63 | Sabre Corp | Toretti | Gary |
64 | Slack, Chief Security Officer | Belknap | Geogg |
65 | Stanford, Cyber Research | Lin | Herbert |
66 | State of Texas, Chief Security Officer | Block | Edward |
67 | U.S. Cyber Command, Nat. Dir. | Evans | Karen |
68 | Uber, Chief Security Officer | Sullivan | Joseph |
69 | UC, VP, CIO | Andriola | Thomas E. |
70 | UC-Berkley, Assoc. Chancellor | Gilman | Nils |
71 | UC-Berkley, Exec. Dir. | Cooper | Betsy |
72 | UC-Berkley, faculty | Weber | Steve |
73 | Underwriters Laboratories | Modesta | Ken |
74 | United Health, Sr. VP | Booker | Robert |
75 | Univ. of Houston | Conklin | William Arthur |
76 | Univ. of Houston | Myrick | Paula |
77 | Univ. of Minnesota | Amin | Massoud |
78 | Univ. of Minnesota | Johnson | Mike |
79 | Verizon, Gen. Counsel; NYU Law | Milch | Randal |
80 | Western Power Admin | Paluru | Subhash |
81 | White & Case LLP, Chair, Privacy | Chabinsky | Steven |
82 | White House | Cooke | Evan |
83 | White House, Homeland Security Advisor | Monaco | Lisa |
84 | William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Sugarman | Eli |
85 | Zurich North America, Sr. VP | Mulligan | Catherine |
Table 2–Obama Internet of Things Collaborators. Source: White House. See also spreadsheet (*.xlsx). See full Deep State Drain the Swamp Timeline List. See full Deep State Shadow Government Poster. |
Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.
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Email comment by CM:
ReplyDeleteThe FISA memo will be a bombshell, but if you REALLY READ the content of this post.... these revelations may be more serious, and will ENSURE Obama and the Clintons are DONE. They are truly amongst the most treasonous criminals ever.
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Spread the word.
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by DG/GH/JM-GN/CM/DM/AS:
Donald F. McGahn II. (Feb. 02, 2018). Nunes Memo. White House.
Full document:
Previous comment:
Spread the truth.
Email comment by Joseph Farah:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Feb. 03, 2018). GOOGLE CAUGHT SPONSORING SYMPOSIUM FOR 'ISLAMIST ANTI-SEMITES' - Web companies 'providing a forum' for endorsers of death by stoning. WND.
Google and YouTube have been caught sponsoring a symposium that featured a roster of “known Islamist anti-Semites,” and a widely recognized monitor of radical Islamic terror is wondering why.
“Why are Google and YouTube providing a forum for Islamists who approve of Shariah-imposed ‘death by stoning?'” asks Steven Emerson, founder of the Investigative Project on Terrorism.
“For more than two decades, the IPT has investigated the operations, funding, activities and front groups of Islamic terrorist and extremist groups in the United States and around the world. It has become a principal source of critical evidence to a wide variety of government offices and law enforcement agencies, as well as the U.S. Congress and numerous public policy forums,” his site explains.
Just now Emerson is asking why the web giants were lending their names and finances to an organization called Imams Online to hold a “Digital Summit.”
The organization of imams credited the YouTube Space in London, where the event was held, and also noted it was “supported by Google UK.”
Full story:
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Spread the word.
Email comment by GH/JM-GN/JM:
ReplyDeleteCristiano Lima. (Feb. 02, 2018). GOP lawmaker calls for FBI, DOJ officials to face 'treason' charges. Politico.
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) said on Friday that the House intelligence memo on alleged FBI malfeasance showed "clear and convincing evidence of treason" by law enforcement officials, despite lingering concerns in the intelligence community over its credibility.
Republicans seized on the White House's decision to approve the public disclosure of the disputed document, compiled by staffers for the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.), to speak out against the FBI and Justice Department's handling of the investigation into Russian election interference and ties between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin.
Gosar, in a statement, blasted the FBI's use of a surveillance warrant to gather information about a former Trump campaign adviser, Carter Page. The Arizona lawmaker cited the document in accusing former FBI Director James Comey, former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and current Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein of breaking the law.
Full story:
Previous comment:
Call for these treasonous officials to be locked up.
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Dec 11, 2017). FORMER CIA DIRECTOR Admits Guilt of Intel Agencies Out to Get Trump: “I don’t think I fully thought through the implications”.
Remember former CIA Director Mike Morell’s lies about Benghazi? He totally covered for Hillary and the Obama administration after Benghazi:
Could this be connected to the reason Morell is now coming clean about targeting Trump?
Former Acting CIA Director Michael Morell thinks that intelligence agencies were too harsh to Trump during the campaign and presidential transition, according to an interview released Monday.
Full story:
Previous comment:
Spread the word.
Email comment by GH/JM/CM:
ReplyDeleteSara Carter. (Feb. 01, 2018). New Strzok, Page Texts Discuss Evasion of Message Archiving. Sara A. Carter.
Newly released text messages between a pair of FBI anti-Trump officials at the center of the Russia investigation controversy show that they sought to “get around” rules established by the government to preserve text messages, stating that none of the agencies abide by the rules then “why should we.”
Former FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page discussed getting new Apple iPhones, in lieu of their Samsung 5 government issued phones in text messages they exchanged in August 2016. They noted in the texts that the new phones would help keep their text messages from government collection after speaking with the FBI’s IT director, according to newly released August 2016 text messages.
“According to text messages produced by the committee, Ms. Page and Mr. Strzok make references to communicating with other FBI employees via text message, phone call, email, and voice mail,” stated Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Chairman Sen. Ron Johnson, in a letter dated Jan. 31, to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. “Additional text messages suggest that FBI officials used non-official email accounts and messaging programs to communicate about official business.”
Here’s a portion of the text messages:
Strzok: “Hot damn. I’m happy to pilot that…we get around our security/monitoring issues?”
Page: “No, he’s proposing that we just stop following them. Apparently, the requirement to capture texts came from omb, but we’re the only org (I’m told) who is following that rule. His point is, if no one else is doing it why should we.”
Page: Helps that Dd had a terrible time with his phone [redacted] which made him concerned for our folks all over the place.
Page: These phones suck as much as they do because of the program we use to capture texts, full stop.
Full story:
Previous comment:
Spread the word about this FBI/DOJ/NSA/CIA corruption at the top level.
Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteThomas Paine. (Feb. 02, 2018). Prepare to Get Freaked Out: Wetware, 5G Radiation Death, Panopticon Surveillance and Sex Trafficking. Lionel Nation.
WARNING: THIS WILL BOGGLE YOUR MIND. Completely and permanently. Again
We are immersed in a microwave ocean of electromagnetic frequencies, drowning in negative health effects that the U. S. Department of Health and Human Services and its counterparts worldwide are totally oblivious to or which are complicit with evil in creating a high-tech system that will enslave humanity in a lock down of planet earth, all the while making us sicker and more controlled." Thus spake my guest, Thomas Paine from AIM.
Wetware is defined as "humorous: human brain cells or thought processes regarded as analogous to, or in contrast with, computer systems" and (chiefly in science fiction) "computer technology in which the brain is linked to artificial systems, or used as a model for artificial systems based on biochemical processes." No. This is here and now. This is not science fiction.
The front man for government Big Brother has been identified and he holds the most disruptive patent ever facing civilization and human evolution. I interview Thomas Paine who along with Betsy Ross explore the corrupt U.S. Patent Office and how it has laid the digital web over the entire planet. No one will be able to escape unless we act now to sever its hydra-head.
These are critical pieces that accompany and supplement the items discussed and referred.
Full interview[VIDEO]:
Previous comment:
Spread the truth.
Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteThomas Paine, Betsy Ross. (Jan. 28, 2018). Dragnet in the Swamp. American Intelligence Media.
The letter from Senator Chuck Grassley is like a huge net cast out upon the swamp, ready to pull in the first net of swamp creatures. Listen to Thomas review the list with Betsy.
To see the letter, click here:
To read about how Obama used the U.S. Digital Services to rig the election, click here:
Full story[VIDEO]:
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Spread the truth.
Email comment by TG:
ReplyDelete*** THE MEMO ***
Thomas Paine, Betsy Ross. (Feb. 02, 2018). Now….let us tell you what was NOT in the memo. American Intelligence Media.
Are you receiving your daily Truth News Headlines? It’s free, yet priceless.
Here is the interview Thomas and Lionel just did:
Full story[VIDEO]:
Previous comment:
Spread the truth.
Email comment by CM:
ReplyDeleteThomas Paine, Betsy Ross. (Jan. 31,2018). Eric Schmidt Global Tech Lord. American Intelligence Media.
Thomas and Betsy go so far out in the weeds on this one, you may want to stay safe and not listen to a single word. But if you do, here are the articles and materials referred to:
For treatments that may help you cope:
Do you receive daily Truth News Headlines? It is free, yet priceless.
Full story[VIDEO]:
Previous comment:
Spread the truth.
Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteTRUTH NEWS HEADLINES, Feb. 03, 2018
- "Full Throated" Illegal Misconduct and "Treason"
- More memos? Nunes says House IC is in 'phase two' of investigation
- Lionel and Thomas: Wetware, 5G Radiation Death, Panopticon Surveillance and Sex Trafficking
-Dow Plummets 666 Points
Full stories:
Previous comment:
Spread the truth.
Roger McNamee, and his Elevation Partners buddy Bono, are pure devils, don’t be fooled.
See Facebook S-1 Initial Public Offering Entities affiliated with Elevation Partners: 40,109,645 2.3%
Opening sale price: $37.58 / share = $1,507,320,459
Give it to Leader Technologies boys (The Miller Act Notice), then maybe your mea culpas might have meaning.
Elevation Partners was founded by former Silver Lake Partners professionals Roger McNamee and Marc Bodnick, as well as Fred Anderson (Apple Inc.) and John Riccitiello(Electronic Arts).[citation needed] Elevation is perhaps best known for its association with Bono, lead singer of the musical group U2, who joined the company shortly after its creation in 2004.[1] The firm is named after U2's song "Elevation".[2] As of January 2011 Marc Bodnick departed to concentrate on the development of Quora.[citation needed] Elevation Partners is not affiliated in any way with The Elevation Group.
Previous comment:
Spread the truth.
ReplyDelete** RED ALERT - DON'T BE FOOLED ***
Deep State is attempting plunge the stock market - Don't fall for it
Public-private Deep Staters drive markets up and down for their own power and profit
Remember, they play with their own stocks using propaganda to fool you into selling while they buy
Don’t believe them
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Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteTRUTH NEWS HEADLINES, FEB. 06, 2018
- Carter Page Was an FBI Spy
- Steele Wrote Memo Based on Info Fed Through Clinton Campaign
- NEW Hillary Email Reveals She KNEW All Her Info Was on Her Private Server
- DOW Futures Points to 1200 Point Fall at Open Today
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Email comment by CM:
ReplyDeleteTodd Gillespie. (Feb. 05, 2018). Meet the man who made Trump. Varsity, Cambridge University Union (UK).
. . . Stone had strong words for one former Cambridge Union president, Christopher Steele, the ex-Varsity writer and MI6 agent responsible for the salacious ‘dirty dossier’. The collection of memos, funded by the Democratic Party, included graphic allegations about Trump’s private life and linked his allies, including Stone, to Russian officials. This “phony narrative”, Stone says, facilitated a scandal “much bigger than Watergate” by giving the FBI an excuse to launch surveillance on Trump and his advisers during the campaign which, Stone claims, violated their constitutional rights in the process.
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Email comment by GS:
ReplyDeleteRoger Stone. (Feb. 07, 2018). ROGER STONE OP-ED: DON’T SWALWELL THAT. IT’S COVERED IN SCHIFF. Gateway Pundit.
Clever-by-half hucksters. Schiff said the FISA Memo should not be released because the public is not sophisticated enough, “Americans wouldn’t understand it." Swalwell tweeted that the FISA Memo “seeks to torch every floor of the FBI building to protect the President" as if the FBI is now a delicate Spring flower that must be protected by empty-suit Democrats and RINOs.
Aside from a brief interlude for the president’s State of the Union speech, the last two weeks have seen American political discourse consumed almost entirely by a cacophonous spectacle (but not so spectacular cacophony) of brazenly-disingenuous FISA memo spincraft, perpetrated by whirling Democrat dervishes of deception and obeisantly parroted by their corporate media propaganda amen choir.
Out in front of the cameras, leading the Democrats’ FISA memo freakout, pimping for their rat’s nest of political whores and swindlers, peddling their garbage with punchably-smug phony grins, we have the static duo of congressional pygmies, the “glimmer twins” of the looney left Eric Swalwell and Adam Schiff.
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteJoe Hoft. (Feb. 07, 2018). BREAKING: Uncovered Text Message from FBI Lovers Implicates “POTUS” Obama in Obamagate –VIDEO. Gateway Pundit.
Wow – This is Huge – A text message reportedly from corrupt FBI lovers and former Mueller investigators implicates former President Barack Obama as being involved in the Obamagate scandal!
FOX News just released a HUGE report implicating President Obama in the Russia – Obamagate scandal –
Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing.”
The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016 about prepping Comey because “potus wants to know everything we’re doing.” Senate investigators told Fox News this text raises questions about Obama’s personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.
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Email comment by GH:
DeleteJake Gibson. (Feb. 07, 2018). FBI lovers' latest text messages: Obama 'wants to know everything'. Fox News.
Newly revealed text messages between FBI paramours Peter Strzok and Lisa Page include an exchange about preparing talking points for then-FBI Director James Comey to give to President Obama, who wanted “to know everything we’re doing."
The message, from Page to Strzok, was among thousands of texts between the lovers reviewed by Fox News. The pair both worked at one point for Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe of alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
Page wrote to Strzok on Sept. 2, 2016, about prepping Comey because "potus wants to know everything we're doing." According to a newly released Senate report, this text raises questions about Obama's personal involvement in the Clinton email investigation.
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Sean Hannity. (Feb. 06, 2018). SEAN HANNITY: The Senate releases 'Memo 2.0,' and it should scare you. Fox News.
DeleteHannity: 2nd memo exposes deep state corruption
Hot on the heels of the House memo exposing deep state corruption comes an equally explosive document from the Senate that shows the story behind the phony dossier is even worse than you thought.
Senators Chuck Grassley and Lindsey Graham have released a heavily redacted, yet very revealing copy of their criminal referral against ex-British spy Christopher Steele, the author of the dubious dossier we now know was parlayed into a FISA warrant by Trump-hating operatives at the Justice Department.
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Email comment by GH:
QAnon hints WikiLeaks has tape and/or transcript of Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tuesday morning QAnon dropped two posts that suggest in their famous tarmac meeting, former President Bill Clinton offered to then-Attorney General Lynch the Supreme Court seat of murdered Antonin Scalia, in exchange for Lynch making sure the FBI investigation into former Secretary Hillary Clinton’s email server be stopped, exonerating Clinton of any criminal charges.
The first QAnon post was timestamped at 01:34:50, approximately 1:35 am ET on Tuesday, appearing as follows:
In this post, the critical line is the fourth line, in which QAnon writes: Tarmac meeting [SC/LL deal > AS 187].
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ReplyDeleteStephen Sackur, Roger Stone. (Feb. 05, 2018). Roger Stone bats away stupid biased BBC questions about Donald Trump. Robin Hood UKIP.
(Guest: Roger Stone, Interviewer: Stephen Sackur, HARDtalk)
BBC interviewer Stephen Sackur, host of HARDtalk, very evidently attempted to score points with his globalist handlers in this BBC interview (RobinHoodUKIP: "British Brainwashing Corporation"). Sackur pulled out the stops on current globalist talking points. For example, his disingenuous lament "this is dangerous territory" that has been a well-used propaganda narrative for weeks in the U.S. ... and apparently in anti-Trump British propaganda also.
Enjoy watching Roger knock it out of the park! Good job Roger!
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Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteTRUTH NEWS HEADLINES, FEB. 07, 2018
- Nancy Pelosi Won't Back Bipartisan Spending Plan Without Immigration Committment From Ryan
-Rep. Paul Gosar: Obama's Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS Scandal All Connected to DOJ, FBI Corruption in Trump Probe
Eric Holder Speaks Out
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ReplyDeleteAnonymous Partiots. (Feb. 07, 2018). Judge Rudolph Contreras: Total Deep State Stooge ContrerasJudge Rudolph Contreras - an unremarkable Deep State stooge judge. Patriots4Truth.
Judge Rudolph Contreras was appointed to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) court in 2016. Two months ago, Contreras, an Obama appointee judge was removed from General Flynn’s criminal case. Today it is still unknown why Contreras was removed. Emmet G. Sullivan will now oversee over the trial.
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Email comment by GH/JM-GN:
ReplyDeleteKatrina Pierson. (Feb. 07, 2018). BREAKING: Assange Exposes Yahoo Reporter Cited in Dossier as a DNC Operative. Katrina Pierson.
Last week’s bombshell FISA memo revealed the Obama-era FBI had no problem letting Democrats use fake news as a justification for obtaining a warrant to spy on Trump staffer Carter Page.
Dossier author Christopher Steele, who openly admitted his strong anti-Trump bias, was able to plant his own story with Yahoo reporter Michael Isikoff. The Yahoo report was then used as a justification for the FISA warrant.
Now, Julian Assange has revealed that the Yahoo “reporter” that was complicit in this scam was secretly “working with” the DNC.
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- Interim Report on FBI Purposeful Intent To Exonerate Hillary Clinton During Email Scandal
- Trump Endorses Two-Year McConnell-Schumer Budget Deal
- More FBI "Small Group" Text Messages Released
- Judge: Law Vegas police must release mass shooting records
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Email comment by Tom Fitton:
ReplyDeleteSean Hannity. (Feb. 08, 2018). Video: TOM FITTON: “PICK YOUR POISON” – Obama Abused Either Clinton or Russia FBI Investigation. Fox News/Judicial Watch.
Last night, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel to discuss the latest release of FBI texts between FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and FBI attorney Lisa Page and whether or not President Obama was involved in the Clinton email investigation or the Russia investigation.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteRyan Saavedra. (Feb. 07, 2018). BOMBSHELL: FBI Informant In Uranium One Scandal Testifies Against Obama. Here's What He Said.
"I was frustrated watching the U.S. government make numerous decisions benefiting Rosatom and Tenex while those entities were engaged in serious criminal conduct on U.S. soil." Daily Wire.
The FBI’s informant in the Uranium One scandal involving the Obama administration gave written testimony to three congressional committees this week in which he accused the Obama administration of making decisions that directly benefited the Russian government and their goals of gaining geopolitical advantages over the United States.
The informant, Douglas Campbell, told congressional investigators on Wednesday that Moscow sent millions of dollars to the U.S. with the expectation that it would benefit the Clintons, while Hillary Clinton "quarterbacked a 'reset' in US-Russian relations" in her role as Secretary of State during the Obama administration, The Hill reported.
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Email comment by JM:
Image: Sir Richard Billing Dearlove, KCMG, OBE (born 23 January 1945) was head of the British Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) from 1999 until 6 May 2004. Photo (Domusrulez / Wikimedia)
In six months, the pamphlet from the LaRouche Political Action Committee exposing the history of Robert Mueller, the “amoral legal assassin” deployed to remove Donald Trump from the Presidency, has circulated widely and had an enormous impact.
Now, with parts of the “get-Trump” force thoroughly discredited, it is possible to go for the very head of the beast — British intelligence and the British geopolitics which President Trump threatens to overthrow.
The pamphlet stated boldly from the first, that Mueller and the entire drive to stop Trump, since 2015, was coming from British intelligence and the British “imperial” oligarchy.
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Email comment by CM:
ReplyDeleteROGER STONE: Free Julian Assange, Mr. President
Roger Stone also batted away stupid biased anti-Trump BBC questions
Roger Stone. Feb. 09, 2018). DAILY CALLER OP-ED
Pictured is Julian Assange on the balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London where he took asylum six years ago. The Aug. 2010 sexual assault charges against him in Sweden were dropped on May 19, 2017 . The UK courts continue to support a silly breach of bail process charge. These actions reveal the lock-step coordination among the C.I.A, British (GCHQ) and Swedish (RPS/Säk) illegal rogue intelligence operations that WikiLeaks has been bravely exposing. Assange suspects there is a secret U.S. indictment against him, and that the U.S. authorities will seek his extradition unless President Trump takes the moral and legal high ground. Go Mr. President!
Feb. 09, 2018—While in London this past week, visiting the United Kingdom to address the Oxford, Durham and Cambridge Unions about Donald Trump’s improbable 2016 victory and the outlook for his presidency, I visited the tiny Ecuadoran Embassy where journalist Julian Assange has been effectively imprisoned for nearly SIX years, under siege from vindictive state intelligence forces.
Knowing any actual contact with Assange would instantly become needless fodder back home for rabid partisans desperately clinging to their fast-sinking Trump-Russia collusion fantasy, I chose only to drop off my business card.
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ReplyDeleteThomas Paine. (Feb. 08, 2018). The Great Awakening Has Begun. American Intelligence Media.
Thomas Paine of the American Intelligence Media explains how the Second American Revolution is a New World Awakening in which every citizen around the world can participate.
Please note that Thomas meant to say that Washington DC was founded in 1781 (not 1871--numbers flipped in his head) . And apologies for misspeaking about Turkey and NATO at 45:10. Thomas knows that Turkey became a member of NATO on February 16, 1952. He meant to say that Belarus was not a member of NATO.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteAmy Moreno. (Feb. 08, 2018). George Bush Shows His ‘DEEP STATE’ Alliance With Latest Trump Attack. Truth Feed News.
George W. Bush stayed quiet and allowed Obama to destroy this country because he is a globalist shill.
However, when an “America First” Republican takes over, Bush comes out swinging.
Bush released a statement as an attempt to provide cover for the recent release of the 4-page FISA memo, and claimed that Russia meddled in our elections.
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ReplyDeleteThis document identifies the main problems, then recommends practical fixes
Download & distribute these practical ideas. We can fix this.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteJudson Berger. (Feb. 09, 2018). Obama State Dept. official admits free-flowing exchange of reports with Trump dossier author. Fox News.
Jonathan Winer, center, passed information from a Clinton contact to ex-British spy Christopher Steele.
An Obama State Department official has acknowledged he had regular contact with the author of the controversial anti-Trump dossier – coming forward in an apparent bid to blunt expected criticism from the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
In a Washington Post column posted late Thursday, Jonathan Winer detailed an extensive exchange of documents with ex-British spy Christopher Steele, a friend of his since 2009.
He said he shared “more than 100 of Steele’s reports with the Russia experts at the State Department” over a period of two years. These weren’t related to American politics – but he would later share information about the Trump dossier with the top levels of the Obama-era State Department.
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Email comment by Sharyl Attkisson:
ReplyDeleteSharyl Attkisson. (Feb. 10, 2018). UPDATE: Attkisson v. US Govt. in computer intrusion lawsuit. Full Measure.
This week, based on new forensics, we added the FBI and Verizon as Defendants to my federal lawsuit over the government’s intrusions into my computers. The Dept. of Justice and intel agencies are not cooperating with our subpoena and other discovery requests.
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ReplyDeleteVladislav Ivanov, ROSATOM (Uranium One) CFO killed in Russian passenger airliner crash.
Pete Santilli. (Feb. 11, 2018). ROSATOM CFO Listed Among Dead In Russian Plane Crash. Santilli Broadcasting Network.
Full breaking story [VIDEO]:
Uranium One Arkancide in Russian plane crash?
QRS-11 autopilot? Richard C. Walker?
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