Staffer worked for Hillary and Bill to promote business and undermine U.S. Dollar
Federal Reserve Bank estimates about $1 billion per day in Bitcoin transactions

. . . all of the following emerged from one FOIA lie.
(Jun. 30, 2016)—In the wake of release of the Benghazi Committee’s findings, the State Department just refused to provide the text of Hillary Clinton’s Jan. 6 or 21, 2010 (the documents are contradictory) on Internet Freedom to the Newseum in Washington, D.C.
Ironically, the State Department FOIA officials censored a speech on Internet Freedom that condemns censorship! (Remember the Rule of Opposites: Hillary does the opposite of what she says. If she says she is against censorship, she is for it. If she says she is against racial profiling, she is for it. Etc.)
The purpose of the redactions appears to be to obscure Hillary’s six-year relationship to her boyish-looking staff venture capitalist, Tomicah S. Tillemann (2009-2014). Tillemann now promotes the globalist Bitcoin virtual currency with Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank.
These email exchanges occurred among more than a dozen State Department staffers on email accounts and Hillary's private email server Recent information shows that hackers Guccifer 1.0 and 2.0, as well as Huma Abedin's Saudi Arabian family with Taliban ties, were probably monitoring these exchanges through "easy" hacks.
Even simple FOIA requestS are scrambleD
On May 23, 2016, Michael T. McKibben, CEO and Founder of Leader Technologies (“Leader”)—the actual inventor of social networking (that’s right, Mark Zuckerberg is a fraud, and his infringement of all 11 Leader patent claims was proven in federal court)—filed a Freedom of Information Act request for an un-redacted version of Hillary Internet Freedom speech. That was it. One request.
The State Department response nonsensically handed back to Leader only one document—the Judicial Watch document McKibben had cited originally and which they knew he already had.
The continued obfuscation has now shined a light on the little amount of information that was not redacted. It disclosed the names of a dozen senior staffers who participated in the drafting, including new political advisor, Anne-Marie Slaughter, author of A New World Order (2004) and George Soros in-law, and new "Senior Advisor for Innovation," a boyish-looking Alec J. Ross.
AFI researchers have since found a copy of Hillary’s Internet Freedom speech published on the State Department website! This begs the question: “Why then, is the State Department going to such extraordinary lengths to obscure the record of a publicly available speech?”
Ironically, Hillary said in her Internet Freedom speech on Jan. 21, 2010:
HILLARY: “As I speak to you today, government censors somewhere are working furiously to erase my words from the records of history. But history itself has already condemned these tactics.”
Trapped by her own words
Hillary condemned her censorship, and that of the State Department, by her own words. And yet, more "Punks with a Pen" protect her lawlessness. See Fig. 2 following for the full Pagliano deposition video.
A devilish little lie with many tails. The prize? Bitcoin.
In Leader’s version, ref. F-2016-05759, Doc. No. C05767009 just released:
- Hillary is not identified as a recipient.
- Tomicah S. Tillemann circulated the draft, but his email address was redacted claiming a “B6” exemption (Personal privacy information)—this is a lie, he worked for the State Department and thus had no such privacy right, see below.
- The entire speech draft is redacted as a “B5” exemption (Interagency or intra-agency communications forming part of the deliberative process, attorney-client privilege, or attorney work product). This exemption is a license to play for government attorneys.
- Other participants in the drafting were a Who’s Who of Hillary scandals:
- Tillemann, Tomicah S.
- Crowley, Philip J.
- Mills, Cheryl D.
- Muscatine, Lissa
- Ross, Alec J.
- Slaughter, Anne-Marie—A New World Order (Princeton Press, 2004)
- S_Special Assistants
- Sullivan, Jacob J.
- Toiv, Nora F.
In the State Department’s current online Reading Room version of the Leader/McKibben document, the content is doctored. The first page of Leader’s disclosure was moved to page 12 online. Hillary is not identified as a recipient on this version either.
Tampering with evidence like this is a criminal offense.
Nonetheless, numerous other versions of the email string (not provided to Leader Technologies) are available on the State Department FOIA website.
Many of these versions identify Hillary and her personal email server interacting with the list of State Department recipients above.
These versions were not provided to McKibben and Leader Technologies. Since the documents exist, and they have already been made available, the State Department had a duty to provide all of them to McKibben and Leader, not just one of them.
So why the obfuscation?
QUESTION: What are they hiding if not Hillary's infamous private email server?
ANSWER: Hillary & Bill's involvement in the current development of an unregulated global currency—Bitcoin (formerly Facebook Credits). (Be sure Larry Summers and James W. Breyer are lurking in the shadows.)
PROOF: the State Department lied about Tomicah S. Tillemann
It is a felony for a federal official to knowingly provide false or misleading information, as the State Department FOIA response clearly did to McKibben and Leader Technologies.
Tomicah S. Tillemann: Hillary’s staffer & crony capitalist deal maker
This finding confirms Donald J. Trump's recent accusations that Hillary was running the State Department like her private hedge fund—trading on her influence to make money.
Tillemann’s job working for Hillary, besides writing speeches, was to facilitate commercial deals trading on Hillary's influence as Secretary of State.
This conduct was given academic blessing by the unimaginative Princeton lawyer and professor Anne-Marie Slaughter. Her worn out Fascist philosophy to “tie private incentives to public goals” is the same philosophy employed by Adolf Hitler. Like Obama and Hillary, Hitler left his cooperating companies free to exploit the nation as long as those companies supported his war effort and agenda. This is crony capitalism at its ugliest.
Where is Tillemann today?
He is preparing the takeover of global money via Bitcoin with Goldman Sachs
Tillemann is promoting the dubious new Bitcoin company Bitfury Group.
Bitfury is swimming in incestuous Silicon Valley relationships associated with the global digital takeover by the NSA, IBM, and the IBM Eclipse Foundation—all companies and agencies that have supported Barack Obama’s rise to power and now want Hillary as President. Jeb Bush would have been fine too.
The Federal Reserve Bank estimated in its May 2016 payments studies that Bitcoin processes about 100,000 transactions per day, totaling about $1 BILLION in dollar value.
For example, one of Tillemann’s Bitfury investors is Robert R. Dykes. Dykes was CFO of Juniper Networks. Juniper was recently caught providing a universal encryption backdoor to the NSA. That arrangement was made on Dykes' watch, we believe.
Question: When you read Dykes resume, you’ll ask yourself how he could have held so many jobs?
Answer: Dykes is one of the Cartel executives who is orchestrating this global takeover of the Internet. That’s why he gets around, we believe. IBM's spy state flunky, Thomas E. Noonan, is another such tasking goat for the Cartel with a similar epic resume. See previous post.
Another of Tillemann's Bitfury investors is QueensBridge Venture Partners. QueensBridge boasts intimate relationships with Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank.
Bill & Hillary Clinton have been paid $1,150,000 by Goldman Sachs and $1,020,000 by Deutsche Bank for speeches. Goldman Sachs was the underwriter on Bill Clinton’s UrAsia uranium mining junket that netted The Clinton Foundation $154 million in payola donations.
See previous post—AFI. (Jan. 29, 2016). Clinton 2005 uranium junket netted $152 million for the Clinton Foundation and $3.1 billion for donor. Americans For Innovation.
Tomicah S. Tillemann’s State Dept. email address is not (B6) “personal privacy information”
It always seems to be the stupid little slip ups that catch these unscrupulous actors in their web of lies.
* * *
We close with the words of Patricia Smith, the mother of Hillary's slain employee—U.S. information management officer Sean Smith in Benghazi. Ever since his death, Mrs. Smith has blasted Clinton many times for “lying” to her and for how the State Department handled the attack.
Smith spoke with Deirdre Bolton on Fox Business’ Risk & Reward two days ago, and she made it clear that only Clinton’s conviction will give her closure.
“Hillary is a liar,” Smith said. “All they said, all they reported, I imagine, I haven’t seen the report yet, but, all the reporting is what Hillary told them. And I say she lied to them.”
Smith said she would like to “see Hillary in stripes,” and she demanded that the media “do something” to pin down the former Secretary of State.
The "Big Three" media outlets are Hillary and Bill Clinton sycophants (for those who don't have time to look it up, it means "suck-ups" in everyday language).
Perhaps our mainstream media propagandists should join Hillary and Bill in adjoining jail cells for their negligent failure to protect America as a free and independent press.
Even though Hillary, their boss, lies about them to preserve the "Clinton brand,"
we nevertheless honor them for serving us bravely.
Never Forget.
* * *
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