JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs financed IBM PC unit sale to Lenovo (China).
Dell bought EMC to control "dark profile" storage on all Americans offshore.

Second Dell backdoor key discovered Allows intruders into your computer while you use airport WiFi, for example.
(Nov. 25, 2015)—Whistleblowers on Reddit announced two days ago that Dell has been shipping computers loaded with the equivalent of a spare car key taped under the hood. This key lets impersonators bypass your security and gives them full access to your computer with no visible sign of entry. The invasion of privacy is done, no matter what excuse Dell makes.
Dell's response so far has been evasive: “Customer security and privacy is a top concern and priority at Dell; we deeply regret that this has happened and are taking steps to address it.” Notice that they avoided promising to stop it.

Dell's surrogate Lombardi Software, who supplies critical business software to Dell customers, appears to have joined the IBM Eclipse Foundation Spy State Cartel on or before 2006. Dell is definitely onboard by 2015 when Michael Dell, Qualcomm, IBM, Xerox, EMC (now Dell) met with Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett just weeks after Obama signed Executive Order No. 13691 promoting his cronies in public-private cyber cooperation. See Fig. 2 below.
Bookmark: #obama-eclipse
Lenovo was also recently discovered to be shipping Superfish adware vulnerabilities, according to the article.
The Backdoor Master Key is called the "Dual EC DRBG" encryption algorithm
None of these newly revealed Dell and Lenovo (IBM) vulnerabilities address the deeper and more insidious embedded spy state vulnerabilities associated with the dubious Dual_EC_DRBG algorithm backdoor that is shipped with most hardware and software. The U.S. government forces vendors to place this algorithm in product shipped to the government. They even have to certify that they have included it in a special NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) list. See link in this paragraph.
It does not appear that these companies will change these constitutionally abusive practices without motivation. Unquestionably, they are and have been systematically abusing our privacy while taking our money and mouthing hollow promises of security and privacy. Boycotts are in order.
Sound the alarm
We call upon our readers to boycott products, like Dell and Lenovo, who are proven to be violating our privacy and our lawful expectation of quiet enjoyment. If their profits are hurt, they will change their tune. Sound the alarm. Your silence will only hurt you and every other American.
The “free” social networking feeding frenzy is an NSA creation. Choice is an illusion—it's all the same Spy State Cartel
IBM, Dell, EMC, HP, Hitachi, Samsung, Fujistisu, Microsoft, Oracle all jumped on the feeding frenzy over Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies’ social networking innovations.
2001 By late 2001, IBM, HP, Hitachi, Fujitsu, Hitachi, Oracle, QNX, Rational, Borland, Red Hat and SAP were members of this new spy state organization—IBM's The Eclipse Foundation (prime organizers: David J. Kappos, James P. Chandler, Eric H. Holder). Likewise, before World War II, IBM supplied computers to Adolf Hitler that he used to catalogue Jews, Poles, gypsies, homosexuals and political opponents as the primary information source for his genocides. Given the Cartel's support of eugenics (selective culling of genetic profiles, including Planned Parenthood), is history about to repeat itself?
2002 On Jun. 5, 2002, law professor James P. Chandler, intellectual property law counsel to IBM’s David J. Kappos and Leader Technologies, received a custody copy of the source code for Leader’s social networking invention. Then, 11 weeks later the IBM feeding frenzy began . . .

2002 On Aug. 29, 2002, the "secret sauce" of Leader Technologies’ social networking innovations appeared in Version 2.0.1 of IBM’s Eclipse Foundation with IBM claiming copyrights on all of Leader's innovations.
2004 By early 2004, Wind River and Intel had signed on. Intel's CEO, Andy Grove, is John P. Breyer’s fellow Hungarian refugee along with George Soros. Breyer is the father of James W. Breyer, Facebook's first director and largest shareholder and managing partner of Accel Partners LLP in Silicon Valley.
2004 On Feb. 4, 2004, Facebook launched—during IBM’s EclipseCON 2004 (Feb. 2-5, 2004). The Social Network movie is pure fiction about Mark Zuckerberg and the supposed Harvard origins of Facebook.
2005 By early 2005, BEA, Sybase and Computer Associates jumped in.
2005 On Oct. 25, 2005, Wiki Creator Ward Cunningham signed on.
2005 On Nov. 11, 2005, Eurotech SpA (Italy) revealed that the same Eclipse members were building embedded hardware for “The Internet of Things” in Italy: IBM, Wind River, Microsoft, Cisco and Intel. JPMorgan’s John McNeil was financing Eurotech as an Italian manufacturing front for the Cartel.
2006 On Nov. 21, 2006, Leader Technologies and inventor Michael McKibben were awarded U.S. Patent No. 7,139,761 for social networking.
2007 On Feb. 10, 2007 (File: 217 MB), Barack Obama announced candidacy on Facebook.
2008 By March 2008, almost every major technology company had joined Eclipse by this time, including Dell, Northrup Grumman, Perot Systems, and even Wal-Mart. The list is so broad and so complete as to telegraph a foreknowledge that Barack Obama would be elected.
2008 By September 2008, Motorola, JPMorgan, Nokia, NetApp, Adobe, Toshiba, AOL, AT&T, Sprint, Verizon, MySQL, Google, Cisco, SAS, Siemens, IDG, Novell, acknowledged their allegiance.
2008 On Oct. 15, 2008, Facebook received an unprecedented exemption from the 500-shareholder rule for private companies. A multiple billion dollar market in Facebook's private stock is made by Goldman Sachs, much of it from Russian oligarchs Alisher Usmanov and Yuri Milner, friends of Harvard's Larry H. Summers and Facebook's COO, Sheryl K. Sandberg, from World Bank days. Summers would be appointed by Obama to managed the bank bailout in November 2008.
2008 On Nov. 7, 2008, Barack Obama elected President.
2008 On Nov. 19, 2008, Leader Technologies filed a patent infringement lawsuit against Facebook.
2009 On July 09, 2009, Hillary Clinton prepared speeches as Secretary of State promoting Facebook.
2009 On Dec. 29, 2009, Hillary Clinton's "Dinner on Connections Technologies" contained an IBM Eclipse Foundation Spy State Who's Who: Cisco, Yahoo, Symantec, Ebay, MicroTech, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, Square (Larry Summers & Marc Andreessen, Facebook directors and advisors), Google, Mobile Accord, Howcast, MexTel (Carlos Slim, see Stratfor leaks), NYU, TechPresident and Harvard.
2009 On Dec. 31, 2009, Barack Obama issued Executive Order No. 13526 giving him near dictatorial powers regarding intelligence classifications.
2010 On Jul. 27, 2010, in a split verdict, Facebook was found guilty of infringing Leader Technologies' patent on 11 of 11 claims. An unproved on-sale bar ruling was allowed to stand which smothered Facebook's guilt in unprecedented judicial chicanery reaching up to Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.
2012 In 2012, Hillary Clinton issued a four “Facebook field guides” for the State Department. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4.
2012 On May 18, 2012, Facebook went public. JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Citigroup, UBS, Wells Fargo, Barclays, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, RBC permitted insiders, including Zuckerberg, Breyer, Milner, Goldman Sachs and Microsoft to cash in $6.3 billion on Day 3.
2013 On Jun 06, 2013, NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden revealed that all of the IBM Eclipse Foundation members in telecom and Internet infrastructure have been illegally feeding customer data to the NSA since at least 2007.
2015 On Oct. 10, 2015, Barack Obama made a mysterious trip to San Diego for several days of meetings with Qualcomm—a key Spy State Cartel supplier. See Fig. 2 above.
2015 On Oct. 12, 2015, Dell announced purchase of EMC, another Spy State Cartel supplier. See Fig. 2 above.
2015 On Nov. 20, 2015, FOIA revelations show that NSA lied and keeps Americans’ data overseas, despite assertions that they stopped the program in 2011.
The Facts don’t lie:
- The last three Administrations (Hillary & Bill, George, Barack) created the Spy State Cartel. They have ignored the U.S. Constitution with the support of attorney sycophants, most notably from Harvard Law School.
- Numerous career bureaucrats and politicians are involved.
- Silicon Valley is complicit, having constructed Internet backdoors in exchange for free reign over their markets and competitors, with judges and courts that have turned a blind eye to the massive theft of intellectual property.
- Wall Street greases the skids of this corruption.
- Power has been consolidated into a relatively few hands (less than 1%).
- America’s Founders (e.g., George Washington: "permanent alliances), and even Dwight Eisenhower, foresaw the dangers of this unprecedented consolidation of power within the military-industrial complex.
- Albert Einstein warned of the day that technological advances overtook man’s ability to manage them morally. That day is here with nuclear proliferation and digital hegemony by unscrupulous technology power mongers.
- The Ten Commandments are being ignored, especially "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not lie."
- The 2016 election could be the American Republic’s last free election. Once the Cartel has full control of the flow of digital information (if we let them), then voter fraud will manipulate election results in any way the Cartel desires.
- Truth, facts, dialogue and discourse will give way to only lying “narratives.” (In the former U.S.S.R., the Communist Party's newspaper, Pravda, means "Truth." Soviets commented wryly that to read Pravda was to become expert at reading between the lines. America is there with its sycophant mainstream media.)
The Court of Public Opinion must rule and stop this devolution into tyranny
Since all three branches of the American government are infected by this endemic corruption by people we have trusted, we must now rely on the Court of Public Opinion, the fourth (and first) power, for justice.
“We the People . . .“
We the People must dismiss these unworthy stewards of our national life.
The future of the political experiment is unprecedented in human history, the American Republic—where power is vested in The People, is rapidly devolving into a tyranny led by these scoundrels.
This is not a Left or Right issue. This is an American imperative.
* * *
For starters, the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment empowers Congress to legislate a payday for Leader Technologies shareholders. This would provide adequate financing for Leader to offer a rational social networking environment—one that offers the application utility that people have come to enjoy about Leader’s invention without sacrificing security and privacy.
Contact your elected representatives and ask them to use Congress' power of the purse to pay Leader Technologies and unplug the Cartel.
Bookmark: #spy-state-surveillance

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