U.S. State Department confiscated Leader Technologies’ invention and encouraged missions worldwide to use insecure email
Update, Oct. 19 : FOIA request asks for Hillary's Facebook Field Guides; IG says Hillary's email policies were juvenile, invited hacking
On Oct. 14, 2015, Leader Technologies' founder and true inventor of social networking, Michael McKibben, filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. He asked the U.S. State Department to provide documents related to their
"Facebook field guides" and Facebook email address (
USgovernment@fb.com, Zuckerberg: "I'm a hacker") published to 45,000 employees during the
Leader v. Facebook patent infringement case. Leader proved at trial that Facebook is guilty of infringing Leader's patent on 11 of 11 claims. Corrupt senior judges, including Chief Justice
John G. Roberts (heavily invested in the IBM-Eclipse Cartel, including
Fidelity (Facebook), T. Rowe Price (Facebook), Vanguard (Facebook), HP, Nokia, Microsoft, Dell, Intel, Time Warner), have protected them ever since. These documents first surfaced in Hillary Clinton's stonewalled email production for the House Banghazi investigation.
Clear here to read McKibben's FOIA request.
Clear here for State Dept IG coverage.
News Flash, Oct. 12: Obama-Jarrett-Soros Cartel on the Move—Spy State Trojan Horse is consolidating embedded technology control; proof Obama using Presidency for self-dealing
New: Dell's $67 billion for EMC is likely Russian money flowing through Silver Lake private equity fund controlled by George Soros via Swiss, German & French offshore money laundering havens. See HSBC leaks.
New, Oct. 16, 2015:
Scene of the Crimes
IBM has
removed their previously boasted photo of the Mar. 2, 2015 White House Meeting and obscured the date and substantive detail.
Click here for the White House press release & IBM photo retrieved previously by AFI investigators.
Abuse of the public trust for private gain
Dell said today they would buy EMC for $67 billion in the largest deal in technology industry history.
Dell and
EMC are founding members of
IBM's Eclipse Foundation who based their social "cloud" strategy on
Leader Technologies' social networking invention stolen by IBM-Eclipse. Earlier this year, on Mar. 2, 2015,
President Obama and Valerie Jarrett, met with
IBM, Dell, EMC, Xerox, Qualcomm and
Micron Technology
three weeks after signing a
James P. Chandler-inspired
Executive Order No. 13691 that extolled public-private technology [crony] contracting.
See White House press release & IBM photo.
On Oct. 10, 2015,
two days ago,
Obama made a mystery trip to Qualcomm in San Diego after visiting the victims of the Oregon shooting (excuse for the trip?). With Dell taking EMC private, Obama's Cartel is consolidating their power into fewer and fewer hands who are not accountable to public shareholders. Not surprisingly,
John Boehner bailed as Speaker two weeks ago to avoid further pressure from the Cartel to do their bidding (Boehner is heavily invested in Cartel funds,
notably UBS, Fidelity, EMC, IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, Xerox, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, State Street, Symantec, Vanguard and Wal-Mart; so is
Mitch McConnell, notably
Vanguard, T. Rowe Price, UBS, Barclays, Wells Fargo, American). This forced the Cartel to move on their agenda now—before a new Speaker takes over. The now evident agenda is to consolidate embedded technology control of the Internet so that the new Administration will conclude that their infrastructure is "too big to fail" or be unplugged. Sound like banks we know? Rest assured, they can and must be unplugged. A Republic cannot survive the intrusions on privacy created by these self-serving Harvard
sycophants behind a national security smoke screen.
Click image to enlarge timeline

Fig. 1— Barack Obama, Hillary & Bill Clinton advocated Email security breaches and obstruction of justice. The State Department recently released copies of a four-part Facebook Field Guide that describes profound breaches of email security and obstruction of justice in the
Leader v. Facebook patent infringement trial. These document prove beyond question that the U.S. government has confiscated Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies' invention for social networking.
Photo: Politico.
(Oct 06, 2015)—A thorough analysis of Hillary’s latest batch of stonewalled emails has uncovered unequivocal proof of the Obama administration's unprecedented extensive exposure of our nation’s secrets and obstruction of justice.
In 2011-2012, while Leader Technologies was in federal court with Facebook, the U.S. government internally distributed its Facebook email address (fb.com) to 45,000 State Department employees.
breach of national security, Obstruction of justice
Fig. 2— Joe Lockhart. On Jun. 14, 2011, Joe Lockhart, former White House Press Secretary for Bill Clinton (1998-2000),
joined Facebook as vice president of communications.
Two weeks earlier, Fidelity invested $74 million in Facebook pre-IPO stock.
Two weeks later, former White House bailout czar, Larry Summers, joined Facebook director Marc Andreesseen's company just prior to Facebook's Instagram purchase from Andreessen.
THE IBM-ECLIPSE SPY STATE CARTEL WAS ON THE MOVE. Hillary Clinton stonewalled release of her emails on this Lockhart subject.
See Hijack of the Cyber World Timeline.
Facebook's email is notoriously insecure, so the breach of the nation's secrets is equally clear. How much more clear can Hillary’s and Obama’s obstruction of justice and breach of the nation's security be?
Facebook: U.S. Government's #1 Spy data collection system—child predators
Fig. 3—
On Jun. 06, 2013, thanks to NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden, we learned that all the large online "social" providers were creations and certainly tools of their U.S. government spy state cronies. This strategy was hatched during the Clinton administration by his spy master advisor, Harvard law professor
James P. Chandler, later Leader Technologies' patent attorney.
AT&T played too.
The evidence proves that the US government and Facebook, the spy state data collection tool, have been in bed together from the beginning of Facebook.
In 2012, Hillary’s Department of State issued a four part “Facebook Field Guide” instructing its 45,000 employees how to set up and use Facebook in conjunction with Gmail in their operations.
Also during 2012, Leader Technologies was pursuing its appeals in Leader v. Facebook. After proving that the engine running Facebook is their invention, Leader encountered massive judicial corruption that was protecting Facebook.
See Hijack of the Cyber World Timeline.
Facebook Field Guides, U.S. Department of State
Source: Hillary Clinton State Department email production for Judicial Watch |
Joe Lockhart joins Facebook
Jun. 14, 2011 |
Part 2
Jul. 26, 2012 |
Part 4
Jul. 27, 2012 |
Part 3
Oct. 24, 2012 |
Part 1
Dec. 26, 2012 |

Case No. F-2012-29278
Doc. No. C05781138
Sep. 01, 2011

American Corners. USG.
"Facebook Groups"
@yahoo.com" |
Case No. F-2012-29278
Doc. No. C05371175
"contact USgovernment@
fb.com" |

Case No. F-2012-29278
Doc. No. C05371179
"this is the end of the Facebook Field Guide"
Note: The dates on these documents appear to be altered since the sequence is nonsensical. |

Case No. F-2012-29278
Doc. No. C05371173 |

Case No. F-2014-20439
Doc. No. C05371180
"If your email address associated with your Facebook account is a Gmail account..."
“Many posts have created Facebook Pages. Some are sponsored by the embassy, others by the IRC or American Corners.”
“your privacy is very important on Facebook” [LOL]
Table 1—U.S. State Department Facebook field guides timeline.
Judicial Watch v. U.S. State Department (FOIA), Doc. Nos. C05371173, C05371175, C05371179, C05371180, Case No. F-2012-29278, 09/04/2013 and Doc. No.
C05781138, Case No. F-2014-20439, 09/30/2015.
Click here to download a PDF binder containing all these documents.
See also
Hijack of the Cyber World Timeline.
Timeline—State Dept. Email security breach & Obstruction of Justice
Fig. 2— U.S. State Department Timeline for patent property Confiscation & Email Security breach. The U.S. State Department forged a deep relationship with Facebook during the
Leader v. Facebook patent infringement litigation where Leader proved Facebook infringes its U.S. Patent No. 7,139,761 on 11 of 11 claims. Bottom line, the State Department should have been cutting its social networking licensing with Leader Technologies, the rightful owner of the patent, not Facebook, the thief.
See also
Hijack of the Cyber World Timeline.
From Facebook Field Guide Part 2,
U.S. Department of State, Jul. 26, 2012:
Fig. 3— U.S. Dept. of State, Facebook Part 2: Creating and Customizing Your Page, 07/26/2012. Page 3 of the "field guide" distributed to "missions, posts and IRCs." Proof that the State Department encouraged use of insecure email addresses for Department business. Also shows a symbiotic relationships among the State Department, Facebook and Wikipedia. Ref.
United States. Department of State.
Facebook Part 2: Creating and Customizing Your Page - A field guide for missions, posts and IRCs. International Information Programs, Office of Innovative Engagement, Jul. 26, 2012, page 3.
From Facebook Field Guide Part 1,
U.S. Department of State, Dec. 26, 2012:
Fig. 4— U.S. Dept. of State, Facebook Part 1: Getting Started with Facebook, 12/26/2012. Page 8 of the "field guide" distributed to "missions, posts and IRCs." Proof that the State Department encouraged use of insecure email addresses for Department business. Also shows a symbiotic relationships among the State Department, Facebook and Google. Ref.
United States. Department of State.
Facebook Part 1: Getting Started with Facebook - A field guide for missions, posts and IRCs. International Information Programs, Office of Innovative Engagement, Dec. 26, 2012, page 8.
Problem #1:
Insecure Facebook and Google Email is promoted by the U.S. State Department for use with State Department Facebook Pages in well-known violations of government security policies.
The U.S. government has well-known email security policies that Hillary Clinton is now known to have breached. We see from this field guide that she was advocating that EVERYONE in the State Department get and use a known-to-be-insecure Gmail account. Sadly for our country, the confidentiality of the entire State Department was compromised by these recommendations.
Fig. 5—President Richard M. Nixon famously claimed in Nov. 17, 1973 "I am not a crook" when responding to accusations of obstructing justice in failing to tell what he knew when about the Watergate break in of the Democratic National Headquarters.
Richard Nixon’s obstruction of justice was kid’s play compared to Obama’s and Hillary’s.
Just like President Richard Nixon was being investigated for obstructing justice in the cover-up of his knowledge of the Watergate break in, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton MUST do the same.
Problem #2:
Leader’s Stolen Intellectual Property by the U.S. State Department is relied upon for its Facebook Pages
Leader Technologies proved that the engine running Facebook is Leader’s invention. The State Department had a duty to be contracting with Leader for its social networking technology, not Facebook.
Leader Technologies had a solemn Constitutional right to rely on fair treatment before the law.
Instead, both the Judicial and Executive Branches protected Obama’s and Hillary’s agenda to exploit Facebook and refuse to defend Leader’s rightful property rights.
Problem #3:
Property Confiscation by the Federal Government is a violation of the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.
The State Department confiscated Leader’s social networking invention while the Leader v. Facebook appeals were pending. The law is clear that a patent issued by the Patent Office is presumed valid.
Another Obama agency involved in Leader v. Facebook, the U.S. Patent Office (33.9 MB), started its own Facebook page for its 14,000 employees on May 10, 2010, two months before the Leader v. Facebook trial.
Barack Obama (222 MB) started his Facebook page on Feb. 10, 2007, over five years earlier.
The Bottom line is that the IBM-Eclipse-NSA Spy State Cartel confiscated Leader’s property even before Barack Obama was elected.
Problem #4:
Obstruction of Justice by the State Department’s flagrant disregard for Leader’s property rights while the Leader v. Facebook litigation was in process.
Obstruction of justice is evident. Facebook did not even bother responding to Leader’s appeal to the US Supreme Court in late 2012. The evident reason is that the U.S. Government was too committed to Facebook to bother protecting Leader’s invention.
In fact, even taking the dates at face value, the last 12/26/2012 event for Part 1 is only three weeks after Leader filed its appeal at the U.S. Supreme Court on 11/16/2012.
However, the guides discuss much earlier implementations of Facebook (presumably much earlier than the first guide date of Jul. 26, 2012). For example, Part 1 states: “Many posts have created Facebook Pages. Some are sponsored by the embassy, others by the IRC or American Corners.”
IRC = U.S. Statement Department Information Resource Officer
American Corners (now American Spaces) = State Department document repository
Hillary’s email indiscretions prove that the tyranny John Adams feared is now here
President John Adams said that tyranny begins the day property rights are not held in equal esteem to the Laws of God.
Clearly Obama, Hillary, Eric Holder (Attorney General) and David Kappos (head of the U.S. Patent Office and a former IBM chief counsel) did not defend and protect Leader Technologies’ important social networking invention, but wanted it to support their crony totalitarian elitist agenda.
Leader’s property rights were sacrificed to the IBM-Eclipse-NSA Spy State Cartel. "Big Data" mining is the goal. All information, on all citizens, all of the time. This kind of secret information power over one's fellow citizens is intoxicating and ultimately destructive to the human person. It destroys both the vicitims and victimizers. Civilized societies must reign in this out-of-control technocracy.
If Leader Technologies cannot make any money on its social networking invention, then what is the point for any inventor to do the hard work of invention if it will just be stolen by the Spy State Cartel?
* * *
Backstory for New AFI Readers
On July 28, 2010, a Delaware federal jury decided that the software engine running Facebook is Leader Technologies’ social networking invention on 11 of 11 claims. However, from that point on to this day the Judicial and Executive branches have colluded to protect Facebook.
Hindsight reveals that Facebook itself was a creation of the NSA spy state driven by spy master and former Harvard Law professor, James P. Chandler. The Zuckerberg boy-genius story was pure fiction to manipulate the masses. The Mainstream Media played along.
The objective of this collusion was to enable U.S. intelligence to spy on everyone, all the time. After stealing Leader’s technology as the platform, they fed Leader’s invention to IBM’s Eclipse Foundation. Then, their phalanx of crooked lawyers went to work crafting end user license agreements to deceive users who signed away their security and privacy in exchange for titillation and free stuff.
This spy state cartel focused on social features they knew the masses liked and would give up their privacy to get: ease of communication with friends and family, games, coupons, photos, instant messaging, search, porn and free email. Once subscribed, the cartel embedded robots on the user’s machine which gave them 24x7 access to all the users’ personal information.
With this mass of personal information, “big data” was born. By 2007, the NSA was scooping up everything for use on a rainy day. By 2008, the NSA had carte blanch from the secret FISA court with a compliant Attorney General Holder who was given dictatorial rights to snoop on Americans with the flimsiest of reasons.
NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden leaked that the NSA had teamed up with Facebook (including LinkedIn, Instagram), Google, Microsoft (including Skype), AT&T, Verizon, PalTalk, Yahoo, AOL and eventually Apple to illegally collect bulk data on Americans.
HSBC Whistleblower Hervé Falciani leaked that all Facebook’s underwriters were cavorting with money launderers and terrorists in offshore tax havens to move their ill-gotten gain and bribes without detection.
WikiLeaks whistleblower Julian Assange revealed that Austin, TX-based Stratfor was the C.I.A.’s propaganda arm masquerading as a legitimate research organization, but secretly slanting its information to fulfill C.I.A. tasks around the planet and steer public opinion toward the spy state agenda.
Leader Technologies’ invention of social networking was stolen by their former patent attorney, James P. Chandler, and fed out the backdoor to his other client, IBM. Chandler and IBM formed The Eclipse Foundation who turned around and gave away Leader’s platform to the entire tech industry, causing social networking to emerge almost overnight in 2004.
The Cartel’s logic was/is to give away the razor (platform) in order to control the blade (application) business. If that strategy was to be achieved, inventor Leader Technologies needed to be kept in the background and stifled even though they had earned the privilege of developing it. The Cartel knew about Leader’s high level of ethics and resistance to the Cartel’s ugly plans.
By controlling the apps business, this Cartel has wormed their way into every nook and cranny of American life. History has shown that spies rarely make good decisions over time when put in power. Not ever. Not now. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, etc. have all proven that spy states devolve into tyranny
This attempt by unelected Harvard Law techno-elitists to become a permanent American ruling class must be stopped.
* * *
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