Freshman NJ congressman tied to Goldman Sachs pushed the False Statement [un]Accountability Act, then became a judge
Thankfully, Wikileaks has published various sections of the draft. The TPP intellectual property section (PDF version) is chock full of gobbledygook legalese that makes this agreement a playground for the unscrupulous. Here is just one example:
"Article QQ.E.13 Consistent with [Article QQ.E.5 (Exceptions)], each Party may provide that a third person may do an act that would otherwise infringe a patent if the act is done for purposes connected with the collection and submission of data in order to comply with the regulatory requirements of that Party or another country, including for purposes connected with marketing or sanitary approval."What does this mean? It exempts any party to the TPP agreement (40% of the world's GDP | PDF version) from respecting the patents of another by simply issuing a regulatory order in the infringing country. This means that the U.S. Commerce Department, for example, could issue an order for an American company to violate the patent of a member nation for any reason, and visa versa. This execption alone guts patent law.
America's Founders believed patents and copyrights were crucial to the American economic engine, so much so that they are the only property rights mentioned in the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 7). If we do not respect the intellectual property of others, then they will not respect ours. Take away the motivation to invent and you create a welfare state. This seems to be the objective of the secret drafters. Who are they? Congress doesn't even know.

(Jun. 10, 2015)—On Oct. 11, 1996, Congress passed and Bill Clinton signed the False Statement Accountability Act, 18 USC § 1001. On the same day, Congress passed the Economic Espionage Act, authored by Professor James P. Chandler, that has given rise to the current NSA and FISA Court abuses of Amercian privacy.
The False Statement law gave judges, politicians, lawyers and their clients’ permission to lie in judicial proceedings, including federal agencies. Who is laughing besides the scoundrels who fooled Congress into passing this law?
Now we know why people like Lois Lerner (IRS), James Clapper (NSA), John Koskinen (IRS), Eric H. Holder, Jr. (DoJ), Todd Y. Park ( lied so blatantly in their hearings. They knew they were protected by this law, buried in the books.
Subsection (a) is consistent with moral law, well-settled precedent and common sense— don’t lie; tell the truth .
However, Subsection (b) exempts liars .
Yes, it is true.
More Cartel Plotting
Our investigation into the genesis of this law revealed a now familiar incestuous group of co-conspirators among IBM, Professor James P. Chandler, David J. Kappos, Eric H. Holder, Jr., The Eclipse Foundation, Facebook, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;
Subsection (b) was slipped into a law that had been unchanged since 1948. The 1996 revision ballooned from 81 to 284 words. How many Congresspersons read it before they approved it?
"(b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding,* or that party’s counsel, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding."
Click here for sample letter to Congress asking for REPEAL of 18 USC § 1001 Section (b).
Martini + Corzine = Cartel Agenda

The new law was sponsored by a one-term freshman Congressman from New Jersey, William J. Martini, who magically pushed it through in just seven months.
Martini was subsequently sponsored for a federal judgeship by then Senator Jon S. Corzine, former CEO of Goldman Sachs.
Coincidentally (?), on the same day (Oct. 11, 1996) as the passage of this False Statement Accountability Act, Professor James P. Chandler also pushed through the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA). Chandler's EEA gave birth to the NSA spying on American citizens and its supposed oversight by the FISA Court, where 34,000 rubber stamped NSA requests have been approved and only 12 denied—a 0.03% rejection rate. Chandler agreed to become Leader Technologies' patent attorney in 2000 without disclosing his conflicting EEA agenda to co opt Leader's social networking invention for the NSA and its Wall Street and Silicon Valley cronies. Magically, both laws passed without dissent in both the House and Senate.
Ben Franklin: To sacrifice liberty for safety is to deserve neither
To put Corzine’s involvement in context, Corzine telegraphed his agenda as governor of New Jersey: “Nothing is more important than the safety and security of our citizens . . .” Despite this, he later bankrupted MF Global after losing $1.2 billion in customer funds. Lesson: Whenever the greedmeisters on Wall Street are concerned about American safety and security, run.
"Dark Pool" Cartel Club Membership
Corzine’s friends included a bevy of Harvard graduates, including Henry Paulson (Treasury), Barack Obama, Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan), Eric Holder (Attorney General), Preetinder Bhararra (US Attorney, NY), James W. Breyer (Accel Partners) Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs), Lawrence Summers (Instagram) and Professor James P. Chandler (IBM / EEA / Eclipse / NSA). These individuals were all involved, with numerous other Obama agency heads, in some way or another with the pre-IPO marketing of billions of dollars in Facebook insider “dark pool” stock using offshore money laundering havens recently exposed by HSBC whistleblower, Hervé Falciani. See previous post.
While the Facebook “dark pools” were being sold to the likes of Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov and Larry Summers' World Bank protégé Yuri Milner, Facebook lawyer, Thomas G. Hungar, Gibson Dunn LLP, lied to Leader Technologies and the court in Leader v. Facebook that Mark Zuckerberg’s 28 computer hard drives and Harvard emails were lost. Magically, however, two days after Leader's appeal was denied by the Federal Circuit court to whom Hungar had lied (Chandler's former law student, Randall R. Rader, presided as chief judge without disclosing his conflict), Zuckerberg's information appeared intact in Ceglia v. Zuckerberg.
Even though the Federal Circuit was notified about Gibson Dunn's concealment of Zuckerberg's evidence, they ignored it, as did Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. and the Supreme Court, in clear violation of the law.
See AFI. (Apr. 29, 2015). American public deserves to know what Zuckerberg is hiding. Americans For Innovation.
Call to Action: Congress must repeal Section (b) A.S.A.P. to prevent further damage
No American citizen is shielded from the damage this law has caused.
How many tens of thousands of business and lives have been destroyed by this pernicious legislation that only benefits wicked people?
Click here for a sample letter to your elected representatives (Word *.doc file).
Click here for Contacting Congress contact information for your elected officials.

* * *
If you still do not believe that the federal law, 18 U.S.C. § 1001(b), absolves liars in a court among judges, attorneys and parties, read two affirmations of this law passed by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (not surprisingly, located in downtown San Francisco, CA—the proving grounds for the IBM / Eclipse / Facebook Cartel):
“The amended version of 18 U.S.C. § 1001 is unambiguous on its face. Statements made in judicial proceedings are excluded from liability under the statute by subsection (b).” US v. McNeil, 362 F. 3d 570 (9th Cir. 2004) at 574.
“Our only task is to understand what Congress meant when it chose to exempt from criminal liability certain kinds of lies to the federal government. Under 18 U.S.C. § 1001(b), criminal liability does not attach to materially false statements submitted by a party to a judge in a judicial proceeding, even if the party makes the statements knowingly and willfully.” US v. Horvath, 492 F. 3d 1075 (9th Cir. 2007) at 1081.Note: Circuit Judge Susan P. Graber is common to the McNeil and Horvath opinions. She actually authored the Horvath opinion. Her 2010 financial disclosure reveals substantial investments in the IBM / Eclipse / Facebook Cartel via Vanguard Group—one of the largest pre-IPO holders of Facebook insider stock. She was nominated to the bench by Bill Clinton soon after the EEA and FSAA, on July 30, 1997. Law professor James P. Chandler advised Bill Clinton on her appointment.
Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself.
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NSA is weakening encryption makes it easy to steal info and it ends up on facebook, isis have better encryption?
ReplyDeleteObama admits to no complete plan for confronting isil. And if you live in Syria living under Isis rule don't CLICK the like button on facebook Isis will discover you detain you and kill you and yes the like button was stolen by mark zuckerberg Well at least they got a plan Obama
Israel was removed from UN report on countries that harm children, what no plan for confronting this Obama?
NSA is using bribery money in countries all over the world (LIKE FIFA) So where and how do you get this money, well you have go to the US then to a secret location in Texas NSA?? where you get informant and bribery money, and you can only get this money if you go to this location in Texas and they will set up payments for you
This revelation is so disgusting. I would have said there was some exaggeration or misunderstanding here, but after reading the confirmations of this sneaky law by the Circuit Courts, its really there.
ReplyDeleteI have prepared this cut and paste for our Senators and Congressmens' web forms. Use if you like. We need to get this law amended or repealed immediately. Let's take away these scoundrels' soft landing.
Dear NAME,
Re: Congress sanctioned lying to the courts and government in 1996
As unbelievable as this seems, I have read and reread 18 USC 1001, subsection (b) in context. It really does say that judges, lawyers and parties in "judicial proceedings" are immune from fraud charges for lying.
I ask you to immediately open an investigation, repeal this ridiculous law, and prosecute the people who maliciously foisted it upon our justice system and the American people.
Here's a site that explains the problem better than I can:
Yours sincerely,
Contact info
Elon Musk’s space X company has asked the federal government for permission to begin testing on a project to beam Internet service from space,
ReplyDeletePay Pal Mafia gave the NSA/C.I.A. the keys to the backdoor to our privacy as the quid pro quo. The Pay Pal Mafia bankrolled Zuckerberg to implement the commercial versions of Leader Technologies’ invention while the NSA and C.I.A. built backdoors into the code. And Elon Musk knew all about this and knew how facebook was stolen.
Zuckerberg appears to have been a pawn in Chandler’s power play on behalf of IBM, the NSA and the C.I.A. (his clients). Abu Mohammed don't click the like button and don't think the NSA or the CIA give a dam just in it for the money and power
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDelete" So in summary today, I am just like you. I am a little people. I don't believe in gender, I work hard for my money, I tell the truth about everything, I believe that cops are bad for our cities, I believe that it's our fault that summer is here, I believe in free everything for go forth and , whatever." End of speech .
So it's official pant suits are back, TelePrompTer speeches are a way to remember lies, and people that listen to her sophistry are still idiots.
So after group hugs from her handlers, Hillary asked how much she got paid for that speech. "Nothing ? I got nothing? Why are we here? Let's get on my Lear jet and fly somewhere else so people can here me say that global warming is our biggest enemy, and corporations cause inequality, and I have female parts "
Reporting from the political trail, TEX
The Silencing and Censorship of Opinions by Sharyl Attkisson on June 14, 2015
ReplyDelete"I recently had the pleasure of interviewing liberal Kirsten Powers for C-SPAN about her new book, The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, which takes on what she calls the “illiberal left” for using bullying, intimidation and political correctness to silence opinions that differ with their own.
Really, she is criticizing the unAmerican and unconstitutional trend–whether by liberals or conservatives–to censor all opinions with which they disagree.
She has amazing stories of the happenings on college campuses with kids being given “trigger” warnings on books and articles that might offend their sensitivities or give them PTSD by evoking an offensive image, and with college professors going berserk (and even physically attacking) when they see kids making perfectly legal demonstrations on campus but are delivering a message with which the professors disagree."
Click below to read more:
"Larry Summers to CNBC: Trade Deal Defeat Would Make World 'More Dangerous'"
More Summers dirty secrets hidden in TPP are the patent and copyright landmines. Obama's cartel wants to use executive powers to override US intellectual property protections. They want to be able to waive the obligations of Asian counterfeiters, plagiarists and infringers to compensate writers, musicians, inventors who import to the US. Then, watch the flood of cheap knockoffs and copies of American ingenuity. Besides destroying our labor markets, more cheap goods will destroy our innovators by taking away their ability to make a living, reap the rewards of their creativity, and protect them from these deep-pocket Wall Street predators.
Goldman Sachs tried to hire Tom Hayes (to rig benchmark interest rates)
ReplyDeleteTom Hayes, a former trader charged with conspiring to rig benchmark interest rates, had become such a powerful player in 2008 that Goldman Sachs tried to hire him with a $3 million signing-on bonus, In an email exchange shown to the court dated June 24, 2008, former senior UBS manager Sascha Prinz disclosed Goldman's offer to another senior manager Jerker Johansson and asked for approval to offer "one of my most talented young traders in Tokyo" an attractive bonus as an incentive to reject Goldman's "aggressive" pursuit, Each morning at a meeting of UBS’s interest-rate-derivatives desk in Tokyo, Mr. Hayes would change his status on his Facebook page to reflect his daily desires for Libor to move up or down, Facebook than added the feature to tag certain friends or groups, (bankers lawyer Shady traders etc.) The ponzi scheme had everything it needed Larry Summers aka Goldman Sachs David Kirkpatrick set up libor manipulation info on facebook
Stephen C. Siu, Patent Judge (Patent Office), former employee for IBM, vendor of 750 patents to Facebook two months before the Facebook IPO on May 22, 2012; Facebook insiders cashed out over $16 billion shares on Day 3 of the IPO, including Mark Zuckerberg and James W. Breyer, Accel Partners LLP (see Transcript), Zuckerberg's Harvard handler, along with former Harvard president, Lawrence "Larry" Summers.
ReplyDeleteThis dirty conduct is just for starters. The Securities and Exchange Commission says it has set aside about $450 million for payments to outside whistleblowers for information, but the information is used by the NSA for their global data gathering agenda and not one person is criminally prosecuted, And Larry Summers president of Harvard in 2001 was credited with winning obama the rigging of the 2008 and 2012 elections for OBAMA and the pay back was obama chose Timothy Geithner as treasury secretary and a key player in the decision to pay Goldman Sachs 100 cents on the dollar for its bets against mortgages. OBAMA picked Gary Gensler a former Goldman Sachs executive. OBAMA picked Mary Schapiro CEO of FINRA OBAMA picked Rahm Emanuel was on the board of Freddie Mac OBAMA both martin Feldstein and Laura Tyson are members of OBAMA'S economic recovery advisory board (AKA THE PAY OF) And OBAMA chief economic advisor is Larry Summers who rig the 2008 and 2012 elections using facebook and did so knowing that facebook was stolen, Larry Summers aka Goldman Sachs is the shadow power behind Facebook Buy mid-2010, not a single senior financial executive had been criminally prosecuted or even arrested not a single firm had been prosecuted criminally for securities or accounting fraud, and Obama has made no attempt to recover any compensation it was MONEY IN THE BAG, like the IRS, the Patent Office blanked out most of its disclosure including every reference to Microsoft and Facebook. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer herself, attorney Kathryn Siehndel, failed to disclose her prior employment with Facebook’s lawyer in Leader v. Facebook, White & Case LLP. James W. Breyer spy at Harvard for Facebook Venture capitalist James W. Breyer was elected to the Harvard Corporation, the University’s highest governing body and so on and so on........
Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) is trying to make sure no other company's name bears resemblance to its own, The Wall Street Journal reported. The news comes after WSJ investigated such claims, and it turns out certain similar-name companies are being slapped with trademark-infringement cases by Facebook. The spokesperson also stated that Designbook’s name can confuse consumers with the name Facebook and because of that it needs to be altered. The Wall Street Journal took a look at the documents filed by Facebook at the US Patent Office and found that the social network currently has around 100 recorded trademark legal notices still in proceedings. The spokesperson also stated that the number includes ongoing notices, as well as ones that are over. But the one thing that facebook forgot to tell is the trademark name facebook is fucking stolen??.
The European commission recently warned that EU citizens should close their Facebook accounts if they want to keep their information private from US security services, after finding that current Safe Harbour legislation does not protect citizen’s data.
ReplyDeleteFacebook was also recently ordered by a Vienna court to respond to a class action data privacy lawsuit that was filed against Facebook in Austria by privacy activist and lawyer Max Schrems, which is seeking damages of €500 (£397) per plaintiff for alleged data protection violations.
• Leave Facebook if you don’t want to be spied on, warns EU
• Facebook ‘tracks all visitors, breaching EU
Tracking users, non-users and logged out users without consent
According to the report on which the commission is now acting, Facebook has been tracking users on a long-term basis who visit any page – be it a fan page, profile or any other portion of the site that does not require a Facebook account to visit – belonging to the domain.
Email comment from Ohio:
ReplyDeleteI received this response from Senator Rob Portman regarding his vote on the NSA bulk data collection. I encouraged him to vote against it:
Dear My Name:
Thank you for contacting me regarding the USA Freedom Act and reforms of the National Security Agency's (NSA) data collection program. I appreciate your taking the time to share your views on this important issue.
As you may know, the Senate recently voted on the USA Freedom Act, which made extensive reforms to NSA surveillance programs, including banning the bulk collection of metadata and imposing new restrictions on the government's authority to acquire and analyze call records. On June 2, 2015, the bill passed by a vote of 67-32. I voted against the bill.
(This paragraph was in BOLD) Members of Congress have a broad array of responsibilities, but above all is the oath we take to defend the Constitution. I believe strongly in defending the United States from all national security threats, but we must also protect the civil liberties that define us as a country. The nature of the terrorist threat has blurred many of the lines of traditional foreign versus domestic information collection. As a result, we must use all the tools at our disposal to defend our country. Our enemies are determined, flexible, and persistent, and we must be as well. However, I remain concerned about the potential for government overreach. Our national security programs should be tailored towards a specific threat and avoid impacting innocent Americans. These surveillance programs must strike the right balance between defending ourselves from national security threats and upholding the civil liberties we all cherish.
I have concerns the USA Freedom Act will make us less effective in stopping terrorism and could put both our privacy and our security at risk by having hundreds of phone companies collect data instead of a small number of professionals with high-level security clearances. I also have concerns that this bill will impact the ability of our national security professionals to respond to threats by limiting the depth and breadth of information available to them. As this law is implemented, we need to ensure we have thorough oversight of its implementation and that we make the transition to these new processes as seamless as possible.
Thanks again for contacting me. I value your opinion and will keep it in mind as I work to protect this nation and the rights of U.S. citizens. For more information, please visit my website at
Rob Portman
U.S. Senator
Email comment from Ohio:
DeleteI received this response from my other Senator Sharrod Brown (D). He agrees with Senator Rob Portman (R). Chalk one up for Ohio and freedom from government illegal invasion of our privacy!
Dear My Name:
Thank you for getting in touch with me regarding the USA Freedom Act and legislation that reaffirms civil liberties protections established under the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Recent reports have unveiled classified programs that allowed federal intelligence agencies to collect and analyze data on individuals’ phone calls. While the data collected and analyzed was limited and did not include the content of calls, the practice of reviewing Americans’ phone records has raised serious questions about the impact of counterterrorism efforts on our privacy and civil liberties.
In response to these concerns, the USA Freedom Act was introduced to limit data collection authorities given to national security agencies under Patriot Act and FISA Amendments Act of 2008. This legislation would end bulk collection of Americans’ phone records by the National Security Agency. This bill was passed by the Senate and signed into law by the President on June 2, 2015.
While I fully support efforts to protect our nation, I believe that such efforts must not compromise the very foundation that makes our country great. Protecting our national security is important, but any sort of overbroad surveillance of American citizens is cause for serious concern. American citizens who have done nothing wrong rightfully expect that information relating to their phone calls or e-mails cannot and should not be accessed and stored by the government.
Thank you again for getting in touch with me.
Sherrod Brown
United States Senator
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that the term "lie" as described in the amended law, includes the willful intent to distort or deceive. Why even put them under oath ? Why ask a question of a person that can answer any way they want without fear of reprisal or punishment? Why bother? How many times over the last eight years have we experienced obvious lies under oath, yet no one is jailed or even fired?
A civil society that has written and approved codified laws that condone lying is a society hellbent on implosion.....thus the transformation of America of which Mr. Obama spoke of so eloquently. The elite are exempt from truth and honor, while U.S. subhuman drones are subject to telling the truth and following rules/ laws. Go figure.......
Have a great day, TEX
I have just sent the link to this post and the No More Lies! flyer to my senators and congressperson. Here's what I sent in case anyone wants to just cut and paste what I wrote:
ReplyDeleteSubject: Repeal 1996 law that sanctions lying to government
Dear Senator/Congressperson NAME,
I would like to bring your attention to an unconscionable law passed in 1996, the False Statement Accountability Act, 18 USC Sec. 1001(b) that sanctions lying to courts and agencies.
Here is are two documents explaining the endemic problems it has caused:
Please work to repeal this corrupt law.
Director Mueller, along with Acting Attorney General James B. Comey, offered to resign from office in March 2004 if the White House overruled a Department of Justice finding that domestic wiretapping without a court warrant was unconstitutional. Attorney General John D. Ashcroft denied his consent to attempts by White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and White House Counsel Alberto R. Gonzales to waive the Justice Department ruling and permit the domestic warrantless eavesdropping program to proceed. On March 12, 2004, President George W. Bush gave his support to changes in the program sufficient to satisfy the concerns of Mueller, Ashcroft and Comey. All this happened at the same time facebook started . The extent of the National Security Agency's domestic warrantless eavesdropping under the President's Surveillance Program is still largely unknown. Well it was thanks Snowden
ReplyDeleteOn May 12, 2011, it was reported that President Obama had asked Director Mueller to continue at the helm of the FBI for another 2 years beyond his current term, set to expire on September 4, 2013.[The Senate approved this request on July 27, 2011. Mueller stepped down on September 4, 2013, and was replaced by James Comey. One of the jobs that Robert Mueller had to do by LAW is to inform the President of all meager crime, but Robert Mueller tried to waive this LAW and get it out of the way Robert Mueller knew that facebook was stolen and had all the IMs and Emails about this stolen idea Obama and Larry Summers aka Goldman Sachs knew facebook was stolen OBAMA chief economic advisor is Larry Summers who rig the 2008 and 2012 elections using facebook and did so knowing that facebook was stolen and stole all the bail-out money Goldman Sachs tried to hire Tom Hayes (to rig benchmark interest rates) Goldman Sachs tried to hire him with a $3 million signing-on In an email exchange shown to the court dated June 24, 2008, former senior UBS manager Sascha Prinz disclosed Goldman's offer to another senior manager Jerker Johansson and asked for approval to offer an attractive bonus as an incentive to reject Goldman's "aggressive" pursuit. But Tom Hayes is a player In one computer chat exchange shown to the jury on Thursday, Hayes asks a broker to try and lower rates, promising a fee in return "...if that happens, it's a 62,000 buck trade for you, alright?"
NSA spying; The Belgian privacy commission is taking Facebook to court for its alleged “trampling” over Belgian and European privacy law. “We want a judge to impose our recommendations. These recommendations are chiefly aimed at protecting internet users who are not FACEBOOK members,” he said.
WIKILEAKS exposes the corrupt intellectual property languaged in Obaman's TPP. This is another lawyer playground. No wonder Obama doesn't want its terms to be open to public scrutiny. He intends to give away American sovereignty,
ReplyDeleteThe devil is certainly in these details.
For example, read this:
"Article QQ.E.13 Consistent with [Article QQ.E.5 (Exceptions)], each Party may provide that a third person may do an act that would otherwise infringe a patent if the act is done for purposes connected with the collection and submission of data in order to comply with the regulatory requirements of that Party or another country, including for purposes connected with marketing or sanitary approval."
Good bye American ingenuity.
Senators who are concerned about the negative impact this ill-conceived TPP trade agreement will have on our Republic are asking usto call our Senators and ask them to vote NO on the TPP authority coming up for a Senate vote.
ReplyDeleteCall the Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121. Ask for your Senator's office and then tell his staffer you want him or her to vote NO. It's that simply.
You must do it in the next day, before it is pushed on the floor for a vote.
Their will all ways be people who use the N word just like a politician who makes broken promises The TAA measure, failed by a vote of 302-126, it was a fast-track bill in a bid to win Democratic support. But it failed to attract because the Senate decided to pay for it by cutting $700 million from Medicare, Obama sucking up to the 1%ers you big fluffy-pull-over what a sell out you are. Goldman Sachs tried to lure Libor trader with $3 mln bonus, court hears | Reuters FIFA LAS VEGAS Red Card for Obama and Goldman Sachs. and Hayes and Mark Zuckerberg stole the designs for a more efficient data centre #REMEMBER EVERY ONE JUST A SPOON FULL OF SUGAR HELPS THE MEDs GO DOWN, MERRY POPPINS.1968 my god America you totally suck at keeping secrets
ReplyDeleteOBAMA chief economic advisor is Larry Summers who rig the 2008 and 2012 elections using facebook and did so knowing that facebook was stolen, Larry Summers aka Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan is the shadow power behind Facebook
My investigation into this genesis of this law has revealed how familiar incestuous group of co-conspirators among with IBM, Professor James P. Chandler, David J. Kappos, Eric H. Holder, Jr., The Eclipse Foundation, Facebook, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs where all in on it, BUT who started this, Well got NEWS for you AFI? AND MICHAEL McKIBBEN it was the FBI. Director Robert Mueller,
On May 12, 2011, it was reported that President Obama had asked Director Mueller to continue at the helm of the FBI for another 2 years beyond his current term, The White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and White House Counsel Alberto R. Gonzales to waive the Justice Department ruling and permit the domestic warrantless eavesdropping program to proceed On March 12, 2004,AKA, FACEBOOK, One of the jobs that Robert Mueller had to do by LAW is to inform the President of all meager crime, but Robert Mueller tried to waive this LAW and get it out of the way (FAILED)Robert Mueller knew that facebook was stolen and had all the IMs and Emails about this stolen idea
IT WAS Robert Mueller that started this[un]Accountability Act It was a law that gave judges, politicians, lawyers and their clients’ permission to lie in judicial proceedings, including federal agencies like the FBI Director Robert Mueller a get out of jail FREE CARD the FBI Director Robert Mueller didn't wont to report meager crime to Obama BUT OBAMA KNEW FACEBOOK WAS STOLEN , #REMEMBER EVERY ONE JUST A SPOON FULL OF SUGAR HELPS THE MEDs GO DOWN THE MEDs GO DOWN THE MEDs GO DOWN
Please know and understand the very First Act of Congress 1789
ReplyDeleteOath of Office. they wording of the Preamble/Title was changed for purposes of taking the oath of office. this technically allows them to breach their employment contract the constitution we thought they swear an oath to. The words they are told to repeat "the constitution OF the United States" does not exist anywhere as a tile to a document in law or at law. the organic title clearly states "the Constitution FOR the United States OF AMERICA".
The people/settlers were not aware of this as well what Ben Franklin did in the 1783 Definitive Treaty of Peace making the King Arch-Treasurer and Prince Elector of the United States of America. Plus giving the King a share of all the Gold, Silver and Copper found in America. the real power and spoils of war were awarded to the King and his heirs in perpetuity.
Some may ask, are the English still involved in our affairs. I think so, what right does the Queen and her lackeys have to amend and sign Americas documents. Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security.
See> S.I. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security ( United States of America) Order 1997 Made 22nd of July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997. At the Court at Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her Majesty an pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is please, by and with advise of Her privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows:
"This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st September 1997."
Does this give a new meaning to Federal Judge William Wayne Justice stating in court that he takes his orders from England? This order goes on to redefine words in the Social Security Act and makes some changes in United States Law.
Remember, King George was the "Arch-Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire and of the United States of America." Read the Treaty of Peace (1783) 8 U.S. Statutes at Large. Great Britain which is the agent for the Pope, is in charge of the USA 'plantation.'
The truth is always in our face if we seek it.
What people do not know is that the so called Founding Fathers
and King George were working hand-n-hand to bring the people of America to their knees, to install a Central Government over them and to bind them to a debt that could not be paid. First off you have to understand that the UNITED STATES is a corporation and that it existed before the Revolutionary war. See Respublica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43. 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15)
This is one of many laws that need to be rewritten We the people have the ability to read construct our government