White House insiders run a secret spy state created by Obama's executive orders

(Aug. 20, 2015)—After his election in 2008, Barack Obama ordered a review of national security classification policies and procedures that resulted in a massive overhaul issued as Executive Order 13526 on Dec. 31, 2009. The order ballooned from 18 to 30 pages.
On May 27, 2009, Obama wrote in his order to begin the overhaul, "my Administration is committed to operating with an unprecedented level of openness."
Hillary had unprecedented policy control
One outcome of Executive Order 13526 was that Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, became part of an inner circle of just six people who reported to the President and oversaw all Federal information sharing, including her personal email. The current spin that she was confused about classifications is balderdash. She was in charge of the rules for this Administration.
Another current spin from a Hillary SPOX claims that "she didn't really think it through" is also balderdash. She carefully timed her registration of www.clintonemail.com.
Hillary & Bill spy-state access for sale | |
Bill | Hillary |
In 2006, Cisco paid Bill $300K for two speeches | In 2009, Hillary invited Cisco to a classified tech dinner with 17 members of Eclipse. Invitees Microsoft, Yahoo, Facebook, Google & Twitter were already feeding data to NSA PRISM. |
In 2006, GE paid Bill $200K for a speech | In 2009, GE assisted Hillary to solicit $5 million from Microsoft and more funds from 15 other unidentified companies. Microsoft was already spying for NSA PRISM |
Clinton Eclipse Speech Totals (2001-2014): Cisco $1 million, Microsoft $400,000, GE $575,000, all Eclipse members $15.5 million. This evidence is judicially recognizable proof of wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton, in our opinion. |
Then, a 13-month gap
Following these Dec. 29, 2009 redacted emails, there is a 13 month gap in Hillary's disclosures. They pick up again on Mar. 3, 2011. This is reminiscent of the gap in the Nixon tapes.
Obama's spy state heated up in 2010

Hillary's State Department's Email "fixer," was paid $1.1 million to lobby for Planned Parenthood 1998-2000. Her aliases:
- Catherine S. Duval
- Catherine Sudek Duval
- Kate Duval
- Kate Sudek
- Catherine Sudek
Spy-state Master James P. Chandler's Surrogate, Kate Duval, is protecting Hillary & Bill from evident conflicts
The State Department has concealed this evidence of a serious Hillary Clinton conflict of interest in her use of her official position to promote Bill's private speeches, not even counting Obama's spy-state accomplices, and Hillary's use of her official position to obstruct justice in Leader v. Facebook. House Oversight has identified the State Department censor as Catherine S. Duval from the Washington, D.C. firm Williams & Connolly LLP. In 1998, Williams & Connolly LLP senior partner and Harvard Law alum. Paul Mogin, collaborated with fellow Harvard Law alum, Professor James P. Chander, in the first prosecution of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996—U.S. v. Hsu.
James P. Chandler is the mastermind

Leader Technologies' patent counsel. Took custody of Leader's source code, then just 11 weeks later, Leader's innovations appeared en masse in IBM Eclipse Foundation version 2.0.1 on Aug. 29, 2002, the day before he met with Montgomery County, Maryland officials promoting IBM, Eclipse, the CIA and the Patent Office. See previous posts.
Law professor James P. Chandler once told a client interviewed recently by AFI, "The best way to defeat one's enemy is to take him down without him ever knowing who did it to him." At the time he said this, he was advising Bill Clinton, the NSA, the C.I.A., the Departments of Justice, State, Commerce, Energy, Congress and the White House. See NIPLI.
Chandler is famous in Washington, D.C. circles for his speeches and interminable lectures on American sovereignty. However, what if Chandler's real enemy is the very Constitution he says he defends? What better way to defeat it, than to wrap one's self in it?
Obama hired Chandler; they started "the Cartel" to whom all favors flow
Obama hired James P. Chandler, his long-time Harvard legal advisor, to prepare the Executive Order. Keep in mind that Chandler is also a Clinton confidante. Obama, Bill, Hillary, Chandler are all peas in the same pod. Current attempts to imply petty rivalries among these insiders is still more made-for-TV balderdash.
Chandler's security overhaul elevated a group of White House insiders, including the Secretary of State, to near dictator status. They were empowered to write their own rules, and they were answerable only to Obama. We call them "the Cartel." So now does Senator Ted Cruz.
OBama's Cartel will live on by design
This group is allied with cronies in Silicon Valley and Wall Street to whom the Cartel issues massive, long-term government contracts. These contracts are designed to continue for decades after Obama leaves office, which explains why many of Obama's staff are taking jobs there.
Chandler's secret White House spy agency included Hillary
Chandler's changes, codified in Executive Order 13526, consolidated the ability of these insiders to hide their activities from the public. This included FOIA stonewalling, which likely flows through Chandler at the White House. In a previous post, we called this group the White House Intelligence Agency (W.H.I.A).
Buried in the legalese of Obama’s Executive Order 13526 is more proof of W.H.I.A.’s existence and practices.
America is "a republic, if you can keep it"
In 1787, Benjamin Franklin famously answered Mrs. Powel when she asked what kind of government the Founders had established, Franklin replied, "A republic, if you can keep it."
By contrast, our 44th president, Barack H. Obama, never uses the term "republic." The preamble to Executive Order 13526 (p. 1) betrays Obama's profound misunderstanding of the Constitution. He refers to "our democratic principles" and "our democratic institutions." However, America is a Republic and not a Democracy. The Founders intentionally chose a Republic over a Democracy or Monarchy.
A Republic follows the wishes of the majority without violating the rights of the minority. Democracies on the other hand have historically deteriorated into tyrannies of majorities over minorities. The Founders knew that and specifically rejected both democratic and monarchical rule in favor of republican rule.
Republican government and Republican Party are different
Unfortunately, the names of America's two parties, Republican and Democrat, create confusion. The American Constitution codifies a republican form of government, not to be confused with the Republican Party. Hopefully, both parties embrace republican principles of government. Indeed, many in both parties have abandoned republican governance principles in favor of oligarchies who want the few to rule the many.
Obama's words: Government vs. the People
Obama's Executive Order preamble describes "the Government" as an existence separate and apart from "the American people."
He also juxtaposes his "discretionary authority" as separate and distinct from his "constitutional [authority]." Executive Order 13526, Sec. 5.3(e). Such codified words by a sitting President are deeply troubling since he attempting to wield power apart from The People who delegated his power to him.
Such misconceptions about our system of government betray Obama's misguided order, drafted by his Harvard Law mentor and spy master, James P. Chandler.
Hillary's Private Cartel Email Server
Regarding Hillary's private email server, it was likely set up to communicate "off the grid" with a small group of White House insiders identified in the order. Executive Order 13526, Sec. 4.3(b)(6). This group reports only to the President, who can change his "discretionary authority" at any time. Executive Order 13526, Sec. 5.3(e):
- President
- Secretary of State
- Secretary of Defense
- Secretary of Energy
- Secretary of Homeland Security
- Attorney General
- Director of National Intelligence (C.I.A.)
Obama signed off. set sanctions.
President Obama not only had to know about Hillary’s private email server, he would have had to approve it by inference if not outright signoff. In fact, anyone who received Hillary's emails was liable for its contents as if they had created the message themselves. If they forwarded Hillary's emails to others, then they were misappropriating government secrets and liable themselves.
Indeed, Executive Order 13526 itself warns that criminal, civil and administrative sanctions may be imposed for "an individual who fails to protect classified information from unauthorized disclosure." Executive Order 13526, Sec. 4.1(b). The fact is, all of Hillary recipients who signed nondisclosure agreements are liable for Hillary's misconduct by their silence. Ignorance is not bliss or an excuse with the nation's security. Whistleblowers, please step forward and save yourselves.
Chandler cronies like Hillary communicate off the very grid they want to control
Tellingly, Obama's inner spy circle included the very same people with whom Professor James P. Chandler worked closely while authoring the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 and the Federal Trade Secrets Act as advisor to Bill & Hillary.
Tellingly, this meeting occured just 19 days after Obama signed Executive Order 13691, "Promoting Private Sector Cybersecurity Information Sharing," on Feb. 13, 2015. This order opened the floodgates for his agencies to enter into long term contracts with his crony Cartel technology firms. This action is no doubt designed to ensure funding to Obama's Cartel cronies right through the next Administration. This was evidently the kick off meeting. See Fig. 3 below for more.
Chandler also advised IBM who was working closely with the FBI at the time of the Act, according to the Senate testimony of FBI Director Louis J. Freeh.
On Nov. 29, 2001, IBM and Chandler formed The Eclipse Foundation as the repository to distribute as "Open Source" the social networking inventions of Chandler's law client, Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies.
In short, Chandler betrayed Leader to aid IBM and his Silicon Valley cronies supporting the FBI, NSA and C.I.A.. IBM is Chandler's technology platform of choice for the secret White House spy-state intelligence agency he formed out of Executive Order 13526. See Disastrous rise of a lawless C.I.A.
Earlier, on Feb. 15, 2001, while Chandler was also legal counsel to Leader Technologies, he quietly registered E-CRYPTO.com trademark. This occurred just one month after Bill Clinton appointed him to the National Infrastructure Assurance Council.
Chandler's personal crypto interests specifically exempted from disclosure in the order
Evidently, Chandler could not resist the temptation to feather his personal nest in the Executive Order. Obama exempted cryptologic systems from declassification “that would impair” U.S. cryptologic systems or activities. Executive Order 13526, Sec. 3.3(b)(3). The telling new language not in previous versions is “that would impair.” Impairment is subjective. Therefore, Chandler could effectively block any and all discovery of his activities.
This likely explains the Patent Office invoking presidential executive privilege when asked to provide FOIA details about Patent Office Director, David J. Kappos' corrupt conduct in Leader v. Facebook. Kappos was a Chandler confidante at IBM.
Odd “nonhuman” exemption added (Read: NSA)
Buried in Executive Order 13526, Sec. 3.3(b)(1) of the order is customary language protecting intelligence agents. However, Chandler expanded it to include anything that would "impair the effectiveness" of "nonhuman intelligence source[s]."
Since impairment is a subjective assessment, this addition is likely to hide the NSA’s bulk surveillance of American citizens, among other things.
Abrogates American sovereignty to foreign treaties, like TPP; makes White House more secret, not less
Among its many troubling provisions, Obama subjects U.S. policy declassification decisions to the content of foreign treaties. Both the new Executive Order 13526, 2.3(b)(9) and old Executive Order 12958, 3.4(b)(9) state that documents would not be declassified if such action would “violate a statute, treaty, or international agreement.”
However, Obama added “…that does not permit the automatic or unilateral declassification of information in 25 years.” This unilaterally abrogates American sovereignty and allows the W.H.I.A. to manipulate the language of foreign treaties to hide their agenda into future administrations, if this Executive Order is perpetuated into future administrations.
So, for example, if the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) treaty does not permit automatic declassification, then nothing can be declassified automatically. This clause renders Obama's order a cruel hoax; just more tricky lawyering to deceive the masses.
One thing is evident from our review of Executive Orders. Most language in these orders is perpetuated by sheer bureaucratic inertia from administration to administration. A new administration must intentionally hire someone besides Chandler to take a meat ax to this intelligence hairball.
By subjecting his order to the absence of an automatic declassification provision in foreign treaties, Obama ensured more secrecy, not less.
More Orwellian doublespeak from Obama & Hillary
Under the guise of openness, Obama doubled down on the secrecy of his administration in Executive Order 13526. Hillary is complicit. Her email server is clearly an intentional act to keep Cartel communications from being discovered by unsuspecting State Department employees.
The order enabled Obama's inner circle and Chandler to hide all their activities behind ambiguity and doublespeak.
Obama’s executive orders consistently encourage public-private partnerships around cybersecurity.
Obama's elections were fueled by Silicon Valley and Wall Street money. Those relationship are being supported behind the scenes through these Executive Orders.
"Cybersecurity information sharing" = long term contracts to Silicon Valley spy-state cronies
For example, Obama recently signed Executive Order 13691, "Promoting Private Sector Cybersecurity Information Sharing," Feb. 13, 2015. This order provides the authority for Obama's agencies to enter into long term cyber contracts with Cartel cronies.
These contracts will span the next administration and solidify spy-state control in private hands . . . run by Obama and his cronies when he is out of power. This is likely what he meant when he promised to "fundamentally transform America."
In confusion there is profit
This order can say whatever an agency wants it to say. It's a hairball. The following illustration maps the linkages that key off of this one 5-page Executive Order 13691.
Click here for PDF version of the map below.

What the American public can do to stop this corruption in its tracks
The Cartel would like average Americans to think that they are powerless against this corruption. Not so. Three simple steps will stop this hemorrhaging of American tax dollars and sovereignty to private and foreign powers.
Recognizing that many (if not most) Senators, Congresspersons and Federal bureaucrats have fallen prey to the bribery of The Cartel (they have been building to this point for 20 years), it falls upon The People to demand that our corrupt politicians implement this procedure immediately despite their personal conflicts.
They must rise above their personal faults and corruptions and do what's best for the people they were elected to serve.
Step 1. Moratorium on New Contracts. Congress can place a moratorium on funding authorizations for all cyber contracts pending top down Inspectors General reviews.
Step 2. Certify No Conflicts. The Inspectors General shall require companies to certify that no financial or relationship conflicts of interest exist between the company and the Federal agency with whom they wish to do business.
Step 3. Verify No Conflicts. The Inspectors General shall verify that the certifications are true, including publishing the certifications and holding public hearings. Where an Inspector General finds fraud and misrepresentation, that company shall be barred permanently from doing business with that agency.
We must stop cronyism in its tracks now, while we still have a Republic to defend
Join the movement. Demand action from your elected representatives to stop cronyism in public life.
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