EVERY federal judge in Leader v. Facebook held stock in Facebook; propose Inventor Protection Act
"In the darkness of secrecy, sinister interest and evil in every shape have full swing. Only in proportion as publicity has place can any of the checks applicable to judicial injustice operate. Where there is no publicity there is no justice. Publicity is the very soul of justice . . . It keeps the judge, while trying, under trial." Jeremy Bentham (1748–1832)
English jurist, philosopher, legal and social reformer

Conflicts of Interest Map in Leader v. Facebook, pre-Perkins Coie LLP / Robert F. Bauer / Anita B. Dunn / White House / IRS scandal revelations

The IRS & Leader v. Facebook are scandals linked . . . as expected. Pervasive ties have been uncovered that directly link the former and current personal legal counsels to President Obama, Robert F. Bauer, and his wife, Anita B. Dunn, and their long-time law firm, Perkins Coie LLP, with the SES Deep State shadow government, including Facebook and Google.
Bauer was just identified as the man in the White House who helped direct the targeting of Tea Party groups by the IRS. He also counsels Obama's funding raising arm, Organizing For America, which includes multiple donations by many Leader v. Facebook attorneys, esp. Michael Rhodes, Cooley Godward LLP, who was appointed chief counsel to Obama's $465 million "green" energy stimulus recipient, Tesla Motors, prior to the Leader v. Facebook trial. Just search any of these key words and you'll find plenty of news on these actors. AFI researchers are on it. Stay tuned.
Here is a Muckety relationships analysis of Perkins Coie LLP's treachery. Read WSJ (Aug. 01, 2013): "New [Perkins Coie LLP] Links Emerge in the IRS Scandal." See also previous Conflicts of Interests Map among SES shadow government and Facebook already identified.
Readers are reminded that the Patent Office recently claimed Executive Privilege in refusing to release FOIA records. We have just discovered that Perkins Coie LLP is another Facebook attorney firm. They are also attorneys for Microsoft. This association directly ties Obama's legal counsel to undisclosed conflicts of interest on matters regarding Leader v. Facebook. Joseph P. Cutler, Perkins Coie LLP, a Bauer and Dunn partner, represents Facebook in multiple cases, along with Ramsey M. Al-Salam (currently co-defending Facebook in a case with Facebook's Leader v. Facebook attorneys from Cooley Godward LLP), David P. Chiappetta and James R. McCullagh.
Obama/SES' secret paramilitary legal operation?
(Nixon's White House "Plumbers" on steroids?)
Cutler's bio has an almost paramilitary tone:
"Joe manages a rapid response enforcement team to vigorously defend clients, such as Facebook, against illegal spamming, phishing, pretexting, and other forms of malicious Internet behavior."
Hackers hiring hackers to stop other hackers from hacking. Priceless. These hackers aiding The President of the United States to break the law. Tragic.
New, Aug. 6, 2013, Perkins Coie (advisor to the PRESIDENT) appears not to know the meaning of conflicts of interest. They chose to represent alleged infringer EasyLink Services as recently as Dec. 2012, even though one of their attorneys had counselled the plaintiff patent holder, J2 Global Communications, previously. Are these people really this morally deficient? Ironically, Robert F. Bauer speaks regularly on the topic of . . . ethics. His title at the Obama White House was "Special Counsel to the President for Ethics and Government Reform." More misdirection and Orwellianism, to be sure.
Fed Chairman candidate Lawrence "Larry" Summers tied to Leader v. Facebook corruption.
America Now in a State of Anarchy &Tyranny?
(Jul. 26, 2013)—Based on America's Founding Father John Adam's criteria, Leader v. Facebook proves that America is now in a state of anarchy and tyranny, says feature article at OpenTrial.org written by AFI contributors. Click here to read the article. Also available at. Leader HTML
(Jul. 23, 2013 ) — Message to Congress: Fight Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption—Rescind. Investigate. Sanction. Certify.
Corrupt judges and government officials are in the proverbial cross-hairs of a growing anti-judicial-corruption movement. Calls to arms to combat the systemic corruption exposed by Leader v. Facebook are being made across America. (See the new poster on right. We encourage you to download the poster and display it prominently.) Washington D.C. should be plastered with these posters. The time of judges and attorneys secretly sniggering behind the black robes must end. In a democracy, a judgeship is a sacred trust. That trust has been violated.
(Jul. 17, 2013)—The U.S. Supreme Court declined to take up the failed district court ruling and judicial misconduct in the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement case. The injustice to Columbus-OH-based inventor Leader Technologies aside, this case also shines a flood light on the "old boy" backrooms of our federal system. Those rooms are in dire need of renovation. Their ethical underpinnings have sheered and the floor has collapsed.
The ethical lapses cannot get any worse than we are witnessing in Leader v. Facebook. EVERY judge who has touched this case holds Facebook stock. If we still value our freedom and our democracy, Congress must step in now to fix this injustice and the endemic problems that caused it. A democracy cannot survive without just judges.
"This is a simple case of theft. The people in power to correct it have been complicit. At a minimum, they were motivated by personal greed. At worst, other coercive forces were at play. Whatever the reason, justice must be served," said a social scientist close to the investigation.
An historian told AFI, "American foreign policy advocates John Withrop's 'city upon a hill' vision of American justice. But, the judicial corruption exposed by Leader v. Facebook is an utter embarrassment. I cringe now when I see our foreign service officers lecturing Afghans on democracy. Who are we to preach about the rule of law when our own Chief Justice can’t get it right?"
An entrepreneur close to this investigation said, "The conduct of Facebook's unscrupulous attorneys and these judges leaves me numb. Why bother building a business if these judges (and their cousin regulators) are just going to take it away based on 'old boy' payola, and not laws? We have become a Banana republic, sad to say."
These sentiments were echoed just today by syndicated columnist Thomas Sowell writing about the fate of the American justice system and referring to the lawlessness of this Administration. “After Zimmerman, is this still America?” by Thomas Sowell, The Patriot-News, Central PA, Jul. 17, 2013.
Trust is hard to build and easy to destroy.
Facebook was contacted for comment, but did not return calls.
Leader Technologies Inventor Protection Act
Rescind. Investigate. Sanction. Certify.
A group of bipartisan leaders has proposed the Leader Technologies Inventor Protection Act (see documents below). With the stated purpose to "restore public confidence in the patent system, and the justice system in general," the Act has three elements:
- Rescind the corrupted Leader v. Facebook decision,
- Investigate the wrongdoers among the judges and attorneys, and
- Enact new judicial conflict of interest certification procedures.
All patent holders, prospective patent holders and freedom-loving Americans are urged to support this initiative by contacting your Senators and Congressperson and asking for their support and advocacy. The investigators at AFI will be more than happy to package any research they require.
Two different narratives have been created for the Act and the backstory. Here they are:

Fig. 2 – Legistlative summary of the background and key elements of the Leader Technologies Inventor Protection Act. Click here to obtain a direct PDF version.
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Britain's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) alleges Hayes was driven by greed, when he set up a network of brokers and traders that spanned some of the world's most powerful financial institutions, like Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Fidelity, T. Rowe Price Vanguard UBS and Citigroup to help influence rates - designed to reflect the cost of inter-bank borrowing - but was it for his own trading benefit. Well no Goldman Sachs tried to hire Tom Hayes (to rig benchmark interest rates) and Hayes handed over a UBS 'instruction manual' on rigging, prosecution says US justice Department is set to rip up its agreement not to prosecute UBS Group for rigging the benchmark interest rates JPMoran Chase & c Co, Barclarys, Citygroup and Royal Bank of Scotland Group will likely enter pleas related to antitrust violations. in 2008 Goldman Sachs tried to hire Tom Hayes with a $3 million signing-on bonus, In an email exchange shown to the court dated June 24, 2008, former senior UBS manager Sascha Prinz disclosed Goldman's offer to another senior manager Jerker Johansson On Nov. 28, 2008, Harvard's Larry Summers was appointed to lead the bank bailout and thereafter funneled $33 million to Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan—all Facebook underwriters. In a first for a U.S. stock exchange, Nasdaq OMX Group on Thursday agreed to pay $26.5 million to settle a class-action lawsuit involving its bungling ...[ Rip-off FACEBOOK IPO]
ReplyDeleteTom Hayes 2008 Goldman Sachs $3 million signing-on bonus court dated June 24, 2008.
On September 15, 2008 Lehman Brothers investment bank was forced to declare itself BANKRUPT.
October 7, 2008, 146 people were cut from the Sec Enforcement Division,
by the end of October their was one left and his job was to turn out the lights.
on Nov. 4, 2008. Barack Obama was elected.
Nov. 28, 2008, Harvard's Larry Summers was appointed to lead the bank bailout and thereafter funneled $33 million to Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan—all Facebook underwriters.
Spying the National Security smoke screen National security!” has become the excuse for this mobster thievery and obfuscation Obama wants that TTP trade authority so badly so His IBM, Vanguard and JPMorgan handlers can corrupt freely in Asia without US Congressional oversight. FOIA requests for Zuckerberg's 28 Harvard hard drives have been protected by numerous federal judges on this cartel's payroll. while cronies financed Facebook for NSA snooping and spying without Congressional oversight and the emails on Zuckerberg's 28 Harvard hard drives tell a story of how facebook was stolen??
Obama addressed the issue of Snowden in a press briefing in August and sad "No i don't think Mr Snowden was a patriot, if Snowden not patriot what the fuck are you Obama.
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteA year ago my Ivy- educated , 37 year old , conservative minded son, suggested that I watched too much FOX News and read too many articles about the frightening world events both economically and politically. He thought that I would surely have a stroke. Oh, heaven forbid, that I be informed and care. And now that I cheer loudly for the walking hair comb-over, Donald " community organizer" Trump , my son really thinks that he should take over all family controls. I explained that our current community organizer ( BHO) never built one thing ,or created one job, or faced one tough negotiation, or added one dollar of value to society before we ignorantly elected him our president. Trump has done all of those things , and he did it with his own money, fair and square. He did it not because he is a lucky white guy, but rather because he is smart.....real smart. Trump may not be president or even a nominee, but he will not be distracted from saying what he believes because of "political correctness " nonsense. Donald Trump is a thousand times more qualified to lead a complex , zillion dollar, multifaceted organization than Barack Hussein Obama ( or whatever his name is) ever was.
Will the Donald create controversy? I hope so. He has already forced the wimpy GOP cadre to face the tough issue of living with a no border, lawless country. Of course the political conundrum is that by telling the truth, the illegals that the Dems think should vote , will not vote for Trump. If Obama has his way, we will print absentee ballots for every swinging dipstick in the world. That's six billion people on their side. Is that more than 47% that Romney got eviscerated for stating truthfully? After all , "transformation" should not be exclusively just for us lucky people. And why should we care? Americans are terrible people. We must be held accountable for every bad thing that we have done to everyone throughout our terrible first 250 years. As soon as Michelle gets back from her world tour, and Obama gets off of that big airplane after playing a few rounds of golf with with his buddies, and as soon as the White House has one more big celebrity party, we should get on with making the U.S. a more average country. Can you imagine that Trump has the gall to want America , the greatest idea ever conceived , to come back strong?
And oh, do you want a President that makes you gasp because he's truthful and brash, or do want one that lies with impunity and makes you gasp ? And both have bad hair.
Have a great day, TEX
PS. This AFI post is very troubling and frightening. There are too many " coinky dinks" for these happenings and results to be random. The elites have gotten away with lies and deceit for way too long. ......Trump scares these guys to death. He will call them out. Look past Trump's buffoonery and listen to what he says. He's actually very clever and will be fun to watch. =
Joseph Lonsdale, Palantir. Former PayPal employee with Peter Thiel, Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn) and Matt Cohler (Instagram). All knew facebook was a stolen idea, and it was essay for the NSA and the CIA to shut down PayPal payments to Wikileaks they all knew that facebook was a stolen idea they where in on it?, Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn) just a rock painted white, and knew facebook was stolen Matt Cohler (Instagram). knew facebook was stolen even the idea Instagram was stolen, the Winklevoss copied the stolen idea facebook and extorted money out of zuckerberg knowing this. Facebook securities attorney, Fenwick & West LLP, Leader’s former attorney where in on it as well?, America spy-state that included the fleecing of public financing markets so that the conspirators could self-fund, without the need for Congressional funds or oversight, IBM, NSA, Patent Office and CIA xoxoxo are all fucking in the same bed.
ReplyDeleteTrump this
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteHelp me out.... The Liberals defend sanctuary cities as honorable and necessary. Question. Can my town be a sanctuary city? It's certainly small but we unanimously oppose folks that don't like America. Get out . We are now a sanctuary. How about sanctuary states? Texans love Texas. It you live here and don't want to be free, get out . We are a sanctuary state and want to be free from government central control . We have a sanctuary neighborhood. If you don't like golf, get out. I like this sanctuary thing , whatever sanctuary means.
The Donald created a furor over his comments about Mexico. Why? He said that it was the source of our drug society. Of course it is. He said we would be better off if we invaded Mexico to eliminate its corruption and drug problems. After all, how many drugs are coming from Canada? How many illegal Canadians are here on welfare? Did you realize that more than 125 Americans die every day from drug overdose? That's more lives lost than car wrecks. The cost of medical assistance to drug users is greater in this country than a one week invasion to knock these drug lords into hell. I propose we send one marine into Mexico every time one illegal crosses our border. And , of course, the Mexican government is just as corrupt as our own. That would be a good place to put Bill de Blasio for a few years.
On final thought. I am sick of this Washington Redskin flap. There is a very easy solution. Keep the name but change the picture from an Indian to a red potato. How simple is that? No, I am not running for President. Or am I?
Have a great day, TEX
The image of Mr. Potato Head cheering on the Redskins is dancing in my head. Wait, was that comment insensitive? LOL.
DeleteUBS Libor guide and how the bank ‘threw Hayes under the bus’
ReplyDeleteGoldman Sachs tried to hire Tom Hayes (to rig benchmark interest rates) and Hayes handed over a UBS 'instruction manual' on riggingThe Zacks Analyst Blog Highlights: HSBC Holdings, Barclays, Goldman Sachs Group, JPMorgan ...
Barack Obama, Did direct his agency heads to turn a blind eye to the CIA's theft of technologies to build the "social" Internet with permanent backdoors to spy on Americans? Thanks to Wikileaks, The Baltimore Sun, Judicial Watch and Chandler's own leaked personal notes, Perez is directly implicated.
On Jun. 29,2011, Larry Summers joined Andreessen Horowitz right before facebook paid $1 Billion for Andreessen's client STOLEN IDEA Instagram
Zuckerberg's 2005 ConnectU testimony said he invented everything for Facebook by himself just in "one to two weeks, but the winklevoss knew facebook was a stolen idea they knew Mark Zuckerberg had stolen the idea facebook and that they COPED the stolen idea facebook, And extorted money out of zuckerberg knowing this.
Director Mueller, along with Acting Attorney General James B. Comey, offered to resign from office in March 2004 if the White House overruled a Department of Justice finding that domestic wiretapping without a court warrant was unconstitutional. Attorney General John D. Ashcroft denied his consent to attempts by White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card and White House Counsel Alberto R. Gonzales to waive the Justice Department ruling and permit the domestic warrantless eavesdropping program to proceed. On March 12, 2004, President George W. Bush gave his support to changes in the program sufficient to satisfy the concerns of Mueller, Ashcroft and Comey. All this happened at the same time facebook started . Robert Mueller knew facebook was stolen and tried to keep it secret from the NSA but PRISM is facebook
ES: How are things over there?
LP: I'm at the guardian. they're publishing TEMPORA today
LP: they are very nervous- worried about an injunction.
ES: The NSA love that program.
LP: Why?
ES: Because they aren't allowed to do it in the US. The UK lets us query it all day long .
The MOVIE Citizen-Four is truthful but they need to marry it to the Movie Inside-Job, to get the full Truth, The CIA funded Facebook, Facebook stole from BRG, Robert Mueller wont to play a game its called tic-tac-toe Thomas E. Perez linked to CIA front AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION Binney's testimony is interrupted when news breaks that the CIA has a double agent spying on the NSA inquiry Facebook Fights To Keep EU Privacy Investigation Confidential