C.I.A. harvests social media, self-funds tens of billions of dollars for payola; then feeds the data to Wall Street and Silicon Valley cronies
Today, the C.I.A. has abused secrecy to amass unwarranted power and wealth, just as President Eisenhower feared.
See previous post: Disastrous Rise of a Lawless C.I.A.
(Jul. 30, 2015)—Whistleblowers have confirmed that the C.I.A. secretly funded the meteoric rise of social media in 2004 using social networking inventions stolen from Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies.
The conduits for this theft were: (1) IBM via (2) The Eclipse Foundation, IBM's then inside counsel (3) David J. Kappos (later Obama's Patent Office director), Leader's patent attorney, former George Washington University Law Professor (4) James P. Chandler, and (5) Eric H. Holder, Jr. (later Obama's Attorney General).
Any technology stolen by a lawless C.I.A. is itself lawless
The C.I.A., Eclipse, Kappos, Holder and Chandler formed The Eclipse Foundation on Nov. 29, 2001 as the stealth vehicle by which they would claim IBM copyright ownership of Leader's ideas, then release Leader’s invention as “Open Source.” See previous post.
Bottom line, social media has a wholly lawless foundation. The C.I.A.’s cronies in Silicon Valley and Wall Street are doubling down on this corruption in an evident attempt to conceal the dirty secrets about their origins. They are stonewalling and trying to shout down truth tellers.
This Cartel is speeding up its data-control activity while Obama is still in office. For example:

- IBM’s “The Internet of Things” promotion has cranked up.
- Xerox has come out of the woodwork.
- Microsoft just released Windows 10—free (apparently stealing and selling user data is more lucrative than selling software, despite their pabulum about piracy).
- Promotion of “the Cloud” is everywhere.
- Common Core is being shoved down the States’ throats.
- Massive Open Online Coures (MOOC) is being implemented in universities across the country.
- Net Neutrality is law, for now.
- HealthCare.gov is advertising extensively for new targets.
- Under his “Datapalooza” program, Obama’s chief technology officer, Todd Y. Park, released mountains of research "big data" on individual Americans out of government data stores, much of it healthcare related. (Park took his company, Castlight Health, public during that time with nary a word from the S.E.C. about that glaring conflict of interest.)
- The federal government allowed over 22 million detailed federal employment portfolios to be hacked.
- AFI has been warning about this disturbing pattern for years. Now, it is finally becoming obvious to all. Seemingly random, misguided or incompetent Presidential activities, and those of his agency heads, suddenly fit together once one understands the true agenda. They were not fired because as true believers they were only following the Cartel orders.
The unholy grail: "Dark Profiles" on every citizen in America and on the planet

All these developments serve one goal: to populate the “dark profiles” of the Facebook–CIA Cartel so that citizens can be digitally manipulated for decades.
The Eclipse Foundation gave away Leader’s invention by re-labeling it with an IBM copyright and giving it away as their “Open Source” Eclipse IDE (Interface Development Environment) starting with Version 1.0 in Nov. 2001.
Leader fully debugged a key module on Oct. 28, 2003. Coincidentally, that is the same night that Mark Zuckerberg hacked into the dormitory computers at Harvard to steal student photos.
Harvard president Larry Summers never seemed surprised by Zuckerberg's illegal activity. Now we know why – he was in on the C.I.A.’s plan, along with the "PayPal Mafia" consisting of:
- James W. Breyer,
- Peter Thiel,
- Reid Hoffman,
- Matt Cohler,
- Joseph Lonsdale,
- (Yuri Milner and Sheryl K. Sandberg were lurking in the shadows—Summers' protégés from his days as chief economist for the World Bank).
The PayPal "Mafia" moniker appears to be a factual description. This was (and remains) organize crime at its best. Breyer's other Accel Partners are on this list as well as his fellow National Venture Capital Association directors at Vanguard, Fidelity and In-Q-Tel.
Just 13 weeks later:
- On Feb. 2-5, 2004, Eclipse released its first debugged version 3.0 during IBM's first EclipseCON'04.
- On Feb. 4, 2004, Facebook launched. Imagine that! ... and you thought Zuckerberg wrote the code. Sucker!
How deeply has the C.I.A. shadow state penetrated American domestic life?
A review of the House and Senate websites gives us the answer: Thoroughly.
Representative Jason Chaffetz

A visit to Congressman Jason Chaffetz’s website (Utah 3rd) shows that all four social links are Eclipse Foundation members: YouTube (Google), Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (Facebook).
The C.I.A. funded Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google via their reliance on The Eclipse Foundation and direct investing.
100% monitored by the C.I.A. Cartel
Senator Elizabeth Warren

A visit to Senator Elizabeth Warren’s website (Massachusetts) shows that all three social links are Eclipse Foundation members: Facebook, Twitter and YouTube (Google)
100% monitored by the C.I.A. Cartel

For grins, let’s look at HealthCare.gov. There we see the same circumstance. They offer links to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube (Google) and Google—all IBM Eclipse Foundation members—all using Eclipse code funded by the C.I.A. (but stolen from Leader Technologies).
100% monitored by the C.I.A. Cartel
New: Are your Members of Congress . . .

The Cartel justifies hiding their illegal activity behind a veil of secrecy. Senate and House oversight is nonsensical since those same people are invested in the Cartel's mutual fund cronies (hush money), especially Vanguard, Fidelity, UBS, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo and T. Rowe Price. Something has gone horrible wrong. Eisenhower's fears were justified.
Click on the Contacting the Congress map. Select your state. Select your Sentors or Represenative. Click "WWW Homepage."
The following social services are directed in one way or another by the C.I.A. Cartel:
C.I.A. Cartel Member | IBM Eclipse Foundation Member | Direct C.I.A. Investment |
Yes | Yes | |
Instagram (Facebook) | Yes | Yes |
Yes | Yes | |
Yes | Yes | |
YouTube (Google) | Yes | Yes |
Storify (Livefyre) | Yes | Indirect (Kleiner Perkins; National Venture Capital Association) |
On Nov. 29, 2001, the C.I.A., IBM and Professor James P. Chandler (author of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996; and both IBM and Leader Technologies intellectual property counsel) formed The Eclipse Foundation as the vehicle to steel Leader Technologies' social networking inventions and feed them to friends and rivals alike as "Open Source" (after claiming IBM copyrights on the innovations). Their free Eclipse IDE (Interface Development Environment) has become the spy-state development tool of choice for MOBILE DEVICE SOFTWARE (Android, Apple iOS, Blackberry). It enables C.I.A. backdoors to everything social.
by the C.I.A. Cartel?
Congressional deception: The illusion of feedback diversity
Americans are given the illusion of a diversity of feedback options, when in reality, 100% of the Congressional feedback data is fed straight to the C.I.A. shadow state and their commercial cronies for permanent storage in “dark profiles” on every citizen in America.
The C.I.A. shadow state knows all (they aren't even supposed to operate inside the United States—by charter)
Are you comfortable with an un-elected, self-appointed, Harvard-hubris dominated shadow state called the C.I.A.—an intelligence agency that doesn't even have a charter to operate inside U.S. borders—owning and managing every morsel of digital data about you?
Are you comfortable with the C.I.A.—a proven child predator—owning and managing every morsel of education data about your child (Common Core, MOOC)?
Perhaps not since J. Edgar Hoover’s reign of terror at the F.B.I. have we seen this level of intelligence misconduct in American life.
This will perfect their hold on the embedded infrastructure of the Internet before Obama leaves office. IBM sold 750 "junk" patents to Facebook two months before the Facebook IPO and is Chandler's client. Chandler and former IBMer David J. Kappos launched IBM as the mother of all "patent trolls" in the late 1990's. It's no surprise that Obama appointed Kappos director of the Patent Office in 2009. Chandler looms large in Obama's hidden agenda.
Are Facebook's phalanx of attorney firms the equivalent of Hitler's Brown Shirts? IBM computers enabled Adolf Hitler to catalog Jews, Poles, gypsies, homosexuals and other undesireables before World War II. Many millions of those souls perished in the Nazi death camps. Now, Facebook is helping IBM and the C.I.A. build secret "dark profiles" on every American citizen via Facebook, HealthCare.gov, transportation, the "cloud," couponing, gaming and IRS "big data."
In-Q-Tel—privately funded C.I.A. intelligence—Adolf Hitler would be jealous
The difference this time is that the C.I.A. was somehow permitted to set up a PRIVATE venture capital arm, In-Q-Tel. This private company funds technology deals that generate tens of billion of dollars in revenue that the C.I.A. plows back into building its castle walls higher and more impenetrable. How would we know? It's all hidden behind "national secrets" smoke and mirrors. The spy-state is very evidently running America now. Congress is being toyed with and is just along for the ride?
National security has become the catch-all excuse to hide all these activities from public scrutiny.
President Obama is currently in Kenya lecturing the Kenyans to be less corrupt. This is the pot calling the kettle black given the level of corruption that his administration unleashed through his cronies at the C.I.A., led by his Harvard legal mentor, Professor James P. Chandler.
What’s the solution?
- Defund, dismantle and prosecute the scoundrels with a real Attorney General, not the Cartel crony currently sitting in that chair; she's just following taskmaster orders.
- Stop using / boycott their stuff.
- Uninstall cameras and microphones on your devices.
- Watch for stealth installs of cameras and microphones.
- Boycott their advertisers (the money feeding them).
- Dismantle their “dark profile” servers globally (they hope you think they are too big to fail).
- Unplug your computer from the grid when you aren’t using it (most of their snooping is done after you’ve gone to bed or left the office).
- Take your battery out of your devices; they can turn your devices on remotely thanks to companies like Palantir (PayPal/LinkedIn's Peter Thiel and Joseph Lonsdale).
- Stop downloading games, coupons and titillation.
- Take control of your digital life; stop being led around by a nose ring.
- Demand justice for the many victims of this conspiracy.
- Ask Congress to compensate the real inventors of social networking (e.g., Leader Technologies, Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam, Johannes van der Meer)(since the Judicial Branch joined the dark side along with the Executive Branch). With those dollars the true innovators will be able to implement their inventions correctly, rationally, ethically, and in a way that respects children, decency, privacy, innovation and property.
If we allow these people to succeed, then our Republic will likely be incinerated by this corruption.
We cannot allow them to succeed.
Knowledge is power.
* * *
Bookmark: #dwight-d-eisenhower-jan-17-1961
Apparently not satisfied having one The Eclipse Foundation from which to steal inventions, these companies have opened a second front named "AllSeen Alliance," ostensibly to "accelerate" the "Internet of Everywhere." It walks and talks just like an Eclipse duck though. Of all the names to pick, the Masonic-esque sounding symbolism is curious.
This sidebar originally appeared on Feb. 17, 2015: "Facebook propped up by global money launderers."
Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself.
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