BoJo's great great grandfather was Sir George Williams, the founder of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) on Jun. 06, 1844. The YMCA—Britain was funded by a group of British East India Company banker-slavers who founded the modern Barclays Bank. The YMCA—New York started in 1852 and was incorporated on Apr. 03, 1866 by Rober baron directors and committeemen including J.P. Morgan, William E. Dodge, Jr., Cornelius Vanderbilt and Elihu Root.
CaJo is the illegitmate great granddaughter of Herbert H. Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford, co-founder of the British Pilgrims Society, British prime minister (1908-16) and founder of mordern British intelligence (MI6, MI5, GCHQ), state-run propaganda (BBC, Empire Press Union, Reuters, Associated Press, Marconi Wireless) and biochemical warfare (Wellcome Trust, now GlaxoSmithKline and Astrazeneca) (1909). Asquith orchestrated the false flags with Winston Churchill and others that triggered WWI.
BoJo and CaJo's relatives knew from their profit taking in the long history of the British East India Company that the institution of slavery required fundamentals like buggery/sodomy, rape and the whip. Those fundamentals were instituted within the YMCA just as agrarian slavery was being abolished. Their slavers turned from black, brown and yellow slaves to Y.M.C.A. buggered/sodomized and raped white urban slaves to sustain their profits.
BoJo's 94-page Wikipedia fails to mention that his great, great grandfather was Sir George Williams who founded the Y.M.C.A. in 1844 and was financed by the opium-slave-trade fortunes of Barclays Bank
CaJo's 7-page Wikipedia fails to mention that she is the illegitimate great granddaughter of British prime minister Herbert H. Asquith; Asquith is a British Pilgrims Society co-founder, the founder of modern intelligence (MI6, MI5, GCHQ, CIA, FBI, NSA), founder of state-run propaganda (Reuters, AP, Empire Press Union, BBC, Marconi Wireless), and overlord of biochemical warfare (Wellcome Trust, now GlaxoSmithKline and Astrazeneca) and overlord of the Pilgrims America takeover plan
J.P. Morgan's 18-page Wikipedia fails to mention he was the founding treasurer who bankrolled the New York Y.M.C.A. on Apr. 03, 1866
The New York Y.M.C.A. founders included a genital-urologist, a "Christian socialist," the Y architect, and three railroad, steamship, mining, cotton, real estate Robber barons including William Dodge, J.P. Morgan and Cornelius Vanderbilt
Elihu Root ran NY Y.M.C.A. Bible devotions and later became attorney to Rockefeller and Carnegie, Pilgrims Society co-founder, secretary of war, secretary of state, Carnegie Endowment founder, CFR founder, Columbia University honoree
British Y.M.C.A. banker-opium-slaver founders in 1844 had learned over centuries to perfect buggery/sodomy, rape and whipping to control slaves to fuel their monopoly profits
In the creation of the Y.M.C.A., urban, industrial white slavery would replace black, brown and yellow plantation slavery using tried and true opium, buggery/sodomy and rape to emasculate* the male and female victims into slave-factory subservience
In the almost overnight rise of the Y.M.C.A., Christian churches were forced to become involved in self-defense, thus compromising their spirituality and chastity by the seduction of lavish J.P. Morgan/Vanderbilt donations, and turning a blind eye to the opium, buggery/sodomy and rape inside the Association's walls
* Definition of emasculate 1: to deprive of strength, vigor, or spirit : WEAKEN 2: to deprive of virility or procreative power : CASTRATE
Bookmark: #ymca-and-slavery | https://tinyurl.com/k9n9fsun
Click three dots on the right of the audio player to download the raw (*.mp3) file. Then, check your Downloads folder.
Jun. 30, 2021—At the 47th G7 summit earlier this month (Jun. 11-13, 2021), British prime minister Boris Johnson, age 57 (“BoJo”), unveiled his latest baby mommy, Caroline Louise Bevan "Carrie" Johnson (née Symonds), age 33 (“CaJo”).
CaJo is young enough to be BoJo’s daughter. The couple has a one-year-old son, Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas Johnson born out of wedlock. They were married on May 29, 2021, just two weeks before the summit in a secret ceremony at Westminster Cathedral and after she had already moved in as his mistress into 10 Downing Street. Did CaJo thus officially convert No. 10 into a bordello?
BoJo is yet another in an ancient line of groomed Oxford University philanderers, like Bill Clinton whose moral turpitude is legion.
Boris the Lecher
BoJo is believed to have six (and probably seven) children.
BoJo had no children with Wife #1: Allegra Mostyn-Owen (m. 1987-annulled 1993).
BoJo had four children with Wife #2: Marina Wheeler (m. 1993-2020)—Lara Lettice Johnson-Wheeler, 27, Milo Arthur Johnson, 25, Cassia Peaches Johnson, 23, Theodore Apollo Johnson, 21. He divorced Wheeler just before marrying CaJo, after CaJo had already moved in with him at #10 Downing Street.
BoJo has a child with Wife #3—CaJo: Caroline Louise Bevan "Carrie" Johnson (née Symonds) (m. May 29, 2001)—the infant's name is Wilfred Lawrie Nicholas Johnson.
BoJo has two children with Mistress/Faux Wife #4: Helen Macintyre—Stephanie Macintyre, and Unidentified Child Macintyre #2.
Bojo's moral profligacy got him sacked from the Tory frontbench in 2004 over a reported affair with journalist Mistress/Faux Wife #5: Petronella Wyatt—children of this tryst while he was married to Marina Wheeler, Wife #2, if any, are unidentified.
Evidently, Boris’ johnson exploits women, children, the public trust and morality to satisfy his predilections.
In short, Boris is the definition of a lecher and appears to have no shame.
Profligate BoJo & CoJo Pilgrims Society Bloodlines
AFI's research miners recently turned their data-mining guns on BoJo-CaJo and have uncovered absolutely rapacious Y.M.C.A. and British Pilgrims Society histories in their bloodlines.
To say that the Johnson family is dedicated to opium and human trafficking (black, brown, yellow and white) is an understatement, as the facts show.
BoJo & CaJo are classical British Pilgrims Society groomed
BoJo is a classical groomed disciple of the British Pilgrims Society and its interlocking associations.
The grooming involves placing the person in positions where other Pilgrims can teach them the ways of the secret society, while also testing the candidate for advancment within their ranks.
The tests involve moral and ethical promiscuity to see if the candidate will do what they are told and keep their secrets.
Current whistleblowers indicate that these tests involve pedophilia, witchcraft, necromancy and ritual torture and murder of infants to extract their adrenochrome and organs that the self-anointed elitists consider a life-extending substance.
Here are some of Boris's groomers:
- King’s Scholarship,
- Eton,
- Balliol College Oxford, president of the Oxford Union (1986),
- The Times,
- Daily Telegraph,
- GQ,
- Sunday Telegraph,
- Sirs Barclay Brothers (worth £2.25b in 2012),
- Conrad Black,
- Ritz Hotel,
- Press Acquisitions Limited,
- Ellerman,
- Littlewoods,
- Shop Direct,
- Woolworths,
- The Scotsman,
- Lord Mayor of London, 2012,
- Olympics (ala Mitt Romney),
- Foreign Secretary,
- Henley MP,
- Conservative Leader, and
- Churchill biography.
Boris’ 94-page Wikipedia entry is off-the-charts unreal puffery propaganda to lionize a made-for-TV Y.M.C.A.-British Pilgrims Society urban white slavery and opium front man.
Telegraphing his grooming, like Pretender Biden, Boris is inarticulate away from a teleprompter. His Pilgrim Klaus Schwab moniker "Build Back Better" has become a laughably trite moniker of his Pilgrims Society handlers.
CaJo, like BoJo, is equally groomed and blood-tied to the founders of the Y.M.C.A.-Pilgrims Society (1902).
CaJo's illegitimate great grandfather was Herbert H. Asquith, 1st Earl of Oxford, Queen's counsel (1890-1928); home secretary (1892-95); co-founder of the Pilgrims Society (1902); chancellor of the exchequer (1905-08); prime minister (1908-16); leader of the liberal party (1908-26); overseer of the first imperial press conference (1909); co-founder of the Empire Press Union (1909); founder of MI6, MI5, GCHQ (1909); secretary of war (1914); founder of the British War Propaganda Bureau with Churchill relative Masterman (1914-1916); initiator of war with Germany (1915).
CaJo's father, Matthew John Symonds, was executive director of the Lawrence Ellison (Oracle) Foundation until late 2019—the British Pilgrims Society's global surveillance database.
Ellison's convicted pedophile baby daddy, Rev. Dr. Hugh "Sinclair" Moore, worked for necromancer W.T. Stead, co-founder of the Pilgrims Society, who was Cecil Rhodes' confidente, chief strategist for "government by journalism," founded numerous psycho-science seance groups that contacted the dead and even did business deals with them (Julia's Bureau, 1909).
Moore himself founded the First Church of Psycho-Science in Oakland, California. Like BoJo, Moore was a lecher who had at least five cult wives, including 16-year old Ida Anna Dorothy Kleffler (m. 1918).
CaJo has relationships with The Guardian, Daily Herald and the Mirror Group. The Mirror Group was founded by Lord Northcliffe—one of the Pilgrims Society founders (1902) and treasurer of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909.
The Mirror Group was owned for many years by Robert Maxwell. Maxwell's daughter Gislaine is Jeffrey Epstein's madam in their opium-human-trafficking operation. The Mirror Group is now named Reach Plc (including 298 subsidiary interlocking media companies)
Besides the Daily Mirror, Maxwell owned Berlitz International language instruction, Macmillan book publishers, and Official Airline Guides. In 1990 he launched the European, and in 1991 acquired New York Daily News.
Bookmark: #bevan-pilgrims-society-dog-whistle | https://tinyurl.com/rbchnnmhCaJo's “Bevan” surname is an imperial dog whistle to the members of the Y.M.C.A.-British Pilgrims Society. We’ll get to that in a minute.
AFI and AIM readers know the notorious Herbert Asquith well.
Asquith was notoriously interlocked with British Pilgrims Society co-founders including Lord Northcliffe (Daily Mail, Mirror Group), Lord Burnham (Daily Telegraph, Associated Press, Empire Press Union), Lord Alfred Milner (concentration camp butcher and Wellcome Trust vaccine poisoner of the Transvaal with Lord Gen. Sleigh Roberts, first Pilgrims president (1902), Sir Winston Churchill, Lord Walter Rothschild (Balfour Declaration, Reuters), William J. Donovan (MI6, OSS, Marshall Plan, CIA, Kennedy assassination), J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, Columbia Law and necromancer W.T. Stead.
H. H. Asquith, CaJo's baby daddy, presided over:
- the creation of Bolshevism by the Pilgrims Society in collaboration with Lenin and Stalin in London (1902-1917); see Sir Andrew Carnegie-Rhodes J. Rhodes, Planners of Internationalism,
- the betrayal of Czar Nicholas Romanov by Lord Alfred Milner and the Pilgrims Society war lords,
- the slander of Kaiser Wilhelm about allegedly murdering Belgian babies to turn British public sentiment against Germany,
- the severing of the trans-Atlantic telegraph communications cable between America and Germany that triggered WWI,
- the monitoring of transatlantic war telegraphy by Pilgrims Anglophile David Sarnoff (RCA, NBC),
- the conspiracy of interlocking directorships to sell out American sovereignty to the Britain in exchange for titles and unlimited funds; See suffragette Lillian Scott Troy's discovery of the Pilgrims strategy in 1912,
- the promotion of the satanism and necromancy of Cecil Rhodes’ biographer and Pilgrims Society chief strategist of “government by journalism” W.T. Stead—later eliminated along with John J. Astor on the Titanic,
- the treason of the FISA court in conspiracy with Britain,
- the wiretapping of Trump Tower and the perpetrators of the Trump-Russia hoax by British peers,
- the hijacking of Oracle by the British Pilgrims, and
- the takeover of Facebook/Instagram by British peers, including Sir Nicholas Clegg, who are leaders of the Pilgrims Society and British intelligence. See also Baron Richard B. Allan, communications vice president of Facebook Europe.
Boris & Carrie emerge from a long line of Y.M.C.A.–Pilgrims Society colonial sodomists & rapists who are now addicted to the vice of human trafficking themselves
Boris’ father Stanley Patrick Johnson (b. Aug. 18, 1940) is a writer, eugenicist, propagandist, and another British Pilgrims Society groom: Exeter College Oxford; Columbia University; World Bank; European Commission (1973-79); ambassador, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Author, World Population and the United Nations, World Population – Turning the Tide (1994); WWF Living Planet Award (2015); Brexit remain (2015)—Brexit leave (2017) flip-flopper.
Boris’ paternal grandfather was born Osman Ali Wilfred Kamal (b. 1909) and later change his name to Wilfred Johnson.
Boris' paternal great grandfather was Ali Kemal Bay who was interior minister for the Ottoman goverment. His great grandmother was Winifred Brun, an Anglo-Swiss mother. Bay was assassinated during the 1922 Turkish War of independence.
Boris, paternal great uncle Zeki Kuneralp (1914-1998) was the Turkish Ambassador to Switzerland, Spain and the UK as well as Secretary General of the Foreign Ministry.
During WWII in tiny Switzerland, Kuneralp was a contemporary of Pilgrim nuclear engineer Eugen Schwab (Klaus Schwab's father, Escher-Wyss Co.—Adolf Hitler's and the U.S. Department of Energy's secret nuclear supplier), the Raget Abys family of war trader mining attorneys (Tony Fauci's maternal kin) and Pilgrim William J. Donovan, OSS, MI6 and the NSA, controller of the Bank for International Settlements. The International Chamber of Commerce also operated out of Geneva Switzerland run by Sir Winthrop W. Aldrich, a Rockefeller and, you guessed it, a British Pilgrim.
Now we will turn to the family of Boris’s paternal grandmother—Yvonne Eileen Irene Williams (1907-1987).
Tellingly, this Daily Mail (Pilgrims Society founder, 1902) article on Irene fails to mention that Sir George Williams (b. Oct. 11, 1821, d. Nov 06, 1905), the founder of the Y.M.C.A., was her great grandfather—Boris' great great grandfather.
Could this silence be a deafening indictment of the true mission of the Y.M.C.A. to decimate spirituality (with systemic buggery/sodomy and rape) within the Christian opponents to opium trafficking, slavery, and simultaneously create new white industrial slaves for City of London bankers and traders—to replace the black, brown and yellow plantation slaves of the declining British East India Company?
All the publicity surrounding Boris' Muslim background appears to be mere smokescreen for his notorious Y.M.C.A. associations. Turkey via "The Levant Company" has been a primary source of British opium since the early 1700s. The Boston Brahmins were major shippers for the Levant Company, funded by the Rothschilds, Barring Brothers and the Bevan-Barclay brothers, among others.
Bookmark: #hiding-sir-george-williams-ymca-barclays | https://tinyurl.com/nejvk4mfMissing from BoJo's 94-page Wikipedia is any mention of his maternal grandmother Williams' family—including Sir George Williams, the founder of the y.m.c.a.
Sir George Williams (Boris’s maternal great great grandfather) was the founder of the Young Men's Christian Association (Y.M.C.A.) on Jun. 06, 1844.

Sir George Williams is British prime minister Boris Johnson's great great grandfather.
The first chairman of the Y.M.C.A. association was Mr. R. C. L. Bevan (b. Feb. 08, 1809, d. Jul. 22, 1890). His full name was Robert Cooper Lee Bevan.

Suspiciously, Bevan’s full name is never used in the official biography written by Williams' son, Sir (J.E.) John Ernest Hodder-Williams, in 1906. Only Bevan's initials were used.
This obscures Bevan's true identity—as one of the most influential bankers and slave-opium-holding beneficiaries in the British Empire at that time (mid-1800's).
Robert Cooper Lee Bevan (b. Feb 08, 1809, d. 1890)

Mr. R. C. L. Revan’s full name was Robert Cooper Lee Bevan (b. Feb 08, 1809, d. 1890).
Bevan and his family were leading City of London banker-agents who co-founded modern-day Barclay’s Bank.
The Barclay and Bevan families had been interlocked in sugar, rum, tea, chocolate, tabacco, figs, ginger, pepper, coffee, spice, opium, etc. slave-trade banking since before 1756.
Bevan prominence in the mid-1800’s would be analogous to a Warren Buffet today. He was the attorney executor for one of the greatest Jamaican plantation fortunes to emerge from the opium-slave trade.
Bevan’s estate at his death in 1890 was valued at over £953,000—£125 million or $175 million in today’s currency.
Bevan’s grandfather and namesake, Robert Cooper Lee (1735-1794—during the American Revolution), was a leading slave owner and advocate for slavery. Lee was also a Crown Solicitor for Jamaica, and agent in the City of London. His slave-owning properties included Rose Hall Estate, St. Thomas-in-the-Vale, Jamaica. Slave trader attorney Hamilton Brown (1776– 18 Sep. 1843), Kamala Harris' white great great grandfather, was 18 years old when Lee died.
(Note: the photo that now pops up briefly in Google when searching for Hamilton Brown that purports to be Hamilton Brown, is not Kamala Harris' ancestor, but rather a Confederate officer named Hamilton Allen Brown (1837–1917).
Robert Cooper Lee was partnered in his substantial slave holdings with Sir James Esdaile, lord mayor of The City of London—the banking, commerce and opium-slave trading center of the British Empire; Monkhouse Davison (1713-93), owner of one of the leading grocers in 18th century London: Davison Newman and Co.; Abram Newman was also a partner and was known then as one of the wealthiest men of the 1700’s.
Lee was a contemporary of white Jamaican slaver attorney Hamilton Brown—Vice Pretender Kamala D. Harris’s great great grandfather.
Since Robert Cooper Lee was a fellow slave owner and Crown Solicitor, it is certain that he and Hamilton Brown cooperated in promoting the slave trade. Jamaica is only 4,240 sq mi—half the size of the state of New Jersey. The slave owners were tightly knit in opposition to abolition.
Bookmark: #british-offshore-banking-1-to-1-correlation-with-1836- | https://tinyurl.com/2bser8vs
Difficult-to-find 1836 UK Parliamentary slave compensation ledger tells it all (following). Proves that British offshore banking was founded on immoral-inhuman capitalization, human trafficking, theft, imprisonment, sodomy, rape and the whip. Payments were still being made in 2015—183 years later.
Chancellor of the Exchequer. (Aug. 03, 1835). Compensation-Abolition of Slavery, Rothschild loan, HC Deb 03 August 1835 vol. 30, cc13-24. Hansard, UK Parliament.
G. Grey. (Mar. 16, 1838). Slave Compensation Claims. Accounts, House of Commons Parliamentary Papers 1837-8 (215) vol. 48, 369 PDF pgs. British Parliament. (48.6 MB). See also https://archive.org/details/ukslaveownercompensation/mode/2up
The detailed University College London records show that Brown handled the compensation of slave owners for their “lost property” when they were forced to free their negro and creole slaves. Those slavers were replaced by by Irish and Portuguese white slaves—no doubt part of the disappeared white chattel from the rapidly expanding and enormously well-funded Y.M.C.A.
In 1784, the Davison Newman partners declared they owned 82 slave men, 72 women, 39 boys, 27 girls and two six-year olds named Ebony and Lavinia. Eleven-year-old Fiora was a field hand with a blind mother.
American Patriots dumped Bevan benefactor's tea into the Boston Harbor
It was Davison Newman and Co.—which still operates to this day—whose tea was throw overboard in the Boston Tea Party on Dec. 17, 1773.
Notably, the current sole director of DAVISON, NEWMAN & CO. LIMITED (Co. No. 11468504, formed Jul. 17, 2018) is CBE (Lady) Blondel Bernadette Rosceilia Hodge CLUFF (b. May 1960, Commander of the British Empire).
Cluff is also the current sole director of THE WEST INDIA COMPANY LIMITED (Co. No. 09894482, formed on Nov. 30, 2015).
Cluff is/was a director in THE ROYAL MINT MUSEUM (Co. No. 07105875, formed Dec. 15, 2009) where she was appointed on Jun. 04, 2019, then resigned the next month on Jul. 31, 2020—a suspicious move, most likely to facilitate some movement of funds to her protected by the Queen's state secrets privilege.
Cluff is a director of PRINCE’S TRUST INTERNATIONAL (Co. No. 09090276, link includes 2017-20 annual reports) founded by Prince Charles with Sir Nigel Knowles, Chairman of DLA Piper. She was appointed on Aug. 18, 2016 and resigned on May 03, 2018. The Prince's Trust has now moved into American in a big way through Pilgrim Sir Nigel Knowles, the evident Pilgrims handler for Pretender Biden and Vice Pretender Harris. Note: Knowles is a director with Pilgrim Lord Mark Malloch-Brown in the SGO Smartmatic-Dominion rigged election machines.

Cluff was a director of her husband's energy company CLUFF GEOTHERMAL LIMITED (Co. No. 07207283) renamed HOTSPUR GEOTHERMAL LIMITED on Apr. 26, 2019, now with directors Sir Christopher Richard Watkin EDWARDS (endocrinologist) and an incubating duke (Earl) George Dominic PERCY (playboy).
John Gordon (Algy) CLUFF has been a director in 34 gold mining and oil companies headquartered in London, including Cluff Gold and Cluff Oil (1972, the first independent oil company of any nationality to secure oil licenses from the Chinese Government in 1981, according to The Wall Street Journal).
Bookmark: #boston-tea-party-dec-16-1773 | https://tinyurl.com/kppsabbkBoston Tea Party British revenge?
It appears that the recent reincorporation of the Boston Tea Party supplier Davison Newman and Co. by Lady Cluff is some sort of poetic restoration to celebrate the Pilgrims Society’s takeover of the United States and poetic justice for the British tea supplier.
Davison Newman and Co. was the Walmart of its day.Walmart of course is another more recent British Pilgrims Society creation of Bill and Hillary Clinton during the enslavement of the citizens of Arkansas.
The Y.M.C.A. is the 2nd oldest NGO in history
Was Johnson’s ancestor Sir George Williams one of the first Pilgrims Society founder NGO cardboard cutouts?
What was the real agenda of the Y.M.C.A.?
The abolition of slavery in the Caribbean finally started taking hold at about the time that the Y.M.C.A. was founded in 1844. In fact, the Abolition of Slavery Act of 1833 ordered the slaver-owners to be compensated when they gave up their slaves. £20 million was borrowed, £15 million from N.M. Rothschild, and £5 million from the British Treasury. Payments on this 1838 debt was not paid off until 2015. These payments formed the backbone of the offshore British banks of today.
Many of the well-connected slave owners were getting payments from the Bank of England to compensate them for the loss of slaves. Others, like Hamilton Brown, were already starting to import white Irish slaves with confidence tricks and false promises, and now we believe, disappeared Y.M.C.A. young men.
The Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 pushed slavers like Robert Cooper Lee, Sir James Esdaile, Abram Newman and Monkhouse Davison, along with Hamilton Brown (all banker-attorneys) to free their slaves in exchange for payment for their losses by the King. While the government of United Kingdom carefully and thoroughly compensated slaveowners (Mar. 16, 1838 Parliamentary Compensation ledger, 369 pgs.), it took no similar initiative in favor of the formerly enslaved.
Systemic abuse: an essential tool of the institution of slavery
The British Empire had for centuries relied upon the economy of slavery (cheap labor), opium addiction and its systemic abuses to break the will of the slaves who would otherwise revolt. Whipping, rape and buggery/sodomy were essential tools the masters used to tame their slaves.
Buggery/sodomy has been a poorly researched phenomenon of slavery.
Researchers believe the reasons include: (1) the masters became addicted to the free kinky sex abuse of their chattel property, who had no rights, (2) the masters did not document their own immorality, (3) the male victims were illiterate, so any stories would be by interviews (which there are some), (4) the male victims felt shame and did not talk about it, and (5) the practice never stopped, so the reports of "buggery" (British term for sodomy) were censored by the former slave owners, who were the leading bankers, judges, politicians and newspapermen in London and the Empire.
Experts indicate that many males who ritually sodomize other men, women and children lose interest in normal intercourse with women who refuse to be sodomized.
Metioric growth of the Y.M.C.A. to satisfy the opium trading slave masters' sex addictions?
Was the meteoric rise of the Y.M.C.A. out of altruistic Christian motives, as the propaganda claims, or was it the opposite?
Was the Y.M.C.A. organized and funded by the leading London slave trade bankers of the day to provide a fresh source of young men to sodomize now that the slavery source dried up?
It appears so.
Boris Johnson’s banker ancestors promoted slavery, rape, buggery/sodomy, propaganda, the Y.M.C.A. and Pilgrims Society
They even sparked the Boston Tea Party
The Y.M.C.A. was founded on Jun. 6, 1844 in London, shortly after the 1833 Slavery Abolition Act was finally taking hold, even inside the City of London’s British East India Company banker-traders whose profits were founded on slavery.
See The Sexual Abuse of Black Male Slaves. The History Engine, Richmond University.
See also 50 shades of slavery : sexual assault of black male slaves in antebellum America. Shareok.
In the end, The Bank of England paid the slave-owners for this loss of “property,” and thus these slavers even profited from abolition.
Some of those payouts have only recently been completed. Jamaican Kamala Harris’ ancestor Hamilton Brown represented many of these slave-owners in the 1833-ca.-1840 compensation.
As reviewed earlier, the wealthiest British slaver-owners in Jamaica were partnered in the global trader Davison Newman & Co. which operates today.
Partner Abram Newman was said to be the wealthiest man in 18th century London. Partner Robert Cooper Lee was a Crown Solicitor and City of London agent. Partner Sir James Esdaile was Lord Mayor of London.
Barclays Bank must be wiped from the history books as ancient opium-slave traders who formed the Y.M.C.A. to corrupt the world's youth
The original funding for Barclays Bank today came from the heirs of David Bevan—the heir of the Davison Newman & Co.
Notably, Bevan and his brothers-in-law had all married negro former slaves and had to be given a special Act of Parliament (1777) so that they would be considered white in order to pass their inheritance to their mulatto children.
Curiously, as they were losing their negro and creole slaves, they continued enslaving Irish and Portuguese slaves, and they bankrolled the formation and mercurial growth of the Y.M.C.A. (London, Jun. 6, 1844.
The first meeting locations of the Y.M.C.A. in London are on sites adjacent to the current headquarters for DLA Piper (Sir Nigel Knowles, SGO Smartmatic, Kamala Harris, Prince’s Trust International)and Investec (Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, SGO Smartmatic).
Bookmark: #ymca-new-york-founded-1852-incorp-1866 | https://tinyurl.com/3vhze3baNew York Y.M.C.A. too was founded in immorality—to replace the British slave trade with buggered / sodomized and raped urban slaves
many Y.M.C.A. founders later founded the British Pilgrims Society (1902)

Founding Meeting (Great Britain, London), Jun. 06, 1844.
Founding Meeting (United States, New York), May 28, 1852, CONSTITUTION, Jun. 1852 (Oliver P. Woodford, pres.)
1st Annual Report, 1853-54, presented May 16, 1853 (published CHARTER, dated Jul. 16, 1852; Howard Crosby, pres.; chancellor, New York University; list of founding members)
2nd Annual Report, 1854-55, presented May 15, 1844 (Howard Crosby, pres.)
3rd Annual Report, 1855-56, presented May 21, 1855 (Howard Crosby, pres.)
4th Annual Report, 1856-57, presented May 19, 1856 (Richard Brown, treas.; attorney; owner, Richard Brown Dry Goods import-export; dir., North American Life Insurance Company with Samuel F.B. Morse [in Britain during the War of 1812, painter, yet alleged inventor of Morse Code, trans-Atlantic cable 1842-58/66, ardent pro-slavery advocate]; sailing master, Yacht America)
5th Annual Report, 1857-58, presented May 11, 1857 (Robert Bliss, pres.; attorney; dir., Equitable Life Assurance Company; pres., Metropolitan Transit Company; dir., Universal Life Insurance Company ["A good man leaveth and inheritance"]; member, The New-York Society (1878) with later Pilgrims Society founders Rev. H.C. Potter (founding Pilgrims president, 1903), Chauncey M. Depew)
6th Annual Report, 1858-59, presented May 10, 1858 (Benjamin F. Manierre, pres., became NY state senator, 1860)
7th Annual Report, 1859-60, presented May 09, 1859 (Benjamin F. Manierre, pres.)
8th Annual Report, 1860-61, presented May 07, 1860 (S.G. Goodrich, pres., just returned as U.S. consul to France)
9th Annual Report, 1861-62, presented Apr. 28, 1861 (P. Harwood Vernon, president, attorney to multiple societies of New York University, wrote representing the YMCA against slavery in newspapers that attracted freed slaves north where many disappeared)
10th Annual Report, 1862-63, presented Jun. 29, 1862
12th Annual Report, 1863-64, presented May 08, 1864
13th Annual Report, 1864-65, presented May 15, 1865 - annotated (Abraham Lincoln had just been assassinated on April 15, 1865, one month earlier; eulogized in this report)
14th Annual Report, 1865-66, presented May 15, 1866 (William E. Dodge, Jr., pres.; J. Pierpont Morgan, treas.)
15th Annual Report, 1866-67, presented May 15, 1867 (William E. Dodge, Jr., pres.; J. Pierpont Morgan, building, treas.)
16th Annual Report, 1867-68, presented May 25, 1868 (William E. Dodge, Jr., pres.; J. Pierpont Morgan, building, treas.)
Republished for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon
Simultaneously, the slaver-founders of the Y.M.C.A. appear to have exacted revenge upon the Christian Church for forcing them to give up their black and brown slaves. Deceptively, they pretended to be "Christian" while secretly buying silence with large donations and buggered/sodomized and raped clergy.
Notable among the Y.M.C.A. founders were J.P. Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt and Elihu Root who were later founding members of the Pilgrims Society.
Elihu Root became private attorney to Andrew Carnegie and JD Rockefeller, founding president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
What do a genital-urology surgeon named BANGS,* the Y.M.C.A. bathing architect, a “Christian socialist” academic and three Robber barons, including JP Morgan and Cornelius Vanderbilt, have in common?
They founded the New York Y.-M.-C.-A. in 1865
* you cannot make this up.
Bookmark: #village-people | https://tinyurl.com/32t2wkww
The Y.M.C.A. song was implicitly understood as celebrating Y.M.C.A.'s reputation as a popular cruising and hookup spot, particularly for the younger men to whom it was addressed.
Bookmark: #federal-ymca-fundings | https://tinyurl.com/366n9e4z
Human assistance or trafficking?
According to the USA Spending summary of federally awarded contracts, between 2003-2021, the Y.M.C.A. has been the beneficiary of 318 contracts, 136 grants, 352 direct payments and 713 loans. Reminder: the Y.M.C.A. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit.
The vast majority of the fundings come from DHS, HUD, Defense Department and Agriculture.
On Mar. 07, 2007, 2008 to The National YMCA Fund Inc., DUNS No. 789957003 (HTML). Another grant for $3,767,795 was awarded by an unidentified federal agency. In our experience, when federal contract information is unavailable, it has been censored.
Here is a full YMCA grants, contracts and awards federal contracting database up to Jul. 08, 2021: HTML | ZIP (*.csv, check your Downloads folder).

Y.M.C.A. New York founding incorporating Directors on Apr. 03, 1866, incorporated by "AN ACT" of The People of the State of New York, Represented in Senate and Assembly.": See Fig. 5 above. More information about these men is linked below.
- William E. Dodge, Jr., President
- William Harman Brown, Vice-President
- Robert R. McBurney, Corresponding Secretary
- L. Bolton Banks, Recording Secretary
- J. Pierpont Morgan, Treasurer
- Slave Banker ChristianityWilliam E. Dodge, Jr., president; Phelps Dodge (NYSE: PD, 15,000+ employees); copper mining, smelting; lumber; cotton import-export from U.S. south to Liverpool, UK.Fig. 11—Cornelius H. Vanderbilt (1794-1877). Endowment Fund Treasurer and Trustee of American Institute of Christian Philosophy (1881-99).
- William Harman Brown, vice-president; treasurer, American Institute of Christian Philosophy (see PDF pp. 27, 45), 64 Broadway (founded 1881, directors included life member Cornelius Vanderbilt II [b. Nov. 11, 1843; d. Sep. 12, 1899] of New York; promoted Theism and Scientism; influenced by Oxford and Sir William Mitchell Ramsay; see A Propaganda of Philosophy: History of the American Institute of Christian Philosophy, 1881-1914.
- Cornelius Vanderbilt II, shadow vice president; treasurer; steamship, railroad monopolies; Manhattan real estate; Grand Central; chairman, audit committee (1875)
- What can go wrong when a genital urologist (Bangs) and an unscrupulous slave banker who takes orders from the Crown's Rothschilds (JPMorgan) co-found a Y.M.C.A. boys' club to swim naked, mock Christianity and traffic human beings?Robert R. McBurney (from 1862), corresponding secretary; architect; designed the first Y.M.C.A. building in 1870; one of his biographers wrote that McBurney’s influence on the Y.M.C.A. movement was “profound, exceeding that of any other man.”; founding trustee, The Y.M.C.A. Training School for Christian Workers (1884-99, where basketball was first played; [note that the original is handwritten–obscures searching; most other Y.M.C.A. founding documents are nicely typset and printed]); see archives; McBurney biography (1902, 342 pgs.); McBurney designed the “model of the association architecture of the future” entrance, reading room, private office, recreation room, parlors, lecture rooms, gymnasium, “abundant” bath-rooms, swimming pool, bowling alleys, library, class-rooms, auditorium); member, Committee for the Suppression of Vice; proponent of “Christian socialism” in Europe; d. 1898 age 67, Bishop Henry C. Potter eulogized (later was first president of the Pilgrims Society of the United States)Fig. 12—L. Bolton Bangs (1842-1914). Longtime founding genital urologist and director of the New York Y.M.C.A. with J.P. Morgan and Elihu Root, among other well known future members of the Pilgrims Society. See Fig. 10 above. Source: 1908 U.S. Passport Application for wife Isabel Hoyt Bangs.
- L. (Lemuel) Bolton Bangs (1842-1914) recording secretary; president, American Association of Genito-urinary Surgeons, 1895 (relating to the genital and urinary organs. "genitourinary medicine"); See Atlas of Syphilis and the Venereal Diseases (L. Bolton Bangs, 1900).
- J. Pierpont Morgan, treasurer; Lord Rothschild, George Peabody protégé; co-founder of the British Pilgrims Society (1902); purchased editorial control of American newspapers for the Pilgrims propaganda (1912); notorious homosexual
If the Y.M.C.A. was ever intended to be a real Christian organization, they would have populated their board with . . . Christians.
Instead, they chose profligate bankers who fund wars and profited from the misery and deprivation of others.
They also chose a "social Gospel" academic, a pretend Christian theologian who was a part of the "settlement movement" of John Ruskin who inspired many of the founders of the British Pilgrims Society like Viscount Milner, John Buchan and Lord Rothschild. Ruskin's work emerged in several forms as communism, Bolshevism, fascism and the kibbutz.
Clearly, the Y.M.C.A. served its paymasters--the Robber barons and their need to replace black and brown slavery with white urban slavery using tried and true subjugation methods of buggery/sodomy and rape to subdue their victims and silence their Christian critics.
Two passages of Holy Scriptures come to mind in this revelation about the true origins of the Y.M.C.A. and British prime minister Boris Johnson:
"Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour."
I Peter 5:8 (NASB)

"(Verse 1): But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. (v2) For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, (v3) unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, (v4) treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, (v5) holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power; avoid such people as these. (v6) For among them are those who slip into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, (v7) always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (v8) Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men of depraved mind, worthless in regard to the faith. (v9) But they will not make further progress; for their foolishness will be obvious to all . . . 2 Timothy 3: 1-9 (NASB)
The false "Christian" spirituality of the Y.M.C.A. has evidently been a satanic tool to both promote white urban slavery and emasculate its real Christian opponents with money and endemic promiscuity.
It appears that Jeffrey Epstein was schooled in the Y.M.C.A. School to Promote White Slavery. Indeed, the Y.M.C.A. founded "A School for Christian Workers" on Nov. 26, 1884 in Springfield, Massachusetts ("The school is to be strictly undenominational in its character and no views peculiar to any denomination will be taught.") This says that Christianity itself will not be taught at the Y.M.C.A. since faith in Jesus Christ is "peculiar" to all denominations. Thus, Y.M.C.A. paganism has hidden in plain site.
Tellingly, these perpetrators of the slavery of humankind are currently attempting through Black Live Matter and Critical Race Theory to accuse us victims of the very sins that they are committing.
Will you serve God, or money?
We must remove from the face of humankind this evil stain created by the British Empire, and permitted to continue by the complicit silence of possibly compromised Christian leaders and too-easy donors with nefarious hidden agendas.
“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. Matthew 6:24 (NASB)
* * *
Described above is abject immorality.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
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