Sir Nigel Graham Knowles. (Compiled Feb. 09, 2021). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots.
Knowles groomed Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff at DLA Piper for the Pilgrims Society – now folks, start saying “Pilgrims Society” – the name that cannot be named!
K-Street is the metonym for lobbyists and NGOs in Washington
Knowles conspires with major auditors to hide his global treachery on behalf of The Prince’s Trust, including PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte, BDO, Ernst & Young and KPMG
Knowles runs The Prince’s Trust, including in America, and does the bidding of the Crown and the Privy Council, directed by the Pilgrims Society
Therefore, Knowles is the British imperial handler of the Pretenders in the White House
Knowles' hidden family helped cement the treasonous intelligence sharing “special relationship” at the end of WWII
Jane Sullivan Roberts, wife of Knight of Malta Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., is a personnel recruiter for DLA Piper controlled by Knowles
The so-called “great reset” should really be named “Build Back British”
Knowles’ DLA Piper employed Peter Comey, brother of FBI James B. Comey
Knowles was a founding director of SGO Smartmatic that controls all election systems, including Dominion, worldwide – the various company names (Smartmatic, Hart InterCivic, Sequoia, Premier, Diebold, ES&S) are a shell game since they all have common Optech software
Knowles’ family reaches back to the beginnings of mass communications, propaganda, Victorian satanic spiritism-scientism, fascist banking and resource stripping, and vaccines as a weapon of war by the mid-1800s
Bookmark: #pilgrims-take-white-house | https://tinyurl.com/t9dxrt4a
Click three dots on the right of the audio player to download the raw (*.mp3) file. Then, check your Downloads folder.
You may want to return to this post. We will be adding more judicially-recognizable source material for each topic discussed below.
Breaking News, Mar. 30, 2021: British Registrar issues uncertifiable and evidently bogus birth and marriage certificates for Sir Nigel G. Knowles. Click here for the evidence.
Feb. 03, 2021—We believe that Sir Nigel Graham Knowles is now pulling the strings in Washington, D.C. on behalf of the British Pilgrims Society and The Prince’s Trust.
The evidence shows that Sir Nigel and The Prince’s Trust have conspired with numerous international audit and accounting firms to hide his criminal conduct.
These firms include the “Big Four” — Deloitte, KPMG, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young.

Sir Nigel-directed companies include DLA Piper (auditor: Deloitte), SERCO/SGO Smartmatic (auditor: KPMG), Prince’s Trust America/QintetiQ (auditor: PricewaterhouseCoopers), Wellcome Trust/DLA Piper (auditor: Deloitte), Investec (auditor: Ernst & Young, director Lord Mark Malloch-Brown).
In other words, the “Big Four” audit firms are conspiring with Sir Nigel Knowles, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, The Pilgrims Society and The Prince’s Trust in open treason and espionage against the United States Republic.
The Prince’s Trust “Roll of Patrons” include Barclay’s Bank, Dell, Apple, Google, HSBC, Accenture, CapGemini, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, Marriott, BAE, Clear Channel, Ricoh, American Airlines, Allianz, Amazon, AT&T, Baillie Gifford, Bloomberg, Boeing, DLA Piper, Facebook, HP, Joules (John Podesta), NBC, Qualcomm, NTT Data, Oracle, Rolls Royce, RBC, TikTok and Worldpay.

Sir Nigel founded the Prince's Trust International in MALTA on Aug. 05, 2014, then...
Prince's Trust America, Inc. NEW YORK on Apr. 03, 2018
Prince's Trust America, Inc. CALIFORNIA on Dec. 20, 2019
Prince's Trust America, Inc. FLORIDA on Dec. 20, 2019
Prince's Trust America, Inc. TEXAS on Jan. 01, 2020
Does America really need the Prince of Wales sticking his long Windsor schnoz into American children's welfare? Judging from his Prince's Trust "Roll of Patrons", his hegemonic political agenda could not be any clearer—all behind a smokescreen of philanthropy, of course.
Sir Nigel Graham Knowles. (Compiled Feb. 09, 2021). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots.
The Pilgrims Society—who borrowed the Mayflower Pilgrims name to confuse Americans—was founded in London in 1902 to promote the “special relationship” (their term) between Britain and the United States.
The Pilgrims Society has organized various subsidiary activities to confuse the unsuspecting and keep the focus off of them, but rest assured, they are the mother lode, operating from the London office of the Privy Council. Those names include the English-Speaking Society, Royal Over-Seas League, Atlantic Council, Club of Rome, Bilderberg Group, Davos World Economic Forum, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Institute, United Nations, Council on Foreign Relations among them.
American taxpayers provide substantial funding for this treachery via USAID, OPIC (renamed U.S. International Development Finance Corporation [DFC]), U.S. Export–Import Bank and similar unaccounted-for money laundering schemes for political insiders using British offshore banks.
The Pilgrims Society founders included Lord Rothschild, Lord Rosebery (inheritor of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, former Prime Minister), Prince Albert (Edward VII), Cecil Rhodes posthumously, Queen Victoria posthumously, Lord Burnham (Daily Telegraph), Lord Pirbright (Henry de Worms), Henry Wellcome (Wellcome Trust), Lord Northcliffe (Daily Mail), Winston Churchill, Sir Harry Brittain, Guglielmo Marconi, John Buchan, W.T. Stead and many more.
They were formed to carry out Cecil Rhodes’ 200-year dream for the world to be controlled by an imperial corporatist new world order controlled by London and Washington, D.C. British Privy Councilor Rhodes insisted that America had to be brought back into the British Empire for his scheme of English-speaking hegemony to work. The Pilgrims laid out a 24-step strategy to achieve this—a strategy still being carried out today.
Here are eleven notable Pilgrims Society's strategies:
- Increase the power of the President and diminish the powers of Congress.
- Supreme Court revised to embrace judges agreeable to absorption by Britain and hostile to the Senate.
- Supreme Court precedent must disempower the Senate.
- Use propaganda to attack Senators and Congressmen who oppose absorption by Britain.
- Allow America to win some disputes with Britain to appear independent.
- Use treaties to fuse American and British interests.
- Exchange naval officers
- Pamper the wives and daughters of prominent Americans in London.
- Lavish Americans with titles, knighthoods, etc.
- Lavish honors to any American who favors (British) “peace”
- Americans suspicious of British propaganda about “peace” should be ostracized in propaganda.
The Prince’s Trust was founded by a young Prince Charles on the Jun. 22, 1976. In 1999, it received a royal charter and Sir Nigel Knowles was his chief founding trustee.
If you are still disbelieving these facts, know that Jane Sullivan Roberts, wife of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., is employed by DLA Piper for executive recruitment, and Sir Nigel was the DLA Piper chairman when Jane Roberts took on DLA Piper as a client. This allowed John Roberts to use his wife as his gopher.
How far along are these British Spies in their American takeover strategy?
ANSWER: With the Pretenders Biden and Jamaican Commonwealth citizen Kamala, the British have taken the White House
British SERCO and QinetiQ have over $16 billion in mostly U.S. Navy contracts, including with Navy SpaceWars.
British SERCO runs the U.S. Patent Office since 2006.
British QintetiQ manages U.S. Army inventory tracking worldwide.
Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. is a British Knight of Malta, English Priory.
Henry Kissinger is a British knight, as is Rudy Giuliani. Associate Justice Neil Gorsuch and his gushing wife were just wined and dined in London by Lord Rothschild.
Conservative Senators and Congressmen who oppose American military expansionism are pilloried in the British and American press.
The Pretender Joe Biden just issued 25 Executive Orders in the last week of January 2021.
Sir Nigel G. Knowles is a director with Lord Mark Malloch-Brown of SGO Smartmatic/Dominion (common OpTech DNA) election rigging machines.
Sir Nicholas W.P. "Nick") Clegg and Baron Richard B. Allan run Facebook communications globally.
... we're only getting warmed up. The evidence is overwhelming.
The hard evidence to support the following assertions can be found in the Sir Nigel Graham Knowles biography and timeline here or in Fig. 2 above.
Sir Nigel Knowles biographies are silent about his parentage
Sir Nigel’s mockingbird public biographies never mention his wife, who we have discovered is Lady Sally Knowles (née Rich).
Unlike the voluminous Wikipedia entries of most corruptocrats, Sir Nigel’s is a meager one page. It boasts his chairmanship of DLA Piper—arguably the most corrupt British-based law firm on the planet.
FBI James Comey’s brother Peter worked for DLA Piper from 2011-2018, as did Kamala Harris’ husband Douglas C. Emhoff from 2017-2021.
Hey Sir Nigel, who’s your daddy?
Americans deserve to know the man behind the Pretenders Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and behind the corporate lobbyists on K-Street in Washington, D.C.
So our miners went digging.
For weeks we turned up nothing. Whenever this happens for prominent people, it always means that corrupt archivists, genealogists and historians are hiding the person from public knowledge. Always.
Sir Nigel’s heritage was no exception.
Sir Nigel G. Knowles is hiding that his father and middle-name sake godfather were both British H.M. Air Vice Marshals who were also knights in charge of helping implement the “special relationship” with America whereby MI6, MI5 and GCHQ.
1946-47: The years that will live in infamy—when British intelligence was flipped the keys to the Unite States Republic
On Mar. 05, 1946, British intelligence assumed control of American intelligence with the cooperation of J. Edgar Hoover and the FBI. Also on Mar. 05, 1946, to be clear, the same day, Winston Churchill and Harry Truman announced the "special relationship." On Mar. 11, 1946, they immediately began having meetings to plan the takeover.
They then dictated the formation and organization of the NSA (formed Oct. 24, 1947) and the C.I.A. (former OSS British-American WWII spies (running drugs, sex trafficking, money laundering, assassinations, stolen gold & silver trafficking, graft, formed Sep. 18, 1947) and by embedding the “special relationship” takeover euphemism in every aspect of global communications and surveillance. Then, on Dec. 17, 1947, former OSS chief Bill Donavan, Henry Stimson and Dean Acheson pushed through "The Marshall Plan" to further cement their stranglehold on global intelligence and banking.
The "special relationship" was a pact with the devil among the most morally corrupt British Pilgrims Society men on the planet in 1946-47 while sniffing their whiskey and cackling on Fleet Street
For the purposes of context for this post, Sir Nigel Knowles' father and godfather ruled over the implementation of this ungodly "special relationship" from 1956-1962 (Sir Harvey-1956-58, Sir Graham 1958-62). See Knowles Timeline and Family Tree, Figs. 2, 3 above.
Many American companies cooperated to develop this surveillance blanket over the world, including IBM, AT&T, RCA, NBC, CBC, ABC, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Rothschild Funds, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, to name just a few.
Nigel assumed the Knowles family name from his mother: Dame Barbara Isabel Daphne Knowles Harvey.
Dame Barbara was married to H.M. Air Vice Marshal Sir George David Harvey. They had four children, two have the last name of Harvey, and two are marked “PRIVATE” in Ancestry.com.
H.M. Air Vice Marshal by Air Vice Marshal Henry Rudolph Graham and is likely Sir Nigel’s middle-name sake: Sir Nigel Graham Knowles.
These two H.M. air vice marshals between 1956-1962 (Harvey-1956-58, Graham 1958-62) were evidently in charge of implementing major portions of the newly-minted “special relationship” in 1946 between Britain and American spies.
It is now well known that a primary ways the British aristocracy keeps control through the generations is to keep deep, dark family secrets in order to maintain their power and wealth. They have learned that these secrets are loyalty insurance. The fact that Sir Nigel hides his family heritage begs the question: What is he hiding?
Now, H.M. Air Vice Marshal Sir George David Harvey’s son, King of K-Street Sir Nigel Graham Knowles, has been ordered to finish the job in the British takeover of the American Republic.
Sir Nigel’s maternal aunt was Jean Elsie Frances Tilley (née Knowles).
The Tilley and Knowles families are deeply embedded in the emergence of the Pilgrims Society and its hegemony over wireless and wired communications technology, propaganda, media, banking, big chemical and pharma (toxic vaccines), education and intelligence (the spy and public deception business).
The Metaphysical Society

Editor. (Nov. 12, 1919). Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in Aberdeen. Aberdeen Press and Journal. ("... plead the cause of Spiritualism," "the cult of Spiritualism has received new advertisement, and is proving itself, in certain quarters, a rival to Christianity.")
Sir James Thomas Knowles (1831-1908)—Sir Nigel’s maternal great grandfather was an architect, founder of the Metaphysical Society, editor of the Contemporary Review and The Nineteenth Century. While exploring all sorts of spiritualism and the occult, he was closely associated with Pilgrims Society founders like T. Huxley, Lord Balfour and W.T. Stead with whom he had much in common in the world of spiritualism, séance, remote writing and use of mediums to speak with the dead. W.T. Stead’s staff assistant was Rev. Dr. Hugh "Sinclair" Moore, the pedophile baby daddy of Oracle’s Larry Ellison and founder of the First Church of Psycho-Science.
See AFI. (Oct. 15, 2020). Oracle’s Larry Ellison hides the dark arts Psycho-Science cult that groomed him with deep ties to Pilgrims Society strategist spiritualist W.T. Stead - the Father of Tabloid Journalism. Americans for Innovation.
British Ambassadors to Japan and Brazil; Royal Over-Seas League
Sir John Anthony Cecil Tilley (1869-1952)—Sir Nigel’s maternal great uncle, took “Cecil” after his spiritual hero Cecil Rhodes. He edited the Cambridge Review and was British Ambassador to Brazil (1921-25) and Japan (1926-31). He was vice chairman of the (Royal) Over-Seas League that was a sister organization to the Pilgrims Society and English-Speaking Society. These relationships cement his deep associations with Lord Rothschild, J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Thomas J. Watson (IBM), David Sarnoff (RCA/NBC), Lord Northcliffe (Daily Mail), Lord Burnham (Daily Telegraph), David Sarnoff (RCA, NBC), Guglielmo Marconi and Sir Evelyn Wrench, among others.

Be patient while the official minutes of the 1909 Press Conference downloads and goes to p. 57 automatically. (68.8 MB)
Note: Sir Evelyn Wrench, founder of the (Royal) Over-Seas League and the English-Speaking Union was a delegate at the Pilgrims-organized First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 where the Empire Press Union was formed as well as British MI6, MI5 and GC&CS renamed GCHQ were organized using newspapermen from around the planet as agents and provocateurs for endless wars… in the name of “peace.” Such is the nature of propaganda, claim “peace” when you intend war. Why, because war is profitable for the bankers and corporations who you represent.
Tilley’s ambassadorships between WWI and WWII are curious since America ended up at war with Japan, just as the British Pilgrims Society wanted. And, his chairmanship of the (Royal) Over-Seas League shows he was a principle instrument of British Pilgrims Society global hegemony to takeover American while controlling global trade and banking.
Sir Nigel Graham Knowles was groomed to be the King of “K” Street. It’s a step up for him since he was formerly the High Sheriff of Greater London. Ironically, the Sheriff of Washington D.C. is the President.
We hope the reader appreciates the massive effort undertaken this last month to uncover the truth about Sir Nigel Knowles.
Just a humble backwoods Brit?
Sir Nigel wants you to think he is just a humble Yorkshire lad who studied at a Tier 3 university law school, then catapulted himself by sheer genius to run The Prince’s Trust, DLA Piper and Smartmatic voting machines allied with Lord Mark Malloch-Brown. Malloch-Brown was the Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations and a director of various George Soros companies.
Public Accounting Firms Must disgorge their ill-gotten gains & be held accountable for aiding and abetting Sir Nigel et al
Sir Nigel was evidently groomed for his new role as The King of “K” Street.
To get there, he was protected by the “Big Four” accounting firms KPMG, Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young.
The coup d'état proves that these “Big Four” accounting firms are all engaged in treason and sedition.
Like Enron brought down Arthur Anderson, Sir Nigel’s espionage should bring down those public accounting firms that the American public has always been led to believe they can trust.
Maybe Sir Nigel, The King of “K” Street, can hide behind the Queen’s skirts and avoid prosecution, but can his public auditing firms who have defrauded us so systemically?
We the People are coming for you.
(See 18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason and 10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition.)
* * *
Described above is abject immorality.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
Return to return to the beginning of this post.
Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.
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Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteCAT REPORT:
Silver is the kryptonite of the globalists.
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Email comment by DG:
ReplyDeletePrince Charles is honorary chairman of the British Pilgrims Society sporting hundreds of prominent American traitors like Henry Kissinger, Caspar Weinberger, Paul Volcker, Wesley Clark (ICG-Malloch-Brown, George Soros), Steven Mnuchin, George Tenet (CIA), Larry Summers, Nancy Pelosi, Henry Paulson (Goldman Sachs) and James W. Breyer (Facebook, IDG-Accel China), Mike Pompeo, Larry Ellison (Oracle)
Emperor Biden: Joe Sets Record for Executive Orders in First Week
Twitter Encourages Users to Snitch on Each Other with ‘Birdwatch’ Feature
Meet the man who escaped from a COVID hotel in Toronto
Fake photo of Kamala on her Facebook page to keep folks thinking she is still around
Masked Woman Purporting to be Kamala Harris Swears in Another Masked Woman Purporting to be Janet Yellen
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Previous two comments:
Spread the truth.
So Guiliani a knight. I wonder if this is what divided him and Sydney.
ReplyDeleteThat question cross our minds also. We noted how he started sweating when Syndney Powell was exposing Lord Mark Malloch-Brown's chairmanship of SGO Smartmatic with Sir Nigel Knowles, and Malloch-Brown's close association with George Soros in the Open Society Foundation, Quantum Fund, Soros Financial Management and his former position as Deputy Secretary General of the UN.
DeleteWe added this link above re. Rudy Giuliani:
Email comment by TTM:
ReplyDeleteBrilliant! President Putin just called for love and the scraping of the 120-year British-American Pilgrims Society “new world order” theory at the World Economic Forum
Putin called the “centralized and uni-polar world order” a moribund strategy that has embroiled Russia and the world in more than a century of war and godless, culture-destroying monopolies
This same British-American Pilgrims Society, after deposing Czar Nicholas (1917), and then murdering his entire family by firing squad (1918), devastated Russia with a godless Pilgrims-financed Bolshevik terror, enslaved satellite nations too, and repressed the citizens for 70 years while murdering tens of millions of souls to suppress dissent
Vladimir Putin. (Jan. 28, 2021). Russian President Putin’s Speech At The World Economic Forum: Complete English Translation. Russia Briefing News.
Full story:
See our previous post on this subject:
DeleteAFI. (Oct. 01, 2019). Vladimir Lenin & Communism were created by newspaper intelligence globalists from the British-American Pilgrims Society. Americans for Innovation.
Previous two comments:
Spread the truth.
This Putin speech is also available at:
Delete"Love covers a multitude of sins" (1 Peter 4:8)
Not so fast, Sir Klaus Schwab (BRITISH knight since 2006) . . .
President Putin calls for love, family and the scraping of the 120-year British-American Pilgrims Society “centralized and unipolar world order” theory at the (Davos) World Economic Forum
This “unipolar” British-American Pilgrims Society theory (Putin calls this right), founded in 1902, has terrorized our world with the Bolshevik and Cultural Revolutions, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Rwanda, CIA juntas, Cold War, Mideast wars, terrorism 9/11, WACO, Oklahoma City, Sandy Hook, Fast & Furious, paid migration…—all fueled by false flag propaganda, godless education, predatory banking, fiat currency, toxic vaccines and drugs, abortion, euthanasia, human trafficking, pedophilia, blackmail, extortion, insider trading, money-grubbing spies and surveillance, invasion of privacy, human cell-destroying frequency bombardment, self-anointed “elites”
—all in the name of “P e a c e ”
From the British-American Pilgrims Society 24-step strategy for their new world order discovered by suffragette Lillian Scott Troy in 1912, then buried by the media for 100 years
Whatever we think we know about Putin, Russia and Russians in the West comes from the lies of British-American Pilgrims Society MSM propaganda and their members in publishing, film and academia.* They lie to us about the overwhelming evidence of 2020 election fraud, so it stands to reason that “news” about Russia is a perpetual cheap shot
*Reuters [Rothschild], AP, UPI, CNN, BBC, Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express, Bloomberg, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, etc.—all founders of the British Pilgrims Society.
Full story:
On Jan. 07, 2021, Just three weeks before his World Economic Forum speech, President Putin and his family celebrated Orthodox Christian Nativity (Christmas) liturgy at the chapel of St Nicholas on the island of Lipno, Lake Ilmen, eight kilometers from Veliky Novgorod about 300 miles northwest of Moscow—one of the oldest churches in Russia founded in 1292
Icon of the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Listen: 17th Century Russian Orthodox Christian "spiritual verse" Shepherds of Bethlehem first written by St. Dimitry, Metropolitan of Rostov (1651-1709), an outstanding scholar, poet, and musician of his time.
Previous comment on PUTIN and DAVOS:
Spread the truth.
Email comment by TG:
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OPERATION HOPIUM: NWO Globalist Cabal Cunningly Cons the Right via Ongoing PsyOp
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If GameStop hits 800 before 2/26 we will trigger the Mother of All Short Squeezes
Deagel’s Forecast Of Massive Depopulation By 2025
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GLD Gold in London Has Dual Owners | Alasdair Macleod
Twitter Says It Purged Dozens Of Accounts For “Undermining Faith In NATO”
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Email comment by TG:
Media’s MeTooing of Andrew Cuomo Is Really About Protecting Four Democrat Governors
Michigan Begins Passing Election Integrity Bills: ‘A Lot of Things We Need to Change’
Nikki Haley Attempts To Gain Back MAGA Favor, Showcases Her Conniving Decepticon Nature
“An Eye-Popping Decline” – US Mall Values Crash By A Record 60% In 2020
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The Celebrity “Black Eye” Club
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What a joke! Will King Felipe VI, son of Juan Carlos, claim he is Christ the Second Coming?
The Genealogy of the Antichrist
150 seconds of kitten cuteness
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