Steven Terner Mnuchin. (Compiled Jan. 19, 2021). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots.
Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin was born into British Pilgrims Society imperial corporatism
His father, brother and grandfather were Goldman Sachs apparatchiks
His Russian great grandfather laundered DeBeers diamonds and gold that helped fund WWI and WWII for the British
His demur Rothschild grooming camouflages profligate, conspiratorial British Pilgrims Society relationships globally, including with China
Mnuchin is totally fake: Fake credit, fake money, fake movies, fake news, fake pharma, fake intelligence—a creature of Tinsel Town and the British War Propaganda Bureau
Re. Mnuchin's Movies between 2014-2017: spent $3.2 billion, produced 43 films, almost half R-rated; 67%, 63%, 58% were flagged for nudity/sex, violence, profanity respectively—so is it a surprise he is creating fake money?
In 2017 alone, Mnuchin spent $404 million to produce 7 of his 9 films in the UK—the island of his Pilgrims Society masters
(Jan. 19, 2021)—To understand how the Steven Mnuchin singularity emerged we have to look to history for these various story threads.
In 1909, the British Pilgrims Society seized global control of propaganda, films, eugenics, intelligence, communication, psychology, education, vaccines and banking as the weapons in their future wars to usher in their imperial corporatist new world order.
The event was the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 in Shepherd’s Bush, Crystal City, London.
But, before we discuss 1909, we must first look at 1902 when the British Pilgrims Society formed on the evening before the coronation of King Edward VII following the death of Queen Victoria (with whom the Pilgrims principals were conspiring, including the creation of the English Priory of the Knights of Malta).
On Jul. 11, 1902, at the London Carlton Hotel, the Pilgrims Society was formed out of the members of the Round Table, a group first organized by the likes of Cecil Rhodes, Lord Rothschild, W.T. Stead, Lord Rosebery (Rothschild), Baron Henry de Worms (Rothschild), John Buchan and Alfred Milner.
Since the 1880s, Privy Councilor Cecil Rhodes had been working with Queen Victoria and Parliament to reorganize the British Empire around an imperial corporatist model for the elites (haves) and communism for the masses (have not's).
Out of Rhodes' vision for English-speaking world hegemony, they chartered the British South Africa Company. This gave tacit approval for Rhodes and Lord Rothschild to confiscate the land and mines needed for DeBeers diamond and gold as a key source to finance their grandiose 200-year scheme for total control of all the nations of the earth by the British aristocracy, along with their Robber baron American friends including Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, Elihu Root, Winston Churchill and others.
They connived how to retain control of their empire of global resources after the colonies gained independence. In other words, they would allow them to become independent in name only. All their resources would keep flowing to Britain in their model.
Why did they name themselves Pilgrims? "Nothing to do with the Mayflower"
The founders intentionally chose the name “Pilgrims.” Their official centennial book The Pilgrims of Great Britain, A Centennial History (Profile Books: 2002) states on page 13: “The Pilgrims” was adopted: . . . it had nothing to do with the Mayflower and the Pilgrim Fathers, but was trying to express the idea that Englishmen and Americans would promote international friendship through their pilgrimages to and fro across the Atlantic.”
June 1909: the month in London when the world headed downhill a slippery immoral slope. . . to this day
Beyond the schmaltzy sentiment of rich, haughty dudes and fancy banquets, they were actively organizing for world domination. For example, since 1902 they had begun hosting Vladimir Lenin in London and assisting him and Joseph Stalin to strengthen Bolshevism.
Thanks to a newly discovered book of their 1909 Imperial Press Conference meeting minutes, we have learned much new about their depraved characters. (This document has been suppressed in the history archives and was newly-discovered in a U.S. university off-site library archive warehouse in 2019.)
The 650 delegates to the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 were financed by Henry Wellcome of Burroughs Wellcome chemicals and pharmaceuticals (now GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Pirbright Institute).
They traveled from throughout the British Commonwealth to London representing all major newspapers, including their U.S. partners, including Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, London Times, New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Reuters, Associated Press and the newspapers they feed.
Their mind control will circulate like blood throughout the Empire
The Conference delegates were deluged with three weeks of obsequious, fawning, self-congratulatory speeches where British lords, earls, generals, dukes, marquises, knights, king and viscounts droned on about their objective “to form and guide public opinion” and that "the thought of the Empire, which should circulate like blood through the body politic.”
SÉance Satanism
The Conference delegates were also introduced to a new form of séance satanism promoted by a key Conference organizer, W.T. Stead, who was a favorite parole guest of the soulless aristocracy.
Stead’s assistant was the pedophile Rev. Dr. Hugh Robert “Sinclair” Moore (1873-1944). Moore is Oracle Larry Ellison’s baby daddy.
Stead was also promoting a new form of imperialism called “Government by Journalism.” Moore later founded the First Church of Psycho-Science in Oakland California and is a likely forerunner of Scientology.
The 1909 First Imperial Press Conference interspersed their boring speeches, punctuated liberally with "Here, here's", with grand military parades and displays of British Dreadnought naval power.
Guglielmo Marconi, the fake inventor of wireless (just like Zuckerberg is the fake inventor of social networking) ,was there too, pitching his then emerging wireless telegraphy for use by newspapermen in order to get the same Reuters (Lord Rothschild) mockingbird news feed everywhere in the Empire in hours.
By 1912, the Pilgrims Society agenda had become sinister
By 1912, the Pilgrims Society agenda had become sinister.
They had ordered J.P. Morgan to buy up all editorial control in America, which he did.
They ordered Andrew Carnegie to buy up control of American libraries and publishers and push a Britain-friendly rewrite of history, which he did.
They promoted war with Germany—to stop German dominance over British trade and banking, which they did. It was called World War I.
They postulated communism and promoted its use to overthrow of Russian Czar Nicholas to prevent the emergence of a Russian trade and banking threat, which they did. It was called the Bolshevik Revolution.
Suffragette journalist Lillian Scott Troy left us key insight for this present day mess
Newsflash: The Pilgrims Society is the (secret) "Special Relationship" — a private club and We the People are not in it
Also in 1912, the Pilgrims Society was circulating a 24-step plan to return the United States to the British Empire. We know this because a spunky journalist, Lillian Scott Troy, got a copy and published it in the San Francisco Leader.
Ms. Troy's articles have disappeared from the Leader archives, but Rep. Jacob Thorkelson preserved them in the Congressional Record in 1940, like a time capsule.
What this 24-step Strategy reveal is that the Pilgrims Society's goal is to destroy the American Republic, and that plan is very much in play today.
The Mnuchins' Pilgrims relationships almost assuredly mean they were founding Pilgrims too. If not members, then certainly first lieutenants.
The Steven Mnuchin's Russian great grandfather, Aaron Mnuchin (lemon wholesaler and diamond importer), was closely aligned, if not a member himself, of the British Pilgrims Society, especially considering his work in diamond trafficking for DeBeers (Rothschild) and Goldman Sachs. See hard evidence in the Timeline herein. See Steven Mnuchin Biography & Timeline for citations to this evidence.
Mnuchin was groomed: His resume is too good to be anything but nepotism, conspiracy & Money Laundering
Mnuchin’s unnatural resume is evidently British Pilgrims-groomed and padded.

Is Mnuchin facilitating “The Great Reset” behind President Trump's back?
A singularity is a point where multiple aspects of a truth converge and become visible all at once.
We now know that the “Deep State” or “shadow government” is the British Pilgrims Society in London and its subsidiary in New York.
The Pilgrims Society has many facades, including the Council on Foreign Relations, Senior Executive Services (SES), Crown Agents, Atlantic Council, World Economic Forum (Davos), Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, Illuminati, Knights of Malta, Vatican Bank, Bank of England, Bank for International Settlements (Basel, Burn, Zurich), SERCO, In-Q-Tel, DoD Office of Net Assessment, Highlands Group, Privy Council, QinetiQ, Leonardo, Pacific Council, Aspen Institute, etc., but all these are but branch of the trunk of the Pilgrims tree.
On Jan. 13, 2020, the day Steven Mnuchin was sworn in as the 77th U.S. Treasury Secretary, he dined that evening with his Goldman Sachs alums, including Henry M. Paulson, Jr. former CEO, who was captured on a photograph conspiring with Chinese Communist Party boss Xi Jining. This associates Steven T. Mnuchin and his Goldman Sachs fellow criminals with "the Great Reset" currently in play.
The old adage is that you are the company you keep. In addition, you hide the information you find incriminating. During this investigation we discovered that Mnuchin failed in his House confirmation hearings to disclose his close collaboration with the notorious international banking criminal, George Soros.
This material fraud alone is indictable.
No moral compass
In addition, Mnuchin produced 43 films between 2014-2017, almost half of which were R-rated for nudity, violence, drugs and profanity. Seven of his nine mostly raunchy movies in 2017 were filmed in the UK where he spent over $400 million.
Steven Mnuchin evidently has no moral compass and has no interest in the American Republic.
So why is Mnuchin allowed anywhere near We The People's business?
Remove him and his ilk, and all Pilgrims and their agents.
(See 18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason and 10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition.)
* * *
Described above is abject immorality.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
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