British & American spies weaponized modern intelligence to enrich themselves, their knights, bankers, lawyers, accountants, propagandists and war corporations thru continuous fake enemies and contrived conflicts
Their “Inner Sanctum” brotherhood took an “ULTRA oath” not to reveal even the existence of their Mar. 05, 1946 agreement and only grudgingly allowed the FBI to join
U.S. Maj. Gen. James E. Freeze, ASA, NSA was groomed by the 1946 “Inner Sanctum,” created Echelon, then stole and weaponized Leader Technologies’ social networking invention
The Senior Executive Service (SES) and IBM hired tens of thousands of German scientists from Operation TICOM (Target Intelligence Committee linked to Bletchley Park that includes Operation Paperclip as just one of its projects) to staff U.S. corporations using stolen IP
See Major General James E. Freeze. (Jun. 21, 2019). Biography & Timeline.
(May 17, 2019)—On Apr. 18, 2010, the U.S. NSA and British GCHQ disclosed for the first time the existence of an above top secret (ULTRA) intelligence sharing agreement signed on Mar. 05, 1946 that still directs their treasonous "Five Eyes" collaboration to this day. This is yet more hard proof that America has not yet won the American Revolution of 1776. We have ceded our most valuable intellectual property to British theft and control, in our opinion.
Shockingly, this agreement gave these multinational spies complete control over global communications, banking and propaganda from 1946 until now.
Even the existence of the agreement has been secret. Not even presidents and prime ministers were told. Arguably, this immorality has murdered many tens of millions of souls and set the cultural agenda for our world to this very day.
Bookmark: #trumping-socialist-media | Mar. 11, 1946 and Mar. 27, 1946, a very select group of British and American spies met in London to plan out the the post-war implementation of the Mar. 05 agreement.

William F. Friedman. (Oct. 01, 1945). TOP SECRET ULTRA, Report of Temporary Duty, Travel Order, TICOM HQ, Director of Research, U.S. Army Security Agency (ASA). NSA/CSS.
William F. Friedman. (Apr. 23, 1943). FRIEDMAN TDY TRIP TO LONDON, APR-JUN 1943 (Apr. 23 to Jun. 12, 1943); DIARY - DAILY ACTIVITIES, Doc. Ref. ID: A60517, Folder No. 002, Accession No. 47270. NSA/CSS.
Frederic Victor Freeborn, O.B.E. (Jul. 02, 2019). Roll of Honour Certificate No. 3234 and related records. (Chief of Bletchley Research Department, British Tabulating Machine Company [licensed IBM Hollerith technologies]. Boss of Hollerith card operations at GCCS for most of the war.). Note: Freeborn's colleague Ronald Whelan M.B.E. verifies that Freeborn received an OBE in the 1945 New Years Honours. This OBE to Freeborn and Whelan's MBE effectively made all IBM activity in Britain and Europe subject to the Monarch, even though Friedman and American intelligence were using an IBM clone of the same indexing system. See AFI. (Jan. 08, 2019). The 100-year Anglo-American Propaganda War Is Coming To An End. Americans for Innovation.
The chief British spy after Sir Sewart C. Menzies that was not redacted was Sir Edward W. Travis. Travis is the primary intelligence actor in the modern world who assumed control over American intelligence after World War II, we believe.
Another likely participant (redacted) was Sir William S. Stephenson whose spy codename was "Intrepid." Sir William covertly ran the British Security Co-Ordination Service (BSC) from Rockefeller Center in New York as an umbrella organization for MI5, MI6, SIS, SOE and PWE (Political Warfare Executive) throughout the Americas.
BSC is very likely where Army Security Agency (ASA) Commander, then Brigadier General James E. Freeze got his idea for ECHELON, see below.
Tellingly, Sir William is the only British knight inducted into the U.S. Military Intelligence Corps Hall of Fame (2008), along with U.S. Generals Freeze and Corderman, discussued below.
One of Sir William's stated goals was "the assurance of American participation in secret activities throughout the world in the closest possible collaboration with the British" and "create a secret British intelligence network throught the western hemisphere." Sir William was Churchill's personal representative to Roosevelt. He was also close friends with William J. Donavan, the infamous founder of the C.I.A.
America's GCCS/GCHQ (UK) handler from 1919 to 1952

Sir Edward was succeeded as director of GCHQ in Apr. 1952 by Sir Eric Malcolm Jones KCMG CB CBE, then by Sir Clive Loehnis KCMG. Sir Clive was also a member of the 1946 Inner Sanctum British delegation. It is reasonable to assume that Sir Eric was a British delegation participant whose name has been redacted in the minutes so as not to show so blatantly the total British domination of post war Anglo-American intelligence.
Note: GCCS or Government Code and Cypher School (also GC&CS) was formed right after WWI on Nov. 01, 1919. It was renamed GCHQ or Government Communications Headquarters after WWII in Apr. 1946, immediately following the 1946 Inner Sanctum meetings with American intelligence that ended just a few days earlier on Mar. 27, 1946. Evidenlty the British wanted a new name for their new global intelligence hegemony in celebration of their successful coopting of America's intelligence apparatus, supplied by IBM. IBM even managed to get paid for all the punch cards they supplied to Adolph Hitler's death camp prisoner IBM tabulation machines all throughout the war. The conspiracies among the Inner Sanctum and their corporate sponsors appears to have planned to profit from war and death. WWII may have been little more than a ruse to bring America into the Cecil Rhodes 200-year plan. To these eugenics satanists, death and destruction merely help to rid the world of deplorables who are only consuming their resources unnecessarily.
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Sir Stewart G. Menzies | Sir Edward H. Travis | John H. Tiltman, CBE | William P. Corderman |

The British delegation was led by Sir Stewart G. Menzies, Sir Edward W. Travis and (Sir) Francis H. Hinsley who served as Secretary. Sir Harry was then chairman of Operation TICOM (better known as "Paperclip" that exported tens of thousands of German scientists, engineers and technology to Britain and the U.S.).
See Oct. 01, 1945 secret letter between Sir Edward W. Travis and W. Preston Corderman where Corderman praises Sir Edward on the boundless work by Sir Francis H. Hinsley's TICOM (i.e., Paperclip) operation.
Notably, two-thirds of the British delegation is still hidden 73 years later from public disclosure. What are they hiding? The Privy Council? We think so. This group is closely tied to Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, George Soros' bunk buddy. Facebook's current VP Baron Richard B. Allan's grandfather F.L. Allan was chief of staff to the British Adjutant General overseeing intelligence and propaganda (Tavistock Institute) (1941-1945). Facebook's VP Sir Nicholas W. Clegg oversees Facebook's global communications.
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Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie | Lord Mark Malloch-Brown | Baron Richard B. Allan | Sir Nicholas W. Clegg |
Of the unredacted 1946 British participants, all participants except one were knighted soon after this meeting if they were not already knights loyal to the British Monarch (Read: not the U.S. Constitution).
Ask a very simple question in Washington, D.C. and watch the spies squirm.
Ask: "If the NSA, ASA, C.I.A. and FBI do not work for the President, for whom do they work?" We now know, for the British and themselves. They are truly rogue to the core.

See AFI. (Aug. 24, 2017). Deep State's James P. Chandler stole Leader Technologies invention to implement C.I.A. mind control thru social networking. Americans for Innovation.
The lone exception was NSA "Integree" John G. Tiltman, CMG, CBE, OBE, MC who moved to Washington as the GCHQ liaison, then ended his career actually working for the NSA. "Integree" appears to be a post 1946 made up NSA-GCHQ word for Brit spies working inside the NSA as dual employees, presumably with dual allegiances as well.
The American delegation was led by Brigadier General W. Preston Corderman, chief of the Army Security Agency (ASA) where he built his operations at Arlington Hall Station using IBM computers and transplanted German cryptologists from the TICOM technology and personnel capture program run largely by the British.
Bookmark: #british-privy-council-nazis | illustrate the continuity of this Corderman activity into the present day, Corderman's protégé, Iowan James Elias Freeze, was recruited into the ASA in 1949.
Freeze followed in his mentor Corderman's footsteps and became ASA Chief on Sep. 01, 1975. He then created the highly illegal Echelon mass surveillance program ca. 1978 with evidently full compliance from no-bid defense contractors associated with the DoD Office of Net Assessment and the Highlands Group, who enrich themselves by stealing and weaponizing new inventions.
In 1952-53, Freeze was stationed in Eritrea where his wife Dorothy was employed by the United Nations overseeing the Federation of Eritrea and Ethiopia. This was a time of important transition for the British in Eritrea. One can logically assume that Freeze was sent there by the “Inner Sanctum” to test his loyalties.
Only Freeze’s formal Army record reveals that he graduated from the Aerospace Control and Guidance Systems Committee (ACGSC) training in 1963. He never discloses this in his public biographies.
On Apr. 29, 1970, then Colonel Freeze commanded the 303d ASA Radio Research Battalion. Freeze personally received the order from President Nixon to invade Cambodia.
After promotion to Brigadier General on Jun. 05, 1975 by President Gerald Ford, Freeze took command of the Army Security Agency (ASA)—the same position formerly held by his "Inner Sanctum" mentor, Brigadier General Corderman.
On Dec. 16, 1999, Freeze became the first outside director of Leader Technologies, after which he introduced Leader to Professor James P. Chandler, III.
Chandler and Freeze then stole Leader's invention for use by their ULTRA secret Echelon NSA/CHQ handlers via the IBM Eclipse Foundation—the ASA's main supplier (see Corderman bio specifically identifying IBM). These activities are certainly clever, albeit grotesquely immoral, not to mention unConstitutional.
Also notable is the fact that Freeze was inducted into the Military Intelligence Hall of Fame in 1987, before his mentor Corderman in 1988, no doubt due to ECHELON.
The world's first knowledge of Freeze's Echelon program came on Jun. 06, 2013 from whistleblower Edward Snowden. Snowden revealed the unholy alliance of government and select private multinational corporations like Google/Alphabet, Facebook, Yahoo!, Pal Talk, Apple, Microsoft, YouTube, AOL, Skype, Cisco, AT&T, EDS, Qualcomm, Oracle, Intel, Verizon, Qwest, HP, Motorola . . . “Alliances with over 80 Major Global Corporations.” Whistleblower William Binney also confirmed this illegal activity.
Notably, a month after Binney quit, on Nov. 29, 2001, Leader Technologies’ patent attorney James P. Chandler, III and David J. Kappos, IBM’s intellectual property counsel, started the IBM Eclipse Foundation with a $40 million “donation” as the vehicle to steal Leader’s social networking inventions and distribute them as “open source,” laughably, anyone who knows IBM, knows they would never do this with their own inventions. IBM is the largest of patent holder in the world.
The FBI was grudgingly allowed to participate in the "Inner Sanctum" meeting
Remarkably, one of the first orders of business in the 1946 meeting was to decide whether the FBI would be allowed to participate through their proposed representative: Mr. John A. Cimperman, who first had to swear the "ULTRA oath." We could not find a text of this oath. Readers are requested to help find it.
Here are the detailed minutes of the Mar. 11-27, 1946 meetings, including a full, searchable transcript.
Earlier, on Aug. 20, 1943, Corderman's Army Security Agency (ASA) research director William F. Friedman had visited the British GCCS operation and had thanked its director Sir Edward Travis for "opening wide the gates of the Inner Sanctum." (This document was only released by the NSA on May 19, 2014.)

Dates | Acronym | Name |
Successive BRITISH Intelligence Agencies (well organized since WWI to present) | ||
1919-1946 | GC&CS | Government Code and Cypher School |
1946-current | GCHQ (Cheltenham UK) | Goverment Communications Headquarters |
Successive U.S. Intelligence Agencies (constantly reorganizing until Five Eyes implemented with British): | ||
1917-1929 | MI-8 | Cable and Telegraphy Section, MIS |
1930-1942 | SIS | Signals Intelligence Service |
1942 | SID | Signal Intelligence Division |
1942-1943 | SSB / IBM (platform) | Signal Security Branch / International Business Machines |
1942-1943 | SOS | Signal Operating Services |
1942-1943 | SSS | Signal Security Service |
1943-1945 | SSD | Signal Security Division |
1943-1945 | SSA | Signal Security Agency |
1945-1976 | ASA (BG Corderman, BG Freeze, Arlington Hall VA) |
Army Security Agency |
1946 (Mar 05) | TOP SECRET CREAM British-U.S. Communication Intelligence Agreement | "Five Eyes" treason agreed |
1946 (Mar 11-27) | TOP SECRET CREAM British-U.S. Communication Intelligence Agreement Inauguration Technical Conference | "Five Eyes" treason organized |
1947-current | CIA (Langley VA; rogue SES "stay-behinds" in Geneva, Switzerland) | Central Intelligence Agency |
1952-current | NSA (Ft. Meade MD) |
National Security Agency |
Table 1: Source: Archivist. (1917-1993) . Records of the National Security Agency/Central Security Service (Record Group 457). National Archives (US); also NSA, GCHQ, The National Archives (UK). |

Normally, one would consider reference to an "Inner Sanctum" as mere hyperbole. However, given the ULTRA secrecy of this post-war intelligence sharing plan to sieze German intellectual property among these shadowy actors, and considering that Operation TICOM was initiated by the British alone and only involved the Americans once General Marshall found out about it, it is evident that a British Privy Council Inner Sanctum (hidden agenda) did indeed exist within British intelligence into which the Americans were being initiated.
AFI researchers are deep in the mines on this research, which is voluminous. More analysis of the evidence will be forthcoming. Remarkably, this 1946 "Inner Sanctum" agreement took place with almost no accountability, which has led to the rise of a global, rogue Anglo-American spy state mentality that has dictated terms to our world during our entire lifetimes. It is truly astonishing how our lives have been so controlled by these megalomaniacs.
This reign of terror must come to an end immediately. As far as we can see, the fastest way to control these agents of darkness is to cut off the resources of Google/Alphabet, Facebook, Yahoo!, Pal Talk, Apple, Microsoft, YouTube, AOL, Skype, Cisco, AT&T, EDS, Qualcomm, Oracle, Intel, Verizon, Qwest, HP, Motorola . . . “Alliances with over 80 Major Global Corporations."
They should also be forced to disgorge their ill-gotten gains from the hundred years of theft of patents and other intellectual properties, starting with Leader Technologies' Miller Act Notice.
* * *
Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.
Click "N comments:" on the line just below this instruction to comment on this post. Alternatively, send an email with your comment to and we'll post it for you. We welcome and encourage anonymous comments, especially from whisteblowers.
Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump today. It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment that steals and weaponizes inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of its fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
Wow that was odd. I just wrote an extremely long comment but after I clicked submit my comment didn't show up.
ReplyDeleteGrrrr... well I'm not writing all that over again. Anyways,
just wanted to say fantastic blog!
Email comment by Sharyl Attkisson:
ReplyDeleteSharyl Attkisson. (Jun. 29, 2019). Smearing WikiLeaks. Full Measure.
How three men affiliated with WikiLeaks were hit with false or unproven sexual assault accusations — amid a secret PR plan to discredit WikiLeaks.
To some, Julian Assange and his “WikiLeaks” website went from being hero– to zero– when they began publishing internal emails that reflected poorly on then-candidate for President Hillary Clinton had her campaign team.
But even before that, WikiLeaks was seen as damaging to some powerful interests.
In 2010, some of those interests launched a secret public relations campaign to disparage and discredit WikiLeaks, Assange, and other WikiLeaks associates.
Three men affiliated with WikiLeaks were then hit by false or unproven sexual assault charges.
Read more about the strange smearing of Wikileaks below.
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mail comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteRobert Kraychik. (Jun. 29, 2019. Swamp Report: 430 Former Members of Congress Are Lobbyists, Government Influencers. Breitbart.
Former politicians regularly monetize their experience and contacts by becoming lobbyists, consultants, and joining other endeavors to influence government activities.
Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute and senior contributor at Breitbart News, explained the ubiquity of this phenomenon in episode three of his eponymous investigative video series.
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Email comment by Tom Fitton:
“Cheryl Mills knew about the Clinton email setup. Judge Lamberth said he was dumbfounded that Mills was given immunity and allowed to accompany Clinton to her FBI interview. Why was Mills, a witness, allowed to come into the interview as Hillary Clinton’s lawyer?"
Full Tweet/Story [VIDEO]:
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Email comment by Sharyl Attkisson:
ReplyDeleteSocial Media Strike: July 4-5
Interests who are fed up with what they believe to be censorship, undue control over Internet information, free speech, and unfair exploitation of our data are organizing a social media strike for July 4 and 5.
According to organizer Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia (who has since split with the project):
This means we will not use social media on those days, except to post notices that we are on strike. We’re going to make a lot of noise. Nobody will be able to ignore what’s happening. We’re going to flex our collective muscles and demand that giant, manipulative corporations give us back control over our data, privacy, and user experience.
Larry Sanger
Do you have a grievance that will prompt you to go on strike?
More from the July 4-5 Social Media Strike organizers:
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Email comment by Sharyl Attkisson:
Video exposing Ocasio-Cortez’s lies will likely be released soon
Border Patrol Union VP Hector Garza says CBP (U.S. Customs and Border Protection) has footage of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) “threatening and being very abusive with the Border Patrol agents.”
During an interview with Fox’s Neil Cavuto on Tuesday, Garza responded to AOC’s Monday visit to two CBP facilities where she claimed she was “physically and sexually threatened” by officers and that detainees are forced to drink from toilets.
“Speaking to agents that were at that facility, they say that AOC walked in there beginning a war against our agents,” he said.
Garza continued, saying, “And just to let you know, Neil, there is footage where Ocasio-Cortez is actually going up to our agents and being very threatening and being very abusive with the border patrol agents. And that video is in the hands of CBP right now, the headquarters and we hope that CBP releases that footage.”
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Email comment by Sharyl Attkisson:
ReplyDeleteMark Tapscott. (Jun. 30, 2019). Hillary Clinton’s Lawyer Changes Story on When She Knew About Emails. Epoch Times.
WASHINGTON—Heather Samuelson, Hillary Clinton’s personal attorney, gave the FBI and Judicial Watch conflicting explanations of when she learned that the former secretary of state used a private email system to conduct official U.S. diplomatic business.
“I believe I first became aware when either she e-mailed me on personal matters, such as wishing me happy birthday, or when I infrequently would receive e-mails forwarded to me from others at the department that had that e-mail address listed elsewhere in the document,” Samuelson told Judicial Watch lawyers during a June 13, 2019, deposition.
Samuelson worked in the Department of State’s liaison office to President Barack Obama’s White House at the time, according to Judicial Watch.
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Email comment by Tom Fitton:
ReplyDeleteTom Fitton. (Jul. 02, 2019). Judicial Watch: Former State Official Testifies He Warned State Department Officials about Clinton Email Issues; Concerned about Interference on Classified Clinton Benghazi Email Documents. Judicial Watch.
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that John Hackett, the former Director for Information Programs and Services (IPS), which handles records management at the State Department, testified under oath that he had raised concerns that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s staff had “culled out 30,000” of the secretary’s “personal” emails without following strict National Archives standards. The full deposition transcript is available here.
John Hackett, as part of a series of court-ordered depositions and questions under oath of senior Obama-era State Department officials, lawyers, and Clinton aides, also revealed that he believed there was interference with the formal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) review process related to the classification of Clinton’s Benghazi-related emails.
Hackett served first as deputy director then as director for Information Programs and Services, which handles the FOIA request program and the retirement of and declassification of documents at the State Department. He was at the department from April 2013 to March 2016.
In March 2015, Clinton told reporters that she and her staff had deleted more than 30,000 emails “because they were personal and private about matters that I believed were within the scope of my personal privacy.” ABC News reported: “However, after a year-long investigation, the FBI recovered more than 17,000 emails that had been deleted or otherwise not turned over to the State Department, and many of them were work-related, the FBI has said.”
(Heather Samuelson, the Clinton lawyer who deleted the Clinton emails, separately testified to Judicial Watch that she received immunity from the Justice Department.)
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Email comment by GT:
ReplyDeleteDarren Samuelson. (Jun. 27, 2019). Roger Stone’s lawyers punch back at DOJ over charges of violating gag order. Politico.
Roger Stone’s lawyers swung back Thursday at federal prosecutors accusing the longtime Donald Trump adviser of violating a court-imposed gag order that could send him to jail.
In an 11-page reply, Stone’s attorneys argued their client was well within his First Amendment rights when he recently posted several times on social media his criticism of the press coverage surrounding his case.
A federal judge in Washington D.C. ordered Stone in February to cease commenting about the charges he’s fighting — which center around allegedly making false statements to Congress, obstruction and witness tampering — so as to not destroy the possibility of a fair trial in his case later this fall.
But the U.S. attorney’s office that took over the prosecution originally brought by former special counsel Robert Mueller last week flagged several Stone Instagram posts, including some questioning why the press wasn’t paying more attention to his lawyers' recent legal filings.
Responding on Thursday, Stone’s lawyers argue that he has indeed respected the court’s order and that the posts in dispute “are not ‘statements’, nor do they pose a danger to the fair trial concern which was (and is) the constitutional raison d’etre of the Order.”
Full story:
ROGER STONE'S ARGUMENT filed with Judge Amy Jackson, the Lyin' Wicked Witch of Washington (my opinion of course):
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Email comment by CTM:
ReplyDeleteBrietbart Texas. (Jul. 01, 2019). Border Patrol’s Brandon Judd Fires Back at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for ‘Falsehoods’ About Migrant Facilities. Breitbart.
Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, fired back at Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) on Monday evening after she made incendiary claims about her visit earlier that day to several U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) sites housing migrants who crossed the U.S. border illegally.
Ocasio-Cortez, who continues to refer to CBP facilities as “concentration camps” despite being criticized by Jewish leaders, the U.S. Holocaust Museum, and Israel’s Yad Vashem, tweeted that women had been forced to drink water from toilets, among other atrocities:
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Email comment by G:
ReplyDeletePress Release. (Jul. 07, 2019). Judicial Watch: New Documents Reveal DOJ, IRS, and FBI Plan to Seek Criminal Charges of Obama Opponents. Judicial Watch.
JULY 07, 2015
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch today released new Department of Justice (DOJ) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) documents that include an official “DOJ Recap” report detailing an October 2010 meeting between Lois Lerner, DOJ officials and the FBI to plan for the possible criminal prosecution of targeted nonprofit organizations for alleged illegal political activity.
The newly obtained records also reveal that the Obama DOJ wanted IRS employees who were going to testify to Congress to turn over documents to the DOJ before giving them to Congress. Records also detail how the Obama IRS gave the FBI 21 computer disks, containing 1.25 million pages of confidential IRS returns from 113,000 nonprofit social 501(c)(4) welfare groups – or nearly every 501(c)(4) in the United States – as part of its prosecution effort. According to a letter from then-House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, “This revelation likely means that the IRS – including possibly Lois Lerner – violated federal tax law by transmitting this information to the Justice Department.”
The documents were produced subsequent to court orders in two Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits: Judicial Watch v. Internal Revenue Service (No. 1:14-cv-01956) and Judicial Watch v. Department of Justice (No. 1:14-cv-01239).
The new IRS documents include a October 11, 2010 “DOJ Recap” memo sent by IRS Exempt Organizations Tax Law Specialist Siri Buller to Lerner and other top IRS officials explaining an October 8 meeting with representatives from the Department of Justice Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section and “one representative from the FBI” to discuss the possible criminal prosecution of nonprofit organizations for alleged political activity:
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Email comment by Anon:
“It wouldn’t have, and it didn’t” happen on then-President Obama’s watch, he says
Biden: Russians Didn't Meddle In 2016 Election - It "Wouldn't Have" Happened Under Obama's Watch
Former Vice President Joe Biden says Russian election meddling “didn’t” happen on Obama’s watch – and, for context, Obama was still president during the 2016 election.
“While Putin is trying to undo our elections, he is undoing elections in Europe,” Biden said on CNN. “Look what’s happened in Hungary. Look what’s happened in Poland. Look what’s happened in Moldova.”
“You think that would happen on my watch or Barack’s watch? You can’t answer that, but I promise you it wouldn’t have, and it didn’t.”
Full story [VIDEO]:
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John Carneys. (Jul. 05, 2019). Boom! America Created 224,000 Jobs in June! Breitbart.
ReplyDeleteUS President Donald Trump speaks at the 2018 Project Safe Neighborhoods National Conference in Kansas City, Missouri, on December 7, 2018. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP) (Photo credit should read JIM WATSON/AFP/Getty Images)JIM WATSON/
Job creation reignited in June, with nonfarm payrolls rising 224,000 and unemployment ticking up to 3.7 percent.
The June number will be closely watched after a surprisingly poor showing in May, when the U.S. economy was initially reported to have added just 75,000 jobs. That number was revised even lower on Friday, to just 72,000. April’s number was revised down to 216,000 from 224,000.
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Email comment by LP:
Yes, really
Facebook Issues New Policy Saying It's Acceptable to Post D__th Thr__ts Against Me
Facebook has issued a new policy update saying it’s acceptable to post d__th thr__ts and incite vi__ence against me, despite this being a crime in the United Kingdom.
No, I’m not joking.
A Community Standards update published by Facebook states (emphasis mine); “Do not post: Thr__ts that could lead to d__th (and other forms of high-severity vio__nce) of any target(s) where thr__t is defined as any of the following:
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Email comment by ANN:
On today’s Wednesday transmission of The David Knight Show, you’ll see an exclusive interview with UK activist Tommy Robinson and learn about Wikipedia’s erasing of Epstein’s relations to Democrats.
Don’t forget to spread this live program to help fight back against the censorship agenda of the internet overlords.
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteAbel Danger. (Feb. 22, 2010). PEDOGATE: Women Operatives In Very High Places. Millenium Report.
Mistress of the Revels
September 15, 2011)--List of Crown Agents’ Sisters who allegedly use pedophile extortionists and snuff-film patent pools to support ‘man-in-the-middle’ attacks on leaders with an M.O. of Matrix 5 communities (see Marcy below) and command, contract hit and spoliation crews that dates back to the 1629 foundation of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers:
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Email comment by DL:
Includes child porn, a painting of Epstein in prison, and signed photo of Bill Clinton
Here's All The Twisted Sh_t Found in Epstein's Home During FBI Raid
The FBI arrested billionaire financier Jeffrey Epstein for sex trafficking, and raided his Manhattan mansion over the weekend.
During the course of the raid of his $77 million 7-floor private townhome, the FBI found a number of bizarre – and even criminal – items along with strange design features in Epstein’s home.
The most damning thing the FBI discovered was a “vast trove” of lewd photos of young women and girls, some of which were found in a locked safe.
Epstein also had commissioned a bizarre mural found on the second floor, showing him in the middle of a prison scene surrounded by barbed wire, guards and a guard station.
Reportedly he had told a recent guest, “That’s me, and I had this painted because there is always the possibility that could be me again.”
Many other odd things were found, including:
– A wall decorated with photos of director Woody Allen, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia, and a signed photo of former President Bill Clinton.
– A custom-made chess board with each of the figurines dressed in underwear, reportedly modeled after his employees. Creepy!
– A massage room filled with sex toys.
– A life-size doll hanging from a chandelier and a dining room designed to resemble a beach.
– A 20-seat dining table surrounded by computer screens and phones.
– A full-sized dental chair installed in his bathroom.
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Epstein Flight Manifests. (Released Jul. 06, 2019). EXHIBIT MM, Epstein v. Bradley J. Edwards, et al., Case No. 50 2009 CA 040800XXXXMBAG, case style also Empstein, Jeffrey V. Rothstein, Scott. U.S. Courts.
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Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Patriots. (Jul. 07, 2019). EXPOSING SIR KIM DURROCH AS AN ENEMY OF AMERICA. AIM.
In 2016, Sir Kim said called Trump’s victory “historic and impressive”
In 2018, Sir Kim said he “always found him [Trump] to be absolutely charming.”
Today, Sir Kim trashes Trump – the definition of a lying globalist (apologies for being redundant)
The Privy Council NWO getting desperate to stop the Trump Train?
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Email comment by GN:
DeleteOliver JJ. Lane. (Jul. 10, 2019). British Ambassador to Washington Sir Kim Darroch Quits After Anti-Trump Comments Leaked. Breitbart.
WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 18: British Ambassador Kim Darroch speaks at an Afternoon Tea hosted by the British Embassy to mark the U.S. Presidential Inauguration at The British Embassy on January 18, 2017
The controversial British Ambassador to the United States whose caustic remarks about President Donald Trump were leaked to the media at the weekend has resigned from his post.
Noting the enormous media storm generated around his remarks about President Trump and his administration, which he called “dysfunctional”, “clumsy”, and “incompetent” in a series of confidential briefing notes, Sir Kim resigned on Wednesday morning.
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ReplyDeleteBrittany Shammas. (Jul. 10, 2019). Laura Loomer Sues Facebook for $3 Billion After Being Banned. Miami New Times.
Earlier this year, Facebook booted a batch of users including InfoWars founder Alex Jones, Nation of Islam founder Louis Farrakhan, conspiracy theorist Paul Joseph Watson, and conservative provocateur Laura Loomer. The social media service claims they violated company policies against dangerous individuals and organizations. The company's announcement prompted a string of Twitter rants from President Donald Trump; a bizarre, widely panned "remember us" plea from Watson; and now a $3 billion lawsuit from Loomer.
In a lawsuit filed Monday in the Southern District of Florida, the self-described "most banned woman in the world" claims Facebook defamed her by labeling her dangerous. Loomer's attorney, Larry Klayman, a right-wing activist who once filed a birther-fueled lawsuit to keep Barack Obama off the ballot in 2012, says his client is an "American heroine" who has been smeared by the tech giant.
"When you call someone a dangerous person, you're in effect making them a pariah," says Klayman, founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch. "You're making them untouchable."
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ReplyDelete. . . more proof the U.S. and UK/Canada/Commonwealth governments KNOW they must compensate Leader Technologies for stealing Leader’s social networking invention
On Sep. 11, 1940, the U.S. Government ordered “entire and reasonable compensation” to patentees whose “patent rights and trade secrets” were used or confiscated by the U.S., British or Commonwealth countries (pursuant to the Fifth Amendment Takings Clause) for intelligence activities
G.C. Marshall. (Sep. 11, 1940). SECRET, APPROVED, Sec. of War, Chief of Staff. MEMO: Directive to G-2 Covering Interchange of Secret Technical Information with Representatives of British Government, NSA declassified 04-08-2010 per E.O. 12958, PDF pp. 20-22. NSA.
Note: This directive is consistent with the Fifth Amendment Takings Clause. Those U.S. and UK spies for Army Security Agency (ASA), FBI, IBM, GCCS, MI-6, SOE, SIS, Privy Council, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) assigned to carry out Gen. Marshall’s order ignored the order and stole everything under the cloak of “Ultra oath” secrecy.
Such is the fetid moral foundation for the “IBM Internet of Things” mass surveillance, racketeering, patent theft, election rigging, propaganda, money laundering, drug smuggling and human trafficking global grid being imposed on the world as we speak.
Shine the light of truth on these stinking rats.
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ReplyDeleteJohn Solomon. (Jul. 16, 2019) FBI's spreadsheet puts a stake through the heart of Steele's dossier. The Hill.
Some in the news media have tried in recent days to rekindle their long-lost love affair with former MI6 agent Christopher Steele and his now infamous dossier.
The main trigger was a lengthy interview in June with the Department of Justice (DOJ) inspector general, which some news outlets suggested meant U.S. officials have found Steele, the former Hillary Clinton-backed political muckraker, to be believable.
"Investigators ultimately found Steele's testimony credible and even surprising," Politico crowed. The Washington Post went even further, suggesting Steele's assistance to the inspector general might "undermine Trumpworld's alt-narrative" that the Russia-collusion investigation was flawed.
For sure, Steele may have valuable information to aid Justice's internal affairs probe into misconduct during the 2016 Russia election probe. His dossier alleging a conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Moscow ultimately was disproven, but not before his intelligence was used to secure a surveillance warrant targeting the Trump campaign in the final days of the 2016 election.
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