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Friday, May 17, 2019


Sambei and Mueller have left a path of destruction (U.S. Embassy bombings, 9/11, Trump-Russia Hoax)

Sambei’s partner Martin Polaine was disbarred for fabricating warrant evidence in the Cayman Islands

Sambei used different names for every false flag project with FBI Mueller

Jan. 25, 2025: The u-t videos censored from this post have now been fully restored elsewhere. Perhaps now the full story about the British Pilgrims Society's 120+year conspiracy to "Annex American" will finally reach public consciousness. In 1907, intrepid American patriot Lillian Scott Troy started warning us about this treachery. Read a current (2025) assessment here.

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | May 16, 2019, Updated JAn. 25, 2025 | PDF |
Click image to enlarge.
AFI. (May 16, 2019). British Sr. Crown Prosecutor Arvinder Sambei conspires with Mueller on Trump coup d'etat. Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 1Arvinder K. Sambei, also uses the names Arvinda K. Sambir and Arvinder K. Sambi. As founding director of the London Centre of International Law Practice (LCILP), Sambei, who was his boss where he had just come to work, directed George Papadopoulos to travel to Rome to meet British-American intelligence agent Joseph Mifsud. During this trip Mifsud volunteered to supply Papadopoulos with thousands of Hillary Clinton emails which they wanted Papadopoulos to in turn offer to the Trump campaign as a part of their effort to frame Papadopoulos in the Trump-Russia Hoax.

See Arvinder K. Sambei et al. (May 14, 2019). Biography & Timeline.
Base Photo: Public International Law Advisory Group (PILAG).
Bookmark: #arvinder-sambei-robert-mueller |
Arvinder Sambei Robert Mueller failed British operation
Fig. 2Gabriel, McKibben. (May 16, 2019). Queen's agent Arvinder Sambei orchestrates the overthrow Trump. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Video: American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation, Leader Technologies, Inc.
Bookmark: #clinton-communism |
Gabriel, McKibben. (Jun. 04, 2019). Clinton Communism: Will they go to prison for racketeering. Amercian Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 3Gabriel, McKibben. (Jun. 04, 2019). Clinton Communism: Will they go to prison for racketeering. Amercian Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Video: American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation, Leader Technologies, Inc.
Bookmark: #darpa-made-facebook |
Kitty. (Jun. 08, 2019). The Truth About Facebook. The Truth Factory.
Fig. 4Kitty. (Jun. 08, 2019). The Truth About Facebook. The Truth Factory. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Video: The Truth Factory.

(May 17, 2019)—Arvinder Sambei's 25+ year former employer, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), rudely refused to provide any background information whatsoever about their star prosecutor. Therefore, researchers were left to piece together this exposé without their help.

Sambei was born in 1961* to civil engineer father Sohar Singh Sambei.** The mother, birthplace, primary schools, academic and other achievements are all unknown. For an ambiguous-gender New World Order polygamist,*** his-her resume is suspiciously sketchy. See Sambei/Sambir/Sambi Biography.

* learned from a Companies House director disclosure.
** learned from his-her 1st marriage certificate.
*** two marriage certificates under two name variants, no divorces; the definition of polygamy (having more than one wife or husband at the same time)

Arvinder K. Sambei et al
Biography & Timeline
Arvinder K. Sambei et al. (May 14, 2019). Biography and Timeline.
Graphic: Americans for Innovation.

When researchers in the UK reached out to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) for publicly available information on Sambei—who had been one of their star prosecutors for 25+ years—the CPS official hung up the phone without response.

Sambei Vagaries

Arvinder Sambei’s gender is ambiguous. While he-she dresses as a woman, we are told that “Arvinder” is generally a male name from the Punjab region of northwest India. Since the Crown Prosecution Services (CPS) flatly refused to provide his-her background, the public is left to speculate. If any reader has additional data here, please provide it and we will update this post.

Transgenderism among CPS prosecutors must be disclosed

Perhaps normally, Sambei’s possible trans-genderism would not be an issue. But in Sambei’s case, as a public figure who has advised, and currently advises, hundreds of governments and public bodies according to her own lists, her gender bias may have influenced public policy unethically, around the world, especially when one observes the evident obsession at CPS on LGBTQ policy. See Homophobic, Biphobic and Transphobic Hate Crime. See also CPS Legal Guidance.

Microsoft began supplying the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) 17 mo. before 9/11
Microsoft Reporter. (Jul. 10, 2018). Microsoft at Pride in London 2018: in pictures. Microsoft News.
Fig. 6Microsoft and Arvinder Sambei/CPS are fellow globalists. On Nov. 26, 2001 (one month after 9/11), the Crown Prosecution Services (CPS) announced they had engaged globalists Microsoft and Global Crossing 18 months earlier (ca. Mar. 2000 during Bill Clinton's presidency) to "modernize I.T., electronic communication systems and the office enironment for 5,300 operational staff across 100 UK sites. The project, called Connect 42, was rolled out to the CPS' 42 Areas across England and Wales... Global Crossing was selected to supply the side area network (WAN)." Photo: Microsoft Reporter. (Jul. 10, 2018). Microsoft at Pride in London 2018: in pictures. Microsoft News.

Bookmark: #british-intellectual-property-hoax |
The British Intellectual Property Law Institute HOAX

On Mar. 31, 2005, p. 6, list, Microsoft was also a member of the British Intellectual Property Institute along with Wilmer Hale LLP, p.5, last para. (Robert S. Mueller's law firm) and Baker McKenzie LLP to whom Arvinder Sambei consults currently. IBM (IBM Eclipse Foundation) joined in Mar. 31, 2006, as did British American Tobacco (BAT). The control over the British and American patent offices by the Privy Council (SERCO) in conspiracy with the Senior Executive Services (SES) and Crown Agents USA is evident. (Sir) Geoffrey E. Pattie, keeper of the Queen's Golden Shares, formed the The Common Law Institute of Intellectual Property Limited Co. No. 01557489 on Mar. 28, 1981 as the excuse for the Privy Council to take control of British, then American inventions slated for weaponization.

Also on the British IP Institute board is Silicon Valley venture capitalists Esther Dyson, who is a member of the notorious Highland Group within the DoD Office of Net Assessment ruled for 40 years by war mongers James P. Chandler, III and Andrew W. Marshall. These thieves steal every invention they want for their globalist clique, then use justice systems to protect them from consequences. In this environment of abject larceny, Arvinder Sambei was king, or queen.

Any disagreement with a globalist is becoming a Homophobic hate crime in the UK

Sagacity observes: "To a hammer, the whole world is a nail." In Sambei's world, anyone who disagrees with her and her fellow trannies appears a target for prosecution and silencing.

It appears likely that LGBTQ bias inside CPS is pushing hate as a new form of social terrorism, and an interminable excuse to indict political opponents of globalism on behalf of the Queen's Privy Council.

According to UK public records, Sambei has two husbands, it appears: Charanjit S. Bhachu (m. 1989 as Arvinder Sambei) and Tushar L.B. Shah (m. 1995 as Arvinder Sambi). By 1998, Sambei is referred to as “Miss,” even though no records of his-her divorce from either Bhachu or Shah can be found.

Bookmark: #polygamy-in-the-uk |
UK Parliament Polygamy Propaganda (2018):
Polygamy. (Nov. 22, 2018). Parliament (UK).
Fig. 7—UK Polygamy Propaganda distributed to the UK Parliament on Nov. 22, 2018
Amazing! Why didn't the UK brochure show two or three husbands, or multiple wives?
Polygamy. (Nov. 22, 2018). Parliament (UK).
Fig. 8—UK Polygamy Propaganda should really have shown a picture of a polygamist union. Photo: The Daily Beast.

Polygamy is illegal in the U.K., sort of. Note that on Nov. 22, 2018 the UK Parliament was stonewalled by the Office of National Statistics on the number of polygamous marriages in the UK. The Office eventually admitted in a 20-page glossy color propaganda brochure picturing a man and woman holding hands viewing a sunset that no records of polgymous marriages in the UK are kept. Why didn't the brochure show two or three husbands, or multiple wives? See Arvinder Sambei Biography and Timeline.

The grooming of Arvinder Sambei by the Crown (+C.I.A. + FBI)

After obtaining a law degree from the University of Kent, then a masters in law from the London School of Economics (LSE), Sambei was called to the Bar almost immediately (Jul. 1985).

Sambei then received a certificate in U.S. Constitutional Law from Yale (ca. 1988). The University of Kent is not a school for self-styled elitists, but Yale and LSE are, and as Brits just told us is well known, "LSE is the birthplace of British communists."

Sambei was evidently being groomed to coordinate with American lawyers to create a two-tiered class structure of: (1-the controllers) self-styled corporate elitists (the definition of fascism; disciples of Cecil Rhodes' 200-year Plan), and (2-the controlled) the masses managed by socialism and dependent on the state for every need from healthcare and education to employment and income.

Eugenics death panels would become policy again in Sambei's dreams, just like they were under Hitler and Stalin—their past failed experiments in which many tens of millions of souls perished in their power mongering.

Hindsight proves Sambei's agenda. Once Bill Clinton assumed the Presidency in 1993, Sambei collaborated with the FBI, C.I.A., DoJ, MI-5, MI-6, GCHQ, NSA, Five Eyes (CA, UK, US, NZ, AU), Robert Mueller and James Comey on numerous false flag events to cajole the world population into giving up their liberties.

Sambei had no experience before becoming Senior Crown Prosecutor

By Mar. 07, 1995, we found evidence that Sambei was employed by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). In this Newcastle Journal (UK) article she identified herself as "Arvinder Sambei," like she does today.

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown
Fig. 9—Lord Mark Malloch-Brown

His-her employment between 1988-1995 remains a mystery. And since the CPS refused to provide his-her resume, the reasonable speculation is that he-she worked for CPS during this time.

Evidently, without any professional experience, Sambei was recruited to follow the orders of the Queen's Privy Council and its entrenched globalists, including George Soros’ confidante Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Baron Jacob Rothschild, the Cecil Rhodes’ Trust, the Bank of England, and their chief technologist Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, former chairman of Marconi, founder of SERCO and keeper of the Queen’s Golden Shares.

James B. Comey
Fig. 10James B. Comey. Was a director for HSBC in London when Barack Obama nominated him to replace his mentor Robert S. Mueller, III as director of the FBI.

Note that former FBI Director James B. Comey was appointed a director at London-based HSBC on Jan. 30, 2013 and served until he was sworn in as FBI director nine months later on Sep. 04, 2013. Curiously, Obama had first nominated Comey in May 2013.

London-based HSBC is the second largest bank in the world and has been a major Clinton Foundation donor. Like Sambei, Comey too appears likely to have gone to the UK to receive his Privy Council marching orders before being appointed FBI director by Barack Obama. Also, Obama's role appears central in this treasonous plot.

Arvinder K. Sambei
Fig. 11Arvinder K. Sambei. Criminal prosecution consultant to the self-styled leftist global elite who want to rule the world as un-elected corporatists.

Judging from the company Sambei keeps today, he-she continues to do the bidding of her Privy Council New World Order handlers.

Sambei has a laundry list of globalist organizations to whom she consults. The list is too long to summarize here, but is detailed in the Arvinder Sambei Biography and Timeline footnotes.

Sambei consults to the Council of Europe, European Union, IMF, UN Anti-Piracy Programme (UNAPP), UN Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), UN Development Program (UNDP), UN Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the Global Center on Cooperative Security (GCCS.) GCCS alone lists 90 collaborators, including American Bar Association, Brookings Institution, Human Rights First, Institute for Inclusive Security, Saferworld, Strong Cities, World Affairs Council, IMF, Interpol, OHCHR, World Bank, Baker McKenzie LLP (British Intellectual Property Law Institute member with Wilmer Hale Dorr LLP (p. 5, last para.)Robert S, Mueller, III's law firm),, Akin Gump LLP, Anti Money Laundering (AML), UN Foundation, Century Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

Sambei is also a principal in the Public International Law Advisory Group (PILAG), Amicus Legal Consultants Limited and the London Center of International Law Practice (LCILP). Sambei lured the young and inexperience George Papadopoulos to LCILP, then ordered him to Rome to meet Joseph Mifsud where the Trump-Russia Hoax took flight.

Sambei's lists of notables is evidently intended to virtue signal her alignment with the New World Order globalist community.

One World Government – The perfect nest for Betas (followers not free thinkers) on the left and right

Another thing is clear from all of Sambei’s virtue signaling. He-she is a globalist dedicated to Cecil Rhodes’ 200-year Plan for a One World Government. Indeed, since the Rhodes Scholarship's inception in 1902, it has been overseen as a socialist recruiting ground for the Privy Council. These actors all appear to be Betas (followers) who are incapable of free thought, and they only gain a sense of purpose in the hive mind. For them, a one world government is the perfect nest.

In their minds, if you resist this existence, you must have a mental health problem. This is why they are so dangerous to liberty. There is no other reality besides their opinion. The Soviets (Lenin globalists financed by George Perkins, J.P. Morgan, John Ryan, John D. Rockefeller, Jacob Schiff, Rothschilds and Andrew Carnegie) were notorious for locking up their dissidents in mental hospitals for the crime of thinking differently than the Communist Party.

South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg has been groomed like Sambei as a Cecil Rhodes Privy Council disciple
Peter Paul Montgomery "Pete" Buttigieg
Fig. 12Peter Paul Montgomery "Pete" Buttigieg. Jesuit, Harvard, Oxford Rhodes Scholarship, Facebook McKinsey associate, DoD Office of Net Assessment, SPAWAR, SERCO. . . oh, and current mayor of South Bend, IN, home of Notre Dame University.

Note: Cecil Rhodes, Buttigieg's benefactor, made his homosexuality well known as well. It is notoriously known that the Privy Council directs policy for the Rhodes Trust.

Note that the openly gay mayor of South Bend, IN, Pete Buttigieg,* was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University where Bill Clinton was groomed. Buttigieg has been groomed in all the globalist left New World Order watering holes, including Jesuit training,** , Oxford, Harvard, McKinsey,*** U.S. Navy Intelligence.****

* Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg
** copied by Cecil Rhodes and The Round Table
*** Facebook COO Sheryl K. Sandberg's former employer
**** C.I.A., SPAWAR, SERCO, James P. Chandler, III, Andrew W. Marshall, DoD Office of Net Assessment, Highlands Group)

Sambei has changed his-her name for every False Flag with Mueller / FBI

With this background, we will now focus in on Sambei’s very public collaborations over the years with the FBI, DoJ, James B. Comey, Robert S. Mueller, III and the U.S. Goverment.

Sambei has conspicuously used a different name for each of his-her false flag collaborations with Robert Mueller and the FBI.

Name#1: Arvinder Sambi
CPS Name #1: Arvinder Sambi

1. U.S. Embassy Bombings in Tanzania & Kenya

On Jul. 12, 1999, Arvinder Sambi announced—in a simultaneous press release that circled that planet with no evident independent verification by the editors—the capture of suspects in the U.S. Embassy bombings in Tanzania and Kenya. The made-for-TV Arabic names of the alleged plotters were enough to throw off most people from further inquiry: Ibrahim Hussein Abdel Hadi Eidarous, 42, and Mr Adel Abdel-Meguid AbdelBary, 39.

American Embassy bombings in Kenya, left, and Tanzania in 1998. Photos: Dave Caulkin/Associated Press, left; Brennan Linsley/Associated Press.
Fig. 13—American Embassy bombings in Kenya, left, and Tanzania on  August 7, 1998. Photos: Dave Caulkin/Associated Press, left; Brennan Linsley/Associated Press.

These made-for-TV bombings—in two former British colonies— introduced the Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda bogeyman to the American public for the first time.

In news that seems almost comical today following the fabricated Steele "pee-pee" dossier, Sambi and Mueller presented faked fingerprint fax evidence to support the FBI indictments.

Seriously, Sambei brazenly claimed that both men who allegedly used military-grade bombs in Africa, came to the UK and stupidly sent faxes from two different places in London claiming responsibility for the bombings in Africa, and they supposedly left their fingerprints on the originals of the faxes without destroying them.

This is not even good fiction.

In addition, hindsight brings serious doubt about the origin of the Embassy bombs used. They were reminiscent of the Oklahoma City bombings where we now know the FBI used military-grade thermite explosives, then carted off FBI files stored there regarding the Waco and Ruby Ridge investigations.

In the Oklahoma bombing, an Oklahoma policeman, Terrance Yeakey, disappeared suspiciously after being one of the first officers on the scene of the carnage. He would most certainly have witnessed the FBI carrying off their Ruby Ridge and Waco investigation files. The net effect of these bombings was to frighten the public into giving away civil liberties in exchange for empty globalist promises of greater safety.

The only safety we need is safety from un-elected Deep State shadow government gamesmanship of the public trust.

Name#2: Arvinda Sambir
CPS Name #2: Arvinda Sambir

2. 9/11… in search of the hijackers—a fiction

Fig. 14—9/11. Engineers agree that the destruction of the World Trade Center towers did not occur due to airplanes crashing into their sides. They were much stronger than that. Jet fuel fires do not burn hot enough to pulverize steel. High energy weapons-grade thermite charges do. Such shocking images of planes flying low and hitting buildings was clearly made-for-TV propaganda. Building 7's collapse neatly into its own footprint, despite not even being hit, is prima facie evidence of a controlled demolition. Building 7 contained FBI files. So did the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. These cover-ups must be uncovered for all the world to see and understand. Mueller, Comey and Sambei were lurking behind both of these events.

On Sep. 28, 2001, Sambei, under the pseudonym Arvinda Sambir, was widely quoted in another simultaneous FBI news release that circled the planet. These releases were exact clones. They showed no signs of independent investigation.

Sambir spoke to The Guardian on Sep. 29, 2001:

Prosecutor Arvinda Sambir gave a list of devastating charges which put him [the framed Lofti Raissi] at the heart of the terror plot. She claimed he was the lead instructor for four of the hijackers, including the man who seized the controls of American Airlines Flight 77 from Washington to Los Angeles and skillfully steered it into the Pentagon.

Sambei & Mueller lied to the world after 9/11—why are they not in prison?

Sambei/Sambir and Mueller announced with great fanfare to the whole world their indictment of Lofti Raissi on allegedly hard evidence that he trained the four pilots who allegedly crashed planes on 9/11. Hindsight shows that Sambei/Sambir and Mueller lied bombastically when then stated "that Raissi "was a lead instructor of four of the pilots that were responsible for the hijackings." Raissi was totally innocent.

Seven years later, on Feb. 04, 2008, Lofti Raissi was exonerated on all charges. The judge said Sambei and Mueller had failed to produce any evidence to justify indicting Raissi. In short, the Meuller-Sambei/Sambir 9/11 indictment was a cruel HOAX.

In the Feb. 14, 2008 Lofti Raissi 9/11 findings of Lady Justice Janet Smith DBE (led the Jimmy Savile Inquiry in 2012) and Lord Justice Hooper (invited to the Privy Council in 2004), Sambei/Sambir and Mueller should have gone directly to prison after this revelation:

"[T]he CPS lawyer, Ms. Arvinda Sambir [aka Arvinder Sambei], went further outside court [in the press] and said that Raissi's job was to ensure that the pilots were capable and trained. Again, she had no evidence to support this statement."

Note: In her 700-page report commissioned by the BBC (Oct. 11, 2012), Dame Janet Smith found, a year after he died, that Sir Jimmy Savile (knighted in 1990) had sexually abused 72 children, young people or teenagers and raped eight others, including an eight-year old, at "virtually every one of the BBC premises at which he worked" between 1964-2007. This doesn't even begin to address his known abuses in the hospitals he donated to.

Sir James Wilson Vincent 'Jimmy' Savile
Fig. 15Sir James Wilson Vincent "Jimmy" Savile. A serial sex abuser who the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) never seemed to be able to prosecute in his lifetime, even though his more than 80 abuses started in 1964 and continued right up until his death in 2011.

In short Sambei's Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), Arvinder Sambei and Alison Saunders did nothing to prosecute the Sir Jimmy Savile monster, but they, along with FBI Mueller, swiftly framed an innocent Lofti Raissi for the 9/11 Hoax. ("Detectives have allegedly investigated . . . , but the Crown Prosecution says there is not enough evidence to press charges." (CambridgeshireLive, Oct. 31, 2018). This is heinous CPS whitewashing of one of the worst paedophiles to walk on this planet.

FBI Mueller and CPS Sambir lied to get a quick 9/11 indictment and global publicity.

On Nov. 27, 2001, Mueller repeated Sambir’s charade against Raissi in an Arizona court.

The net effect of the Sambei/Sambir and Mueller frame up of Raissi was to blame Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda for the 9/11 attack, just like they had blamed them for the U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania two years earlier.

Subsequent evidence proves that 9/11 was a false flag attack orchestrated by the FBI, C.I.A., Senior Executive Services (SES) and the Queen’s Privy Council, to cajole the U.S. Congress into approving sweeping changes that dramatically weakened the Bill of Rights and declared the average American a potential war actor until proven otherwise.

This 9/11 event ushered in the already-drafted Patriot Act that used legal trickery to legalize previously illegal surveillance of American citizens. So said FBI director candidate Theodore L. Gunderson.

Our Conclusion: Terror is Fake

The evidence is now clear. New World Order globalists around the world, including those in the FBI, C.I.A., State Department and Department of Defense, conspired with the British Privy Council to create terrorism as a bogeyman enemy to enrich themselves and consolidate power.

Let's just review the list of false flag events that occurred under the Clinton, Bush & Obama reigns of terror: 2008 Bank Crash, 9/11, Boston Marathon, First Gulf War, Kosovo, Las Vegas, Oklahoma City, Parkland FL, Ruby Ridge, Rwanda, San Bernardino, Sandy Hook, Second Gulf War, Syrian Gas 'Attacks', U.S. Embassies in Kenya & Tanzania, Waco and World Trade Center.

terror is globalism's path to permanent power

These events have driven our world to the brink of a new totalitarianism driven by globalist far left international corporatists who promote fascist capitalism for themselves and socialism for the masses—as a permanent means of control.

Name#3: Arvinder Sambei
CPS Name #3: Arvinder Sambei

3. The Trump-Russia Hoax & Attempted Coup d’état of the President

Deep State Target: How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump by George Papadopoulos | Mar 26, 2019.
Fig. 16Deep State Target: How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump by George Papadopoulos | Mar 26, 2019.

Now comes the first target of the Trump-Russia Hoax, George Papadopoulos, who on Apr. 03, 2019, identified  Sambei as a primary actor in the hoax. See also Deep State Target (2019). Papadopoulos stated:

“I was introduced to him [Professor Joseph Mifsud, LINK Campus, Rome] by an FBI intermediary named Arvinder Sambei, who was actually working as the FBI's counsel in the UK and had a personal and professional relationship with Bob Mueller dating back to 9/11.”

This evidence places Sambei in the middle of a third Mueller scandal involving fabricated evidence to cook up a grand jury indictment. See previous post Mueller Rigged Grand Juries For Decades.

Using justice systems to pursue power = the worst kind of betrayal of the public trust

Robert S. Mueller, III
Fig. 17—Robert S. Mueller, III has committed numerous counts of treason and sedition in his conspiracies with British Senior Crown Prosecutor Arvinder K. Sambei, in our opinion.

Each item of fabricated evidence is a criminal offense.

For Sambei it is proof of espionage.

For Mueller it is treason and sedition.

The evidence presented in this post alone is enough indictable evidence to prove that Sambei committed espionage in her unauthorized involvement with Mueller. It also proves that Mueller has been involved in massive treason and sedition against We The People, aided by Sambei and the British Privy Council and government.

No doubt, both Mueller and Sambei will argue that they were engaged with each other under the protection of various law enforcement information sharing agreements from Mar. 5, 1946, an agreement they declassified on Apr. 08, 2010 just in time to protect Facebook from Leader Technologies' impending patent infringement trial (trial started Jul. 18, 2010) where Leader proved that globalist-created Facebook used its inventions on all 11 of 11 claims.

However, such spy agreements cannot sanction criminal acts. If that is their claim, then the sanctions themselves are criminal.

A coup d’état of an American President is not in the Sambei (UK)-Mueller (U.S.) job descriptions we entrusted to them

Keep Calm, This is a Coup D'etat
Fig. 18Parody on the British WWII Motivational Poster: "Keep Calm and Carry On" which was a motivational poster produced by the British government in 1939 in preparation for World War II. The poster was intended to raise the morale of the British public, threatened with widely predicted mass air attacks on major cities. Sadly, the British Privy Council have turned their war mongering on the American people.

Such agreements cannot be the smokescreen for acts of sedition to attempt a coup d’état against America's duly elected President Donald J. Trump.

The utterly shameful aspect of this information is that both Sambei and Mueller were entrusted by the citizens of the UK and U.S. with enforcing our laws as licensed attorneys, judges and law enforcement officers, not subverting them for their private political agendas.

We believe that both Sambei and Mueller belong in prison for the horrendous things they have done.

Lady Liberty

* * *

Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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News Update! Apr. 25, 2019
Federal British-American Patent Weaponization Thieves
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump today. It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment that steals and weaponizes inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of its fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
Bookmark: #five-eyes-unmasked |
Gabriel, McKibben. (May 24, 2019). Unmasking the Five Eyes Beast. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 19Gabriel, McKibben. (May 24, 2019). Unmasking the Five Eyes Beast. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Video: American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation, Leader Technologies, Inc.
Bookmark: #privy-council-controls-america |
Gabriel, McKibben. (May 28, 2019). Privy Council Controls America. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 20Gabriel, McKibben. (May 28, 2019). Privy Council Controls America. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Video: American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation, Leader Technologies, Inc.

Return to return to the beginning of this post.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019


Mueller Report says grand juries are not accountable to the government or We The People

Mueller cited a 1992 case he pushed along with an eventual FISA presiding judge and an SES DoJ paymaster allowing prosecutors to withhold exculpatory evidence from grand juries

Mueller used this case to justify withholding evidence in the Trump-Russia investigation

DoJ and Judiciary have become lawless. Many are demanding grand juries be abolished

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | May 01, 2019, Updated Jan. 31, 2022 | PDF |
Gabriel, McKibben. (Apr. 30, 2019). Mueller Hides Key Evidence - HUGE FINDINGS!!! American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 1Gabriel, McKibben. (Apr. 30, 2019). Mueller Hides Key Evidence - HUGE FINDINGS!!! American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Video: American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation, Leader Technologies, Inc.
Bookmark: #first-amended-miller-act-notice |
News Update! May 01, 2019
Federal Patent Weaponization Thieves
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump today. It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment that steals and weaponizes inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of its fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Pretorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

See also previous post AFI. (Apr. 17, 2019). Death of Mega Warlord Andrew Marshall Exposes 100-year NWO Patent Theft Agenda. Americans for Innovation.

(May 01, 2019)—The Mueller Report (Vol. I, p. 177, ¶ iii) made a shocking claim that the U.S. grand jury system . . .

The Globalist Warlord's Grand Jury:
“. . . belongs to no branch of the institutional government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people” citing U.S. v. Williams (1992).

Very few people understand the grand jury system. The video above explains its dubious origins.

Robert S. Mueller, III
Fig. 2—Robert S. Mueller, III.

Researchers found Mueller's claim preposterous in light of the U.S. Constitution in which We the People bestow all powers to the government. No grand jury can operate alongside or outside of We the People in our Republic. To read such a claim from a man who was director of the FBI for more than a decade implies that everything he built at the FBI is a house built on shifting sand. See Jesus' Parable of the Wise and the Foolish Builder.

Mueller claims (his) grand juries exist outside the U.S. Constitution
Clipped from his report, PDF p. 389: Editor. (Oct. 18, 2014). Famous British Authors Defend England's War. The New York Times.
Fig. 3Robert S. Mueller, III. (Released Apr. 18, 2019). Vol. I of II, Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election, March 2019, PDF p. 389 (iii). U.S. Department of Justice. ("[T)he whole theory of [the grand jury' s] function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people,..." United States v. Williams, 504 U.S. 36, 47 (1992).)

Robert S. Mueller, III. (Apr. 24, 2019). Vols. I and II combined Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election, Mar. 2019. U.S. Department of Justice. (122 MB); Robert S. Mueller, III. (Apr. 24, 2019). ANALYSIS of Vols. I and II combined Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election, Mar. 2019. U.S. Department of Justice.

Our investigation into Mueller's use of the Williams case has uncovered decades of sin and misconduct within the Department of Justice and Judiciary.

Mueller helped write the Williams case. He uses his own 1992 case to justify withholding massive “exculpatory evidence” (favorable to President Trump) of the real Hillary Clinton conspiracies with Russia surrounding Uranium One.

Hillary R. Clinton
Fig. 2—Hillary Clinton.

On Apr. 20, 2009, at the direction of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, FBI director Robert Mueller himself delivered a ten-gram sample of highly-enriched yellow cake uranium to Vladimir Putin on the Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport tarmac. This was proven by leaked State Department cables where Hillary as the newly-appointed Secretary of State directed the uranium transfer (“We require that the transfer of this material [by FBI Director Mueller] be conducted at the airport, on the tarmac near by the plane, upon arrival of the Director's aircraft”).

real Mueller & Clinton russian collusion
Clipped from Hillary's SECRET STATE DEPARTMENT CABLE, Apr. 20, 2009: Editor. (Oct. 18, 2014). Famous British Authors Defend England's War. The New York Times.
Fig. 4Hillary Clinton Secret Cable, 09STATE38943_a. (Apr. 20, 2009). SECRET CABLE, Tbilisi Moscow re. FBI Director Mueller, Apr. 27, 2009, uranium delivery. State Department, Wikileaks.

Compare this real Russian collusion to the faked pee pee dossier. The contrast is so clear.

By relying on Williams to withhold evidence, Mueller played his long held trump card and proved he should have recused himself due to the appearance of impropriety as an author of the bogus Williams opinion on which he now relies.

Further investigation into Williams reveals a decades-long pattern of corrupt practices with the FBI, Department of Justice and the Judiciary surrounding grand juries, which have clearly been Senior Executive Service (SES) shadow government kangaroo courts.

Hindsight shows that Mueller has used Williams to withhold evidence from other grand juries before—Ruby Ridge (1992), Waco (1993), World Trade Center (1993), Oklahoma City Bombing (1995), 9/11 (2001) and now the Trump-Russia Hoax. The pattern is clear. False Flag events are covered up by rigged grand juries.

Mueller has been rigging grand juries since 1992

The Supreme Court in Williams ruled along political lines that a DoJ special prosecutor could withhold “exculpatory evidence” and persecute innocent victims. Justice Stevens dissented saying “[I]t blinks reality to say that the grand jury can adequately perform this important historic role if it is intentionally misled by the prosecutor.” PDF p. 33 (p. 68).

The original case against entrepreneur investor John H. Williams, Jr. was contrived by the DoJ from the start. The fact that it made its way to the U.S. Supreme Court is a testament to a conspiracy between the DoJ and Judiciary to get the precedent they wanted.

Francis Anthony 'Frank' Keating II
Fig. 5—Francis Anthony "Frank" Keating II

Williams was accused by then Associate U.S. Attorney Frank Keating (Francis Anthony "Frank" Keating II, no relation to the S&L Keating in AZ) of bank fraud in Tulsa OK for allegedly overvaluing two venture capital stock assets shown on his financial statement for a loan application. Keating’s brother Daniel Keating was the bank president at Village South National Bank. Daniel had approached his brother Frank to take the case so he could lower his legal costs. He said “I didn't in my mind consider this a criminal case.” Clearly, his brother and the DoJ saw an opportunity to use the case for their nefarious purpose.

Frank Keating indicted Williams and withheld substantial audit evidence that proved Williams was innocent (other audits listing the stocks) and had no intent to defraud. The district court judge James O. Ellison agreed and threw out the case, stating the “information withheld raises reasonable doubt about the Defendant’s intent to defraud” and this “renders the grand jury’s decision to indict gravely suspect.” Williams, PDF, p. 35.

In a reasonable world, this should have been the end of the Williams case. The fact that the DoJ pursued the case to the U.S. Supreme Court anyway, turns our attention to the DoJ and Judiciary motives to make precedent case law out of Williams.

Preposterously, the DoJ insisted that prosecutors should be free to withhold evidence of a target’s innocence from a grand jury.

On appeal to the Tenth Circuit, the circuit too agreed with the district court and rejected the government’s argument.

So, why take Williams  to the Supreme Court unless you want to Rig Grand Juries with predetermined outcomes?

The DoJ filed a petition for writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court. They argued that a special prosecutor was not required to disclose exculpatory evidence. The court's decision was sharply split.

The 5:4 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court sent the case back to the district court for further proceedings, but Mueller had his sound byte (and used it in his Report).

That’s where this trail went ice cold.

Tellingly, the whole Williams district court docket is missing.

The district court docket has been removed. Zilch. Nada. None of the district court records are available in either Pacer or LEXIS NEXIS. Other records in other cases at that time are there, but not Williams. This is all the more concerning because it would include the records of the case after it came back from the Supreme Court for further consideration on the firm evidence that the special prosecutor had withheld from the grand jury.

The first telltale sign of DoJ and Judicial misconduct at the U.S. Supreme Court are the government attorneys who argue the case:

(1) Kenneth R. Starr;

(2) Robert S. Mueller, III;

(3) William C. Bryson and

(4) Michael R. Dreeben.

(5) with full complicity from Frank Keating & Joseph C. Wyderko.

DoJ Grand Jury Hijackers
Clipped from U.S. v. Williams Petition for Writ of Certiorari, May 04, 1992, p. 2.United States v. Williams, 504 U.S. 36 (1992), p. 2. ("Solicitor General Starr argued the cause for the United States. With him on the briefs were Assistant Attorney General Mueller, Deputy Solicitor General Bryson, and Michael R. Dreeben.").
Fig. 6United States v. Williams, 504 U.S. 36 (1992), p. 2. ("Solicitor General Starr argued the cause for the United States. With him on the briefs were Assistant Attorney General Mueller, Deputy Solicitor General Bryson, and Michael R. Dreeben.").

The evident result of Mueller et al's argument is the blessing of the Supreme Court for prosecutors to withhold evidence from a grand jury in order to create fake indictments. As stated earlier, history shows that is what he did after Ruby Ridge (1992), Waco (1993), World Trade Center (1993), Oklahoma City Bombing (1995), 9/11 and now Trump Russia Hoax (2017).

Here is where the relationships among Mueller and the other U.S. Attorneys in the Williams case get highly suspect.

Oklahoma Gov. Frank Keating

Frank Keating, the original grand jury prosecutor and the brother of the bank manager pressing charges against Williams, became governor of Oklahoma. Keating presided over the Oklahoma City Bombing false flag in which Timothy McVeigh, a now known C.I.A. asset and mind control drone of Dr. Jolly West, was framed.

Never mind that a Clinton body guard, Alan G. Whicher, was killed in the blast, or that the FBI investigation records for Ruby Ridge and Waco were destroyed or carted off before first responders were allowed into the rubble, or that the actual bomb materials were DoD weapons-grade and could not have been the low energy made-for-TV fertilizer truck bomb. See testimony of Ted L. Gunderson, FBI Agent in Charge.

The McVeigh trial, following a grand jury indictment, (filed Feb. 20, 1996) was transferred out of Oklahoma where former U.S. Attorney and U.S. v. Williams lead Frank Keating was now governor. Keating’s former U.S. Attorney colleague Joseph C. Wyderko was assigned the McVeigh case.

U.S. Attorney Joseph C. Wyderko

Joseph C. Wyderko
Fig. 7—Joseph C. Wyderko.

Concurrent with Wyderko’s assignment to the McVeigh grand jury and trial, the DoJ began assigning him to numerous cases with U.S. Attorney  Michael R. Dreeben. For example, Dreeben and Wyderko were concurrently assigned to a Supreme Court case U.S. v. O’Hagan, Case No. 96-842 (Oct. 1996 term).

Tellingly, about the same time, on Oct. 11, 1996,  Congress passed three Acts simultaneously, the Economic Espionage Act, the Federal Trade Secrets Act and the False Statements Accountability Act (“FSAA”). Those laws were written largely by James P. Chandler, III and were enthusiastically promoted by President Bill Clinton, Robert S. Mueller, III, James B. Comey, DoJ, FBI and intelligence, among others.

The assignment of Wyderko to another Dreeben case would effectively muzzle Wyderko from ever talking about his conversations with Dreeben about the McVeigh case. This was evident insurance, just in case Wyderko was ever tempted to spill the beans on the government's framing of McVeigh, including withholding of exculpatory evidence. Case confidentiality rules would silence him.

Consistent with the result of U.S. v. Williams (special prosecutors can lie to grand jurys), the FSAA, subsection (b) permitted lying to courts and Congress by these same prosecutors.

Now, let’s move forward in time to the Robert Mueller Special Prosecutor legal team, sometimes called “The 13 Angry Democrats.”

U.S. Attorney Michael R. Dreeben—Senior Executive Service (SES) Paymaster

Michael R. Dreeben
Fig. 8—Michael R. Dreeben.

Michael R. Dreeben, Wyderko’s and Mueller’s DoJ colleague who has relied on Williams in many grand jury cases, was appointed by Mueller to the Special Counsel team in 2017. Evidently, Mueller needed insiders who were familiar with Williams and would keep their mouths shut about withholding exculpatory evidence.

The close Dreeben-Wyderko relationship implicates Mueller in withholding evidence in the Oklahoma City Bombing, and in complicity with Oklahoma Governor Frank Keating in the staging of the U.S. v. Williams case and his framing of McVeigh in the Oklahoma City bombing as well.

Michael R. Dreeben is currently a high ranking paymaster in the Senior Executive Service (SES) shadow government. In fact, he is a member of the infamous SES 500 that makes compensation decisions for the entire organization—managed within the now evidently rogue U.S. Department of Justice.

Alison M. Saunders
Fig. 9—Alison M. Saunders, Chief Crown Prosecutor, Robert Mueller's Privy Council handler with Arvinder Sambei aka Arvinda Sambir since 9/11.

Bruce Ohr is also a member of the SES 500 despite his assistance in fabricating the Steele "pee-pee" dossier and his collusion with the Queen's Chief Crown Prosecutor Alison Saunders just four days before the infamous Trump Tower frame up.

See AFI. (Mar. 21, 2019). British-American espionage-treason on full display at "Dinner with the Ohrs." Americans for Innovation.

The other three U.S. Attorneys who argued U.S. v. Williams were Kenneth R. Starr, Robert S. Mueller, III, William C. Bryson along with Michael R. Dreeben.

U.S. Solicitor General Kenneth Starr

Kenneth R. Starr
Fig. 10—Kenneth R. Starr.

Kenneth R. Starr is notoriously known for his legal convolutions in the Clinton Impeachment to make it fail. In other words, he protected Clinton. He ignored the decade of “Arkancide” involving the suspicous deaths of many dozens of former Clinton confidents. He sidestepped the mountains of evidence of criminality withheld by the Clintons at Ruby Ridge, Waco, the World Trade Center bombing, Kosovo, Rwanda, QRS-11 uninterruptable autopilot, Dual EC-DRBG algorithm FBI backdoor key, Whitewater, etc. Instead, Starr trivialized the proceedings to machinations about Bill's sexcapades with intern-victim Monica Lewinsky.

Federal Circuit & FISA Judge William C. Bryson

William C. Bryson
Fig. 11—William C. Bryson. Presiding Judge of the FISA Court during the Trump-Russia Hoax ramp up; also a Federal Circuit patent judge (1993) soon after Robert Mueller pushed Warlord Grand Juries through the U.S. Supreme Court.

William C. Bryson is currently a Federal Circuit judge. In other words, he hears all patent appeals where victims of SERCO's British theft of U.S. inventions are left to flap in the wind of shadow government corruption.

See AFI. (Apr. 20, 2018). The shadow government uses SES, Serco and OPIC as portals into horrific corruption. Americans for Innovation.

Bryson was nominated by Bill Clinton on Jun. 22, 1994, concurrently with his collusion with Starr, Mueller and Dreeben on the U.S. v. Williams decision to create a license to persecute victims of DoJ and Judiciary perfidy.

John G. Roberts, Jr.
Fig. 12—John G. Roberts, Jr.

Tellingly, Bryson was a member of the FISA Court from Dec. 01, 2011 to May 18, 2018. On Sep. 10, 2013, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. appointed Judge Williams C. Bryson to be the PRESIDING JUDGE of the FISA Court. Therefore, Bryson, Robert Mueller’s U.S. v. Williams collaborator, also presided over the FISA corruption surrounding the fabricated British intelligence agent Christopher Steele “pee-pee” dossier.

To be clear, Roberts appointed a Mueller man to be the presiding judge of the FISA Court who promoted the withholding of exculpatory evidence from a grand jury. Upon such corrupt men and women is our U.S. judiciary built. No wonder the FISA Court is a gutless wonder. It employs two-timing judges who exonerate the guilty, persecute the innocent and sell off the birthright of our inventions to the British Privy Council.

Note: In the early 1990's, James P. Chandler, III was a reviewer of patent cases and supposed critic of the Federal Circuit.

Now we return to Michael R. Dreeben. Dreeben’s associate Joseph C. Wyderko presided over the Oklahoma City bombing false flag cover-up.

Subsequently, Dreeben made sure that Joseph C. Wyderko kept the McVeigh secrets by ensuring that he and Wyderko was continuously assigned to DoJ prosecutions with Dreeben.

Then, Mueller appointed Dreeben, his old US v. Williams co-conspirator, to the Trump-Russia probe. With their fellow Williams partner Bryson, these criminals withheld exculpatory evidence in the Trump-Russia investigation, and are now trying to get away with it.

As insurance, Mueller cited US v. Williams in his Report.

Grand juries (along with the DoJ, federal courts, USPTO) are corrupted beyond repair

These decades-long, incestuous DoJ, Judicial and Patent Office relationships that have created all this fetid case law are incontrovertible proofs that Robert Mueller and his ilk have corrupted at least the grand jury system beyond repair.

See previous post AFI. (Apr. 17, 2019). Death of Mega Warlord Andrew Marshall Exposes 100-year NWO Patent Theft Agenda. Americans for Innovation.

Suggested Action Items from this investigation:

  1. The grand jury system should be eliminated forthwith, we do not need them.
  2. The DoJ special counsel procedure must be abolished, also not needed.
  3. The FISA Court must be abolished, it has always just been a rubber stamp for Mueller and Co.
  4. An attorney who becomes a legislator must forfeit his/her license to practice law subsequently (to being enriched by the laws he/she makes).
  5. John Roberts must be impeached for his conspiratorial mismanagement of the FISA Court and compromise of the patent system to the British.
  6. Attorneys must be prohibited from using laws and precedents in their defense that they helped create.
  7. The Senior Executive Services (SES) must be abolished as it is nothing but a shadow government Fifth column menace to the Republic.
  8. The U.S. Patent Office must be rebuilt without the British (SERCO, Crown Agents) and without attorneys on staff (conflicts of interest).
  9. These would be good first steps to restoring our Republic.

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Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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