Zuckerberg was only eight-years old when Sandberg became an anti-American globalist agent directed by Larry H. Summers
Sandberg conspired with Hillary Clinton, IBM and the rogue C.I.A. to organize the George Soros takeover using social networking inventions that they stole from Leader Technologies
https://youtu.be/sKhS6xDuLuQ | (Raw *.mp4 video file—use if the YouTube version is censored).
(Aug. 31, 2018)—On Sep. 05, 2018, Sheryl K. Sandberg, chief operating officer of Facebook, and Jack Dorsey, chief executive officer of Twitter, are scheduled to testify to Congress.
Zuckerberg's testimony a few weeks ago proved that Congress was not prepared to play hardball. They were unequipped to follow up on any questions that could get to the heart of Zuckerberg's lies and obfuscations.
ZUCKERBERG: "I don't know." "I don't remember." "I'll have to get back to you on that." "Well gee, we're just trying to provide a safe space free of hate and intolerance [and free-thinking ideas the 'Ministry of Truth' doesn't approve of]." Blah, blah, blah. It was not even good theater.
They should have marched Mr. Zuckerberg right to jail for his perfidy. Will Congress grow a backbone? We'll see if they ignore the hard evidence we are providing them.
Citizens will not tolerate more mealy-mouthed politicians and witnesses
Therefore, anonymous patriots have prepared a hard hitting Congressional Briefing for Congress. It provides detailed, judicially-recognizable proofs of Sheryl K. Sandberg's conspiracies against the American people. With Sandberg and Dorsey, Congress will not have an excuse for continuing to ask softball questions, or to tolerate mealy-mouthed answers. If they do, then we will know definitively that they are bought off by Twitter and/or Facebook.
We encourage you to put this briefing in the hands of every decision influencer you can think of, immediately.
Congressional Briefing. (Aug. 31, 2018). Sheryl K. Sandberg's conspiracy to create an American police state. Americans for Innovation, American Intelligence Media.
Bookmark: #sandberg-criminality | https://tinyurl.com/ybjzmnqk
https://youtu.be/w_S2AwspvGc | (Raw *.mp4 video file—use if the YouTube version is censored).
* * *
Call to action:
We must protect the vote. Now. We cannot allow these criminals to hijack any more elections. Free and fair elections are the property of the citizens in this Republic, not the government. We have gone to sleep. Now that we are awake, we must take action across this country in the coming weeks to protect the 2018 midterm elections.
We must ensure an unbroken bipartisan chain of custody. That should be your rallying cry. This will essentially eliminate the imminent danger from rigged electronic voting machines. Back to the future: (1) Voter IDs, (2) Paper ballots, (3) Inked thumbs, and (4) Unbroken bipartisan chain of custody! It is really that simple.
In addition, God-fearing citizens of the United States and the world must call upon President Trump and loyal American leaders to defund the feeder systems used by these SES corruptocrats.
Ask President Trump to write the check to Leader Technologies for their Miller Act Notice so they can help implement new technologies that respect Constitutional privacy and property and help implement a truly Free Press.
Mr. President: Defund these Criminals and Fund The Miller Act Notice
Mr. President, please pull the plug on these corruptocrats and their illegal funding streams. Since they are all based on fake values, no real services will be affected.
In addition, write the Miller Act Notice check to Leader Technologies for 18 years of unpaid use of their revolutionary social networking invention—which these Privy Council criminals have hijacked with the SES to takedown the American Republic. This will generate new cash streams to free up our economy from the globalist stranglehold. This will also empower Leader Technologies and other actually creative people in America to fix our foundering ship of state. See Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S. Government.
One Miller Act Notice check starts the ball rolling, Mr. President.
In addition, Leader shareholders have proposed a win-win solution to the collapse of the American Free Press, as well a large new revenue source without raising taxes. Leader principals are willing to funnel these payments back into establishing a truly Free Press. See Leader proposes trillion dollar fed revenue while lowering taxes.
* * *
Return to return to the beginning of this post.
Email comment by YP:
ReplyDeleteHank Berrien. (Aug. 31, 2018). IRONY: Obama To Receive Award For Ethics In Government - Will reputedly rip “the rising strain of authoritarian politics and policies". Dailywire.
Former President Barack Obama, never missing a chance to posture himself as a champion of freedom, will reputedly call for rejecting “the rising strain of authoritarian politics and policies,” according to his communications director.
Obama, whose administration was embroiled in various scandals, is scheduled to accept an award for ethics in government at the University of Illinois on September 7. That award flies in the face of this list of events during the Obama Administration: the Fast and Furious scandal; the IRS targeting conservative groups; Obama making light of ISIS, calling it the “JV team”; protecting the terrorist group Hezbollah by stalling project Cassandra; spying on Fox News’ James Rosen, and lying to the American people in order to sell the disastrous Iran nuclear deal, among other nefarious occurrences.
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Email comment by DT:
ReplyDeleteThe Hill. (Aug. 31, 2018). Trump blasts media after ‘off the record’ comments about Canada leak. Infowars.
“Oh well, just more dishonest reporting. I am used to it.”
Trump blasts media after 'off the record' comments about Canada leak
President Trump blasted the news media on Friday after apparently off-the-record comments he made about Canada were leaked, calling it another example of “dishonest reporting.”
“Wow, I made OFF THE RECORD COMMENTS to Bloomberg concerning Canada, and this powerful understanding was BLATANTLY VIOLATED,” Trump asserted in a tweet.
“Oh well, just more dishonest reporting. I am used to it. At least Canada knows where I stand!” Trump added, apparently confirming the comments.
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Email comment by TG:
- PAPAL PEDOGATE: An Epic Scandal Consumes the Vatican and Incriminates Pope Francis
- No U.S.-Canada Trade Deal Likely - Canada Deploys Media To Frame Political Cover for Failed Negotiations
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Email comment by BR:
- RESIST Mainstream Media Awareness Month. Learn how to get involved.
- Congressional Briefing: Sheryl Sandberg's Facebook Conspiracy to Create a Police State in America
- Recognizing Leader Technologies is the Death Knell of the Deep State
- AWOL AG Jeff Sessions and His Investigator Humber Are Not Conducting Legit Clinton-Obama Investigations.
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Email comment by MW:
ReplyDeleteMillie Weaver. (Sep. 02, 2018). Must Watch: Why Women Still Love Trump - Trump champions jobs, family values, and national security. Infowars.com
Must Watch: Why Women Still Love Trump
Women of all walks of life who attended the recent Trump rally in Evansville, Indiana made it clear why they continue to support the President: family values, security, jobs and the economy. Meanwhile, protesters aggressing Trump supporters, social media censorship of conservative voices, and the continual attack of Trump by the media only make these women more certain that Trump is the man of the hour.
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Email comment by GS:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Sep. 01, 2018). Roger Stone: ‘The only thing I’m guilty of is supporting Donald Trump’ - Robert Mueller lets day pass with no indictment. Stonecoldtruth.com.
(Boston Herald) A steamed Roger Stone, in the special counsel’s crosshairs, said he counted 79 media inquiries peppering his cellphone all day in anticipation of an indictment that never materialized.
“The only thing I’m guilty of is supporting Donald Trump for president and being effective against Hillary Clinton,” Stone told the Herald last night as he confirmed Robert Mueller didn’t come knocking.
Stone said Mueller is being merciless in his dogged pursuit of a scalp for Russia’s meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
“I can assure you,” Stone said, “the special counsel has no evidence against me of Russian collusion or of WikiLeaks intrusion or that I knew about the release of John Podesta’s emails.”
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Email comment by GH/JM-GN:
ReplyDeleteIan Hanchett. (Aug, 31, 2018). Giluiani: Mueller Getting Involved Every Time a Trump Donor Gets a Speeding Ticket. Breitbart.
On Friday, Trump legal team member Rudy Giuliani reacted to Samuel Patten’s guilty plea and admission that he used straw donors to donate foreign money to President Trump’s Inauguration Committee by stating the indictment was “irrelevant” and “there are about 500,000 people that donated to President Trump — every time they get a speeding ticket, the special prosecutor is going to do it.”
Giuliani said, “It turned out to be this irrelevant indictment, where I think Mueller has turned into the private prosecutor. I mean, what does this have to do with President Trump? Not a single thing. It has nothing to do with collusion. Some guy who donated to the Inauguration? My goodness, there are about 500,000 people that donated to President Trump — every time they get a speeding ticket, the special prosecutor is going to do it.”
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Email comment by TG:
- President Trump Was Rights - Obama Must Have Signed Off to Spy on Trump If It Did Not Go Through FISA Court!
- POTUS Evansville Indiana Rally Drew Largest Crowd Ever to Ford Center
- Hillary Clinton Launches Scathing Attack on Kavanaugh on Eve of Hearings
- Sex Abuse Scandal Could 'Split' the Church
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Will Congress ask Facebook’s Sheryl K. Sandberg about her crimes?
Send the timeline to your elected representatives and watch what they do (or don’t do)
Proof we have all been had
Sep. 04, 2018—Hillary emails prove multiple crimes committed by Facebook and its chief operating officer Sheryl K. Sandberg and Mark Zuckerberg.
Will Congress ask her about this hardball EVIDENCE, or will they just throw softballs to protect their Senior Executive Service (SES) conspiracies to screw us all—the “deplorables?”
Full story.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteNSA FIVE EYES SCAM - Now they're trying to pretend their illegal spying has not been going on since the early 1990's. They think we don't have a memory.
Zack Whittaker. (Sep. 03, 2018). ‘Five Eyes’ governments call on tech giants to build encryption backdoors — or else. Techcrunch.
A pact of five nation states dedicated to a global “collect it all” surveillance mission has issued a memo calling on their governments to demand tech companies build backdoor access to their users’ encrypted data — or face measures to force companies to comply.
The international pact — the US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, known as the so-called “Five Eyes” group of nations — quietly issued the memo last week demanding that providers “create customized solutions, tailored to their individual system architectures that are capable of meeting lawful access requirements.”
This kind of backdoor access would allow each government access to encrypted call and message data on their citizens. If the companies don’t voluntarily allow access, the nations threatened to push through new legislation that would compel their help.
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Email comment by JB:
ReplyDeleteSeptember 1, 2018
September is ‘RESIST MSM’ Awareness Month
Better than AVID’s strategy to have all corporate media talking heads read their globalist controlled script is independent media’s strategy for getting truth news disseminated wide and far. If you are new to our American Intelligence Media platform, we roll out a monthly theme to encourage media creators and patriots to push and feature a theme that is “repeated” over and over again throughout our vast decentralized digital landscape.
This is how we have been successful in educating and enlightening citizens on a wide variety of topics: Senior Executive Service, SERCO, election rigging, and military tribunals, to name a few.
This month our theme is a twist on their leftie RESIST movements. We, too, can have our own RESIST movement. We are going to resist anything the propaganda, corporate media pushes our way.
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Email comment by Tom Fitton:
ReplyDeleteOn September 1, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton appeared on “Justice with Judge Jeanine” on the Fox News Channel to discuss news that no hearings were conducted regarding the FISA surveillance of Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.
Fitton: No FISA hearings for Carter Page Warrants
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Email comment by Jon Bowne:
The elite will inevitably lose their war on humanity. Infowars.com.
The technocrats have attempted to create a breakaway civilization, but they weren’t expecting the global awareness they now face.
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Email comment by Roger Stone:
ReplyDeleteStone Cold Truth. (May 06, 2018). Roger Stone on being a Mueller target. Fox News.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller reportedly focusing on relationship between former top Trump campaign official Rick Gates and political operative/former Trump adviser Roger Stone. #Tucker
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Despite a lack of evidence of Russian Collusion, Wikileaks collaboration or any other illegal activity in the 2016 election, long time Trump advisor Roger Stone has been targeted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller. Mueller seeks to criminalize normal political activities by Roger Stone while ignoring the blatantly illegal activities of the Clinton campaign and the Obama NSA,DOJ and FBI.
Help Roger defend Free Speech against the police state (ON BEHALF ALL OF US):
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Spread the truth. Help Roger Stone.
Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Sep. 04, 2018). ELLISON CHASED FROM OWN EVENT OVER ABUSE CLAIMS - Congressman running for AG escapes persistent reporter. WND.
U.S. Rep. Keith Ellison, R-Minn. – the deputy chairman of the Democratic National Committee and a candidate to be the top law-enforcement officer in Minnesota – was confronted at a campaign event by investigative journalist Laura Loomer about domestic-violence allegations brought against him by two women.
Loomer pressed Ellison about a 2005 police report filed by Amy Alexander, a Democratic activist, reported the Gateway Pundit blog.
Loomer apparently had the police report in hand on Saturday as she followed Ellison, continually asking him to explain the claims in the document in light of his denials.
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteMicah Morrison. (Jun. 21, 2018). The Strange Case of McAuliffe & McCabe.
Every student of American politics knows that Terry McAuliffe is that swampiest of swamp creatures, the cool cat with the big bucks. Al Gore called him “the greatest fundraiser in the history of the universe.” In 1996 alone, as national finance chairman of the Clinton-Gore re-election team, McAuliffe raised $50 million, but plunged the Democratic Party into a sweeping campaign-finance scandal involving the sale of sleepovers in the Lincoln Bedroom, coffee klatches at the White House, a vast cast of sketchy characters and rivers of money. The Clintons loved the ebullient money man and he loved them back. By 1999, McAuliffe claimed to have raised nearly $275 million for the Arkansas couple—and that’s before he joined forces with the Clinton’s 21st century money machine, the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative. In 2000, he was named chairman of the Democratic National Committee. In 2008, he chaired Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. In 2013, with enthusiastic support from the Clintons, he ran for governor of Virginia and won.
By 2015, Governor McAuliffe already was “shaping a significant role for himself” in Mrs. Clinton’s second try at the presidency, Politico reported. A “consummate political animal, [McAuliffe] just can’t keep his fingers away from the flame. Despite the daily demands of running the state…he’s emerging as Hillary’s informal liaison to governors and the party’s biggest donors, while also keeping a finger on the pulse of the camp’s central operations in Brooklyn.”
By contrast, even today, in the wake of hundreds of media stories and last week’s Office of Inspector General report on alleged wrongdoing in the 2016 election, few people will recognize the name Andrew McCabe. He’s a swamp inhabitant too, though many would put him on the right side of the swamp, on dry land, chasing the bad guys. Except that’s not quite how it turned out.
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Email comment by Tom Fitton:
ReplyDeletePress Release. (Sep. 05, 2018). Tom Fitton: The President Should Declassify More Documents. Judicial Watch.
September 4, 2018- JW President Tom Fitton appeared on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on the Fox Business Network to discuss the report that special counsel Robert Mueller will accept written answers from President Trump on whether his campaign worked with Russia to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.
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Email comment by TG:
- "Treason" - Trump Trashes "Gutless" Writer Of "Pathetic, Reckless, Selfish NYT Op-Ed
- Q-Advocate and CIA Operative Jerome Corsi Subpoenaed by Mueller
- Facebook building a physical 'war room' for US midterm elections
- Trump Tweets Treason and Kavanaugh Explains Military Tribunals
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Email comment by BR:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Sep. 06, 2018). Whoever Possesses It Will Rule the World. Headlines With A Voice.
The Syrian city of Antioch almost proved the undoing of the first Crusade. After having struggled through Asia Minor, the Knights became bogged down in protracted siege of the city. Once they had captured it, they faced serious heathen resistance. ...
Full story [VIDEO]:
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U.S. agency CIOs take orders from SES globalist Obama holdovers
Canada has controlled and extorted U.S. intelligence since 1998
Justin Trudeau has the last laugh
Sep. 06, 2018—Meet ORLANDO BRAVO,* the San Francisco pretty boy who bought the digital keys to the U.S. Department of Energy (DoE), Military Satellite Office (MSO) and Health & Human Services (HHS) under Obama and Hillary (2009). He bought a Canadian company named “ENTRUST” that has held the American intelligence and public hostage to extortion and blackmail.
How? They conspired with Bill and Hillary Clinton in the 1990’s to hold master keys to tap into the Internet at will—outside the reach of U.S. law. They have gathered profitable data and dirt on everyone. They use it to extort fees to keep you connected, just like a Mafia protection racket.
Fake merchants of “trust”
This “PKI” (Public Key Infrastructure) set up under Bill Clinton is utterly corrupt and must be reconstructed by honest brokers, not run by Mafioso-styled criminals parading as Merchants of “Trust.”
* We didn’t make up this name Orlando Bravo. We know the name sounds like a porn star. His press says he moves “aggressively” using his dirty money in and around Silicon Valley—the home of porn. That doesn’t help his case! One thing is certain though, Orlando Bravo uses his digital master key chain to illegally collect salacious Internet data on his fellow citizens.
Full story.
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ENTRUST bought Geneva, Switzerland firm r/3 in 1998, right before going public:
ReplyDeleteENTRUST SECURITIES FRAUD REVEALED (Hale & Dorr – Wilmer Hale, Goldman Sachs, Delloitte): r/3 was owned by the German behemoth SAP (evidently a rogue C.I.A. front – not disclosed to investors); this is a material nondisclosure since r/3 was built (and essentially controlled) by SAP. The 1995 Network World article revealed that IBM & SAP had teamed up in 1994. Hmmmm. Highlands Group (On Jul. 01, 1994, President Bill Clinton wrote “A National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement.”)
Prospectus Form 424B1. (Aug. 18, 1998). Entrust Technologies, Inc., formerly Entrust Technologies, Inc. SEC Edgar/NASDAQ.
However, there was no disclosure that r3 was an SAP company, a competitor to IBM’s security products:
Michael Cooney. (Feb. 27, 1995). Big Blue plays host to UNIX [SAP R/3 collaboration - purchased by Entrust Technologies Limited (Canada) in 1998]. Network World.
SAP, Michael Bechauf, was an early member of the IBM Eclipse Foundation on Dec. 04, 2002
Rainer Ehre, Malte Kaufmann. (Oct. 11, 2007). The SAP Eclipse [Foundation] Story. Eclipse Summit.
Michael Cooney. (Feb. 27, 1995). Big Blue plays host to UNIX [SAP collaboration]. Network World.
Rainer Ehre, Malte Kaufmann. (Oct. 11, 2007). The SAP Eclipse Story. Eclipse Summit.
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ReplyDeleteSpread the truth.
Lays out the brutal facts of their criminality
Staff. (Sep. 08, 2018). Roger Stone SLAMS Obama Biden & Clinton's In Wild Speech At Rally 9/8/18. Live On-Air News.
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