Feinstein owns controlling interest in AVID "election management" MSM teleprompter control system
Her 20-year Chinese spy staffer evidently used sensitive Senate intelligence to brainwash the American public via AVID ISIS LeaderPlus

(Aug. 15, 2018)—On Jul. 27, 2018, even left-leaning POLITICO could not ignore this corruption. They disclosed that Sen. Diane Feinstein (CA) had Chinese spies working for her while she oversaw the powerful Senate Judiciary and Intelligence committees, as well as the Democratic Party. Her staffers refused to provide substantive comment.
Sen. Feinstein’s financial disclosure clearly shows that she holds a greater than 10% financial interest in AVID Technologies, Inc. AVID supplies the newsroom management software named AVID LeaderPlus "Election Night Headache Relief" used widely around the world. Richard C. Blum is Sen. Feinstein's husband. The senator and her husband are worth $94 million. See AVID Technologies, Inc., Co. No. 0000896841. (Accessed Aug. 07,2018). Form 4 Insider Trading. SEC Edgar.
Clearly, being a U.S. Senator can be a personal cash cow for a senator like Feinstein who is willing to trade on her insider information. Evidently Feinstein cashes in, just like George Soros, by using her influence to make markets go up and down strictly based on the Senate proceedings she influences, along with her Chinese handlers.

British Privy Counselor Lord Mark Malloch-Brown is a director of Investec Plc which has over 400 subsidiaries spread around the world. One of those companies is ISIS Management Limited. ISIS developed the AVID ISIS System for pushing video files used in newsrooms.
AVID LeaderPlus and AVID ISIS together give Feinstein and Malloch-Brown the ability to push censored news and false stories to all subscribed newsrooms at the same time. The AVID ISIS LeaderPlus product specializes in pushing election night stories right to a news reader’s teleprompter and supporting video content. They don’t even have to think. They just read whatever Feinstein and Malloch-Brown want.
Hillary paid Facebook in 2009-2010 for a "template for winning elections"
On Sep. 26, 2009, Hillary Clinton and her U.S. State Department started secretly paying Facebook for a “template for winning elections” (Facebook Manager Dmitry Shevelenko). See GSA Contract No. SAQMMA09M1870. (This is just one of 12 Facebook contracts; only three of Hillary Clinton's State Department contracts with Facebook are still listed between Sep. 2009-2010 during the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement trial. This proves that the U.S. government obstructed justice in the Leader v. Facebook trial.
On Nov. 01, 2016, Hillary, Obama, John Podesta and Robby Mook took a $1.5 billion donation from Google’s Eric Schmidt to implement the U.S. Digital Service run out of the White House.
The software being used by these corruptocrats is Columbus-based innovator Leader Technologies’ invention of social networking that was stolen by their patent attorney, James P. Chandler, III (also a Feinstein advisor), and given to the IBM Eclipse Foundation (formed Nov. 29, 2001) for distribution to Silicon Valley companies weaponized by the rogue C.I.A. for mass surveillance and private money-making for the C.I.A. outside the oversight of Congress. Readers should also note that AVID's "LeaderPlus" product name likely violates Leader Technologies' trademarks as well. See the Crimeline for more proof of the theft of social networking.
Here is a diagram of the “Internet of Things” election rigging system financed and controlled by Sen. Dianne G.B. Feinstein and her corruptocrat co-conspirators:

Anonymous Patriots. (Aug. 15, 2018). C.I.A. MSM Brainwashing System. Americans for Innovation.
Criminal actions by either foreign nationals or affiliated U.S. citizens aimed at influencing U.S. elections would be subject to prosecution under various U.S. statutes.
The Logan Act, for instance, bars any U.S. citizen from interacting with a foreign government to influence policy. But many experts believe this law is overly broad, and there have been no successful prosecutions in its near 220 years. And while the term “collusion” is cited in the context of Russian interference in the 2016 election, collusion itself is only prohibited in the antitrust law arena. For more, see Dan Abrams’ Law & Crime.
Abrams writes: "Six years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a decision by a U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., that Congress can ban individuals who lawfully reside in the U.S. and are neither U.S. citizens nor 'permanent residents' from making donations or gifts related to any election. In that case, Bluman v. Federal Election Commission, a three-judge panel said the limitation was a legitimate tool for government to prevent 'foreign influence over U.S. elections.'"
If it is illegal to donate to money to interfere in U.S. elections, which it is, then having investments in companies that build software to interfere in our elections is worse. It is treason.
Dianne Feinstein: Our 2nd richest $94 million brainwashing vote rigger in the Senate
Meet the MSM Brainwashing Masters:
Feinstein has a long history of Senior Executive Service (SES) affiliation. In fact, in 1979, as mayor of San Francisco, she was one of the first big city mayors to invite the SES to takeover management of city services.
Senator Feinstein is privy to our nation’s most top secrets in her memberships on the Senate Judiciary and Intelligence committees. She and her husband Richard C. Blum have clearly been trading on that information to make her the second richest Senator in Congress at $94 million.
Sen. Feinstein's collaboration with Privy Counselors Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and Sir Geoffrey Pattie in global MSM brainwashing technology appears to push her over the line into criminality and treason.
* * *
Call to action:
We must protect the vote. Now. We cannot allow these criminals to hijack any more elections. Free and fair elections are the property of the citizens in this Republic, not the government. We have gone to sleep. Now that we are awake, we must take action across this country in the coming weeks to protect the 2018 midterm elections.
We must ensure an unbroken bipartisan chain of custody. That should be your rallying cry. This will essentially eliminate the imminent danger from rigged electronic voting machines. Back to the future: (1) Voter IDs, (2) Paper ballots, (3) Inked thumbs, and (4) Unbroken bipartisan chain of custody! It is really that simple.
In addition, God-fearing citizens of the United States and the world must call upon President Trump and loyal American leaders to defund the feeder systems used by these SES corruptocrats.
Ask President Trump to write the check to Leader Technologies for their Miller Act Notice so they can help implement new technologies that respect Constitutional privacy and property and help implement a truly Free Press.
Mr. President: Defund these Criminals and Fund The Miller Act Notice
Mr. President, please pull the plug on these corruptocrats and their illegal funding streams. Since they are all based on fake values, no real services will be affected.
In addition, write the Miller Act Notice check to Leader Technologies for 18 years of unpaid use of their revolutionary social networking invention—which these Privy Council criminals have hijacked with the SES to takedown the American Republic. This will generate new cash streams to free up our economy from the globalist stranglehold. This will also empower Leader Technologies and other actually creative people in America to fix our foundering ship of state. See Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S. Government.
One Miller Act Notice check starts the ball rolling, Mr. President.
In addition, Leader shareholders have proposed a win-win solution to the collapse of the American Free Press, as well a large new revenue source without raising taxes. Leader principals are willing to funnel these payments back into establishing a truly Free Press. See Leader proposes trillion dollar fed revenue while lowering taxes.
* * *
Return to return to the beginning of this post.
I think this is one of the only places that truth and integrity exist for getting the news and truth.
ReplyDeleteExcellent article and side bars. America doesn't need more Laws. America needs a backbone in order to take out those who are destroying her.
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by JM-GN:
ReplyDeleteJacqueline Thomsen. (Aug. 15, 2018). FCC shuts down Alex Jones’s flagship radio station. The Hill.
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has shut down conspiracy theorist Alex Jones’s flagship radio station.
The Austin American-Statesman reported Wednesday that the pirate radio station, Liberty Radio, was hit with a $15,000 fine and at least temporarily pulled from the airwaves.
The newspaper reported that a lawsuit filed in federal court in Austin alleged that Liberty Radio had functioned without a license since at least 2013, and had been transmitting from a tower at an Austin apartment complex.
Liberty Radio stopped airing on the radio in December, but still streams online. The FCC is charging that the station was also illegally broadcasting on an FM wavelength.
The Associated Press reported that Walter Olenick and M. Rae Nadler-Olenick were named as the defendants in the lawsuit, and the apartment complex where the station was transmitting from is linked to the pair.
The Olenicks reportedly told the FCC that they would not pay the fine and would treat any agency representatives as trespassers.
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Shut down all these Soros run scumbags !!
Deletemaybe off topic, but isn't amerosa involved with the Haiti child trafficking? Maybe why she protests so much?
DeleteEmail comment by JM-GN:
ReplyDeleteChristopher Carbone. (Aug. 15, 2018). EXCLUSIVE: Facebook must be broken up and face strict privacy controls, coalition urges FTC. Fox News.
Groups calls for Facebook to be broken up
A group calling itself Freedom from Facebook slammed the social media giant in a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission. It slams Facebook's privacy policies and suggests remedies to combat what they call Facebook's 'monopoly.'
A coalition of organizations is planning to ask the Federal Trade Commission to break up Facebook in order to restore control to its 2 billion users and prevent further abuses of privacy.
Freedom from Facebook, which has decried the tech giant’s mishandling of user data during the Cambridge Analytica scandal, says that Mark Zuckerberg’s company is likely in violation of a 2011 consent decree it signed with the FTC.
The FTC is currently examining whether the tech behemoth did, in fact, violate the 2011 consent decree. If the commission finds that it did, Facebook could be facing fines in the trillions of dollars that would likely bankrupt the company.
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Email comment by GH/DL:
ReplyDeleteAlysaa Newcomb. (Aug. 15, 2018). Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Alex Jones, election security and regrets. NBC News.
“We can’t build a service that is subjective just to the whims of what we personally believe,” Dorsey told NBC News’ Lester Holt in an exclusive interview.
Jack Dorsey, CEO and co-founder of Twitter speaks at the Consensus 2018 blockchain technology conference in New York on May 16, 2018.
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey on Wednesday defended the company’s decision this week to put Infowars’ Alex Jones in a seven-day “timeout” after Jones urged his viewers to ready their “battle rifles” against the media.
Dorsey said he resisted banning Jones, the embattled conspiracy theorist and radio host, despite calls to do so, some of which came from inside Twitter.
“We can’t build a service that is subjective just to the whims of what we personally believe,” Dorsey told NBC News’ Lester Holt in an exclusive interview.
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Email comment by CM:
ReplyDeleteJay Myers. (Apr. 12, 2016). The Royals: Royal Family Secrets Revealed [Full Documentary]. Jay Myers Documentaries.
The Royal Family is up to more than you think. Sex-scandals, Diana-murder, hidden past and more!
Where does their money come from? Who really makes the family rules? Find out the secrets!
Full story [VIDEO]:
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteBrad Parscale. (Aug. 16, 2018). Brad Parscale: Big Tech is becoming Big Brother. Washington Examiner.
Big Tech has a big bias problem.
Social media platforms that once facilitated the free exchange of ideas and information are now actively seeking to silence and censor conservative opinions.
This new Orwellian impulse that is taking over Big Tech is particularly problematic because social media websites, which are supposed to be safe spaces for all free speech, get special legal perks.
Under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, websites such as Facebook and Twitter are not treated as publishers of “information provided by another” — which would subject them to libel laws and other headaches publishers have to deal with — because they “offer a forum for a true diversity of political discourse.”
This means social media platforms are not merely private companies who can censor whomever they wish — They are considered, by law, to be public forums that allow free and open debate.
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Email comment by BeBop:
John Crudele. (Aug. 15, 2018). Whistleblower makes shocking IRS, insider trading allegations. New York Post.
A whistleblower made this shocking allegation to me last week: the IRS was tipping off members of Congress to corporate takeovers so the elected officials could profit from insider trading.
My snitch also charged that higher-level employees of the IRS also used that information to enrich themselves.
This may sound crazy but remember: Up until a few years ago members of Congress were allowed to trade stock based on information they got while performing their public duties.
It wasn’t until 2012, during President Obama’s tenure, that the practice was banned.
But the difference between what had been going on legally until 2012 and what my whistleblower is contending is enormous.
Everyone assumed that members of Congress were just profiting from things they happened to learn while working on their committees — that a drug was going to get turned down by the FDA, for instance, or that a company was sniffing around to see how regulators would feel about a merger.
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Email comment by BR:
- Sen. Dianne Feinstein Behind Foreigh Interference in U.S. Elections
- No one is coming to save us... we must fight or be destroyed
- Shocking. CNN Reveals Senior Executive Service Scheme Team
- Entire WV Supreme Court Impeached
- Websites Are Being Removed by Digital Tyrants and Cyber Warlords
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IF TRUMP does not move against these scumbags soon, the task will fall to us.
ReplyDeleteDennis Morrisseau
USArmy Officer
I voted for Trump
Lieutenant Morrisseau's Rebellion
Second Vermont Republic, VFM
POB 177, W. Pawlet, VT 05775
802 645 9727 9727
This is so serious. Diane Feinstein's actions sound like HIGH treason and the law enforcement authorities who are duty bound to take action, the DOJ and FBI, SHOULD ABSOLUTELY BE TAKING ACTION, NOW. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THEM NOT TO. The Mid-terms MUST be protected.
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by BR:
- Twitter Purges Accounts Across the Platform - Again
- RUDY WAS RIGHT: Criminal John Brennan Walked the Junk Dossier Over to Harry Reid to Start the Spygate Scandal
- Listen to Kudlow explain "we are crushing it" on the economy
- Weed-Killing Carcinogen Glyphosate Found in Children's Foods
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteHaley Kennington. (Aug. 16, 2018). DC WHISPERSLISTEN: Dead Investigative Journalist’s Final Interview Describing Alleged Clinton Sex Crimes
On Tuesday, True Pundit reported the shocking death of investigative journalist Jen Moore who had been researching a case that involved allegations against the Clintons when she was found deceased in a suburban D.C. hotel room on Monday.
Since her death, a recording has surfaced of Moore, often referred to as “Task Force” as a nickname, being interviewed by radio and YouTube journalist Farmer Jones. The recording was made just a month before she was found by employees at the Country Inn & Suites by Radisson in Washington, D.C. East-in Capitol Heights, Maryland. Police have ruled out suicide and on Tuesday, True Pundit reported Moore as having died from an apparent seizure. Autopsy results are still not available and the investigation is ongoing.
The interview shows Moore frustrated that having shared information on the case with Homeland Security agents in charge of child trafficking investigations, no one had gotten back to her for a follow up on the details concerning the alleged victim, (who had been sexually assaulted as a child and is now an adult), or the alleged suspect–in this case, former president Bill Clinton.
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Get educated on propaganda techniques being employed by the Deep State shadow government and their Mainstream Media minions:
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Spread the truth about propaganda.
Email comment by TG:
- Texas Wins Multistate Obamacare Tax Lawsuit, Recoups Over $839 Million
- Trump: Immigration is the key in my mind to the Novermber Election!
- Trump Destroys Mueller & Cohen Schme in FOX Interview: 'Payments Came from Me, Not Campaign'
- One "Holdout" Juror Prevented A Ruling On All 18 Counts Against Manafort
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
August 23rd: Impeachment Conditioning - Analysts discovered that the establishment media said the word “impeachment” 222 times in one day alone to bolster the fringe left’s platform before the coming midterm elections. Correspondingly, President Trump said the market would crash if he’s ever impeached while adding the economy “is the best it’s ever been in history.” Across the world, a South African leader who advocates land theft slammed Trump after the president brought attention to the farm seizures and expropriations. Joining today’s show is security expert John McAfee discussing cryptocurrency, blockchain, and other era-defining future technologies. Also, Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne explains what coming perils Americans will endure against the deep state. Call and tune in now!
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Email comment by JB:
ReplyDeleteHi, Do yourself a favor and get this out to as many people as possible. J.B.
White House Digital Free Speech Petition
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Spread the truth. Share this petition widely.
Email comment by TG:
- NPR: Over 66 Percent of Claimed School Shootings Never Happened
- President Trump: "Google, Twitter, Facebook 'beter be careful'
- China Hacked Hillary Clinton's Private Email Server
- IRS Documents Reveal John McCain's Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in "Financially Ruinous" Targeting
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Several times now I've sent comments to Aim looking for answers.since it was their YouTube channel I learned of the Leader Technology injustice just being released through them. It took my breath away. They encouraged to share and get the word out.I attend several groups:Speak your Mind,where you can say what's on your mind.Citizens,young,old,any race,den or republic,any religion(1 group is over 50age). I had copied it all from Aim and posted it with a link to Aim. No sign ins just email contacts.60,000 emails I shared. Little response in 4 months.Then more heard about it and I was getting 100s of emails a day,all asking when Leader was going to shut down the tech giants.Assuming Trump signed the Miller Act. I informed many that as of Jan 2019 he hasn't nor contacted Mr. McKibben. All emails asking Why? - What's his reason? Why wouldn't he its a good thing! I bet the Treasury Dept denied it!! Many I can't repeat.I told them to ask Trump themselves. This went on for over a yr. I've had to delete my email. I was harassed,called dirty names and even some threats. As if I had info and not sharing it. Crazy.All because I thought it was important for people to know how corrupt our govt is.
ReplyDeleteI welcome your thoughts on why Trump hasn't signed the Act or at the least contacted McKibben? Its the right thing to do,I believe the shareholders offer is more than generous.A huge win for govt.So why hasn't he signed? Thank you for your time. I love this website.