Chief propagandist Sir Nick Clegg was Lord President of the Privy Council for five years, directed Christopher Steele and Stefan Halper, joins Facebook to run global affairs and communications
Sir Nick’s aunt was a lifelong spy mistress to some of the world’s most infamous socialists: H.G. Wells, Maxim Gorky and Guy Burgess (Cambridge Five)
As a Brit and Facebook officer, Sir Nick is proof of foreign interference in the U.S. midterm election as well as Facebook interference in British elections
Project Dragonfly is building a censored search tool for the planet that secretly monitors you 24x7x365

Fig. 1—Privy Council Lord President (2010-2015) Nicholas William Peter CLEGG ("Sir Nick"). He was nominated for a knighthood by Queen Elizabeth on Dec. 30, 2017 and actually knighted on Mar. 07, 2018.
See Sir Nick's definitive biography, timeline and conflicts of interest.
FACEBOOK DAMAGE CONTROL: Within months he began negotiating with Facebook CEO Mark E. Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl K. Sandberg "over the summer" to become vice-president of global affairs and communications (chief propagandist). These desperate negotiations appear to have occurred concurrently with Zuckerberg's and Sandberg's disingenuous Congressional testimony. On Oct. 19, 2018, Sir Nick was appointed at Facebook. It appears that Clegg's pecadillos may hasten Facebook's decline into further immorality.
Leo McKinstry. (Mar. 08, 2018). LEO MCKINSTRY: Nick Clegg gets a knighthood despite destroying his party and costing taxpayers billions. Daily Mail.
Carole Cadwalladr. (Oct. 21, 2018). If you're on the side of democracy Nick Clegg, why are you going to work for Facebook? The Guardian.
(Oct. 25, 2018)—On Oct. 19, 2018, Facebook announced that Sir Nick Clegg was appointed vice-president of Global Affairs and Communications.
Clegg’s appointment comes amidst widespread and unprecedented Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google blacklisting of politically conservative sites including Dennis Prager, Alex Jones, David Knight, Gateway Pundit, Western Journalism, Tommy Robinson, Roger Stone, President Trump’s Facebook page, Matt Bracken, Mark Dice, Milo Yiannopoulos, Breitbart, Infowars, Sibel Edmonds, Newsbud, Right Wing News, Anti-media, Gavin McInnes, Natural News, Sarah Palin, Stefan Molyneux, Pamela Geller and Diamond & Silk.
Clegg arrives in the wake of uniformly arrogant testimony from Mark E. Zuckerberg, Sheryl K. Sandberg and Jack P. Dorsey before Congress several weeks ago.
Nick Clegg: Groomed for globalism
Clegg’s bloated biography (33-pages on Wikipedia) oozes globalism. He has never held a real job. He has only ever worked in groomed globalist EU and Privy Council politics his entire life.
He attended a notorious private school named Caldicott Preparatory School where he was the Head Boy (Prefect) (1980-1983). During that time, it is now known that his Head Master, Roland Peter Wright, and some of the staff had engaged in decades of pedophilia at Caldicott. Clegg claims he knew nothing about the ritual sodomy of his schoolmates by the Caldicott staff. These facts only came to light after the documentary Chosen in 2008. See Crimeline.
Curiously, in a Piers Morgan GQ interview in March 2008 six months earlier, Clegg boasted to have bedded "no more than 30" women—an odd admission given that Chosen was in production at the time. He had clearly positioned himself as a predator of exploits with women in lieu of possibly being labeled as an elitist homosexual. This is a dramatic admission in comparison to the breathless MSM attacks of then candidate Trump for allegedly saying "p_ssy" once!
After Caldicott, Clegg was prefunctorily whisked off to Cambridge University for a degree in social anthropology. After Cambridge, he immediately went to work for the European Union. This is a similar schooling pattern for many in the Queen's Privy Council. See Crimeline re. Cambridge involvement in global corruption.
Click here to see Nicholas William Peter CLEGG. (Oct. 24, 2018). Biography, Timeline & Conflicts of Interest. Americans for Innovation. (Raw *.xlsx spreadsheet). See also Fig. 7 below.
After an internship with the notorious Marxist Christopher Hitchens, Clegg teamed with people like Larry H. Summers and Sheryl K. Sandberg to press the establishment of corrupt Russian oligarchs to push the globalist takeover agenda at the same time as George Soros was allowed by the Bank of England and the Privy Council to crash the U.K. pound and pocket $1.4 billion overnight (Sep. 17, 1992) for their WAM (walking around money).
Clegg then worked in various positions at the European Union and the World Trade Organization (WTO) feeding cash to control the ex-Soviet oligarchs that he and Summers had created (2003-2005).

Between 2005-2015 Clegg was a member of Parliament and leader of the Liberal Democrat party. During that time he served as Deputy Prime Minister in the government of David Cameron.
Between 2010-2015, Clegg was Lord President of the 600-person Queen’s Privy Council. During this time his political priorities sounded uncannily similar to socialist Bernie Sanders. Free tuition. Free public shares in banks. Hold the 1% accountable. Handouts for the poor. None of these priorities gained traction and were the subject of popular sarcasm, including the song “Nick Clegg says I’m sorry.” See Fig. 5 below.
Clegg recruits (Preys Upon?) Innocent Young Londoners for JP Morgan Chase
On Jul. 23, 2015, Clegg was appointed director of The Social Mobility Foundation Co. No. 05488354, Charity No. 1115888. On paper, their mission is to give education and life chances to disadvantage young people in Greater London. However, their financial statements indicate that this foundation is little more than a London recruit-em-young-and-innocent tool for J.P. Morgan Chase and the Privy Council.
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Fig. 2—The Social Mobility Foundation Co. No. 05488354, Charity No. 1115888. MP Nick Clegg appointed director Jul. 23, 2015 |
On Jul. 24, 2015, while still an MP, Nick founded OPEN REASON with donations from globalist fascists George Soros' Open Society Initiative and Sir Richard Branson's Virgin Group. (Definition of fascism: the government aligns with selected corporations and allows them to monopolize an industry in exchange for that corporation paying tribute to the tyrannt and doing his/her bidding.)
All in the Family: Branson's grandfather was Sir George Arthur Harwin Branson. His grandfather was a judge of the High Court of Justice and a member of the Privy Council. So, grandson Richie was himself schooled in the ways of global corruption.
Clegg also started RADIX GROUP LIMITED to "reimagine Europe," along with numerous globalists.
Bookmark: #clegg-open-reason |![]() |
Fig. 3—OPEN REASON Co. No. 09701919. MP Nick Clegg founded Jul. 24, 2015. |
A year before Clegg was unseated as MP (Jun. 08, 2017), his “glam” Spanish lawyer wife Miriam was appointed director of UBS Limited bank (Sep. 06, 2016). Suspiciously, she was immediately appointed chair of the powerful audit committee. UBS is a Facebook underwriter.
Bookmark: #miriam-clegg-ubs |![]() |
Fig. 6—Miryan [Miriam] Mercedes Gonzalez Durantez (CLEGG). (Accessed Oct. 23, 2018). Appointed Representative (AR), Approved Persons, Controlled functions, Ref. No. MMG01076, SMF11, Chair, UBS Limited Audit Committee (Start: Sep. 06, 2016), SMF12 Chair, UBS Limited Reumeration Committee (Start: Jul. 18, 2018). Financial Conduct Authority, Bank of England Prudential Regulation Authority. |
On Oct. 12, 2017, Clegg published How To Stop Brexit (And Make Britain Great Again).
On Dec. 30, 2017, Clegg was knighted in a puzzling move since he was a failed MP and left his Liberal Democrat Party in tatters.
On Jul. 18, 2018, UBS Limited (Swiss) bank made now Lady Miriam Clegg chair of the compensation committee. UBS is a Facebook underwriter.
Then three months later, on Oct. 19, 2018, Sir Nick was appointed as Facebook’s vice-president of global affairs and communications.
The purpose of Sir Nick’s Facebook appointment in the days before the U.S. midterm elections is beyond suspicious. His involvement is foreign meddling in both U.S. and UK elections by Facebook.
Sir Nick directed the "Dirty Dossier" as leader of the Privy Council
As Lord President of the Privy Council (2010-2015), Sir Nick directed the world’s top propagandists at SCL (Strategic Communications Laboratories aka Cambridge Analytica). This included key British conspirators in the totally discredited “dirty dossier” Christopher Steele (MI-6), Sir Richard Dearlove (MI-6) , Stefan Halper (dual UK-US citizen, FBI, State Department, DoD, C.I.A.), warlord Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie and election-rigger Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, Alexander Downer, Joseph Mifsud (MI6), Sir Andrew Wood (MI6) and others. See Crimeline re. Cambridge involvement in global corruption.
Facebook's, the Privy Council's and Sir Nick's attempts to consolidate the globalist propaganda system are evidently threatened by MAGA, Brexit and Project Dragonfly.
Sir Nick: sent in to destroy MAGA, Brexit & unify Project Dragonfly globally
Therefore, the Queen’s Privy Council evidently was compelled to send Sir Nick as their clean up man to Facebook. For them, the coming MAGA and Brexit votes need to be neutralized. So, they sent their chief propagandist to keep control of the narrative for the globalist Atlantic Council—the Privy Council's U.N. public face.
Sir Nick’s biography and timeline below shows that he is a dedicated monarchist, a globalist in bed with the likes of George Soros, and he’s an enemy of American and British national sovereignty. It is outrageous that such a person should be put in charge of Facebook's global MSM propaganda machine. He must be stopped. As people come to realize just how bad he is, he will be stopped.
Readers are encouraged to read the primary evidence confirming the information we have presented by following the embedded links to the source documents.
Sir Nick's fiduciary duty to disclose all prospective FAcebook conflicts of interest
Readers should also note that as an officer of an AMERICAN public company, the Business Judgment Rule says that Sir Nick has a fiduciary duty to disclose all of his potential conflicts of interest—which would include the names included in this biography and timeline, including all current and former members of the Queen's Privy Council. Such a list should certainly disqualify Nick from being involved in ANY Facebook business.
Readers are encouraged to forward this post and Nick's biography to all public officials and decision influencers in both America and Britain.
global menace
It is clear that Sir Nick Clegg is a global menace who has never worked a day in his life, and has been groomed since youth as an instrument of globalist tyranny.
Bookmark: #nick-clegg-biography |
Call to action:
We must protect the vote. Now. We cannot allow these criminals to hijack any more elections. Free and fair elections are the property of the citizens in this Republic, not the government. We have gone to sleep. Now that we are awake, we must take action across this country in the coming weeks to protect the 2018 midterm elections.
We must ensure an unbroken bipartisan chain of custody. That should be your rallying cry. This will essentially eliminate the imminent danger from rigged electronic voting machines. Back to the future: (1) Paper ballots, (2) Inked thumbs, and (3) Unbroken bipartisan chain of custody! It is really that simple.
In addition, God-fearing citizens of the United States and the world must call upon President Trump and loyal American leaders to defund the feeder systems used by these SES corruptocrats.
Ask President Trump to write the check to Leader Technologies for their Miller Act Notice so they can help implement new technologies that respect Constitutional privacy and property and help implement a truly Free Press.
Mr. President: Defund these Criminals and Fund The Miller Act Notice
Mr. President, please pull the plug on these corruptocrats and their illegal funding streams. Since they are all based on fake values, no real services will be affected.
In addition, write the Miller Act Notice check to Leader Technologies for 18 years of unpaid use of their revolutionary social networking invention—which these Privy Council criminals (Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown) have hijacked with the Senior Executive Service (SES) to takedown the American Republic. This will generate new cash streams to free up our economy from the globalist stranglehold. This will also empower Leader Technologies and other actually creative people in America to fix our foundering ship of state. See Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S. Government.
One Miller Act Notice check starts the ball rolling, Mr. President.
In addition, Leader shareholders have proposed a win-win solution to the collapse of the American Free Press, as well a large new revenue source without raising taxes. Leader principals are willing to funnel these payments back into establishing a truly Free Press. See Leader proposes trillion dollar fed revenue while lowering taxes.
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