In 2009 Hillary bankrolled Facebook’s election rigging software
In 2014 Obama bankrolled “the Eric Schmidt project” (Google) Big Brother DNC database (Hatch Act violation)
In Oct 2014 Obama sent Todd Park to Silicon Valley to work for Hillary and implement Hillary’s Facebook election rigging software
Obama is set to fix the election from the White House

Dr. Steve Pieczenik is a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State (1976). He was an instrumental part of the successful Camp David Accords when Israel and Egypt finally made peace. That peace lasts to this day.
Stay tuned. We will add new Dr. Pieczenik's videos as they become available. Lord have mercy on us and save us from the evil that besets us. Let us pray for all our Patriots who risk their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to protect us.
(Nov. 01, 2016)—Finding the truth about the extraordinary attempt to convert America to a globalist state has been slow and painstaking. However, thanks to the efforts of WikiLeaks, Citizens United, Judicial Watch, Project Veritas, InfoWars, DCLeaks, Swiss Leaks, ICIJ and others, the truth is finally emerging.
The White House role in stealing the 2016 election
WikiLeaks: On Jun. 29, 2014, Robby Mook asked John Podesta to place an “Urgent call” to Mikey Dickerson, a Google engineer. Mook was Terry McAuliffe’s Virginia gubernatorial campaign manager at the time. Podesta was Barack Obama’s special counsel.
Google's Eric Schmidt proposed (and Obama built) a Big Brother voter database for the Democratic Party
This new evidence is more proof that Barack Obama himself is engaged in the most egregious violations of The Hatch Act imaginable. He's using public funds to build a BIG BROTHER database specifically for the benefit of the Democratic Party. This means the current complaints of communist tactics are 100% accurate.
Mook was organizing “the Eric Schmidt project.” — "development of a single record for a voter that aggregates all that is known about them."
On Apr. 15, 2014, Schmidt proposed "Notes for a Democratic Campaign" which the evidence shows that the White House controlled.
He wanted to recruit Dickerson to run it. However, Dickerson was “a little worried about how legit it was.” Mook clearly needed Podesta to strong arm Dickerson into accepting the appointment. The subsequent events show this effort was for Hillary Clinton’s election.
Longtime Clinton surrogate Terry McAuliffe was Mook’s cover, and would later pay a $675,000 bribe to the FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe to get Hillary off the hook in her private email server investigation.
WikiLeaks also revealed that Robby Mook was “close” to Robert Creamer, the top Hillary operative just caught in an undercover sting video by Project Veritas Action. Creamer is captured on tape bragging about his various exploits to rig the election and disrupt Trump and Pence rallies.
The backdrop to this Mook email: During the six months before the email, Creamer—a community organizer from Chicago close to Barack Obama—had visited the White House 42 times, three times with Obama, and 39 times with Valerie Jarrett’s Office of Public Engagement staff.
In total, Creamer has visited the White House 345 times (download this spreadsheet from the White House website), according to White House logs. Most if, not all, of Creamer’s White House meetings were with Valerie Jarrett’s staff in the Office of Public Engagement, which it appears should be more accurately named the Office of Election Rigging.
Bookmark: #the-eric-schmidt-projectObama hastily created the U.S. Digital Service in just seven weeks as cover for “the Eric Schmidt project”
On Mar. 19, 2014, the GSA formed "18F" with a mission to simplify the government's digital services. 18F was staffed with Presidential Innovation Fellows. According to Google internal documents, 18F has "informal ties to USDS" (U.S. Digital Service, see below). 18F targeted various federal agencies, most notably the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
FEC documents confirm that the effort was to move all FEC data processing to the cloud and thus under the control of the IBM Eclipse Foundation established by IBM's chief inside counsel David J. Kappos (Obama's director of the Patent Office) and IBM's chief outside counsel James P. Chandler, who was also counsel to the real inventor of social networking, Columbus innovator Leader Technologies from whom Eclipse stole the technology being implemented by 18F, USDS and Google.

working to rig the 2016 election, sponsored illegally by Obama and the White House. Photo: Google.
On Apr. 15, 2014, Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, proposed "Notes for a Democratic Campaign" which the evidence shows the Barack Obama and the White House took control of and funded the leadership of this technical initiative via two former Obamacare techies Todd Y. Park, then WH Chief Technology Officer, and Mike Dickerson, Google engineer and soon to be named Administrator for the U.S. Digital Service.
On Aug. 20, 2014, Obama appointed Google engineer Mikey Dickerson to lead a newly created U.S. Digital Service, first named "the Eric Schmidt Project" (see Apr. 15, 2014). Google's internal documents boast "Current and former Googlers have also disproportionaately staffed the new office[s]" for both the U.S. Digital Service and 18F.
Below Left: A week after Dickerson’s appointment, and the creation of U.S. Digital Service ( DNC-Hillary "the Eric Schmidt project," Todd Y. Park, U.S. Chief Technology Officer, was sent to Silicon Valley to work with Hillary Clinton’s campaign and implement Hillary Facebook election rigging software.
Below Right: Mikey Dickerson, first day as the Administrator for the newly-created U.S. Digital Service.
On Aug. 28, 2014, Obama announced that Todd Y. Park, the WH Chief Technology Officer would be moving to Silicon Valley, yet continue to work for the White House.
On Oct. 18, 2014, Park wrote Podesta about the need to be discreet about him providing technical assistance to the Hillary campaign. (State Department contracts starting on Sep. 26, 2009 revealed that Hillary had her Facebook election rigging template paid for by the State Department to implement.) Hillary Clinton was CC’d on this email along with Cheryl D. Mills and David Plouffe.
On Oct. 25, 2014, Podesta wrote Park that he as WH counsel had given the go ahead.
In Jan. 2015, Podesta and Mook were appointed chairman and manager of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
McAuliffe paid a $675,000 bribe to FBI Deputy Director McCabe’s wife
In 2015, Terry McAuliffe paid a $675,000 bribe to Jill McCabe, wife of FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. McCabe was placed in charge of the Hillary Clinton investigation by Director James B. Comey.
Obama’s Park and Dickerson have integrated the state election networks with Facebook & Google . . . and into the White House

Facebook director.
Palantir founder (2004)
With Google’s Mikey Dickerson running the Google integration at the White House via the U.S. Digital Service, and with Obama’s White House CTO Todd Y. Park integrating Hillary’s Facebook election rigging software in Silicon Valley ... the unmistakable conclusion is ...
The deep integration of the Facebook and Google-White House networks ensures that Obama can focus his rigging on key swing states and tap into state election tabulators at will to change reported results. Peter Theil's Palantir software, supplied to the NSA since 2004, is being used to tap into any citizen's computer at will, without a warrant.
. . . Barack Obama is rigging U.S. election networks through the White House.
All paid for by the American taxpayer.
What can be done?
White Hats need to stop this. The interconnections of these illegal rigged networks need to be disrupted legally during the entire time votes are being tallied and verified.
There is nothing more important to the Republic than the protection of this election.
* * *
Bookmark: #robby-mook-political-hack
Robby Mook’s hideous background
Election Genius, or Corrupt Hack? Forget the outrageous Sen. Harry Reid. All the below highlighted in yellow are clear violations of The Hatch Act (interference by public officials in the election process). | |||||
Year | Candidate/org | Jurisdiction(s) | Public Position | Title | |
1979 (Dec. 3) | Born | ||||
2002 | Graduated Columbia University | ||||
2002-2004 | Howard Dean | Vermont | Governor | Field director | |
2004 | John Kerry | National | President | Director | |
2005 | David W. Marsden | Virginia | VA Rep. | Campaign manager | |
2006 | Martin O’Malley | Maryland | Governor | Campaign manager | |
2006 | Michael Steele | Maryland | Senate | Campaign manager | |
2007-2008 | Hillary Clinton | NV, IN, OH | President | Campaign director | |
2008 | Jeanne Shaheen | New Hampshire | Senate | Campaign director | |
2009 | DCCC* | National | Director | ||
2010-2014 | DCCC | Executive director | |||
2012-2014 (Nov.) | Terry McAuliffe | Virginia | Governor | Campaign manager | |
2014 (Apr. 15) | Google CEO Eric Schmidt proposed a $1.5 billion campaign to get Hillary Clinton elected using "a single record for a voter that aggregates all that is know about them." Sound like Big Brother? That Hatch Act prohibts White House invovlement, yet the White House bankrolled its key leaders Todd Y. Park and Mikey Dickerson, both architects of the failing Obamacare system. This is more proof that Obamacare was always about gathering healthcare "Big Data" to feed into Google's "the Eric Schmidt project" for the DNC, and was never about healthcare. |
10 weeks later | |||||
2014 (Jun. 29) | Mook & Podesta organize “The Eric Schmidt Project” and recruit Google engineer Mikey Dickerson who questions legitimacy of the plan to | ||||
7 weeks later | |||||
2014 (Aug. 20) | Obama appointed Mikey Dickerson to U.S. Digital Service (aka “The Eric Schmidt Project”) | ||||
1 week later | |||||
2014 (Aug. 28) | Obama issued odd press release to send WH CTO Todd Y. Park to Silicon Valley | ||||
7 weeks later | |||||
2014 (Oct. 18) | Todd Y. Park wrote Podesta about “discreet” “enthusiasm” to run Hillary’s digital campaign | ||||
1 week later | |||||
2014 (Oct. 25) | Obama White House ethics gave Park the “all clear” to work for Hillary | ||||
2 months later | |||||
2015 (Jan.) | Hillary Clinton | National | President | Strategist | |
2015 | Terry McAuliffe, Clinton Foundation director, donated $675,000 to Jill McCabe VA State Senate campaign. FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe later assigned to lead investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server, but failed to disclose the conflict. | ||||
2015 (Apr. 12) | Hillary Clinton | National | President | Campaign manager | |
2015 (Dec. 17) | WikiLeaks disclosed Mook is a close collaborator with Bob Creamer, the DNC senior operative exposed by Project Veritas Action who met with Barack Obama N times as a fellow Chicago community organizer. | ||||
Table 1: Robby Mook biography. * DCCC = Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. |
Bookmark: #podesta-satanic-ritual
WikiLeaks: John Podesta's satanic 'Spirit Cooking' occult rituals
John Podesta. (Jun. 28, 2015). Fwd. Dinner re. Marina Abramović, Spirit Cooking. EmailID No. 15893. WikiLeaks.
Paul Joseph Watson. (Nov. 04, 2016). WikiLeaks: Clinton campaign chairman [John Podesta] practices Aleister Crowley black magic. InfoWars.
The Podestas "Spirit Cooking dinner" is absolutely vile. It’s blood, sperm and breastmilk. But mostly blood. We are only showing a small excerpt, the rest is unbearable. These are the kinds of rituals these depraved, wealthy people are engaged in. This video was produced by Marina Abramović, the woman who invited Podesta to her "Spirit Cooking dinner" like the one she conducts below. "Dinner" is a truly vile event as shown below.
NYPD/FBI Insider: Clintons caught conducting Voodoo
Alex Jones and Doug Hagmann discuss how the Clintons have been involved with some very disturbing occult practices.
Doug Hagmann is Director of the Northeast Intelligence Network and the CEO of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc. He has 20 years of experience performing investigations in the private sector for many Fortune 500 companies and is a well known surveillance specialist. He is the author of Tactical Surveillance, a training manual for investigators who perform covert surveillance assignments.
The Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta
With the Wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to John Podesta, very little is known in US society about Podesta himself. While he’s maintained a low profile, John Podesta is actually considered one of Washington’s biggest players, and one of the most powerful corporate lobbyists in the world.
In this episode of The Empire Files, Abby Martin explores John Podesta’s political rise, his vast network of corporate connections and his think tank "Center for American Progress." Learn why the Podestas and the Clintons are a match made in ruling class heaven.
Bookmark: #anonymous-nov-5-2016
Anonymous: Nov. 05, 2016 update on the coup, counter coup in America—The SECRET strategy to create a new system: TPP, TTIP, TISA
Pastor Tom Nelson: Profound overview of America's future and our current moral 'continental divide'
Bookmark: #google-rigged-for-hillary
Type these 5 words into Google and see proof that the system is rigged
Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo. Fair Use is relied upon.
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WOW! We thought it was just the Clintons who were so corrupt and now we KNOW OBAMA IS IN IT WITH THEM. NO WONDER he is saying there is no RIGGING - -he is THE ONE DOING IT! UNBELIEVABLE!!
ReplyDeleteWhite House calls FBI Director Comey ‘a man of integrity
DeletePresident Obama has suggested in an interview that sexism is playing a role in the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s emails.
remember, Google has visited the White House 427 times during Obama's presidency, averaging more than once a week! This is more than any other company by a large margin.
DeleteGoogle is also actively censoring articles and websites that could hurt Hillary's chances of winning.
CEO of Google (parent company) working for Hillary Campaign
This is bad. Schmidt proposed creating a database of voters which collects "ALL THAT IS KNOWN ABOUT THEM". Google knows a lot, probably too much about everyone.
Eric Schmidt speaks and writes exactly as an employee of the Hillary Clinton campaign would. "Who we need to turn out and why" - this is something a Hillary campaign employee would write in an internal document, a hundred percent. This is truly shocking and very scary.
memo, found in one of thousands of Podesta emails published by WikiLeaks, underscores just how involved “big money” is in the inner workings of the political left.
ReplyDeleteEqually important, it lays bare what has been a largely successful effort by progressives to control public discourse, change American demographics and divide the electorate by categories such as race, gender and age.
Billionaire investor George Soros of Soros Fund Management attends the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos January 26, 2013. REUTERS/Pascal Lauener
Read more:
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones. (Nov. 02, 2016). Soft coup by patriot Americans is happening. InfoWars.
Breaking intel from a top government insider reveals what may be the end of Hillary Clinton
A White House petition to remove Soros-owned electronic voting machines has passed the 100k votes necessary for a response. Will America finally stand up to global elite rigging our elections?
ReplyDeleteInsiders attempting to save America from Hillary presidency
Paul Joseph Watson NOVEMBER 2, 2016
It’s now clear from numerous sources that the Podesta hack, which led to Wikileaks releasing tens of thousands of Clinton campaign emails, as well as other hacks targeting the Democratic Party, were the work of U.S. intelligence operatives attempting to save America from a Clinton presidency.
Email comment by KT:
ReplyDeleteTodd Beamon. (Nov. 01, 2016). Tom DeLay: 'Almost 100' Agents Threatened to Quit Over Clinton Email Probe. Newsmax.
FBI Director James Comey reopened the agency's investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails last week because "almost 100" agents threatened to resign before next week's election, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay told Newsmax TV.
"A few weeks ago, almost 100 agents were threatening Comey that they were going to resign — and that kind of pressure is what turned him around," DeLay, 69, the majority leader from 2003 to 2005, said on Tuesday's "The Steve Malzberg Show." "It wasn't Comey or his integrity.
Full story:
ReplyDeleteFACEBOOK's chief financier, second largest shareholder who has sucked well over $10 billion from the company, and former chairman, JAMES W. BREYER, ACCEL PARTNERS LLP, a CLINTON FOUNDAITON donor, has effectively moved his venture capital operations to China as IDG-ACCEL CAPITAL PARTNERS.
JOHN P. BREYER, his father, moved to China twenty years ago and has been coaching the Chinese with George Soros and Andy Grove (fellow Jewish Hungarian emigres) on how to takeover America.
JAMES W. BREYER, famously pronounced that he was "super bullish on China" back on Nov. 03, 2011:
Facebook is moving its operations and master databases to China and other offshore locations.
U.S. intelligence operatives INFO YOU NEED TO KNOW? -george-soros knew facebook was a stolen idea
ReplyDeleteHay Bill Very ‘Realistic’ Human Sex Robots Coming Out In 2017 time for an upgrade
Read more:
JAMES W. BREYER, ACCEL PARTNERS LLP, a CLINTON FOUNDAITON donor knew facebook was a stolen idea
Now is the time everybody should talk with FBI with any information
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteThe first US election was held by a small group of revolutionaries that were willing to confront a corrupt government in a far away land that chose to impose their will for their own benefit, not the folks tilling the soil, expanding local commerce, and fighting the wild environment. The Monarch wanted the "new worlders" to redistribute their wealth through unjust taxes, put down their guns, and be good little sheep. The farmers, trappers, and merchants had a better idea.......liberty, freedom, and the pursuit of their happiness, not the King's happiness. They had the courage to confront the overwhelming power.
This election cycle has exposed an ugly truth.....our government is laden with corruption, chocked full of insider deals , and pay to play deals. There is a disdain for truth and honest discourse. There are layers upon layers of hacks that abrogate our laws if it leads to their own little fiefdom , wealth, and power. Sadly, this corruption is not limited to one political party or one branch of government. The stench includes blacks and whites, men and women, religious and atheists. It is abundantly clear that even the best intentioned politician has no chance of making it better.......the swamp is full of disease, snakes, and evil. Obama has become King, Hillary wants it, too. She wants to be the first female King. We must confront the overwhelming power. The swamp must be drained.
So here's our choice. We can chose a person that for 30 years has been the epicenter of corruption, dishonesty, and evil, or we can elect a clumsy, crass, brash non insider that can not, even when he tries, be politically correct . Hillary is currently under criminal investigation on several fronts, and has been for years. Do women really want this thug as their first female president ? Despite his trash mouth, Trump has , during that same 30 years , built many magnificent things through free enterprise including a large successful company. He is inherently honest but obviously non political. Ironically, the people that will vote for Hillary, need Trump the most. First time voters need jobs. Soccer moms want a better education and a safe local environment for their boys and girls. Blacks and hispanics need a path to the middle and upper class. Peace loving religious ( all brands) do not want to fear for their lives because zealots want to kill them where they live. America !!!! Trump has stated over and over, he will support those that want all of these things......Hillary has stated that she will be an extension of current policies that put us in this mess. She will not make it anything but worse. It is this simple.....Hillary is a cause, Trump is a cure.
Don't be fooled. Hillary and her surrogates are evil. Justice will not be possible until we clean up the deadly corruption in our government. Let's give Trump our vote, our total support, and let's cover his back. He appears to understand the problem, has a solution, has the gonads to face evil, and he truly loves the country we love. On the other hand, Hillary and Bill have put together the MOST corrupt political machine ever created. Top to bottom.........corrupt. It has been exposed. They must be eliminated from our lives once and for all. The Clintons could care less about America or our citizenry. They only love themselves, but , ironically , not each other. Even their marriage is a fraud. They are sick people. We can not put them in control. Believe this, if she loses and their power is mitigated, the Clinton Foundation will lose donors. Is that not an indictment in and of itself of " pay to play" ?
Not sure how this next week will unravel.......I hope that dishonesty and vote rigging do not come into play. It would be so refreshing if evil gets a set back. Have a fun few days you misogynist, homophobic, racist, islamophobic, xenophobic, deplorable, ignorant, gun toting idiots.
TEX. =
Hey Tex, I resemble that last comment. Ouch. LOL.
DeleteEmail comment by JM:
ReplyDelete"they don't want to rig an election, they want to rig the whole system"
Staff. (Nov. 02, 2016). WikiLeaks Reveals How Billionaire 'Progressives' Run The Democratic Party.
kiLeaks: Among the curiosities spewed from John Podesta's email by WikiLeaks is an intriguing memo to a group of billionaires that outlines the real goals of the Democratic Party's progressive wing. Turns out they don't want to rig an election, they want to rig the whole system — demographics, politics, the media, everything.
The idea that the Democratic Party is the party of the "little man," as the old term would have it, is one of the great fallacies of our time, as this memo clearly shows.
The Democratic Party has been captured by the interests of a handful of left-leaning billionaires and cash-rich labor unions who see the party as a way to impose their progressive vision on all of us, without us even knowing it.
This, no doubt, explains why Clinton's Campaign Chairman Podesta has become so indispensable to Clinton's run for the presidency. He is the ultimate insider link between Clinton and the billionaire moneymen who fund her and much of the progressive movement.
The 2007 Podesta memo, "Strategic Outlook For The 2008 Elections," was sent to progressive billionaire heavy-hitters George and Jonathan Soros, Peter and Jonathan Lewis, Herb and Marion Sandler, Steve Bing, John Sperling and Soros fund executive and political go-between Michael Vachon.
Full story:
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Nov. 02, 2016). FBI's Clinton Foundation Investigation now 'a very high priority,' sources say. Fox News.
The FBI's investigation into the Clinton Foundation that has been going on for more than a year has now taken a "very high priority," separate sources with intimate knowledge of the probe tell Fox News.
FBI agents have interviewed and re-interviewed multiple people on the foundation case, which is looking into possible pay for play interaction between then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. The FBI's White Collar Crime Division is handling the investigation.
Full story:
ReplyDeleteIf they get scraped down, Readers are encouraged to distribute them widely so that copies of these exposes breed like rabbits.
ReplyDelete“If they don’t cooperate they are going to see long sentences,” a federal law enforcement source said.
New York Police Department detectives and prosecutors working an alleged underage sexting case against former Congressman Anthony Weiner have turned over a newly-found laptop he shared with wife Huma Abedin to the FBI with enough evidence “to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life,” NYPD sources told True Pundit.
NYPD sources said Clinton’s “crew” also included several unnamed yet implicated members of Congress in addition to her aides and insiders.
“It involves Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and Bill Clinton as well as Jeffrey Epstein,” DC insider Doug Hagmann said on The Alex Jones Show Wednesday. “According to my source, these files exist – he did not touch these files so he doesn’t know what’s in them, but the fact that they exist on this computer suggest some sort of overlap here.”
“It involves the Saudis, very big money and interests in the Middle East, and it involves Hillary, Huma, and to a much lesser extent Anthony Weiner.”
The NYPD seized the computer from Weiner during a search warrant and detectives discovered a trove of over 500,000 emails to and from Hillary Clinton, Abedin and other insiders during her tenure as secretary of state. The content of those emails sparked the FBI to reopen its defunct email investigation into Clinton on Friday.
But new revelations on the contents of that laptop, according to law enforcement sources, implicate the Democratic presidential candidate, her subordinates, and even select elected officials in far more alleged serious crimes than mishandling classified and top secret emails, sources said. NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to:
Money laundering
Child exploitation
Sex crimes with minors (children)
Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
Obstruction of justice
Other felony crimes
Full Story:
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by LK:
Who is Huma Abedin. (Oct. 31, 2016). Anonymous Release Bone-Chilling video of Huma Abedin every American Needs to See. World.
Huma Abedin tied to terrorism - Hillary's number 1 aide Huma Abedin has undeniable ties to terrorists & 9/11 funders. Watch before voting.
ReplyDeletePodesta held stock in Joule Unlimited LLC (Boston) with Rosnano, Putin's venture capital company where Podesta resigned as a director, but transfered his holdings to his family members:
-Megan Rouse,
-Mae S. Podesta and
-Gabriel J. Podesta
This proves that all the complaints about Trump's alleged Russian connections were all lies when, in fact, Hillary's own campaign chairman was the one in bed with the Russians.
These are malicious, jailable offenses by themselves. How many more do we need to get these larcenous women out of our lives?
John Podesta. (Jan. 10, 2015). Re. Change at the Foundation From: Huma Abedin To: John Podesta, Jake Sullivan, Cheryl Mills. EmailID No. 44979. WikiLeaks.
Email comment by CTM:
ReplyDeleteKosar. (Nov. 03, 2016). Fox News Bombshell: There Will Be an Indictment in Hillary Clinton Investigation! (VIDEO). The Political Insider.
Fox News just broke what is likely the biggest bombshell in presidential election coverage history. Two FBI sources close to the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton have confirmed: an indictment is almost certain!
Fox News anchor Bret Baier during last night’s broadcast of On the Record said the newly reopened case will mean an indictment will happen, unless serious obstruction takes place.
As Baier explained:
Full story:
Would America Really Go to War Over the South China Sea? “Would you go to war over Scarborough Shoals? Hillary i dont think so,It’s not about the rocks and reefs of the South
ReplyDeleteChina Sea, or even about the broader is it Hillary. JAMES W. BREYER, ACCEL PARTNERS LLP, a CLINTON FOUNDAITON donor, has effectively moved his venture capital operations to China as
JAMES W. BREYER, famously pronounced that he was "super bullish on China" back on Nov. 03, 2011:JOHN P. BREYER, his father, moved to China twenty years ago and has been coaching the Chinese with George Soros and Andy Grove (fellow Jewish Hungarian emigres) on how to takeover America. Mark Zuckerberg Facebook is moving its stolen facebook operations and master databases to China and other offshore locations. and Russia Lifts Advanced Weapons Ban On China To Challenge US Power
Justice Department officials told FBI agents investigating the Clinton Foundation to “stand down” even though two confidential informants had provided information that agents believed was worth pursuing, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.
Fox News is also reporting that the investigation of the Clinton family charity is now a “very high priority”
Read more:
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteIf Hillary wins:
Your health costs and your deductibles will at least double . Your actual healthcare will deteriorate.
Our divisiveness will be much more intense.
The truth will not exist in DC.
Your borders will disappear.
Your guns will be vulnerable and your personal safety will be in jeopardy.
Our enemies will rejoice.
Al Queda and ISIS will be able to flourish and expand at an accelerated rate.
Our police will castigated to a point where resignations will be massive nationwide.
Your personal taxes will stagger you .....
Our industries will head overseas at an accelerated clip due to costs of energy, taxes, and healthcare.
Our kids will putrify even further. Our wimps will become wimpier .
Our military will become a rag tag operation .
Have a deplorable day, TEX=
Email comment by CM:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Nov. 04, 2016). BREAKING: Comey Mandates All FBI Agents Report to D.C. Offices; Prep for Raids, Possible Arrests in Clinton Probes. True Pundit.
FBI Director James Comey issued a mandate late Thursday instructing all available special agents from the Washington D.C. field office and Hoover Building headquarters to report to work immediately, federal law enforcement sources told True Pundit.
“We’re preparing for many arrests from the top down,” the FBI source said. “I cannot elaborate beyond that.”
When pressed to better define what “from the top down” meant in terms of possible suspects, the source refused to elaborate.
“You’re a smart guy; read between the lines,” the source said.
Full story:
ReplyDeleteMICROSOFT sent out a malicious Windows Update on Nov. 03, 2016 that INSTALLS WITHOUT USER PERMISSION. The technologist reporting the Microsoft misconduct does not allow automatic updates and said he/she has not allowed such updates since two PCs ago.
AFI wrote an expose on the DUAL EC DRBG NSA backdoor key that would allow Microsoft access to any PC by tunneling under a person's normal security settings and gaining unauthorized access to ALL personal computers that run the Windows operating system.
AFI (Nov. 06, 2015). Complicit encryption geeks enable the American spy state. Americans For Innovation.
Click here for a GRAPHIC showing the malicious Microsoft Update which is contained in the folder:
The offending trigger file is:
"November 4, 2016. The technologist issuing this warning became alarmed this morning. When he/she arrived at work and sat down at his/her personal computer, Windows wanted to automatically install a full update! The problem is, this person has explicitly forbidden such updates, and has done so for a decade! Something is seriously wrong folks. Are other PCs being hijacked in a similar way?"
"Who am I? An experienced technologist who NEVER allows Microsoft to automatically update my computer, NEVER. And yet this morning, this update was installed and pending a Windows reboot. In my opinion, this is an outrageous invasion of property and privacy by an out of control Microsoft—government."
Email comment by RR:
ReplyDeleteTrue Pundit. (Nov. 03, 2016). BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD blows whistle on new Hillary emails: money laundering, sex crimes with children, child exploitation, pay to play, perjury. InfoWars.
“If they don’t cooperate they are going to see long sentences,” a federal law enforcement source said.
New York Police Department detectives and prosecutors working an alleged underage sexting case against former Congressman Anthony Weiner have turned over a newly-found laptop he shared with wife Huma Abedin to the FBI with enough evidence “to put Hillary (Clinton) and her crew away for life,” NYPD sources told True Pundit.
NYPD sources said Clinton’s “crew” also included several unnamed yet implicated members of Congress in addition to her aides and insiders.
“It involves Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and Bill Clinton as well as Jeffrey Epstein,” DC insider Doug Hagmann said on The Alex Jones Show Wednesday. “According to my source, these files exist – he did not touch these files so he doesn’t know what’s in them, but the fact that they exist on this computer suggest some sort of overlap here.”
Full story:
Email comment by GH:
Menstrual blood, semen and breast milk: Most bizarre Wikileaks revelation yet. InfoWars.
In what is undoubtedly the most bizarre Wikileaks revelation to date, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta was invited to a “spirit cooking dinner” by performance artist Marina Abramovic, to take part in an occult ritual founded by Satanist Aleister Crowley.
In an email dated June 28, 2015, Abramovic wrote, “I am so looking forward to the Spirit Cooking dinner at my place. Do you think you will be able to let me know if your brother is joining? All my love, Marina.”
Tony Podesta then forwarded the email to his brother John Podesta (Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman), asking him, “Are you in NYC Thursday July 9 Marina wants you to come to dinner.”
Full story:
DeleteTownhall tipsheet Matt Vespa
ReplyDeleteNorth Carolina
Video: Black People Who Vote Republican Are 'F**ked In The Head,' Like Jews Who Helped The Nazis
Matt Vespa
Posted: Nov 02, 2016 1:50 PM
Benjamin Barber made some disturbing remarks about black voters. He likened them to “Sonderkommandos,” groups picked by Nazis to clear bodies and belongings of those who had been murdered in the concentrations. Oh, and they’re “fucked in the head” for voting Republican.
DeleteCourthouse News Service
Thursday, November 03, 2016Last Update: 7:16 AM PT Banks Can Keep Facebook IPO 'Lock-Up' Bounties
Facebook offered 421 million shares of common stock at $38 per share THAT ended with disappointment Leading one of these cases, shareholder Robert Lowinger accused Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg and the banks that underwrote the IPO of downgrading earnings expectations before the offering but sharing the bad news only with "certain preferred investors."
On appeal, the Securities and Exchange Commission boosted the banks' position by advising the appellate court that "lock-up agreements" do not implicate the Exchange Act's ban on insiders making short-swing profits.
There is an exception to this rule for good-faith underwriting of IPOs, a rule that the banks argued is necessary for any offering to take place.
Clinton Surrogates Now Openly Begging For Black Votes As Voter Turnout Sinks
DeleteRead more:
DeleteHillary Email Burning caught on video
its a joke lol
Lee Stranahan. (Nov. 04, 2016). Undercover Video Exposes Early Clinton Email Witness Who Was Never Interviewed by FBI. Project Veritas Action.
ReplyDeleteProject Veritas Action has just released a new video relating to the investigations of Hillary Clinton’s private email servers. As a result of multiple investigations regarding Secretary Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server, it was learned that State Department IT people knew of Clinton’s private email server as early as 2010, but the FBI and mainstream media don’t seem to have interviewed key people who know about it. Follow a Project Veritas Action journalist in this video as she confronts one of these key government IT officials.
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Email comment by JM:
William Turton, J.K. Trotter. (Nov. 04, 2016). Did Hillary Clinton's Campaign Work With Peter Thiel's Palantir? Gizmodo.
Peter Thiel is a globalist spy in the Trump camp. I have followed Thiel since 2004. He is a truly evil man in my opinion. Trump needs to know.
ReplyDeleteThe Podestas "Spirit Cooking dinner" is absolutely vile. It’s blood, sperm and breastmilk. But mostly blood. The video included in the link above shows only a small excerpt, the rest is unbearable. These are the kinds of rituals these depraved, wealthy people are engaged in. This video was produced by Marina Abramović, the woman who invited Podesta to her "Spirit Cooking dinner" like the one she conducts below. "Dinner" is a truly vile event as shown below. “The Menu” appears to be a code word for various depraved activities.
May God deliver us from this evil.
Here is the Spirit Cooking article cited in the link to the post above:
Here's the YouTube URL:
Wow, that is rich. Calling this depraved? This comes from someone who believes that Jesus Christ turned his body into a bowl of crackers. Which you then consume. Cannibalism. And then you drink his blood. Not only is that wickedly depraved, it also displays extraordinary gullibility and naïveté.
DeleteAnd where is the evidence that Podesta actually engaged in any of this?
This blog has truly become an adorable caricature of itself.
Oh and that Fox news story about Hillary being indicted? Another hoax. So bad that Fox actually apologized for it.
JKR (by one of your legion of astroturfing names), now you spew sacrilege in the name of liberalism. We will pray for your immortal soul. Let's see, how many astroturfer epithets did you spew in this one little comment?:
Delete1. "Wow, that is rich"
2. "Depraved"
3. Holy Communion is "bowl of crackers," "cannibalism," "wickedly depraved," "extraordinary gullibility," "naïveté."
4. Ignore the mountain of Podesta evidence emerging
5. "Adorable caricature of itself"
6. Hillary's coming indictment a "hoax." Time will tell who is in the dark, although that seems obvious from your comment.
Email comment bu GH:
ReplyDeleteGarth Kant. (Nov. 04, 2016). HILLARYGATE DAILY UPDATE: Huma reportedly 'flipped' against Hillary. WND.
WASHINGTON – Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s closest aide, has reportedly “flipped” and is cooperating with investigators looking into possible crimes by the former secretary of state.
Breitbart is reporting that is because Abedin fears she could go to jail over the scandal.
Blackwater founder and retired Navy SEAL Erik Prince said “well-placed” sources in the New York Police Department told him “(Anthony) Weiner and Huma Abedin, his wife – the closest adviser of Hillary Clinton for 20 years – have both flipped.”
Full story:
Email comment by JL:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Nov. 04, 2016). Bombshell: Hillary Clinton's Satanic Network Exposed.
Hillary Clinton’s ties to satanic rituals and the occult have been well-documented for decades.
Clinton insider Larry Nichols told Infowars that Hillary Clinton used to attend a “witch’s church” in Los Angeles during Bill’s presidency.
And a source claimed many FBI agents consider Clinton to be “the Antichrist personified.”
Also, DC insider Doug Hagmann broke the news that the NYPD found a blackmail sex network on Anthony Weiner’s computer.
Furthermore, the latest bombshell to come from WikiLeaks connects Clinton campaign head John Podesta to top occultist Marina Abramovic.
Infowars reporter Paul Joseph Watson breaks down the “spirit cooking” ritual:
Full story:
Email comment by: FP
ReplyDeleteHannity. (Nov. 04, 2016). Sean Hannity polls and odds as Trump takes on Clinton in presidential showdown. Fox News.
News coverage the mainstream media is ignoring, shamefully.
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Nov. 04, 2016). Coups, Counter-coups rage within American government. WND.
It’s a struggle taking place at the highest levels of power. Coups, counter-coups and a civil war between the elites. And at the center of it all is one of the America’s most experienced intelligence operatives.
Email comment by JM/GN:
ReplyDeleteMORE OUTRAGEOUSLY ILLEGAL ACTIONS BY THE CLINTONS. (By publishing this it appears Reuters is trying to rehabilitate its destroyed image as nothing by a globalist shill.... Oh, now you want to start doing your job for which you have enjoyed First Amendment protections unworthily. Well, I guess better late than never. Assange leaked this many weeks ago, but you are only now getting around to publishing this bombshell? Well it is old news Reuters. Stop pretending to be objective and watching the public's back against corruption. You have allowed yourselves to become corrupt!!!)
Jonathan Allen. (Nov. 04, 2016). Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept. Reuters.
The Clinton Foundation has confirmed it accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state without informing the State Department, even though she had promised to let the agency review new or significantly increased support from foreign governments.
Qatari officials pledged the money in 2011 to mark the 65th birthday of Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton's husband, and sought to meet the former U.S. president in person the following year to present him the check, according to an email from a foundation official to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta. The email, among thousands hacked from Podesta's account, was published last month by WikiLeaks.
Clinton signed an ethics agreement governing her family's globe-straddling foundation in order to become secretary of state in 2009. The agreement was designed to increase transparency to avoid appearances that U.S. foreign policy could be swayed by wealthy donors.
Full story:
We are done with the corrupt attorney bulls**t.
DeleteReuters wrote:
"Foundation officials told Reuters last year that they did not always comply with central provisions of the agreement with President Barack Obama's administration, blaming oversights in some cases.(
At least eight other countries besides Qatar gave new or increased funding to the foundation, in most cases to fund its health project, without the State Department being informed, according to foundation and agency records. They include Algeria, which gave for the first time in 2010, and the United Kingdom, which nearly tripled its support for the foundation's health project to $11.2 million between 2009 and 2012.
Foundation officials have said some of those donations, including Algeria, were oversights and should have been flagged, while others, such as the UK increase, did not qualify as material increases.
The foundation has declined to describe what sort of increase in funding by a foreign government would have triggered notification of the State Department for review. Cookstra said the agreement was designed to "allow foreign funding for critical Clinton Foundation programs" to continue without disruption."
LIES. LIES. LIES . . . all dressed in reasonableness to fool the unsuspecting.
They're excuse is a $1 million Qatar donation is not "material" ??? Are you friggin kidding me? Well, I guess not when you are fleecing the public for multiple billions of dollars. This criminality dressed in reasonableness is an affront to morality itself.
K. CraineNovember 5, 2016 at 7:49 AM
DeleteReaders should know that the reason these crooked lawyers (I know, I am being redundant) claim "human error," "oversight" and "mismanagement" and "inadvertence" is because there is no law against human error. But, there is a law against fraud and willful misrepresentation. So, these experienced crooks always claim human error each time they are asked about their fraud.
The lawyers protecting Obama and the Clintons are nothing but MOB LAWYERS who will (and do) lie, cheat, break laws and steal from their mothers to protect their crooked clients while lining their pockets.
Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDeleteEPIC INFOWARS.COM/SHOW alternative-media election broadcast announced. THE FALL OF HILLARY HAS BEGUN
Historic Broadcasts:
Sat. Nov. 05, 2016 6pm-8pm (Central Time Zone)
Sun. Nov. 06, 2016 4pm-6pm (Central)
Mon. Nov. 07, 2016 11am start (Central)
52-hour Live Election Coverage
Website URL:
Alex Jones. (Nov. 04, 2016). Insider (Doug Hagmann): Clinton Caught Conducting Voodoo Marina and Spirit Cooking. InfoWars.
ReplyDeleteAlex Jones and Doug Hagmann discuss how the Clintons have been involved with some very disturbing occult practices.
'My Life' by Bill Clinton (Random House, 2004)
"The beauty and the wonder of having evil spirits enter him, and how it took him to wonderful places."
Full video interview:
ReplyDeleteKit Daniels. (Nov. 5, 2016). LAW ENFORCEMENT BEGS WORLD: READ HILLARY EMAILS TO FIND CHILD RAPE EVIDENCE - Hillary linked to child sex ring, emails suggest. InfoWars.
The Clinton campaign and its associates sought out underage children for “entertainment” at a hot tub party and made strange references to “hot dogs” and “Beanie Babies” in emails which may contain code for pedophilia or other illegal activities, according to investigative researchers.
Law enforcement sources have asked the public to point out potential code words for “weapons, drugs and people” in the emails released by Wikileaks – and evidence of child sex trafficking would explain why the FBI reopened their investigation into Hillary Clinton despite severe political blowback.
Be warned: while these emails could refer to non-sensical, inside jokes, that’s not the conclusion of many of those who’ve seen these bizarre emails – and there’s hundreds.
An Oct. 2015 email inviting members of the campaign to a rural getaway pointed out that three children ages 11, 9 and almost 7 would be supplied for entertainment.
According to the email:
With enormous gratitude to Advance Man Extraordinaire Haber, I am popping up again to share our excitement about the Reprise of Our Gang’s visit to the farm in Lovettsville. And I thought I’d share a couple more notes:
Full story:
Here's the WikiLeaks Podesta SEX ROMP invitation email referenced in the article above:
Here are the 'elites' invited to the Podesta SEX ROMP "FARM."
Delete- TAMERA LUZZATTO leads government relations at The Pew Charitable Trusts
- TRUDY VINCENT , Associate Vice President for Federal Relations,University of Chicago
- JON HABER-work , During the Clinton Administration, Jon was special counsel to the president at the Overseas Private Investment Corp. Earlier he was chief of staff/general counsel for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and counsel/communications director for Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) on the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry.
-BONNIE LEVIN-work , Corporate Assistant Vice President, Pharmacy Services at MedStar Health Inc
-LIZ SAVAGE , Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights, Department of Justice
-KATHERINE KLEIN , is the Edward H. Bowman Professor of Management at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania
-JOHN GOMPERTS , John S. Gomperts became President and CEO of America’s Promise Alliance
-MARY PODESTA "" , Wife of John Podesta
-LUKE ALBEE , Direct Impage lobbyist, former chief of state for Mark Warner, Patrick Leahy, Michael Dukakis
-BETH DONOVAN , Senior Washington Editor for NPR News
-TOM ROSENSTIEL-personal , American author, journalist, press critic and executive director of the American Press Institute
-RUTH MARCUS "Marcus, Ruth (" , Ruth Marcus is a columnist for The Post, specializing in American politics and domestic policy.
-JON LEIBOWITZ-work , Leibowitz is a partner in Davis Polk’s Washington DC and New York offices. His practice focuses on the complex antitrust aspects of mergers and acquisitions
-RIMA SIROTA , Immediately prior to joining the full-time Law Center faculty in 2007, Professor Sirota was an attorney for the Professional Responsibility Advisory Office of the U.S. Department of Justice, where she advised and trained lawyers on professional responsibility issues in criminal and civil matters. She also taught Professional Responsibility as an adjunct faculty member.
Previously, Professor Sirota was Counsel for Ethics and Administration for the Environment and Natural Resources Division of the Department of Justice.
-DREW FIELDS , Drew Fields. Partner, Mercury Strategies
-DAVID LEITER , David is President, ML Strategies, Washington, DC. Experience. David has more than 30 years of experience as a senior manager, political strategist and policy advisor ..
-LAURIE RUBINER-work , Laurie Rubiner Chief of Staff to Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Adjunct Professor of Law B.A., Barnard; J.D., Georgetown
Email comment by GH:
Abby Martin. (Nov. 05, 2016). The Empires Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta. teleSUR.
With the Wikileaks release of thousands of emails belonging to John Podesta, very little is known in US society about Podesta himself. While he’s maintained a low profile, John Podesta is actually considered one of Washington’s biggest players, and one of the most powerful corporate lobbyists in the world.
In this episode of The Empire Files, Abby Martin explores John Podesta’s political rise, his vast network of corporate connections and his think tank "Center for American Progress." Learn why the Podestas and the Clintons are a match made in ruling class heaven.
Full video:
Also linked and bookmarked at. Suggested tweet:
DeleteMUST SEE VIDEO: John Podesta totally exposed.
Email comment by AS:
Hattip. (Nov. 05, 2016). Newsweek Cover: Hillary Wins Already Printed Saturday. BeforeItsNews.
They must have already counted the votes. It’s November 5th. Oh, that’s right the election isn’t until November 8th.
Full story:
Email comment by BeforeItsNews:
ReplyDeleteTweet out:
Anonymous updates on the American coup and counter coup currently underway. Pray for our Patriots.
Email comment by CM:
Pastor Tom Nelson: Profound overview of America's future and our current moral 'continental divide' (and choice)
Email comment by JH:
ReplyDeleteTWEET THIS:
Ezra Levant. (Nov. 06, 2016). Type these 5 words into Google and see proof that the system is rigged. The Rebel.
Email comment by TH:
ReplyDeleteSteve Doocy (Oct. 30, 2016). WATCH: Interview with Jay Christian, Fox News Just Found Out Obama RIGGED ELECTION With 4 MILLION ILLEGAL VOTES. Stop Hillary.
It’s no secret that democrats are all about fixing elections with every tactic possible and that is exactly what is happening this year for Hillary. Specifically, Elections expert J. Christian Adams told FOX and Friends on this morning that there are 4 million dead people on US voter rolls.
Adams was the Voting Section Attorney at the US Department of Justice, so he knows a thing or two about this topic. In fact, he has filed six lawsuits against Philadelphia and Broward County, Florida where the voter rolls are corrupted.
Leftist groups continually sue to keep the voter rolls exactly the way they are. Why is that? Well, it’s very obvious. The current voter rolls benefit democrats, as the data shows dead people vote for democrats in an overwhelming majority. The Obama administration has no desire to clean up these voter rolls.
J. Christian Adams says, “Dead people are voting and it’s something this administration does not want to do anything about. They must like it. They must like who they are voting for… Now we have four million, four million Steve, ineligible and dead voters on American voter rolls according to the Pew Charitable Trust.”
Full video:
Email comment by TH:
Luke Rosiak. (Nov. 06, 2016). EXCLUSIVE: Virginia Gov. Pardons 60,000 Felons, Enough To Swing Election. The Daily Caller.
Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe has granted voting rights to as many as 60,000 convicted felons just in time for them to register to vote, nearly five times more than previously reported and enough to win the state for his long-time friend, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
McAuliffe sought to allow all of Virginia’s estimated 200,000 felons to vote, but state courts said each individual felon’s circumstances must be weighed. To get around that, McAuliffe used a mechanical autopen to rapidly sign thousands of letters, as if he had personally reviewed them, even as his office was saying the total was 13,000.
Now, The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned that McAuliffe — who managed Clinton’s unsuccessful 2008 presidential campaign — churned out five times as many letters before the registration deadline than publicly claimed.
Full story:
Hillary Clinton's Alleged 'Lolita' Child Pedophile Sex Slave Island Ring Scandal: 5th Of November ...
DeleteThe Inquisitr
Within the 650,000 emails, more information than Weiner's sexting was reportedly discovered. ... Hillary Clinton went there at least six times.
DeleteClinton Foundation Is The ‘Largest Unprosecuted Charity Fraud Ever’ [VIDEO]
Ginni Thomas
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteTrump to FBI: You Can't Review 650,000 New Emails in 8 Days
Solange Reyner. (Nov. 06, 2016). Trump on FBI Probe: Proves System 'Rigged'. Newsmax.
Donald Trump on Sunday criticized James Comey for his announcement that the FBI had not changed its conclusion regarding her emails, telling a crowd in Michigan that it was hard to believe the agency could review "650,000 new emails in eight days."
Full story:
Facebook is facing a U.S. District Court lawsuit, filed in the Northern District of California, alleging the social network's ad-targeting practices violate ...
ReplyDeleteFacebook will fight the lawsuit that claims its 'ethnic affinities' ad targeting tool is illegal - Yahoo News
Facebook Hit With Civil Rights Lawsuit Over Race-Based Ad Targeting Options - MediaPost Communications
Lawsuit: Facebook discriminates against minorities in ads - Media Life Magazine
Read more:
Facebook COO In Leaked Email: I Still Want Hillary To Win Badly
Clinton Campaign Planned To Work With Media Matters, Leaks Reveal
Emails Reveal Clintons’ ‘Sleazy’ And Intricate Relationship With Major Chemical Manufacturer
Clinton Campaign Chair Met With Soros To Talk TPP, Immigration Policies, Leaked Emails Show
The Cozy Press:
Leaked Emails: CNN Journalist Refers To ‘GOP Hell,’ Calls Podesta A ‘Star’
CNN Source Fed Clinton Camp Information
Politico Reporter Sends Story To Hillary Aide For Approval, Admits He’s A ‘Hack’
Read more:
Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteOlivia Ovenden. (Nov. 21, 2016). This Study Proves Quitting Facebook Significantly Reduces Your Stress Level - As if we didn't already know this. Esquire.
We've all had that moment of self-loathing after scrolling through our Facebook feed on a Friday night watching people drinking Champagne on a beach.
And a study published earlier this month, titled "Quitting Facebook Leads to Higher Levels of Well-Being" by the University of Copenhagen, argues that those envy-fueled scrollathons aren't doing us any favors.
Full story:
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteWilliam Pesek. (Nov. 22, 2016). Trump Victory Threatens Alibaba’s American Dream - The Chinese e-commerce giant could be felled by Trump’s anti-China tough talk just as growth at home slows. Barron's.
Of all the things Jack Ma thought he’d confront in 2017, a Donald Trump presidency wasn’t among them.
Much has been made of risks emanating from Trump’s anti-China worldview. It’s a particular concern for investors in Alibaba (BABA), the e-commerce juggernaut aiming to generate 50% of its revenue outside China. While Trump’s shocking win is slamming technology shares from the U.S. to China, the colossus Ma created is uniquely in harm’s way. Its scale, level of mainland penetration and global ambitions put Alibaba on the frontline of Trump’s whims. That makes Alibaba a singularly telling indicator of both Chinese growth shifts and Beijing-Washington relations.
Full story:
Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDeleteDan Lyman, Kit Daniels. (Nov. 21, 2016). OBAMA DECLARES WAR ON INFOWARS, BREITBART - Globalists want to regain control over public opinion. InfoWars.
With the intention to censor independent media, President Obama is now spearheading the fervent assault on so-called “fake news.”
This war on “fake news” began after anti-Trump world leaders, heads of social media platforms and the mainstream press realized they lost the presidential election because they no longer had credibility and influence over the US population.
Obama made clear his desire to limit news reports by populist media at a press conference in Lima, Peru, on Sunday where he also defended the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
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