They wrote 208 pages of DOJ guidelines in 2000 now used to try and destroy President Trump with legal nonsense
They hired State Dept, Hillary Clinton stonewaller—Williams & Connolly LLP—to prosecute their first Espionage case as far back as 1998

(Aug. 04, 2017)—In Nov. 2000, James P. Chandler, Leader Technologies’ patent attorney turned patent thief, compiled a Department of Justice guideline titled "PROSECUTING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CLAIMS." Cleverly buried on page 14 is another excuse for a cabal of Justice Department insiders to collude with impunity named "The Intellectual Property Initiative." Ever heard of it? Neither had we, and we're paying close attention to these Deep State criminals. See Fig. 2 caption.

On Nov. 29, 2011, eleven years later, now Barack Obama's Attorney General Eric Holder made a single reference to it saying "in 1999, during my tenure as Deputy Attorney General – I helped to launch the Department’s first intellectual property initiative." Besides being a false statement (the Initiative was announced in Nov. 2000), it is also misleading since the inititative was a phantom group evidently designed to give their spymaster James P. Chandler a job in the Deep State shadow government, and to prepare the social media technology that he had stolen from his client Leader Technologies for Barack Obama's ascension to the Presidency, which he announced on Facebook on Feb. 10, 2007.
The personal fortunes that these "public servants" have amassed while employed by the U.S. government prove their utter duplicity and untrustworthiness to serve We the People. See financial disclosures for Holder | Mueller. See Mueller's exclusive offshore Cayman Island holdings, including one fund, Mellon Optima, where Larry Summers' former Harvard professor Benjamin M. Friedman is a director. This "Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fd LLC" required a minimum $10 million investment.
Try googling it. It's FAKE! It does not exist, except in this document! This guideline appears to be the playbook these swamp rats are using to try and take down President Donald J. Trump. While Chandler's name doesn't appear on the document per se, his trade secrets, economic espionage and intellectual property handiwork is notoriously known to Beltway intelligence, legal and political insiders. See Timeline for verifications.
This remarkable document places a number of Washington, D.C. lawyers together at the beginning of the Clinton Administration in the mid 1990's. Except for Janet Reno who is dead, these same people are currently prominent in the Trump-Russia witch hunt, along with their Deep State partners in the mainstream media, DNC and RNC with whom they collude.
Chandler's collaborators in these 2000 guidelines included Robert S. Mueller, III and Eric H. Holder, Jr. who were then U.S. Attorney and Assistant Attorney General respectively. Their boss was Clinton Attorney General Janet Reno of Waco infamey. They hired Paul Mogin of Williams & Connolly LLP to prosecute their first case under Clinton's and Chandler's freshly minted Economic Espionage Act of 1996, U.S. v. Hsu (this links to the in-depth AFI Timeline for Aug. 28, 1998; please be patient while it downloads).
Discussion of the Hsu case features prominently (27 references to it) in the Chandler-Mueller-Holder-Reno-Clinton document. Insiders say Chandler boasted inside the Beltway about Hsu since it was the first successful conviction under his new trade secrets laws.
Tellingly, four of the Clinton's former Arkansas bodyguards (C. LeBleu, T. McKeaham, R. Williams, S. Willis) were shot in the head, execution style, at Janet Reno's Waco attack. And, Williams & Connolly LLP is the law firm hired by Barack Obama's State Department who stonewalled Congress during Hillary Clinton's private email server testimony as well as Lois Lerner's IRS stonewalling about the political targeting of the Tea Party.
Of course, in light of the current misconduct among these same individuals (save the murderer Reno, she's dead), can this collection of former Clinton Administration characters is purely coincidental?
Click here to download the 208-page Chandler-Mueller-Holder guidelines.
What Chandler failed to disclose to Leader Technologies is that he was feeding Leader’s social networking invention to the Deep State shadow government at the same time. See previous post.
In the ultimate irony, Chandler was stealing Leader Technologies’ social networking invention just as he was busily drafting a rambling 208-page guideline for prosecuting intellectual property crimes—like the very same crimes he was committing against his client Leader Technologies.
The Chandler-Mueller-Holder document is a joke: It could be used to indict a ham sandwich
The crimes reviewed in the document include counterfeiting, infringement of patents and copyrights, theft of trade secrets, bootlegging, organized crime, and economic espionage.
Chandler announced in the document "The Intellectual Property Initiative" with Eric H. Holder, Jr., then Deputy Attorney General and Robert S. Mueller, III, then U.S. Attorney. This Initiative occurred when Janet Reno was Attorney General and Bill Clinton was president.
Page 14 is the smoking gun (p. 25 in the PDF)—The Intellectual Property Initiative — Chandler's legal playground for rogue Deep State intelligence blackmail thru NSS, IBM, C.I.A., FBI, NSA, NIAC, IBM Eclipse Foundation

The document is a classical insider discombobulation. It is evidently written by unscrupulous attorneys who intentionally muddy the waters with flowery verbiage that makes it easy for insider judges to make a law say whatever they might find useful later on.
It is legal puffery at its finest. Chandler's and Williams & Connolly LLP's 27 grandstanding references to the Hsu case is a good example.
It includes waffling guidelines for prosecuting and punishing a whole range of crimes that include counterfeiting and economic espionage.
These guidelines are so broad that they could literally be used to indict a ham sandwich.
Notably, credits to Holder and Mueller have been removed at the Justice Department from the current version of these guidelines.
Prediction: Bogus RICO charges are in the Trump Organization's future
We hope we are wrong, but the tea leaves point to Mueller's co-conspirators cooking up RICO organized crime charges (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act) against the Trump Organization. Why? Because it will embarass the President, and he cannot pardon an organization like he can individuals. It is the strongest set of charges against a company discussed in the guidelines.
This would be insane given all the considerable, proven things that the Clintons, Obama, Rice, Lynch, Podesta, Comey, Mueller, Holder, etc. have been doing.
We the People need to step in and use our Constitutional power over our dysfunctional, failing institutions to fix this.
Tellingly, the guidelines discuss the prosecution of companies with RICO organized crime statutes. Why should we not be surprised if these rogue Deep State legal criminals attempt to accuse the Trump Organization of RICO organized crime offenses to hang around President Trump's neck? This conduct from people in whom we have put our trust for decades is simply outrageous and cannot be tolerated any longer by We The People.
This document referenced in paragraph one proves that the current Mueller investigation of President Trump is illegitimate since Mueller cannot possibly claim impartiality.
Chandler, Mueller, Holder, Reno and Clinton have been colluding for the Deep State since the Clinton Presidency
The Intellectual Property Initiative promoted in 2000 by Chandler, Mueller, Holder, Reno and Clinton is more proof of their intimate political association and agenda.
Further, the Deep State’s promotion of this bogus investigation of President Trump through Google, Facebook and Twitter using Leader Technologies’ stolen social networking invention profoundly discredits these individuals. It also makes them co-conspirators in the theft.
DOJ guidelines to indict ham sandwiches and duly-elected presidents
Click here to download a copy of the 2000 Chandler-Mueller-Clinton-Reno-Holder Department of Justice guidelines to indict ham sandwiches and duly-elected Presidents of the United States.
* * *
Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Aug. 05, 2017). BREAKING: FBI email dump reveals collusion between media and DOJ to squash 2016 Lynch Clinton meeting. The Right Scoop / Fox News.
A new email dump from the FBI via a FOIA request by the ACLJ reveals what appears to be collusion between the media and the DOJ to squash the story about the 2016 meeting between Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton on the tarmac in Phoenix, AZ.
Also Comey reportedly said the FBI had no documents related to this meeting to fill a prior FOIA request. That apparently isn’t true, given this new email dump.
Full story:
Jim Hoft. (Aug. 04, 2017). COLLUSION! Liberal Media Hacks Caught Colluding to Kill Clinton-Lynch Tarmac Story (Video). Gateway Pundit.
DeleteThe infamous Phoenix airport tarmac meeting between then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton is currently being investigated by the American Center for Law and Justice.
After pouring over documents connected to the meeting, the legal team says they were shocked to learn how dishonest the FBI under James Comey was in relation to the incident.
The ACLJ says they were shocked with the dishonesty of the Comey FBI regarding the controversial tarmac meeting.
“We have just obtained hundreds of pages in our ongoing investigation and federal lawsuit on former Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s tarmac meeting with former President Bill Clinton while the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI had an ongoing criminal investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails,” says a new report from officials with the American Center for Law and Justice.
“The results are shocking.”
…However, from records that now have become available, “It is clear that there were multiple records within the FBI responsive to our request and that discussions regarding the surreptitious meeting between then AG Lynch and the husband of the subject of an ongoing FBI criminal investigation reached the highest levels of the FBI,” the ACLJ reported.
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Email comment by Sharyl Attkisson:
ReplyDeleteSharyl Attkisson. (Aug. 04, 2017). Federal Government, HHS, DOJ: Gaming the Freedom of Info System. Full Measure.
Above: Example of public documents turned over by government in Freedom of Information Act lawsuit over Obamacare and
In addition to the active lawsuit I have in federal court over the intrusion into my government computers, I have been litigating several of the many failed government responses to lawful Freedom of Information Act requests.
I’m giving up on one of them as of this week.
It’s my request for public material the government withheld after the disastrous launch of Obamacare in 2013 when I was reporting on the topic for CBS News. We have learned, among other things, that federal officials gave incorrect and misleading information to the public and under oath to Congress regarding serious security failures in development and testing of the national website and system, and other important topics.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteMichael Savage. (Aug. 05, 2017). MICHAEL SAVAGE: 'TAKING DOWN TRUMP' WOULD PROVOKE CIVIL WAR - 'All of you leftists who think you're going to steal our vote, you're wrong'. WND.
If the left succeeds in its effort to remove President Trump from office or renders him virtually powerless, America’s working class – the “Eddies and Ediths” – will revolt, warned author and nationally syndicated talk-radio host Michael Savage.
Referring to a 1939 novel, Savage told his listeners Friday that “The Day of the Locust” will come and people will “resort to mob violence” when they “are finally aware of the fact that they’ve been tricked by their society, and that no matter how hard they work as middle class people” they are denied.
“That is what’s going to happen in this country,” Savage said. “You have not yet seen mob violence in this country. You’ve seen some mob violence instigated by George Soros’ mobs. … But you haven’t seen the thing I’m telling you is coming in this country. You haven’t seen the ‘Day of the Locust’ yet.”
“The Day of the Locust” is a 1939 novel by Nathanael West that features an artist from Yale who comes to Hollywood and creates a painting called “The Burning of Los Angeles.” The painting captures the despair of Americans who worked and saved their entire lives but failed to realize the American dream, prompting anger that boils over into destruction and mob rule.
Full story:
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteAl Waisman. (Aug. 04, 2017). Obama’s Secret Room Found Down The Street From Where Trump’s At – Here’s What Was Hiding Inside. Freedom Daily.
Former President Barack Hussein Obama did exactly what most of us on the right expected him to do once he left the White House. First, the charlatan took a 6-month luxurious vacation most of us normal folk can only dream of taking. And the second thing he did was, although he claimed he was staying in Washington D.C. so his youngest daughter Sasha could finish high school, it has now become apparent that what he is really doing in DC is something totally different.
Obama is Running WAR ROOM Two Miles From White House; Trying To Destroy Trump
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteLuke Rosiak. (Aug. 04, 2017). Wasserman Schultz Says Laptop She Sought To Keep From Police Was Awan’s, Not Hers. Daily Caller.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz never actually saw the computer she fought to block the Capitol Police from examining as evidence in a criminal case against her IT aide by saying it was hers, she told the South Florida Sun-Sentinel Thursday.
She threatened “consequences” on May 18 for the chief of the Capitol Police unless the laptop was returned — despite police contending it was needed to help determine whether a staffer may have violated the House’s cybersecurity.
“This was not my laptop. I have never seen that laptop. I don’t know what’s on the laptop,” she said Thursday. She said it was Imran’s laptop but purchased using taxpayer funds from her office.
Full story[VIDEO]:
Email comment by Alex Jones:
- Tweet praising job numbers marked as ‘potentially sensitive content’. Infowars.
Eric Trump on Friday exposed Twitter had censored a news story he shared showing great American job numbers.
In a Friday message to his followers, Trump showed how a tweet he shared from the Drudge Report Twitter account was blocked and labeled “potentially sensitive content.”
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDeleteAlexander Dugin. (Aug. 05, 2017). PUTIN’S INFLUENTIAL TOP ADVISOR WARNS OF PLAN TO DESTROY HUMANITY - AI leads to tecehnotronic takeover. Infowars.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s influential advisor joins Infowars to break down the coming, global technocracy wars:
The tyranny also extends to mass censorship and control over the world population:
Full story[VIDEO]:
We the People must bring our dysfunctional government to heal
The cast of characters surrounding Mueller are all Clintonistas.
The required impartiality of a Special Counsel in the Russia probe is being absurdly ignored, yet no one in Washington, D.C. is stopping this witch hunt.
We the People need to use our God-given power over our corrupt government and stop this lawless madness in our dysfunctional government.
Declaration of Independence: “It is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it …”
Most of our officials appear to be compromised as a result of rampant spy blackmail (sex, drugs, pedophilia, innuendo) from illegal, warrantless NSA /CIA surveillance for decades—directed by the Clintonistas since 1993.
Full story:
Spread the word – TinyURL version of this link:
Opinion. Think for yourself, not what MSM is dishing out.
Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteSean Hannity. (Aug. 05, 2017). BREAKING NEWS TRUMP 8/5/17: Hannity - Obama Admin Unmasking. Fox News.
Last fall America voted for real change in Washington. We won't be silent, they will hear our voice.
Full story:
Operation HAL. (Aug. 03, 2017). Roger Stone Reacts to Mueller Grand Jury Announcement. Infowars.
DeleteFull story[VIDEO]:
Email comment by JM-GN:
ReplyDeleteRT. (Aug. 05, 2017). Debbie Wasserman Shultz Planned to pay FLEEING suspect! Trump Nation.
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz has broken her silence in the controversy over a former IT aide whom she kept on the payroll for months despite a criminal probe.
While Republicans are calling for a deeper investigation, Wasserman Schultz defended her handling of the matter in an interview published Thursday in the Sun Sentinel. She blamed the “right-wing media circus fringe” for the attention on former aide Imran Awan.
The former head of the Democratic National Committee suggested it's all part of an effort to distract from the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign and possible ties to President Trump's team.
“Any opportunity they can to pull people’s eyes and ears away from that they take,” Wasserman Schultz told the newspaper. “The right-wing media circus fringe has immediately focused not on this run-of-the-mill investigation just reporting the facts, but jumped to outrageous egregious conclusions that they were trying to, that they have ties to terrorists and that they were stealing data.”
Her colleagues in Congress, though, say there are serious security implications in her former staffer's case. One Republican is urging the Justice Department to probe the aide’s ties to Pakistan, amid calls for Wasserman Schultz to testify as well.
“We have to investigate how our systems may have been compromised, and that may involve putting people in the [witness] chair,” Rep. Ron DeSantis, R-Fla., told “Fox & Friends” earlier this week.
Full story:
Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteRT. (Aug. 05, 2017). Sessions Compromised! Proof He's Covering Up For Deep State! Truth Warriors.
We have the proof now! Sessions is compromised! Tom Heneghan has heard reports he's been offered a $15 million bribe!
Full story[VIDEO]:
Email comment by PJ:
ReplyDeleteKelleigh Nelson. (Jun. 23, 2017). Deep State Trio: Comey, Rosenstein And Mueller, Aim To Destroy Trump. News with News.
For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity. —Isaiah 59:3-4 KJV
Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller
While everyone is looking at Robert Mueller as the culprit in this witch hunt of our President, we had better take a closer look at Rosenstein, the Deputy AG who appointed Mueller as special counsel for the DOJ and establishment infiltration. Comey, Rosenstein and Mueller are long time affiliates.
Never Trumpers Infiltrate Administration
Roger Stone feels that the Never Trumpers have infiltrated the administration via Reince Priebus, but I believe VP Pence is also responsible. How else does one explain CFR member, Dina Habib Powell, best friend of Valerie Jarrett, Huma Abedin, and CFR member Condoleezza Rice? Powell is Arabic and a former Goldman Sachs employee. She is the current U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy to President Donald Trump under McMaster. She is also an Assistant to the President and Senior Counselor for Economic Initiatives.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteTyler Durden. (Aug. 06, 2017). Loretta Lynch Communicated With DOJ Officials Using Grandmother's Name As Alias. ZeroHedge.
Kim Dotcom ✔ @KimDotcom
BREAKING: Did Loretta Lynch use an alias to communicate with DOJ officials and why? Who is Elizabeth Carlisle? Dear Internet, investigate!
11:54 PM - Aug 4, 2017
457 457 Replies 7,255 7,255 Retweets 8,930 8,930 likes
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ReplyDeleteThese globalist criminals have secretly and illegally amassed enough legal power to indict ham sandwiches, until that is, they come face to face with their Constitutional superiors… We the People.
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteAaron Klein. (Aug. 06, 2017). McMaster Worked at Think Tank Backed by Soros-Funded Group that Helped Obama Sell Iran Nuclear Deal. Breitbart.
EL AVIV — White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster served at a UK-based think tank financed by a controversial, George Soros-funded group identified by the Obama White House as central in helping to sell the Iran nuclear deal to the public and news media.
From September 2006 to February 2017, McMaster is listed as a member of International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), where he served as consulting senior fellow. The IISS describes itself as a “world-leading authority on global security, political risk and military conflict.”
The IISS has been supportive of the Obama administration-brokered 2015 nuclear accord with Iran, and the group has repeatedly hit back against charges that Tehran has violated the agreement.
McMaster himself has been accused of purging the National Security Council of hardliners on Iran, and he is seen as a leading proponent of the Iran nuclear accord within the Trump administration. He has reportedly urged the White House to recertify Iran’s compliance with the Iran nuclear deal.
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Email comment by SW:
ReplyDeleteJulian Assange 🔹
So #Mueller likes leaks?
I wonder if he likes @wikileaks?
I guess we will find out soon enough. It's about to get real Robert. Ready?
Full tweet:
Email comment by Joseph Farah:
ReplyDeleteGreg Corombos. (Aug. 06, 2017). REPUBLICANS NOW 'REFUSE TO SHOW UP' FOR KEY CULTURAL BATTLES - 'That's just putting your head in the sand'. WND.
Two years after the U.S. Supreme Court declared a constitutional right to same-sex marriage, the LGBT movement remains on offense. And on key cultural issues, many Republicans seem far less interesting in continuing the fight than their adversaries on the left.
A leading expert on cultural and family issues says it is time for conservatives to engage in the debates that are engulfing U.S. culture and threatening liberty, but she said the battle must be approached intelligently.
Last month, President Trump’s ban on transgenders serving in the U.S. military was met by fierce protest from Democrats, LGBT activists and a surprising number of Republican lawmakers, including Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz.; Richard Shelby, R-Ala.; and Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, as well as multiple House members. Hardly any GOP members offered strong support for Trump’s move, with most Republican lawmakers remaining silent.
Then a new Reuters poll showed 58 percent of Americans are in favor of allowing transgenders to serve, including 32 percent of self-identified Republicans.
In yet another survey, this one from Gallup, a record high 17 percent of Americans say they find polygamy morally acceptable, and libertarian arguments are emerging that maybe the government has no business prohibiting polygamy since marriage isn’t even mentioned in the Constitution.
So is the political right engaging in a quiet surrender on some core cultural issues?
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Aug. 07, 2017). NSA whistleblower discusses ‘How the NSA tracks you’ - William Binney, who quit the NSA because it engages in the 'total invasion of the privacy rights of everybody on the planet,' presented ‘How the NSA tracks you’ at the hacker conference SHA2017. CSO.
At the outdoor hacker camp and conference SHA2017, which is taking place in the Netherlands, NSA whistleblower William Binney gave the talk, “How the NSA tracks you.”
As a former insider, Binney knew about this long before Snowden dropped the documents to prove it is happening. Although he didn’t say anything new, Binney is certainly no fan of the NSA’s spying — he calls the NSA the “New Stasi Agency.” If you are no fan of surveillance, then his perspective from the inside about the “total invasion of the privacy rights of everybody on the planet” will fuel your fury at the NSA all over again.
In today’s cable program, according to Binney, the NSA uses corporations that run fiber lines to get taps on the lines. If that fails, they use foreign governments to get taps on the lines. And if that doesn’t work, “they’ll tap the line anywhere that they can get to it” — meaning corporations or governments won’t even know about the taps.
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeletePatreon. (Aug. 07, 2017). H.R. McMASTER WORKED AT SOROS-FUNDED THINK-TANK. Headlines With A Voice.
McMaster Worked at Think Tank Backed by Soros-Funded Group that Helped Obama Sell Iran Nuclear Deal White House National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster served at a UK-based think tank financed by a controversial, George Soros-funded group identified by the Obama White House as central in helping to sell the Iran nuclear deal to the public and news media.
From September 2006 to February 2017, McMaster is listed as a member of International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), where he served as consulting senior fellow. The IISS describes itself as a “world-leading authority on global security, political risk and military conflict.”
The IISS has been supportive of the Obama administration-brokered 2015 nuclear accord with Iran, and the group has repeatedly hit back against charges that Tehran has violated the agreement.
McMaster himself has been accused of purging the National Security Council of hardliners on Iran, and he is seen as a leading proponent of the Iran nuclear accord within the Trump administration. He has reportedly urged the White House to recertify Iran’s compliance with the Iran nuclear deal. ...
Full story[VIDEO]:
Email comment by GH/DL:
ReplyDeleteL.A. Country may be as high as 144% people voting! 44% more voting people than actual humans!!!
Joel B. Pollak. (Aug. 05, 2017). Judicial Watch Warns California: 11 Counties Have More Voters than Voting-Age Citizens. Breitbart.
Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog organization, has sent a letter to California Secretary of State Alex Padilla on behalf of the Election Integrity Project, noting that there are 11 counties in the state with more registered voters, and alleging that the state may be out of compliance with Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).
The letter reads, in part:
NVRA Section 8 requires states to conduct reasonable list maintenance so as to maintain an accurate record of eligible voters for use in conducting federal elections.1 As you may know, Congress enacted Section 8 of the NVRA to protect the integrity of the electoral process. Allowing the names of ineligible voters to remain on the voting rolls harms the integrity of the electoral process and undermines voter confidence in the legitimacy of elections.
As the top election official in California, it is your responsibility under federal law to coordinate California’s statewide effort to conduct a program that reasonably ensures the lists of eligible voters are accurate.
Judicial Watch lays out the specifics: “[T]here were more total registered voters than there were adults over the age of 18 living in each of the following eleven (11) counties: Imperial (102%), Lassen (102%), Los Angeles (112%), Monterey (104%), San Diego (138%), San Francisco (114%), San Mateo (111%), Santa Cruz (109%), Solano (111%), Stanislaus (102%), and Yolo (110%).” The letter notes that the percentage in L.A. Country may be as high as 144%.
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDeleteSteve Watson. (Aug. 08, 2017). MSNBC: ‘TRUMP SHOULD BE ON 24-HOUR SUICIDE WATCH’ - Fake media pushes Pence betrayal angle to sow more chaos. Infowars.
MSNBC’s Morning Joe continued its relentless opposition campaign against The President Tuesday, declaring that the latest approval polls indicate that Trump should be placed on ’24-Hour Suicide Watch’.
A poll touted yesterday by CNN, which Trump calls ‘fake news’, indicates that the President’s job approval rating is at 38%, down six points in the past 4 months.
The poll also noted that disapproval of Trump stands at 56%, while fewer than one in four said they trust information coming from the White House.
The Morning Joe panel reveled in the numbers:
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDeleteChris Menahan. (Aug. 08, 2017GOOGLE FIRES DIVERSITY MANIFESTO AUTHOR JAMES DAMORE FOR WRONGTHINK - I guess Google needs to keep up the left-wing’s ideological reign of terror. Infowars.
Google has fired the brilliant anti-diversity manifesto author James Damore for “perpetuating gender stereotypes.”
From Breitbart:
The Google employee behind a ten-page viewpoint diversity manifesto that went viral online has been fired.
James Damore, whose manifesto criticizing the politically correct corporate culture at Google prompted outrage from left-wing employees and social justice warriors online, revealed that he had been fired in an email to Breitbart Tech on Monday evening.
In his email to Breitbart Tech, Damore claimed, “They just fired me for ‘perpetuating gender stereotypes.'”
Damore’s writing has revealed a divided Google, in which some employees agree with his outlook, but are afraid to speak out for fear of repercussions from social justice warriors in the company, such as being added to blacklists.
In a memo sent to employees, Google CEO Sundar Pichai reportedly claimed that Damore had violated their Code of Conduct.
I guess Google needs to keep up the left-wing’s ideological reign of terror.
Full story:
ReplyDeleteTyler Durden. (Jul. 20, 2017). Leaked Obama Plan To Fight Election-Day Meddling Included 'Martial Law'. ZeroHedge.
Former US President Barack Obama has been criticized by both Republicans and fellow Democrats for withholding information about Russia’s alleged interference in the US presidential election – criticism that has only intensified since President Donald Trump triumphed over Democrat Hillary Clinton in the November election.
Now, in yet another troubling sign that the Obama administration believed outside hacking groups posed a significant threat to the election, Time magazine reports that his administration had devised a detailed plan to fend off any cyberattaks that sought to falsify vote totals during the election. Obama has been criticized for not informing the American people about hacking attemps allegedly carried out by Russia-linked groups for fear of “rocking the boat” and damaging Clinton’s chances of victory.
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Email comment by DL/GH/CM:
DeleteTyler Durden. (Jul. 25, 2017). Former CIA Director Calls For A Coup If Trump Fires Mueller. ZeroHedge.
In the most vocal opposition to president Donald Trump yet, former CIA Director John Brennan said that if the White House tries to fire special counsel Robert Mueller, government officials should refuse to follow the president orders, as they would be - in his view - “inconsistent” with the duties of the executive branch.
"I think it's the obligation of some executive branch officials to refuse to carry that out. I would just hope that this is not going to be a partisan issue. That Republicans, Democrats are going to see that the future of this government is at stake and something needs to be done for the good of the future," Brennan told CNN's Wolf Blitzer at the Aspen Security Forum, effectively calling for a coup against the president should Trump give the order to fire Mueller.
The exchange is 43 minutes into the clip below:
Full story[VIDEO]:
Email comment by JM:
DeleteAlex Jones. (Aug. 07, 2017). OBAMA PLANNED MARTIAL LAW ON ELECTION DAY BUT CHOKED - Take a look at Obama’s insane plan that fell through. Infowars.
A recently released document shows Obama’s plans for a martial law takeover during the 2016 election in the event of a Russian hack.
Full story[VIDEO]:
Here's our expose investigation on Obama's "U.S. Digital Service" in which Google's Eric Schmidt donated $1.5 billion (with a B) to get Hillary elected. It is clear that "The Russians!" fake news was a smoke screen for this election hacking activity coming out of Obama's White House and Google.
DeleteAFI. (Nov. 01, 2016). Red Alert: Obama is rigging the election. Americans for Innovation.
Staff. (Aug. 07, 2017). Putin: I Will Destroy ‘Evil’ Pedophilia Before I leave Office. Before It's News.
ReplyDeleteRussian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to destroy ‘evil’ pedophilia before he leaves office as Russia’s leader.
During a visit to Eastern Siberia, Mr. Putin faced questions from a group of villagers on his plans for another term of his presidency.
When asked whether he’d be a candidate in the next presidential elections, Putin replied: “It is something am thinking about, but I assure you, I will not leave office whilst Russian children are in danger.
“During an emotionally charged statement, Putin continued:
“pedophilia is encompassing every aspect” of both modern politics and the entertainment industry, adding:
“If I have to destroy pedophilia before I leave office, then so be it”.
Putin recently spoke out against the epidemic of pedophile networks encompassing the United States saying the West is being manipulated by “Satanic pedophiles”.
Putin also warned Trump at the recent G20 summit that if he didn’t start exposing the Elite pedophile rings then he would start “naming names”.
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Email comment by Alex Jones/Roger Stone:
ReplyDeleteKit Daniels. (Aug. 08, 2017). BOMBSHELL EXCLUSIVE: INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CAUGHT MCMASTER BRIEFING SOROS ON WHITE HOUSE TAKEOVER - McMaster leaking intel to Soros almost daily, says high-level Israeli intelligence. Infowars.
National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is an active operative of globalist billionaire George Soros, according to three separate domestic and foreign intelligence sources.
McMaster is a foreign intelligence agent for the multi-national combine controlled by Soros, which explains why he’s constantly running interference to President Trump’s agenda.
“I have confirmed from sources from inside the White House, the Israeli government and Israeli intelligence that the Israelis have intercepted email communications from General McMaster to George Soros, informing him of everything that’s going on inside the White House,” reported Infowars correspondent Roger Stone. “…I have double checked this with two different sources very high up in Israeli intelligence, and I actually expect the Israeli ambassador to the US to confirm this.”
This means, by implication, that McMaster is one of the primary leakers given that Soros has vast ties to the mainstream media.
It is already known that McMaster was a member of International Institute for Strategic Studies which was funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundation and another Soros-financed group.
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Email comment by GH/CV:
ReplyDeleteJim Hoft. (Aug. 08, 2017). Leaked Memo: Soros-Funded Media Matters Is Working with Facebook and Twitter to Kill Pro-Trump Articles. Gateway Pundit.
The Washington Free Beacon published a lengthy document from far left operative David Brock, the founder of Soros-funded Media Matters website, from a January donor retreat.
The 49 page memo outlines how the George Soros-funded groups Media Matters, American Bridge, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) and Shareblue plan to undermine President Trump’s agenda and help Democrats win control of Congress and the White House by 2020.
The document claims Media Matters is working with Facebook and Twitter to crack down on pro-Trump articles on social media.
Via The Daily Wire:
Full story:
Email comment by KL/GH:
DeleteJeff Reynolds. (Aug. 7, 2017). Silencing ALL opposition voices: Inside The Media Matters Playbook. Media Equalizer.
Even to casual observers, it has been obvious for months that the left is orchestrating a tightly-coordinated campaign to undermine and delegitimize the current presidential administration.
As an extension of the decades-long campaign to wrestle the narrative away from conservatives, independents and centrists, they’re smearing right-leaning commentators with anything they can find. In the take-down of Bill O’Reilly and Monica Crowley and attempted hit on Sean Hannity, for example, it’s more than evident.
And just this week, the suspension of Fox’s Eric Bolling provides even more proof.
We now know how the left is running this non-stop smear campaign and who is pulling the puppet strings.
We now have the Media Matters Playbook.
In a 49-page document marked PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL, the entire anti-Trump plan is laid out. Called “DEMOCRACY MATTERS, Strategic Plan For Action”, it lists four leftist partner organizations: Media Matters, American Bridge 21st Century, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), and Shareblue.
Full story:
ReplyDeleteStefan Molyneux. (Aug. 08, 2017). Google Memo: Fired Employee Speaks Out! | James Damore and Stefan Molyneux. Stefan Molyneux.
Why would a successful Google engineer risk his career to make the case against Google’s current diversity initiatives? Former Google employee James Damore describes the intense media backlash to his Google diversity memo, intolerance shown towards political diversity in the company, the importance of discussing gender differences and why he wrote the memo in the first place.
Full video interview:
James Damore's Original Document:
James Damore. (Jul. 01, 2017) Google's Ideological Echo Chamber. DocumentCloud.
Email comment by GH/DL/JM/CM:
DeletePaul Joseph Watson / Front Page Mag. (Jul. 09, 2017). GREENFIELD: THE GOOGLE GULAG - Internet cannot remain in hands of anti-free speech corporation. Infowars.
Let me Google that for you.
James Damore is an FIDE chess master who studied at Princeton, MIT and Harvard. He had been working as a software engineer at Google for four years.
Danielle Brown is the new Vice President of Diversity at Google. She has an MBA from the University of Michigan and campaigned for Hillary.
She had been working at Google for a few weeks.
James Damore wrote a memo suggesting that Google should pursue ideological diversity, end discriminatory efforts to achieve identity politics diversity and be honest about gender differences. Danielle responded by denouncing his paper. “It’s not a viewpoint that I or this company endorses, promotes or encourages.”
Full story[VIDEO]:
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteGuy Benson. (Aug. 07, 2017). Rosenstein: Mueller Can't Expand Russia Investigation Without Requesting Additional Authority. Townhall.
Amid reports that Robert Mueller's Special Counsel probe into Russia's meddling in the 2016 election has expanded, some Trump allies are again raising concerns that the investigation might be spilling over into areas that are beyond its intended scope. Their suspicions against Mueller have been heightened by his personal and professional closeness with fired FBI Director James Comey, his decision to hire numerous Democratic donors onto his growing team, and various reports suggesting that he may be peering at evidence that arguably goes beyond the Russia matter. As Leah wrote on Friday, respected conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer has begun sounding the alarm that if an enterprise that began as a serious examination of Russian malfeasance and potential collusion morphs into a fishing expedition in search of any possible crime that can be pinned on Trumpworld, a constitutional crisis could ensue. Skip ahead to the two minute mark for the relevant exchange:
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Email comment by CM/GH:
ReplyDeleteKathryn Blackhurst. (Aug. 08, 2017). Watchdog: The Left's Incremental Plan To Undermine Election Integrity. Fox News.
Tenth Maryland city mulls allowing permanent residents and illegal immigrants to cast ballots in local races
Local officials in a large Washington, D.C., suburb in Maryland are weighing a measure to allow legal noncitizens and illegal immigrants to vote in mayoral and city council elections, The Baltimore Sun reported Sunday.
College Park city, part of Prince George’s County and home to the University of Maryland, has more than 30,000 residents.
Maryland allows its cities to pass charter amendments and choose individually whether or not to allow legal noncitizens to vote in local elections, and 10 municipalities across two counties already allow it, Fox News reported. Should College Park choose to pass this charter amendment, it would become the biggest Maryland county to do so. College Park’s deliberations are now taking place amid renewed scrutiny over illegal immigration stemming from the emphasis President Donald Trump’s administration has placed upon the issue.
Full story:
Email comment by Laura Ingraham:
ReplyDeleteKathryn Blackhurst. (Aug. 08, 2017). GOP Senator: ‘News Flash for Everybody,’ Trump ‘Is Being Successful’ - Georgia lawmaker blasts disconnect 'between the establishment in Washington and people back home'
Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) offered a “news flash” to the Democrats, mainstream media and Never-Trump members of the Republican Party, saying during an interview Tuesday on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that President Donald Trump “is being successful” in the face of unprecedented obstacles.
Perdue, who co-sponsored the merit-based immigration RAISE Act with Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) last week, said there is a “disconnect inside the Republican caucus” and a “disconnection between the establishment in Washington and people back home.” Noting that members of his own party have criticized the Trump-backed RAISE Act and predicted its failure in a Senate where the GOP holds a 52-seat majority, Perdue said the party has reached “a moment of truth.”
Full story:
Roger Stone. (Aug. 08, 2017). WHO FRAMED ROGER STONE?
By Roger Stone
Yesterday I accepted service from an Obama controlled left wing front group called “Protect our Democracy”, who is suing the Trump campaign and myself, claiming that I violated the civil rights of three DNC donors who were identified by WikiLeaks. This is based on the false premise that I colluded with the Russians to hack the DNC email servers and deliver the material to Julian Assange.
Ironically, the lawsuit for invasion of privacy contained my home address in the caption that was posted online and emailed to virtually every reporter in America. Frankly I am tired of the death threats and daily vituperation my family is subjected to on social media and the net but I’ll never stop speaking out.
This ridiculous lawsuit offers no evidence nor proof of these wild allegations but merely strings together a series of publicly reported falsehoods regarding my contacts and alleged advance knowledge of the Wiki Leaks disclosures. It’s actually hard to believe that any reputable lawyer would put their name on this preposterous lawsuit and not realize that they are courting sanctions.
Full story:
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by various commenters:
Al Waisman. (Aug. 09, 2017). Former Navy SEAL Promises A ‘Gruesome Massacre’ In America If Liberals Follow Through On Threat. Freedom Daily.
A Facebook post is making the rounds on the social media platform this week. It warns the far left Clinton loons of potentially deadly consequences if they try to remove President Donald Trump from office.
The warning came from former Navy Seal and all around American Hero Craig “Sawman” Sawyer, He was the one who issued the grim warning to anyone thinking about trying to remove President Trump from the office in a way that is anything less than Constitutional.
According to our Constitution, Congress can only remove a sitting president for his inability to recognize that the Constitution itself is the law of the land and that he must abide by his oath to preserve, protect and defend it. Which is an oath every elected official takes but soon forgets? The very oath which would have made former President Barack Hussein Obama a prime target for easy removal from office, sparing us 8 horrendous years. But of course, since he was black and a far left wing nut bag who was protected by mob rule, nothing ever came of it. Even after it was proven beyond a doubt that he used the IRS to go after his enemies in the Tea Party.
Full story:
Here's the full Craig "Sawman" Sawyer letter:
DeleteNote: Nowhere here does this say innocent civilians, or a legit impeachment. On the contrary, this speaks specifically to an illegal silent coup by corrupt officials using false charges, as has leaked out by Clinton cronies lately. Anything else is a different scenario entirely. Honor our Constitution! Keep it straight.
Americans, Patriots, pray for our nation. Pray for our President.
I’m hearing serious rumblings of a hostile, illegal coup against our democratically elected President by seditious, deep-state subversives funded by Soros & other globalists. Very disturbing.
Patriots, this would be nothing less than an act of war against the American people. It would be the removal of our boldest defender & last possibility of maintaining our protective Constitution. Under the boot of globalists, life as we know it, would immediately decline to the model that suits the globalist interest – Marxist/Socialist/Communist. They get complete control, you get zero. Freedom, Gone! Liberty, Gone! This agenda is evil and simply cannot be allowed, at ANY cost.
Like ALL military, law enforcement and government officials, I took an oath to defend our Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign and domestic. By abandoning the rule of law and conducting a coup against the President & policies WE THE PEOPLE elected, they have made themselves enemies of the United States.
Under threat, ALL patriots, whether civilian, law enforcement, government, or military, have the duty to defend our Constitution against such enemies. Some speculate on “civil war”. I readily recognize a much more sobering reality: Anti-American subversives involved in ANY WAY in an unconstitutional coup against our President will be run down and executed immediately by the world’s most supreme warriors. There will be nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, no mercy, no sense of humor. Harsh examples will be made. My prediction is it will be a gruesome massacre. Why? Because one side in this conflict has 8 Trillion bullets & the other side doesn’t know which bathroom to use. 🤣
It will likely only take a few hours. Lessons will be learned. History will take note. Order restored.
Patriots, We The American People stand united as one, against ALL enemies. We are peace-loving people who abide by the rule of law. Prepare yourselves in case this ridiculous insanity actually gets played out and the rule of law goes out the window under their gross miscarriage of our legal process. Shaking my head…
United We Stand! At the ready. USA!
Of course, the left is already calling this the result of “Trump Rhetoric,” and not what it actually is, the result of a silent destruction and overthrow of a sitting, Democratically elected, president.
After years of the left trying to convince us that we on the right are to be feared since we, as Barry Soetoro said, cling to our God, Guns, and Religion, we now see it was just an act to play the victim card. These left wing loons were under the impression that after a failed presidency, which turned our great nation into a petre dish of social justice lunatic experiments such as Obama did, they would never lose another election. They just can’t fathom the fact that an outsider like Donald Trump would actually win the presidency by as huge an electoral margin as he did. So they take it upon themselves to riot and protest violently.
Us on the right are a peace loving people and the last thing we crave is war, but if you push us, and destroy the man we chose to be our president, and who makes sense to us, we won’t go quietly into the night. So It’s best you on the left just sit your rear ends down and shut up, like we did for the dark 8 years of Obama before you all hurt yourselves.
Please share if you support President Donald J. Trump!
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