Bush, Chertoff, Army, FEMA, DHS relied on Leader’s invention for post-Katrina life saving after government systems had failed
In secret, FBI Mueller and DHS Chertoff were illegally spying on Americans using Leader’s invention via Project Stellar Wind
Bookmark: #miller-act-good-white-house-serviceThe White House accepted
delivery of the Leader / McKibben
July 28, 2017 4:09am by M NADO

(Aug. 20, 2017)—The State of Louisiana and the federal government both came to Leader Technologies in Columbus, Ohio on Aug. 28, 2005 to bail them out after Hurricane Katrina had destroyed their emergency communications systems.
A newly-released recording from Labor Day, Sep. 5, 2005 (Day 7) inside the Louisiana Disaster Response Command Center chronicles the dire straits that state and federal officials were in after Hurricane Katrina made landfall.
Some of the reports in this recording describe whole parishes being cut off without food, fuel, communications and water. One parish said that even after a week, FEMA had not yet come to their aid. By contrast, the efforts of Louisiana's Fish and Wildlife agents with their boats were heroic—they became the front line in the life saving. Other recordings chronicled the nightly death toll.
Katrina Landfall, Day 7, Louisiana Emergency Operations Recording:
[Editorial: It is just obscene and immoral that the federal government is failing to protect its patent contracts with Leader Technologies, most especially after their heroic efforts in the Katrina Disaster Response. It is equally obscene that the federal government uses Leader's groundbreaking social networking inventions without compensating them. We The People must demand that President Trump honor Leader's Miller Act Notice without delay, see below.]
This recording is an important missing piece of the historical record on Hurricane Katrina heroism, bureaucratic ineptitude, systemic corruption and duplicity.
Leader’s founder Michael McKibben said that Leader finally decided to release the recording after waiting a decade for federal authorities to show any interest in this important piece of history. He said, "Sadly, at least at the federal level, their priorities appear to have been more focused on self-aggrandizement, lining their pockets, spying on their neighbors and 'The Internet of Things' blackmail and bribery to maintain power."
U.S. Government steals from patent holders; legal environment for real inventors has become toxic
McKibben said, "Hindsight is 20-20. This recording is more proof that the federal government has utterly failed to honor its patent contracts with us—even after we busted-butt to help them coordinate the Katrina recovery. While we had our heads down helping save lives —which we were only too honored to do—the FBI, C.I.A., NSA and Facebook, among others, were busy ripping us off and building their castles in 'the cloud.'"
"In fact, when Hurricane Rita hit three weeks later, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers received their first reports of new levee breaches from local political leaders who were dialed in to Andy Kopplin's nightly briefings using our system. I heard those reports myself in real time that night. You can bet these same greedy federal officials made sure their offshore bank accounts were unaffected while they left Louisiana's citzens to suffer for weeks in the Super Dome."
McKibben sighed, "I listened to the body count report each night from the chief medical officer. For the most part, our respect for the many lives lost in Katrina and Rita is why we have waited a decade to talk about this injustice to Leader. No amount of money can bring those blessed souls back. So, even our trillion dollar Miller Act claim now isn't enough to restore their families. However, with those funds, our shareholders can each shine a light in their communities on the evil and corruption that has overtaken our American Republic."
Federal government has not honored its own patent contracts with Leader
"Despite the fact that we received patents for these inventions two years later, that same government that awarded those patents has systematically failed to honor those patent contracts," said McKibben.
"When their backs were up against the wall after Katrina’s landfall, the federal government begged us for help. This was the largest natural disaster in history. We were only too glad to help. We dropped everything and assigned our engineers 24x7."
Washington, D.C. moral climate: a toxic blackmail brew
"All the while, we now know thanks to courageous whistleblowers like Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Ted Gunderson, William Binney, J. Kirk Wiebe, Tom Drake, James Bamford ("wrongdoing masquerading as patriotism"), Robert David Steele, Ed Loomis, John Craine, Kevin Shiff, Diane Roark, Susan Lindauer and many others that President Bush's FBI Director Mueller and Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff were secretly gathering blackmail data on all American citizens through dubious projects like Stellar Wind. This environment makes rampant blackmail inevitable and the moral climate in Washington, D.C. a toxic brew."
McKibben said, "I am proud to say that our system NEVER went down despite the heavy demand from all of Louisiana's agencies and federal emergency agencies. For example, Fish and Wildlife agents with their boats coordinated rooftop rescues using our system. Hospitals organized. Paymasters worked to get money to people stranded in shelters. Transportation organized buses to get people out of harm's way. Engineering reported the structural damage to bridges and roads. Schools organized new sites for the children. Police coordinated efforts to stop looting. In fact, on the first Thursday after landfall, the looting in New Orleans had gotten so bad that Governor Blanco walked into the call and gave the 'shoot to kill' order. This was life and death."
"No previous technology I know of back then could have done what we did to cover the whole state and the federal agencies so quickly or efficiently. That was the beauty of our innovations."
Trillions of dollars in unpaid benefit are due Leader Technologies
McKibben concluded, "Within two years, we received patents on that technology. And yet, outside of Katrina, the federal government and its crony public-private partners like Facebook have enjoyed literally trillions of dollars in benefits from our inventions without paying us a dime for the privilege."
On Jul. 23, 2017, McKibben and Leader Technologies filed a Miller Act Notice (effectively a lien) with President Trump asking him to compensate Leader for the trillions of dollars in benefits received by the federal government and cronies like IBM, Cisco, Oracle, Google and Facebook without any compensation to Leader and its shareholders.
McKibben emphasized, "President Trump had nothing to do with this theft of our social networking invention. But, the Miller Act requires us to serve our notice to the Executive. That is why it is addressed to him. We look forward to him doing right by the U.S. Constitution where patents and copyrights are the only property right actually written into the Constitution."
See previous post, AFI. (Jul. 24, 2017). Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S. government. Americans for Innovation.
We remember the vicitims of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and their families. May their memories be eternal, and may justice and truth prevail.
* * *
Bookmark: #msm-fake-crises-for-propagandaNew, Aug. 16, 2017: MSM is faking crises —just what Soviet Pravda did during the Cold War
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting that CNN reporters run in cowardly beta-packs. It took three reporters to analyze one financial disclosure?
David Shortell, Tammy Kupperman and Tom LoBianco. (Aug. 09, 2017). Robert Mueller team details millions in ethics disclosures. CNN.
(CNN) Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller and key members of his team revealed millions of dollars of financial holdings and previous legal work for companies that could figure into their investigation of President Donald Trump's campaign, according to financial disclosures released Tuesday.
According to the documents released by the Justice Department after CNN requested the disclosures, Mueller holds a roughly $3.5 million share in the Washington law firm WilmerHale. He also made tens of thousands of dollars delivering speeches to groups including Ford Motor Company, Citi bank and Banamex, a Mexican bank.
Mueller and Aaron Zebley, Mueller's former chief of staff at the FBI, both represented Facebook at WilmerHale before leaving for the special counsel's office. And Jeannie Rhee, a senior lawyer on Mueller's team, represented Google at WilmerHale before joining the special counsel's team.
The proliferation of fake news and pro-Trump messaging on major platforms, including Twitter, Google and Facebook, has drawn the interest of both federal and congressional investigators and could potentially play a key role in the investigations.
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Email comment by AT, a Leader Technologies shareholder:
ReplyDeleteI have forwarded other info as to how Leader has had their patented innovation stolen and how impossible it is to get this addressed by the courts. I do remember many conversations I had with The founder and developer of the technologies and the corporation, Leader Technologies, back during the Katrina crisis and how hard he worked to establish real help to the victims in New Orleans using the Leader product. Now we can see that when it comes to federal government and the "elite Washington political good old boy and girl fat cats living the dream and being involved in any operation that no one is safe from their doing what they can to take advantage and to line their own pockets. Keep in mind this patented innovation became Facebook. It is not hard to imagine who might have had IPO stock in Facebook. Gee, I wonder how much those persons might have profited!
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteJust In. (Aug. 09, 2017). BREAKING : McMaster Has Ties to SHARIA LAW Controlled Donors. Truthfeed.
As more comes to light about H.R. McMaster, White House National Security Adviser, he begins to look far more like a “Deep State” operator than an “America First” kinda guy.
Apparently, McMaster’s former employer, The International Institute for Strategic Studies, took some $32.5 million dollars in funding from countries like Bahrain, which is governed by the brutal Sharia law.
Although Bahrain is officially an ally of the United States, they have come into question multiple times over their horrifying human rights practices, but despite this, they comprised over 1/4 of the IISS income over the past decade.
Things are not looking so great for H.R. McMaster lately, as he has quickly run afoul of Trump supporters, and has allegedly been in clashes with members of the Trump administration as well.
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Email comment by Chris Farrell:
ReplyDeleteLou Dobbs. (Aug. 11, 2017). Chris Farrell on "Lou Dobbs Tonight": 'Benghazi is not going away.' Judicial Watch.
Judicial Watch Director of Investigations and Research Chris Farrell appeared on “Lou Dobbs Tonight” on the Fox Business Network to discuss the FBI raid of President Trump’s former Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort and Judicial Watch’s court victory. Also, a federal judge has ordered the State Department to conduct a search of Benghazi-related emails of Hillary Clinton’s closest advisors.
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Email comment by PJW:
ReplyDeletePaul Joseph Watson. (Aug. 11, 2017). CNN ANALYST ON TRUMP: “THE GOVERNMENT’S GONNA KILL THIS GUY” - Phil Mudd’s bizarre on-air comments fluster Jake Tapper. Infowars.
NN counterterrorism analyst and former CIA agent Philip Mudd said on air “the government’s gonna kill” Donald Trump because he disrespected the deep state.
Mudd subsequently clarified that he meant the phrase metaphorically, but the comments have caused alarm amongst Trump supporters.
“Let me give you one bottom line – as a former government official, the government’s gonna kill this guy,” said Mudd.
“He defends Vladimir Putin, there are State Department and CIA officers coming home and at Langley and in Foggy Bottom CIA are saying, this is how you defend us?'” Mudd added.
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Email comment by GC:
ReplyDeleteDr. Jerome Corsi. (Aug. 11, 2017). FEDERAL STRESS TESTS MAKE COMPELLING ARGUMENT TO END FANNIE AND FREDDIE NET WORTH SWEEP - Time for Trump administration to stop GSE earnings theft. Infowars.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Federal Housing Finance Agency’s (FHFA) publication on Monday, Aug. 7, of the most recent implementation of the Dodd-Frank Act Stress Tests (DFAST) for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac leaves no doubt the “Net Worth Sweep” should be ended this quarter, with the two Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), given that under the most severe credit-loss scenario neither GSE is at any risk of depleting their remaining Treasury commitments.
“The FHFA DFAST analysis released this week demonstrates if the GSEs did not establish a valuation allowance on their deferred tax-assets, under the most severely adverse scenario, the GSEs would require $34.8 billion in capital,” Joshua Rosner, managing director of the independent research firm Graham Fisher & Co., headquartered in New York City, explained to Infowars.com in an exclusive email.
“With the establishment of a valuation allowance on their DTAs they would require $99.6 billion,” Rosner continued. “Under this adverse scenario the GSEs combined credit-losses would be $19.2 billion or .38bp of their portfolios. Neither GSE would be at risk of coming anywhere depleting their remaining Treasury commitments.”
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Email comment by LP:
ReplyDeleteDouglas Ernst. (DATE). Diamond and Silk rip YouTube, say 95% of videos demonetized over Trump support. Washington Times / Infowars.
Two of President Trump’s most ardent supporters, the YouTube stars known as Diamond and Silk, say a financial stranglehold has been placed on their videos.
Lynnette Hardway and Rochelle Richardson of North Carolina, whose support of Mr. Trump and no-nonsense delivery during the 2016 U.S. presidential season turned them into online sensations, said Thursday their YouTube videos have become casualties of the company’s attempt to silence “extremism.”
“@YouTube @TeamYouTube stopped over 95% percent of our videos from being monetized, stating: ‘It’s Not Suitable For All Advertisers,’” the two said in a series of tweets. “Wonder if @YouTube @TeamYouTube stopped the monetization of our videos because we are loyal supporters of the @POTUS. Hummmm. Sounds like Censorship to us, which is a Violation of our First Amendment. A Bias Method used to Silence our Conservative Voices. @YouTube, how was it OK to monetize our videos for the past two years and now those same videos are no longer eligible for monetization?”
The popular duo, who were also paid $1,275 for “field consulting” work by the Trump campaign, boast 89,000 subscribers on YouTube and another 361,000 on Twitter.
News of the largely demonetized channel comes less than two weeks since the company announced plans to fight inappropriate content.
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Email comment by GH:
Jim Hoft. (Aug. 10, 2017). OFFICIALS: Federal Prosecutor Investigating Visa Fraud in Wasserman Schultz’s District Shot Himself in Head – But NO GUN Was Found. Gateway Pundit.
A federal prosecutor’s body was discovered on a Hollywood, Florida beach on May 24.
He was shot in the head.
Beranton J. Whisenant, Jr.’s body was found in May by a random individual. The police were investigating at the time to determine if Whisenant’s death was a “homicide, suicide, or something else.”
Whisenant worked for the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Miami in its major crimes unit. He was handling several visa and passport fraud cases in Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s district.
Now this…
Officials say Beranton’s death was a suicide and he shot himself in the head.
But no gun was ever found.
The Sun-Sentinel reported:
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Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteThis post is going viral on retweets of my tweets about it.
Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteAlex Pfeiffer. (Aug. 11, 2017). EXCLUSIVE: Congressman Circulates Letter To Ask For Mueller To Appear In Public Congressional Hearing. The Daily Caller.
Texas Republican Rep. Brian Babin is asking for congressmen to sign onto a letter requesting that special counsel Robert Mueller appear publicly in a congressional hearing, The Daily Caller has learned.
Mueller, who is investigating Russian election interference and possible ties between the Kremlin and the Trump campaign, has come under intense criticism from allies of President Donald Trump for hiring attorneys who have donated to Democratic candidates and for his personal relationship with former FBI Director James Comey. Trump himself has called Mueller’s employment of Democratic donors “ridiculous,” yet he maintains that he has no plans to dismiss the special counsel.
Babin’s letter, which was obtained by TheDC, was sent out to congressmen Thursday and asks for members to cosign a letter he plans to send to House Judiciary chairman Bob Goodlatte and Senate Judiciary chairman Chuck Grassley. (RELATED: Mueller Hires Yet Another Democratic Donor)
“Every nominee for United States Attorney must be confirmed by the Senate, a process that brings to the forefront any concerns regarding the nominee’s ability to hold their position in a decent and impartial manner. However, as Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III and his team of lawyers investigate our very own president, we as a nation wait in the dark with very little information about those given this great authority,” Babin wrote in the letter to his fellow representatives.
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Email comment by AT:
ReplyDeleteNothing will be permitted to get in the way of the agenda. And especially outsider, not part of the elite Washington political good old boy and girl network wanting to drain the swamp. I found it very interesting today that when Trump lambasted Mitch McConnell for not getting anything done even though he and the hack congress have had over eight years to come up with something that McConnelbvl's reaction was that, in general, Trump was from the outside and did not know how Washington functions. What a crock!
Now we have this event! In the past I have mentioned nothing will be off limits for the established royalty class in Washington. Does the term or name Gestapo mean anything?
I found the following story on NPR:
Mueller Turns Up The Heat With Unusual Search Warrant In Russia Probe
by Carrie Johnson, NPR - August 11, 2017
Legal experts said Russia special counsel Robert Mueller is moving with unusual speed and assertiveness. Mueller may be increasing pressure to try to secure cooperation from insiders.
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Email comment by The White House:
As the Trump administration moves closer to instructing the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) to eliminate the Obama-era rule that bailed Congress out of paying its own Obamacare premiums, the pushback from congressional leadership has been ferocious. But if GOP leaders on the Hill think through the implications, they should see that it is actually in their strategic interests to welcome a move by President Trump to force them and their staff to live with the Obamacare law – until it can be changed.
Why? Because the hit to members and their staff of around $12,000 per family would create enormous pressure to pass at least a so-called “staff fix” restoring employer contributions for staff. But the American people would demand any such fix be paired with relief from Obamacare for millions of other Americans – jumpstarting the overall repeal and replace effort and infusing personal urgency for everyone involved.
Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell would also be able, by welcoming the move by President Trump, to establish themselves as different, more honest leaders who are making a sharp break from the backroom deal cut by their predecessors with Barack Obama.
Quite simply, that deal was dirty.
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Email comment by DL:
Peter Hasson. (Jul. 31, 2017). Betrayal’ — Left-Wingers Furious With Democrats’ Support For Pro-Life Candidates. The Daily Caller.
The Democratic party is facing a revolt from the left after the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman said the party would back pro-life candidates in 2018.
The DCCC chairman, Rep. Ben Ray Lujan, told The Hill that there will not be “a litmus test” for candidates on the subject of abortion. Lujan’s comments come as Democrats attempt to rebuild a broken party that has hemorrhaged elected offices on both the state and national level.
Lujan’s comments sparked immediate outrage from left-wingers.
“I’m afraid I’ll be with holding support for the DCCC if this is true,” said former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, whose name was briefly floated this year as a candidate for DNC chair.
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDeleteDanielle Pascal. (Aug. 12, 2017). MAGA MINDSET HAS INVADED THE PHILIPPINES
Infowars contest is spanning the globe. Infowars.
The Infowars Folk Song Cover Contest continues to heat up as more and more entries flood in - Watch the latest submissions below and learn how you can enter as well.
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDeleteBreitbart. (Aug. 12, 2017). OBAMA NSA RICE ADMITS U.S. STRATEGY ON NK NUKES BUILD UP A ‘FAILURE’ - “You can call it a failure,” Rice told CNN
Former President Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor Susan Rice admitted on Thursday that, over the course of Obama’s two terms in office, his administration failed to stop the communist North Korean government from building its nuclear weapons capability.
“You can call it a failure,” Rice told CNN. “I accept that characterization of the efforts of the United States over the last two decades.” But she also said other administrations were not able to put a stop to it.
The Washington Examiner reported on the interview, noting that Rice served as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and was Obama’s top national security adviser from 2013 to 2017.
“She said each administration has tried a range of measures, from sanctions and pressure, cooperation with China, and ‘other methods that we shouldn’t speak about on television,’ to no avail,” the Examiner reported.
Read more
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Email comment by BL:
ReplyDeleteMelissa Quinn. (Aug. 11, 2017). Senate Conservatives Fund wants Mitch McConnell out. Washington Examiner.
The Senate Conservatives Fund says Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell needs to be replaced after failing to follow through on his promise to repeal Obamacare "root and branch" and tackle other items at the top of President Trump's legislative agenda.
"Now is the time to replace Mitch McConnell. Not next year. Not in 2020. Right now," the group said Thursday. "Otherwise, Republicans will squander this historic opportunity to enact conservative reforms."
The conservative organization said contrary to McConnell's comments about the president earlier this week, it's the majority leader, not Trump, who has created expectations Republicans haven't been able to meet.
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDelete[EDITOR: LET'S NOT BE FOOLED. It should not be any surprise that this Virginia left-right false flag has been staged in Virginia where Terry McAuliffe is governor. McAuliffe is a long-time Clinton Foundation /Soros operative and director. We carried an expose on McAuliffe in at least one previous post:
AFI. (Oct. 25, 2016). Hillary's Foundation director Terry McAuliffe paid $675,000 to spouse of FBI lead investigator. Americans for Innovation.
It is actually a good sign that these radical leftists are getting so desperate to CREATE a false flag crisis that they have to drag out their biggest guns to try and fool the American public, who has finally awoken to these fraudsters. This demonstration is the best false flag Soros' money can buy. Spread the word.]
Alex Jones. (Aug. 12, 2017). EXCLUSIVE: VIRGINIA RIOTS STAGED TO BRING IN MARTIAL LAW, BAN CONSERVATIVE GATHERINGS - State of Emergency declared in Charlottesville as protesters clash. Infowars.
Alex Jones breaks down the divide-and-conquer agenda being pushed amid escalating violence in Virginia.
Full story[VIDEO]:
Millie Weaver. (Aug. 12, 2017). WATCH LIVE: NATIONAL GUARD ON STANDBY AS PROTESTERS CLASH IN CHARLOTTESVILLE - Infowars cameraman pepper sprayed as violence intensifies. Infowars.
Infowars’ Millie Weaver interviews protesters and counter-protesters at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.
The rally was deemed an “unlawful assembly” by law enforcement as clashes intensified between right wing and left wing groups.
The state’s governor has since declared a state of emergency.
Full story[VIDEO]:
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Email comment by Joseph Farah:
ReplyDeleteLiam Clancy. (Aug. 13, 2017). GOVERNMENT SCHOOLS INTENTIONALLY MAKING CHILDREN DUMBER? 'It's a system deliberately designed to handicap the individual'. WND.
WASHINGTON – It’s no surprise to hear that America’s education system is in disarray, with Common Core dumbing down young students, faith absent from education and underpaid teachers increasingly unfit to serve as effective educators.
But all of that is by design, contends Alex Newman, an international journalist and co-author of “Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children.”
He recently appeared on the “Revealing the Truth with Rabbi Walker” Web TV show to discuss the issue.
Newman believes the government education system is not built to educate but to create obedient, unlearned drones who are subservient to authority.
“It’s really the education system that is at the foundation of what eventually emerges as culture, politics, government and all the rest of it,” Newman began. “Education is where we went wrong, so if we’re going to fix this, education is the place to be involved.”
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Email comment by Larua Ingraham:
ReplyDeleteKathryn Blackhurst. (Aug. 14, 2017). Trump Adviser: Criticism of Charlottesville Response Misses ‘Fundamental’ Point. LifeZette.
Bossert says president's statement an 'assault on the hatred' seen at white supremacist rally in Virginia
White House homeland security adviser Tom Bossert defended President Donald Trump’s response to a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, saying that members of the mainstream media and the Left are making the issue “a little bit distorted” and are missing “the fundamental issue.”
On Saturday white supremacists clashed with counterprotesters in Charlottesville. One woman died when a protester slammed into her and a group of other people with his car. In a statement Saturday afternoon, Trump condemned “in the strongest possible terms” the “egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence” that took place at the rally.
But Trump came under fire from critics for omitting the terms “white supremacists,” “white nationalists,” and “Neo-Nazis” from his response.
Bossert said the criticism was entirely unfounded.
"The president not only condemned the violence and stood up at a time and a moment when calm was necessary and didn't dignify the names of these groups of people, but rather addressed the fundamental issue," Bossert told "State of the Union" host Jake Tapper Sunday on CNN.
"What you need to focus on is the rest of his statement. The president didn't just call for human beings to respect one another, which is his pragmatist, core fundamental bare minimum, but he called for ideally Americans to love one another, for all of God's children to love one another," Bossert continued. "That is a fundamental assault on the hatred that we're seeing here."
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Email comment by JLP:
ReplyDeleteJesse Lee Peterson. (Aug. 13, 2017). GOOD VERSUS EVIL: CHARLOTTESVILLE, I TRIED TO WARN YOU - Exclusive: Jesse Lee Peterson reveals why 'anger is out of control in America today'. WND.
I have warned for more than 27 years that we are in a spiritual battle of good versus evil. White people are under attack – especially white, straight, conservative Christian men of power. The children of the lie hate them because they represent good. They love truth, freedom, responsibility, the values that make America great.
Evil already wiped out black and Hispanic men – separated them from their families and deluded their thinking. Evil, too, has chipped away at whites, the last men standing in the way to stop evil from completely taking over America.
But white men have forsaken their responsibility to lead their wives and children in the right way, and to tell the truth in the world without anger, fear or apology.
Instead, white men take a timid, people-pleasing, apologizing approach toward their wives in the home, and toward angry blacks and others in the world. Their fear and weakness toward the children of the lie only makes them a greater target for evil.
Younger whites see the anti-white male and anti-truth attacks and become angry. Since their parents failed to show strength, they do not see the right way forward. They turn away from their weak fathers and from God.
Anger is out of control in America today. We all know that the left has fully embraced anger and victimhood. But the right too has anger, revealing itself in fear.
Thank God that Donald Trump is president. He is a unifier who sets an example of strength without anger, telling the truth boldly and showing real love for America.
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Email comment by GC:
ReplyDeleteDr. Jerome Corsi. (Aug. 14, 2017). Free-Speech Supporters Plan 9-City “March on Google” Next Saturday, Aug. 19. Newswars.
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A group of free speech supporters have organized a March On Google (#MarchOnGoogle), called for next Saturday, Aug. 19, to oppose Google “as an anti-free speech monopoly.”
#MarchOnGoogle plans a 9-city march next Saturday in nine cities, from 1:00 pm local time to 3:00 pm local time, to protest Google censorship of conservative and libertarian content, organized in large part by Jack Posobiec, a frequent contributor to Infowars.com.
The cities scheduled for #MarchOnGoogle events include the following:
Washington, D.C.;
New York City;
Austin, Texas;
Boston, Massachusetts;
Mountain View-GooglePlex in Charleston Park;
Atlanta, Georgia;
Venice Beach in Los Angeles, California;
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; and
Seattle, Washington.
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Email comment by DL/PL:
ReplyDeleteDavid Zublick. (Aug. 14, 2017). ROGER STONE SAYS FLYNN HAS DEEP STATE PEDOPHILE LIST AND IT'S KEEPING TRUMP ALIVE. America Talks / David Zublick Channel.
David Zublick interviews Roger Stone, who says that Flynn, and who knows who else, has the DC Pedophile list, and they are using it as a tool to keep Trump alive, because they are threatening to leak it if anything happens to Trump. Pence’s good friend Jeff Flake is apparently on the list. Some great info!
In a wide ranging interview, Stone also reveals that Reince Priebus was a pedophile enabler who was instrumental in leaking information to the press, John McCain is mentally unbalanced and should have been court-martialed for treason, National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster is opposed to everything Donald Trump stands for and is in fact part of the Deep State attempting to do Trump harm, and that the new White House Chief of Staff, General John Kelly is keeping valuable information from the President. David Zublick and Roger Stone unseal the horrible truth in this bombshell report!
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Email comment by Roger Stone:
DeletePatrick Lawrence. (Aug. 09, 2017). A NEW REPORT RAISES BIG QUESTIONS ABOUT LAST YEAR'S DNC HACK - Former NSA experts say it wasn’t a hack at all, but a leak—an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system. The Nation.
It is now a year since the Democratic National Committee’s mail system was compromised—a year since events in the spring and early summer of 2016 were identified as remote hacks and, in short order, attributed to Russians acting in behalf of Donald Trump. A great edifice has been erected during this time. President Trump, members of his family, and numerous people around him stand accused of various corruptions and extensive collusion with Russians. Half a dozen simultaneous investigations proceed into these matters. Last week news broke that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had convened a grand jury, which issued its first subpoenas on August 3. Allegations of treason are common; prominent political figures and many media cultivate a case for impeachment.
The president’s ability to conduct foreign policy, notably but not only with regard to Russia, is now crippled. Forced into a corner and having no choice, Trump just signed legislation imposing severe new sanctions on Russia and European companies working with it on pipeline projects vital to Russia’s energy sector. Striking this close to the core of another nation’s economy is customarily considered an act of war, we must not forget. In retaliation, Moscow has announced that the United States must cut its embassy staff by roughly two-thirds. All sides agree that relations between the United States and Russia are now as fragile as they were during some of the Cold War’s worst moments. To suggest that military conflict between two nuclear powers inches ever closer can no longer be dismissed as hyperbole.
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ReplyDeleteCouchPotato, 10-Aug-17, Intercept video, photo streams, All, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#CouchPotato
Dumbo, 03-Aug-17, Intercept webcams video, Microsoft Bluetooth, WiFi, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Dumbo
Imperial, 27-Jul-17, Embed trojans, Mac OS X POSIX, SMTP, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Imperial
UCL / Raytheon, 19-Jul-17, Malware attacks, All, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#UCL_Raytheon
Highrise, 13-Jul-17, SMS texting, All, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Highrise
BothanSpy, 06-Jul-17, Exfiltrate encryption passwords (Exfiltrate = steal data), All, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#BothanSpy
OutlawCountry, 30-Jun-17, Redirect outbound traffic, backdoors, Linux, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#OutlawCountry
Elsa, 28-Jun-17, Exfiltrate geolocated WiFi devices Microsoft, Google Android, WiFi, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Elsa
Brutal Kangaroo, 22-Jun-17, Intercept files in a closed network, Microsoft, Google Android, WiFi, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Brutal_Kangaroo
Cherry Blossom, 15-Jun-17, Man-in-the-middle wireless interception,All, SRI Int'l, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Cherry_Blossom
Pandemic, 01-Jun-17, Intercept files on a target device, Microsoft, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Pandemic
Athena, 19-May-17, Beacon for exfiltrating data on command like a radio transmitter, Microsoft, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Athena
AfterMidnight, 12-May-17, Execute malware on a target machine, Microsoft, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#AfterMidnight
Archimedes, 05-May-17, Execute malware inside a local area network, All, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Archimedes
Scribbles, 28-Apr-17, Embed beacons inside documents, Microsoft Office, Open Office, Libre Office, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Scribbles
Weeping Angel, 21-Apr-17, Audio recording remote on/off, Samsung F Series Smart TVs, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Weeping_Angel
Hive, 14-Apr-17, Exfiltration implants in remote machines, Symantec, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Hive
Grasshopper, 07-Apr-17, Implant undetectable programs to exfiltrate data, Microsoft, Kapersky, Symantec, MS Security Essentials, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Grasshopper
Marble Framework, 31-Mar-17, Anti-forensic obfuscation (undetectability), origination spoofing All, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Marble Framework
Dark Matter, 23-Mar-17, Executing Apple system remotely Apple Mac firmware, Mac OSX, iPhone, https://wikileaks.org/vault7/#Dark_Matter
Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteDeep State is trying to gaslight people and provoke a reaction. Stay cool folks. Let them lie and keep repeating the lie. This video proves they're lying. All day Sunday they lied on the news shows. Sad.
Mark Dice. (Aug. 15, 2017). WATCH: TRUMP DISAVOWS RACISTS OVER AND OVER – WHILE MEDIA LIES ABOUT IT! President has distanced himself from white hate groups on numerous occasions. Infowars.
Watch Donald Trump disavow David Duke, the KKK and all racists, over and over again, dating back 17 years, while the liberal media keeps denying he did, and insists he must be a racist himself.
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDeleteAmerican Thinker. (Aug. 15, 2017). MOTHER OF CHARLOTTESVILLE VICTIM THANKS TRUMP FOR WORDS OF ‘COMFORT’ - Bro reached out to thank Trump for his latest statement, which Bro describes as a “comfort.” Infowars.
The mother of a woman who was run over by a car driven by a white supremacist, reached beyond the political divide that is roiling the nation following the violence in Charlottesville to thank President Trump for his words of “comfort.”
Ed Morrissey of Hot Air:
Susan Bro provided a moment of extraordinary grace as she mourns the murder of her daughter, Heather Heyer, by trying to heal the divide in the nation after the Charlottesville terrorist attack. While the political debate over Donald Trump’s responses to the violence continues, Bro reached out to thank Trump for his latest statement, which Bro describes as a “comfort.”
Perhaps this could provide a new focus for everyone — a way to reset our attention back on the actual problem, rather than on the quality of rhetorical responses to it. That certainly seems to be what Bro wants:
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Email comment Tom Fitton:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Aug. 11, 2017). State Agency That Disciplines Judges Fights to Keep Operating in Secrecy after 56 Yrs. Judicial Watch.
A California judicial commission that’s operated in secrecy for more than five and a half decades is engaged in a legal battle to thwart an audit ordered by state legislators and Judicial Watch has filed a court brief supporting the long overdue probe in the name of transparency. A court hearing has been rescheduled three times and shuffled around to different judges, with the latest scheduled for August 17 before Judge Suzanne Bolanos in San Francisco Superior Court. The case sheds much-needed light on the unbelievable history of a taxpayer-funded agency that’s conducted its business in private—and with no oversight—for 56 years, even though protecting the public is among its key duties. The agency is known as Commission on Judicial Performance (CJP) and it’s charged with enforcing rigorous standards of judicial conduct and disciplining judges in the nation’s largest court system.
California’s court system serves over 37 million people and has more than double the judges (1,882) of the federal judicial system, which has 840. The CJP should serve as a tool to keep the system in check. Instead the commission has dismissed 90% of complaints about judges in the last decade, according to figures published in a California newspaper. Only 3.4% ended in disciplinary action and less than 1% led to public censure. None of the decisions were transparent, the news story reveals, and critics have demanded accountability for CJP for years, asserting that the commission gives “biased and inept judges a pass.” In its 2016 annual report, CJP discloses that 1,079 of the 1,210 complaints it received were dismissed after “initial review.” Discipline was issued in only 45 cases with more than half of the offenders receiving an “advisory letter.” Eleven others received “private admonishment,” six got “public admonishment” and eight “public discipline.” Only one judge was removed from office and another received public censure. Offenses included on-bench abuse of authority, administrative malfeasance, bias or appearance of bias and improper political activities.
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Email comment by GH:
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteAmERIKAn Girl! 🇺🇸 (@ms_erika74) tweeted at 11:23 PM on Mon, Aug 14, 2017:
Soros Pours Millions Into Organizations Aimed At Empowering Global Gov, Endangering Our Sovereignty & Destroying Our Constitutional Republic
Full tweet:
Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteAmber Athey. (Aug. 14, 2017). Dem Strategist Questions Trump Supporter’s Blackness [VIDEO]. The Daily Caller.
In an explosive CNN segment, Democratic strategist Keith Boykin accused Paris Dennard of not actually being black because of his support for President Trump.
The intense exchange started when Dennard, who worked as the director of black outreach under President George W Bush, said he supported President Trump’s statements about the Charlottesville, VA riots.
Full story:
Benjamin Arie. (Aug. 15, 2017). Seconds Before C-ville Car Hit Crowd, a Camera Caught Game-Changing Act. CT.
ReplyDeleteThe man accused of ramming his car into protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday seems to have already been found “guilty” by the media… but there may be more to the story than is being reported.
James Alex Fields Jr. is charged with second-degree murder after the Dodge Challenger he was allegedly driving plowed into a crowd, wounding several and leaving one woman dead.
The vast majority of reporting on the deadly incident assumes that Fields purposely caused the injuries and death.
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Email comment by LP:
Mark Dice. (Aug. 16, 2017). CNN HOST CRIES AFTER TRUMP BLAMES ‘BOTH SIDES’ - Liberals need a tissue after Trump condemns white supremacists and violent leftists. Infowars.
After Trump came out and denounced the violence by both sides at the Charlottesville, Virginia riot, the liberal media freaked out and claimed POTUS was defending white supremacists.
CNN’s Van Jones began crying during a live broadcast and Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon seemed to be fighting back tears as well.
The media hasn’t been this distraught since Trump won the election.
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Email comment by PL:
ReplyDeleteRoger Stone. (Aug. 14, 2017). Why McMaster Has To Go. StoneColdTruth.
President Trump’s National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is a Globalist with long ties to George Soros. How did such a person even get hired in the Trump White House? McMaster was promoted for the job by the President’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, a liberal Democrat who falsely claimed he was responsible for Trump’s election. Kushner persuaded the President to fire Gen. Mike Flynn even though there is still no evidence of any crime by Flynn. Flynn was a strong supporter of the President’s “America First” foreign policy.
McMaster is a close friend and ally of the President’s new Chief of Staff General John Kelly who makes no bones about his plans to isolate the President and cut off his communications with those who oppose the Globalist neocon agenda. “They plan to treat the President like a mushroom – keep him in the dark and feed him shit ” one longtime Trump personal security guard told me.
Full story:
Roger Stone. (Aug. 12, 2017). The Real Collusion. StoneColdTruth.
DeleteA once top-secret intelligence memo recently declassified by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) and reviewed by Circa shows roughly ten pages listing hundreds of violations by the FBI of their privacy-protecting minimization rules while James Comey was director. The FISA report was in direct contradiction to Comey’s testimony to the Senate Intelligence Committee.
During a round of questions about securing and defending the privacy of American citizens, Comey stated under oath that his agency used collected surveillance data from Americans without a warrant. Director Comey then continued that this use of data was to be only when it was “lawfully collected, carefully overseen and checked.” In order to further cement the appearance of his agency’s commitment to uphold citizen’s privacy, Comey added, “Nobody gets to see FISA information of any kind unless they’ve had the appropriate training and have the appropriate oversight.”
This FISA report shows clearly that James Comey was lying during his testimony and that he should be criminally charged.
Full story:
Taylor Foland. (Aug. 11, 2017). The Deep Hate of the Deep State. StoneColdTruth.
DeleteThe leakers are pressing the send button to overthrow the will of the American people.
By Taylor Foland
The deep state has deep hate towards Trump. The deep state has been trying to take down President Trump from the very beginning. Former Ambassador to the United Nations: Samantha Power had unprecedented POWER, in the waning days of the Obama administration when she requested hundreds of names to “unmask”. Ben Rhodes, former National Security Advisor to former President Obama has also been reported to be a person of interest, in the House Intelligence Committee regarding unmasking.
Disgraced ex-FBI Director Jim Comey is allegedly writing his memoir and cashing-out on his time in the swamp. Comey admitted to leaking classified intelligence to a colleague, and no one in Congress investigates that? No one investigates Susan Rice unmasking hundreds of names either?
Just recently, the Washington Post released full transcripts of President Trump’s phone conversations with the Prime Minister of Australia, Malcolm Turnbull, and Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto. Should people be taking this seriously?
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Email comment by WE:
ReplyDeleteDavid Horowitz. (Aug. 16, 2017). David Horowitz: Charlottesville Is Biggest 'Fake News' Story of Summer. Newsmax.
The tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia, could have been an occasion to stop and consider how the tolerance for politically correct violence and politically correct hatred is leading the nation toward civil war.
Instead, the media and the political left have turned this incident into the biggest fake news story of the summer, transforming its real lessons into a morality play that justifies war against the political right, and against white people generally.
The organizers of the "Unite the Right" demonstration in Charlottesville were repellent racists.
But they came to defend a historic monument honoring a complex man and cause, and not to attack it or, presumably, anyone else.
They applied for a permit and were denied. They re-applied successfully in a petition supported by the local ACLU.
If they had come to precipitate violence, why would they have gone to the tedious trouble of applying for a permit?
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WAT? Farmer required to get federal government permission to plow his own field!
ReplyDeleteBob Unruh. (Aug. 16, 2017). FEDS FORCE $1.1 MILLION FINE FROM FARMER PROSECUTED FOR PLOWING OWN LAND - Army Corps under Obama tagged furrow puddles as 'navigable waters'. WND.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2017/08/feds-force-1-1-million-fine-from-farmer-prosecuted-for-plowing-own-land/#QCWKe3fFCdb12vT3.99
A farmer in California prosecuted under the Clean Water Act for plowing his own land without federal permission agreed to a $1.1 million settlement after the feds threatened $45 million in penalties.
The Duarte Nursery was written up by the Obama Department of Justice after the Army Corps of Engineers determined the pools running alongside the furrows created by plowing a wheat field were “navigable waters” under the Waters of the United States rule, which was codified in 2015.
The government insisted the furrows were “mini-mountains” that disrupted the “ephemeral” puddles of water on the land.
President Trump’s review of the huge expansion of authority claimed under the Clean Water Act during the Obama administration is in progress and apparently of no help to the nursery, which was represented by the Pacific Legal Foundation.
Senior Attorney Tony Francois said the Duartes would have preferred to appeal the ruling, “which holds that plowing a field requires federal permission – despite the clear text of the Clean Water Act and regulations to the contrary.”
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Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD. (Aug. 16, 2017). BREAKING: CHARLOTTESVILLE CONFIRMED AGITPROP STAGED EVENT - The social engineers have successfully caused great division in America. Infowars.
ReplyDeleteThe Charlottesville event was a planned act of “agitprop”, or Agitation Propaganda, designed to stir up the populous and turn us against each other so the deep state can enter and take us all down.
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteJD Heyes. (Aug. 16, 2017). Americans Being Manipulated Into Hating One Another So That the Left Can Usher in an Authoritarian Government — Don’t Fall for It. Before It's News / Natural News.
Bankrolled by extremist billionaires like George Soros, Alt-Left groups like Antifa, Black Lives Matter, Occupy Wall Street and others have sprung up in recent years, attacking American history and traditions as illegitimate, corrupt and ideologically inferior. Their members show up at political rallies and events with the specific goal of shutting down speech they have deemed “racist” and “bigoted,” even though it’s not.
One Antifa organizer told CNN: “The idea in Antifa is that we go where they (right-wingers) go. That hate speech is not free speech. That if you are endangering people with what you say and the actions that are behind them, then you do not have the right to do that.
“And so we go to cause conflict, to shut them down where they are, because we don’t believe that Nazis or fascists of any stripe should have a mouthpiece.”
That is precisely Steven A. Smith’s mentality, as well as the mentality of those who agree with him. They really believe that certain Americans — be it due to their skin color, political beliefs, cultural leanings or social attitudes — don’t have a right to express themselves under the same First Amendment they use, and that they, by some divine authority, have been empowered to decide what speech and what viewpoints are valid.
The Left’s goal is nothing short of the complete overthrow of traditional America, and they’re using every means possible — race, politics and pop culture — to divide us so that they can conquer us.
They can’t be allowed to succeed.
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteCorporate traitors abandon President Trump.
Katie Pavlich. (Aug. 16, 2017). BREAKING: Trump Ends His Manufacturing Council After CEOs Resign in Droves. Townhall.
President Donald Trump announced Wednesday afternoon he has ended the White House Manufacturing Council, in addition to the Strategy and Policy Forum.
Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump:
Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!
2:14 PM - Aug 16, 2017
49,835 49,835 Replies 13,716 13,716 Retweets 51,050 51,050 likes
"The President is focused on enacting historic tax cuts and reform for the great people who built this country—small business owners and middle-class Americans," the White House released Thursday.
The news comes after nine CEOs on the council submitted their resignations in the wake of President Trump's initial response to white supremacy in Charlottesville. They include Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier, Under Armour CEO Kevin Plank, Intel CEO Brian Krzanich and Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul among others.
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According to the Leader Technologies' Miller Act Notice, INTEL Corporation that just quit President Trump has participated in the high technology sellout of our privacy to the CIA, NSA, FBI and the theft of Leader Technologies' social networking invention.
DeleteFull story:
AFI. (Jul. 24, 2017). Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S. government. Americans for Innovation.
Michael McKibben. (Jul. 22, 2017). Leader Technologies Miller Act Notice 40 USC 3131 service to U.S. Executive Donald J. Trump et al. Leader Technologies.
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Email comment by GC:
ReplyDeleteDr. Jerome Corsi. (Aug. 16, 2017). D’SOUZA TRACES ROOTS OF DEMOCRATIC PARTY TO HITLER’S NAZI PARTY - Author ties Soros-funded Antifa anarchists to Hitler Brownshirts of 1930s
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Dinesh D’Souza’s most recent book, The Big Lie, Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left is truly an extension of his previous book published during the 2016 election campaign, Hillary’s America: The Secret History of the Democratic Party.
In Hillary’s America, D’Souza successfully undertook the challenge of establishing the Democratic Party was truly the party of racial division, tracing the history of the Democratic Party through its support for slavery in the South during the Civil War, its support for racial segregation through the walkout of the Dixicrats led by Strom Thurman from the Democratic National Convention of G1948, through the Democrats opposition to civil rights legislation first proposed by President Eisenhower and the Republicans in Congress in the 1950s.
Now, in The Big Lie, D’Souza sets out to prove the hard-left of Saul Alinsky socialists, from which both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama derive, trace back to the National Socialist movement on the left in Weimar Republic Germany of the 1930s that gave rise to Adolph Hitler and the Nazis.
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteJay Sekulow. (Aug. 16, 2017). BREAKING: FBI “Reopening” ACLJ FOIA Request on Clinton-Lynch Meeting After being Caught in a Lie. ACLJ.
After being caught hiding the truth from the American people, the FBI has just “reopened” our FOIA case.
The ACLJ just received a letter from the FBI bureaucracy informing us that it has “reopened” our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request into the clandestine meeting between former Obama Attorney General Lynch and former President Clinton while the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI were conducting a criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton.
The FBI’s letter – dated one week after we publicly excoriated the FBI for lying to us when the Comey-led FBI told us last October that it had “no” records responsive to our request – now states that “records potentially responsive to your request may exist.”
It is unbelievable that the FBI bureaucracy still only admits that some documents “may exist.”
We know they exist.
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Email comment by AS:
ReplyDeleteGee Beaver, do ya think Cisco's sales dropped so badly because news of their duplicity with the Deep State shadow government is starting to leak out? Nawwww.
Notice that the more trouble these bad boys are in, the more they revert to their fluffy words like "look ahead," "intuitive" and "innovation." We now know this means they're implementing more ways to steal ideas from real inventors like Michael McKibben and Leader Technologies.
Mark Haranas. (Aug. 16, 2017). CISCO CEO LOOKS AHEAD TO INTUITIVE NETWORK AND INNOVATION CYCLE IMPACT AS SALES FALL IN Q4. Cisco CEO Looks Ahead To Intuitive Network And Innovation Cycle Impact As Sales Fall In Q4. CRN.
Cisco stayed ahead of Wall Street's expectations for its fourth fiscal quarter 2017, but the router maker recorded a $400 million drop in net income as routing and switching revenues dropped 9 percent.
Cisco CFO Kelly Kramer also said the sales drop won't slow the company down financially; it will continue to buy and build.
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Here is our previous expose on Cisco's collusion with the Deep State shadow government, the Clinton Foundation and the Russians surrounding Uranium One:
DeleteAFI. (Jun. 30, 2017). Cisco is a key enabler of the Deep State shadow government. Americans for Innovation.
Email comment by JK:
ReplyDeleteTyler Durden. (Aug. 17, 2017). Why Was This 'Crowd Hire' Company Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte Last Week? ZeroHedge.
Trump ignited a political firestorm yesterday during an impromptu press conference in which he said there was "blame on both sides" for the tragic events that occurred in Charlottesville over the weekend.
Now, the discovery of a craigslist ad posted last Monday, almost a full week before the Charlottesville protests, is raising new questions over whether paid protesters were sourced by a Los Angeles based "public relations firm specializing in innovative events" to serve as agitators in counterprotests.
The ad was posted by a company called "Crowds on Demand" and offered $25 per hour to "actors and photographers" to participate in events in the "Charlotte, NC area." While the ad didn't explicitly define a role to be filled by its crowd of "actors and photographers" it did ask applicants to comment on whether they were "ok with participating in peaceful protests." Here is the text from the ad:
Actors and Photographers Wanted in Charlotte
Crowds on Demand, a Los Angeles-based Public Relations firm specializing in innovative events, is looking for enthusiastic actors and photographers in the Charlotte, NC area to participate in our events. Our events include everything from rallies to protests to corporate PR stunts to celebrity scenes. The biggest qualification is enthusiasm, a "can-do" spirit. Pay will vary by event but typically is $25+ per hour plus reimbursements for gas/parking/Uber/public transit.
For more information about us, please visit www.crowdsondemand.com
If you're interested in working with us, please reply to this posting with the following info:
Full Name
Prior relevant experience (as an actor/performer, photographer, brand ambassador, political activist, etc)
When are you usually available for work?
Resume (optional)
If you're a photographer, what equipment do you use?
Are you ok with participating in peaceful protests (optional)?
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
ReplyDeleteRT. (Aug. 17, 2017). AFTER TRUMP TWEETS, AMAZON MARKET VALUE DROPS $5 BILLION - Retail giant’s stock falls after President’s accusation. Infowars.
Amazon’s stock market value lost as much as $5 billion during premarket trading after President Donald Trump tweeted that the online giant does “great damage to tax paying retailers.”
Trump has long accused Amazon of not paying its fair share of taxes.
On Wednesday, Trump criticized Amazon on Twitter by saying it is hurting retailers and causing US job losses. The president had previously tweeted similar attacks against the e-commerce company, as well as pointing out that its CEO Jeff Bezos also owns the Washington Post.
After Trump’s tweet, Amazon stock closed down 0.5 percent, according to CNBC.
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Email comment by SP:
ReplyDeleteDr. Steve Pieczenik. (Aug. 16, 2017). PIECZENIK: CONTROLLED OPPOSITION BEHIND CHARLOTTESVILLE RALLY - Deep state rally designed to paint all Trump supporters as “white nationalists”. Infowars.
Charlottesville’s Michael Signer colludes with Richard Spencer to create a pre-planned, staged confrontation [FBI/CIA]!
The recent tragedy in Charlottesville, Virginia, where fully armed Neo-Nazis and white supremacists marched in unison to protest the withdrawal of the Robert E. Lee statue. This protest was planned months ago (see recent posts).
The fact that these individuals shouted ‘racist’ and ‘anti-Semitic’ slurs belied one simple fact. Like any movement which supposedly represents so-called American Nationalism or pro-Trump sentiments, Richard Spencer’s influence was quite apparent to me. Spencer’s cohort is the has been Grand Wizard of the KKK David Duke. By now, David has been on the payroll of the FBI and several other federal organizations for decades.
What caught my attention in the recent blusterous moment of faux-history was that the two antagonists facing off in this Civil War Wrestlemania have almost identical backgrounds! Let me be more specific.
This “confrontation” is a highly staged event by two men who have rapacious political ambitions but are seemingly at opposite ends of the political spectrum.
In reality, these two men are far more similar than different. Both are born of wealth. Each is a spoiled, effete intellectual who has never served our country other than reaching into the bowels of local and national politics in order to promote their narcissism.
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Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteDavid Stern. (Aug. 16, 2017). Ukrainian MP seeks probe of Ukraine-Clinton ties - Parliament member demands to know whether his country's government targeted Trump in the 2016 campaign. Politico.
KIEV – A Ukrainian member of parliament has requested a criminal investigation into possible meddling by his country’s government into last year’s U.S. presidential elections, claiming the interference has “seriously damaged Ukrainian-American relations.”
In a July 24 letter to Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Andrei Derkach, an independent MP who was formerly aligned with a pro-Russian party, requested that authorities launch a pretrial investigation into “illegal interference in the election of President of the United States organized by a criminal organization.” This organization, he said, consisted of senior members of the country’s National Anti-Corruption Bureau, government officials, and other public figures.
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ReplyDeleteEmail comment by GH/KL:
John Solomon. (Aug. 16, 2017). Assange meets U.S. congressman, vows to prove Russia did not leak him documents. The Hill.
Julian Assange told a U.S. congressman on Tuesday he can prove the leaked Democratic Party documents he published during last year’s election did not come from Russia and promised additional helpful information about the leaks in the near future.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California Republican who is friendly to Russia and chairs an important House subcommittee on Eurasia policy, became the first American congressman to meet with Assange during a three-hour private gathering at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where the WikiLeaks founder has been holed up for years,
Rohrabacher recounted his conversation with Assange to The Hill.
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Email comment by THN:
There’s a congressional plot against President Donald Trump — and it could lead to him being ousted from office.
Yale’s Dr. Bandy Lee, a renowned psychiatrist, confessed to STAT Magazine on Wednesday that she’d been approached by liberal lawmakers to join a group of psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals that’s being secretly assembled in September to “review the president’s mental health, and review it on a periodic basis.”
Lee declined to name the three lawmakers that had contacted her, claiming they wished to be anonymous. However, the information she revealed is very credible.
Lee’s statement comes at the heels of a move by 27 House representatives, all Democrats, to co-sponsored Congressional Bill H.R. 1987 that would establish “a Commission on Presidential Capacity.”
If established, this mental health commission would give Congress the authority to create a legal body of 11 members that could declare a president “unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office” — the 4th provision of the 25th Amendment that could allow the president to be legally removed from the White House.
In other words, Lee — herself an outspoken opponent of Trump — and other liberal psychiatrists are being recruited in secret by Democrat lawmakers against the president.
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Email comment by JM:
ReplyDeleteThis is interesting timing following Leader Technologies' MILLER ACT NOTICE that lists some of these companies. Hmmmmm.
Staff. (Aug. 16, 2017). TRUMP DISBANDS BUSINESS COUNCILS. The Horn News.
With corporate chieftains fleeing, President Donald Trump announced Wednesday he is ending a pair of advisory business councils in the latest response to his remarks about the Charlottesville protests.
“Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!” Trump tweeted from his home at Trump Tower. He was to depart New York later Wednesday to return to his New Jersey golf club.
Full story:
Could these CEO's just be using Charlottesville as their excuse for a mass exodus from the White House following Leader Technologies' MILLER ACT NOTICE where some of them are listed as the co-conspirator thieves with the rogue CIA? Oh what spineless Beta-male/female cowards America has raised up to run these technology companies.
DeleteAFI. (Jul. 24, 2017). Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S. government. Americans for Innovation.
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As if we needed a court to reinforce our God-given rights, here's a good affirmation of that principle:
ReplyDelete"The freedom to speak one's mind is not only an aspect of individual liberty - and thus a good unto itself - but also is essential to the common quest for truth and the vitality of society as a whole."
Bose Corp. v. Consumers Union, 466 U.S. 485, 503-04 (1984)
Email comment by KP:
Good Grief, there are demonstrations BEFORE the “rally”! What to expect?
The Boston Free Speech ‘Rally’, set to begin on Boston Common at noon, is reportedly being organized by Jason Kessler, who led last weekend’s protest in Charlottesville.
Is it clear to everyone that these “rallys” are paid protesters on the Soros under-the-table payroll?
Plus there are The “March on Google” rallies scheduled to take place at Google locations around the country.
Confrontation a certainty?
Let me hear from you: can any good come of this so soon after the tragic meyhem in Virginia? Are these ‘rallys’ the catalyst to national martial law/civil unrest? Can America truly unite? Ever?
Boston Free Speech Rally Speaker Has Received Death Threats
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Email comment by DL/Joseph Farah:
ReplyDeleteAlicia Powe. (Aug. 18, 2017). CONGRESSMAN: WIKILEAKS' ASSANGE 'HAS INFO OF DRAMATIC IMPORTANCE TO U.S.' - 'I would bet that we are going to get information that will be mind-boggling'
WASHINGTON – Julian Assange has met with a U.S. lawmaker who says the WikiLeaks founder is seeking a pardon in exchange for “information that will be of dramatic importance to the United States” concerning the source of the Democratic National Committee email leak during the 2016 presidential election.
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif., said Assange asked him during a three-hour meeting Wednesday to relay information to President Trump regarding the alleged DNC hack last year.
“Our three-hour meeting covered a wide array of issues, including the WikiLeaks exposure of the DNC emails during last year’s presidential election,” Rohrabacher told the Hill.
Rohrabacher said he and Assange explored “what might be necessary to get him out” of the Ecuadorian embassy in London, where he has claimed asylum.
The congressman told the Daily Caller: “[I]f [Assange] is going to give us a big favor, he would obviously have to be pardoned to leave the Ecuadorian embassy” where Assange has resided since 2012 to avoid extradition to the United States. The U.S. has sought to charge him for assisting former NSA analyst Edward Snowden in leaking classified information.
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Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteCNN has spent 90% of their airtime over the past few days on "statues"......fragments of metal shaped like a person that very few of us know one iota about. The progressives in America are really good at creating emotions by dividing us into categories and spewing hatred. They want to rid our history of racial issues . Ok, that's fair but they don't tell you that the racial hatred of the past were led by Democrats not Republicans. George Wallace was a Democratic governor. He beat blacks, showered them with water hoses, and kept them out the schools. But the Progressives have sold this time as a time of "southern hatred" toward blacks. Today, the southern states are primarily Republican. Abraham Lincoln was a Republican. Facts will show that the east and west coast cities are substantially more prejudice than the southwest and southeast cities. Not even close.
CNN also talks about the skinheads, the white supremacist, and the KKK. They try to tie these crazy nut cakes to Trump and the Republican Party. Why? Because their lazy viewers buy it. The other movement, Black Lives Matter, is also based on racial divide. They call for death of anyone that is not in their camp. They call for death of police and firefighters. A "wholly owned subsidiary " of BLM is Antifa. These thugs are just as bad as the other side. Criminals, the fringe groups are all criminals. Last night, in the here different cities, cops were ambushed. Several will die. Why? Ignorance.
Yet CNN, praises BLM and Antifa as honorable in their mission.
CNN, MSNBC, and the major networks hate Trump so much that they are willing to lie, cheat, and steal for his collapse. They support death and violence for the "good" of our society.
If you recall, the first action that Barack Obama took as our president was to affirm the financial future of Planned Parenthood, an abortion machine that eliminates hundreds of thousands of black babies every year. The second largest groups being annihilated by these baby killers are Hispanic. You talk about white supremacy!!!!!
Obama's second action was to berate local policemen in New Jersey who questioned a black homeowner who was literally breaking into his own home because he was locked out. This was the first meeting of the Black Lives Matter.
It's time for America to truly wake up......stop the ridiculous faux racial divide. Educate your self to facts. The Progressives have put black America in a box. They subsidize personal irresponsibility. They subsidize a death machine. They are guaranteeing the failure of this great nation... All in the name of love and caring.
Have a death free day, TEX=
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Email comment by HN:
ReplyDeleteHillary is starting attack groups to disrupt the Trump presidency after her wound-licking loss at the polls. Better to smother your weakness with gobs of dirty cash? What's new? Here are some of Hillary's newly funding "resistance" groups:
This is the new "color" of Hillary's subversion or our election process. Has anyone noticed how quickly "the Russians did it" dropped from the CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WaPo propaganda machines? Gee Beav, I wonder if they were colluding? Golly Wally, seems so.
Walter W. Murray. (Aug. 19, 2017). Hillary Clinton is funding the alt-left (she’s NOT going away!). The HORN News.
Still stinging from her humiliating November loss, failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is gearing up for a new kind of campaign.
This one isn’t aimed at election… it’s aimed at disruption.
Clinton has quietly launched a group dedicated almost entirely to undermining the results of the election she lost and funding alt-left “resistance” groups violently opposed to the agenda of President Donald Trump.
And of course, she’s also finding a way to use OTHER people’s money to enrich HER friends!
Little-noticed FEC filings reveal that Clinton recently funneled $800,000 of her leftover campaign cash to a group she’s cooked up with fellow presidential loser Howard Dean called Onward Together.
Shortly after the payment, her group hired two of her longtime cronies as consultants.
It certainly pays to be in the Clinton inner circle!
Besides paying off her friends, her goal appears to be fomenting “resistance” unrest by giving them cash and other forms of assistance, much as George Soros notoriously does.
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Email comment by RW:
ReplyDeleteAlderaran333. (Aug. 14, 2017). Brennan Gilmore filmed the Charlottesville hit & run was previously a CIA spook for the State Dept (i.redd.it)
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Email comment by GH:
DeleteLauren Richardson. (Aug. 17, 2017). CHARLOTTESVILLE POLICE COME FORWARD: WE WERE TOLD TO “STAND DOWN” TO IGNITE RACE WAR (Video). Truth Uncensored.
“We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together – and then…”
A Charlottesville police officer has come forward to express his outrage at being told to “stand down” by the city mayor during violent clashes between protesters.
The officer also claims the protests, which pitched “white supremacists” against members of Antifa, were “set up” to allow for the groups to ignite into exactly what happened.
“We [Charlotesville police] were ordered to bring the rival groups together. As soon as they were in contact with each other, we were told to stand down. It was outrageous. We weren’t allowed to arrest anyone without asking the mayor first. We weren’t even allowed to stop the driver as he sped away.“
“The event was being set up as far back as at least May and it went like clockwork.”
At no point is the car that plowed into the crowd of protesters perused by police – there is not a police car in sight leading into the area, or out.
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Email comment by CT:
ReplyDeleteGabrielle Cintorino. (Aug. 18, 2017). Gettysburg Has Stunning Statement on Confederate Statues. CT.
The National Parks Service has a message for America: We will not remove any Confederate statues from our country’s national parks — and the country’s best-known Civil War battlefield is making that crystal clear.
Less than one week after a group of white supremacists rallied in Charlottesville, Virginia, to protest the removal of a monument depicting Robert E. Lee, U.S. parks officials aren’t holding back words about their plans for monuments.
“The National Park Service is committed to safeguarding these unique and site-specific memorials in perpetuity, while simultaneously interpreting holistically and objectively the actions, motivations, and causes of the soldiers and states they commemorate,” the parks service said in a statement, according to Penn Live.
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Email comment by Alex Jones:
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne joins Alex Jones live via Skype to give his analysis of the violence in Charlottesville, Virginia and issues a new warning about protesters dividing America.
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Email comment by Sharyl Attkisson:
ReplyDeleteSharyl Attkisson. (Aug. 19, 2017). WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE NEWS MEDIA? Full Measure.
Trust in the mass media is at an all-time low. Two-thirds of Americans believe the mainstream press publishes fake news.
Yes, there’s still much good journalism to be found, if you know where to look. Yet, ask reporters who’ve been around a while, and many will tell you that a lot of good journalism is being left unpublished. Good journalists hate what’s happening to the news.
We have only ourselves to blame.
Firewalls that once strictly separated news from opinion have been replaced by hopelessly blurred lines. Once-forbidden practices such as editorializing within straight news reports, and the inclusion of opinions as if fact, are not only tolerated; they’re encouraged.
We’ve exempted ourselves from the normal rules that used to govern us, and so the most egregious kinds of reporting errors are becoming more common. Formerly well-respected news organizations and experienced national journalists are making the sorts of mistakes that aren’t tolerated in journalism schools. When their mistakes are corrected at all, it’s with little seeming regret. And the corrections never garner a circulation as wide as the original salacious narrative… (CONTINUED)
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Email comment by SA:
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteStaff. (Aug. 20, 2017). BREAKING: The NYT Just Admitted Trump Was Right About Charlottesville. I Love The New York Times.
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Email comment by PL:
ReplyDeleteHey folks. Alan Dershowitz is a true liberal patriot, not a radical leftist.
Alan Dershowitz. (Aug. 20, 2017). Dershowitz: Weaponized Russia Probe 'Really Endangers Democracy'. Newsmax.
The Russian investigation and the appointment of FBI special counsel Robert Mueller has become a political weapon of the left, one that "really endangers democracy," self-proclaimed "liberal," author, and law professor Alan Dershowitz said.
"The idea of trying to create crimes just because we disagree with [Trump] politically, and target him, really endangers democracy," Dershowitz told "The Cats Roundtable" on 970 AM-N.Y. "[It] reminds me of what Lavrentiy Beria, the head of the KGB, said to Stalin: 'Show me the man, and I will find you the crime.'
"We shouldn't be targeting people. We shouldn't be looking for crimes they've committed. We should only being using the criminal justice system against obvious crimes. Crimes that are not not stretched and manufactured to fit a particular person."
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Email comment by DL:
I was led to believe that the investigation of President Trump by a special prosecutor was to be limited to the discovery as to whether there was any connection of collusion by Trump and the Russian government in regard to the 2016 election.
This investigation of Trump has now gone on for nearly one year and yet, nothing has been found. But the inquiries continue.
Currently, the investigation has expanded to look into Trump’s financial dealings going back many years when he was a private citizen.
The part I find most confusing is there never was any investigation into Hillary Clinton’s shredding of 33,000 emails, the controversial Clinton Foundation or the huge amount of money garnered by Bill Clinton for speaking at a financial corporation in Russia.
This is nothing more than a witch hunt by the mainstream media, Democrats and many spineless, cowardly Republicans, who frankly despise Trump.
I say prove something or allow him to be what he was elected by the people to be: president of the United States of America.
Now jeopardizing his presidency are the leaks of two of Trump’s phone conversations with other heads of state. People, this is truly frightening and should concern every American regardless of political affiliations as it threatens our right of privacy and liberties as guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution.
Not only were they leaked, but the transcripts were printed by The Washington Post for all of the world to see, which indicates how much the Democratic Party is connected to the mainstream media.
Warren, Ohio
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Email comment by GH:
WikiLeaks has released information that shows Hillary Clinton campaign staffers bribing 6 Republicans to “destroy Trump”.
In an email from John Podesta to Huma Abedin, the pair discuss diverting Clinton campaign funds to various Republicans who were secretly on the Clinton payroll.
Conservativedailypost.com reports:
The email, sent in July of this year, describes how funds were being diverted from Clinton’s campaign to the Super PACS of Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, and John Kasich.
According to the email:
“JB, CF, and JK PACS will be noticeably silent for the rest of the campaign. Each will receive a significant allowance from advertising budget. HRC is in the loop and has talked to all three personally. Eyes only.”
Other emails that surfaced but do not refer to anything other than title have also surfaced that raised eyebrowS. It seems at a glance that the Clinton Foundation, or as I am calling it, the Pantsuit Mafia, has bought off several key members of the Republican Party to push the Clinton agenda. Such as:
“He is on board, will retract the invitation to speak. Eyes only.”
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Email comment by RW:
ReplyDeleteI am shocked that CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WaPo, CBS, ABC have not published a breathless "BREAKING NEWS" story that:
“From Anonymous Sources: Donald Trump is behind the coming solar eclipse!”
Email comment by Tom Fitton:
A California judicial commission that’s operated in secrecy for more than five and a half decades is engaged in a legal battle to thwart an audit ordered by state legislators and Judicial Watch has filed a court brief supporting the long overdue probe in the name of transparency. A court hearing has been rescheduled three times and shuffled around to different judges, with the latest scheduled for August 17 before Judge Suzanne Bolanos in San Francisco Superior Court. The case sheds much-needed light on the unbelievable history of a taxpayer-funded agency that’s conducted its business in private—and with no oversight—for 56 years, even though protecting the public is among its key duties. The agency is known as Commission on Judicial Performance (CJP) and it’s charged with enforcing rigorous standards of judicial conduct and disciplining judges in the nation’s largest court system.
California’s court system serves over 37 million people and has more than double the judges (1,882) of the federal judicial system, which has 840. The CJP should serve as a tool to keep the system in check. Instead the commission has dismissed 90% of complaints about judges in the last decade, according to figures published in a California newspaper. Only 3.4% ended in disciplinary action and less than 1% led to public censure. None of the decisions were transparent, the news story reveals, and critics have demanded accountability for CJP for years, asserting that the commission gives “biased and inept judges a pass.” In its 2016 annual report, CJP discloses that 1,079 of the 1,210 complaints it received were dismissed after “initial review.” Discipline was issued in only 45 cases with more than half of the offenders receiving an “advisory letter.” Eleven others received “private admonishment,” six got “public admonishment” and eight “public discipline.” Only one judge was removed from office and another received public censure. Offenses included on-bench abuse of authority, administrative malfeasance, bias or appearance of bias and improper political activities.
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Email c
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Spread the word! Beta male and female judges have been allowed to hide too long. No more.
Email comment by GC:
ReplyDeleteGreg Corombos. (Aug. 20, 2017). 'YOU WILL SEE RIOTS': U.S. TOLD TO BRACE FOR 'MESSY' CAMPUS UNREST - College president warns of 'ideological fascism' exploding across America. WND.
As colleges and universities prepare for the return of students in the coming weeks, one of the few administrators willing to criticize the tidal wave of intellectual intolerance on campus is expecting “a mess” when the new semester dawns.
Oklahoma Wesleyan University President Dr. Everett Piper gained tremendous notoriety in 2015 when he wrote an opinion column decrying universities for coddling student demands for safe spaces and the eradication of ideas that don’t mesh with the orthodoxy of political correctness. In that column, he famously declared that a college is not a daycare.
He is now author of “Not A Day Care: The Devastating Consequences of Abandoning Truth.” Piper said America needs to brace for more campus unrest.
“Oh, it’s going to be a mess,” Piper told WND and Radio America. “You will see protests. You will see riots. You will see the results of teaching victimization and vice for decades. When you teach victimization, you don’t get anything but vengeance and violence.
“The only thing that rescues us from this vicious cycle is to start teaching virtue. Virtue is selfless. Victimization is selfish.”
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Email comment by OT:
ReplyDeleteJack Davis. (Aug. 15, 2017). BLACK CLERGY, ACTIVISTS DEFEND TRUMP, CASTIGATE 'ALT-LEFT'. Western Journalism.
"Don't make our commander in chief a villain..."
The deluge of liberal invective connecting President Donald Trump with the death of a woman protesting a rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend has it “absolutely wrong,” a black minister said Monday.
Rev. Derek McCoy, executive vice president for the Center of Urban Renewal and Education, was among clergy who said claims by liberals and mainstream media that Trump has fostered a spirit of racism miss the point entirely.
“One thing you need to understand: You are saying that the president is the instigator, and I think that is absolutely wrong. No, it is not disingenuous,” McCoy said.
“The president made his comments and we are not standing up here to say that we are best friends with everything the president does, but he is in an office that we all respect,” he added. “If we are looking about how we can move our country forward, we are trying to make sure that we do that collectively together.”
Some of those who gathered with McCoy at a National Press Club event said the problem is not the president but the media.
“Don’t make our commander in chief a villain when in actuality it is more the villainess (sic) of the media in terms of making something where nothing is,” political activist Corrogan Vaughn said.
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Email comment by Christopher Wilson:
ReplyDeleteChristopher Wilson. (Aug. 20, 2017). How Google Locked Me Out of My 390,000 Subscriber YouTube Channel! Censorship USA! Before It's News.
This is why we need to support free thought and speech sites like BIN. Censorship is getting ridiculous!!
Hey guys this is a quick update. I just found out this morning that my Google + account has been terminated.
Google+ access suspended
You may no longer use Google+ because you have violated our User Content and Conduct Policy multiple times.
(now, because I never received an email stating what my infractions were, I can only guess that they’re referring to the politically incorrect content I always post across all my social media platforms. Google + is not something I ever used in the first place, but because it’s linked to my main youtube channel its a cause for concern. But more on that in a second.)
They write,
“If you have content on Google+ that you want to keep, you have about two months to export it using Google Takeout. The content is visible only to you. After that time your content will be deleted and you will no longer be able to get a copy.”
When I click on Google takeout it indicates that all my Google + content has already been removed which seems to point to the fact that I lost my G+ account more than 2 months ago.
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Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeletePlease do NOT use the $1, $20, $50 or $100 bills any more as they depict slave owners on them. Gather all of these hideous symbols of racism and trash them. Throw them out.
While we are at it, please eliminate July and August from your calendars ..... they were named after the two Roman "Caesar" emperors that used slaves. Oops, the Egyptians use slaves to build the pyramids. Tear those down!!!! And after the Scottish invasion of Ireland, the Scots enslaved the Irish. No more Scotch whiskey or hop scotch or those cute kilts for me. And , by the way, we must quit using the word "slave", it is not a nice word. It comes from the root word "slav". The Slavs (South, Central and Eastern Europe) were captured and enslaved by the Muslims of Spain during the ninth century AD. Whoops, that messes up the jihadi narrative.
Twenty million Africans were enslaved from the mid 1200's to the mid 1800's, the majority of whom were captured and sold by other blacks. It's not justifiable but it was accepted at the time. It's a dark part of human history, but history nonetheless. Can't we just admit that it was a terrible practice and just move on. Should we ban baseball because they didn't allow black players in the league until Jackie Robinson put on the uniform? Same with football. And the NY Philharmonic. And school teaching, and IVY League schools. Should we ban school buses because early on black kids couldn't ride with whites? And that "Black History Month" should be removed from our calendar as well. It's a hurtful reminder of how bad we are in this country. History can no longer tolerated.
And by the way, the Democrats were always the party of slavery. And they still are. Every heard of Senator Byrd? He was a Democratic Senator and the grand poopah of the KKK at the same time. As the loving liberals expand the scope of entitlements, they steal the individual dignity of earning one's way. Welfare is slavery. Taxes are sharecropping. By supporting abortion, liberals encourage death of minorities. By supporting the attack on our police officers, the Democrats encourage destruction of our inner city life. Crime , especially gang warfare, has taken over Chicago and Baltimore. Our nation's capitol has one of the highest crime rates per capita in the whole world. All three of this cities have been controlled by Democrats for years. Maybe it's because George Washington and Lord Baltimore had a few slaves. Surely we are going to eliminate that wooden-toothed George Washington from our history books. By the way, at the end of his life he freed every one of them and gave them a monetary stipend to help them begin their free life in America.
And let's not forget that it's the Democrats that want no borders and they want our country to be managed in a One World Order. Why? Because America is bad, really bad. Thus, Americans are bad, really bad. And folks in other societies can do a better job of offering freedom, peace, and prosperity for all. After all, 250 years ago we had slaves. Well so did every country, every race, every tribe, and every religion throughout history.
Where will this end? George Soros is loving every minute of it. Evil has grabbed this great nation by the neck and is choking our ability to survive. The agenda proposed by President Trump has the makings of significant solutions. I am mad as hell that he continues to take the bait. His mouth could be his downfall. He still has a chance but he had best move from the bully pulpit to the persuasion pulpit ...... and do it soon. Even his strongest supporters are questioning his approach to management. History is watching.
Have a great day, TEX
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Email comment by JM:
America...the founders of enlightenment?
"In such a time, when those great minds whose souls conjured the enlightenment of man, that idea of 'self-governance', be they denigrated by the same evil upon which they labored so dearly against, that nation should examine itself, and render judgment upon its intentions, to be a Republic, or to be a democracy of slaves, must now be determined." James Marshall Miller.
Please post on AFI blogspot. Thank you
BTW……I’ve been banned from Facebook. I have been getting over a thousand hits on variations of the theme of the Fourth Amendment, privacy, “Deep State”, and the statement above pushed the ‘watchers’ over the top. Banned from Facebook. LOL.
Dear Readers, "JM" is a former executive for a Fortune 50 company and a very learned, moral, intellectual person.
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Email comment by GH:
Liz MacKean, the former British investigative reporter who exposed Jimmy Savile and the culture of pedophile protection at the BBC, has been found dead allegedly from a stroke.
MacKean, 52 worked at the BBC until she decided to quit in 2013 after executives banned her groundbreaking and brave investigation into pedophile Jimmy Savile in order to protect him and other high level pedophiles from exposure.
Often dismissed by the establishment as mad and dangerous, MacKean was finally vindicated in 2012 when the truth about Savile’s pedophilia came out.
Lo and behold almost a decade later it comes out that the BBC harbored Jimmy Savile a disgusting pedophile. Not only was Savile a pedophile but the ring he was apart of was deemed to be a Satanic ring by investigators. This information only came out after Savile’s death.
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Email comment by DL:
ReplyDeleteBody Language: Mark Zuckerberg. Bombard's Body Language / Petreon.
The countenance of the psychopath Zuckerberg.
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Spread the word, this guys is exploiting the data and lives of our children. Wake up people.
Email comment by JM-GN:
ReplyDeleteJohn Hines. (Aug. 22, 2017). NEW: Judicial Watch Takes DOJ to Court Over Comey Exit Records. Judicial Watch / OAN.
ohn Hines from OAN reports on Judicial Watch taking the DOJ to court to obtain Comey's exit records. JW Director of Investigations and Research Chris Farrell explains why those records are being sued for.
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