Hillary & RNC faction rigged Ohio vote against Kerry and Sanders. Will Donald Trump be next?
Citizen watchdogs should step in to eliminate this vote fraud
Facebook: Whatever Hillary wants, Hillary gets
Clearly Facebook in their treachery owes Hillary and will give her whatever she wants. One sure outcome will be use of Hillary's template for winning elections that she paid for in 2009, which certainly includes an army of Facebook hackers to fix the election results in swing states—if they are not stopped.
We The People must ensure that Corrupt Hillary does not get what she wants.

Former IBM colleague of David J. Kappos, former Obama-appointed Patent Office director; Siu is the evident "hatchet man" for taking over the Internet via IBM's "Internet of Things (IoT)" scheme to monitor your toaster

Obama-appointed, presided over the
Leader v. Facebook protection of Facebook (Hillary's go-to eDiplomacy system) —See previous post)

New! Jul. 30, 2016—The legal concept of "absolute immunity" for judges has an odorous old boy history. The U.S. Supreme Court is contradictory. On the one hand, the Court in US v. Lee (1982) said "No man in this country is so high that he is above the law... [and is] bound to obey it." On the other, the Court ruled in Stump v. Sparkman (1978) that judges have absolute immunity—even for fraud, theft, bribery, collusion, conspiracy, civil rights violations and organized crime! Stump is sometimes called the most controversial in history. Either way, Congress is free to remove the judge by impeachment, which has occurred only 14 times. Regardless, Judge Andrews can still appear as a witness, and therefore, must recuse himself from Dr. Arunachalam's cases.
Shockingly, Delaware clerk Bob Cruikshank has refused to sign the Entry of Default placing Dr. Arunachalam's case in jeopardy since she only has a fixed number of days to take follow-up steps. The judge is evidently stonewalling to run out her procedural clock against him. According to Dr. Arunachalam, Cruikshank gave three different reasons this morning for the delay, the latest being that the Entry is "with the judge." This is scandalous in itself. An entry of default is a mere procedural matter affirming whether a defendant did or did not respond in the prescribed amount of time. It is not an opinion or issue of law. It is a mere factual statement.
Dr. Arunachalam spoke briefly this morning with chief judge Leonard P. Stark about the runaround in the courts he oversees. He pretended not to remember her even though he had been a mediator in one of her earlier patent infringement cases. He refused to speak with her, referred her to the Clerk (who passed it to Judge Andrews—a defendant in the case), and hung up on her. Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals: When your scheme is exposed. Deny. Deny. Deny.
(Jul. 22, 2016)—This week Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Texas Senator Ted Cruz stubbornly refused to make good on their promises to endorse the Republican nominee, who is now officially Donald J. Trump. Their excuses are lame.
These men are breaking their signed contracts with America. Since they did not notify their supporters of their intention not to honor their pledges, they have defrauded those who voted for them.
Breach of contract, hypocrisy and boldface lying aside, Kasich and Cruz appear to be positioning for a Trump defeat in November, and positioning themselves for candidacies or special favors during the next four years.
Their belligerence begs the question: Do they know something we do not know?
At least for Kasich, the answer is probably yes.
Ohio's political Parties are notorious election fixers
Finding: Ohio Republicans have rigged the electronic voting machines and vote counting processes in the state. They can swing an election any way they want. Have the Establishment insiders made secret promises to Kasich, Cruz and Clinton?
Whistleblower Michael Connell gave his life to prove Ohio's elections are rigged

See also Truth. (Dec. 03, 2014). The Mysterious Death of Bush's Cyber-Guru - Michael Connell. Maxim.com/12160.info blog.
On Feb. 07, 2012, the Clinton-appointed judge Algernon L. Marbley (1997) allowed the 2004 ballots to be destroyed and ordered the case closed for alleged lack of evidence to take it to trial. Marbley later resigned the Ohio State Trustee board over scadalous ethics violations and a flurry of proved false sexual accusations against OSU's band director Jon Waters that AFI covered in detail.
See previous posts. Hint: The tie between Marbley, OSU and the Spy State Cartel is IBM's collusion with Gov. Kasich and Ohio State to have Ohio State computers moved off campus and host the digital takeover of higher education via Common Core and M.O.O.C. (Massive Open Online Course). Jon Waters' Apple i-Pad animated formations viral success was disturbing this plan at a critical time when Californian Michael Drake was being enthroned as president of Ohio State president to ensure this transition for the Cartel. Battelle Memorial Institute's CEO and OSU trustee president Jeffrey Wadsworth is also complicit, we believe. Battelle is a major vendor to the NSA / secret White House spy state.
How do we know? A Republican "guru" engineer from the 2004 Bush-Kerry presidential contest—Michael Connell— lost his life mysteriously just six weeks after his deposition that proved that the election was rigged. This deposition was not made public by a Clinton-appointed judge until 2011. Connell was killed before he could be formally subpoenaed as a formal witness. Connell was the former information technology guru for the Bush family and Karl Rove.
[Now that we have learned about you Michael, and whether you testified willingly or not, you did not deserve to be murdered for telling the truth under oath. We pray that your memory will be eternal and that your death will not have been in vain. Pray for us. Crooked lawyers, judges and a sycophant "Free Press" have kept your bravery a secret for far too long.]
Tellingly, the transcript of Connell's Nov. 3, 2008 "smoking gun" deposition (one day before Barack Obama's election on Nov. 4, 2008) was not released by the Clinton-appointed judge, Algernon L. Marbley, until three years later on Jul. 15, 2011—seven years after Ohio's citizens were defrauded in the 2004 presidential election. The Ohio Secretary of State in charge of the election was J. Kenneth Blackwell who also co-chaired the Ohio Republican Party.
Marbley was fired in disgrace from the Ohio State Board of Trustees last year after it was discovered he had failed to disclose his longstanding breach of State ethics rules that prohibit a trustee from being employed by the university where he or she is a trustee. Marbley was an adjunct law professor at Ohio State. His excuse was not credible.
Before being fired, Marbley had participated in the unconscionable firing of the university's beloved marching band director, Jon Waters, on attorney-fabricated pretense. Hindsight says Waters' success on the field with his Apple i-Pad-based animated formations was disturbing the university's collusion with IBM and The Eclipse Foundation discussed in this post.
Perhaps this explains why John Kerry is so cynical and uncaring as U.S. Secretary of State. The RNC-DNC "Establishment" screwed him out of the presidency in favor of Bush because Bush was cooperating in crafting the secret White House spy intelligence agency started under Clinton. Perhaps this explains the very evidently flawed and uncaring Iran deal that Kerry negotiated—America screwed me, so now I screw America?
See previous post. See also Flowchart of stealth Executive Orders managing the secret spy state.
Bill Clinton had appointed Judge Marbley to the Ohio district court on Oct. 27, 1997. Marbley had been recommended by James P. Chandler, III—Clinton's chief national security lawyer, serial advisor to the Clintons, Bushes and Obamas, and author of numerous executive orders driving the current lawless private White House intelligence agency.
Chandler also represented Columbus innovator Leader Technologies, at least that is until he managed to funnel the software (source code) for Leader's social networking invention to another of his clients—IBM and The Eclipse Foundation.
Chandler's legal mind appears to favor foundations: The IBM Eclipse Foundation. The Clinton Foundation . . .
Secret Weapon: Electronic Voting Fraud
John Kasich appears to be cock sure that Donald Trump will lose Ohio. As a Republican, why would he want Trump to lose to Hillary, a Democrat? Perhaps these differences are not what they seem.
"It's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes."
Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin was the brutal dictator of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920's until his death in 1953. He murdered over 40 million of his own citizens to maintain his power. Note: Soviet citizens had no right to bear arms like the American Second Amendment. Therefore, they had no way to revolt against the brutality of the secret police state. The Soviet Union finally disingtegrated in the late 1980's under the weight of its pervasive corruption and the deafeningly silent resistance of its people.
What are the common relationships between Kasich and Hillary? One is George Soros who funds them both.
Another Hillary-Kasich relationship is the IBM Eclipse Foundation.
In 2013 Kasich paid IBM $267 million to 'modernize' Ohio's computers. (With this crowd, 'modernize' is a euphemism for build backdoors.) A close Kasich advisor is Mark Kvamme from IBM Eclipse Foundation members LinkedIn and Kleiner Perkins (see Obama's Feb. 17, 2011 private meeting in Silicon Valley that includes John Doer, Kleiner Perkins). See also Fig. 3 in previous post.
LinkedIn's founder and long-time Kvamme collaborator is Facebook director Reid Hoffman who famously advocates for "the death of personal privacy." Yet another Facebook director is Peter Thiel who just gave a speech about his gay-ness to the RNC convention. Suspiciously, Thiel appears to be Facebook's token Trump supporter. Thiel is likely a Hillary trojan horse.
It seems unlikely that Thiel told Donald Trump's staff about his massive conflicts of interest or his theft of Leader Technologies' social networking invention before allowing him to speak about his gay-ness at the Republican convention in Cleveland this week.
Facebook is the key to answering the question as to how Kasich, Clinton & Co. probably plan to fix Ohio for Hillary. Keep reading.
Backroom maneuvering among the dnc-rnc establishment to force their way back into the game
The evident explanation for John Kasich's belligerent refusal to keep his promise to support Donald Trump is that backroom deals among the RNC and DNC Establishments have likely concocted a scheme to put their handpicked candidates back in the drivers’ seats once they get rid of Donald Trump this fall by causing his defeat in swing states. Trump has said publicly that this is a “rigged system.” He says he knows better than anyone else what’s going on. And that he is the best guy to fix it.
AFI researchers believe they have just uncovered the secret weapon that makes these people so cock sure of victory in Ohio:
electronic voting fraud in swing precincts
With secret vote rigging they can guarantee that Hillary will win—not only in Ohio, but in any state that uses it.
In fact, the system only needs to be used in swing precincts in the battleground states. Change those vote totals and you ensure your candidate victory despite what The People have voted. The generally acknowledged 11 battleground states are Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Hillary has already paid Facebook to rig elections
On Sep. 26, 2009, Hillary Clinton and the State Department started contracting with Facebook for a “template for winning elections.”

Source: Contract. (Sep. 26, 2009). U.S. Dept. of State Contract. (Sep. 26, 2009). Facebook pages to build an international community to discuss relevant issues of the day. Contact: Dmitry Shevelenko. Facebook Contract SAQMMA09M1870, Judicial Watch v. U.S. Dept. of State, Case No. F-2013-06356, Doc. No. C05516677, 04/03/2014.
A partial record of these contracts was uncovered by the persistent watchdog Judicial Watch in their FOIA requests. John Kerry's State Department had stonewalled public knowledge of these contracts.
Never mind that Hillary obstructed justice by entering these contracts while Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies was suing Facebook for patent infringement of their social networking invention. Leader later proved before a jury that the engine running Facebook is their invention on 11 of 11 claims.
Also, never mind that tampering with U.S. elections by federal officials is illegal. Americans need to get angry enough to stop this nonsense.
2004 Ohio presidential vote count was fraudulent—How?.
Swing state Ohio saw proven election rigging by Establishment Republicans in 2004.
Tellingly, software engineer, Michael Connell, the whistleblower who exposed the scheme, died mysterious in a small plane crash just six weeks after his deposition.
In the 2004 Kerry-Bush presidential contest, votes were “shifted” from Kerry to Bush by sending election-night data to a computer hosting site in Tennessee.
The vote totals were then "shifted" (a euphemism for doctored) and sent back to the Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell who overwrote the real totals with the "shifted" ones.
The intermediary between Ohio and Tennessee was a Dr. Alan Dillman.
Dillman was then an associate professor of management information systems for Cedarville University in Springfield, Ohio. He was hired by the Secretary of State as an election consultant and was given full access to the raw voting results as they came in from Ohio's 88 counties.
The "Man in the Middle"
Dillman's real task was to be the "man in the middle."
Dillman passed the vote data sent to him from the Secretary of State's central vote repository to the secret Tennessee server.

The handlers in Tennessee then changed the vote totals so they looked credible; slowly "shifting" the percentages in George W. Bush's favor.
Remember Karl Rove and his infamous greaseboard? Well, it turns out that he was only pretending to wonder what was happening in Ohio (and elsewhere?). In reality, his Tennessee servers were fabricating the desired results based on his instructions the moment he went off camera. Then, he'd go back on camera and opine disingenuously to the "surprising" shift in the results. Rove's shift. Rove's fraud. These are criminal offenses.
Once this Dillman man-in-the-middle process started, the Secretary of State's central repository was a sham, was never accurate, and only reflected the shifted numbers from Tennessee.
Surprisingly, Dillman has written his ten years working at Cedarville University completely out of his current LinkedIn resume.
Hillary & DNC stole votes from Bernie Sanders in 11 State primaries
The same election watchdogs who proved the Ohio 2004 presidential election fraud have also proven that Hillary stole the Democratic primary from Bernie Sanders. < See Protecting Our Elections (2016).
See also Cliff Arnebeck. (Jul. 12, 2016). Cliff Arnebeck Open Letter To Bernie Sanders: Election Lawsuit to be Filed by End of Week. ElectionFraud2016.

DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz wrote in May that Sanders "isn't going to be president" and in April that he “has no understanding of” the Democratic Party.
Elliot Smilowitz, Joe Uchill, Jonathan Easley and Evelyn Rupert. (Jul. 22, 2016). Leaked DNC emails reveal secret plans to take on Sanders. The Hill.
These are the actions of dictators folks. Forget the political issues, this is unadulterated corruption that a free people must reject and jail. Wasserman Shultz had a solemn duty to be impartial.
Question: What can I do?
Answer: Mess up their conspirators' nests. Take citizen control of your voting processes. Don't trust the career bureaucrats; assume they're in somebody's pocket.
Get organized! Now!
Don’t take “no” or “it’s a problem” for an answer.
Readers are encouraged to demand that your state implement verifiable soup-to-nuts counting and auditing on the night of the election. Free and fair elections is a bedrock Constitutional right! This fraud must be caught while it is happening. See Fig. 2 above for monitoring and auditing priorities.
As the Ohio 2004 fraud proves, filing an election fraud lawsuit is an exercise in futility. The damage is already done. On election night, be vigilant to ensure your vote totals are accurate. Don't be rushed. Get it right. Ensure that the count is not "shifted" like Ohio's in 2004 and Bernie's in 2016.
Remember, vote counting is largely the domain of lawyers and techies.
Add honest broker accountants to the auditors. Make sure your election monitors know both the law, accounting and technology. Do not allow the wool to be pulled over your eyes with techno speak either legally or technically. Use common sense. Assume that if a process can be rigged, it is being rigged.
'Find the Dillmans'
Each of your states has much talent and expertise. Use it!
Ensure that the watchdogs have NO associations with Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, IBM and other members of the IBM Eclipse Foundation spy state Cartel. We must stop these criminals in their tracks while we still have a Republic worth saving.
New! Jul. 26, 2016Bookmark: #clinton-cash-movie #clinton-pay-to-play
Citation: Clinton Cash. (Jul. 24, 2016). Everything is for Sale (1 hr. 5 min.). Director M.A. Taylor. Writers Stephen K. Bannon and Dan Fleuette. Book by Peter Schweizer [Documentary]. Glittering Steel. Raw video (*.mp4) (Clinton Cash investigates how Bill and Hillary Clinton went from being “dead broke” after leaving the White House to amassing a net worth of over $150 million, with over $2 billion in donations to their foundation. This wealth was accumulated during Mrs. Clinton’s tenure as US Secretary of State through lucrative speaking fees and contracts paid for by foreign companies and Clinton Foundation donors.).
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