* exploiting white, black, brown, red and yellow ethnicities alike
They hire actors, including fake terrorists and virologists, to stage false flags to divert attention from their great sins

The first Delaware case in which Stark, as a magistrate, was shoehorned in as trial judge—just two weeks before trial, was the patent infringement case Leader v. Facebook over Facebook's theft of Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies, Inc. Stark failed to disclose his family's interlocking associations with British and American intlligence, propaganda and telecommunications. He should have never been involved in Leader v. Facebook.
Stark's fraudulent involvement unwinds his protection of Facebook. Fraud unwinds judgments. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 60. There is no statute of limitations on fraud when the court or body to whom one would otherwise appeal to is a party to the fraud. Adverse Domination applies to court officials who are conspiring with a party to a litigation as de facto stakeholders of the organization, or in Stark's case an investor, in violation of his Code of Conduct to be unbias.
In plain language, Judge Stark doesn't get to cheat a litigant, then get away with it by hiding behind the British Queen's skirt. He must now disgorge his illgotten gain and be hanged as a traitor. That is the law for egregious crimes against the American Republic. §2381. Treason.
Stark hid the identity of his father in all litigation as a judge or magistrate, Walter Stark, who was firmly esconced in the British Pilgrims Society British Patent Pool monopoly. This fact alone disqualifies Judge Stark from any technology company involved in computers, software, telecommunications and intelligence.
Bookmark: #Secret-British-Patent-Radiography-Pool-Monopoly-Protected-by-US-Courts | TINY

Please return over the next several weeks as we add links to a significant amount of indictable evidence
Biden’s recent nomination of Leonard P. Stark to the highest patent appeals court is marinated in fraud.
The British Pilgrims Society, via SERCO (formerly RCA Limited UK), has run the U.S. Patent Office since 2006. London attorney-bankers get exclusive pick of all American inventions to steal.
Stark is the British Pilgrims Society anglophile who was shoehorned in to the Leader v. Facebook litigation just two weeks before trial.

Walter Stark was Chief Counsel, Sec., Dir., HAZELTINE CORPORATION (RCA LTD./BBC interlock), EMERSON, MARCONI-GE-BRITISH AEROSPACE (BAE); Walter’s father may be Kimball Houton "Henry" Stark, chief engineer-promoter of “Neutrodyne” radio receiver squawking and howling cancellation (ca. 1923); Walter is father of judge Leonard P. Stark, b. Jul. 05, 1969, British Pilgrims Society Rhodes Scholar.
Walter Stark. (Compiled Dec. 03, 2021). Obituary, Biography & Timeline. Anonymous Patriots.
Stark hid the identity of his father, Walter Stark, from his Senate Judiciary Committee ethics disclosures (hid from public scrutiny).
Walter Stark was chief counsel for HAZELTINE CORPORATION, the patent-pooling lynch pin in the British takeover of American communications, intelligence and propaganda (via RCA, NBC, CBS, ABC, AT&T, Sperry-Rand, Westinghouse, GE, Western Electric, Admiralty, British Telecom, BBC, etc.).
Attorney-bankers use “patent pool” racketeering to seize fresh inventions so that their fiat money always wins.

Kimball Houton Stark, Chief Engineer, F.A.D. Andrea, Inc. (Jul. 01, 1923, 1st ed.). How to Build Hazeltine's Neutrodyne Circuit Radio Receiver. F.A.D. Andrea, Inc.
Perspectives on attorneys, bankers and politicians:
“Occupants of public offices love power and are prone to abuse it.”
—George Washington
“Lawyers spend a great deal of their time shoveling smoke.”
―Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
“The law, as manipulated by clever and highly respected rascals, still remains the best avenue for a career of honourable and leisurely plunder.”
―Gabriel Chevallier, Clochemerle
“The USA legal system is designed to enrich lawyers, protect the government and corporations, and shaft the general public.”
―Steven Magee, author
“Old radicals never changed. They just got law degrees and updated their bag of tricks.”
―Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Fancy Pants
“Any society that produces twice as many lawyers as it does poets and preachers is doomed.”
―John Fogarty, musician, singer, songwriter
The Stark Family British Pilgrims Society Patent Pool criminal Syndicate | ||
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Son Stark | Hidden Daddy Stark | Hidden Granddaddy Stark |
Judge Leonard P. Stark (b. Jul. 5, 1968-present) |
Walter H. Stark (b. Nov. 24, 1943; d. Oct. 06, 2003) |
Kimball Houton (possibly "Henry") Stark (b. Jan. 30, 1899; d. Jan. 12, 1974) |
Criminally hides his conflicting family relationships in which he is a beneficiary | Leonard P. Stark HIDES his father | Leonard P. Stark HIDES his likely grandfather |
Delaware district court federal judge (2010-present); nominated by Biden to be Federal Circuit patent judge (2021); British Pilgrims Society Rhodes Scholar; Agent of the British Patent Pool monopoly that has gutted American innovation as a British Patent Pool sycophant | DoD, HUD, Hazeltine Corporation, interlocked with RCA, GE, Marconi, British Aerospace (BAE)—British Patent Pool monopoly for global communications and pharmaceutical bio-tech weapons | Sperry Gyroscope Co. (ca. 1918, now Sperry Rand); Hazeltine Corporation "Neutrodyne" Engineer-promoter for F.A.D. Andrea, Inc., Chief Engineer (ca. 1923-) Identified "Sperry Gyroscope Co." (Brooklyn) (now Sperry Rand) as his employer and his profession as "Electro Engineer" on his Sep. 08, 1918 WWI draft card Identified his profession as "Radiation Research" and his residence as "Ray Energy, Inc., NY, NY" on his Feb. 16, 1942 WWII draft card |
Table 1: Three generations of Starks who conspired with the British Pilgrims Society to create and promote the British Patent Pool where HAZELTINE CORPORATION licensed his "neutrodyne" radio receiver technology exclusively through the British Patent Pool ca. 1923. |

Postscript: Tyla made mention several times about the electric consumption of a crypto-coin node, voicing a common critique. However, we think the discussion of electric consumption is misdirected. Any system that consumed electricity like the BORG would have been poorly designed and would not be stable. The fact is, SWIFT bank transactions are efficient little bursts of data that do not consume large amounts of network power and resource. Web server centers do use a lot of electricity. That is well known to technologists but not to the "average" person. But in the case of crypto nodes, the volunteers pay for their own electricity, and the consumption of a node is minimal—much less than what your PC consumes. It could be that the crypto currency propagandists floated the electricity consumption story as a diversion since it has an element of truth, yet can go nowhere and will succesfully divert patriot attention from their criminiality.
Another misdirected subject is "bitcoin mining." We see this as a sneaky way the Bank of England through Goldman Sachs incents hapless "miners" to perform disk maintenance and cache hash checking (is this the current cache?) and updating on the nodes appropriately. The quid pro quo is "payment" in bitcoin spiffs (mere digits, not even money). Like in Las Vegas, they'll let some miners think they are winning to fuel everyone's greed to continue doing the disk maintainance, albeit haplessly. Bottom line, Bitcoin is a sneaky way to fund the British Pilgrims Society's outlier bitcoin network with untraceable transactions that their network of interlocked banks do payout on, with difficulty, in order to keep the Ponzi scheme growing. If you are caught in this web, we suggest you run, before your soul becomes "seared with a hot iron." (I Timothy 4:2).

(Dec. 03, 2021)—Joe Biden just nominated Leonard P. Stark to the Federal Circuit appeals court that handles patents. Stark is one of Biden’s Delaware political protégés.
In 2010, Leonard P. Stark presided at the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement trial. In that trial, Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies, Inc. proved—on 11 of 11 claims in an epic battle of experts—that Facebook stole its invention of social networking.
As a consequence, every Facebook user on the planet is an unwitting accomplice to that theft as they enjoy Leader’s invention.
The Leader v. Facebook trial was a split verdict in which Stark ignored well-tested precedent and discombobulate that law to protect Facebook anyway. Two weeks before trial he was shoehorned into the case. He unexpectedly replaced 23-year veteran Joseph J. Farnan, who had just handed Facebook a stunning defeat in the critical pre-trial Markman Hearing. This hearing settles definitions used for patent innovations. Stark also allowed Facebook to flip its claims, but denied Leader time to prepare defenses for the new counterclaims—this is a profound denial of due process.
Washington, D.C. is a CessPool of British Patent Corruption
On appeal, Leader v. Facebook went to a three-judge Federal Circuit panel comprised of Kimberly A. Moore. Alan D. Lourie and Evan J. Wallach.
Moore has since bubbled up to be chief judge following the Randall R. Rader judicial corruption scandal that occurred soon after the Leader v. Facebook appeal where Moore circled the wagons around Facebook.
Rader was caught conspiring with attorney Edward R. Reines, Weil Gotschal LLP, who advocated for Facebook in Leader v. Facebook. The conspiracies continued when Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. failed to disclose his intimate mentor relationship with Facebook’s appeal attorney, Thomas G. Hungar, Gibson Dunn LLP. Roberts is a British Knight of Malta.
During the Leader v. Facebook trial, British Crown corporations SERCO and QinetiQ were given the exclusive contract to process all patent applications for the U.S. Patent Office. The USPTO and its newly-minted director, IBM’s David J. Kappos, also started a Facebook page before the trial. Kappos was a close colleague of Leader’s patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, and was thus tampering with Facebook and Leader witnesses. This was more obstruction of justice.
Bookmark: #british-devils | https://tinyurl.com/ywnbfx75In short, the courts and patent office were criminally stacking the deck to insure that Facebook survived.
The 17 British Pilgrims Society's lead demons in the destruction of the American Republic:
No. | Surname | Full Name / Treachery |
1. | Windsor | Crown Prince Regent Charles, Prince's Trust, Pilgrims hon. chairman |
2. | Clegg | Sir Nicholas W.P. Clegg, Facebook VP, Dep. PM |
3. | Allan | Baron Richard B. Allan, Facebook VP, ggs. WWII propaganda chief of staff, co-founder, "Five Eyes" treason |
4. | Knowles | Sir Nigel G. Knowles, DLA Piper, Prince's Trust, Kamala Harris handler |
5. | Johnson/Symonds-Asquith | PM Boris and Carrie (née Symonds; illeg. ggd. of PM H.H. Asquith, ggf., Pilgrims co-founder, founder of MI6, MI5, GC&CS now GCHQ) Johnson |
6. | Malloch-Brown | Baron Mark Malloch-Brown, global British-UN election rigging |
7. | Soros | Pilgrim George Soros, British-UN NGOs |
8. | Clinton | Pilgrims Bill and Hillary Clinton, British-UN NGOs |
9. | Manningham-Buller | Baroness Elizabeth L. Manningham-Buller, Wellcome Trust (Gates, Fauci, EU, WHO, UKRI, Pirbright Institute)-"China" Coronavirus patent |
10. | Fauci | Pilgrim Anthony Fauci, Dr. Mengele-Death, NIH |
11. | Symonds | Sir Jonathan R. Symonds, SERCO, QinetiQ, HSBC |
12. | Schwab | Pilgrim Klaus Schwab, British-UN-World Economic Forum |
13. | Pattie | Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, SERCO, GE, RCA, Marconi, BAE, Cambridge Analytica (SCL Group), Intellectual Property Institute (UK) fascist patent theft conspiracy, Hazeltine Corporation-Walter Stark (British Patent Pool monopoly) handler; James P. Chandler, III handler |
DEAD. | Rothschild | Baron Victor Rothschild (1910-90), biotech founder |
14. | Rothschild | Baron Jacob Rothschild, N.M. Rothschild & Sons et al; Pilgrim Henry Kissinger handler; Judge Leonard P. Stark likely handler with Sir Nigel Knowles, Sir Nick Clegg, Sir Roy Gardener, Sir Rupert Soames |
15. | Breyer | Pilgrim James W. Breyer, Facebook financier, chair |
16. | Gardner | Sir Roy A. Gardener, SERCO |
17. | Soames | Pilgrim Rupert C. Soames OBE, SERCO |
Table 2: Seventeen (17) of the major insiders within the British Pilgrims Society actively pursuing the destruction of the American Republic, and therefore, engaging in treason, sedition and military and bio-weapon murder. British Oath of Allegiance to the Monarch: These men have pledged oaths of allegiance to the Queen substantially in this form: “I, NAME, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true Allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Her Heirs and Successors, according to the Law. So help me GOD.” Some British citizens consulted discount these awards by the Queen as somewhat meaningless, while others did not. The point to be made here is less about opinions on royal orders, and more about whether these men take seriously their oath to Queen and God. It is certain that British courts consider these oaths to be legally binding. Since these are binding legal oaths, it is certain that they run Serco, and its subsidiaries in America, with loyalty to the Queen over the U.S. Constitution. These oaths are similar in principle to swearing to tell the truth so help you God before testifying in court. See Promissory Oaths Act 1868. (Jul. 31, 1868). 1868 c. 72 (Regnal. 31_and_32_Vict). Legislation.gov.uk. |

1. British Crown Prince Regent Charles Windsor (Saxe-Coburg Gotha-Saalfeld), current regent-king of the United Kingdom. Edward VII, Charles' great great grandfather, was the founding patron of the British Pilgrims Society on Aug. 8, 1902, on the eve of his coronation to replace Queen Victoria, who had died on Jan. 22, 1902.
Queen Victoria was a main supporter of Imperial British corporatism of Cecil Rhodes, facilitated by a germinating Pilgrims Society, to replace the fading colonial empire with a commonwealth where the Crown continued to control the banking, labor and resources of her hapless "subjects." This included the recapture of her rogue American subjects.
Edward's coronation was delayed by his ill health (at least that is the propaganda). Charles' father and mother Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip are/were lifelong Pilgrims patrons. On Oct. 25, 1902, Edward also gave corrupt banker-industrialist Pilgrim Andrew Carnegie a "dukedom" at Carnegie's Skibo Castle in Scotland (probably in the Knights of Malta) just two weeks after his coronation, remarkably, traveling alone. We believe the delay may have had more to do with getting the Pilgrims Society organized following Cecil Rhodes' untimely death on Mar. 26, 1902 (which immediately initiated the Rhodes Scholarship's for grooming fresh Pilgrims-like Leonard Stark, Bill Clinton and Pete Buttigieg at Oxford University).
Special Note: The Windsor's Saalfeld, Germany ancestral hometown operated a Nazi metals factory concentration camp named “Maksuta” about 4 kilometers from the city center throughout WWII. A young Russian captured by the Nazis during the Battle of Moscow nightmare, Rotefan Eloyan, was enslaved there. Saalfeld was liberated by the U.S. Army 87th Infantry Division on Apr. 13, 1945. Upon his return to Moscow, Rotefan was then enslaved by British-led Joseph Stalin in 10 prison and concentration camps before being released by Krushchev after numerous appeals for human decency to the Supreme Soviet. Stalin was busy at that time coaching Mao Tse-tung in China for the British Pilgrims, via their many British Y.M.C.A. outposts, on how to orchestrate a cultural revolution and usher in communism and control of the banks.
2. British knight Nicholas W.P. Clegg, former deputy prime minister, now governs Facebook globally as VP of global affairs. Clegg's heritage is rooted in Russian aristocracy.
3. British baron Richard B. Allan is grandson of the former propaganda chief of staff for the British war cabinet and now directs public policy in Europe for Facebook.

4. British knight Nigel G. Knowles, Esq. is Kamala Harris’ newly-minted husband Douglas C. Emhoff’s handler as chairman emeritus of DLA Piper Plc (London) and trustee of Prince’s Trust International (London) and USA. Knowles is also a Pilgrims handler for prime minister 5. Boris and Carrie (Asquith) Johnson who have failed to disclose their profound slavery heritage and Asquith's founding of the Pilgrims Society, MI6, MI5 and GC&CS now GCHQ. Knowles, via DLA Piper Limited (one of its hundreds of entities), also directs the demonic, monopolistic patent-pooling hegemony of multinational corporations like Vanguard. See 9,648 patents listed at the U.S. Patent Office involving Knowles' DLA Piper attorney-bankers (as of Dec. 05, 2021) .

5. British baron privy counsellor Mark-Malloch Brown ran UN refugee policy for decades. He boasts about rigging elections for the U.N. worldwide via the insertion of Optech election ballot scanning software inside all major machines including Dominion, Smartmatic, ES&S, Diebold, Sequoia, Premier and Hart InterCivic, among others. He is also the Privy Counsellor handler of 7. George Soros who exploits Facebook for his “color revolutions” via 8. Hillary & Bill Clinton, among others. Malloch-Brown was also a founding director in multiple Soros investment funds, as well as International Crisis Group (ICG) that foments wars to create mass migrations to feed their slavery mills worldwide—a key purpose of the United Nations.

9. British baroness Elizabeth L. Manningham-Buller until months ago, was chairman of Wellcome Trust that is financing The Pirbright Institute with Bill Gates where the Coronavirus patent was created. She was chief of MI5 (British intelligence [Pilgrims Society] that runs the FBI in the U.S; British MI6 runs the C.I.A. and British GCHQ runs the NSA.). She exploits Facebook to censor criticism of the COVID hoax with her interlocked partners at DARPA, EU, DEFRA, UKRI, UN-WHO, Pfizer, Oxford University and AstraZeneca. She appears to be 10. Anthony Fauci's Pilgrims Society handler as head of Wellcome Trust.

11. British knight Jonathan R. Symonds is chairman of GlaxoSmithKline; was chairman of HSBC; CFO, Novartis, AstraZeneca, QinetiQ; managing director, Goldman Sachs; succeeded Privy Counsellor Geoffrey Pattie as accountant for the monarch's "golden share" controls of all major industries;Geoffrey Pattie became chairman of the British Intellectual Property (patents) in 1995 interlocked with GE, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Thorn EMI, Unilever and the Queen's Court. Symonds appears to be 12. Klaus Schwab's (World Economic Forum, Davos) Pilgrims Society handler.

13. British knight privy counsellor Geoffrey E. Pattie, Esq. merged modern American and British communications systems into Marconi-Crown-British Aerospace, British QinetiQ and British SERCO. SERCO controls all patent applications in the U.S. Patent Office, subcontracted by the Senior Executive Service (SES) Crown Agents. He also managed the Queen’s “Golden Share” 100% controls in all strategic industries.

DEAD. British Baron Victor Rothschild was chairman of Biotechnology Investments Limited (BIL)** funded by N.M. Rothschild and Sons. His father Charles was a co-founder of the British Pilgrims Society. With the underpinning of the British government, Victor singlehandedly created the biotechnology industry and its patent-pool stranglehold (ca. 1973-83) following The Rothschild Report to Parliament in 1973. He effectively became the interlocked N.M. Rothschild parent to all biotechnology in America. He was also accused of being a Soviet spy (he was probably the Soviet's Pilgrims Society handler).
** Now Rothschild Asset Management Ltd.

14. British Baron Jacob Rothschild, chair of RIT Capital Partners plc, formerly Rothschild Investment Trust, Britain’s largest capital trust, interlocked with N.M. Rothschild & Sons. He is a 37% owner of Rockefeller Financial Services; key advisor to The Blackstone Group founded by Stephen A. Schwarzman chairman of the Rhodes Scholar copycat Schwarzman Scholars. In 2002 Rothschild teamed with Blackstone and Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital to buy the scholastic publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. He is a patron of the American Academy of Achievement Awardswith Facebook’s first chairman 15. James W. Breyer who is now focused on IDG-Accel Partners China where he is “super bullish on China," and is very likely Xi Jinping's British Pilgrims Society handler (along with his elusive banker father John P. Breyer, founder of Computerworld and IDG; fellow Hungarian "refugee" with Andy Grove [Intel] and George Soros).

16. Sir Roy A. Gardner is chairman of SERCO; is handled by Pilgrims Society's "Golden Shares" keeper Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie (see above) at... Marconi Company Ltd. (1975); Marconi Space and Defence as finance director; STC plc now Nortel; Northern Telecom Europe; GEC Marconi Ltd.; Centrica plc (headquartered in Windsor UK).

17. Rupert C. Soames OBE is CEO of SERCO; grandson of Pilgrims Society co-founder Winston Churchill. Rupert & Milly Soames are entries in pedophile Pilgrim Jeffrey Epstein's "Little Black Book" along with other Pilgrims including (Sir) Conrad Black (p. 6, Privy Council Canada, Daily Telegraph Group, Chicago Sun-Times, Sydney Morning Herald, National Post, Hollinger, pardoned by Trump), McGill U; Sir Henry Kissinger (p. 31), who was a vice-president of the US Pilgrims Society ca. 2002-2009 along with Paul Volcker. The entire Nixon White House cabinet was comprised of British Pilgrims, including George Schultz, Gen. Alexander Haig, Caspar Weinberger (Mike Pompeo's Pilgrims handler). Re. Schultz, Haig, Weinberger, etc. see previous post: AFI. (Aug. 26, 2020). Henry Kissinger has been spying for the (British) Pilgrims Society, likely since the late 1940's. AFI.
Interlocked British-American devils
These interlocked, self-anointed British devils have one thing in common:
They are interlocked members of the British Pilgrims Society.
The Pilgrims Society funded the Tavistock Institute and MKUltra and has used its best mind control techniques since 1902 to hide their identity and new world order agenda.
They knew Americans had warm feelings about the Plymouth Pilgrims, so they picked that name to hide their demonic agenda.
We know the Pilgrims Society’s many feeder groups by many names. These names each reveal a sliver of the overall agenda, but are not the guiding hand.
A few of the Pilgrims Society’s many nom de plumes include Bilderberg Group, Freemasons, Illuminati, Society of the Elect, Round Table, Club of Rome, Chatham House, Wellington House, Club of Rome, Vatican Bank, American Academy of Achievement, Aspen Institute, Bohemian Grove, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Rhodes Scholars, Schwarzman Scholars, IBM Eclipse Foundation, Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Foundation, Ford Foundation, Institute of Pacific Relations, League of Nations, United Nations, YMCA, YWCA, Salvation Army, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Bolshevism, Marxism, Leninism, Socialism, Settlement Movement, Toynbee House, Kibuttzim, Skull & Bones, Brookings Institution, Rosicrucians, Knights Templar, Knights Hospitallers, Knights of Malta, Priory of Sion, Opus Dei.
The Jesuits
The Jesuits are a special class of offshoot who have historically pursued their own version of world domination, but were basically coopted into the Pilgrims’ agenda as one of the main purposes of Cecil Rhodes’ Boer Wars, World Wars I and II.
The Jesuit operations in Switzerland provide many resources to the World Economic Forum (Davos), Klaus Schwab and even Anthony Fauci whose maternal family name is Abys who hail from Chur, just 15 miles from Davos. But, make no mistake, the attorney-banker Pilgrims in London run Klaus and Davos. The would-be-king of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Otto von Habsburg, and Knight of Malta, sent that message loud and clear in his keynote speech at the founding of the World Economic Forum in 1973. Pilgrims Henry Kissinger was hovering in the background, as was Paul Volcker, like he did in the second Nixon cabinet who were all Pilgrims directed from London. Tellingly, Kissinger’s first speech on foreign policy in 1973 was at a Pilgrims Society banquet… in London (not America).
We believe the Jesuit-controlled Vatican Bank, in league with the Knights of Malta English Priory, was also subsumed into the Pilgrims Society new world order strategy starting in the 1890s, directed by the Rothschilds-Bank of England that controlled the British Parliament and Queen Victoria in her later years (Walter Rothschild, Lord Rosebery, Lord Pirbright—patron of Wellcome Trust and vaccines as a bioweapon), Privy Councilors Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner.
The Illuminati
Yes, the Illuminati is a historical fact from the time of the American Revolution. Yes, it has certainly been a tool of the attorney-banker scoundrels in Britain and Europe since secrecy is a coin of their realm, And yes, the Illuminati is certainly aligned with various Masonic orders.
What is needed now is to realize that the British Pilgrims Society sucked in all previous attorney-banker movements into its death star. They no doubt find talk of the Illuminati, Jesuits, Freemasons, Khazarians, etc. to be cute anachronisms, and useful since they draw attention away from the British attorney-banker Pilgrims Society laired in London.
Following this post, we put researchers on cutting through the mountains of hearsay and finding more primary history on the "Illuminati." To our surprise, we discovered that the Illuminati was formed at the time of the American Revolution and was funded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild as a way for him to inflitrate Free Masonry and expand his network of bank agents. He also promoted Sabbatian Frankist sexual licentiousness as a demonic religion he used (and the Rothschilds continue to use) to control that network ala Jeffrey Epstein and Sir Jimmy Saville.
For full details of this research, see AFI. (Feb. 15, 2022). 550-yr. Rothschild frauds discovered – their offshore accounts must be seized to pay reparations. Americans for Innovation. (HTML version).
The Khazarian Jews
Yes, the Khazars were a semi-nomadic people and Khazria became a major trading hub along the Silk Road. It is likely that in their poly-culture, some Khazars converted to Judaism. But, the idea that the predominance of Jews in banking and modern corporate cultures emerged from these Khazarian Jewish converts lacks evidence.*
We believe the reason emanates from British Zionism. We see hard evidence of this because the Pilgrims Society “Zionists” demanded a permanent economic and political foothold (colony) in Palestine. They found London’s Jewish leaders ready to play ball--the British way. Indeed Emmanuel Hertz, the brother of chief rabbi in Britain, Joseph Hertz, controlled the histories of Abraham Lincoln—a history that avoided the Crown’s involvement in Lincoln’s assassination in order to kill the “greenback” dollar in favor of debt and interest controlled from London banks.
British Pilgrims co-founder Sir Alfred Mond was one such avid British Zionist. Mond founded Brunner-Mond which was the sole supplier of gunpowder to the British military (war making) for almost a century. He purchased Nobel’s chemical capabilities and founded ICI – Imperial Chemical Industries which spun of AstraZeneca in the early 1990s.
* Our researchers have asked proponents of the Khazarian Jews theory to provide hard evidence, not just hearsay. So far, we find the “evidence” interesting at best, but not compelling. We maintain an open mind though. History should not be quickly pigeonholed like it has been in our lifetimes. See Feb. 27, 2022 "Update" following.
Do you get the picture yet?
The evil descending upon our world today in the lockdowns and pandemic propaganda emanates from London-based British Pilgrims Society.
Following this post, we put researchers on the "Khazarian Jew" question. They uncovered the facts about the Khazarians, including recent DNA analyses. THE KHAZARIAN JEWISH "conspiracy theory" proves to be true, even its association with the Rothschilds and other, if not most, prominent Jewish family lineages. The facts were out there, but were made very difficult to find by evident history censors. Even Jewish historians found the lack of primary Khazarian material curious given the prominent role that the Khazarian Empire played in world commerce and politics between 650-950 A.D. The Khazarians rivaled the Byzantine and Ottoman empires of that era. At least one Byzantine emperor even married a Khazarian.
For full details of this researh, see AFI. (Feb. 15, 2022). 550-yr. Rothschild frauds discovered—their offshore accounts must be seized to pay reparations. Americans for Innovation. (HTML version).
A Patent represents human will-power and creativity—God’s image
A patent represents the creativity of a human soul who is made in the image and after the likeness of God (Genesis 1.26). This creativity is interlocked with human will power because without sustaining will-power, that God’s Spirit gives, creative ideas do not spring forth.
However, attorney-bankers have coopted 65% (GDP) of the total value of the economy into offshore British banks. This is economic slavery, founded on patent theft.
Patents may have existed since Greek times, and were formalized in Venice about 1421 and England in 1449. Theoretically, a patent is a temporary monopoly granted to the inventor to give him or her time to reap the economic reward of his or her creation.
However, here is where unscrupulous attorney-bankers play a confidence trick on the public to cajole inventors to share their idea during the patent application. Describing one’s trade secrets during the patenting process assumes the trustworthiness of the government lawyer-bankers who are evaluating the application. Patenting is a lawyer’s game from start to theft, then thereafter to preserved the theft.
Trustingly, Americans file their applications with the U.S. Patent Office believing their confidences will be maintained.
But, in reality, every American patent is sent to Britain via the Crown Company SERCO, with the data stream facilitated by the Crown Company QinetiQ.
Then, in secret, the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment in conspiracy with the Highlands Group of “public-private” insiders in commerce, education, banking and law evaluate their war-making plans to decide which patents they will steal, weaponize and monetize for themselves. Truly, “national security” has many demonic bedfellows.
Leader Technologies, Inc.’s invention of social networking was one such invention. In 2000, when secret agents of the British Pilgrims Society decided to weaponize and monetize Leader’s invention, Sir Henry A. Kissinger was vice-president of the American “branch” of the Pilgrims Society. For context, Facebook did not emerge until Feb. 04, 2004—four years later.
British world domination demonic psyche
The British mentality toward patents is now emerging. They have inculcated this mentality into America’s law, courts and patent issuances. Here we must return to the evidence that a patent is the exclusive domain of lawyers.
This begs the question:
Can patent lawyers & judges be trusted with our valuable inventions?
The answer is very evidently NO.
Patent-pools reflect the British mentality for Crown monopolies
One mid-1800s patent-pool, also called “combination,” was in the sewing machine industry. Here the courts turned a blind eye to the predatory practices of Singer and a handful of others to sue their would-be competitors out of business.
The banks are only too ready to fund both the predators and the victims since their attorney colleagues on both sides have expensive lifestyles to maintain. The patent litigation mill takes care of the attorney-banker class no matter who wins or loses. Then, the attorney-bankers just move on to the next inventor prey.
The Bank of England has been comprised of almost 100% (26) lawyer-directors each year since at least 1780, and likely before that. These lawyer-bankers also fund the military-industrial complex into which stolen patents flow to feed it for killing off populations of “undesirables” and profit. Such conduct has layers of demons and evil specters upon themselves and has codified this satanism into our laws.
For context, today the 117th U.S. Congress has 175 lawyers—33% of the Senate, 32% of the House. No attorney joke is appropriate here because this profession is literally strangling the life out of our beloved American Republic, which appears to have been more an ideal in our minds than a reality of our government.

"Esq." to an American means only one thing—an attorney. In English law it is used to signify a title of dignity, which ranks above gentleman and directly below knight. By the nature of the London Stock Exchange, any Bank of England "Esq." in London was either an attorney himself, or he was inseparably interlocked with a den of attorneys flailing from the "Inner Temple" and Queen's Court on Fleet Street. (The Inner Temple has four "Inns of Court" which is an "old boys' private club" that is replicated in the U.S., treasonously in our opinion.) Fleet Street in the City of London is and has been for many centuries the epicenter of the British high courts, law, slave trading, propaganda, newspapers, advertising, brokerage and insider-trading banking. This would either reflect or explain, or both, why the British Pilgrims Society Esq.'s, lords, sirs and dukes are so obsessed with controlling currency and human labor. It is in their now demonic blood lines.
William Manning (b. 1763, d. 1835). Bank of England—Gov. (1812-13); Dep. Gov. (1811); Member (1807-09, 1814-31); Slaver; father of Cardinal Henry Edward Manning (1808-92); a Jesuit, voted for papal infallibility at the 1st Vatican Council (1869–1870)—a likely influencer for the formation of the English Grand Priory of the Knights of Malta (British Association of the Order of Malta, 1875); member of Cecil J. Rhodes' "Society of the Elect" in 1890.

On Jun. 18, 2020, the Bank of England removed, disingenously, Manning's portrait from their Governor's portrait gallery with an apology for his role in promoting slavery. Such tokenism was laughable given the fact that practically every director of the Bank of England prior to the great demonic compensation in 1838 relied upon the black and brown slave trade in their businesses. Note: This compensation was facilitated by a Rothschild loan on Aug. 03, 1835 to the British government (that started British offshore banking). In short, the directors of the Bank of England conspired with the Rothschilds to ensure their continued profits from the slave trade, that they were in the process of converting the British Empire economy to white and yellow debt slavery.
See GOLD COIN BILL. (Mar. 21, 1811 to Apr. 26, 1814). Commons and Lords Debates, including Errata. UK Parliament Hansard.
Congress, Executive, Judiciary & Press are all silent about the British hijack of the U.S. Patent Office via the British Crown-controlled Corporation SERCO
This certainly explains why Congress, the Executive, Courts and Press are deafeningly silent about the British Crown SERCO takeover of the U.S. Patent Office.
The historical lesson: Lawyers don’t tell on lawyers.
The U.S. patent system is horribly wrong on multiple levels.
- It is not run to protect inventors, but rather attorney-banker infringers
- It is run, treasonously, by a foreign power: the British Crown.
- It provides secret “first look” at innovations to the British Crown.
- It feeds the lawyer-banker corruption mill with a steady stream of fresh meat.
- The 3-year patenting process gives the lawyer-bankers enough time to monetize the invention secretly.
- It is a lawsuit-mill designed to reward the lawyer-bankers who can outlast the inventor financially, while still also rewarding the “losing” attorneys (their co-conspirators).
- The banker-lawyers team with bureaucrats who allow “patent-pool” monopolies to force real inventors to feed their beast or die.
In short, the promises given to inventors to protect their inventions as enshrined in the Constitution, however well-meaning at creation, have become a lie of attorney-bankers eager to get their grubby hands on fresh ideas for their fascist corporations.
Patenting is a lawyer-banker confidence trick from top to bottom
The next big patent pool to emerge was the Marconi Wireless patent-pool in the 1890’s. British banker-lawyers stole American Nikola Tesla’s wireless telegraphy patents and gifted them to (Sir) Guglielmo Marconi to form the British Post Office-Admiralty patent-pool to control global communications. The 1st Imperial Press Conference, 1909 – A Parliament of the Press was convened by the Pilgrims to unify into a single source all news flow, propaganda and spying across the Empire (including America).
Remarkably, the proceedings of that 1909 Conference had dropped out of history until rediscovered by AFI investigators several years ago.
FDR as navy undersecretary ordered America into the British Patent Pool of stolen Tesla patents
Then, immediately after WWI, American navy undersecretary Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered American companies to pool all their patents, about 500, to form Radio Corporation of America (RCA). RCA has been led by British Pilgrims since its inception in 1919.
For a detailed record of the RCA purchase of Marconi Wireless America patents and assets at the insistence of the U.S. Navy, where Franklin D. Roosevelt was secretary, see the 1,491-page Congressional Record (searchable) H.R. 4523, Part III. (Beginning Feb. 11, 1935). Pooling of Patents. Committee on Patents, Feb. 11, 14, 20, 25, 28; Mar. 7; Oct. 15-18; Dec. 2-6, 9, 10, 12, 1935, p. 3387, PDF p. 984. 74th U.S. Congress. (66.4 MB).
While on the surface, RCA was making America sovereign over its emerging telecom network, a ringer was placed in the British Patent Pool—Hazeltine Corporation.
American Hazeltine Corporation (founder professor Louis Alan Hazeltine) exclusively licensed its technology to the British Patent Pool, forcing all U.S. companies to license the British Patent Pool in order to operate in America. American telecom independence was a post-WWI head fake. Inside that pool were all the British Marconi Wireless “patents.” Britain has been in control of American communications since before WWI.
Hazeltine had invented a critical technology to stop the tube radios from “squawking” and squealing from dissonant vibrations among the tubes and causing unbearable noise. His invention facilitated the launch of commercial radio worldwide.
An early promoter of the Hazeltine “neutrodyne” invention was engineer Kimball Houton Stark. Remember the family name “Stark” as you read on.
In Britain, Marconi Wireless and RCA could not commercialize radio with Professor Hazeltine’s “neutrodyne” invention. Hazeltine offered the British Patent Pool exclusive licensing rights to his patents worldwide. This meant that when RCA created NBC, NBC could not move without approval by the British Crown. The same is true for CBS, ABC, BBC, GE, CNN, PBS, NPR, CNBC, MSNBC, Highlands Group and In-Q-Tel (C.I.A.). When solid state electronics began to replace the tube, Hazeltine’s patents faded in importance, slowly, but not before the British Crown though the Pilgrims were in full charge of RCA and NBC. U.S. House proceedings from 1940 confirm this situation.
In 1943, Hazeltine began to participate in The British Patent Pool (“The dominant radio and electronics companies in Great Britain.” Among them were:
- Electric and Musical Industries Ltd.;
- General Electric Company, Ltd. (part of RCA);
- Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd. (part of RCA);
- Philips Electrical Ltd., Pye Ltd. (now Philips, Magnavox);
- Murphy Radio Ltd. (now Bush, Toshiba, Rank); and
- Rank Cintel Ltd. (now Blackmagic Design, Australia; Netflix, Apple)
How extensive was British Crown control of RCA, you ask?
When SERCO was started in 1987, it took over the charter of RCA Limited which was controlled by Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie . Pattie was the keeper of the Crown’s “Golden Shares” controlling SERCO. Pattie was also the overseer of the British Patent Institute.
Pattie was also CEO of Marconi Electronic Systems and director of General Electric before merging the lot into British Aerospace that maintains Marconi subsidiaries to this day, including in America.
On paper, Hazeltine’s (the British Patent Pool’s) exclusive hold over America radio licensing ran afoul of the U.S. Courts. In 1965 the Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision that Hazeltine violated the Sherman and Clayton Anti-Trust Acts in pursuing its predatory licensing with its British Patent Pool partner.
Walter Stark, Leonard P. Stark’s father (see below), became chief counsel, secretary and director of Hazeltine which was “forced” to sell to Emerson Electric, another British Patent Pool member. Thus, on paper the American People won that lawsuit, but we really did not since the patent rights were just shifted to another name brand.
Bookmark: #fdr-patents-at-work-theft-dec-07-1942 | https://tinyurl.com/2p8tazbcPooling of Axis Patents by Pilgrim FDR (theft)
The next major patent pooling in telecommunications occurred on Dec. 07, 1942 when president Franklin D. Roosevelt confiscated over 50,000 Axis patents and gave them free of charge to selected American companies. He euphemistically named it “Patents at Work” (Read: Patent Theft at Work).
“Five Eyes” British Pilgrims Patent Pooling (theft)
On Mar. 5, 1945, at the close of WWII, the British government was ceded control of American telecommunications. Here is the top secret (ULTRA) intelligence sharing agreement signed on Mar. 05, 1946 that still directs the treasonous "Five Eyes" collaboration to this day. Churchill declared two things the day this was signed: the US-Britain "special relationship" and an "Iron Curtain" had fallen in Europe. Hindsight shows that the "Iron Curtain" was classical British Pilgrims Society propaganda to fuel their post-war consolidation of the military industrial complex being set up by the Marshall Plan.
Churchill and Truman euphemistically called it the “special relationship.” In reality, America was just formalizing Britain’s Pilgrims Society ongoing control of global communications through its patent pool.
Project Echelon: The British Telecommunications patent-pool turned against Americans
On Apr. 19, 1978, Brigadier General James E. Freeze, head of the NSA, authorized Project Echelon that began formal surveillance of American citizens in utter violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Now the British Pilgrims Society had everything for their banking and societal brainwashing. Sir Henry Kissinger was a British Pilgrims Society agent.
“IBM Eclipse Foundation:” Social networking seeded by Leader Technologies’ inventions
In early 2000, Pilgrims Society patent attorney-agent in Washington, D.C.—James P. Chandler, III—couldn’t believe his luck when he was introduced to inventor Michael T. McKibben, founder and CEO of Leader Technologies in Columbus, Ohio. Mike had reengineered AT&T’s email system, AT&T AccessPlus 3.0, and had formed a new team to tackle how to do Internet collaboration on a large scale. From his AT&T contract he could see now IBM, Microsoft, Novell and Lotus were all headed down the wrong path in lockstep. So, he started inventing in Columbus, Ohio, quietly, to avoid having his ideas stolen.
On Jun. 20, 2000, just a few months after meeting Michael McKibben and Chandler evaluating his (social networking) invention, Pilgrims Society Crown agent Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie showed up in Washington, D.C., ostensibly to receive an award, along with fellow Pilgrims Society members Alexander M. Haig, Jr. and Caspar W. Weinberger (Mike Pompeo’s Pilgrims handler).
Hosting awards and dinners is a primary way these senior Pilgrims Society members coordinate their treachery without suspicion.
Since Leader’s invention was uniquely innovative in the collaboration sector, no patent pooling was needed. Instead, Chandler teamed with his client IBM (David J. Kappos, IP counsel) and used $40 million in an IBM “donation” to form the IBM Eclipse Foundation.
The purpose of this “foundation” was to distribute McKibben’s invention freely to everyone in the technology world as “open source,” with the British Pilgrims Society, through IBM, controlling all the levers and pulleys of the invention. IBM is the largest patent holder on the planet. The idea that had “found Jesus” and suddenly opened their knickers to social networking is laughable. Of course they were distributing something they stole.
This is the case today.
Now back to secret British Patent Pool Judge Leonard Stark

Another Stark was shoehorned into the Leader v Facebook just two weeks before trial – Leonard P. Stark.
Stark is a British Rhodes Scholar who wrote his thesis on British politics. We are working to obtain a copy titled:
"Do rules matter? : leadership selection in British parties, 1963-93" by American Rhodes Scholar Leonard P. Stark (1991-93).
During his time at Oxford (1991-93), Stark was given unprecedented access to members of Parliament and the House of Lords, and was published in 1996 soon after he had left England to pursue his American legal career. Such publishing is classical Pilgrims Society flattery to lock in a new Rhodes-ian Pilgrims Society recruit (as were men like Tony Blair about whom he was writing).
On Nov. 03, 2021, Joe Biden nominated judge Leonard P. Stark from his home state of Delaware to a seat on the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C.
Biden has been Stark’s political mentor for decades. In 2010, Biden, along with president Obama and attorney general Eric J. Holder, Jr.—just months before the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement trial in Delaware—supported Stark to be a district court judge in Delaware.
In the Leader v. Facebook trial, Stark replaced 26-year veteran judge Joseph J. Farnan just two weeks before trial. Farnan was a Reagan appointee. Farnan had just handed Facebook a stunning pre-trial defeat in the Markman Hearing, then poof, he’s pulled from the case.
Despite proving in the jury trial that Facebook infringed Leader’s patent for social networking on 11 of 11 claims, Stark stubbornly refused to follow well-tested precedent (Pfaff and Group One) and ruled for Facebook anyway. The three-judge Federal Circuit appeals court panel (Moore, Lourie, Wallach) and chief justice John Roberts supported Stark—in lockstep. Notably, each of the judges in Leader v. Facebook held mountains of Facebook financial interests, both directly and through surrogate mutual funds that were heavily invested in Facebook.
Judge Kimberly Moore, who upheld Stark’s corrupt ruling in the three-judge Leader appeal, is now chief judge of the Federal Circuit where Biden wants to send Stark.
Hindsight being 20-20, the corruption that this conduct exposes reaches back over 130 years and marches us right up to today.
Patents are meant to ensnare inventors into sharing their know-how into a pool of banker-attorneys committed to enslaving those very inventors
Patents are a tool of slavery so that self-anointed elitists can extract every bit of value possible out of human creativity and labor.
Lord Rothschild famously said that he saw three opportunities for profit from his debt: (1) from resources, then (2) manufacturing, then (3) distribution including the interest and taxes to be collected from each step.
This system of exploitation needs a continuous stream of exploitable value to work in perpetuity. That comes from controlling patents and the invention of human souls.
Self-anointed elitists are virtually devoid of human creativity. So, they are forced to dwell in the opposite: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, sloth.
As human beings they carry the same divine spark (made in the image and likeness of God), but their consciences have been “seared with a hot iron” by many hundreds of years of depravity, debauchery, murder, rape, sodomy, mutilation, trafficking, power mongering and abuse of their fellow human beings. Thus, they opened their souls to demon possession long ago.
This observation is consistent with Jesus Christ’s admonition: “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. —Matthew 6: 24.
Thus, the modern world economy is run by demons and their chief: Mammon.
Fauci, Schwab, Gates, Soros, Kissinger, Clinton, Malloch-Brown, Knowles, Symonds, Rothschild, Dimon, Johnson, Obama, Biden, Harris, Merkel, etc. are all merely possessed vessels. The orders come from the Pilgrims Society in London that hides inside the Monarch’s Privy Council, Bank of England and Queen’s Court.
How many people control this evil system? Probably less than ten, and they are all British. See above.
One must forget notions that China or Russia are driving this global corporatist corruption.
No, Russia and China are victims of Britain too.
In Russia, they have jettisoned Britain and are attempting to make their own pathway based on their venerable Orthodox Christian roots.
By contrast, anything that China does today has been approved in London. Ever since the 1st and 2nd Opium Wars (1839-60), Britain has controlled China. Britain created Mao and the “Cultural Revolution” facilitated by the YMCA that helped Mao organize.
Britain (not China) created the Korean War false flag to flex the muscles of its newly-minted “United Nations” conception of one-world government.
Britain controls the software that runs Chinese banks via Lord Mark Malloch-Brown's Investec nested dolls of several hundred corporations.
Britain established a P4 bioweapons labs in China (following the 2007 Merial Animal Health hoof and mouth virus release at Pirbright, UK).
All these events march back to the Pilgrims Society in London, supported by their “branch” in America. Every other notion is a carefully executed propaganda smokescreen.
Who are these members of the British Pilgrims Society?
America’s founding fathers? No!
The Pilgrims name was chosen to fool Americans in a psychological dissonance.
The Leader v. Facebook litigation
Just before the trial was set to start in two weeks, newly-ensconced Magistrate Stark allowed Facebook to flip-flop its claims from non-infringement to on-sale bar. In layman’s terms, Facebook flipped from arrogantly contending that Leader had not invented anything and was just a money-grubbing patent troll to contending the opposite: that Leader’s invention of social networking was novel, unique and patentable, but that Leader tried to sell it too soon and therefore should have been barred (hence “on-sale bar”) from being awarded a patent at all.
Due process dictates that Leader should have been given additional time to prepare defenses for these last-minute counterclaims. However, Stark denied Leader time for additional discovery and preparation. He also denied Leader permission to depose their patent attorney, law professor James P. Chandler, III, and denied Leader’s ability to call Chandler as a witness.
Stark as the magistrate handling discovery in the case, had stonewalled giving Leader access to Mark Zuckerberg’s Harvard computers from 2004-2004. Facebook had claimed they were “lost,” but magically, two years later, it was discovered that they were always in the possession of Facebook’s corrupt appeals attorney, Thomas G. Hungar, Gibson Dunn LLP—a protégé of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., a British Knight of Malta.
Walter STark: The father that Leonard Stark hides
During his 2010 confirmation hearing, Stark said his father had died in 2003, but oddly, did not give his name, even though he named his other family members.
It took our investigators a week to discover the identity of Judge Stark’s father.
He did not mention him in the Delaware court, nor in Wikipedia, Ballotpedia, UPenn Law, Justia, Wiki, and the Federal Judicial Center.
Stark’s father’s name, according to his Oct. 09, 2003 St. Louis Post-Dispatch obituary, is Walter Stark, and possibly Walter Henry Stark (Henry was his grandfather’s name).
Walter Stark was born on Nov. 24, 1943 in Rockaway Beach NY.
Walter Stark died on Oct. 06, 2003 at age 59 in St. Louis MO.
We believe it is possible that Walter was the illegitimate son of Hazeltine Corporation “neutrodyne” promoter-engineer, Kimball Houton Stark.
Walter Stark graduated from Far Rockaway High School in 1961. Ruth Madoff (Bernie Madoff’s wife) graduated three years earlier in 1958.
On Jun. 13, 1965.Walter Stark graduated from Michigan State University with a BA in History.
In 1965, Hazeltine was successfully prosecuted for violating the Sherman and Clayton anti-trust acts due to its exclusive agreement with the British Patent Pool for licensing patents.
ca. 1967 Walter attained a J.D. from Brooklyn Law School.
ca. 1968 Walter was an attorney, Department of Defense, Detroit.
In 1973, Walter Stark gained an LL. M. Masters of Law at George Washington Law in 1973.
Undetermined date: Walter Stark was Contracts Administrator and Director, Office of Procurement and Contracts, HUD, Washington, D.C.
In 1976, Walter Stark was VP, contract administration Frigitemp Corp. NY, NY
In 1979, Walter Stark became General Counsel, Hazeltine, Greenlawn NY
In 1989, Walter followed the sale of Hazeltine to Emerson Electric.
In 1990, Walter was VP of legal administration, government and defense group, Emerson Electric named ESCO Electric Co. “ESCO (10-K 1999) was incorporated in Missouri in August 1990 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Emerson Electric Co. ("Emerson") to be the indirect holding company for Electronics & Space Corp. ("E&S"), Hazeltine Corporation, Southwest Mobile Systems Corporation ("Southwest"), Rantec, VACCO and DCSI, which were then Emerson subsidiaries.”
From Oct. 1990 to Oct. 1992, Walter Stark was secretary, vice president and general counsel. From 1992 to 2000 he was senior vice president as well as secretary and general counsel of ESCO Electronics Corp.
“On Jul. 22, 1996, ESCO sold 100% of the capital stock of Hazeltine to GEC-Marconi Electronic Systems Corporation ("GEC-Marconi")” when Stark was general counsel, vice president and secretary.
In other words, Walter Stark as well as Walter’s possible father, Kimball Houton "Henry" Stark, were in bed with the British Pilgrims Society Patent Pool through most of his career.
Walter was general counsel of Emerson Electric, process management division.
On Oct. 18, 1999, Walter executed a severance agreement with Emerson that assigned benefits that included Leonard P. Stark as a beneficiary.
Leonard P. Stark defrauds the American People
Leonard P. Stark’s father was a prime mover in the British telecom patent pool monopoly. By failing to disclose these material facts to the Senate Judiciary Hearing, and failing to disclose them in Leader v. Facebook, Judge Stark committed egregious fraud on the court, especially since it can be proved that he was a beneficiary of his father’s estate, including his fully-vested stock options in the British RCA monopoly.
The Stark-Moore Federal Circuit patent wrecking ball
Stark and Moore will become their own British Patent Pool inside the Federal Circuit if this treachery is allowed to continue.
Here is just a few of the several thousand Stark cases since 2000. These cases have involved ABB, Abbott Labs, Acer, Alcatel-Lucent, Amazon, Ameriprise, Amgen, AOL, Apple, Aruba, AT&T, Avaya, Avis, Barracuda, BASF, Bayer, Best Buy, Biogen, Blackberry, Blackboard, Bosch, Bose, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Broadcom, Brocade, Chrysler, Cirrus Logic, Citrix, CNN Interactive, Conoco, Covidien, Dell, Deutsche Lufthansa, Diebold, Dish Networks, Dow, Dropbox, DuPont, eBay, EMC, E-Trade, Expedia, Facebook, Ford, Fujitzu, GE, Gilead Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline, Google, Groupon, Gulfstream Aerospace, HP, Huawei, Hughes Network, IBM, Intellectual Ventures, Invesco, JPMorgan Chase, Juniper, Leader Technologies, Lenovo, LG, LinkedIn, Marathon, Merck, Microsoft, Motorola, NEC, NetBrain, Netflix, NetGear, Nextel, Nokia, Nortel, Novartis, Onyx, Oracle, Panasonic, Pepsico, Pfizer, Pioneer Electronics, Qualcomm, Rackspace, Research in Motion, Royal Philips, Samsung, Sanofi, SAP, Sears, Sharp, Siemens, Sony, Spacenet, SwissRe, Symantec, Target, Texas Instruments, Time Warner Cable, T-Mobile, Toshiba, Toshiba, Touchscreen Technology, Trend Micro, Ubisoft, US DoJ, Verizon, Volkswagen, Wal-Mart, WhatsApp, Xerox, Xos, Yahoo!, Zoom.
Judge Stark has become a wrecking ball surrogate for the British Patent Pool
When one combines the IBM Eclipse Foundation’s singular patent pool created by the mass-distribution of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention with the “pooling” of Stark’s inordinate influence over patents, Stark himself becomes his own kind of patent-pool influence peddler.
Having groomed him to help steal American patents for his telecom fascist handlers, Stark’s presence on the Federal Circuit, if approved, will only further solidify a new kind of banker-attorney pooling within the patenting system itself.
In other words, the patenting system will be so thoroughly rigged that any patent that potentially emerges from the district courts will die a slow death in the Stark-Moore Federal Circuit.
Conclusion: Banish patent banker-attorneys & their parasitic professions
Two attorneys with only one parachute were plummeting to earth one day in a crippled airplane. The attorney with the parachute jumped, leaving his fellow attorney to perish. Asked later why he did not’t share his parachute and save them both, he replied, “When you have a monopoly, you abuse it, even if others must die. There is no such thing as a benevolent dictatorship.”
The story of the British Empire and their American sycophants is a demonic story of abuse of one’s fellow human being for profit and power.
Self-anointed banker-attorneys is the common thread.
If we put civil engineers with at least 20 years of experience in charge of government, society’s problems would be solved in short order.
Because bankers and attorneys profit from chaos and uncertainty, and they have egos that thrive on dominating their fellow human beings.
Whereas, civil engineers, by nature, build and fix things, then move on.
Donald Trump is a good case study. The civil engineer in him fixed things economically, despite the roadblocks from politicians (33% are lawyers) and their banker handlers. However, the dark side of the high-ego Donald was eaten alive by those same power-mongers with which he surrounded himself.
In short, The Donald forgot his “You’re Fired!” promises to rid the Washington, D.C.-Boston-New York swamp of its British Pilgrims Society overseers.
From its founding in 1600, the British East India Company practiced “trade with a sword.” They would use their superior naval fire power to subdue their targeted acquisitions. Then, they would enslave the inhabitants to work on their plantations.
The British monarch would grant special “charters” to manage the trade in these demonic goods. With the Monarch’s blessing, they would subdue “their” slave properties using rape, sodomy, beatings and debt.
In this evil culture of domination, the satanism of the British Empire was born.
This demonic spirit flows through their blood. The demons then jump from one generation to the next in a steady stream of lords, dukes, knights and baronesses.
These families would often intermarry to preserve their ill-gotten gain, thus creating inevitable mental illness that engulfed their greed, power mongering and depravity.
* * *
More on Judge Stark's many frauds, deceptions, withholdings and conspiracies in Leader v. Facebook:
- During Leader v. Facebook trial preparation between Nov. 2008 to Jul. 2010, Magistrate Stark failed to stop multiple obstructions of justice by him and his political handlers. Judges do not have to wait for litigation to act “sua sponte” (on the judge's own authority, without prompting) when the public interests are being threatened by publicly evident violations of the law.
- Magistrate Stark was silent about the takeover of the U.S. Patent Office by British SERCO in 2006.01 He did not warn Leader about the threat of that bias on his court in Leader v. Facebook. Stark was a British Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University (1991-93) and wrote his thesis on “Do rules matter? : leadership selection in British parties, 1963-93”).02 SERCO is controlled by the British Pilgrims Society inside the British Monarchy that controls SERCO through a 100% controlling royal “Special Share” associated with SERCO’s 1/3rd ownership of British Nuclear Fuels Plc with Lockheed Martin and the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE).03
These interlocking relationships weld SERCO (and therefore the U.S. Patent Office) to the British Monarchy.
British Pilgrims are notoriously known to have been trustees of the Rhodes Scholarships04 from inception, for which Stark was a beneficiary. These first Pilgrims Society Rhodes trustees included Lord Milner, Lord Rosebery (former prime minister and N.M. Rothschild & Sons heir), Lord Grey and Alfred Beit.
This relationship biased Stark against Leader since Pilgrims Society bankers were underwriters of Facebook, including UBS, JP Morgan Chase (IPO underwriter), Fidelity (Stark held nine investments in 2009, see below), Ballie Gifford, and HSBC.
- Magistrate Stark failed to disclose QinetiQ Holdings Limited, UK Company No. 4586941, another Monarch-controlled “special share” company, like SERCO, run by British Pilgrims Society members, including Governor-elect Glenn A. Youngkin, that was given the contract to provide information technologies services to the US Patent Office.05 This contract is an evident compromise of American sovereignty over the inventions of its citizens. Stark did not warn Leader that the Patent Office was compromised by British QinetiQ and SERCO, given that he was aware of Facebook’s patent reexaminations during the trial that were being controlled by his British handlers.
- Magistrate Stark was silent about his relationships within the British Pilgrims Society founded in 1902, including its “New York branch,”06 by the most powerful bankers, journalists, attorneys, educators and industrialists in the British Empire, Privy Council, Bank of England and their Wall Street “branch.” Stark is a British Rhodes Scholar—which is a notoriously-known recruiting and training ground for the Pilgrims Society in its objective to promote the political, economic, banking, healthcare , propaganda and war-making interests of the British Crown, exclusively. Notably, his Oxford doctoral thesis was on “British Politics.” Notably, Stark disclosed letters to the editor, but FAILED TO DISCLOSE HIS OXFORD UNIVERSITY THESIS (see above) during his confirmation!07
- Magistrate Stark was silent when IBM’s chief counsel David J. Kappos was nominated on Jun. 18, 2009 by Obama to run the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the risk that posed to the trial, given the Patent Office’s control by his British handlers. On Aug. 07, 2009,08 two months later, Kappos was appointed in a rare recess appointment—without full Senate vote. Stark knew that a potential witness in the case, Professor James P. Chandler, III, was Leader’s patent attorney, and Chandler was also IBM’s chief outside intellectual property counsel. During the trial Facebook filed multiple patent reexaminations at Kappos’ Patent Office (they lost each Examiner-managed appeal), until, that is, director Kappos, a political lawyer, not a patent examiner, intervened in an unprecedented act of directorial abuse to summarily invalidate Leader’s entire patent—including several dozen claims that were not even the subject of litigation and reexamination previously.09 Evidently, Kappos’s handlers wanted Leader’s patent claims wiped off their map for world communications hegemony.
- Magistrate Stark was silent when on May 16, 2010, Director Kappos reported that he had “divested” his IBM stock and converted his holdings almost exclusively in Vanguard10—which is today the controlling shareholder of IBM (7.25%) and was the 9th largest fund purchaser in the Facebook IPO (9.6 million shares). Given the association of IBM with Leader’s patent counsel James P. Chandler, III and Kappos, this silence was further obstruction and bias. IBM then facilitated the theft of Leader’s invention, in conspiracy with Chandler, through the IBM Eclipse Foundation.
- Magistrate Stark was silent when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton began actively promoting Facebook as a tool of her diplomacy11 during the trial preparation. She told the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) ca. Jul. 09, 2009 that:
“Facebook will become as much a part of the diplomatic lexicon as cables and demarches [political steps or initiatives]."12
Hillary Clinton was engaged in a flagrant obstruction of justice in Leader v. Facebook as a public official whose duty was not to interfere in ongoing litigation.
Hillary repeated her promotion of Facebook in a speech to the Alliance of Youth Movements Summit in Mexico City, Mexico October 16, 2009:
“In Columbia, two young college graduates used Facebook to organize 14 million people…”13
Any reasonable person can see that these public statements by a newly-minted Secretary of State would intimidate an ambitious Magistrate Stark pining to move up in the Obama White House judicial totem pole (and he did).
- Magistrate Stark was silent when on Jun. 03, 2009 Facebook began secret cooperation with the NSA PRISM program—more obstruction of justice in the trial.14
- Magistrate Stark’s compromised conduct enabled Facebook to stonewall discovery of Mark Zuckerberg’s (28) computer hard drives from 2003-2004. Those computers were never produced in the Leader litigation—despite clear and persistent demands from Leader’s experience patent litigators from King & Spalding LLP. Then, magically, those 28 devices appeared in a subsequent case: Ceglia v. Zuckerberg (W.D.N.Y. 2010). Facebook’s own experts confirmed that the Zuckerberg computer hard drives were in the possession of Facebook’s appeals attorney, Gibson Dunn LLP, during the entire Leader case. Stark never acted on Facebook lies and fraud on the court.15 We believe those hard drives will prove conspiracy with IBM and the IBM Eclipse Foundation to disseminate Leader’s technology broadly across all market segments in Silicon Valley.16
- Judge Stark was silent when USPTO director Kappos launched an official USPTO fan page on Facebook on May 14, 2010—just two months before trial.17 More obstruction of justice by a federal officer.
- Judge Stark was silent on the issues of obstruction of justice and his involvement as an Obama judge prospect when president-elect Barack Obama launched his Organizing for America (OFA) Facebook page on Jun. 17, 2008—more obstruction of justice in Leader v. Facebook, especially since Magistrate Stark was courting the favor of the Obama Administration to get a judge appointment, which he did within days of the end of the Leader v. Facebook trial.
- Judge Stark failed to disclose his conspiracy with Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama that very evidently obstructed justice in Leader v. Facebook. On Jan. 20, 2010, Facebook experienced a devastating Markman Hearing in front of Judge Joseph Farnan who had expressed enthusiasm at making Leader v. Facebook his final trial before retirement. However, on Jan. 26, 2010—six days later—Judge Farnan suddenly reversed himself and announced his retirement and that he would step down from presiding over the Leader v. Facebook case. Then, in quick succession, on Mar. 17, 2010, Judge Stark was nominated by Barack Obama for a judgeship. On Apr. 22, 2010—just one month later—Magistrate Stark told the Senate Judiciary Committee in his confirmation hearing:
“My obligation is to follow the binding precedents of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals.”18
- Stark was maliciously silent about his conspiracy with Holder, Clinton and Obama (his handlers) then was shoehorned into Leader v. Facebook on June 24, 2010—just 25 days before the trial was scheduled to begin date.
- Magistrate Stark then ignore his pledge to the Senate to follow binding precedents. On the day he entered the case, he allowed Facebook to flip-flop its Leader-invented-nothing claims to on-sale bar—that Leader’s invention was novel, but that Leader tried to sell it too soon. Then shockingly, he denied Leader’s request to conduct addition discovery on the new claim, forcing Leader to go to trial without any due process preparation on Facebook’s new flip-flopped claim.
- Stark’s denial of due process notwithstanding, Leader proved nonetheless that Facebook is infringing all 11 of 11 patent claims asserted by Leader. During trial, Stark allowed Facebook to engage in trial theater using innuendo and a cut-and-paste, redacted affidavit in the absence of real evidence that confused the jury, overriding Leader’s objections.
- Stark knew he was ignoring binding precedent. An on-sale bar claim must be proven with hard evidence. More specifically, Stark ignored the well-settled precedents for testing evidence of on-sale bar, namely Pfaff19 and Group One.20 Group One is a Federal Circuit precedent and Pfaff is a Supreme Court one—both precedents that Stark promised the Senate he would follow. Subsequent investigation of on-sale bar litigations shows that Leader v. Facebook was to be an outlier -- the first and only on-sale bar litigation that did not apply the Pfaff and Group One tests. Those precedents demanded that Facebook show the actual computer source code that Leader allegedly tried to sell too soon. That was impossible since Facebook did not have Leader’s source code (nor had Facebook produced Zuckerberg’s 2003-2004)—a remarkable bit of juggling by Magistrate Stark in a SOFTWARE infringement case. In other words, Stark thumbed his nose at the entire discovery procedure in favor of Facebook and violated Leader’s due process, not to mention ignored the unquestioned Federal Circuit and Supreme Court on-sale bar precedents.
- The suspicious resignation of Judge Joseph Farnan after the Markman Hearing should be investigated, not that anyone believes these judicial officers will tell the truth about the Facebook-Pilgrims Society arm twisting behind the scenes.
- Magistrate Stark failed to disclose to the litigants his substantial Facebook financial interests. He disclosed eight (8) interlocked investments in Fidelity mutual funds in his holdings in his confirmation financial disclosure on Apr. 22, 2010. Remarkably, his decision to invest heavily in Fidelity was prescient. Fidelity was the largest mutual fund investor ($818,228,924) 21 in the Facebook initial public offering on May 18, 2012. His holdings violate numerous canons of the Code of Judicial Conduct, including Canon 2: avoid “impropriety and the appearance of impropriety… A judge should neither lend the prestige of the judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge or others nor convey or permit others to convey the impression that they are in a special position to influence the judge.” Notably, when Stark’s conflicting financial interests were discovered and disclosed in the Federal Circuit appeal, the three-judge panel (Laurie, Wallach and Moore) and the chief judge (Randall R. Rader) failed to investigate. Randall R. Rader, subsequently resigned in a scandal involving his evident partiality to a “Your friend for life” Weil Gotschal LLP attorney Edward R. Reines. Reines was assigned by Rader in the Leader v. Facebook appeal. Rader’s indiscretion obstructed justice in this case since Reines made an appearance on behalf of Facebook in the Leader v. Facebook appeal where each of the judges had significant holdings of Facebook interests.22
- Stark failed to disclose the obstruction of justice of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s secret contract with Facebook to build “an election winning template.” Facebook’s lead trial attorney, Michael Rhodes, Cooley Godward, was secretly advising Barack Obama, with McBee Strategic, in multiple billions of dollars in energy stimulus funds, including to BrightSource ($1.6 billion), Solyndra ($535) and Tesla Motors ($465 million).
Postscript Footnotes:
01 See Press Release. (May 18, 2006). Serco Awarded Milestone Contract with the Commonwealth of Virginia.; Press Release. (Mar. 19, 2013). Serco Processes 2 Millionth Patent Application for U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Serco.; See also: Press Release. (Nov. 30, 2015). Serco Awarded $95 Million Patent Classification Contract with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.; Press Release. (Nov. 15, 2018). Serco Processes 4 Millionth Patent Application for U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Serco.
02 "Do rules matter? : leadership selection in British parties, 1963-93" by American Rhodes Scholar Leonard P. Stark (1991-93) is available at Oxford University, Bodleian Library, per Dr Richard Allen FRHistS, Archivist, Magdalen College. Efforts to obtain a copy of the Stark thesis were referred to the "Rare Books" section. The library requires permission from the former student (Leonard P. Stark) before a digital copy will be obtained. The requester is required to explain the purpose in requesting the thesis. The email address for the request is oxford.theses@bodleian.ox.ac.uk Request: "Do rules matter? : leadership selection in British parties, 1963-93" by American Rhodes Scholar Leonard P. Stark (1991-93).
03 Queen’s Golden Control Share. See AFI. (Apr. 20, 2018). The shadow government uses SES, Serco and OPIC as portals into horrific corruption. AFI.
04 Thomas H. Hardman, ed. pub. (Jun. 05-26, 1909). A PARLIAMENT OF THE PRESS - THE FIRST IMPERIAL PRESS CONFERENCE, 1909, Illustrated, with Preface by The Earl of Rosebery, K.G. London: Horace Marshall & Son. Lord Curzon, Oxford Chancellor, co-founder of the British Pilgrims Society, Imperial War Cabinet (1917), speaking at All Souls Library, Oxford (pp. 78-80): “The academic sanctuary of British law… organized by Harry Brittain, the founder of the Pilgrims Society . . .“Under the munificent bequest of the late Cecil Rhodes – (cheers) – . . . some 2,000 of them [Rhodes Scholars] scattered throughout the English-speaking world, the overseas Dominions and America as well . . . They will be the creators of public opinion in the Empire and the real Empire-builders of the future.”; See also Rhodes Trust Bill. (House of Lords Bill).; Rhodes Estate Bill. (House of Lords Bill).
05 QinetiQ Inc., QinetiQ Group PLC. (Compiled Feb. 14, 2020). All Contracts with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. GSA Contract Nos. 000PA199803C43PAPT802587GS35F5518H, DOC40PAPT0402345, DOC43PAPT0406109, 600198507B0440850206, N0001478C0859, N0001483C0324, N0001484C0022, N0001484C0119, N0001484C0211, N0016783D0031, Vendor DUNS 037967101, Global DUNS 733131788FPDS. FPDS. See also GSA summary.
06 Anne Pimlott Baker. (2003). The Pilgrims of the United States: A Centennial History, ISBN 1-86197-726-3. London: Profile Books.
07 Leonard P. Stark (April 22, 2010). Published Writings and Public Statements, S. Hrg. 111-695, Part 6, Questionnaire for Judicial Nominees. Senate Confirmation Hearing. U.S. Senate.
08 Merritt, R. (Aug. 07, 2009). Senate confirms ex-IBMer David J. Kappos to head patent office. EE Times.; See also David J. Kappos, 2008 Financial Disclosure. OGE Form 278. U.S. Office of Government Ethics.
09 Request for Rescission and Full Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest re. Third Reexamination ordered by USPTO Director David J. Kappos. (May 6, 2014). Re. LTI0002-RXM, App. No. 95/001,261, U.S. Patent No. 7,139,761, McKibben et al.
10 David J. Kappos. (May 16, 2010). Form 278 Financial Disclosure. OGE.
12 Sidney Blumenthal Message, Subj: hrc memo cfr speech 070809. (July 09, 2009). United States. Department of State, Judicial Watch v. U.S. State Department (FOIA), Doc. No. C05762671, Case No. F-2014-20439, 10/30/2015.
13 Hillary Clinton. (Oct. 16, 2009). Secretary Clinton Addresses Youth Movement Summit in Mexico City, Mexico. Promotes Facebook. YouTube / U.S. Department of State.
14 Greenwald, G., MacAskill, E. (Jun. 07, 2013). NSA Prism program taps in to user data of Apple, [Facebook,] Google and others. The Guardian
15 Deposition of Michael F McGowan, Facebook Forensic Expert, Tr. 66:4, Paul D. Ceglia v. Mark E. Zuckerberg, 1:10-cv-00569-RJA (W.D.N.Y. 2010), Jul. 19, 2012; Deposition of Bryan J. Rose, Facebook Forensic Expert, Id., Jul. 18, 2012.
16 The IBM Eclipse Foundation (Sep. 09, 2008). Membership Logos [Board minutes]; See also The IBM Eclipse Foundation (Sep. 17, 2008). The Members of Eclipse, Minutes of the Eclipse Board Meeting, Sep. 17, 2008.
17 Kappos, D. J. (Apr. 01, 2010). U.S. Patent Office Facebook page launched. USPTO.
18 S. HRG. 111-695, PART 6 - CONFIRMATION HEARINGS ON FEDERAL APPOINTMENTS, Leonard P. Stark Confirmation Hearing. United States Senate, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, Apr. 22, Apr. 28, and May 13, 2010, Part 6, Serial No. J-111-4, S. Hrg. 111-695, Pt. 6, Y 4.J 89/2, GPO.
19 Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc., 525 U.S. 55 (1998).
20 Group One, Ltd. v. Hallmark Cards, Inc., 254 F.3d 1041 (Fed. Cir. 2001).
21 S. HRG. 111-695, PART 6 - CONFIRMATION HEARINGS ON FEDERAL APPOINTMENTS, Leonard P. Stark Confirmation Hearing. United States Senate, 111th Congress, 2nd Session, Apr. 22, Apr. 28, and May 13, 2010, Part 6, Serial No. J-111-4, S. Hrg. 111-695, Pt. 6, Y 4.J 89/2, GPO.
Described above is abject immorality.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.
Bookmark: #miller-act-notice | https://tinyurl.com/fa6jk9j6

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump (the then-current President) It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
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