The proof is unmistakable: British peers Lord Mark Malloch-Brown & Sir Nigel Knowles, Doug Emhoff's DLA Piper Plc boss in London, rigged Dominion-Smartmatic voting machines in AZ, NV, WI, MI, PA and GA

Doug Emhoff is Kamala Harris' newly-minted husband
Espionage is the crime of British foreigners Lord Malloch-Brown, Sir Knowles; sedition & treason are the crimes for their American co-conspirators
The U.S. Elections Assistance Commission (EAC) conspired with Dominion and Canadian/German TÜV SÜD to mask massive foreign vote stealing from Trump to Biden
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Nov. 22, 2020—A favorite strategy of corrupt bureaucrats like Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs is to shift their statutory accountability to third party “consultants.”
It is called “deniability.” However Katie, you forgot something important about enabling public behavior. If you delegate your elected responsibilities to corrupt third parties, that puts the liability on you. We did not elect them, we elected YOU. Their crimes are your crimes since their acts are done under the color of YOUR authority.
In other words, if the bureaucrat plans to commit illegal acts, or otherwise avoid responsibility for bad acts, the bureaucrat hires third party consultants to do the dirty work.
See Comedian Flip Wilson, Jan. 11, 1970 video: “The Devil Made Me Do It!”
The more corrupt the profession, the more deniability is prevalent. A similar phrase is “CYA” (Cover Your Ass). Those professions include law, politics and media. Technology too has fallen victim to these professions. If one doubts this, just take a look at the 2000+ page End User (CYA) Software License Agreements.
For example, providers like Facebook disabuse fundamental intellectual property Constitutional principles with a confidence trick whereby you, the user, inadvertently agree to give up 100% of your intellectual property rights. Facebook Permissions:
Paragraph 2: “You own the intellectual property rights (things like copyright or trademarks) in any such content that you create and share on Facebook and the other Facebook Company Products you use.”—SOUNDS GOOD.
Paragraph 4: “[Y]ou grant us [Facebook] a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, and worldwide license to host, use, distribute, modify, run, copy, publicly perform or display, translate, and create derivative works of your content.”—THE BAIT & SWITCH SCAM.
Heads up to Arizona Voters:
Secretary of State Katie Hobbs scammed you in her selection of an outside federal agency—the U.S. Election Assistance Commission—to ostensibly “test” and certify the corrupt Dominion voting machine (and ES&S)—who then sent some of the testing to Canada where non-citizens, with no liability, were hired to give reliable, patriotic opinions.
This is just outrageous. It is an obvious attempt to use the power of a federal agency to organize the full disenfranchisement of America. The Commission should be closed immediately and their employees prosecuted for their utter betrayal of the entire U.S. citizenry of all parties.
We will focus on Dominion below since it is the voting machine that Hobbs chose to count the votes in Maricopa County vote. For the geographically challenged, this is the most populous county in Arizona containing Phoenix, and the fourth most populated county in the United States (4.5 million souls).
Wisconsin did not use the U.S. Election Assistance Commission for their testing; they told us things the commission hid from many states
We analyzed the Wisconsin testing in our previous post.
While Wisconsin’s testing was juvenile, they did provide us clues to important connectivity and ballot duplication that Arizona hid in its testing.
Corrupt software, testing and certification is a Dominion Voting Systems feature
The Wisconsin testing report revealed at least four corruption-enabling features in Dominion, for example:
- Photocopied (read: fake) ballots could be read by the Dominion ballot scanner.
- The Dominion machine supports telecommunications modems of all kinds.
- The Dominion machine 100% connects to the Internet/telecom outside world in real time.
- Dominion dial-outs during election night are “hard-coded” into the machines (thus enabling Dominion to change the software at any time).
The Arizona testing report from the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission did not disclose or test any of the above “features” of Dominion!

British Privy Council, Pilgrims Society, Investec and hundreds of multi-national companies.
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown. (Jun. 04, 2015). Biography & Timeline. Anonymous Patriots.
See also. AFI. (Jul. 20, 2018). Part II: Lord Mark Malloch-Brown - The globalist racketeer kingpin running the Queen's Privy Council with George Soros. Americans for Innovation. PDF Version.

British Privy Council, Pilgrims Society; DLA Piper Plc (law firm), chairman DWF LLP (law firm); former boss of Doug Emhoff, husband of Kamala Harris, American vice presidential interloper.

British Privy Councillor's spouse, Pilgrims Society; partner, DLA Piper Plc (law firm); chairman DWF LLP (law firm).
Here is list of voting machines used in Arizona, by county in the 2020 election. It actually shows that OpTech 400-C is included in the Dominion/Sequoia machines. OpTech, licensed from Smartmatic (Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and Sir Nigel Knowles), is common to all voting machines including Dominion.
Here is Katie Hobbs’ testing report for Dominion (and all others) (395 pgs., 19.8 MB) used in Maricopa County.
Note that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger also used the same U.S. Election Assistance Commission testing for his Dominion machines as used by Katie Hobbs. Raffensperger proudly claimed on Nov. 17, 2020 that he had done a “random sample of machines to confirm no hack or tamper: 'Pro V&V (including TÜV SÜD) found no evidence of the machines being tampered.'”
Random sampling test will sidestep the Dominion fraud completely
The glaring failure of Raffensperger's Georgia "random sample of machines" tested does nothing to test for compromised Microsoft Internet Information Servers (IIS) used to connect all Dominion machines to handle all the upgrades, maintenance, collection and reporting of the system. Therefore, the random sampling is meaningless Kabuki Theater for finding the Dominion fraud. Evidently Raffensperger knew that, that is why he did it so proactively.
Arizona (and other states using the U.S. Election Assistance Commission) did not test the communications features in Dominion at all!
- Arizona (and other states using the U.S. Election Assistance Commission) did not test the communications features in Dominion!
- Arizona did not test support for photocopied ballots!
- Arizona did not test support for unbroken, bi-partisan chain of custody certification of each ballot by Arizona citizens.
- Arizona did not test the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) that runs the networked Dominion machines! (Microsoft/Bill Gates etc. are thus free to send the Dominion voting information ANYWHERE in the world without any bi-partisan citizen oversight.
Remarkably, modems, ethernet (Internet) connections, and Microsoft server connections were not tested in Maricopa County’s Dominion voting machine. We know the hardware is present in Dominion machines from the Wisconsin testing report.
Telecommunications Requirements, Security, External Threats, Wireless were “not applicable” to the testing!

Readers need to realize how mammoth the problem of NOT testing the Microsoft-supplied components to the Dominion machine is. The Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) is the technical backbone of these voting machines. "Internet Information Services server (IIS server) is a Windows Server-based web application used to deliver website content over the internet to an end user." (, accessed Nov. 23, 2020). Therefore, the notion that Dominion servers are not connected to the Internet is ignorant and laughable. Indeed, IIS handles things like SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol... over the Internet). IIS also handles FTP (file transfer protocol... over the Internet). Or, how about Web Services... over the Web a.k.a. Internet. Hello. The fact that TÜV SÜD ignored Microsoft IIS its testing is criminally negligent.

"Internet Information Services server (IIS server) is a Windows Server-based web application used to deliver website content over the internet to an end user." (, accessed Nov. 23, 2020).
See Microsoft Windows Internet Information Services (IIS) Library Version 6.0.6658.0 Management Pack. (Accessed Nov. 22, 2020) .
For argument's sake, let's say the machines were all connected to IIS in a dedicated intranet, an internal service only. That intranet would have to be statewide, and those IIS servers would be talking to one another in a VPN (virtual private network). One flip of the VPN security settings on just a single IIS server would expose the entire network to the Internet. That flip could easily occur by a single Arizona network person, or by Microsoft, or by any hacker or state actor with any skill at all.
At minimum, the Her Majesty's Canadian subjects at TÜV SÜD Canada, Inc. would know how to flip the security switches, for sure, not to mention access those servers wirelessly from the parking lot (they did that testing).
#dominion-testing-tuv-sud-canada | Microsoft vulnerabilities were not even tested by Katie Hobbs and her TÜV SÜD Canada—U.S. Elections Assistance Commission co-conspirators.

Foreign actors at TÜV SÜD Canada Inc (Canada, German HQ (Munich, TÜV SÜD AG) performed critical tests on our AMERICAN voting machines! Outrageous!

Where is TÜV SÜD Canada Inc.?
ALERT: TÜV SÜD in China operates under the name: Global Risk Consultants (Guangzhou) Co. Ltd., Guangzhou, China (PDF, p. 154).
TÜV SÜD has "testing facilities in China and the UK" p. 26.
"The highest revenue growth in this sector was generated in Germany, China and the UK" p. 71.
TÜV SÜD takes money from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. This becomes a direct conflict of interest re. Dominion voting machine testing since Microsoft's Internet Information Service (IIS) used with the Dominion voting machines was exempted from analysis by the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission. The appearance of impropriety alone is enough to invalidate the TÜV SÜD testing of Dominion and any other voting systems that use Microsoft products.
See TÜV SÜD AG (Germany) 2019 Annual Report. TÜVs (German pronunciation: [ˈtʏf]; short for German: Technischer Überwachungsverein, English: Technical Inspection Association). See Technischer Überwachungsverein in Wikipedia.
From the TÜV SÜD AG 2019 Annual Report (PDF p. 5 of 170):
"ADD VALUE. INSPIRE TRUST. More than 25,000 people [globalist busybodies] all over the world ensure a safe and sustainable future and use their solutions to create measurable added value for society and their customers – in existing fields of technology as well as for technological innovations and in the digital world. In this way TÜV SÜD protects people, the environment and assets against technology related risks and enables progress."
The previous is a load of TÜV SÜD claptrap—globalist propaganda virtue signaling about protecting people, assets, environment, risk & progress—We have your number: you want to be dictators... in the name of "safety" & "protection!"
[WRITERS EDITORIAL: Bug off you corrupt-to-the-core globalist TÜV SÜD busy bodies. We ask patriots around the world to out TÜV SÜD, their corrupt management and staff, and their Pilgrims Society controllers. They use "trust" as a weapon and a confidence trick.]
Two of the testing reports came from TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. (EMC/EMI Test Reports, Attachments A-1 and A-2) and were PASSWORDED from being able to include them in Katie Hobb’s Arizona Report (Since voting is the property of American citizens we un-passworded them).

These passworded, copy written Canadian reports were prepared by TÜV SÜD Canada Inc., Reg. No. 6844A-3, annual report, corporate brochure, 11 Gordon Collins Dr., Gormley, ON L0H1Go, Canada (905) 883-7255 by Project Engineers Marty McLear and Sanjiv Vyas.
Tellingly, this Canadian firm has multiple offices in the United States, yet the U.S. Elections Assistance Commission sent the testing to CANADA!
TÜV SÜD Canada Inc. is a German Company!
Here is TÜV SÜD’s international leadership, including aerospace and Defense
Dr. Matthias J. Rapp worked with Boston Consulting Group, a large contributor to the Clinton Foundation.
Ishan Palit attended the notoriously communist London School of Economics; MBA from Georgia Southern University, USA.
Dr. Nathalie von Siemens from Siemens.
Dr. Karl Huber from the Bavarian Constitutional Court.
Prof. Dr. Angelika Niebler is a member of the European Parliament.
John Tesoro has associations with Fortiv, Danaher (GE BioPharma, Nobel ICI Biocare UK, Bain Capital, Tektronics, Leica Microsystems—Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Privy Council, Pilgrims Society), Canaccord Genuity, Alex Brown,
James J. Marsh has associations with Marsh & McLennan, RSA Security.
Mark Alpert has associations with Juniper Networks, CIA/NSA Dual EC DRBG spy algorithm backdoor into all corporate security systems.

Kapil Bansal TÜV SÜD’s Indonesia operations; Indonesia-based C.I.A. agent, Stanley Ann Dunham Soetoro, is Barack Hussein Obama a.k.a. Barry Soetoro’s, mother. See Fig. 7.
One of the two TÜV SÜD Canada project engineers who signed off on the Dominion testing, Marty McLear, worked for almost a decade for the Australian subsidiary of Leeds, UK-based Minorplanet Systems Plc – vehicle management, a major vehicle tracking supplier to the British Crown. See corporate website.

Minorplanet founders included Sir James Spooner MA FCA-Financial Regulatory Body in the UK who was a British Telecom Pension trustee, Barclays Plc bank chairman, J. Sainsbury PLC director, numerous other interlocking international directorships.
Another Minorplanet director was Sir Michael David Abrahams CBE-Commander of the British Empire, whose directorships include Prudential Plc chairman, Ferrexpo Plc Ukraine chairman, numerous other interlocking international directorships.

TÜV SÜD Canada’s other project engineer who signed off on the Dominion testing, Sanjiv Vyas has deep roots in a large Indian defense contractor Larsen & Toubro.
Larsen & Toubro (L&T, Mumbai, India) is a defense, aerospace and commercial “world-class conglomerate.”
L&T’s group chairman is A. M. Naik. Naik has a Danish Knighthood by Her Majesty Queen Margrethe in 2008, and a further honour, the Order of the Dannebrog - Knight First Class in 2015.

Naik’s awards are so numerous, he cannot possibly be anything but systemically corrupt. Was he interfering in the American election through his former employee, Sanjiv Vyas? We think very likely. This is the modus operandi of the British Pilgrims Society using surrogates, cutouts and front men and women, especially in their current and former Commonwealth colonies.
L&T’s Subodh Bhargava, chairman of GSK (GlaxoSmithKline Plc, India – Wellcome Trust-Coronavirus COVID-19 patent holder).
L&T’s Vikram Singh Mehta, director of Shell Oil & Chemical, Brookings Institution, Vodafone, Jet Airways, Colgate Palmolive.
L&T’s Adil Zainulbhai, director of McKinsey & Company, Harvard.
L&T’s Sunita Sharma, Indian National Stock Exchange.
L&T’s Naina Lal Kidwai, HSBC India chairman.
L&T’s Narayanan Kumar, IEEE fellow; Honorary Consul General of Greece in Chennai.
The British Pilgrims Society are Masters of Global Deception, Propaganda, insider trading, communism, Surveillance, irradiation, depopulation and Bioweapons
Do not be fooled by the variety of voting machine brand names.
All of these devices include the Venezuelan-created OpTech scanning software included in all the different brand names. These evil men and women practice "in confusion there is profit."
At the root of the 2020 election corruption is Smartmatic/Dominion controlled by British Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and Sir Nigel Knowles—Kamala Harris’ husband long-time boss at DLA Piper Plc (London, UK).
Here’s Katie Hobbs’ 547-page 2019 Arizona Election Procedures Manual.
KAtie Hobbs ignored unbroken, bi-partisan chain of custody
Katie Hobbs replaced unbroken, bi-partisan chain of custody with citizen spectators while she concealed the foreign interference in the Dominion election machines, and therefore the Arizona election itself.
Her incompetence and arrogance are astounding and cannot be tolerated. She broke the law and common decency.
Arizona's ballots must each be examined for unbroken, bi-partisan chain of custody. If she cannot prove that, then those ballots cannot be counted.
Now that foreign interference has been proven by the government's own documents, and since the FBI, DoJ, NSA, C.I.A. and State Department are complicit in the criminality and are protecting each other, President Trump must act on our behalf to protect the most sacred act in our Republic, our vote.
The Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election must now be invoked to the fullest.
The Executive Order calls for property confiscation of the criminals who carried out this conspiracy, at home and abroad. The Americans who brought in the foreign actors must themselves be treated as foreign actors, and "any other measures authorized by law."
Fire away Mr. President
We The People are with you, Mr. President, and we are praying with you. The moral principle is pretty simple: If the citizens of America have been disenfranchised, we have no Republic. These traitors cannot be allowed to get away with their treachery any longer.
We humbly ask you to use the full power of your office to protect us, and restore/revive our sacred elections. This is why we hired you. Ignore the bullies, liars, whiners, propagandists, sleazy RINOs and naysayers. They are but dross. That is all they know how to do. Such "skill" cannot run a country, much less itself. Get these parasites off all of our backs.
We've already seen that you can do more in one day than Joe Biden has accomplished in 47 years.
It's nut cutting time.
Traitors and seditionists must be dealt with. The death penalty is proscribed in the U.S. Code as the ultimate penalty for attempts to destroy our Republic.
(See 18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason and 10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition.)
* * *
Described above is abject immorality.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
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