The Wisconsin Election Commission used unskilled novices to evaluate Dominion and ES&S
Wisconsin's procedures ignored bi-partisan, unbroken chain of custody
Wisconsin approved use of photocopied ballots, wireless remote access and last minute "de minimis debugging code" to report to Dominion during the voting
Conclusion: Votes for Trump were shifted to Biden in massive, landslide quantities using secret "fraction magic" programs
Click image to play video.

Nov. 20, 2020—On Jun. 18, 2015, the State of Wisconsin purchased Dominion Election Systems (Dominion) for use in their 72 counties. On Sep. 11, 2014 they had already purchased Election Systems and Software (ES&S). See list of Wisconsin vendors approved for 2020. The list is misleading since Sequoia, ES&S and Premier are all controlled by Dominion.
We asked a senior Fortune 50 software engineering expert to review the Wisconsin Election Commission approval paperwork. That person’s overall conclusion was that the process was:
“Sorry to be so pedestrian, but the Wisconsin process is stupid, laughable, and sad.”

Wisconsin's Dominion testing lacked any substance
To be as kind as possible, the expert said: "Wisconsin’s Dominion testing and approval process was all show and no substance.”
“The Commission goes through the motions, but everything about their actions are those of rank amateurs, at best, and willful obfuscation, at worst."
"Their process was evidently designed by bureaucrats and lawyers more interested in shifting the liability to many people, so that no one is accountable. They approved each other in a circular manner to avoid direct liability, it appears to me. That would never fly in a real testing sign-off process. In real engineering, named individuals are always held accountable. That is not so in this Wisconsin Dominion document. It's a CYA document. Sadly though, the Voice of the Citizens in our Republic is the victim."
"They did not use software and hardware engineering experts. Instead, they used their non-technical staff. These were essentially people off the streets who knew nothing about technology, engineering or systems testing.”
“In short, Wisconsin’s approval of Dominion and ES&S voting systems is grossly negligent, if not criminal. It made a mockery of valid testing principles and procedures that any engineer worth his or her salt knows. Such engineers were clearly not consulted in order to get Dominion approved."
No Dominion Transparency
For example, no access to the software engineering source code was made by Wisconsin technical experts in software systems engineering. Therefore, Dominion and ES&S provided no transparency into how the votes are processed inside their programs.
The Commission listed the compiled program modules, but that is meaningless for understanding how votes are processed inside the software. Essentially, compiled software takes the original human-readable source code and converts it into computer-readable (not human-readable) executable code. For example, "A+B=C" looks like "1Du’%3Ai3t%3" in machine code when compiled.
Knowing the names of the program modules may be of slight interest, but absolutely pointless as a testing tool. Every software engineer knows this, which is proof that no engineers were there, or if they turned a blind eye, then they were complicit in a testing fraud.
No testing for the notorious "fraction Magic"
Without real experts being able to evaluate the Dominion source code, the testing would have no way to detect the presence of well know vote fraud techniques like "Fraction Magic" which are always embedded deep inside computer-readable code.
If the predetermined winner in a race is losing, fraction magic can shift votes from the candidate with more votes to the anointed one who is losing.
Fraction magic works like a highway patrolman who sees a car he wants to catch up with and get in front of. He hits his accelerator to catch up to the other car. The rate of catch up is a function of his gas consumption. With more gas, he catches up more quickly.
Fraction magic is instructed by third parties at Dominion how many votes and how fast those votes are to be shifted from the designated loser to the anointed winner to get the outcome they want. Vote totals have to be kept close so that these shifts are imperceptible.
Evidently, Trump's lead was so great in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Nevada that Dominion needed to shut down their system in order to change the fraction magic numbers so that more Trump votes could be shifted to Biden. Biden began picking up magical votes at a steady, statistically impossible rate (and therefore a programmed, artificial rate).
Remarkably, the Wisconsin Election Commission approved Dominion with the ability to scan photocopied ballots. Their process allows poll workers to feed photocopies of ballots that have NO CHAIN OF CUSTODY & NO BI-PARTISAN EYES ON THE PROCESS.
Reminds us of the Lionel Richie song All Night Long.

A common lie among bureaucrats and politicians is that voting system are secure because they are not connected to the Internet. As we see here, Wisconsin's voting machines are Internet-ready. With the last minute request by Dominion to inject "de minimis" debugging code into their software, then monitor it remotely on election night in real time, they totally exposed the Wisconsin vote to anyone with access to that "debugging code."
Anyone in software development knows what a joke this approval was to the integrity of the system. Debugging code is like little trip wires embedded throughout a program which report to the mother ship when tripped. They can be anywhere. More specifically, they can be placed next to vote tallying to report those numbers in real time. It appears that Dominion did just this.
When President Trump was crushing the vote count, Dominion's "debugging" code was reporting that in real time. Hence, the mysterious midnight counting shutdown. That gave Dominion time to change their fraction magic program to take more votes away from Trump and give them to Biden.
This could not happen unless Dominion was getting real time feedback from their machines.

Bi-partisan We The People election judges are missing throughout the Wisconsin election process.
Dominion's flow chart shows lots of eyes on the ballots, but few if any We The People eyes.

Dominion's contact person in Wisconsin is a Mr. Ian S. Piper, Director of Federal Certification.
Piper is a founder in the Election Technology Council (ETC) in Houston, TX that began operating independently on Jun. 1, 2007.
Piper appears to be one of Lord Mark Malloch-Brown's chief oligarchs pushing American voting “reform” since before 2007.
The founding members of ETC are all the voting systems swirling in the 2020 vote scamming vortex:
- Advanced Voting Solutions (AVS) closed Nov. 28, 2007, curiously, just six months after helping found ETC.
- Diebold Election Systems (Diebold), changed name to Premier Election Solutions (Premier) in Aug. 2007, acquired by Election Systems & Software (ES&S) on Sep. 03, 2009, then acquired by Dominion Election Systems (Dominion) in May 2010. In Jun. 2010, Dominion acquired Sequoia Voting Systems (Sequoia).
Election Systems and Software (ES&S), now Dominion - Hart InterCivic (C.I.A. Blackstone / Bain Capital-Mitt Romney)
Sequoia, now Dominion - Unilect (IBM / IBM Eclipse Foundation)
As you can see, Dominion has gobbled up all the allegedly competitive options.
The only companies left standing are all members of the British Pilgrims Society:
- Dominion,
- Hart InterCivic, and
- Unilect (IBM).
These packages are bridged together with the original Optech software that Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and George Soros funded in Venezuela as they were beginning to implement their corporate shell games to rig elections across the planet.
Wisconsin's 2020 election is founded on bogus (if not criminal) testing, fraud and at the very least administrative negligence.
Each ballot must be counted. The qualification is simple: Can an unbroken, bi-partisan chain of custody be shown for that ballot. If yes, then count it. If no, it cannot be counted.
Feeding votes into electronic scanners and they having total faith in the work of Billy Bob Dominion programmer does not qualify as an unbroken, bi-partisan chain of custody.
Fire away Mr. President
We The People are with you, Mr. President, and we are praying with you. This is why we hired you. Ignore the naysayers. That is all they know how to do. Such "skill" cannot run a country, much less itself. Get these parasites off all of our backs.
We've already seen that you can do more in one day than Joe Biden has accomplished in 47 years.
It's nut cutting time.
Traitors and seditionists must be dealt with. The death penalty is proscribed in the U.S. Code as the ultimate penalty for attempts to destroy our Republic.
(See 18 U.S. Code § 2381. Treason and 10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition.)
* * *
Described above is abject immorality.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
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