Mueller's Deep State relationships will politicize the FBI yet again

Our previous Jun. 12, 2013 post that analyzed the substantial holdings of Facebook financial interests by Obama-appointed Judge Leonard P. Stark in the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement trial disappeared! We have now restored it for your review in how the Deep State shadow government corrupts our federal judges. AFI. (Dec. 06, 2012). Leonard P. Stark failed to disclose conflicts in Leader v. Facebook. Americans for Innovation. (Note: We used the posting slot from an earlier post, hence the new earlier date now.) Remember to download the PDF version of the article linked in the author/date header. This helps defeat web censoring by making many copies of the article that can be reposted and sent around by email.
Bilderberg globalists
A "forum" of 131 self-styled "elites" from 21 countries is meeting in Chantilly, Virginia at the Westfields Marriott hotel behind a heavily guarded, fenced-off compound—despite the fact that many of them support open borders! Strangely, this collusion among bankers, politicians, spies, money launderers, drug dealers, technology providers, pedophiles, human traffikers, satanists, arms dealers and eugenicists has received almost no mainstream media coverage in the U.S. outside the patriot real news media and the British press—even though it is arguably a much more significant meeting of world leaders than the G8. Thankfully, Infowars' David Knight and Owen Shroyer are there, as is Canadian Dan Dicks from Press for Truth. Watch as the Bilderberg participants arrive at Dulles Airport and systematically refuse to answer basic Dan Dicks questions about the proceedings that include public officials, includng Sen. Lindsey Graham and Sen. Tom Cotton, in likely violation of the Logan Act (unauthorized citizens who negotiate with foreign governments).

Larry Summers was at Bilderberg 2017. Consistent with the stream of lies and deceptions of the Bilderberg globalists, Harvard's Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers attended Bilderberg and refused to answer even simple questions from the public by Press the Truth as he departed from Dulles Airport. Summers has been at the center of the New World Order globalist plan since George H.W. Bush days. He forced the ill-fated privitization vouchers on the Soviets at the World Bank, He was Bill Clinton's former Treasury Secretary, Obama's bailout director, Russia's Yuri Milner's banking coach, Facebook's Sheryl K. Sandberg's mentor, and Silicon Valley's Instagram director where his former chief of staff Marne L. Levine (Deutch) is the chief operating officer. Watch "no comment" Summers squirm when Press the Truth asked him about his participation at Bilderberg.
Normally, Summers is all too eager for publicity and attention. Yet tellingly, even though he was just sitting in Dulles Airport waiting for his plane following his Bilderberg participation, he was uncharacteristically tight-lipped. Public figures do not have the presumption of privacy. They are required to speak about matters affecting the welfare of the public.

Mueller knew that Clapper lied to Congress, and yet he did not investigate him. He failed the American people. This material omission alone disqualifies him and proves his evident culpability. His silence is criminal. No one could be FBI director and not have condoned the illegal surveillance activity. His predecessor J. Edgar Hoover used salacious illegal surveillance to blackmail his opponents. Likewise, Mueller has been doing the same thing for the Deep State, according to many whistleblowers. Mueller is not credible, despite ignorant, complicit or blackmailed politicians who say his "reputation for integrity and honesty is above reproach." Mueller also did not investigate Silicon Valley and Wall Street's collusion with Clapper either. And yet, Mueller made sure his net worth increased dramatically from $1.8 million (2001) to up to $7.0 million (2011) in ten years while pulling down his FBI salary. See previous post.
Mueller, Rosenstein, Comey and Deep State need to destroy 9/11 evidence
Numerous whistleblowers, like former FBI superstar Agent In Charge Ted L. Gunderson, say that 9/11 was an "inside job." They say 9/11 was fabricated to scare Americans into The Patriot Act—as the pretext for dubious new laws and executive orders allowing the state to seize property and privacy. In other words, their plan was to undermine The Bill of Rights. Gunderson called them a "rogue outfit" and "a covert military criminal government enterprise."
The return of Mueller begs the question: "What's their real goal?" Knowledgeable insiders all say there is no evidence to support the allegations—including civil libertarian Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz—and yet, the MSM pumps out breathless calls for impeachment hourly!
Rosenstein is married to Lisa Barsoomian. Barsoomian represented the FBI against Judicial Watch and many other FOIA requesters to block disclosure requests.
See Judicial Watch v. FBI, 01-cv-00248-RMU among her 165 cases as U.S. Attorney (with Mueller, Comey & Rosenstein).
She even represented the C.I.A. in opposing FOIA requesters.
Readers are encouraged to study the 2001 TIMELINE closely. (Please be patient to let the timeline load, it will then take you automatically to the 2001 bookmark.) The collusion within the intelligence community is obvious when seen in context. Mueller was appointed director of the FBI just seven days before 9/11, which C.I.A. whistleblower Susan Lindauer said was a widely known plan inside the agency from at least Apr. 2001—at least six months earlier.
Mueller knew about 9/11. He and his FBI / C.I.A. colleagues allowed it to happen. They even aided the "terrorists" with training, manpower, materiel and intelligence. It is now public that Mohammed Atta was a C.I.A. asset (ref. Abel Danger—the Wikipedia write up is an evident cover-up given all the whistleblower testimony). Lindauer and other whistleblowers say the FBI also provided the explosives for the first World Trade Center bombing. Mueller failed to prosecute a single complicit insider. In fact, Gunderson said the FBI and C.I.A. have been behind every major false flag act of terror since Clinton when globalist new world order operatives inside the US government began to consolidate power via technology and the Internet (ref. Jun. 07, 1993 FBI encryption backdoor key conference). To cover up for the Deep State, Mueller helped persecute whistleblowers.
Mueller's appointment is an insult to common sense and decency. It is also a flagrant breach of ethics laws. He deserves jail, or worse, in our opinion, not a microphone. No doubt the FBI shredders are busy this weekend. Spread the word.
(May 18, 2017)—It is a huge surprise that former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III has been chosen to lead the FBI Russia investigation, because there seem to be direct ties between him and the Deep State.
Mueller is invested in 20 Clinton / Obama corporate funders
This is a remarkable decision since Mueller holds financial investments in twelve (12) investors/donors to Bill & Hillary Clinton and eight (8) members of Barack Obama’s technology inner circle who supported Hillary for President. See Obama’s Technology CEO Council and Obama’s Silicon Valley Dinner (After you click on the link, please be patient for timeline to download and go to the bookmarks).
Mueller investments in Clinton / Obama political collaborators: AT&T, Autodesk, Bank of America, Cisco, IBM, JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, NetApp, Qualcomm, State Street, Vanguard, Wells Fargo.
Mueller invested in untraceable funds in the Cayman Islands
One can hardly imagine a more biased individual to run the Russia investigation. In addition, Mueller has two financial holdings of specialized hedge funds (Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fd LLC and Defenders Multi-Strategy Hedge Fund LLC where they manage $106.2 billion with secretive reporting rules) with 36% headquartered in the Cayman Islands where HSBC, whose directors included former FBI Director Comey, managed money laundering operations. Mueller's Harvard political economy professor Benjamin M. Friedman was a director in the dubious Mellon fund.
For a full analysis of Mueller’s financial relationships, see our previous post: Betrayal: Former FBI director [Robert S. Mueller] colluded with Cartel offshore money laundering havens (AFI, Mar. 25, 2016).
Acting FBI Director Rod Rosenstein, yet another Harvard Law insider, appears to have either: (a) thrown his new boss, Donald Trump, under the bus in one of Rosenstein's first official acts, or (b) expects Mueller to hang himself in this very public arena.
Rosenstein’s appointment raises the question as to whether Deep State operatives like him and former Goldman Sachs executives, like Steve Mnuchin, can change their allegiances once they have been so tightly enmeshed in the Deep State’s secret society of drugs, sex, pedophilia and blackmail. See FBI Agent In Charge Ted L. Gunderson statement.
Mueller and Rosenstein have been Deep State law colleagues for decades
Rosenstein has worked closely with Mueller at the Justice Department since 1990. Both Rosenstein and Mueller worked with then Assistant Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. during the Bush presidency.
Mueller failed to prosecute obvious criminality associated with the Deep State takeover
During their Justice Department employment, numerous major scandals were not prosecuted like the 9/11 cover-up, NSA warrantless surveillance of Americans, encryption backdoor for the C.I.A. and FBI in 1993, the seditious 2008 bank "bailout" raid of the Federal Reserve and TARP, theft of social networking invention by the Deep State, energy stimulus, Obamacare robbing of Fannie and Freddie, The Clinton Foundation pay-to-play, Clinton Haiti fraud, global pedophilia rings, IRS political targeting of the Tea Party, BLM land redistribution, America Invents Act, Fast and Furious, Hillary email scandal, etc.
Given Rosenstein’s decades of ties to the Deep State, one wonders why President Donald Trump appointed him. The Deep State is now engaged in brazen acts of treason apparently to bring down Donald Trump’s duly-elected administration. For example, GQ news commenter Keith Olbermann just called for foreign intelligence agencies to help the Deep State bring down Mr. Trump’s administration—the definition of sedition.
How can Mueller be impartial?
One would expect Mueller will politicize the FBI investigation, yet again.
In conclusion, the facts are unavoidable. Robert S. Mueller has substantial conflicts of interest and should recuse himself as Special Counsel, before the public demands he be fired.
The temptation for Mueller to politicize this investigation to benefit his Deep State handlers seems just too high.
Why is the President of the United States being investigated when the Clintons, Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner are still at large and most certainly should have had a special prosecutor investigating them? And, what about all those calls for special counsel to look into Justice Scalia’s wiretapping and suspicious death.
The irony is, the Clinton matters were then FBI Director Mueller’s decisions to make, and he refused. What does that tell you?
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