While honest people work hard, evil people abuse and massacre our innocents to hide their plan for world control

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Feb. 25, 2017: Rogue C.I.A. Super Predator Alexander C. Karp?
Co-Founder of Palantir,
Funded by C.I.A. In-Q-Tel

(Feb. 21, 2017)—In the days and weeks after Christmas each year, the Christian Church around the world remembers the Massacre of the Holy Innocents. It is the biblical account of infanticide by Herod the Great, the pagan Roman appointed King of the Jews. See St. Matthew 2:16–18.
Following the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, Herod ordered the execution of 14,000 male infants from newborn to two-years old in and around Bethlehem. He feared that his power was threatened by the birth of the Christ Child.
St. Augustine (4th Century, Numidia―modern day Annaba, Algeria) said of these infants: “These then, whom Herod's cruelty tore as sucklings from their mothers' bosom, are justly hailed as ‘infant martyr flowers’; they were the Church's first blossoms, matured by the frost of persecution during the cold winter of unbelief.”
Herod was willing to kill innocent babies to maintain his power. Such is the nature of evil people in power. In our time, progressivism, rogue Deep State C.I.A. spies, and their shadow government military-industrial minions, are repeating a version of Herod’s response.
Believe It: Pedophilia, Satanism and Child Sacrifice are rampant among today’s globalists
Perplexed and disbelieving readers of this blog often ask how we think the globalists can possibly hide their heinous sins for so many years. They ask: "With so many people involved, how could they keep such enormously evil secrets?"
We are talking about widespread collusion among bankers, politicians, media, educators, entertainers, clergy, businesspeople, judges, law enforcement, spies and their minions.
The answer is simple and timeless:
Human sin.
Today, these people wear hoodies and sip café lattes. Nonetheless, their sins are nothing new.
The globalists have a fundamental disrespect for the image and likeness of God in every human being. Curiously, neither secular nor jihadi globalists are bothered by the defiling of the very young. This spiritual flaw will lead to their damnation, we believe. No society can survive on a foundation of depraved disrespect for the human person, and especially the innocent and defenseless. Indeed, a special place in hell is reserved for such abusers.
Globalists fundamentally disrespect the human person
If I respect you as unique and wonderfully made, then I will honor your uniqueness and try not to do anything to abuse that divine stamp on your being.
However, if I disrespect your divine nature, if I demean you as a consuming animal or a mere lump of carbon and water, then you are someone that I can dominate, control, or even extinguish. You are merely an object for my desires and wishes, and I can do anything I want with you. For example, "You're fake news!" Why? "Because I say you are!"
The American Republic: Respect for inalienable human rights
The genius of America’s Founding Fathers and Mothers is a system of government based on the Rule of Law, not the Rule of Men. The Founders actually tried to learn from the long lessons of history. Admittedly, they had to table pragmatically the slavery issue due to stiff opposition from the southern colonies, but that was not for lack of trying.
Lord Acton (1887), a liberal Member of Parliament in the United Kingdom, later summarized a fundamental principle behind the American "Republic-an" experiment:
“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
(Note: America is a republican form of democracy which we will discuss in a moment. This use of the word republican should not be confused with the Republican Party. Therefore, we will use "Republic-an" for the organizing principle of our Constitution, so that there is no confusion.)
The Founders chose Republic-anism over Democracy. History taught them that democracy always deteriorated into tyranny of the majority over the minority. Instead, they chose a Republic-an Democracy where the interests of the majority prevail without infringing on the rights of the minority.
In short, they chose a fundamentally Judeo-Christian approach to human government that respects the image and likeness of God in all Americans, majority and minority.
Further, Founder John Adams emphasized that our Constitution was based upon Judeo-Christian morals and could not be sustained without a citizenry that embraces these morals. That means, Radical Islamic Jihadis cannot be accepted within our Constitutional borders since their morals call for death and the subjugation of Westerners, Christians and Jews. In such an environment, Judeo-Christian morals require us to stand firm against the current globalist onslaught to destroy them, and America. That is not intolerant, that is wise and preserves our country.
That is the Republic-an Principle. Has it been implemented perfectly? Of course not, but that is not the point.
The Rule of Law sets a high moral standard to which fallible human beings must strive throughout their lives, but will always fall short. The journey is to be good, kind and to contribute positively to society is everything. The lifelong task is to live the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." The destination is ever in front of us.
Said another way, "Republic-an" governance is a standard we will never reach, but to which we must strive, each of us for our lifetime.
Why isn’t pedophilia mainstream news?
. . . instead, the totalitarian left complains about Melania Trump praying the Lord’s Prayer while our children are sodomized & murdered for the vile pleasure of power
The evil secret of the Deep State shadow government is pedophilia and, shockingly, even child sacrifice—called "Snuff Parties" where children are abuse unspeakably while alive and after death. Lord have mercy.
"Snuff Parties" (the kidnapping, molesting, killing, then sodomizing the corpses of infants and young children) are so revolting that we don't even like writing about it, but write we must. Perhaps this revulsion by normal people is part of the vile psychology of these globalist miscreants: do something so heinous that no one will believe it, even if they hear about it.
Thankfully, after nearly 24 years of silence and lip service from the Clinton, Bush and Obama Administrations, as we write, tens of thousands of pedophiles and human traffickers are being identified and rounded up around the country and across the planet. Thank you President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Please do not stop until this scourge on humanity is wiped out. We also call upon the good people of the world to rise up, in unison, against this debauchery among our so-called leaders.
Don't be silent any longer. You are not alone. Report what you know. How? Whistleblow. Post evidence anonymously. Document your information. Write real news sources like The Daily Caller, WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, Infowars, Alex Jones, David Knight, Owen Shroyer, Paul Joseph Watson, Lee Ann Mcadoo, Before It's News, Dave Hodges, The Intercept, Glenn Greenwald, Project Veritas, James O'Keefe, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, Roger Stone, Dr. Sharyl Attkisson, Lisa Haven News, Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, Matt Drudge, Hagmann Report, Larry Hagmann, Robert David Steele, Stefan Molyneux, Steven Crowder, ZeroHedge, Tyler Durden. See more here.
For example:
- 42 in Memphis; 8,779 more identified in Memphis by these arrests
- 474 in Los Angeles; dozens of children rescued
- 5 in Bucks County, Pennsylvania
- 108 in Illinois
- 178 in Texas
- 70,000 member Internet pedophile ring
- 670 in European Rescue, incl. 230 children in 30 countries.
Law enforcement inisiders say up to 1/3rd of Washington, D.C. politicians are engaged in ***pedophilia***
Multiple law enforcement insiders familiar with the contents of Anthony Weiner’s seized computer hard drives reveal that up to 1/3rd of Washington, D.C. are pedophiles, including household names. This seems absolutely crazy, but readers must realize that our mainstream media are not publicizing this because many of their leaders are pedophiles or are otherwise compromised themselves.
Nathaniel Mauka. (Feb. 19, 2017). Ashton Kutcher Testifies as Thousands of Sex Trafficking Busts Occur. Waking Times.
“The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is evil, your whole body will be full of darkness. Therefore, if the light within you has turned into darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matthew 6:22-23 (ISV).
Look at their eyes, the gateway to their souls.
This evidence NAMES NAMES . . . Includes 16 video proofs:
Reader Notice: The links below contain outrageous graphic evidence of child molestation, mutilation and ritual murder—called a "Snuff Party." Read and weep. Then, ACT, all across the world from New York, Washington and Los Angeles, to Tokyo, Bangkok, Riyhad, Moscow, Paris and London. These globalists are demons attempting to sieze control of our world.
Dave Hodges. (Sep. 17, 2016). "Globalists Are Pedophiles – Practices and Beliefs. Before It's News. 24 pages.Alex Jones. (Oct. 01, 2000). Dark Secrets : Inside Bohemian Grove Full Length. Infowars. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Alex Jones. (Jan. 17, 2006). The Order of Death, Alex Jones Documentary, Full Length. Infowars. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Paul Bonacci. (Apr. 30, 2013). Paul Bonacci - Bohemian Grove - Elitist Pigs & Pedophile Murdering Lust. Abel Danger. (Raw *.mp4 video file.)
Who is involved in pedophilia and child sacrifice?
At its root, pedophilia is an abuse of power. Innocents cannot fight back, so they need us to speak and fight for them.
Abuse of power is like a drug. Once you do it, you want more.
What satisfied you early in your abuses creates a lust for more and more depraved acts. Eventually, such abuses evolve into ritual murders of the defenseless.
Rogue spies affiliated with Obama, Clinton, Podesta and the C.I.A. use abuse of innocents for blackmail and recruitment
The spy world has long used blackmail to illicit cooperation. They gather compromising information, then use it to blackmail the target into giving up state secrets, betraying friends, stealing inventions, or even murdering opponents.
In the old days, cheating on one’s spouse was enough for blackmail. When spousal cheating became passé, spies turned to threatening exposure of homosexual encounters.
Today, the blackmail tool of choice is pedophilia. As a result, the rogue spy world covers up pedophilia—it is good for business. The more bizarre the predilection, the more useful the blackmail. Pedophiles have developed an entire lingo around pizza toppings to hide their orders of children (e.g., black, white, brown, male, female, age, attractiveness, etc.).
Innocents suffer in silence while the vile power bodies get away with it
Pedophilia is now rampant among most power groups one can think of:
- Clergy
- Politicians
- Bankers
- Academics
- Law Enforcement
- Children’s Services
- Judges
- Media
- Teachers
- Coaches
Do not let the mainstream media bully you into thinking that pedophila is not occurring among America's power set.
Globalists have a total Package of Child Enslavement and destruction
In addition to abuses of children through pedophilia, abortion, trafficking in aborted baby body parts, unnecessary immunization, Common Core round out the package of enslavements.
Why haven’t we heard about this embedded pedophilia?
Other than the people involved, law enforcement and intelligence know. We will all know more soon. More and more patriots within law enforcement and intelligence are coming forward as whistleblowers. These whistleblowers are getting unprecedented support from Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
In the past, the globalist threatened people who would otherwise expose them through threats of defamation lawsuits and/or blackmail. The NSA’s mass surveillance of all citizens generates all sorts of personal information that can be used for coercion and twisted into threats.
Social media has made the threats ten times easier. The rogue C.I.A. spies who created social networking simply search your “dark profile” for a suitable piece of salacious blackmail. They find something, anything that they can spin to silence you. An embarrassing photo, salacious video, vulgar language, tweets, texts, unwise email, etc.
These rogue C.I.A. spies have turned to pedophilia as their blackmail tool of choice to silence whistleblowers and opposition.
Speak up for the Innocents!
Edmund Burke said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
Perhaps for the first time in modern history, the good people of this world have a champion in the White House ready to put the world’s pedophiles in prison.
Our martyred innocents implore us for justice
It is imperative that good people across America and around the world step up, now, to help President Donald Trump, Secretary Rex Tillerson and Attorney General Jeff Sessions and this new Administration to stop the depraved global scourge of pedophilia and the abuse of innocents.
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Bookmark: #cnn-fake-news-rewardPostscript, Feb. 23, 2017: $10,000 reward to whistleblowers announced by james O'Keefe, Project Veritas
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