Clinton Foundation, Facebook, Joule Unlimited (Putin), false FOIA marking, Leader v. Facebook obstruction of justice

Breaking News Sep. 02, 2016:
2001 Clinton Foundation creator—Douglas J. Band—ordered diplomatic passports from Huma Abedin in 2009 email on Hillary's private server —just months after setting it up
Judicial Watch just uncovered a Jul. 27, 2009 email from Douglas J. Band to Hillary's aide Huma M. Abedin. He asked for diplomatic passports. Such privileges to third parties are only given to contractors. Since the State Dept. has redacted all of Band's emails as "B6" personal (using their fraudulently expanded definition), they are admitting that this request is fraudulent. This is yet more evidence that The Clinton Foundation and George Soros were slated to run the U.S. State Deparment during the Hillary-Obama reign in order to solidify their globalist agenda. They relied on immoral pliable youngsters like Tomicah S. Tillemann, Alec Ross, Jean-Louis Warnholz, Bryan Pagliano, Huma Mahmood Abedin, Dennis Cheng and Marne L. Levine as "Senior Advisors" in this racketeering. Whistleblowers please come forward.
Breaking News Aug. 31, 2016:
Soros drove Haiti profit making from State Dept.
New stonewalled Hillary emails (Call Logs, Part 2 below) show George Soros directed the Haiti relief via English middleman Jean-Louis Warnholz and Clinton Foundation Douglas J. Band using Hillary's private email server. The State Department marked the details "Page Denied.." Remarkably, the boyish Warnholz left Soros to become "Senior Advisor" to Hillary in 2010. His credentials were limited to one 2007 university "working paper" on poverty reduction as a profit-making opportunity. Warnholz is now partnered with Cheryl D. Mills in BlackIvy Group LLC alleged African poverty reduction. Evidently, Hillary's State Department was "advised" by amateurs who took orders from George Soros and The Clinton Foundation.
(Aug. 26, 2016)—On August 23, 2016, Judge Rudolph Contreras ordered the State Department to release stonewalled Hillary phone logs to corruption watchdog Citizens United. The 176 pages were dated between Jul. 06, 2010 to Mar. 29, 2012. Another 130 pages of Huma Abedin's emails showing the close collaboration between the State Department and Clinton Foundation were also turned over.
A shout out thank you to Citizens United for your dogged persistence, along with fellow watchdogs Judicial Watch.
Citizens United court ordered FOIA release of Hillary Clinton Documents: Call Logs, Part 1 | Call Logs, Part 2 | Huma Abedin Emails, Part 1 | Emails, Part II
New Sep. 08, 2016: Hillary Jan. 05, 2009 Senate Ethics Statement on Clinton Foundations

. . . 8 days later, Hillary registered
. . . 14 days earlier, Michael Connell, RNC IT guru & digital vote rigger, died in a suspicious plane crash
See TIMLEINE. Jan. 05, 2009, People you trusted are now hijacking the Internet.
The scanned documents were in poor condition. One could be excused for thinking that the State Department attorneys used a special “make this email nearly unreadable” printer setting. Many of the scans were skewed and pixilated, making them hard to read. The sloppy condition forced AFI investigators to painstakingly review them page by page. Automatic searches were impossible.
In general, our researchers have found a correlation: the more damning the document, the more degraded the reproduction. The bottom line is that our taxpayer-funded State Department lawyers are using their salaries to hide and deface public property.
Misuse of (B)(6) exemption
The FOIA attorneys liberally claimed the “B6” exemption in blanking out Hillary’s log entries.
The 5 U.S. Code § 552(b)(6) actually says:
(b)(6) personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;
However, the State Department fraudulently misstates the statute, broadening it from "personnel and medical files" to "Information" and even wholly rewritten to just "Personal privacy information." Such obviously intentional misstatements of the law to protect Hillary are themselves aiding and abetting the crimes:
(b)(6) Information that would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
(b)(6) Personal privacy information.

Huma M. Abedin
Dennis Cheng
Here is another clearly fraudulent use of B6 to hide the identity of a correspondent from the Clinton Climate Initiative. B6 is also used for Dennis Cheng, the middle man between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. In this email, Cheng's Clinton Foundation email address is blanked out using B6. Here Cheng asked Abedin for her full name—Huma Mahmood Abedin—and asks if her personal email is working yet—an evident effort to hide their unethical coordination.
New, Sep. 07, 2016: Another Hillary insider who was a likely go-between for The Clinton Foundation, George Soros' Open Society Foundations and the secret executive order White House intelligence agency was Derek H. Chollet.
Chollet helped edit Hillary's first speech on "Internet Freedom" that promoted Facebook and Twitter as political tools for election rigging. Chollet is a former adjunct professor at George Washington University (where James P. Chandler is emeritus professor intellectual property). He was on Obama's transition team and worked for Hillary from as principal deputy director of policy planning (2009-2011). Then he became Obama's senior director on the national security council. He has now hit the book circuit as a Obama / Clinton surrogate.
Unless most of Hillary’s interactions with Clinton Foundation employees, Facebook and John Podesta were about health and personnel records, which they were not, none of them should have been redacted.
Fraudulent Facebook B6 claims
The logs show that Hillary interacted with three Facebook executives. The State Department marked them all "B6:"
- Sheryl K. Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer
- Marne L. Levine, VP, and
- Erskine Bowles, Director.
However, Judicial Watch uncovered State Dept. contracts with Facebook starting on Sep. 26, 2009 (in the amount of $120,000) and on Sep. 29, 2010 (in the amount of $265,000) for “a template for winning elections.”

Therefore, the B6 exemption used to blot out information about Facebook and their executives is fraudulent since Facebook was/is a vendor, albeit a secret one, which Hillary and the State Department have gone to great lengths to conceal. The public has a right to see these public records without redactions to protect Hillary's Facebook chums.
Hillary tampered with Facebook witnesses in Leader v. Facebook
Hillary broke one of the cardinal no-no's in American jurisprudence in her collusion with Facebook. Public officials are forbidden from interfering with potential witnesses in an active lawsuit.
Hillary’s obstructing fingerprints are all over Leader v. Facebook. First, she entered into contracts with Facebook. Do ya think Facebook was certain they were immune for bad trial results since Hillary was contracting with them to build "a template for winning elections?" !!!
A newbie magistrate judge Leonard P. Stark (just nominated by Obama a few months earlier) was parachuted in a month before trial, replacing a veteran judge who had just eviscerated Facebook in the all-important Markman Hearing.
Stark allowed Facebook to add new claims, then blocked Leader from conducting additional discovery to build their defenses. Those defenses would have included deposing James P. Chandler, III, Leader’s former patent attorney, which Stark prevented. Chandler was a Hillary and Bill's legal adviser, adviser to the NSA, and adviser to the IBM Eclipse Foundation that stole Leader Technologies invention.
Despite one hand tied behind their backs, Leader proved nonetheless to a jury that the social networking engine running Facebook is their invention on 11 of 11 claims. Despite this proof, the courts protected Facebook right up to the U.S. Supreme Court. The judges all failed to disclose that they all held massive Facebook interests. Chief Justice Roberts also failed to disclose that he was best buddies with Facebook’s Gibson Dunn LLP appeal attorney, Thomas G. Hungar.
Clinton Foundation, Joule Unlimited (Putin) “B6” claims are fraudulent
The logs overwhelmingly prove that Hillary was doing business first and foremost to promote the The Clinton Foundation.
The evident point persons were Douglas L. Band, Declan Kelly and Laura Graham.
Laura Graham was The Clinton Foundation chief operating officer. Doug Band was the originator of the foundation in 1997 at the beginning of his second term in the White House, and has been its chief counselor for more than a decade.
Douglas L. Band is now President and Declan Kelly is CEO of TENEO HOLDINGS, which is deploying The Clinton Foundation's winnings and influence around the planet. In fact, some say TENEO is attempting to establish a global government with tentacles everywhere and headquartered nowhere. Former State Department Hillary employee Declan Kelly left the State Department during Hillary's rein to become CEO of TENEO HOLDINGS. See Huma Abedin emails.
Two TENEO employs appear on Hillary's logs as well: Nora F. Toiv and Delcan Kelly.
Entries from Hillary Clinton State Department Call Logs between Jul. 06, 2010 to Mar. 29, 2012 ADD to this body of Clinton Corruption Timeline Work: Click here for Excel (*.xlsx) overlay of these Call Log entries with Bill & Hillary SPEAKING FEES 2001-2014. |
Reminder: The B6 exemption is limited to health and personnel records. The Huma Abedin emails prove that the communications involved tight coordination of State Department and Clinton Foundation activities in such places as Haiti and Ireland. Therefore, these Abedin emails alone prove the B6 redactions are fraudulent—by the State Department's own evidence. New Aug. 30, 2016: Huma Abedin announced yesterday that she is separating from her husband, former Congressman Anthony Weiner, after he was caught in another sexting act. What Abedin secrets will Weiner use as blackmail in the future if his future ex-wife should become Hillary's First Girlfriend? What is it with these women and the deviant sexual behavior of their husbands? Do we put the leadership of the nation into such hands? |
Name | Organization | Number of entries | Entries marked B6 | % marked B6 (personal) |
Laura Graham |
Clinton Foundation, Chief Operating Officer James Rosen. (Aug. 22, 2016). Mark C. Toner spokesman for State Department Can't Answer Clinton Foundation Questions! Bows Head in Shame! Fox News / World News Daily. |
134 | 134 | 100% |
Doug Band |
Clinton Foundation,
31 | 13 | 42% |
Raj Shah | USAID, former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation officer | 27 | 1 | 4% |
John Podesta |
Clinton Foundation, Counsellor Joule Unlimited (Putin, Chubais, Rusnano, Goldman Sachs) |
24 | 20 | 83% |
Denis McDonough | WH Chief of Staff | 11 | 9 | 82% |
Jack Lew | WH Chief of Staff | 5 | 1 | 20% |
Susan Rice | WH National Security Adviser | 5 | 1 | 20% |
Sheryl Sandberg |
Facebook, Chief Operating Officer | 4 | 4 | 100% |
Nora F. Toiv |
TENEO HOLDINGS See Huma Abedin emails |
3 | 1 | 33% |
Anne-Marie Slaughter | Hillary political adviser, George Soros in-law, author of A New World Order | 3 | 0 | 0% |
Erskine Bowles | Facebook, Director | 2 | 2 | 100% |
Declan Kelly |
TENEO HOLDINGS, President See Huma Abedin emails |
2 | 2 | 100% |
Marne Levine | Facebook, Vice President | 1 | 1 | 100% |
Jamie Dimon | JPMorgan Chase & Co., CEO | 1 | 1 | 100% |
Barney Frank | U.S. Representative | 1 | 1 | 100% |
Fig. 2—State Department call logs for Facebook, Clinton Foundation and TENEO employees as compared to other prominent members of the Obama Administration. Part 1 | Part 2. |
A “B6” marking is limited to health and personnel records. It is not to be used to obstruct the course of justice as the State Department is doing.
Let us count the ways that Hillary Clinton has violated her oath of office:
(7) Employees shall not use public office for private gain.
(8) Employees shall act impartially and not give preferential treatment to any private organization or individual.
(11) Employees shall disclose waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption to appropriate authorities.
(14) Employees shall endeavor to avoid any actions creating the appearance that they are violating the law or the ethical standards set forth in this part.
The evidence clearly PROVES that Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators are grossly violating all of these. They were not redacting Hillary’s self-proclaimed “boring emails” about yoga and Chelsea’s wedding plans. They were redacting important national information—all public property, not their private stash.
John Podesta, Joule Unlimited & Vladimir Putin
As the table above shows, John Podesta made more logged phone calls to Hillary than the White House chiefs of staff. This occurred while Podesta was teamed with Vladimir Putin, Anatoly Chubais and $35 million of Rusnano investments in Joule Unlimited based in Boston. The State Department marked all of those communications as B6. Podesta was clearly colluding with a foreign government and coordinating his efforts privately with Hillary Clinton, on the State Department's (American taxpayers') dime.
We have already written at length in the previous two posts about:
- Podesta's associations with Vladimir Putin,
- Podesta's associations with George Soros,
- Putin's Rusnano business partner Anatoly Chubais,
- Chubais's associations with Facebook-Instagram director, Obama advisor and former Clinton Treasury Secretary, Larry Summers, and the failed World Bank Soviet privatization voucher program,
- The involvement of Facebook principals Sheryl K. Sandberg and Yuri Milner with Summers,
- Summers's association with the IMF/World Bank diversions by Yuri Milner and Bank Menatep, and
- the global takeover of the Internet by these criminals.
See Hillary's Diabolical Ties to Russia.
These criminals, along with a crowd of "suddenly sniveling" Establishment Republicans, support Hillary Clinton for U.S. President. They loathe Donald Trump.
Does any American wanting to save the Republic need to know more?
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