Obama appointed Facebook attorneys to stonewall the truth about Facebook's spy origins

(Feb. 26, 2016)—Whistleblowers inside Facebook’s law firms have just leaked evidence proving that Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama colluded with Facebook’s lawyers to obstruct justice.
Bookmark: #mitt-romney-financialsYesterday, an internal document surfaced from Gibson Dunn LLP, one of Facebook’s law firms. It proves that Facebook and CEO Mark Zuckerberg lied in multiple lawsuits about the existence and contents of Zuckerberg's 2003-2004 Harvard computers and emails. This evidence, which is now supported by Ceglia court filings (Doc. No. 42 link below) supports the Leader case that Facebook stole Leader's invention and obstructed justice to hide it from discovery.
Leader v. Facebook
Now, the lies are proven. In Leader v. Facebook, after nearly a year of stonewalling, Facebook's trial attorney, Cooley Godward LLP, claimed that all of Zuckerberg’s 2003-2004 Harvard emails and computer hard drives were lost. They produced nothing to Leader Technologies in preparation for the trial. They never said that the information was lost until almost a year of stonewalling, and just days before they were going to be ordered to produce it by the judge.

AFI researchers have uncovered more than 233 Zuckerberg Harvard emails between Jun. 02, 2003 and May 08, 2004. Click here for Doc. No. 42, Ceglia v. Zuckerberg, Facebook filed Nov. 17, 2011. It is unclear when the court published this. AFI researchers are just learning about it, and no one in the mainstream media has covered it.
The existence of even one of these Zuckerberg messages would automatically trigger Leader Technologies' right to forensically examine all of Zuckerberg's 28 computer devices and Harvard emails from 2003-2004.
On Oct. 23, 2009, even Magistrate Leonard P. Stark, Obama's eventual nominee, could not ignore Leader's due process right to forensically analyze Zuckerberg's evidence. He stated to then Facebook counsel, White & Case LLP, in a hearing on Facebook's year of stonewalling:

Obama justice adviser; Obama McBee Strategic energy stimulus adviser.

Magistrate Stark on Facebook's year of stonewalling review of Zuckerberg's 2003-2004 Harvard information: "I am inclined to the view that prior deposition testimony related to what materials were relied on in the development of the Facebook website sounds to me like it may very well prove to be relevant and the production of it could also streamline and thereby make more efficient the deposition process in this case."
On Oct. 26, 2009, three days later, Facebook replaced White & Case LLP with Cooley Godward LLP, however, the attorneys remained, including Heidi Keefe. Tellingly, Cooley Godward's partner, Donald K. Stern, was now Obama's Justice adviser at the White House.
On Jun. 04, 2010, Heidi L. Keefe, Cooley Godward LLP, instructed Zuckerberg during his Leader v. Facebook deposition not to answer any questions about his 2003-2004 activities.
Gibson Dunn LLP partner, Thomas G. Hungar, a protégé of Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., became Facebook's appeals attorney in Leader v. Facebook. He had represented the judges in the appeals court and both he and the Federal Circuit judges should have recused themselves due to their obvious conflict of interest. But alas, the entire legal community sat silent while Facebook and the Courts performed their charades. Evidently all in the Facebook (Crime) Family.
Bookmark: #zuckerberg-leak-LOST-devices
Ceglia v. Zuckerberg

Facebook's experts lied. In Ceglia v. Zuckerberg, Facebook's trial attorney, Gibson Dunn LLP, accused Ceglia of forging over 233 emails exchanged with Zuckerberg during 2003-2004. However, the courts have never allowed Ceglia to examine Zuckerberg’s information from the same period.
In Nov. 2011, according to sources close to the case, the Winklevoss Twins' attorney warned Ceglia that 28 Zuckerberg hard drives and Harvard emails were never lost as Cooley Godward LLP and Zuckerberg had told Leader Technologies. They were in the custody of Gibson Dunn LLP, and were about to be destroyed. Ceglia's attorneys successfully stopped the destruction.
However, for the next six months, the court continued to shield Zuckerberg's information until finally allowing Ceglia to depose Facebook's experts about Facebook's information. The impropriety aside of only allowing self-serving expert testimony, Ceglia's attorney was blistering nonetheless.
In two days of testimony, Facebook's Stroz Friedberg experts, Bryan J. Rose and Michael F. McGowan, confirmed the existence of the 28 computer devices and Harvard emails.
Three months later, criminal charges were filed against Ceglia for forgery of his contract with Zuckerberg (charges which have since been proven unfounded by the U.S. Secret Service forensic lab).
Facebook’s Stroz Friedberg experts lied like drunken sailors.
They admitted appalling professional incompetence (or amnesia):
- Took no notes,
- Did not ask Zuckerberg if they had everything,
- Did not confirm a chain of custody (who has preserved the hard drives and data from tampering and deterioration),
- Were not impartial or arm’s length,
- Were paid by Facebook, and
- Took their search terms from Gibson Dunn LLP.
Banana Republic Courts
To this day, Ceglia's experts have been stonewalled and been unable to study Zuckerberg's 28 computers and Harvard emails. This injustice is just gross; as bad as in a Banana Republic; worse since it is happening in the United States where we are supposed to be better than this.
They were asked a straightforward question:
“If you found an email between Ceglia and Zuckerberg, would you report it?”
Facebook Experts: TweedleDum and Tweedledee
Rose and McGowan waffled with repeated vagaries like “don’t recall,” “not sure,” “hard for me to answer.” Experts are supposed to help juries learn the facts. It is illegal for experts to simply shill and obstruct fact finding for their client, thus betraying their expert objectivity, as Rose and McGowan clearly did. In this case, Tweedledum and Tweedledee would've remembered more than these purported experts.
On the key question of whether Zuckerberg’s assets contained messages from Paul Ceglia, Michael McGowan said:
“I don’t believe so.”
This admission is a bombshell.
Bombshell: Zuckerberg's fraud on the court proved
The whistleblower evidence proves that "I don't believe so" is a boldface lie. It also proves Facebook committed fraud on the court in both Ceglia v. Zuckerberg and Leader v. Facebook.

The leaked forensic spreadsheet was created on April 30, 2012 by "METROSTAR." It compares 111 Ceglia emails and 233 Zuckerberg emails. Here are the Ceglia emails that mostly match messages also in Zuckerberg's emails and prove McGowan lied.
Facebook's Gibson Dunn LLP's attorney, Orin S. Snyder, called the "Punk with a Pen," said that Ceglia's emails were: "supposed emails," "fabricated emails," "fraudulent emails," "those emails were concoted," "bogus emails," "his so-called emails," "purported emails, " and "made up emails." Clearly, Snyder is a bully who spews falsities in bombastic tirades.
Reading Snyder's outburst reminds one of Hamlet, Act III, Scene II (1599): "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude, observes of the actor who is secretly playing her in Shakespeare's play-within-a-play that the actor's too frequent and vehement attempts to convince others of some matter of which the opposite is true, makes her appear defensive and insincere.
Note: The leaked Stroz Freidberg spreadsheet was created by "METROSTAR." A Washington, D.C. company named METROSTAR SYSTEMS has a long client list of federal government agencies, including the Department of Justice, Patent Office and FBI. Could this company be running cover and obstructing justice for Facebook on the goverment's dime?
70.5% emails in common in Ceglia's & Zuckerberg's email Inboxes between Jul. 16, 2003 and Oct. 20, 2003
Between Jul. 16, 2003 and Oct. 20, 2003, Ceglia had 62 out of 88 held by Zuckerberg. In other words, 70.5% were held by both men.
Zuckerberg sections missing, strong evidence of doctoring by lawyers
Between Jun. 2, 2003 and Jul. 14, 2003, Ceglia had 42 for which Zuckerberg had 0.
Between Oct. 21, 2003 and May 8, 2004, Ceglia had 103 for which Zuckerberg had 0.
This proves Ceglia did not forge them since he would have had to hack through Harvard FASmail system security and make substantial changes, undetected. He did not have that kind of technical proficiency.
StreetFax mentioned 78 times; proves Ceglia told the truth and Zuckerberg lied
“StreetFax” is mentioned 78 times in the spreadsheet. (This is the smoking gun for McGowan's "I don't believe so" lie.) StreetFax is the parallel project that Zuckerberg and Ceglia were working on along with Facebook.
Zuckerberg's emails either have a typically techie tone, spelling (poor) and grammar (loose), or they are flowery, well-written, properly punctuated and formatted, and obvious written by lawyers.
During the Ceglia case, Facebook accused Ceglia of forging hundreds of emails.
However, the leaked spreadsheet debunks the Facebook accusation that Ceglia forged hundreds of emails. It proves unequivocally that Zuckerberg has lied all along and Ceglia is telling the truth. But, Ceglia has been idicted and had to flea the government's persecution. Click here for more in defense of Paul Ceglia.
obama's and Hillary's pattern of racketeering to promote facebook and obstruct justice
Barack Obama's and Bill & Hillary Clinton's Racketeering Partial Timeline | ||
2007 Click here for full timeline: The Greatest Financial Crime in the History of the World | ||
Feb | 10 | Barack Obama announced candidacy on Facebook |
12 | Bill and Hillary Clinton donated $154m for brokering UrAsia (Goldman Sachs) uranium deal | |
Mar | 01 | Bill paid $150,000 for Goldman Sachs speech (UrAsia uranium broker; Facebook broker) |
08 | Bill paid $150,000 for Goldman Sachs speech (UrAsia uranium broker; Facebook broker) | |
2008 | ||
Nov | 04 | Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, JPMorgan, Citi received tens of $ billions in TARP funds |
12 | Obama appointed Larry Summers (Clinton Sect'y) to manage TARP despite huge bank speech fees | |
Nov | 21 | Leader sued Facebook for patent infringement |
Dec | 05 | Obama appointed Donald K. Stern, Cooley Godward LLP to Justice transition (Facebook lawyer) |
12 | FISA Court gave Attorney General near dictatorial spy authority; allowed NSA dragnet | |
2009 | ||
Jan | ||
Feb | 13 | Hillary registered www.clintonmail.com domain |
20 | Obama inaugurated 44th President | |
21 | Hillary appointed Secretary of State | |
23 | Hillary hired Anne-Marie Slaughter (A New World Order) | |
Mar | 21 |
Hillary started using personal Email server |
27 | Eric Holder confirmed as Attorney General | |
Apr | 06 | AOL (IBM Eclipse) funded with $42 million from Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and CitiGroup |
15 | Obama ordered all FOIA’s vetted thru White House (likely James P. Chandler, III) | |
May | 26 | Russian Yuri Milner (Goldman Sachs partner) invested $200 million in Facebook |
Jun | 06 | Facebook started feeding user data to NSA (also other IBM Eclipse members) |
16 | Bill Clinton and Goldman Sachs broker $3.1 billion Uranium One deal | |
18 | IBMer David Kappos nominated for Patent Office director | |
Jul | 09 | Hillary declared intent to use Facebook for eDiplomacy |
Aug | 07 | IBMer David Kappos appointed Patent Office director in rare recess appointment |
Sep | 29 | Obama consolidated executive spying overseen by Hillary and Holder |
Oct | 22 | Facebook stonewalled discovery in Leader v. Facebook |
Nov | 13 | Facebook filed for reexamination of Leader’s patent |
Dec | 29 31 |
Hillary Clinton invited IBM Eclipse insiders to Internet Freedom speech
Obama established inner spy circle including Clinton and Holder |
2010 | ||
Jan | ||
Feb | ||
Mar | 09 |
Leader attorneys eviscerate Facebook in the Markman Hearing |
17 | Obama nominated magistrate Leonard P. Stark to Leader v. Facebook court | |
Apr | 01 | Zuckerberg declared he “lost” all his 2003-2004 Harvard computer information |
01 | David Kappos and Patent Office launched Facebook page despite reexamination | |
May | ||
Jun | 24 | Obama nominee Judge Stark took over Leader v. Facebook trial; held Facebook stock interests |
24 | Stark allowed new Facebook on-sale bar claim; denied Leader discovery | |
29 | Bill Clinton paid $500m for Moscow speech and UrAsia (Goldman Sachs) uranium deal | |
Jul | 08 |
Obama appointed Theodore B. Olson, Gibson Dunn, as White House adviser (Facebook) |
14 | Bill Clinton paid $175,000 for Microsoft speech (IBM Eclipse, Goldman Sachs, Facebook) | |
19 | Leader v. Facebook trial started | |
Table 1—Partial timeline of Barack Obama's and Hillary Clinton's racketeering to promote and protect Facebook. Click here for full timeline. |
What can I do about this? Plenty.
What does the average American do about this legal profligacy? Complain loudly and persistently to public officials and the media, and keep complaining until these injustices are righted. Otherwise, if these people are allowed to get away with mistreating Leader Technologies and Paul Ceglia today, you, your family and friends will be next.
* * *
10% to whistleblower(s)
Leader Technologies has indicated they are willing to pay a 10% reward for information that leads to the recovery of funds by their shareholders.
The Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment empowers Congress to legislate a payday for Leader Technologies shareholders. This would provide adequate financing for Leader to offer a rational social networking environment—one that offers the application utility that people have come to enjoy about Leader’s invention without sacrificing security and privacy.
Contact your elected representatives and ask them to use Congress' power of the purse to pay Leader Technologies and unplug the Cartel.
Click here for hijack of the cyber world timeline and database.

Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.
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