The theft of social networking dwarfs the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Bernie Madoff and Fannie Mae
The media is silent about the crime because it feeds at the social media trough

JPMorgan muscling Judge Richard G. Andrews to kill another important patent in Delaware
Judge Richard G. Andrews, Delaware federal district court judge, stubbornly refuses to recuse himself from the Pi-Net/Arunachalam v. JPMorgan patent infringement battle surrounding web transactions. Andrews was appointed by Barack Obama on Nov. 7, 2011. He has ADMITTED IN AN OPINION that he holds JPMorgan stocks and that he worked formerly for another JPMorgan law firm, Mayer Brown LLP. JPMorgan's Daniel A. DeVito with Skadden Arps LLP (Hillary Clinton's former chief of staff's and chief judge Leonard P. Stark's former firm) is now pressuring Andrews to sanction Dr. Arunachalam for daring to sue JPMorgan. They call her suit "frivolous," like bad guys always do. Andrews dug in his heals even after his fellow judge, Sue L. Robinson, recused herself for similar conflicts after ruling against Arunachalam in an important Markman Hearing after only a week on the job. Robinson had helped institute dubious changes to judicial mutual fund reporting in 2001 in the Judicial Conference, with Federal Circuit Executive, Jan Horbaly. These changes have been used as the excuse for judges to not report stock portfolio holdings, like JPMorgan, if they are held inside a mutual fund. We call it the "Mutual Fund Scam." (Eight of the Supreme Court justices hold JPMorgan stocks, but did not recuse themselves in Dr. Arunachalam's petition just denied.) Judges Andrews and Stark, both Obama/Chandler nominees, are central actors in "The Greatest Financial Crime in the History of the World." JPMorgan is their central banker. Click here for Dr. Arunachalam's latest motion. Dr. Arunachalam is the former Director of Network Architecture for Sun Microsystems as the commercial Internet was emerging.
News Update, Jan. 03, 2016:
Click here to watch Marne L. Levine (Deutch)'s Washington Post "meandering" confession. She is a very confused woman. Meandering purpose? This is nonsense. There's no meandering in her resume, she has gone from one Larry Summers job to another. She has no vision, that is why she struggles in this interview. She does what her man Larry tells her to do. Yet more Instagram-sham (Facebook Jr.). Run folks, before the rats beat you off the ship.
Is MArne L. Levine (Deutch) a truthful woman? (Hint: She is married to the son of disgraced former C.I.A. spymaster, Director John M. Deutch (1995-1996), who like Hillary, kept classified information on his home PC, and would have been gone to jail, but Clinton pardoned Deutch on Bill's last day in office.)
(Dec. 30, 2015)—Drug pushers give away free drugs to get users hooked. They know that once hooked, users will beg, borrow and steal money for the next fix.
Similarly, purveyors of social networks give away free services. They’ve learned that the user will stay with them once they become dependent. The mainstream media, for example, has become hooked on the digital drug. This addiction has lured them into silence about the perpetrators of this fraud. They ask no questions, get no answers, and remain silent, or rather, muzzled.
However, the social world is operating illegally, as we show below. The software invention that enables social networking was the brainchild of Columbus, Ohio innovator, Michael McKibben and his company, Leader Technologies.
Leader and McKibben hold the patents and copyrights, yet have not received a dime of compensation from an invention that rivals Thomas Edison’s light bulb in importance.
Trillions of dollars are owed Leader Technologies
The theft of social networking is without doubt the greatest financial crime of all time. The loss to Leader’s shareholders easily reaches into the trillions of dollars.
This crime dwarfs Lehman Brother’s ($600 billion), Fannie Mae’s ($400 billion), WorldCom ($104 billion) and Bernie Madoff ($65 billion).

perfect storm of greed, fraud and hubris
This crime is the perfect storm of greed, hubris, fraud, opportunity and perverted notions of public service.
It did not happen overnight, it started percolating at Harvard in the early 1990s.
What does this crime mean for you as a user of social networking?
If you are given a car for your free use, but later learn it was stolen, what would you do?
Keep it? No, you’d give it back. Alternatively, you’d pay the rightful owner.
Likewise, you have enjoyed Leader Technologies’ social networking invention for years. Granted, you were lied to about the supposed "open source" nature of the software, but that aside, now that you know, you cannot just keep using it in silent assent to the criminals who stole it.
Now that you know your social platform is ill-gotten gain by your provider, one of three things must occur. Either: (1) you stop using the service and settle up with Leader for past use, (2) you order your provider to settle up with Leader and start paying license fees going forward, or (3) you start paying Leader a license yourself.
How did we get in this mess?
Harvard sycophancy created this crime
In the early 1990s, an ambitious Harvard economics professor named Larry Summers was itching to try out his economic theories somewhere in the world.
Summers saw in the collapsing Soviet economy his opportunity for malevolence.
In 1993, Summers left Harvard and joined the World Bank as chief economist. From this perch he proceeded to shove his half-baked theories down Russia’s throat because they needed the hard currency.
Summers' World Bank recommendations doomed Russia to mob rule since the mob were the only ones with the hard currency to buy Summers' ill-conceived privatization vouchers.
What does this have to do with the theft of social networking, you ask?
Clues: Summers’ World Bank interns included his Harvard student, Sheryl K. Sandberg, and Yuri Milner. Sandberg later was Summers' chief of staff under Bill Clinton, then became a Google vice president. She is now chief operating officer at Facebook and a Hillary Clinton confidante. In fact, they are so close that the State Department just classified some of their communications.
Milner used dubious Russian funds from oligarch Alisher Usmanov to pump Facebook’s pre-IPO valuation to $100 billion. Facebook started at Harvard. Summers came back to Harvard after being Bill Clinton’s Treasury Secretary just in time for Facebook to start. 19-year old Mark Zuckerberg came under Summers' wing at Harvard and received more Harvard Crimson news coverage in 6 months than any world leader or event. Leader Technologies' treacherous patent attorney taught at Harvard. Facebook's first venture capital investment was from a Harvard alum.
Do you believe in such coincidences? We’re just getting warmed up.
While Summers was busy fleecing Russia, his Harvard colleague, law professor James P. Chandler, III, was busy seizing the reigns of America’s national security.
Chandler wrote esoteric laws and executive orders on national security for Bill Clinton. They were so convoluted that he was assigned to advise the three branches of government on what they meant and how to interpret them.
Chandler continued from Bill Clinton through the Bush Administration. He prepared the way for Barack Obama. His cronies all received senior Obama appointments, including Eric Holder, who became Attorney General, and David J. Kappos, IBM's insider intellectual property counsel, who became director of the Patent Office.
Chandler’s behind the scenes super-interpretive role for his newly-minted laws and Executive Orders were too big a temptation for him not to exploit.
During that time, many major companies beat a path to Chandler’s door, including IBM. He hatched a plan with these companies to develop a “public-private” cooperation around national security.
Chandler’s model was to steer cyber security contracts to his cronies in exchange for their cooperation with the NSA for things like warrantless snooping.
NSA spy state invasion of privacy wreaks havoc with the separation of powers
That illicit personal information has surely been used for all sorts of blackmail, coercion, bribery and intimidation of judges, politicians, businesspeople and average citizens alike. Indeed, NSA employees were caught using such information against their two-timing girlfriends. Just imagine the damage to the separation of powers if this information is used against a member of Congress or the Judiciary to get a favorable decision.
We believe this is the reason Washington, D.C. has become so dysfunctional. The NSA and their cronies will never admit they're doing this. But Washington's dysfunction infers it.
This circumstance alone is why nobody, not the NSA, FBI or Congress should have access to unlimited amounts of personal information.
How easy is it to manipulate people when you know what they are thinking and planning? You never have to compromise. The NSA has all that information and uses it to get what they want.
Chandler was not satisfied just being a consultant. He and his cronies secretly formed private shell companies to implement their policy recommendations. Then they fed their companies government security contracts. Various companies associated with Chandler have popped up, like James LLC, Market LLC, Eurotech, AccelPath, EOIR Technologies, Markland Technologies, Technest, The White Oak Group. Many if these companies have untraceable Cayman Island stockholders.
IBM and Microsoft figure prominently in these Chandler plans because they were his clients, their legal departments were his former law students, and they were Chandler’s platforms of choice in his emerging plans for a spy state platform.
Chandler has famously said in Washington, D.C. circles that he believed the only way for the United States to stay on top of global spying was to outspy America's adversaries with technology.
He knew that such ubiquitous spying required control of the underlying software and hardware. IBM and Microsoft agreed to play.
We are now in the late 1990s in this chronology. The Internet browser wars were on (Internet Explorer and Netscape).
Both IBM and Microsoft had bet their futures on "client-server" technology. Their corporate collaborative systems were called "groupware" under brand names like Microsoft Exchange, Microsoft SharePoint, IBM Websphere and IBM Lotus Notes. Novell GroupWise was a distant third.
Chandler believed that IBM and Microsoft would supply his spy platform.
IBM and Microsoft were behind the Internet curve
However, the ground began to shake under both IBM and Microsoft. Their client-server technologies were not able to handle the transaction volumes required for the Internet. In short, they could not rise to the occasion. Try as they might to speed up their platforms, nothing was working.
Columbus entrepreneur, Michael McKibben, had a better idea. McKibben was fresh off his success at rebuilding AT&T’s email system, AccessPlus 3.0. He also learned firsthand from Bell Labs and AT&T's sales force why their alliance with Lotus Notes was being scrapped. He was told that Lotus Notes was a kluge, and was not able to meet large scale requirements.
McKibben raised his own funds, hired his “dream team” and ran the design teams himself.
In late 1999, McKibben and his team had an epiphany. They realized that client-server could never scale to the requirements of the Internet. They determined that a completely different approach to managing and storing data was required.
This was mind blowing to McKibben’s team. They had collectively built many of the largest systems in the country in telecommunications, banking, defense and commerce. What they realized was that the tech world was in a stifling group-think about client-server approaches. It had become their religion, and as with any religion, had its own orthodoxy not quickly challenged.
McKibben believed this widespread groupware orthodoxy insulated him from competition since his colleagues were thinking apples when he realized oranges was the solution. So, he kept it to himself while his team quietly put their heads down and developed what we now call “social networking.”
McKibben knew he needed the best patent attorney he could find to make sure the applications were filed correctly. Through referrals he was introduced to law professor James P. Chandler, III.
What McKibben did not know was that Chandler, IBM and Microsoft were already well down their path toward building their spy state platform. When Chandler learned about McKibben’s inventions, he immediately knew this was what his cronies needed to fix their scalability problems. So, he agreed to be Leader's attorney and even agreed to be a director.
However, neither IBM nor Microsoft could reprogram their legacy groupware group-think quickly. So instead, they elected to let McKibben and Leader Technologies do the research and development heavy lifting while they waited. They knew McKibben could do it since he had already competed against AT&T Bell Labs, arguably the best R&D team on the planet, won the contract, then delivered on time and in budget their new corporate messaging system. The plan was for Chandler to secretly feed it to IBM when it was ready.
McKibben was very protective of his source code, so while Chandler knew generally what Leader had invented, he didn't have the full picture and he did not have the source code. So, Chander's Cartel began to shadow Leader’s every development.
IBM Eclipse Foundation started Nov. 29, 2001 with a $40m IBM "donation"
Chandler thought Leader was ready in late 2001, so IBM formed The Eclipse Foundation on Nov. 29, 2001. They started giving away pieces and parts of IBM code and Leader ideas as Version 1.0.
Then, Chandler schemed a way to get his hands on a complete copy of Leader’s source code. He cooked up a “Smart Camera” project with his cronies at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL). Leader went along as a way to validate their technology in government applications.
Chandler wrote a 71-page contract that included a source code custody provision that was Chandler's excuse to get a copy of the source code. That was Jun. 06, 2002. However, Chandler still needed Leader's interface designs.
So, in early August, Chandler insisted that Leader file copyrights on its interface designs. Hindsight shows that was so the Cartel would see how the source code connected to the various user screens. Leader had invested $750,000 in those designs alone (as a part of the more than $10 million and 145,000 man-hours invested in Leader's overall research and development in the invention).
Aug. 29, 2002—Ground Zero of the theft
Then, on Aug. 29, 2002, IBM Eclipse published Version 2.0.1 that included all of Leader’s innovations given to Chandler on Jun. 6, 2002.
From Eclipse Foundation minutes we have learned that Leader's code was given simultaneously to AltoWeb, Borland, Catalyst Systems, Flashline, Fujitsu, HP, Hitachi, IBM, Instantiations, MKS, Oracle, Parasoft, QNX, Rational, Red Hat, SAP, Scapa Technologies, Serena Software, SlickEdit, SuSE, TeamStudio, Telelogic, TimeSys, TogetherSoft, MontaVista Software and Sybase.
However, about this time, Leader discovered a substantial problem in the implementation of the invention’s database design. That problem took a year to resolve.
Mutual Fund bribery scheme
In the meantime, Mark Zuckerberg had been recruited to be the Harvard student Bill Gates front man narrative. While they waited during 2003 for Leader to complete their engineering, Zuckerberg busied himself stalling the four other campus facebooks that were trying to emerge (Winklevoss Twins, Paul Ceglia, Aaron Greenspan and Harvard's Admin).
About this time, yet another Harvard guy, James W. Breyer, was organizing the banks to fund this theft. Everyone jumped in, including JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Fidelity, In-Q-Tel (C.I.A.), Vanguard, UBS, Wells Fargo, you name it.
Also during this time, Chandler used his influence to rewrite the financial ethics rules to allow politicians, judges and judicial employees to hold mutual funds without disclosing the portfolio companies inside those funds.
James W. Breyer got his mutual fund friends to invest in his companies. This way, judges and politicians could load up on Breyer's funds without having to disclose the crony holdings themselves. In short, Chandler legalized judicial and political bribery. Indeed, he has famously complained that judges are underpaid. With this Cartel mutual fund scam system, these judges could guarantee their high returns simply by favorable rulings whenever those cases came before them.
Leader solved their year-long engineering problem on Oct. 28, 2003. Magically, on that very night, Zuckerberg hacked the dormitory servers at Harvard, writing in his online diary: “Let the hacking begin." Three months later, on Feb. 4, 2004, Facebook went live during IBM EclipseCON-2004 (Feb. 2-5, 2004).
2004 and early 2005 was the beginning of the Cartel’s public takeover of digital infrastructure worldwide. The following events occurred in rapid succession:
- Google launched Gmail (4/1/04),
- Breyer joined National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) as chairman (5/13/04),
- C.I.A.’s Louie Gilman joined NVCA as director (5/13/04),
- JPMorgan loaned IBM $10 billion to sell PC Group to Lenovo (China) (5/27/04),
- Chandler formed (6/29/04),
- Obama introduced at the Democratic convention (07/27/04),
- Peter Thiel invested $500K in Facebook (08/01/04),
- Google went public, underwritten by Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan (08/18/04),
- IBM, Motorola and Nokia announced intention to build embedded [spy] systems (08/31/04),
- Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) joined Eclipse (10/27/04),
- IBM Eclipse announced that it lost track of the original code contributor (Leader)(12/08/04),
- IBM sold PC Group to Lenovo, facilitated by Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan (12/08/04),
- Breyer formed WininChina LLC (03/02/05),
- Breyer and Accel Partners invested $13 million in Facebook (05/26/05), and
- Yuri Milner startsed Digital Sky (which eventually invested in Facebook (06/01/05).
Click here for a full timeline.
On Feb. 10, 2007, Barack Obama candidacy announced on Facebook.
On Sep. 11, 2007, Microsoft started feeding user data to the NSA.
On Mar. 12, 2008, Yahoo began feeding user data to the NSA.
On Mar. 14, 2008, Sheryl K. Sandberg left Google and joined Facebook.
On Aug. 01, 2008, David Kilpatrick published The Facebook Effect lies about Zuckerberg.
By Sep. 2008, IBM Eclipse boasted 191 members.
On Oct. 15, 2008, the SEC granted Facebook an unprecedented waiver of the 500-shareholder rule.
On Nov. 07, 2008, Barack Obama elected to his first term. Promised to "fundamentally transform America."
On Nov. 19, 2008, Leader Technologies sued Facebook for patent infringement.
On Nov. 23, 2008, Obama appointed Larry Summers to oversee the bank bailout. Fed $33 billion to Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley.
On Dec. 01, 2008, Eric J. Holder, Jr. nominated Attorney General.
On Dec. 05, 2008, Donald K. Stern, Facebook attorney, became Obama’s justice adviser
On Dec. 12, 2008, FISA Court gave Attorney General almost dictatorial powers to approve domestic surveillance by NSA.
On Jan. 14, 2009, Google started feeding user data to the NSA.
The "public-private" duplicity among Obama, Silicon Valley and Wall Street is off the charts—any network built by these players will be corrupt by nature
In 2009, Hillary Clinton nominated Secretary of State; announced plans to use Facebook in foreign policy.
On Jun. 03, 2009, Facebook began feeding user data to the NSA.
On Apr. 01, 2010, Patent Office started a Facebook page.
On Jul. 27, 2010, Leader proved that Facebook infringes its patent for social networking on 11 of 11 claims. However, the federal courts rallied behind Facebook anyway; failed to disclose their financial holdings in Facebook interests; failed to disclose their relationships to Facebook attorneys.

Then, on Mar. 02, 2015, President Obama and senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, met with his chief Alinsky beneficiaries of the Eclipse Foundation code (stolen from Columbus innovator, Leader Technologies): IBM, Xerox, Dell, Micron Technology, Qualcomm and EMC. Given the timing of this meeting―a week after the radical “Net Neutrality” changes to Internet regulation by the FCC—the real agenda of this group was most likely to discuss progress on their common agenda—the IBM et al “The Internet of Things” takeover of global digital infrastructure, which the FCC changes to Internet regulation helped facilitate.

On Feb. 17, 2011, Barack Obama met with Cartel software vendors in Silicon Valley. See Fig. 4.
In 2011, Hillary’s State Department published four-part “Facebook field guides.”
On Nov. 03, 2011, IBM, Eurotech and Eclipse gave messaging software to Facebook.
On May 18, 2012, Facebook went public.
On May 22, 2012, Facebook's Cartel insiders sold $13.26 billion of their share. This included James W. Breyer, Accel Partners, Yuri Milner (, Mark Zuckerberg, Goldman Sachs, Peter Thiel, Meritech Management and Microsoft (Gates & Balmer).
On Feb. 08, 2015, HSBC Whistleblower Hervé Falciani revealed the Cartel used offshore money laundering to fund illicit activity.
On Mar. 02, 2015, Obama met at the White House with key Cartel hardware vendors: BM, Xerox, Qualcomm, Micron Technology, Applied Materials, Dell and EMC. See Fig. 4.
On Oct. 10, 2015, Obama made a secret trip to meet with Qualcomm.
On Oct. 12, 2015, Dell announced acquisition of fellow Cartel member EMC who had just met with Obama at the White House on Mar. 02, 2015.
NSA lies to protect this theft
On Nov. 20, 2015, The New York Times reported that the NSA lied about stopping their illegal domestic surveillance programs.
$1,000,000,000,000+ damages—
The Greatest Financial Crime in History
The collective revenues of the companies embroiled in this theft are in the multiple trillions of dollars. Since all revenue associated with social networking relies on Leader Technologies’ invention, that revenue is ALL ill-gotten gain.
This makes the theft of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention the greatest financial crime in the history of the world.
10% to whistleblower(s)
Leader Technologies has indicated they are willing to pay a 10% reward for information that leads to the recovery of funds by their shareholders.
Click here for hijack of the cyber world timeline and database.
* * *
The Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment empowers Congress to legislate a payday for Leader Technologies shareholders. This would provide adequate financing for Leader to offer a rational social networking environment—one that offers the application utility that people have come to enjoy about Leader’s invention without sacrificing security and privacy.
Contact your elected representatives and ask them to use Congress' power of the purse to pay Leader Technologies and unplug the Cartel.
Click here for hijack of the cyber world timeline and database.

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself.
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