Facebook’s "Dark Profiles" acquiring all the world’s personal data, voraciously

USPTO Officer (former employee of Facebook attorney White & Case LLP) admits secret "alias" email accounts
None of these secret emails have been produced in Leader v. Facebook FOIA requests
(Nov. 3, 2013 Update)—AFI investigators uncovered yesterday a 2012 Patent Office directive, issued by Kathryn W. Siehndel (CLICK HERE), FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) Officer, instructing employees not use the intellectual property of third parties (like Leader Technologies’) without permission.
Only Facebook's attorneys would make this claim. This is more strong evidence that Facebook's attorneys are colluding with the Administration.
Facebook was judged to be in "literal infringement" of Leader's patent on 11 of 11 claims. This is the highest form of patent infringement. See: "How HealthCare.gov uses third-party websites and applications" (captured from the Obamacare website at 09:42 AM EST, Nov. 04, 2013).[10]
Just saying it doesn't make it so. Buying off federal judges to get your way is a crime.
By the time of the Siehndel memorandum, Patent Office Director, David J. Kappos, had already posted on his USPTO Facebook Page 300 times (CLICK HERE)—without asking Leader Technologies for permission to use their intellectual property. Kappos' impropriety occurred while his office was in the middle of processing Facebook's request for reexamination of Leader's patent.
Did the White House order the U.S. Patent Office to steal Leader's technology to support re-election, OBamacare & banker Buds like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan?
Equally troubling, Siehndel admits that USPTO personnel have secret “alias” accounts (p. 15) (CLICK HERE), yet she has not produced a single copy of these messages in any Leader v. Facebook FOIA inquiry. While the directive looks innocent enough on the surface (its for security and privacy), observers of the Facebook Club now know that this is their blanket excuse for all abuses of security and privacy.
Siehndel is the Patent Office FOIA Officer who has failed to disclose her conflict of interest ties to Facebook's attorneys in Leader v. Facebook, and who is stonewalling current FOIA inquiries (see below).
Technologists know that "alias" email message handling is a playground for the unscrupulous to mask misconduct in a blizzard of technospeak acronyms like SMTP, SRS, NDN, RCPT and SPF. All that laypeople really need to know here is that while the destination of an "alias" email could be one's inbox, it could just as easily be forwarded to a secret Gmail, Yahoo or Facebook account.
This practice opened the USPTO system up to mischief and concealment of collusion. If caught, Siehndel and her Facebook Club will cite this policy as "full disclosure" of their practices. Count on it. These lawyers have fabricated an excuse for every unethical deed they do. Just observe their tap dancing on President Obama's "you can keep your plan" promise. Their Leader v. Facebook conduct is more of the same confiscation of public trust and property.
Confiscation of personal property; abuse of trust
Indeed, the millions of cancelled healthcare plans are just as much a citizen's personal property as Leader Technologies' U.S. Patent No. 7,139,761 for social networking. In fact, the two are combined now that the Obamacare website is relying on Facebook links—Leader Technologies' invention and property.
In like manner, each American who has just had his or her healthcare cancelled spent time, energy and resources (their intellectual property) to acquire their plan—a plan their President promised dozens if not hundreds of times they could keep.
Complaint against Patent Office Filed with Inspector General
Executive Branch confiscated Leader Technologies' invention to publish USPTO director newsletter—while pretending impartiality & making false insurance promises
(Nov. 1, 2013 Update)—Department of Commerce Inspector General, Todd J. Zinser, received a new complaint today against the Obama Administration's abuse of private property.
The complaint (CLICK HERE)[08] alleges that Obama's political appointee, Patent Office Director, David J. Kappos, confiscated the social networking patent of Columbus, Ohio-based innovator, Leader Technologies, Inc., for his personal newsletter to 10,000+ Patent Office employees. Kappos set up his Facebook page during the Leader v. Facebook proceedings. This conduct violates common sense and the Executive Branch's "Standards of Ethical Conduct" on fairness and impartiality. Inventors must be able to rely upon an impartial Patent Office. "That trust was resoundingly abused in our case," said a Leader spokesperson.
Pres. Obama made this promise: Oct-2008 (1x), Jun-2009 (3x), Jul-2009 (4x), Aug-2009 (6x), Jan-2010 (1x), Mar-2010 (6x), Apr-2010 (1x), Sep-2010 (1x).
Timing-wise, Kappos posted to his Facebook Page 302 times between May 2010 and Nov. 2012 (www.facebook.com/uspto.gov). By May 2010 President Obama had already made 22 of 23 assurances to Americans that "you can keep your current insurance," according to New York Magazine.[09] Likewise, Barack Obama carried 114 links on his Facebook Page to his political organization, Organizing for Action, between 2007 and today (www.facebook.com/barackobama).
confiscation of property and rights by a government is illegal
In short, this Administration relied on confiscated social networking property invented by Columbus-based innovator, Leader Technologies, to promote its political agenda. That agenda included confiscation of the rights of Americans to keep their health insurers.
(Oct. 28, 2013)—In 2012, Mark Zuckerberg’s former speech writer, Katherine Losse, revealed in her book The Boy Kings, that since 2006 Facebook has had a feature called "Dark Profiles," which creates secret accounts for people who have never signed up.[01]
This means that if your picture is ever tagged with your name, a secret, "dark" data gathering account about you is created—one that you did not authorize and will never see. Then, every time your name is mentioned anywhere in the world, or your picture appears anywhere, that data will be immediately associated with your Dark Profile. Creepy, but true. A Congressional Briefing was published after Losse's book was published.
It may be legal, but is it moral? – When "legal" is toxic
The Facebook Club lawyers are practicing a KGB/Moscow-developed tactic called "lawfare." The Soviets developed the technique to undermine Western democracies during the Cold War. Now that research has been repurposed. These unscrupulous lawyers have assured the Facebook executives that all this is perfectly "legal" since all 1 billion users on Facebook gave up their privacy rights when they signed on. Legal? Maybe. Moral? Surely not. This is a good example of why lawyers cannot be given power to run governments. Their fungible ethics will eventually drag a society over the cliff's edge.
What you don’t know can hurt you
Are you tempted to think, so what, how can my Facebook data hurt me? Think again. President Obama currently has over 47 million "likes" on Facebook.The improper way that he obtained this disproportionately high number aside, elections can be manipulated with these Dark Profiles, since there are only 1 billion Facebook users, but 7.1 billion people in the world.[06]
What others write about you, and who tries to friend you, is a gold mine for demographers who extrapolate intimate details about your life, including your voting preferences. These secret profiles can predict how you’ll vote, and what your hot buttons are, with surprising accuracy.
If you are a fence sitter, that's when you’ll get a personal visit from an Obama for America local organizer. That person will already know your issues, and will have an information kit customized just for you. If there are enough of you in a single voting bloc, say left-handed Californians, don’t be surprised if an Executive Order favoring left-handed Californians suddenly appears. President Obama only beat Mitt Romney by 5 million votes. So, these "Dark Profile" fence sitters are enough to swing an election.
Since that data was not equally available to the opposition, use of this data about you amounts to election manipulation. The fact that so many foreigners are associated with Facebook amounts to foreign influence on U.S. elections, which is illegal. This undue influence hurts every American. Ditto for the sovereign elections in Germany, France or any other country.
The Facebook Club is creating Big Brother on steroids
Now, add your healthcare (Obamacare), financial (Wall Street), telephone and online data (NSA) to your Dark Profile, and you have the ultimate Big Brother file on every person on the planet. What do you think Facebook is storing in its new Swedish data center—outside the reach of US law?[2] Ask yourself why not a single investigator from the mainstream media has doggedly investigated Facebook executives to get to the bottom of their theft of intellectual properties from Leader Technologies and others, their repeated breaches of security and their now ubiquitous intrusions on people's privacy expectations. Is it because the mainstream media is drunk on the Facebook ad revenue Kool-Aid?
The Facebook Club is consolidating power, as we speak
Is it any wonder why the Facebook Club is currently pulling out all the stops to achieve their data gathering objectives, before their agenda is exposed? We believe this hidden agenda explains why the pundits who are not part of the Facebook Club are currently shaking their heads and asking what is going on. In fact, Bob Woodward in yesterday's Face the Nation interview with Bob Shieffer expressed his alarm at the out-of-control "secret government" being exposed by the NSA snooping.[03]
Bob Woodward’s "Secret Government" = The Facebook Club
We believe that the privacy laws in Europe are proving to be a stumbling block to the Facebook Club's agenda. Enter the NSA. If, for example, the Facebook Club can learn what Angela Merkel's cyber policy plans are, then they can stay several steps ahead of her with the goal of fully incorporating the German and French economies into their global financial and electioneering plans.

Leader v. Facebook revealed that American justice checks and balances are broken
The revelations of the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption scandal have exposed intimate, cross-fertilized relationships among a gaggle of Washington, New York and Silicon Valley law firms, Wall Street, the Justice Branch, the Executive Branch, telecommunications and mainstream media.[5] The checks and balances firewall that traditionally separated these groups has crumbled. The schemes appear to have hatched at Harvard in the late 1980's. Who better than a gaggle of narcissistic Harvard Law graduates to break the U.S. Constitution using their inside knowledge? John Adams is surely praying for their souls right now.
We recommend to the Europeans that they not focus on Obama per se, but rather on Obama's handlers – the Facebook Club. Obama is only a pawn on the chessboard.
Europe: Focus on The Facebook Club for motive & hidden agenda
We suggest that Europeans focus on Lawrence "Larry" Summers, James W. Breyer, John P. Breyer, Thomas G. Hungar, Gordon K. Davidson, Theodore B. Olson, George Soros, Alisher Usmanov, Sheryl Sandberg, Yuri Milner, Accel Partners LLP, Reid Hoffman, Peter Thiel, Marc Andreessen, Donald K. Stern, Thomas J. Kim, Preetinder "Preet" Bharara, David J. Kappos, Robert F. Bauer, Anita B. Dunn, Eric H. Holder, Toni Townes-Whitley, World Bank, IMF, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs and the gaggle of law firms, and their in-tow federal judges and bar associations; law firms named Gibson Dunn, Cooley-Godward-McBee Strategic, White & Case, Blank & Rome, Fenwick & West, Orrick Herrington, Weil Gotshal, Latham & Watkins, Sullivan & Cromwell and Perkins Coie.
The Facebook Club is almost exclusively lawyers. Lawyers are skilled at manipulating the levers of power, but are woefully inadequate at administrating power. We believe lawyers have an inherent conflict of interest in holding office and running bureaucracies while they hold an active law license. They are effectively playing on both sides of the ball. In any other profession such conflicts would not be permitted. Attorneys have bored their way into the woodwork of American democracy like borer beetles.
On July 29, 2013 Facebook was found guilty on 11 of 11 counts of stealing Leader Technologies' social networking invention. but the federal judges, incl. the Chief Justice, protected their personal pre-IPO investments in Facebook, instead of judging rightly.
Why hasn't an independent press exposed this fraud?
The Obamacare design document is between 10,000 and 33,000 pages depending upon who's counting
If you doubt that the current leadership crisis in Washington DC is attorney-fabricated, just look at Obamacare. It is currently between 10,000 and 33,000 pages.[04] That's a lot of legal fees (good for lawyers) and a non-implementable instruction manual (bad for U.S. citizens).
Engineers doubt that the Obamacare site can be fixed in a few weeks, as we are currently promised, because the wrong people are driving the bus.
"Tech surge" is a silly engineering notion
America needs engineers and problem solvers, not more lawyers concocting silly notions like a "tech surge." In programming, more is generally not better. In fact, more is generally bad when one is building the first version of a program. Developers know that perhaps 20 qualified engineers is optimal to build an initial operating environment. Too many cooks spoil the broth in software research and development. Therefore, while the notion of a "tech surge" may mollify the masses, it is a silly engineering notion.

If the R&D were run properly by engineers and designers instead of lawyers, no "tech surge" would be needed now. It is evident that this supposed surge is nothing more than a smokescreen to get more Facebook Club programmers involved building Facebook Club data siphons and backdoors. Obama's former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel said: "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." What better excuse than a "tech surge" to inject your people into an otherwise closed programmer pool?
Obamacare website fiasco: more misdirection by the Facebook Club
Such mismanagement had to be intentional. Even first year project management students would have done a better job. One must work to screw up the website implementation this badly. NASDAQ also had similar "gliches" when the Facebook IPO began trading. Curiously, all the Facebook insiders cashed out under that smokescreen to the tune of $6+ billion. The hidden agenda of the Facebook Club must be exposed and stopped before the personal information of everyone on the planet is consolidated in their unelected, private hands.
Don’t sacrifice your property, privacy and security on the Facebook Club altar. "Free" is never free.
* * *
[01] Facebook Dark Profiles: Ramkumar Iyer. (Jun. 29, 2012). Facebook developed ‘Stalker, Dark Profiles’ says ex-employee in new book. First Post.
[02] Facebook Swedish Data Center: Ashlee Vance. (Oct. 04, 2013). Inside the Arctic Circle, Where Your Facebook Data Lives. BusinessWeek.
[03] Bob Woodward "secret government:" Bob Woodward. (Oct. 27, 2013). The Secret NSA/C.I.A. Government. YouTube. Face The Nation. MP4.
[04] 10,000 to 33,000 page Obamacare design specification: Glenn Kessler. (May 15, 2013). How many pages of regulations for 'Obamacare'? The Washington Post.
[05] Leader v. Facebook courts ignored law; held Facebook investments. Petition for Writ of Certiorari, Leader Technologies, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., No. 12-617 (U.S. Nov. 16, 2012) HTML.
[06] How did 47 million Obama FB "likes" appear? "U.S. Politics Must Quit Facebook – Facebook agenda is a clear and present danger to American democracy." Americans For Innovation, Sep. 17, 2013 http://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2013/09/us-politics-must-quit-facebook.html
[07] Mark Zuckerberg's "I built Facebook in 'one to two' weeks" testimony. Mark Zuckerberg Deposition, Apr. 25, 2006, ConnectU LLC v. Zuckerberg et al, 04-cv-11923-DPW (D.Mass. 2004) <http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/zuckerberg/2006-04-25-Mark-Zuckerberg-Deposition-Apr-25-2006-ConnectU-LLC-v-Zuckerberg-et-al-1-04-cv-11923-DPW-D-Mass-2004.pdf>.
[08] Inspector General Complaint. Dept. of Commerce COMPLAINT to the Inspector General against the U.S. Patent Office, incl. former Director David J. Kappos; Judges Stephen C. Siu, Allen r. MacDonald, Meredith C. Petravick; and FOIA Officer Kathryn W. Siehndel, Oct. 31, 2013 <http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/foia/2013-12-09-USPTO-CORRUPTION-COMPLAINT-TO-COMMERCE-INSPECTOR-GENERAL-Supplement-Dec-9-2013.pdf>.
[09] Pres. Obama's Healthcare Promises. ''Video: President Obama Promising That You Can Keep Your Health-Care Plan, Again and Again'' by Dan Amira. New York Magazine, Oct. 29, 2013 <http://videos.nymag.com/video/If-You-Like-Your-Plan-Supercut>.
[10] Obamacare makes false, Facebook Club "open source" intellectual property claims. ''How HealthCare.gov uses third-party websites and applications.'' HealthCare.gov Privacy Policy, Nov. 4, 2013, 09:42 AM'' <http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/obamacare/HealthCare.GOV-Privacy-Policy-Nov-4-2013.pdf#page=5>.