Born in 1882 in San Francisco to naturalized Irish immigrants Patrick and Lillian G. Troy. Her three older brothers were attorneyes Patrick and Edward and historian Daniel. She was employed at age 26 by the San Francisco News Company, distributor of over 300 newspapers and periodicals and a division of the American News Corporation, Inc. that had a virtual monopoly on newspaper distribution in the U.S. She was to Britain in 1908, most assuredly to cover the upcoming First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 that would start the next summer on Jun. 05, 1909—the biggest event in newspaper history, we believe.
Given Lillian's auspicious selection,and the company's distribution of William Randolph Hearst's publictions, it is certain that Lillian carried bonafides from Hearst and was introduced to his newspaper colleagues in Britain, most notably William Thomas ("W.T.") Stead— the chief Pilgrims Society strategist of the Conference and Cecil Rhodes' biographer and "Julia's Bureau" seance conjeror. Stead's Review of Reviews periodical was bankrolled by Cecil J. Rhodes.
Unknown to few but insiders, the Conference was also designed to recruit agents for the creation of MI5, MI6 and GC&CS now GCHQ planned for Jul. 29, 1909 by Pilgrims Society prime minister Herbert H. Asquith (note: effectively Boris Johnson's 4th wife, Carrie Johnson's, illegitimate baby grandaddy).
Lillian exposed the corruption of Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller and the founders of the British Pilgrims Society, of whom W.T. Stead was one. Against Stead's admonitions not to, in 1912, she published a secret 24-point plan of the Pilgrims Society for the “annexation of the U.S.A.” She steadfastly supported the women’s suffrage movement in America and Britain. She started several businesses to support her political activism, that included support the movement for Irish independence.
In 1919, the British government deported Lillian and banned her for life from ever returning. They said she was a threat to Britain and its allies. Subsequently, Lillian oy became an advisor to various U.S. senators and congressmen and worked to expose the Pilgrims Society’s treasonous plot to re-incorporate America into the British Empire. Notably, Minnesota congressman Hon. Dr. Lt. Commander Jacob Thorkelson entered Miss Troy’s investigations into the Congressional Record in 1940 in 17 parts titled “Steps Toward British Union, a World State, and International Strife.”
Click here for a full Lillian Scott Troy Biography and Timeline.
At great risk between 1908-1919, Lillian Scott Troy warned the world about the demonic Pilgrims Society darkness descending upon humanity
Just discovered: Lillian even convinced Cecil Rhodes’ biographer, W.T. Stead (“The father of tabloid journalism”), to disavow the Pilgrims’ plan to take down America just months before he died (was Arkancided?) on the "Titanic" (Apr. 15, 1912)
We believe the Pilgrims sank the Titanic (actually it was her twin ship Olympic) in 1912 to silence a recalcitrant W.T. Stead, J.P. Morgan/Rothschild competitors, collect the insurance, and test their Marconi wireless propaganda advances (became RCA, BBC, NBC, IBM, AT&T, "Five Eyes," NSA, C.I.A., SERCO, British Aerospace, In-Q-Tel, QinetiQ) for their next big false flags: WWI, Lenin & Bolshevism, League of Nations, Mao Tse-tung, WWII, Bank for International Settlements, Korea, Vietnam, U.N., etc.
These same demons are still working to collapse the American Republic today
Jul. 22, 2022—On Nov. 05, 1908, at age 26, American journalist Lillian Scott Troy was selected by her bosses at The San Francisco News Company to move to London in advance of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, titled "A Parliament of the Press." (PDF).

Lillian was a diminutive (5 ft. 1 in.) and strikingly beautiful, dark brown-haired fire cracker who gave no quarter to rich and powerful men who tried to shut her up.

Lillian Scott Troy was born in San Francisco in 1882 to naturalized Irish parents and had three older brothers Patrick, Edward and Daniel. Her father Patrick was an insurance agent and her mother was a housekeeper. Her brothers Robert P. Troy and Edward (P. E.) Troy were prominent San Francisco and Los Angeles attorneys; Edward was secretary of the Municipal Ownership League and chief counsel for the Commercial Union Insurance Company (a British fire and accident insurer with offices in San Francisco); Robert married the widow of a former CA senator, Steven M. White.
The San Francisco Stock and Bond Exchange were founded that year. The Gold Rush was 27 years in the rear-view mirror. Corruption and graft were endemic to daily life then.
Lillian believed in the ideals of the American Republic and abjured monarchism. She relished being a Californian where citizens had never been the subjects of the British Empire.
She was also a tireless activist for women’s suffrage and supported Irish independence from Great Britain. As an entrepreneur she started several businesses to support her journalism and activism while in Britain.
Her employer, The San Francisco News Company, a division of the American News Company, Inc., was an influential distributor of over 300 American and British newspapers and periodicals. American News had a virtual monopoly on news distribution in America, including the newspapers of the William Randolph Hearst empire.
In 1904, Hearst ran for President. In 1905, Hearst ran for New York mayor, then in 1906 he ran for governor of New York. In 1906, he created a new Independence party and ran again for governor of New York in 1909.
Earlier, in 1888, Hearst met with W.T. Stead in New York to be mentored by W.T. Stead in his concept of “Government by Journalism.”
This was precisely at the same time that Stead was helping Cecil Rhodes develop his “Society of the Elect” secret society, sometimes called the Round Table, to reorganize the British Empire into a fascist imperial corporatist model. In Apr.-Jul. 1889, Rhodes invested in Stead with funds that enabled him to start The Review of Reviews.
Bookmark: #lillian-scott-troy-biography-timeline | https://tinyurl.com/2axa4byu
Click here for a ZIP file of the document archive for this research. Be patient on the download, this is a large file (1.12 GB). CHECK YOUR DOWNLOADS FOLDER. Please repost these documents to preserve truth history for your research and future generations. Includes the three videos in this post. Long filenames are shortened for WinZip. Click here for an index of the ZIP Archive contents (*.txt).
Lillian's employer, The San Francisco News Company, did not shy away from a fight with powerful people over their reporting. In fact, the ex-San Francisco police commissioner, Thomas F. Reagan, was just then suing the company for libel over reports where they exposed that Reagan had protected city executives, including the mayor, who frequented brothels offering females and boys despite his anti-prostitution rhetoric—a suit he lost (Jul. 24, 1907 to Oct. 23, 1911).
Lillian moved into the newly-built Waldorf Hotel that was walking distance from TheCityofLondon financial district, Royal Courts, British Museum and British Library in the city's center.

The fact that Lillian Scott Troy’s employer paid for her to stay in the Waldorf Hotel, London, is a testament to their confidence in her as a reporter, and the importance of her mission, which was evidently to cover the coming First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 Jun. 05-28, 1909.
From this strategic vantagepoint, Lillian Scott Troy put her ear to the ground and heard treasonous talk among the king and his peers planning the British "annexation of the U.S.A." by members of a secret society named the British Pilgrims Society.
![Editor. (May 13, 1913). Would Annex America [says Lillian Scott Troy], p. 20. The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tennessee).](https://fbcoverup.com/docs/library/annex-america.jpg)
Who was American Nicholas Murray Butler? Click this link to read his full Pilgrims Society-Columbia University biography. Click here for a PDF.
Lillian quickly befriended William Thomas (“W.T.”) Stead, perhaps Britain’s most well-known journalist, called “the father of tabloid journalism.”
W.T. Stead was then owner of Review of Reviews, American Review of Reviews and Australasian Review of Reviews—a publication bankrolled by Cecil J. Rhodes in 1889 before he started the British South Africa Company.
W.T. Stead was also the chief strategist of the upcoming First Imperial Press Conference, 1909. In addition, he was a leader in "psychical research" through his spiritualist quarterly, Borderland, and his Julia's Bureau elitist seance organization announced just months after meeting Lillian. Stead's secretary then was American spiritualist Rev. Dr. Hugh Robert “Sinclair” Moore, Oracle's Larry Ellison's later convicted pedophile baby daddy and founder of the First Church of Psycho-Science in Oakland, California.
The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909—A Parliament of the Press
Just seven months after Lillian's arrival in London, The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909—A Parliament of the Press was held Jun. 05-28, 1909. Here's the actual recently discovered (supressed) book-transcript (be patient on the download).
Stead was the key strategist for the Conference that brought together 650 of the Empires’ leading newspapermen (and their American agents) to discuss Imperial strategy for uniting propaganda and “creating public opinion.” The Empire Press Union was formed at the end of the Conference, as were MI-5, MI-6 and GC&CS now GCHQ a month later in Parliament. These first British intelligence agents were newspapermen from the Conference.

Notably, this historically treacherous Conference has been effectively written out of history until recently. Not a single history of W.T. Stead or the secret Pilgrims Society even mentions this Conference for which Stead was the chief strategist in any way other than sometimes a trivial reference.
Lillian wrote in 1941 that at the time of the First Imperial Press Conference in 1909, she had come to possess a secret 24-point Pilgrims Society insiders' plot to annex America. She also learned that America's bankers, generals, newspapermen and politicians were already on board. For example, in recognition of America's July 4 Independence Day, American Major George Haven Putnam published on July 4, 1918 "A Declaration of Interdependence" in Britain with much fanfare.

Lillian told Stead that she planned to publish the 24-points right away (in 1909, around the time of his First Imperial Press Conference, 1909). She said that Stead persuaded her not to publish her explosive evidence of the global conspiracy.
Lillian finally told the world in 1941 that she had eventually convinced W.T. Stead that this Pilgrims Society annexation of America plan would fail because Americans would not voluntarily “come back” to the British Empire as Stead had naively dreamed.
She also said that Stead soon came to repudiate Cecil Rhodes’ and Lords , Lord Milner’s and Lord Rothschild’s American takeover plan and disavowed himself “of the peril to the British Empire were any such foolhardy ‘exploration’ [be] undertaken seriously by the British Government.”
Indeed, Stead’s fears came true, the Conference bolstered the foolhardy exploration of the bankers, notably Lord Rothschild, J.P. Morgan. John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg and the Vanderbilts. These men wanted war with Russia and Germany. They knew that to do that they needed to have monopolies over shipping, telegraphy, steel, oil and chemicals.
On Nov. 05, 1908, Lillian Scott Troy registered her presence with the U.S. Embassy in London using the name "Lillian May Troy," inexpicably. This useful document confirmed her residence at the new Waldorf Hotel, her employer as San Francisco News Company, and her father as Patrick Troy.
J.P. Morgan financed gargantuan British ships in 1909 promising to serve future wars
Early in 1909, Pilgrims Society co-founder J.P. Morgan financed the building of the Titanic, Olympic and Britannic at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast Ireland—these ships were to be the largest and most luxurious moveable man-made objects of the day.
Part of J.P. Morgan's deal with Great Britain was that he would allow the ships to be militarized by the British Admiralty (not the American navy) in times of war. This deal became the excuse to seal news about the sinking of the Titanic behind state secrecy.
Hindsight shows that the Pilgrims ordered J.P. Morgan to build these three large ships to bolster the British Admiralty’s capabilities in their planning to start WWI.
Lillian Scott Troy took off the gloves re. “The Fat Man” Andrew Carnegie
On Feb. 13, 1912, Lillian Scott Troy feared England, Japan and [Andrew] Carnegie are in alliances against the United States. Further, she exposed how the former King Edward VI and leading British politicians believed Americans to be dolts and sheep who should have a vulture, not an eagle as the national symbol. She makes reference to a Bohemian Club writer, Berkeley professor Henry Morse Stephens, who wrote a ritual play for the Bohemam Grove meeting depicting Saint Patrick allegedly interacting with druids, chieftans and Irish kings. She labels the British Pilgrims Society conspirators as "the Benedict Arnold "Peace" Society" (her label for the secret British Pilgrims Society).
“Benedict Arnold Peace Society—Andrew Carnegie’s Crafty Method”
On Feb. 17, 1912, Lillian Scott Troy decided to ignore Stead’s silence plea and she published the 24-point American annexation strategy titled the "Benedict Arnold Peace Society—Some Inside and Interesting History of the Infamous Peace Proposal—How the Scheme To Form an Alliance With England Is Being Engineered—Carnegie's Crafty Method." It was published in the Irish Catholic Weekly The Leader (San Francisco, CA), Feb. 17, 24, 1912.
![Andrew Carnegie. (1898). The Reunion of Britain And America: a Look Ahead. New York: [s.n.], 41 pgs. Univ. of Minn.](https://fbcoverup.com/docs/library/1888-10-09-A-Trustworthy-Beast-The-public-may-regard-trusts-or-combinations-with-serene-confident-Andrew-Carnegie-interview-NY-Times-WA-Rogers-ill-Oct-09-1888.jpg)

With this 24-point American annexation revelation, Stead had lost control of his Lillian Scott Troy protégé.
Between 1909 and 1912, the British Pilgrims insiders evidently saw that W.T. Stead had become weak-kneed about their annexation of America plan.
Given the way Stead had earlier disagreed with Cecil Rhodes in the Boer Wars, including being removed as the beneficiary of the Rhodes will, they could not afford the risk that Stead might disclose their plans to fabricate the annexation of the U.S.A., start WWI and take down Russia and Germany.
Among the 24-point plan were these priorities:
Point 1: Power of the President of the United States to be increased so as to gradually diminish the powers of Congress.
Point 2: Supreme Court of the United States to be revised so as to embrace only judges agreeable to absorption by Great Britain, and uniformly hostile to the United States Senate.
Point 3: Precedents must be established by said Court against the United States Senate in rulings, decisions, etc., (specially prepared).
. . .
Point 11: Honors must be conferred on the husbands of women thus given preference in the social circles of America, and a rank or position determined by judiciously distributed decorations
. . .
Point 16: Men whose wealth prevents their being influenced by money must have honors and position and possibly a title dangled before their wives' eyes.
![Editor. (May 31, 1913). CARNEGIE OFFERED A DUKEDOM, [King] Edward VI's Proposition to the Hero of Homestead, ANNEXATION OF THE U.S.A., Extraordinary Facts Unearthed by An American Lady [Lillian Scott Troy]. Daily Herald (London).](https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/carnegie-dukedom-may-31-1913.jpg)
See Shortlist of Traitors to our American Republic
Unmistakable Conclusion: The 1909 24-pt. plan is still in play and the British Pilgrims Society Runs America (stop saying "Deep State" and name the enemy)
Lillian Scott Troy called them the “Benedict Arnold Peace Society”
To prove that this Lillian Scott Troy Pilgrims Society 24-point strategy to take back America is still very much at play today, here is a shortlist of Americans who have been given British knighthoods (Points 11 & 16 above). Note the military men and politicians like mass murderers Bill Gates, Henry Kissinger and alleged pedophile, Kevin Spacy; even Supreme Court chief justice John G. Roberts, Jr., Knight of Malta English Priory:
2020 Joseph Dunford KBE
2016 Martin Dempsey KBE
2015 Mark Getty KBE
2015 (Pedo) Kevin Spacey KBE
Angelina Jolie DCMG
Richard Lugar KBE
2009 John Warner KBE
2009 Edward Kennedy KBE
2005 (Monarchist) John G. Roberts, Jr. Knight of Malta English Priory
2004 Tommy Franks KBE
2004 Robert Worcester KBE
2004 (Coronavirus) Melinda Gates DBE
2004 (Coronavirus) Bill Gates KBE
2002 Rudy Giuliani KBE
2002 (BIS) Alan Greenspan KBE
2001 Steven Spielberg KBE
2001 Billy Graham KBE
2000 Wesley Clark KBE
2000 (IBM) Lou Gerstner KBE
1999 George J. Mitchell GBE
1998 Bob Hope KBE
1995 Tom Foley KBE
1995 Henry A. Kissinger KCMG See also Kissinger post.
1993 Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr. KCB
1993 George H W Bush GCB
1993 (WMD) Colin Powell KCB
1993 Brent Scowcroft KBE
1989 Ronald Reagan GCB
1988 Caspar Weinberger KBE
1987 Paul Getty KBE
1976 Walter Annenberg KBE
1976 Dean Rusk KBE
1957 (C.I.A.) William J. Donovan KBE
1957 Hugh Bullock KBE, GBE
1955 William F. Halsey, Jr. KBE
1953 Winthrop W. Aldrich (maternal Rockefeller, chairman of Chase National Bank, US Ambassador to UK, Pilgrims Society) GBE
1953 John W. Davis GBE
1950 (FBI) J. Edgar Hoover KBE
1947 Olaf M. Hustvedt KBE
1947 John Gilbert Winant OM
1946 Omar Bradley KCB
1945 Henry K. Hewitt KCB
1945 Henry H. Arnold GCB
1945 George S. Patton KBE
1945 (Marshall Plan) George Marshall GCB
1945 Dwight D Eisenhower GCB, OM
1945 Chester W. Nimitz GCB
1944 Mark Clark KBE
1944 James Doolittle KCB
1920 William C. Gorgas KCMG
1918 Tasker H. Bliss GCMG
1918 John J. Pershing GCB
1918 John Biddle KCB
1902 Andrew Carnegie Dukedom
Click here for a fuller knighthood list (although Henry Kissinger was not on the Wikipedia list! See Associate Press confirming his knighthood.)
Lillian published the demonic 24-point Pilgrims Society plan in The Leader Hearst publication on Feb. 17, 24, 1912.
On Apr. 15, 1912—two months later—W.T. Stead perished in the Titanic scandal.
At the same time, J.P. Morgan’s Titanic sister ship Olympic had become so damaged by multiple earlier accidents that it had become a financial write-off. The only way to save J.P. Morgan’s investment and the 20,000+ Belfast ship building jobs was for J.P. Morgan to get an insurance payout which Lloyds of London paid out on Apr. 20, 1912—just five days after the sinking!

A normal person will think there is no way that people would be so diabolical as to kill 1,500 people to execute just a handful of people like W.T. Stead and John Jacob Astor IV.
However, remember, the Pilgrims Society co-founders Lord Alfred Milner and Gen. Lord Roberts were the butchers of the Boer Wars.
Just ten years earlier, Milner and Roberts killed over 60,000 people to establish the British South Africa Company—the world’s first fascist corporate government established by Crown charter. Obviously they would sacrifice 1,500 Titanic passengers to take out Stead and Astor to protect their annexation of America scheme.
As proof of this premise, one need look no further than the Apr. 16, 1912 New York Herald headlines—on the day after the sinking of the Titanic. These headlines are reminiscent of the 342-page Patriot Act that was introduced 42 days after 9-11. Congress.com (html). Too much. Too fast. Too perfect.

Here is a short list proving the Titanic “news” was pre-programmed:
- Too many photos and illustrations in the ready (20).
- 40 mentions in praise of Marconi wireless telegraphy (which was just being implemented by the British Admiralty and Post Office); Winston Churchill’s cousin Charles F.G. Masterman was in charge of monopoly contracts with Marconi Wireless. Two years later Masterman was chief of the British War Propaganda Bureau called “Wellington House” (his insurance office name).
- 25 detailed biographies of notable victims were all teed up. Too many. Too soon.
- “Two miles deep” (read, don’t go looking) (The maximum dive depth of a WWI submarine was 165 feet).
- $10,000,000 J.P. Morgan cost (mentioned at least 3 times – preprogrammed the Lloyds of London insurers, who paid out ***four*** days after the disaster).
- “Of the passengers saved nearly all are women and children” (covers over men being taken out, probably by assassination squads).
- Likely targeted victims enumerated, incl. John Jacob Astor VII, W.T. Stead, Benjamin Guggenheim.
- Totally contradictory statements about survivors on other vessels.
- Exquisite detail on names of survivors and victims. Too much. Too soon.
On Mar 30, 1913, Lillian widely publicized the force feeding of suffragette Miss Zelie Emerson.
On Apr. 27, 2013, Lillian advocated and demonstrated against the imprisonment in Britain of American suffragette Zelie Emerson; Lillian also fed 96,000 meals for the children of persecuted suffragettes in England.
"Annexation of the U.S.A." plot—Andrew Carnegie's, Elihu Root's, Nicholas Murray Butler's etc. Pilgrims Society treason
On May 13, 1913, Lillian exposed the "Annexation of the U.S.A." plot initiated by Pilgrims Society founders King Edward VII and Andrew Carnegie, along with founders Nicholas Murray Butler, long-time president of both the Pilgrims Society in the U.S. and president of Columbia University (formerly named "King's College" in traitor Alexander Hamilton's day).
On May 26, 1913, Lillian publicized the cruel treatment of suffragette Zelie Emerson in Britain.
On May 30, 1913, new American ambassador Walter Hines Page introduced by the Pilgrims Society.
On May 31, 1913, Lillian reveals that Andrew Carnegie told her “Yes, I was offered a Dukedom by the late King Edward VII, if I would bring about the annexation of the United States.”
Future WWI prime minister Lloyd George caught insider trading in Marconi stock
On Jun. 19, 1913, MPs David Lloyd George (future prime minister) and Sir Rufus Isaac were caught trading on their insider information in America about the monopoly of Marconi Wireless that was being arranged in Britain by the British Admiralty and Post Office, organized by Winston Churchill's nephew Charles F.G. Masterman (who later became the chief of the British War Propaganda Bureau from his insurances offices at "Wellington House" between 1914-1916 when it became a formal Cabinet position run by Cecil Rhodes' understudy John Buchan, the future Governor General of Canada)—no conspiracy here!
On Jul. 31, 1912, Lillian sought to strip Andrew Carnegie of the right to vote in the U.S.
On Sep. 22, 1913, Lillian discovered that Andrew Carnegie was a registered voter in Scotland, as were his two top American secretaries while also claiming American citizenship.
U.S. Ambassador Walter Hines Page: America is “English led and English ruled”
On Sep. 23, 1913, Lillian publicized the new American ambassador Walter Hines Page—a member of the Pilgrims Society--saying that America was “English led and English ruled.”
On Dec. 27, 2013, Lillian exposed the evident British agenda to provoke trouble in Ireland and Germany.
Also on Dec. 27, 2013, Lillian publicly rebuked the newly-minted U.S. Ambassador Walter Hines Page (in office May 30, 1913 – October 3, 1918—Pilgrims Society member, WWI Anglophile sycophant) for denigrating his own countrymen when he said in a speech: “Americans lacked the fine arts of Englishmen in the ordinary courtesies of life.”
On Jan. 01, 1914, the British War Cabinet (all Pilgrims) formally ordered that all British ships worldwide were to immediately implement Marconi Wireless telegraphy (most already had it).
On Aug. 05, 1914, Britain officially declared war on Germany.
On Oct. 16, 1914, dozens of prominent British authors with whom Lillian was in contact fell in lockstep behind the British War Propaganda Bureau led by Winston Churchill's cousin, MP Charles F.G. Masterman, to lie about supposed German atrocities (that never happened) and helped foment WWI.
Bookmark: #baron-louis-von-horst | https://tinyurl.com/54ahnzmh
See Editor. (Dec. 17, 1914). AMERICANS RALLY TO FREE VON HORST (colleague of Lillian Scott Troy). The Fort Wayne News (Indiana).
See also Editor. (Dec. 23, 1914). GERMAN PRISONERS SHIFTED TO SHIPS (incl. the Prince Edward, re. Baron Louis Von Horst detention), THOSE ON BOARD VESESELS ARE WELL TAKEN CARE OF, BUT LACK ACTION. The Danville Morning News (Pennsylvania).
Note: The byline propaganda about prison conditions is patently false [a retired infantry butcher and prison ship commandant of the Transvaal (2nd Boer War), Lt. Col. E.L. de Cordes, 3rd Bn. W. Rid. R. (Mila.), West Riding Regiment (Duke of Wellington), was assigned as the prison commandant to imprison Baron von Horst on the prison ship "Prince Edward" in SOUTHEND-ON-SEA harbor 43 miles east of London]... too detailed and obviously fabricated to deceive the general public into INACTION. (Lies upon lies upon lies. The results all become demonic into the present day—they must be destroyed because their legacy of evil must be destroyed, there is no fixing the damage they have done to humanity.)
Col. de Cordes' squalid Boer War prison ships saw outbreaks of measles. Tellingly, Pilgrims Society British chemical and pharmautical collaborator Sir Henry Wellcome was supplying special medicine chests to experiment on treat the bacteria and virus victims, Boer and black, women and children. Over 60,000 died according to UK Parliament records cited elsewhere numerous times in this blog.
Sir Henry Wellcome also bankrolled the costs and extra curricular activity of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, where modern spying and media were formally combined in the Empire Press Union, BBC, MI-6, MI-5 and GC&CS now GCHQ. NBC, CBS, NSA, ABC, C.I.A. and FBI were mere tag-alongs later thanks in large part to Nicholas Murray Butler, longtime president of both Columbia University and the Pilgrims Society in the U.S.A.
On Sep. 03, 1914, Lillian’s political collaborator, Baron Louis von Horst, said to be the largest supplier of hops and barley in the world, including the supplier to Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis, was arrested and placed into a London concentration camp where he remained locked up for the duration of WWI; Lillian testified before the U.S. Congress to reveal the Pilgrims Society’s hidden agenda to annex America via arbitration treaties.
Lillian was put under surveillance by MI-5 (Scotland Yard) for the duration of WWI. (Remember, MI-5 was formed in the month after Empire newspapermen gathered for the Imperial Press Conference, 1909.) She was never told why, ever, although nasty British propaganda implied (without any proof) that she was a Horst German ("Hun") spy collaborator, an Irish terrorist, a militant suffragette, an anti-monarch cinema propagandist, and that she used her beauty to whore around. They just threw sh_t at the wall. They were obviously effective in defaming Lillian since the 24-point Pilgrims Society plan is only now reaching public consciousness in 2022.
On Dec. 17, 1914). notable Americans, including the Ambassador to Britain (a British Pilgrims Society member Walter Hines Page—window dressing?), protested the imprisonment of American hops businessman Baron Louis von Horst, who supported Irish and suffragette causes, ran a string of cinemas in Britain, and was the largest hops distributor in the world, including being the chief supplier of the Annhauser-Busch brewery in St. Louis.
On Dec. 23, 1914). Baron Louis von Horst, the falsely imprisoned German-American hops distributor and political activist for Irish and suffragette causes was moved to the Prince Edward prison ship in SOUTHEND-BY SEA whose commandent was a retired lieutant-colonel who ran prison ships in the Boer War for the butcher of the Transvaal, Sir Gen. Roberts, the first president of the Pilgrims Society (1902). Note: Von Horst received his barony from the Duke of Saxe-Coburg Gotha, Prince Albert's (Queen Victoria's) home. Von Horst would no doubt have seen the Pilgrims Society's 24-point plan to annex the United States back into the British Empire discovered by Lillian Scott Troy in 1909.
On Jun 22, 1916, Lillian advocated strongly for her friend and business partner, Baron von Horst, for his un-indicted imprisonment and the confiscation of his properties and businesses.
On Dec. 17, 1917, The League of Nations was first proposed in "Secret" as "A PSYCHOLOGICAL OFFENSIVE," in the British War Cabinet of David Lloyd George by Chief Propagandist John Buchan, the future High Commissioner of Canada.
On Jul. 20, 1918, Lillian incorporated her Croydon (South London) cinema, ORPHEUM, LTD.
On Aug. 09, 1918, Lillian formally registered herself as an American citizen at the London embassy (no doubt sensing she was getting set up by the newly-formed MI-5 (Scotland Yard).
On Jan. 11, 1919, Lillian continued to protest the un-indicted imprisonment of her friend and business associate, American Baron von Horst, who had fed suffragette children in 1912, as well as bailing out suffragettes.
On Jan. 18, 1919, the Paris Peace Conference (Treaty of Versailles or Versailles Conference, formed the League of Nations) at Quai d'Orsay dominated by the leaders of Britain (PM David Lloyd George), France (PM Georges Clemenceau), the United States (Pres. Woodrow Wilson) and Italy (PM Vittorio E. Orlando).
The League of Nations was first proposed in the British War Cabinet of David Lloyd George by Chief Propagandist John Buchan on Dec. 17, 1917, the future High Commissioner of Canada. See previous post.
On Mar. 08, 1919, Lillian advertised her Croydon (London) cinema (using the same name as the ORPHEUM LTD. cinemas owned by Baron Louis von Horst that the British government (illegally) seized by emminent domain [to control propaganda]).
On Apr. 09, 1919, Lillian was deported by the British Foreign Office on the Cunard Line ship Carmania evidently to shut her up and get her out of the war mongering Pilgrims Society's hair in carrying out their 24-pt. annexation of the United States plan that Lillian exposed in Feb. 1912 in Hearst newspapers.
On Apr. 15, 1919, British MI-5 sent out press release via United Press that Lillian Scott was deported for “activities detrimental to the British and allied cause.” Apr. 17, 1919; Apr. 19, 1919.
![Editor. (Apr. 17, 1919). British Deport American Suffragist [Lillian Scott Troy], p. 1. Muskogee Daily Phoenix and Times-Democrat (Muskogee, Oklahoma.](https://fbcoverup.com/docs/library/british-deport-lillian-scott-troy.jpg)

On Apr. 19, 1919, Lillian told a Modesto, California newspaper 10 days after her deportation that British MI-5 secret police had started following her around while she was feeding 98,000 meals to the children of persecuted suffragettes in 1913.
On Jun. 28, 1919, The Covenant of the League of Nations was signed as Part I of the Treaty of Versailles. Evidently, British WWI warmonger primer minister David Lloyd George—the Marconi Wireless stock inside trader—ordered Lillian to be deported in order to protect his League of Nations agenda.
On Aug. 29, 1919, New Zealand daily carried a propaganda hit piece disparaging Lillian and the Irish revolutionary “Hun” Baron von Horst—NINE MONTHS AFTER THE WAR ENDED. (After being deported, Lillian became very active in the U.S. Congress exposing the secret Pilgrims Society 24-point plan for the “annexation of the U.S.A.”)
On Nov. 13, 1919, British Home Secretary Short lied to Parliament that Lillian was “deported as a undesirable.”
On Nov. 24, 1919, British president of the Board of Trade, Sir Auckland Geddes; disclosed the seizure of Baron von Horsts’ assets and his associations to Lillian Scott Troy.
On Dec. 10, 1919, the U.S. Congress opened an inquiry into the deportation from Britain of Lillian Scot Troy and her request for redress and compensation from the British government.
On Jun. 12, 1920, the notorious British propaganda rag John [full of] Bull defamed Lillian and Baron von Horst.
On Apr. 13, 1922, Lillian Scott Troy provided to the U.S. Senate an English book [citation being sought] revealing a disparaging official British policy attitude about the backwardness of the American culture (and the need to be re-incorporated into the British Empire).
On Sep. 17, 1922, Lillian demanded answers from the U.S. Department of State for why her activities and businesses were not protected by the Department.
On Dec. 26, 1923, Lillian applied for a passport to travel to Germany, Switzerland and Italy but told by the U.S. State Department said she was prohibited from visiting her former home, friends or businesses in Britain.

On Sep. 02, 1926, Lillian interviewed former German Grand Admiral von Tirpitz, the post-War founder of the German National People's Party (Deutschnationale Volkspartei, or DNVP). She explained to him the deceptively-worded Charles Gates Dawes Plan (for "rebuilding" Europe) that would destroy Germany by enabling the British and their Wall Street international bankers (Pilgrims Society) to sieze control of the efficient German railway system, and published her interview in the Hearst newpapers.

In June 1913, Thomson was appointed Assistant Commissioner "C" (Crime) of London's Metropolitan Police, which made him the head of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at New Scotland Yard. When World War I broke out in 1914, the CID found itself acting as the enforcement arm for Britain's military intelligence apparatus: while the newly formed Secret Service Bureau (later known as MI6, the Secret Intelligence Service (SIS)), and the intelligence arms of the War Office and the Admiralty, collected intelligence on suspected spies in Britain,
In 1921 he fell out with Lloyd George and was asked to resign. The reasons for this remain mysterious.
Lillian also disclosed that one of the persecuters in London who "haunted" her was Sir Basil Thomson, British intelligence officer, Head of the British Secret Service (Scotland Yard) during WWI ca. 1915.
On Aug. 06-Sep 27, 1940, Hon. Dr. Lt. Commander Jacob Thorkelson (Montana, 1st) (1939-1940) entered Lillian Scott Troy's "Benedict Arnold Peace Society" writings into the Congressional Record.
On Apr. 05, 1941, Lillian disclosed that she had been successful ca. 1909 in convincing W.T. Stead to break with Cecil Rhodes, Lord Milner, Lord Rothschild, Lord Balfour, Sir Winston Churchill, etc. when he discovered that “the basic idea of Rhodes’ [Pilgrims Society] scheme was the reconquest of the United States as an ‘integral part of the British Empire,’ by treason and intrigue, and betrayal.
On Jun. 16, 1941, Congressman Paul W. Shafer (MI 3rd), submitted into the Congressional Record "'UNION NOW' TREMBLES," an article by Lillian Scott Troy in the San Francisco Leader on Apr. 05, 1941. The article exposed "the British-Carnegie-Rhodes transparent intrigue . . . to prove that the citizens of the United States are ashamed of their nationality and their flag and desire to come under the cloak of the British Empire in a 'union.'"
On Sep. 22, 1964, Lillian Scott Troy continued her journey in the Kingdom of God at age 82—no doubt taking a seat of honor among the Saints, and hearing: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
We have Lillian Scott Troy—one fearless woman—to thank; she was perhaps the first general in the modern information war
It is largely because of the fearless efforts of one woman, Lillian Scott Troy, that the American Republic has been able to discover the demonic agenda of the British Pilgrims Society to annex the American Republic and extinguish the hopes and dreams of 1776.
May Lillian's memory be eternal. We honor her vision and dedication to the high moral principle of 1776.
* * *
Described above is abject immorality on the part of the Pilgrims Society and their demons.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.
Bookmark: #miller-act-notice | https://tinyurl.com/yrppbdt6

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump (the then-current President) It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
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These people are not even real royalty King Edward IV was illegitimate I learned this after doing research on my ancestry and learning they have been trying to kill off my whole family for 500 years for being of a real Royal bloodline they have done this to many Royal family's over 500 years
ReplyDeleteWe have to find a way to integrate this new knowledge into US history books. We have to explain to Americans how this intrigue continues to today, and find ways to further expose the cast of characters. How?
ReplyDeleteSupport TRUTH HISTORY!
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Spread the truth!
Baron Louis von Horst, hops suppler to Anheuser-Busch in St. Louis, was imprisoned in Britain just as WWI began on trumped up charges—proved false after 1919
ReplyDelete… after the British crippled him while in prison
See Editor. (Dec. 17, 1914). AMERICANS RALLY TO FREE VON HORST (colleague of Lillian Scott Troy). The Fort Wayne News (Indiana).
See also Editor. (Dec. 23, 1914). GERMAN PRISONERS SHIFTED TO SHIPS (incl. the Prince Edward, re. Baron Louis Von Horst detention), THOSE ON BOARD VESESELS ARE WELL TAKEN CARE OF, BUT LACK ACTION. The Danville Morning News (Pennsylvania).
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Spread the truth.
Email comment by TG:
ReplyDeleteSherry Jackson. (Feb. 08, 2017). ACCORDING TO THIS FORMER IRS AGENT INCOME TAX IS VOLUNTARY. MOST IRS WORKERS HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT THIS - Black Women Ex IRS Agent Sherry Peel Jackson Shows Why She Was Jailed & Disappeared. Special Agent Noble. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Source: https://youtu.be/ifmU2OuTXjk
Press Release. (Sep. 11, 2008). FOUR YEAR PRISON SENTENCE AFFIRMED FOR GEORGIA TAX DEFIER (Sherry Peel Jackson) - Former IRS Employee Convicted of Tax Crimes, No. 08-812. U.S. Department of Justice. https://www.justice.gov/archive/tax/txdv08812.htm
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Spread the truth.