The evidence strongly indicates that the British Pilgrims Society has controlled Kissinger since World War II
Kissinger was a Pilgrims Society vice president ca. 2002 (likely before)-2009 according to IRS records—notably during the 2008 so-called bank "crisis" that bailed out fellow Pilgrims Society bankers
(An official Pilgrim book says Kissinger was vice president in 2003 when it was printed)
Kissinger, and a dozen other Pilgrims, conspired to take America off the gold standard on Aug. 15, 1971; buddy Volcker briefed selected Pilgrims international bankers in London the next day
Kissinger's first policy speech on Dec. 12, 1973 as the new Secretary of State was in London at a Pilgrims Society dinner announcing the infamous OPEC oil currency (to replace gold)
OPEC distractions made it easier for the Pilgrims Society to move their stolen gold around at the International Bank for Settlements Zurich
As a young U.S. Army intelligence officer, Kissinger took orders from Pilgrims Sir Stewart Menzies (MI6), Lord Rothschild (Bank of England), William Donovan (OSS gold launderer), Allen Dulles (ditto), David Sarnoff (RCA/NBC), Wellcome & Carnegie Funds,Rockefeller Funds (Tavistock), AT&T (telecoms), Rio Tinto (Crown-controlled), Raytheon, GE, IBM and the Empire Press Union
This newly-discovered evidence of fraud and treason is actionable, we believe—for a Justice Department that is, who serves We the People and not the Senior Executive Service (SES), which is a Pilgrims Society extension of British Crown Agent saboteurs
Bookmark: #1930-naval-conference | https://tinyurl.com/yyohxpfuThis film shows Naval Conference delegates as guests at a Pilgrim Society Dinner (“Anglo-American Institution”) in their honor evidently working for a Pilgrims-dictated outcome to controlling naval warfare. See shots of the assembly and toasts being declared. The speakers were Sir Edward Grey (dark glasses), then Chancellor of Oxford University (ca. 1925-33); Signor Dino Grandi, then Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1929-32); and Mr. Arthur Henderson, then British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs. See also shots of other speakers. Pick out J. Ramsay MacDonald, M.P.; Mr. Henry L. Stimson, then U.S. Secretary of State (1929-1933); André Pierre Gabriel Amédée Tardieu, then French prime minister, Baron Wakatsuki Reijirōki, Japanese prime minister within the year; and Charles G. Dawes, former U.S. Vice President (1925-29), U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain (1929-31).
Stimson and Dawes, along with Lord Rothschild, J.P. Morgan, Harriman Brown Brothers, Allan W. Dulles and Dean Acheson, would go on to play pivotal roles in the confiscation and laundering of Nazi and Japanese gold by the Bank for International Settlements in Zurich that funded the post war Pilgrims Society's globalist exploits at forming a "new world order." Oxford University provided a steady stream of Rhodes Scholars to staff the Pilgrims' secret, seditious global racketeering operation.
See London Naval Treaty, signed Apr. 22, 1930. (Accessed Aug. 25, 2020). Arms control negotiators Stimson (US), MacDonald (UK), Tardieu (Fr.), Signor Dino Grandi(It.), Reijirōki (Jp.), effective Oct. 27, 1930. Wikipedia.
Aug. 22, 2020—We believe that in the late 1940s, Henry Kissinger was recruited for membership in the self-styled elitist Pilgrim Society. His handlers most likely included his U.S. Army intelligence handlers David Sarnoff (NBC/RCA), Allen Dulles (OSS/CIA) and Dean Acheson (Under Secretary of State, Marshall Plan).

Seconding Kissinger’s Pilgrim Society membership would have been David Rockefeller.
Rockefeller employed Kissinger to write foreign policy for the Rockefeller Foundation. Kissinger met his first wife, Nancy S. Kissinger (née Maginnes) there.

In 1953, Withrop W. Aldrich was knighted by the Queen as a Knight Grand Cross of the British Empire (GBE), thus violating The Foreign Emoluments Clause (art. I, § 9, cl. 8).
Hindsight shows that Aldrich was using his position as chairman of Chase Bank to sell finance to Europe that was secretly leveraging the stolen German and Japanese gold secreted away in Switzerland at the Bank for International Settlements.
Propaganda and Surveillance Note: Withrop W. Aldrich and John F. Dulles (United Fruit Company counsel, shareholder in RCA with brother Allen W. Dulles, eventual CIA director) both became Rockefeller Foundation trustees in 1935. Owen D. Young, chairman of Radio Corporation of America and David Sarnoff's boss, became a trustee in 1928.
Kissinger - Rockefeller - Aldrich - RCA - NBC Tavistock mind control
In 1946, Rockefeller had just pumped major funding into The Tavistock Institute media brainwashing laboratory in London—controlled by the Crown/BBC.

Notably, Rockefeller headquartered many British Crown spies at 30 Rockefeller Center during WWII, including the infamous "Intrepid" (Sir William S. Stephenson) and M.P. Philip Whitwell Wilson, the Pilgrims handler of Vladimir I. Lenin and Joseph Stalin in London.
David Sarnoff, as Pilgrims president of both RCA and NBC, also had an office at 30 Rockefeller Center.
According to the Pilgrims Society's master web site in London, the Societies' UK and U.S. memberships are reciprocal. Some have even taken British titles in evident violation of Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution (no gifts, emoluments, offices or titles from foreign states and monarchies).
- Dean Rusk (KBE 1976), Kissinger's Pilgrims predecessor as Secretary of State
- William J. Donovan (KBE, Knights of Malta) [CITE]
- Henry Kissinger (KCMG, 1995, private ceremony at Windsor Castle)
- John G. Roberts, Jr. (Knight of Malta, ca. 2005, English Priory)
- Bill Gates (KBE, 2005)
- Do you get the picture?
Others knighted Americans include Alan Greenspan, Billy Graham, Bob Geldoff, Bono, Barents, Caspar Weinberger, Colin Powell, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Edward Kennedy, Edward R. Murrow, George Bush, George Marshall, George Mitchell, George Patton, J. Edgar Hoover, James D. Watson (IBM), John Pershing, John Roberts, Kevin Spacey, Lou Gerstner (IBM, McKinsey), Michael Bloomberg, Norman Schwarzkopf Jr., Omar Bradley, Richard Lugar, Ronald Reagan, Rudy Giuliani, Steven Spielberg, Tommy Franks, Walter Annenberg, Wesley Clark, and Winthrop Aldrich (Rockefeller)(Chase Manhattan Bank).
See a radical leftist agenda here? Their commonality of attacks on President Trump and the American Republic form of government is their memberships in the Pilgrims Society and its loyalty to the British monarchy, not the American Republic.
In other words, Kissinger, Sarnoff, Acheson, Rockefeller, Marshall are/were all members of the British Pilgrims Society.
How important is the Pilgrims Society to British hegemony?
Read this statement by Winston Churchill, M.P. at the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 (Jun. 05-28, 1909) organized by the Pilgrims Society in which he was a full participant, after which they founded the Empire Press Union (and successors, BBC propaganda central, to this day), MI6, MI5 and GC&CS renamed GCHQ in 1946 when they subsumed American intelligence in "Five Eyes" treason:
WINSTON CHURCHILL, M.P. (Jun. 11, 1909, Fourth Day of Conference, pp. 194-196):
"I am bound to say that I think posterity will greatly admire our proceedings. (Laughter.) They will see our wonderful self-command at such a moment, and the noble equanimity in such periods of stress, and the iron nerve of those men that they could thus deliberate calmly upon the very threshold of appalling cataclysms . . . The power of the Press, gentlemen, is a fertile theme . . . this is a Conference which tends to increase the power and influence and strength of the man behind the pen—and, after all, the man behind the pen is no less important than the man behind the gun." (emphasis added).
At the same moment in time, Cecil Rhodes' biographer W.T. Stead, co-founder of the Pilgrims Society, and key participant in the 1909 Imperial Press Conference, was busy schooling American publisher Randolph Hearst in the finer points of the Pilgrims' plan for "Government by Journalism."
Oaths by American citizens to foreign sovereigns is seditious
Maybe making an oath to the U.S. Constitution is acceptable to a British Pilgrim, but such oaths, for American public official, bowing down to the British Pilgrim monarch, is against the law!
Such conduct taints them ethically and legally.
Everything they do after that point is the fruit of a poisonous tree.
Every decision these treasonous Americans made must be unwound and restitution made to their victims.
So we stay focused on Henry Kissinger, we will include a primer on the Pilgrims Society at the end of this article for new readers.
* * *
If you are still skeptical that a small, semi-secret society of British-American self-styled elitists with the word “Pilgrim” in their name has driven the world into the current "new world order" anti-human moral crisis, this new evidence should put that doubt to rest.
On the other hand, your programming may not let you hear this true history.
If that is the case, you have already fallen victim to Stockholm Syndrome* psychological warfare so that you no longer “have eyes to see and ears to hear” truth.
In other words, just being smart does not shield you from the Tavistock Institute's mind control techniques that have been deployed against you for decades.
Knee-jerk emotional reactions to certain subjects is a classic sign of being successfully brainwashed. In the business they are called dog whistles. Dog whistle terms today include racist!, homophobe!, xenophobe!, misogynist!, sexist!, white supremacist!, white privilege!, latent racist, systemic racist!, anti-science! and climate denier! An unwillingness to listen to facts that contradict these programmed emotional responses is another sign of (Rockefeller-London-financed) Tavistock mind control success.
*feelings of trust or affection felt in many cases of kidnapping or hostage-taking by a victim toward a captor.
This new evidence, seen in the context of a mountain of historical data available on Henry Kissinger, proves, we believe, that Kissinger has been a British spy water boy for the Pilgrims Society since WWII.
1971—Kissinger killed the gold monetary standard to replace it with OPEC oil using a faked Pilgrims-fabricated "oil crisis"
On Aug. 13-15, 1971, President Nixon and his top economic advisors met at Camp David to plot how to take America off of the gold standard.

L/R: Caspar W. Weinberger, secretary, Defense; Paul W. McCracken, chairman, Council of Economic Advisers; John B. Connally, secretary, Treasury; Richard M. Nixon, President; Henry A. Kissinger, National Security Adviser. Getty Images. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.
White House photo. (Aug. 15, 1971). Camp David meeting participants, members of the Pilgrims Society, who met to take America off the gold standard. White House. White House group photo of the Aug. 13-15, 1971 Camp David meetings (of the Pilgrims Society) to take America off the gold standard. Far left is Paul A. Volcker, who immediately jumped on a plane for a 4:00pm next day meeting in London with the central bank leaders of the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy and Japan.
Here is the Getty Images description of this photo: "Nixon's Economic Advisers At Camp David, August 1971. Members of President Nixon's economic team gathered for a secret summit at Camp David pose for a portrait, August 1971. In front, from left, are Paul Volcker, Peter Peterson, Arthur Burns, Herbert Stein, Paul McCracken, John Connally , and George Schultz. On the porch behind are John Ehrlichman, fourth from right; Caspar Weinberger, third from right; and H. R. Haldeman, far right. (Photo by White House/The LIFE Picture Collection via Getty Images). Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.
Nixon’s diary lists about 15 participants. At least 12 were members of the (British) Pilgrims Society.

One participant of note was Paul A. Volcker, then Undersecretary of the Treasury (1969-74) and later chairman of the Federal Reserve (1979-87).
Curiously, the State Department historian goes out of his way, even now, to say that Henry Kissinger was not in these Camp David meetings.
However, even a cursory review of President Nixon’s diaries and his subsequent activity shows that Kissinger was orchestrating the meetings.
It was the (British) Pilgrims Society show, run by Kissinger with Pilgrims Nixon, Schultz and Volcker playing along.
Tellingly, on Aug. 16, 1971—the very next day—Volcker had jumped on a plane to London and by 4:00pm was explaining the new fiat currency standard to the central bank leaders of the UK, France, Germany, Italy, France and Japan by 4pm. Just imagine Volcker’s luck that all these busy men just happened to be in London and ready to meet on one day’s notice.
Notably, (Leopold David de) Rothschild colleagues from the Bank of England were there. These were the banks who conspired to keep and leverage for themselves and their Pilgrims cronies most of the German and Japanese gold deposited by OSS chief Allen W. Dulles in secret Swiss vaults at the Bank for International Settlements in Zurich. Many of our "blue chip" companies established their perpetual success in secret from this filthy lucre.
No Nixon cabinet member told the American people that he was a member of the Pilgrims Society.
It should be noted that to our knowledge, not a single members of Nixon's Pilgrims-dominated cabinet disclosed their membership in the Pilgrims Society at their confirmation hearings.

Not Alexander Haig. See also Part 2 of Haig's Senate testimony.
Not Caspar Weinberger.
Not Henry Kissinger.
Not George Schultz.
Not Paul Volcker.
This malicious silence is crying loudly at us through history.
This fraud against the American people may be the biggest crime ever committed.
These men have the blood of innocents on their hands.
Henry Kissinger committed a provable crime on Sep. 07, 1973
On Sep. 07, 1973, in his Senate Judiciary confirmation hearing, Kissinger disclosed many relationships, but he withheld his most important relationship of all, his membership in the (British) Pilgrim Society.
Kissinger's fraud has no statute of limitation when it comes to newly-discovered fraud, racketeering and treason.
After killing gold in 1971, by 1973 Kissinger junketed the globe exploiting the stolen Zurich gold for his (British) Pilgrims Society
In Peking, China (Beijing)—Chou En-lai

PHOTO CAPTION: (NY12) PEKING [Beijing], Nov. 11, 1973-- KISSINGER TALKS WITH CHOU -- U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger holds talks Sunday in Peking with Chou En-lai in photo from Hsinhua, official Chinese news agency. On left side of table, front to back: Robert Ingersoll, assistant secretary of state; David Bruce, chief of U.S. mission in Peking; Kissinger; Winston Lord, special assistant to Kissinger; John Holdridge, assistant to Bruce and an unidentified man. On right side of table, front to back: Wang Hai-yung, a deputy foreign minister; Chi Peng-fei, foreign minister; Chou; Tang Wen-cheng, interpreter; Chiao Kuan-hua, the deputy foreign minister, and Fu Hao, assistant to Chiao and former UN delegate. (AP Wirephoto by cable from Tokyo) (as12049hsinhua) 1973 See AP AAA Wire Story.
In Washington, D.C., Saudi Arabia oil minister—Ahmed Zaki Yamani

PHOTO CAPTION: (WX26) WASHINGTON, DEC. 5, 1973 -- MEET FOR TALKS -- Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, right, gestures as he talks with Saudi Arabia's oil minister Ahmed Zaki Yamani at the State Department Wednesday. Yamani arrived in the United States last Monday. (AP Wirephoto)(wt415553stf/cb) 1973.
At the Pilgrims Society in London, announced a Pilgrims-faked crisis: the "Arab oil squeeze," "crash program"

NOTE the awkward, too-energetic reaction from some of the participants in this Kissinger luncheon (video sidebar) from Pilgrims who seem all too happy for Kissinger's announcement. Most kept stone cold silent while Kissinger described how the Pilgrims Society was about to rape the planet.
See Henry Kissinger. (Dec. 12, 1973). Kissinger urges pooled efforts in Energy Crisis at Pilgrims Society London dinner. By Bernard Gwertzman (Dec. 13, 19734). The New York Times.
At the Pilgrims Society in London, announced a Pilgrims-faked crisis: the "Arab oil squeeze," "crash program"

PHOTO CAPTION: (LON-18) LONDON, DEC. 12, 1973 (AP) - U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger making speech at the Pilgrims Society dinner here Wednesday night in which he proposed that the European Allies surmount the oil shortage by developing new energy sources and conserving existing supplies. (AP Wirephoto) (PRB. Dec. 12 str/Robert Dear) 1973.
In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, sipping coffee (sealing the hellish deal) with Saudi Foreign Minister—Omar Sakkaf

PHOTO CAPTION: Be-6 RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Dec. 15, 1973 (AP) -- U.S. Sec. of State Henry Kissinger sips coffee with Saudi Foreign Minister Omar Sakkaf here Friday. The serving of coffee is a traditional sign of Arab hospitality. (APrdp sft/HK) fh 1973.
Now, let's roll forward to 2007.
2007-2008 (British Pilgrims) Banking "crisis"
The Pilgrims Society Foundation,Inc. filed an annual IRS Form 990 charity report. In 2001 it was using the tax exempt status of The William J. Donovan Memorial Foundation, in memory a fellow Pilgrim, and the guru of the German and Japanese stolen gold, Marshall Plan, C.I.A. and Kennedy assassination whitewash called the Warren Commission.
We will skip the Pilgrims’ laughable charity status since these men are notorious profit takers.
Pilgrims Officers Kissinger & Volcker drove the 2008 bank “crisis”
Whose names appear as Pilgrims officers in 2007, in the saber-rattling run up to the 2000 (British) Pilgrims Society-inspired "2008 banking crisis:"
Kissinger and Volcker—the very men who took America off the gold standard in1971, transformed the Bank for International Settlements in Zurich, Switzerland as their Pilgrims Society money laundering playground, and empowered Saudi Arabia to dictate American currency policy for decades through OPEC.

This evidence, by their own hand, places Pilgrims Kissinger and Volcker at the center of the fake banking “crisis” in 2008, along with their protégé, Harvard economist, Facebook/Instagram “advisor” and former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers
Summers Treasury Secretary predecessor, Pilgrim John B. Connolly was also at the Aug. 13-15, 1971 meeting to kill the gold standard.
2007-2009: Henry Kissinger, vice president, Pilgrims Society
Listen to the numerous times Kissinger has promoted the Pilgrims Society’s “new world order.” “[New] World Order” is even the name of his 2014 book
NEW WORLD ORDER Pilgrims Society salesmanship.

2007-2008: Paul Volcker, vice president, Pilgrims Society
A picture here is worth a thousand words.
While Volcker’s Pilgrims bunk buddy Kissinger was out recording these TV interviews, Volcker was magically appointed by Barack Obama to be chairman of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board.

Seditious Pilgrims Society partners in the 2008 bank "bailout" syndicate | ||||
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Paul A. Volcker | Larry H. Summers | John F. Podesta | Joseph R. Biden | Barack H. Obama |
JOHN D. PODESTA: Pilgrims Society groomed resume:
Georgetown University Law Center lecturer (regularly)
Senate Judiciary Committee Counsel (1979-81)
Senate Agriculture Committee Chief Minority Counsel (1987-88)
Podesta Group co-founder (1988)
Senate Judiciary Committee on Patents et al (1987-88)
White House Staff Secretary (1993-95)
Senator Tom Daschle Counselor (1995-96)
White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (1997-98)
White House Chief of Staff (1998-2001)
Center for American Progress Founder (2003-)
ThinkProgress closet founder (2005)
Generation Progress closet founder (2005)
Obama Transition Team Chairman (2008)
Joule Unlimited (Russia) officer and shareholder (2011-)
White House Counselor to the President (2014-15)
Hillary for President Chairman (2016)
Washington Post columnist (2016-)
Pilgrims Society gadfly (perennially)
Never been arrested for his global criminality and Marina Abramović debauchery
Kissinger and Volcker are like bookends to a rapacious period in the American economy.
Half the world’s wealth was consolidated into the bank accounts of 1% of the population.
During this period, the assets of the Pilgrims insider corporations were being fueled by printing fiat currency for acquisitions and theft of patents. Their loans from the Bank for International Settlements were backed by fake accounting ledgers, especially by E&Y and KPMG, and the stolen German and Japanese gold.
To get this gold into circulation without detecting its origins, and thus the Pilgrims Society's exploitation of it, these criminals have even resorted to fake mines, fake vaults and even gold-plated lead ingots.

Notorious criminals often go to jail for minor charges as compared to their major crimes.Take Al Capone for example, he went to prison for tax evasion, not racketeering and murder.
On Sep. 07, 1973, in his Senate Judiciary confirmation hearing, Henry Kissinger disclosed many relationships, but he withheld his most important relationship of all—his membership in the(British) Pilgrim Society.
He disclosed his relationships at Harvard, RAND Corp, Rockefellers, Chamber of Commerce, Overseas Press Club, VFW, White House, Department of State and Council on Foreign Relations.
But, in all his disclosures, Kissinger never mentioned his most material membership in the (British) Pilgrims Society, or that he was a British spy.
Indeed, in the hearing, one senator demanded that Kissinger disclose his membership in the secret Bilderberg Group. That was an obvious chance to come clean about his Pilgrims Society membership, since so many Bilderbergs are also Pilgrims, but he was silent.
Kissinger’s material omission of his Pilgrims Society membership to Congress in 1973 is evident fraud and proof of racketeering
Such withholding of material information to the American People is the crime of fraud.
"Material" in this context is a legal and accounting term for any item requiring disclosure that could more than tangentially affect an outcome. For example, a private business partnership with a judge’s third cousin once removed is probably not material. However, a private business partnership with the judge or judge's spouse or immediate family is material to assessing a judge's impartiality.
Henry Kissinger's Pilgrims Society relationships were clearly central to his "new world order" plan since just two years earlier he had orchestrated America off the gold standard allowing only Pilgrims Society members to participate in the decision.
Conclusion to the new Kissinger discovery
Lock him up. Kissinger was, and still is, a British spy consulting to the U.S. and foreign governments, as we speak.
Clearly, Kissinger withheld material information to Congress and the American People in his membership in the (British) Pilgrims Society.
This membership and his foreign title (KCMG) have contributed much to deteriorate the very fabric of the American Republic.
Kissinger’s influence over the U.S. dollar is astoundingly criminal. The fact that he has operated a private Pilgrims Society bank system with impunity for sixty years (while hiding his Pilgrims Society British controllers) is profoundly evil.
This is new, actionable evidence proving Henry Kissinger is a criminal traitor.
We are beginning to conclude that like Kissinger, Schultz, Haig, Muskie, etc., all American Secretaries of State and Secretaries of War since Elihu Root (1905-1909, 1899-1904, respectively), including Henry L. Stimson (1911-13, 1940-45), may have been members of (or controlled by) the British Pilgrims Society.
See AFI. (Jul. 28, 2020). The Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society and its CFR minions used the Marshall Plan, shrouded in anti-communism, to seize control of global banking using Nazi & Japanese stolen gold. Americans for Innovation.
Elihu Root was a co-founder and promoter with J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie of the Pilgrims Society in 1902. Root was Carnegie's personal attorney and was the first president of both the Carnegie Foundation (1911) and the Council on Foreign Relations (1918)—both notorious Pilgrims organizations, along with their sisters in crime, the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, now to include the Wellcome Fund, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Clinton Foundation.
Has anyone asked the current Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, if he is a member of the Pilgrims Society?
[Editor's Note: Pompeo's Senate disclosure [Senate version click here] includes obviously intentional low-quality scans prevent indexing and numerous pages skewed 90 degrees.
In our experience, such obfuscations are always pointers to information attempting to be hidden or prevented from being read by automatic character recognition.
We have attempted to make it more readable and searchable [Senate version, deskewed and enhanced for indexing], but one thing we do observe: Pompeo makes no mention of his membership or associations to the British Pilgrims Society, which he certainly could not have avoided given the deep involvement (the so-called "Five Eyes special relationship") of British MI6, MI5 and GCHQ with the C.I.A., FBI and NSA intelligence in the Trump-Russia hoax.
[Editors' Note: British Pilgrims Society "Five Eyes" 1946 "intelligence sharing" scheme ordered by Gen. Marshall and carried out by Henry L. Stimson is not even mentioned in Pompeo's testimony. That's a very pregnant omission.]
Described above is abject immorality.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.
Footnote 1
Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
Return to return to the beginning of this post.
Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.
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