In 2002, Boasberg failed to disclose massive conflicts re. Pilgrims Society, Mueller, FBI, Wilmer Hale LLP, MI6, Imperial Press “Five Eyes” control of global propaganda, Privy Council, Hillary attorney David Kendall, Obama bundler, Yale Skull & Bones, Oxford Union and wife’s Silicon Valley deal making
Three Boasberg court clerks now work for Hillary’s Skadden Arps LLP and Mueller’s Wilmer Hale LLP
Boasberg must resign or be fired and impeached for his Senate confirmation fraud as we shall see below
Fig. 1—James Emanuel "Jeb" Boasberg. Is a disciple of the globalist Pilgrims Society and its 1902 Cecil Rhodes (and his many Rhodes Scholars) secret agenda to implement a two-tiered "New World Order" with communism for the masses and corporate-controlled masters headquartered in London, protected by the Monarch's Privy Council of self-styled globalist elitists. The unaccountable Senior Executive Service (SES) and FISA Court in the United States were fashioned by secret Pilgrims Society members to
mimick the unaccountable British Privy Council and its Judicial Committee in preparation for the reabsorption of America into the British Empire—Cecil Rhodes' 200-year plan for British world control. See
So You Thought Rhodes Scholarships Were Good? and
Proof Of The 100-year Anglo-American Propaganda War—Patriots Are Ending It! See also George Haven Putnam. (Jul. 04, 1918). Declaration of Interdependence. The Library of War Literature.
S. Hrg. 107-561. (Jun. 26, 2002). James Emanuel "Jeb" Boasberg, Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearings, CHRG-107shrg80608. U.S. Senate.
S. Hrg. 111-695, Pt. 7. (Sep. 15, 2010).
James Emanuel "Jeb" Boasberg, Amy Berman Jackson Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearings, CHRG-111shrg66720. U.S. Senate.
James E. Boasberg. (Filed May 03, 2013). 2012 Financial Disclosure, FISA Analysis. U.S. Courts. (See the usual suspects for the Pilgrims Society/Privy Council "Internet of Things" global surveillance, eugenics and propaganda grid of self-styled transnational elitists/fascists [George Soros-funded ANTIFA chant: "No borders, no wall, no USA at all"]: Fidelity, Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft, T. Rowe Price, State Street, Cisco, Vanguard, E-Trade, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Linear Technology, Medtronic, Moody's, Proctor
& Gamble, Wells Fargo, Walgreen,
Western Union. Indeed, these companies are trying to make a world controlled by unelected fascist, London-based corporations—just as Cecil Rhodes dreamed, and groomed Oxford and Harvard students, like Jeb Boasberg, Bill Clinton, Susan Rice, George Stephanopolous, Wesley Clark, Cory Booker, Rachel Maddow, Jake Sullivan, James Woolsey, Leonard Stark, Larry Summers, Sheryl Sandberg, James P. Chandler, III and Pete Buttigieg, among others, to achieve.)
James E. 'Jeb' Boasberg. (Prepared Jan. 14, 2020). Biography & Timeline. Anonymous Patriots. (Raw *.xlsx file)
Graphic: AFI.
Reader Notice: New research is flooding in on Judge Boasberg's secret life. Therefore, rather than wait until all the evidence links are processed, we decided to go ahead and publish. Return several times over the next month to pick up the new evidence.
Bookmark:#impeach-boasberg-and-roberts |
Video: American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation, Leader Technologies, Inc.
(Jan. 08, 2020)—James E. “Jeb” Boasberg, the incoming presiding judge of the FISA Court, has a secret past hiding under his black robe. He avoided disclosing numerous Oxford University relationships with well-known globalist Pilgrims Society/Privy Council media propagandists, as well as Obama, Clinton and Mueller law firms. The Senate ethics rules require judge candidates to disclose all "material" relationships.
Judge Boasberg conceals his secret past. This new research proves his duplicity.
Our investigations have uncovered numerous relationships that Judge Boasberg did not want the American public to know in 2002 when he promised to tell the truth.

Fig. 3—James E. 'Jeb' Boasberg.
On Jun. 26, 2002, at Boasberg’s Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearing, Senator Dick Durbin asked Boasberg “Is there anything that you are aware of in your background that might present a conflict of interest with the duties of the office to which you have been nominated?”
Boasberg answered: “No, sir.”
Boasberg lied, as we shall show.
Boasberg hid significant relationships in 2002, then disclosed them in 2010
2002 |
2010 |
Fig. 4—S. Hrg. 107-561. (Jun. 26, 2002). James Emanuel 'Jeb' Boasberg, Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearings, CHRG-107shrg80608, p. 12. U.S. Senate. |
Fig. 5—S. Hrg. 111-695, Pt. 7. (Sep. 15, 2010). James Emanuel 'Jeb' Boasberg, Amy Berman Jackson Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearings, CHRG-111shrg66720, pp. 665-667. U.S. Senate. |
Fig. 6—Judge Boasberg did not disclose this association with Oxford's Pilgrims Society The ISIS media propaganda and spy recruiting operation in 2002. S. Hrg. 111-695, Pt. 7. (Sep. 15, 2010). James Emanuel 'Jeb' Boasberg, Amy Berman Jackson Judiciary Committee Confirmation Hearings, CHRG-111shrg66720, p. 670. U.S. Senate. |
Here are the relationships that Boasberg concealed in 2002:
FISA Judge James E. "Jeb" Boasberg Biography & Timeline |
Fig. 7—James E. 'Jeb' Boasberg. (Prepared Jan. 14, 2020). Biography & Timeline. Anonymous Patriots. (Raw *.xlsx file—check your "Downloads" folder to find this file on your computer or device). Many thanks to the many researchers who assisted in compiling this resume. No better or more accurate Boasberg resume exists, in our opinion. |
Yale Skull & Bones secret society:

Fig. 8—Yale Skull & Bones logo. Boasberg failed to disclose his membership in Yale Skull & Bones in both 2002 and 2010.
In 2002 (and 2010), Judge Boasberg concealed his 1985 membership in the Yale University secret society Skull & Bones.
Many well-known people are also Skull & Bones alumni, like Steven Mnuchin, George W. Bush, John Kerry, Winston Lord (Council on Foreign Relationship—CFR), George H.W. Bush, Jonathan J. Bush, William H. Draper III (EX-IM bank, United Nations Development Programme—UNDP). Bill & Hillary Clinton are both Yale Law graduates, as is Hunter Biden.
This omission alone condemns Judge Boasberg because those are absolutely material relationships.
Oxford Union / St. Peter's College:
Fig. 9—
Jeremy Britton, Allegra Mostyn-Owen, eds. (Nov. 29, 1985). The ISIS Magazine, Isis No. 1764, Michaelmas No. 4 (Winter Quarter). Isis Publications Ltd.
Boasberg's alleged movie review on
p. 18 is available here. We have confirmed that none of the authors identified is an alias. See below.
Note: UK librarians searched
The ISIS publications in the months and years before and after Boasberg's claimed "November 1985" movie review. The other
Nov. 01, 1985 The ISIS number also does not mention Boasberg.
The p. 22 movie reviews also do not contain a Boasberg credit, nor does any other number in the months and years before and after.
In both 2002 and 2010, Boasberg not only concealed his associations in Oxford University's The ISIS publication, but he also failed to disclose (1) his college, St. Peter's College, and (2) his membership in the Oxford Union that he joined in Nov. 1985 (this fact has just been confirmed, in writing to our researchers, by Oxford University authorities).
Curiously, Boasberg joined the Oxford Union the very same month that he claims to have published a movie review in The ISIS (see Fig. 4 above). To start publishing for the university newspaper just weeks after arriving is a remarkable achievement. The "Michaelmas" term (Winter quarter) at Oxford starts around Oct. 10th each year—just weeks earlier. The ethics question is: "Who was Boasberg's Oxford handler and what were their objectives?"
Boris Johnson, the current British prime minister, was president of the Oxford Union when Boasberg joined (1985-1986). This important fact has been concealed by Boasberg. The fraud here is the concealment of this fact from the American people, not whether it is a problem or not. If Boasberg has a conflict with Boris Johnson and is hiding it, then the fraud is doubly a problem for him.
Fig. 10—St. Peter's College crest, Oxford University. James E. Boasberg studied at St. Peter's College during the 1985-1986 term. He received an M.St. in Modern European History. He also joined the Oxford Union when Boris Johnson was president. He claims that within a month of arriving at Oxford, he wrote a movie review in The ISIS leftist/communist student magazine founded in 1892.
An Oxford PhD we consulted said that St. Peter's College is and has been notorious for its "far left-wing politics." He indicated that its Vatican ties and its exclusively male London gentlemen's clubs (spy haunts) are well known.
None of the information about St. Peter's College was disclosed by Boasberg in his Senate Ethics Confirmation Statement in either 2002 or 2010. This is fraud.
St. Peter's College (Oxford University) Almuni include many well-known propagandists and spies, including:
Media & Journalism (practically all are Pilgrims Society, Empire Press Union, and MI6, MI5 and GCHQ founders in 1909):
The Grooming of British & American media & banking spies is evident (Bank of England, J.P. Morgan, G20, Euro Central Bank)
Sources:.Webmaster. (Accessed Jan. 11, 2020). Notable Alumni. St. Peter's College (Oxford University). (*.xlsx spreadsheet of St. Peter's College alumni names); includes PHOTOS.
Webmaster. (Accessed Jan. 14, 2020). St. Peter's People (employees). St. Peter's College (Oxford University). (*.xlsx spreadsheet of St. Peter's College).
- Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani (2004)
Journalist and presenter, Huffington Post Live, New York.
- Helen Lewis (2001)
Staff writer at The Atlantic. Former Deputy Editor of The New Statesman.
- Devika Bhat (2000)
Washington Correspondent and Washington Online News Editor at The Times.
- Afua Hirsch (1999)
Author, former Social Affairs and Education Editor at Sky News, former Africa Correspondent for The Guardian.
- Duncan Hooper (1997)
Editor in Chief of Digital Platforms for Euronews.
- James Chapman (1996)
Politics Editor at The Daily Mail since 2009.
- Ben Wright (1995)
Washington Correspondent for BBC News since 2012.
- Rhys Blakely (1995)
LA Correspondent at The Times since 2011. Formerly Mumbai correspondent (2007-2011)
- Annabel Rivkin (1992)
Executive Editor, Tatler
- Gordon Corera (1992)
BBC Security Correspondent since 2004.
- Richard Lloyd Parry (1987)
Asia Editor of The Times and author of In the Time of Madness, about Indonesia and East Timor.
- Helen Wallace (1986)
Music journalist and former Editor of BBC Music Magazine.
- Martin Webber (1984)
Business News Editor, BBC World Service.
- Matt Frei (1982)
Channel 4 News presenter and formerly the BBC's Washington correspondent.
- Richard Galpin (1982)
BBC World Affairs Correspondent.
- Geordie Greig (1979)
Editor of The Daily Mail, formerly editor of The Evening Standard and literary editor of The Sunday Times.
- Norman Smith (1978)
Chief Political Correspondent for the BBC News.
- Martin Ivens (1977)
Editor of The Sunday Times.
Financial Services:
- Dr Mark Carney (1991)
Current Governor of the Bank of England and Chairman of the G20's Financial Stability Board.
- Dr Florian Heider (1991)
Principal Economist at the European Central Bank.
- Steve Diggle (1985)
Co-founder and manager of Artradis, a hedge fund group significantly focused on arbitrage and volatility trading in Asia.
- Dr Daniel Zelikow (1983)
Managing Director, J P Morgan Chase & Co., Washington DC.
Politics & Diplomacy:
- Sarah Bamber (1992)
UK Deputy Consul-General, Hong Kong since 2013.
- Elizabeth Joyce (1991)
Chief of Section, United Nations Counter-Terrorism Committee.
- Dr Karin von Hippel (1987)
Director General, Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI).
- Sir Julian King KCVO CMG (1982)
Former British Ambassador to Ireland (2009-11), Permanent Secretary to the Northern Ireland Office (2011-14), Director General Economic & Consular at the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (2014-2016), and now EU Commissioner for the Security Union.
- Tim Clarke (1979)
Former EU Ambassador to Tanzania.
- Peter Bateman (1978)
British Ambassador to Azerbaijan and formerly British Ambassador to Luxembourg.
- Adoga Augustine Onah (1975)
Former Nigerian Ambassador to the United States, North Korea and Equatorial Guinea.
- The Hon. Lino Spiteri MP (1971, deceased 2014)
Former Labour Minister within the government of Malta in the 1980s. Former Chairman of the Central Bank of Malta. Novelist and Journalist.
- Bookmark: #eric-anthony-abrahama-racketeering |
Eric Anthony (Tony) Abrahams (1962)
Rhodes Scholar and Minister in the Jamaican Government. Invited Malcolm X to speak at the Oxford Union while President. Indicted in the U.S. for conspiracy in a Cayman Island racketeering kickback scheme where Abrahams as a Jamaican Minister who was feeding black students to Oxford and Cambridge, and was awarding advertising contracts to the American advertising agency Young & Rubicam, Inc. (now U.S. subsidiary of British PPC plc), who was represented in the criminal lawsuit by Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP. After former IBM Eclipse Foundation (thief of social networking from Leader Technologies) founder David J. Kappos left the U.S. Govermenet as Director of the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (2009-2013); co-conspirator with James P. Chandler, III. Kappos became a partner at Cravath Swaine LLP. Birds of a feather flock together?
DOCKET, INDICTMENT, Doc. No. 01. (Filed Oct. 07, 1991). Abrahams v. Young & Rubicam, Inc. et al, Case No. 5:91-cv-00688-PCD (D. Conn. 1991),, accessed Jan. 10, 2020. PACER, U.S. Justice Department.
- Sir Roger Bone (1962)
Former President of Boeing UK and former British Ambassador to Sweden and Brazil.
- Robin Hodgson, Baron Hodgson of Astley Abbotts (1961)
Life peer, former Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party and MP for Walsall North.
- Masamichi Hanabusa (1958)
Japanese Ambassador to Italy, 1997-99.
- Sir Gerald Warner KCMG (1951)
Security and Intelligence Co-ordinator in the Cabinet Office, 1991-6. Honorary Fellow.
- Robert Gavron, Baron Gavron (1950)
Life peer, former Chairman the Guardian Media Group 1997-2000, Chairman of the Folio Society, and Honorary Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.
- Sir Kenneth Bloomfield (1949)
Head of Northern Ireland Civil Service, 1984-91.
- Sir Rex Masterman Hunt (1944, deceased 2012)
British Governor of the Falkland Islands between 1980 and 1985.
- Mr Justice Edward Akufo-Addo (1933, deceased 1979)
Chief Justice and later President of the Republic of Ghana, 1969-72.
- The Hon Carl Albert (1931, deceased 2000)
US Congressman and Speaker of the House of Representatives, 1971-76.
- François Perrodo (1997)
President of Perenco, a global oil services company, since 2007.
- Paul Geddes (1987)
CEO of Direct Line Insurance Group Plc.
- Kuseni Dlamini (1994)
Chairman, Times Media Group (South Africa) since 2012. Formerly CEO, Emerging Markets at Old Mutual. Rhodes Scholar, named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2008.
- Kate Jarvis (1985)
Director of Busines Affairs and Main Board member, Telefonica.
- Andy Hornby (1985)
CEO of Gala Coral Group and formerly Group Chief Executive of Alliance Boots and HBOS.
- Peter Foy (1960)
Chairman of Creative Tank Ltd, formerly Managing Director of McKinsey & Co UK and Director of PepsiCo Inc and Safeway Plc.
FISA presiding Judge Boasberg is not on St. Peter's College's list of notable alumni. Notably, WikiSpooks describes Boasberg this way:
Judge James E. "Boasberg, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, appears to be the go-to judge if you don’t want something released to the public."
Even a cursory review of the St. Peter's College academic staff photos telegraphs body language issues with many of these people who are unable to hide their devilish countenances. We'll leave it at that.
We have been able to reach out to a prominent Oxford PhD who confirms our suspicions about St. Peter's College. This person said that The ISIS is notoriously far left to which leftists and communists cling (often in league with the notoriously communist London School of Economics). This source was unfamiliar with The Piligrims Society and the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, and its creation of MI6, MI5 and GC&CS (renamed GCHQ in 1946) through the Empire Press Union newpapermen. It appears that St. Peter's College is used for grooming media spies. This is the company Boasberg kept.
Who pulls Judge Boasberg's chain? Answer: Pilgrims Society globalists.
When one puts together the lists of alumni from St. Peter's College Oxford, Yale Skull & Bones and St. Alban's boy's school, we see a long list of notables to whom Judge Boasberg has pledged his loyalities. These loyalties would appear to supercede his oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution.
No wonder Boasberg avoided disclosing St. Peter's College, The ISIS and Yale Skull & Bones in his disclosures.
Robert Mueller & Wilmer Hale LLP
Fig. 11—
Robert S. Mueller III. Director of the Trump-Russia hoax; organizer of 9/11, African Embassy bombings with British Sr. Crown Prosecutor
Arvinder K. Sambei.
Fig. 12—
Arvinder K. Sambei. Partnered with Robert S. Mueller III as Sr. Crown Prosecutor in false flag events including the African embassy bombings and 9/11.
In 2002, Judge Boasberg concealed his relationships to Robert S. Mueller III and Mueller’s Wilmer Hale LLP (renamed Wilmer Hale in 2004) law firm. In the wake of 9/11 and Mueller’s collusion with the Clintons and Britain's Senior and Chief Crown Prosecutors Arvinder K. Sambei and Alison Saunders, respectively, this was a material nondisclosure (material means he had an ethical duty to disclose it). Given Mueller’s tenure as FBI director and his central role in sustaining the Trump-Russia hoax, this omission alone, again condemns Judge Boasberg.
See British Sr. Crown Prosecutor Arvinder Sambei Conspires with Mueller On The Trump Coup D'etat
British-American Espionage-Treason On Full Display At "Dinner with the Ohrs" (re. British Chief Crown Prosecutor Alison Saunders).
Williams & Connolly LLP (David E. Kendall):
Fig. 13—David E. Kendall, Williams & Connolly LLP. Hillary Clinton's attorney for the Clinton Foundation, Benghazi Hearings, Hillary Private Server scandal, stonewalled Congress in all FOIA discovery in the Trump-Russia hoax. Hillary Clinton paid for the British MI6 Chistopher Steele's "pee pee dossier.
In 2002, Judge Boasberg concealed his relationships to the Williams & Connolly LLP law firm. Williams & Connolly had a long-time relationship to Bill & Hillary Clinton, national security advisor James P. Chandler III and critical matters involving America’s intelligence infrastructure. The firm incorporated The Clinton Foundation and its 35 fictitious names, like the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) and Clinton-Giustra foundations. Since Hillary for President paid for the Steele dirty dossier, this omission too, condemns Judge Boasberg.
Munger, Tolles & Olson
In 2002, Judge Boasberg concealed his relationship with Munger, Tolles & Olson that is notorious for only funding Democrat politicians including Adam Schiff, Barack Obama, Dianne Feinstein, Hillary Clinton. The firm, and was an Obama bundler.
Oxford University / Rhodes Scholars / Imperial Press:
In 2002, he concealed that he had written for The ISIS Oxford University Magazine in November 1985. The ISIS is well-known to have been a far-left organization that supported the agenda of the Pilgrims Society, Empire Press Union (renamed Commonwealth Press Union) and their minions in MI6, MI5 and GC&CS (renamed GCHQ).
Dogged AFI researchers were able to obtain the 1985 Michaelmas No. 4 (Winter) copy of The ISIS. Remarkably, the page 18 for Boasberg’s movie review was missing. Interestingly, what it does include is a job notice for LOGICA. LOGICA was sold in 2004 to CGI Federal (Canada) which received the first contract to write the Obamacare website and was run by a college classmate of Michael Obama.
Researchers also uncovered Michaelmas No. 2 (Winter) copy of ISIS. Remarkably, the page 22 movie reviews also do not have a movie review by Boasberg.
Boasberg is not listed as an ISIS movie reviewer (p.18)
The other movie reviewers are evidently groomed Pilgrims Society soldiers
Now having discovered the elusive November 1985 The I
ISIS movie reviews (Nos. 2, 4), it is certain that Boasberg’s name does not appear. We cannot rule out the possibility that Boasberg’s name was edited out, but forensic analysis is inconclusive.
We have no reason to believe British archivists would have altered the magazine to edit out Boasberg, but Hillary Clinton, Robert Mueller and Michael Chertoff (former DHS director) control the world's public key infrastructure (PKI) certification system (ENTRUST, CloudFlare, Symantec, DigiCert, Cmodo, Geotrust, Let's Encrypt, Verisign, etc.). Therefore, they have the capacity to alter British Library, Cambridge and Oxford archives without the librarians' knowledge.
The November 29, 1985 movies that Boasberg told the Senate he reviewed were Cocoon, Suburbia, My Beautiful Launderette and Official Version. The reviews are chock full of "sex interests," sexual fantasies, alien intercourse, rape, "tarting-up," "long homosexual loves scenes," a homosexual father who sodomizes his son.
Was this Nov. 1985 movie review by Boasberg and his collaborators a cry for help? It is notoriously known that certain Oxford Colleges very intentionally groom selected students in homosexuality for the Pilgrims Society propaganda and spy business.
Notably, the authors' UK library sources reviewed all copies of The ISIS in the years before and after Boasberg's claimed Nov. 1985 authorship. They confirm that Boasberg's name does not appear anywhere. They concluded that either he did not publish the movie review, or he used a pen name, which is also unlikely since the other names appeared in multiple issues of the magazine.
Boasberg's fellow Oxford movie critics’ names are quite telling and appear in other numbers of The ISIS, including Karin Galil, Kate Davies, Jason Kingsley, Alex Connock and Richard Downes. Pilgrims Society media propaganda control is an evident theme of four of the five students listed. The fifth, Dr. Karin Galil, shows the clear fingerprints of eugenics population control via vaccines and “micro-dosing.”
Fig. 14—Dr. Karin Galil.
Karin Galil is a medical epidemiologist who studied chickenpox trends and vaccines for the Center for Disease Control CDC's National Immunization Program. She is a specialist in infectious diseases and micro-dosing. Microdosing, or micro-dosing, is a technique for studying the behavior of drugs in humans through the administration of doses so low they are unlikely to produce whole-body effects, but high enough to allow the cellular response to be studied.
Fig. 15—Kate Davies.
Photo: Goodreads.
Kate Davies is a writer and author of children’s books. She is a former burlesque dancer and notorious homosexual. She lives with her wife in east London.
Fig. 16—Jason Kingsley.
Photo: Rebellion.
Jason Kingsley is the co-founder of the gaming company "Rebellion" (Oxford-based, his only job) for which he was awarded an OBE (Order of the British Empire) in 2012. This fact alone signals a nefarious brainwashing agenda. His works include Aliens vs. Predator, Zombie Army, Sniper Elite 1,2,3,4, Rogue Trooper, Dredd 3D, Zombie Army Trilogy, Strange Brigade, Evil Genius, Mega City One and Battlezone. Are these just fun games, or the brainwashing of innocent minds?
Fig. 17—Alex Connock.
Photo: Reuters Institute.
Alex Connock is a fellow at Oxford for the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Previously he founded Ten Alps (Zinc Media) where his clients included many Pilgrims Society self-styled elitist organizations including Siemens, BMW, AstraZeneca, ITV, BBC, Discovery, London Transport and Thames Water.
Connock’s Reuters relationship means that he is an MI6 propaganda agent for the Pilgrims Society. Reuters was one of the founding members of the Empire Press Union (Jun. 1909) that founded British MI6, MI5 and GC&CS renamed GCHQ in 1946. Another indication that Connock is an MI6 spy is his groomed resume that is larger than life. He worked for UNICEF—well known to be the Pilgrims Society’s Oxford University Rhodes Scholarship & Friends tool to usher in a corporate controlled one world government.
Connock's resume shows all the telltale signs of Pilgrims Society propaganda grooming including stints with ITV, People Magazine, BBC, Planet 24, SKY TV, Columbia Journalism, Digital Innovation, Royal Television Society and many more—way too many for a normal, non-groomed human being.

Fig. 18—Richard Downes.
Richard Downes has been a BBC Series producer since 1992 to the present. He was based in Baghdad for the BBC for two years. Upon graduating from Oxford, Downes immediately started his career in journalism (propaganda) at the Press Association, Reuters and the Financial Times—all Pilgrims Society members, delegates at the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, co-founders of the Empire Press Union, co-founders of MI5, MI5 and GC&CS renamed GCHQ. Downes worked for RTE National Irish TV and was their correspondent in Washington, D.C. (2000-2003). See THE 200-YEAR INFORMATION WAR: THE UK-U.S. PILGRIMS SOCIETY CONTROLS THE PRESS.
In addition to Boasberg's dubious Oxford past, since becoming a judge in 2002, Boasberg has had at least three Yale interns while he was a Washington, D.C. judge:
- Caroline Van Zile (now Deputy Solicitor General; formerly with Hillary’s Skadden Arps LLP—anti-Trump),
- Julia Veroff (now Hillary’s attorney Skadden Arps LLP, ACLU—anti-Trump), and
- Emma Simson (now at Mueller’s Wilmer Hale LLP—anti-Trump).
We believe this hindsight shows a clear recruiting agenda for self-styled elitists to carry the Piligrims Society flag for the New World Order. His 2002 nondisclosures of his associations with The ISIS Pilgrims Society Oxford propaganda organ were material and evident deception.
Rhodes Scholars (Oxford-onians) caught up in the Trump-Russia, Hillary’s Private Server and Benghazi hoaxes include Susan Rice, George Stephanopoulos, Bill & Hillary Clinton, David E. Kendall, Wesley Clark (ENTRUST encryption keys controlled by Hillary Clinton), Ashton Carter, Pete Buttigieg , Ronan Farrow, Strobe Talbot, Russ Feingold, Larry Sabato, Naomi Wolf, Cory Booker, Rachel Maddow (MSNBC), Jake Sullivan, R. James Woolsey, David Souter, Nancy-Ann DeParle, George Soros, Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie, Lord Mark Malloch Brown) and Judge Leonard P. Stark (the judge in Leader v. Facebook who whitewashed the theft of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention that was exploited by the Pilgrims Society, the Clintons, and Obama who used social media to attack Candidate Trump through Cambridge Analytica).
It is no wonder PM Boris Johnson just said he wants no more Oxford alumni in the British bureacracy. The United States should probably expand the no-hire zone to not only Oxford, but also Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Georgetown, George Washington University, Stanford and Princeton. That would out a serious dent in the Privy Council/Senior Executive Service (SES) choke hold on the American Republic.
Oxford Rhodes Scholars are directed by members of the Pilgrims Society who also run MI6
Second, the Oxford Union during Boasberg’s time was led by Pilgrims Society-MI6 students Roland Rudd, Neil Sherlock and Anthony Goodman.
Roland Rudd is tied to Facebook, Alisher Usmanov and the BBC to whom he likely fed stories.
Neil Sherlock is tied to KPMG, PWC, Facebook, Sir Nick Clegg, Carnegie Trust and the Pilgrims Society.
Anthony Goodman is tied to The Conference Board (NY), Financial Times, SDX and Pilgrims Society consulting.
The American public needs to know about these Oxford University globalists with whom Judge Boasberg is associated, but failed to disclose in his Senate Judicial Committee confirmation hearing.
Boasberg's The ISIS association ties him to the globalist agenda of the Pilgrims Society Empire Press Union (founder of MI6, MI5 & GCHQ). This is the British-American mockingbird mainstream press
The ISIS magazine is believed to be the oldest continuously published magazine in Britain (since 1892).
Mostyn Turtle Pigott
The founder of The ISIS was Mostyn Turtle Pigott who continued as its editor until when the magazine was suspended for WWI (1892-1914). Pigott was a delegate to the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 (Jun. 05-28, 1909). Pigott co-founded MI6, MI5 and GC&CS renamed GCHQ in Jul. 29, 1909. Pigott helped co-found the Empire Press Union (later Commonwealth Press Union, now CPU Media Trust). Pigott was the chief Empire Press / MI6/MI5 recruiter for the Pilgrims Society who had formed the Empire Press Union as well as British intelligence. During WWI, Pigott worked for the Ministry of Information under John Buchan and even met with President Woodrow Wilson actually acting as a spy for the Ministry of Information. His cover was as Secretary of the British Universities Mission to the United States. Pigott handpicked a notorious homosexual Beverly Nichols to restart The ISIS in 1919 after returning from the propaganda spy mission against President Wilson. See Previous Post.
The fact in itself that Nichols was an open homosexual is only mentioned because the British intelligence feeder system appears to have been focused on recruiting Oxford, Cambridge and Eton homosexuals, probably because their psychological profiles made them easier to control and manipulate as spies. And later blackmail.
Pigott was described as a licentious "dandy," a "salesman of soft pornography" and a "peddler of erotic literature. Such was this Oxford recruiter of MI6, MI5 and GC&CS spies.
Pigott’s boss was Minister of Propaganda John Buchan—a Cecil Rhodes disciple, Pilgrims Society co-founder, Imperial Press Conference, 1909 delegate, founder of the Empire Press Union, co-founder of British MI-6, MI-5 and GC&CS (renamed GCHQ).
The Isis was described as "definitely left-wing and will almost inevitably remain so."
In short, Boasberg admits writing for one of Britain’s leading spy propaganda Oxford University student magazines.
(John) Beverly Nichols
Fig. 20—(John) Beverley Nichols. British Spy, staff in the British Ministry of Information (1916-1918, propagandist). The Isis (Oxford University) second editor (1919).
Pigott’s successor in 1919 as editor of The ISIS was Beverly Nichols. Besides being an overt homosexual and recruiting fellow homosexuals to spy for Britain, Nichols was heavily involved in Pilgrims Society propaganda, including producing substantial propaganda for the Ford Motor Company UK in 1938. Henry Ford was at the time a well-known Pilgrims Society member who made money on all sides of WWII.
Robert Maxwell
Fig. 21—Robert Maxwell. Triple spy for MI6, C.I.A., MOSSAD); owner of The ISIS (1962-1970); father of human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein's madame, Ghislaine Maxwell.
Between 1962-1970, Robert Maxwell owned and operated The ISIS at Oxford University.
Maxwell is a notorious triple spy (MI6, C.I.A., MOSSAD) newspaperman member of the Pilgrims Society.
Maxwell’s daughter Ghislaine is infamous pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s madame used for compromising the world’s self-styled elite.
Rupert C. Soames
In 1980, Rupert Soames was president of the Oxford Union. Many of the Union’s presidents are all well-known globalist insiders pushed forward the Pilgrims Society and MI6/C.I.A. This was just a few years before Boasberg and Stephanopoulos arrived at Oxford.
In 2002, Soames became CEO of Misys that supplies accounting software to Chinese banks. In 2014, Soames became CEO of SERCO. He was awarded an OBE (Order of the British Empire) in 2010. He is the son of Sir Nicholas Soames, and the grandson of Winston Churchill.
SERCO is a dubious British public company that appears to be running the Pilgrims Society’s global media, technology and eugenics programs.
Serco Group PLC is a British company with 10,000 employees and annual revenue of $5.9 billion.
Serco runs the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office! This is not a joke. It is outrageous that our politicians and SES bureaucrats orchestrated this treason.
People simply cannot believe that the U.S. Patent Office is not capable of running itself without foreign help?! American inventors take note: You're screwed.
We could not believe this either, but here is Serco’s 2015 press release announcing its deal with Obama. No reasonable person can view the giving away of a vital office to a foreign power as anything but sedition. This alone should get your blood boiling, but it gets much, much worse.
Serco has 11 contracts with the U.S. Army, Navy, SPAWAR, Intelligence, Air Force, Coast Guard, Marines, US Border Patrol as well as the Transportation and Commerce Departments.
Serco operates 58 U.S. air traffic control towers! WAT? Isn't this a national security issue? Are Americans not capable of running their own airports?!
Serco has major contracts with the FCC, FTC, FAA, DOJ, DOS, DHS, NRO, ICE, GSA, prisons, Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp and they even run U.S. military boot camps.
SERCO actually has two $800 million contracts to run FEMA Regions 2 and 9.
Serco runs major public works in Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and several cities in Colorado and Georgia—all Deep State shadow government globalist strongholds. Georgia = IBM.
Given this plethora of ties to Mueller and Britain, Boasberg had an ethical duty to fully describe his background in 2002, so that Americans would not have to wait until after 2010 to learn his duplicity with the Pilgrims Society, the Crown Agents, the Senior Executive Service (SES).
This new information clearly shows that Boasberg concealed an entirely secret life from the American people in 2002.
Then, when he added key elements in his 2010 disclosure, he still failed to confess the plethora of his globalist, left-wing Pilgrims Society traitors.
Fig. 23—John G. Roberts, Jr.. Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court; sole overseer of the FISA Court. James Boasberg's boss to whom Boasberg is accountable.
Chief Justice John Roberts has a duty to immediately fire Boasberg as a FISA Court judge, if he does not resign first.
If Boasberg will not resign, and Chief Justice Roberts won't fire him, then it is Congress’ duty to impeach him, forthwith.
Propriety demands that Boasberg be punished for his flagrant deception of the American public.
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Reminder Re. the Miller Act Notice
Federal British-American Patent Weaponization Thieves |
James P. Chandler, III |
Andrew W. Marshall |
Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their
FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump today. It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and that Pilgrims Society that steals and weaponizes inventions for
continuous war making and enrichment of its fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard.
See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.