McKibben says Donald Trump is a problem solver and Hillary Clinton lacks a moral compass
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(Sep. 13, 2016)—Columbus innovator Michael McKibben today endorsed Donald Trump for President.
In 1997, McKibben founded Leader Technologies (“Leader”) in Columbus, Ohio when the commercial Internet had fewer than 10 million users. He had just rebuilt AT&T’s email system before starting Leader.
He says the AT&T experience gave him a bird’s eye view of the emerging Internet and the weaknesses of existing IBM, Microsoft and Xerox approaches to large-scale collaboration. He says in the late 1990’s Leader “cracked the code” on how to handle millions of simultaneous Internet users. All told, they risked $20 million in investments and wrote 650,000 lines of computer source code.
The rigged system that Donald Trump speaks about failed to protect McKibben's patent—stolen by Clinton, Bush, Obama intelligence insiders to control the Internet and global information flow. McKibben hopes a Trump Presidency will restore law and order to a U.S. patent system currently hijacked by Hillary’s and Obama’s corrupt globalist cronies.
Why he endorses Donald Trump
About Donald Trump, McKibben said, “Beneath the braggadocio I see a good man. Just look at his children. Despite their wealthy upbringing, they seem to be hard working and level-headed. That is good parenting. Trump also surrounds himself with men and women of character. Those are the traits of a leader who knows how to hire well, then delegate and manage―precisely the characteristics of a good President.”
Regarding Trump’s penchant for hyperbole, McKibben said, “He’s a gregarious personality. In the end, given a choice between PC hot air and results, I’ll take results. That said, it appears he is learning a better balance. After all, he did knock down 17 PC Republicans in the primaries. That is both humorous and very impressive.”
“Very few people seem to have read Mr. Trump’s most recent book or his online position papers. They are detailed and hit the mark. Hopefully voters will see through the superficial radio and TV spin. I do not recall an election in my lifetime where the mainstream media has chosen sides so blatantly. This bias is destroying the public trust in a Free Press no matter who prevails. Press privileges are granted to hold the powerful accountable.”
McKibben graduated from The Ohio State University in civil engineering. His late father was a well-respected civil engineer whose structures include sports arenas, convention centers, roads, bridges, power plants, office buildings and even roller coasters.
America needs more problem solvers like Donald Trump
McKibben said, “My problem-solving heritage cringes at our litigious business culture. For the longest time, I expected lawyers to fix things. I finally realized that the rewards for attorneys are all wrong, in court and in Washington. Attorneys are incentivized to make more billable hours by keeping things stirred up.”
“Long before Donald Trump, I concluded that Washington needs more engineers and business people fixing things, and fewer attorneys pretending to fix them.”
“While Donald Trump is a businessman and not an engineer, he employs hundreds of engineers, is familiar with completing projects on time and in budget, and is himself a proven problem solver who knows how to create jobs. Half of his Trump executives are women and his business conduct proves the accusations of racism, xenophobia, bigotry and misogyny are unfounded. If I thought they were true, I would not support him.”
“Hillary Clinton on the other hand is a typical attorney who mistakes talking for results. Despite her numerous public positions, she has few positive contributions to show for her lifetime of effort.”
“Donald Trump understands this difference and Hillary does not, I believe.”
Donald Trump promises to restore the Rule of Law
"Obama, Hillary and friends stole our invention and are exploiting it to pursue their 'new world order.' The courts failed to protect us. In secret, crony judges chose to protect their friends and line their pockets rather than preserve, protect and defend the Constitution."
"I would not wish on anybody our experiences with property confiscation by a federal government that can use its powers to crush anyone at will."
“I have four daughters and two sons,” McKibben said. “Hillary’s future for them is one of big government and globalist oligarchies who leach off the ideas of others.”
“Donald Trump, on the other hand, promises to help restore the Rule of Law which levels the playing field for inventors and entrepreneurs to be able to reap the rewards of their labors. That is the future I want for my shareholders and for my children and grandchildren. Without new ideas and new blood, corporate welfare runs out of ideas and falters. This is why the Founders wrote intellectual property protection into the Constitution.”
“Hillary and Obama have a history of making wild promises to women and minorities and then not delivering. Einstein’s truism would say insanity is choosing these same people and expecting a different result. By contrast, Trump has made his career creating new wealth.”
Attorneys have rigged the system
“Barack Obama is a Harvard Law attorney who has hired a majority of attorneys in his cabinet and agencies. I believe that Washington is overrun by attorneys schooled in making problems, not fixing them. Worse, these attorneys have now rigged the system and lined their pockets.”
“America’s Founders warned about a breakdown in the separation of powers like this.“
“America needs a courageous leader to wrestle down this attorney-created monster and restore true separation of powers to our Republic.”
“I believe Donald Trump, with a good team around him and with the support of We The People, can accomplish this task.”
“This is why I endorse Donald Trump for President.”
Michael McKibben: The true inventor of social networking
McKibben’s invention is the foundation engine of social networking. He holds the patent and proved in federal court that Facebook infringes his patent on 11 of 11 claims.
“We have been ripped off by the Clintons, Obama and their corrupt community of globalist judges, lawyers, bankers and technology companies,” said McKibben. “Thanks to courageous whistleblowers we can now prove it. Accurate, independent information sources were made public by Julian Assange, WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden, Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch, David Bossie, Citizens United, Hervé Falciani, SwissLeaks, DCLeaks and The Panama Papers, among others.”
"By contrast, Mark Zuckerberg claims he created Facebook in 'one to two weeks' while drinking, chasing girls and studying for Harvard midterms. Curiously, when he was asked to produce his code for Leader’s review during the trial, he said he 'lost' it—all of it, just like Lois Lerner 'lost' all of her IRS emails."
"After our appeal, Zuckerberg magically 'found' his files located on 28 'lost' computers—they were being hidden by his attorney the entire time. Nevertheless, our corrupt courts continue to block review of that evidence. We believe we now know why."
"It will prove Facebook is a fraud, the contract with Paul Ceglia is valid, The Social Network movie was a lie, and that Zuckerberg was simply implementing the code provided to him by The IBM Eclipse Foundation—innovations stolen from us and others. IBM wanted to fabricate a Bill Gates 2.0 Harvard story and Zuckerberg was a willing tool, we believe."
When McKibben sought attorneys in Washington, D.C. for patent protection, his problems began. “The bottom line is the federal government confiscated our invention and freely distributed it to its corporate intelligence suppliers. But our shareholders have not received one dime of compensation.”
“Judicial Watch recently uncovered secret Hillary contracts with Facebook starting in 2009—these contracts were entered into during our Leader v. Facebook patent infringement lawsuit. Besides obstructing justice, Hillary’s contracts paid Facebook to write election rigging software. She even published a four-part Facebook ‘field guide.’”
McKibben said, “Hindsight shows that Hillary tampered with Facebook witnesses in our case and that a fair trial was impossible. In fact, she is caught on a State Department video promoting Facebook at an Alliance of Youth Movements Summit in Mexico City, Mexico in 2009 while Zuckerberg lied about 'losing' his 2003-2004 Harvard files and emails.”
“Citizens United, Judicial Watch and WikiLeaks also recovered correspondence between Hillary and Facebook’s Sheryl Sandberg. The State Department had stonewalled release of these documents. This collusion proves that Hillary has no moral compass. She cheated us as the rightful inventor and patent holder of social networking for her own agenda.”
“For these reasons, I will not vote for Hillary Clinton, and I endorse Donald Trump for President.”
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Backgrounder: For full background on Michael McKibben and Leader Technologies, read previous posts on this AFI site, and go to Timeline: People you trusted are now hijacking the Internet.
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