Panama Papers prove illicit Hillary Clinton ties to Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Russian oligarchs and State Department rigging of Courts & public markets
If you choose to support Hillary for President, you will be supporting these interests

(May 12, 2016)—On Jan. 23, 2009, three days after Barack Obama’s inauguration, Hillary Clinton, hired Princeton University law professor Anne-Marie Slaughter as her chief policy advisor at the State Department.

Slaughter’s book "A New World Order" (Princeton Univ. Press, 2004) advocates public-private partnerships where “private incentives are harnessed to public goals.”
For a new Secretary of State needing an overarching vision for her agency, Slaughter appears to have filled the void. However, Slaughter’s philosophy appears to do little more than smear lipstick on the pig of Crony Capitalism. Readers should note that Slaughter is related by marriage to George Soros—the infamous financier of the new world order.
Hillary wasted no time implementing Slaughter’s philosophy of “disaggregation” of governance. Slaughter stated in a State Department speech on Apr. 12, 2004 at the publishing of A New World Order:
Slaughter (2004): “The state is not disappearing, it’s disaggregating, meaning it is simply operating through all its different branches, regulatory agencies, through judges, through legislators, and they are all networking with one another.”
Slaughter's lipstick defines anarchy.
Anarchy: “a situation of confusion and wild behavior in which the people in a country, group, organization, etc., are not controlled by rules or laws.” (Merriam-Webster).
Bottom line, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton followed the policy advice of an anarchist. It appears that America as we have known it is the target. Their vision appears to be to replace the U.S. Constitution with a global corporate policy manual.
Devolution of sovereign governments into self-regulating agencies
According to Slaughter’s philosophy, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s wanton conduct is permitted as the natural devolution of government independently operating through interlocked agencies. The pesky details, like who appoints these agency heads and holds them accountable, are ignored in the rush to self-enrichment.
Hillary has replaced the U.S. Constitution with “disaggregation” where deception and theft are acceptable if the goal is achieved
Hillary wasted no time disaggregating at the State Department. For example:
- Private Email Server: Hillary set up her own private email server to conduct official business secretly in violation of many national security laws and common sense.
- Blumenthal: Hillary secretly hired Sidney Blumenthal as political advisor over White House objection. Blumenthal then provided reams of rogue advice but was accountable to no one.
- Bill’s Uranium Junket: Hillary approved the sale of critical uranium mining interests to Russia that netted $152 million in donations to The Clinton Foundation in violation of ethics laws.
- Leader v. Facebook obstruction of justice: Hillary obstructed justice in the Leader v. Facebook social networking patent infringement case by contracting with Facebook and thus tampering with Facebook witnesses.
- U.S. Election Tampering: Hillary paid Facebook over $600,000 in 2009 and 2010 alone to implement “election winning templates” in preparation for the 2010 midterm U.S. elections—in violation of The Hatch Act.
The list is long . . . We can only imagine what she is up to now.
The Panama Papers reveal Hillary’s secret offshore financing scheme
On Sep. 26, 2009, Hillary paid $120,000 to Facebook for an “election winning template” in preparation for the 2010 midterm U.S. election. See previous post.
This U.S. State Department—Facebook contract proves: (1) obstruction of justice in Leader v. Facebook by interfering with Facebook witnesses to that case, and (2) election tampering by Hillary and the State Department.
The Panama Papers also uncover a third problem with Hillary’s Facebook contracts: (3) a secret offshore Clinton financing network enriched by Facebook contracts and underwritten by Goldman Sachs.
DST USA II Limited,
Goldman Sachs,
Alisher Usmanov,
Yuri Milner,
Vladimir Skoch &
Ardavan Farhad Moshiri
The Isle of Man is a postage stamp island in the Irish Sea that facilitates tens of billions of dollars in dubious Russian cash to and from Facebook through the British Virgin Islands, among other places.
The Panama Papers, the giant leak of more than 11.5 million financial and legal records of secretive offshore companies, further embroils Bill and Hillary Clinton in crime, corruption and cover ups.
On Apr. 09, 2016, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) released the full Panama Papers database for public review and download. This database is the source of this new evidence against the Clintons and Facebook.

What’s wrong with this picture?
Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov’s secret entity network funnels tens of billions of dollars to and from Facebook. All of these entities have been enriched by Hillary Clinton’s State Department contracts with Facebook.
Who are these people?
Alisher Usmanov—Became "The Richest Man in Russia” after cashing out his Facebook stock. Vladimir Putin confidante. Yuri Milner business partner. Both Milner and Usmanov are Sheryl K. Sandberg, Facebook COO, collaborators and protégés of Lawrence Summers.
Vladimir Skoch—Deputy in the Russian Duma, Russia’s national legislative body. In reality, the Duma is largely a rubber stamp for Vladimir Putin.
Ardavan Farhad Moshiri (Persian: اردوان فرهاد ﻣﺸﻴﺮى)—British-Iranian business man in U.K. and Russian steel and energy living in Monaco. Moshiri is a serial investor in Usmanov entities.
All of the entities shown in the relationship map above are controlled by Usmanov.
DST USA II Limited was a pre-IPO (initial public offering) investor in Facebook. Ref. SEC Form 4, May 24, 2012.
Brett Sinclair Armitage, Bridgewaters (IOM) Limited—The company representative who signed the SEC Form 4 was Brett Sinclair Armitage. Armitage is managing director of a registered companies' agent in the Isle of Man named Bridgewaters (IOM) Limited. "IOM" = "Isle of Man"

Bridgewaters is identified in The Panama Papers as the "Intermediary" for 200 entities in the Isle of Man and one (1) entity in the United Kingdom.
Armitage identifies himself as a director of DST USA II Limited, which makes him a fiduciary in the United States and subject to US securities law.
UrAsia Mining Limited. Bridgewaters (IOM) Limited was also the intermediary for UrAsia Mining Limited. The Panama Papers show that UrAsia was incorporated in the Isle of Man on Apr. 12, 2006 and "struck off" 18 months later on Oct. 31, 2007. Click here for PDF of UrAsia disclosure.

On Sep. 07, 2005, Bill Clinton famously facilitated a one-day uranium mining deal for Canadian Frank Giustra who had nothing but a shell company named UrAsia Energy Ltd. The deal shocked the mining world since Giustra was a novice.
Over the next several years Giustra arranged Clinton Foundation donations totaling $152 million.
On Feb. 12, 2007, Giustra sold UrAsia to Uranium One for $3.1 billion. The deal was underwritten by Goldman Sachs.
Bridgewaters' UrAsia relationship ties Clintons unmistakably to multiple flows of tens of billions of Russian funds to and from Facebook and UrAsia (uranium) mining
In short, the same Isle of Man intermediary, Bridgewaters (IOM) Limited, managed the flow of $3.1 billion Russian UrAsia funds to Bill Clinton's friend and Clinton Foundation donor in 2007. Then, managed the flow of dubious Russian funds into Facebook to pump its pre-IPO valuation to $100 billion. This is after Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State issued over a dozen contracts with Facebook, including "communications services" contracts to develop a "template for winning elections" prior to the 2010 midterm U.S. elections. See previous post.
The dictionary definitions of conflict of interests, collusion, conspiracy, racketeering
Any benefit provided by Hillary Clinton and the State Department to Facebook dramatically benefits this labyrinth of secret offshore Facebook financing, all leading to Alisher Usmanov, Yuri Milner and Sheryl Sandberg, Larry Summers’ protégés.
Barack Obama, himself a product of this Harvard cabal, like Sandberg and Summers, was surely not ignorant of these secret associations. Why else would he have appointed Larry Summers to manage the so-called “bailout” where tens of billions of dollars were sent overseas to enrich Hillary’s private financial empire?

No Obama sanctions for Hillary’s secret Russian financiers
Remarkably, in the latest round of Ukrainian sanctions, Obama did not sanction Usmanov, Milner, Skoch or Moshiri. Why would he? They have helped finance Facebook’s U.S. election rigging at Hillary’s request. That election rigging helped Barack Obama win the 2012 election.
# # #
Bookmark: #summers-sandberg-milner-timelineMore Background on these Bombshell discoveries
Larry Summers, chief economist of Hillary’s New World Order
When Bill Clinton became President in 1993 he appointed Lawrence H. Summers, former Harvard economics professor and World Bank chief economist, to the Treasury Department. Summers became Clinton’s Treasury Secretary on Jul. 02, 1999. Click here for U.S. House Oversight Briefing and Summers-Sandberg-Milner Timeline.
Attached to Summers’ hip were protégés Sheryl K. Sandberg and Yuri Milner. Summers had tutored Sandberg at Harvard in 1990-1992. Both Sandberg and Milner worked as researchers for Summers at the World Bank in 1993.
Summers’ disastrous Russian privatization voucher program – Harvard hubris at its finest
Sandberg and Milner supported Summers’ reckless recommendation that the collapsing Soviet economy adopt a privatization voucher system—even though only Russian organized crime had access to Western currency to buy the vouchers.
Most economists point to Summers as the ignominious father of corrupt Russian oligarchy. This makes Sandberg and Milner Russian oligarchy’s bastard children.
Summers also led the efforts in the Bill Clinton Administration to destroy the wall of separation (Glass-Steagall Act of 1933) that forced banks to keep investment banking from investor funds, and argued strongly against the regulation of derivatives. Both changes were primary causes of the Great Recession of 2008.
Q: Where are Sandberg and Milner today? A: (Privately) manipulating Global Messenging & Digital transactions
No wonder Hillary Clinton wanted her own private email server. She knew how her "public-private partners" are compromising electronic communications around the world
Sheryl K. Sandberg introduced Gmail at Google in 2004, then she became chief operating officer at Facebook in 2008. Goldman Sachs was Facebook’s underwriter.
Sandberg is and has been responsible for:
(1) Gmail, (2) Facebook, (3) Facebook Messager (IBM Eclipse Foundation, MQTT technology), (4) Instagram, (5) WhatsApp and (6) AOL (See Marne L. Levine (Deutch) below.
Bookmark: #marne-l-levine-deutch
Marne L. Levine (Deutch)'s perfect Cartel resume
(No wonder Hillary wanted her own private Email server. She knew the way the world's communications was being snooped by her "public-private partners.")Marne L. Levine (Deutch) has intimate relationships with Sandberg, Clinton, Summers, IBM Eclipse Foundation and Milner. In fact, she appears to be an insider goat for the Cartel. Deutch is the daughter-in-law of the son of disgraced former CIA director John M.Deutch. Deutch was pardoned by Bill Clinton for having classified information on his personal home computer on the same day that Clinton appointed Leader Technologies' patent attorney, James P. Chandler, III to the National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC).
The NIAC has become a private intelligence organization for the White House.
2001-2003 Harvard. Chief of Staff to Larry Summers, Harvard University President (when Mark Zuckerberg was fabricating the Facebook story with code stolen by the IBM Eclipse Foundation from Columbus innovator Leader Technologies)
2009 National Economic Council. Chief of Staff to Larry Summers at the National Economic Council to manage the TARP bank bailout program in which Goldman Sachs received over $13 billion. Note: Larry Summers was paid $223,000 in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs in 2008 ahead of managing Goldman Sachs' $13 billlion in bailout funds.
2009 AOL. Director of Product Management at AOL (Mail).
2010 Facebook. Vice President of Global Public Policy at Facebook.
On March 27, 2012, Hillary Clinton organized a private dinner with Marne Levine, Sheryl Sandberg and Cheryl Mills at i-Ricchi restarant in Washington, D.C. * Source: Judicial Watch FOIA disclosures.
2014 Instagram. Chief Operating Officer at Instagram where Larry Summers is a director.
Yuri Milner is CEO of DST (Digital Sky Technologies) and Milner invested $200 million into Facebook private stock on May 26, 2009 and became Facebook’s largest outside investor. Goldman Sachs is DST’s partner in Moscow and brokered the sale of Facebook private stock to DST.
Milner is and has been responsible for:
(1), (2) VKontakte, (3) Facebook, (4) Instagram and (5) WhatsApp.
Goldman Sachs also brokered the Bill Clinton UrAsia/Uranium One deal in Kazakhstan that netted $152 million to The Clinton Foundation (2005-2007).
On May 11, 2016, whistleblower financial analyst Charles Ortel reported "gross charity fraud" at The Clinton Foundation. He said "There are massive discripencies between what some of the major donors say they gave...and the Clinton Foundation said what they got from the donors and what they did with it."
Goldman Sachs has paid Bill & Hillary Clinton $1,150,000 in speaking fees between 2004-2012. See previous post.
The Panama Papers expose a secret global financial playground for Hillary and Bill where morals and laws are mere speed bumps
The Panama Papers, the giant leak of more than 11.5 million financial and legal records of secretive offshore companies, embroils Bill and Hillary Clinton still further in crime, corruption and cover ups.
On Apr. 09, 2016, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) released the full Panama Papers database for public review and download.
The papers expose a convoluted mix of shady companies and lawyers. Hillary’s Russian conspirators have offices in the Isle of Man, Virgin Islands, Belize, Cayman Islands, Dubai and Hong Kong.
Hillary’s partners include Russians, Goldman Sachs, Facebook, Larry Summers and the State Department.
Hillary’s “Sugar Daddy’s” include Russians Yuri Milner, Alisher Usmanov and Vladimir Skoch, as well as British-Iranian Farhad Moshiri. They hold shares in DST USA II Limited --a Virgin Islands company managed from the Isle of Man.
DST and Goldman are beneficiaries of Hillary’s Facebook contracts at the State Department
The following DST and Goldman entities – all beneficiaries of Hillary’s State Department contracts with Facebook – enriched themselves by cashing out on Day 3 of the Facebook initial public offering at $37.582 per share.
DST USA II Limited is related to a string of related Usmanov companies (links to U.S. SEC Facebook Form 4 Insider Trading filings on May 24, 2012 following the start of the intitial public offering). The beneficiary entities in yellow highlighted bold red were not disclosed in the Facebook public offering.
- DST Capital Partners Limited
- DST Advisors Limited
- DST Global Advisors Ltd
- DST Global II, L.P.
- DST Global III, L.P.
- DST Global Ltd
- DST Holdings Ltd
- DST Managers Ltd
- DST ( Group)
- DST (Cardew Services Ltd)
- DST (Channel Trustees Ltd as trustee of the Yuri Milner Trust)
- DST (Orland Properties Ltd)
- DST (United Ventures Ltd)
- DST (Alisher Usmanov)
- DST (Vladimir Skoch)
- DST (Ardavan Farhad Moshiri)
- DST (Usmanov – New Media and Technology Investment)
- DST (Usmanov – New Media Technologies Capital Partners Limited)
- DST (Usmanov – USM Internet Holdings Limited)
- DST (Usmanov – Ardoe Finance Limited)
- DST (Usmanov – Epion Holdings Limited)
- DST (Usmanov – Kapino Group Holdings Limited)
- DST (Usmanov – Strandside Holdings Ltd)
- DST (Usmanov – Kanton Services Limited)
- DST (Usmanov – Kanton Services (Belize) Limited)
- DST (Usmanov – ABU Holding International Limited)
According to SEC records, DST USA II Limited was a pre-IPO (initial public offering) investor in Facebook. Ref. SEC Form 4, May 24, 2012 underwritten by Goldman Sachs.
DST investments in Facebook were underwritten by Goldman Sachs starting on May 26, 2010 when Milner invested $200 million.
Also according to SEC records, Goldman Sachs invested alongside DST in Facebook on May 17, 2012:
- Goldman Sachs & Co
- Goldman Sachs (FBCD Advisors Offshore, Inc.)
- Goldman Sachs (FBDC Investors Offshore Holdings, L.P.)
- Goldman Sachs (GS Investment Strategies, LLC)
- Goldman Sachs Group Inc
- Goldman Sachs Investment Partners GP, LLC
- Goldman Sachs Investment Partners Master Fund, L.P.
- Goldman Sachs Investment Partners Private Opportunities Holdings Advisors, Inc.
- Goldman Sachs Investment Partners Private Opportunities Holdings, L.P.

Readers should note that Goldman Sachs knows the rules about disclosing related beneficial interests on their own Facebook account, yet profoundly (and criminally?) failed to require similar disclosure from DST, Milner, Clinton, Sandberg, Summers and Usmanov related entities. Such nondisclosure is securities fraud. The collaboration of these various individuals and entities amounts to organized crime.
Mary L. Schapiro, as Chair of the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, approved The Greatest Financial crime in the History of the World in terms of the value of Leader Technologies' social networking invention
Tellingly, Goldman Sachs' sale of pre-IPO "dark pool" Facebook insider stock was stopped for U.S. investors due to questions as to whether they were violating the 500-shareholder rule. Once U.S. investors were blocked, these DST Russian entities evidently flooded in. SEC Chair Mary L. Schapiro turned a blind eye given her massive holdings in Facebook interests. Former Commerce Secretary Rebecca M. Blank (June 11, 2012 – June 1, 2013) was also involved in these schemes and holds the second highest number of disclosed Facebook interests in the Obama cabinet, yet did not recuse herself in Patent Office business (run by the Commerce Department under the Executive Branch) re. Leader Technologies and Facebook, despite numerous requests from Leader's shareholders, Leader reports.
At least seven big problems with Hillary’s Facebook conduct
- Goldman Speaking Fees: The Clintons have been paid $1,150,000 in speaking fees by Goldman Sachs (2004 and 2012). Therefore, she had a public duty to recuse herself from any matter involving Goldman Sachs as a beneficiary, including her State Department contracts with Facebook.
- Goldman/DST Partnership (Moscow): Goldman Sachs is a Moscow partner of DST, Digital Sky Technologies,, Alisher Usmanov, Yuri Milner and Farhad Moshiri. Therefore, she had a public duty to recuse herself from any matter involving Goldman Sachs as a beneficiary, including her State Department contracts with Facebook.
- Vladimir Skoch: Skoch is a member of the Russian Duma. Therefore, Hillary had a duty to recuse herself from any matter involving Skoch as a beneficiary, including her State Department contracts with Facebook.
- Incestuous Summers, Milner, Sandberg, Goldman, Facebook, DST interrelationships: Obama appointed Larry Summers to lead the National Economic Council in Nov. 2008. This included Summers’ oversight of $13 billion in TARP funds to Goldman Sachs. Goldman underwrote and invested in Facebook. Goldman underwrote DST’s Facebook investments. Goldman was partnered with DST Moscow. DST’s CEO Yuri Milner and Facebook’s Sheryl K. Sandberg are protégés of Summers. Alisher Usmanov is Russian oligarch product of Summers’ failed Harvard consulting assisted by Sandberg and Milner. The conflicts of interest are glaring.
- U.S. Election Rigging: Hillary made DST, Goldman Sachs, a member of the Russian Duma and others involved with Usmanov co-conspirators with Facebook in violation of the Hatch Act in her State Department contract with Facebook.
- Witness Tampering: Hillary made DST, Goldman Sachs, a member of the Russian Duma and others involved with Usmanov co-conspirators with Facebook in violation of U.S. law in witness tampering in Leader v. Facebook in her State Department contract with Facebook.
- Conspirators in property theft: Hillary made DST, Goldman Sachs, a member of the Russian Duma and others involved with Usmanov co-conspirators with Facebook in the theft of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention. The financial sums values involved make this the Greatest Financial Crime in the History of the World.
- UrAsia Uranium Mining Junket. Failure to disclose family and Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest and self-dealing.
Hillary Clinton: Too big to jail?
America’s elected officials, law enforcement and the courts are evidently turning a blind eye. Many of them appear to be enriched by this corrupt financing underworld
We the People demand fidelity to our moral principles. You would be complicit if you support or vote for “Hillary for President.”
* * *
Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.
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I think this will give you an idea of what is going on about facebook and how it was stolen !!? if it dosnt FUCK you FBI
ReplyDeleteThe Dark Side Of Eric Holder's Legacy
DeleteHolders reign, there has been an increase in the number of cases brought against non-U.S. banks for things like money laundering for drug dealers and illegally doing business with Iran. But thats about pursuing State Department aims, not redressing wrongs that contributed to the financial crisis. They are about bank regulation as a tool to conduct U.S. foreign policy. Similarly, the cases against big banks for manipulating Libor, a key global interest rate benchmark, do include U.S. banks, but tilt mainly against foreign institutions. And Libor manipulation, like banking Iran, has nothing to do with the MORTGAGE CRISIS.
Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard Zuck: Just ask. Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS [Friend's Name]: What? How'd you manage that one? Zuck: People just submitted it. Zuck: I don't know why. Zuck: They "trust me" Zuck: Dumb f..ks
just-released Panama Papers database, Hillary Clinton's State Department contracts with Facebook starting in 2009 HAY New Zealand your of the Hook GO YOU FUCKING KIWIS
DeleteEmail comment by AS:
ReplyDeleteVarney, S. (May 11, 2016). Wall Street whistleblower drops Clinton Foundation bombshell. Fox Business.
Charles Ortel, financial analyst: "Gross charity fraud"
"There are massive discrepancies between what some of the major donors say they gave...and the Clinton Foundation said what they got from the donors and what they did with it."
[All Gender restroom] nice video A.S.
DeleteEmail comment by AS:
ReplyDeleteCan we trust her to be the "leader of the free world" with judgment like this?!
Ross, C. (May 12, 2016). Documents Show Hillary’s Email Technician Was Underqualified For The Job. The Daily Caller.
Newly released documents are raising more questions about whether the State Department IT specialist who managed Hillary Clinton’s private email system was qualified for the job.
The IT director on Clinton’s 2008 campaign, Pagliano was hired as a Schedule C employee by the State Department in May 2009, much to the confusion of the agency’s career IT officials, who had never had a political appointee work in their shop.
Report: Bill Clinton Directed Millions To Company Owned By Attractive ‘Family Friend’
DeleteRead more:
Bill Clinton helped direct nearly $3 million to an energy company that was owned in part by a “family friend” who is rumored to be one of the former president’s mistresses.
And according to The Wall Street Journal, the charity also scrubbed its website of evidence of a $2 million commitment that Clinton helped arrange for the company, Energy Pioneer Solutions, in order to avoid drawing attention to the former president’s friendship with that investor, a 56-year-old blonde divorcee named Julie Tauber McMahon.
Read more:
Do You Think Hillary Clinton Only Hires People Based On Politics?
Yes 95%
No 5%
A billionaire and a Russia-controlled bank named in the Panama Papers have links to Hillary Clinton through two separate lobbying efforts — one through a Clinton-connected lobbying firm and another through Sidney Blumenthal.
ReplyDeleteClinton is linked to Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank, through Podesta Group, a lobbying firm co-founded by Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta and his brother, Tony Podesta, a major Clinton bundler.
Read more:
Sara Randazzo
May 13, 2016 11:20 am ET
Facebook made an interesting hire this week for its in-house legal department, turning not to a competing tech company or to a big law firm to find its recruit, but to the judiciary.
U.S. Magistrate Judge Paul S. Grewal, who has overseen a number of big intellectual property cases from his perch in San Jose, Calif., is joining Facebook next month to oversee global litigation for the social media giant.
In a 2006 interview with the CBC, Tony Merchant said: "Money has always motivated me. But it's not really that it motivates me to spend it, in particular. But I guess it motivates me to have it. And I'm sure my children will spend it well."
DeleteWhile Merchant's wife was named as a beneficiary of an offshore account, Liberal Senator Percy Downe has been campaigning for years against such investment vehicles, calling many of them "a tax holiday."
Here is the last paragraph of dave123's comment above:
Delete"More and more upper-income Canadians are hiding their money overseas, not contributing to the Canadian economy and not paying their fair share, and that simply means the rest of us have to pay more," he said in an interview. "It's grossly unfair."
If you have more information on this story, or other investigative tips to pass on, please email You can also send mail to: CBC Investigations Unit, 205 Wellington St. W., Toronto, Ontario, M5V 3G7.
Email comment by AS:
ReplyDeleteWatson, P. (May 12, 2016). Former Newsweek editor intelligence agencies obstructing FBI investigation into-Hillary email-scandal. Newsmax/InfoWars.
Former Newsweek foreign editor Edward Klein says his sources told him intelligence agencies in Washington are obstructing the FBI from conducting its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email scandal.
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteFBI Director James Comey is a Cartel insider. The AFI investigations have dug that out. So much for his squeaky clean image. More disinformation from Obama's lying core of public officials.
What do you call opposing attorneys teaming up against a litigant? The American "Justice" System.
McCarthy, A. (May 14, 2016). Clinton E-mails: Is the Fix In? Obama's Justice Department shields Cheryl Mills from FBI's questions. National Review.
There was an extraordinary report in Tuesday’s Washington Post about the Clinton e-mail investigation. It involved the government’s interview of longtime Clinton consigliere Cheryl Mills. It details how Justice Department attorneys made an agreement with Mills’s attorney to cut off questioning about a key aspect of the case.
Mills, who is a lawyer, was represented at the interview by a lawyer named Beth Wilkinson. As is customary in these situations, the questioning was conducted jointly by FBI agents and Justice Department prosecutors. Yet when things got dicey, it seems the Justice Department prosecutors worked jointly with Ms. Wilkinson to block the FBI from asking about Mills’s collusion with Clinton in the belated provision of thousands of Clinton’s e-mails to State — provided only after nearly 32,000 of those e-mails were deleted.
DeleteThis article is self-explanatory.
ReplyDeleteMarkay, L. (May 10, 2016). Offshore Tax Haven Leak Implicates Seven-Figure Pro-Clinton Donor - Donald Sussman listed as director of Virgin Islands-based shell company. Washington Free Beacon.
One of the Democratic Party’s largest 2016 donors directs an offshore entity named in a massive leak of information on foreign corporations used by the world’s wealthiest people to shield their assets.
Hedge fund manager Donald Sussman has donated more than $7 million since last year to Democratic candidates, party organs, and outside spending groups supporting Hillary Clinton’s Democratic presidential bid.
Sussman, until recently the husband of Rep. Chellie Pingree (D., Maine), is the fifth most prolific donor to Democrats this cycle, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Sign the petition telling Democratic leaders not to help Republicans gut Wall Street reform.
ReplyDeleteWall Street’s pet politicians have rebooted their efforts to help big banks, with new plans to shred financial reform – possibly with help from Democrats.
Zuckerberg Launches Investigation Into Facebook's Anti-Conservative Bias "Every tool we build is designed to give more people a voice and bring our global community together," Zuckerberg insisted in the message. The CEO says his company has found “no evidence” to support the allegations in the report, but that if they do find anything suspicious, they will take “additional steps” to address it.
DeleteCongress Moves Forward With Impeachment of IRS Commissioner
The Committee argues Koskinen "failed to comply with a congressional subpoena which resulted in destruction of key evidence, made false statements during his sworn congressional testimony, and did not notify Congress that Lois Lerner’s emails were missing." The first hearing will examine a lengthy Oversight Committee report detailing Koskinen's conduct and a second hearing will bring in outside witnesses to determine whether "further congressional action is warranted."
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteStill more confirmation that Soros and Clinton helped steal Leader Technoogies' social networking invention and CREATED Facebook with the NSA to (1) spy on us, and (2) steal ALL our personal data for commercial exploitation... and to line their pockets.
Byrne, P. (May 16, 2016). Panama Papers reveal George Soros' deep money ties to secretive weapons, intel investment firm. FoxNews.
Billionaire George Soros, who has spent millions of dollars financing Democrats and left-wing causes, used a controversial Panamanian law firm to establish a web of offshore investment partnerships that operate around the world and out of the scrutiny of U.S. regulators, according to leaked documents.
ReplyDeleteExclusive: The Intercept Releases Major Batch of Snowden Documents.
Greenwald, G. (May 15, 2016). The Intercept is Broadening access to Snowden archive. Here's why. The Intercept.
FROM THE TIME we began reporting on the archive provided to us in Hong Kong by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, we sought to fulfill his two principal requests for how the materials should be handled: that they be released in conjunction with careful reporting that puts the documents in context and makes them digestible to the public, and that the welfare and reputations of innocent people be safeguarded. As time has gone on, The Intercept has sought out new ways to get documents from the archive into the hands of the public, consistent with the public interest as originally conceived.
Today, The Intercept is announcing two innovations in how we report on and publish these materials. Both measures are designed to ensure that reporting on the archive continues in as expeditious and informative a manner as possible, in accordance with the agreements we entered into with our source about how these materials would be disclosed, a framework that he, and we, have publicly described on numerous occasions.
AFI researchers have just download the first batch of The Intercept new Edward Snowden releases of NSA internal newsletters from Mar. 31 to Dec. 24, 2003. The file is a "ZIP" file meaning it is compressed in WinZip format and will need to be "unzipped" to read. If you don't know how to do that, ask your local geek. It's very easy and not complicated.
ReplyDeleteEmail comment by TEX:
ReplyDeletePerhaps my mind is failing me again, but I see so much hypocrisy ( really I mean lies) in the media reports today that I have to come out of my "commenting retirement "....
Pundits say, "Trump must be more Presidential". Hmmm, let's see. " I did not have sexual relations with that woman" or " you can keep your insurance and your doctor and your premium will drop $2500" or " it was a video that caused our four Americans to die" or " read my lips, no more taxes". Is that what they mean by being more presidential ? I would rather have a bombastic blowhard than more of the lying SOB's.
The reason that Trump is even this close is that our cool, suave, polished former presidents were (and still is) liars and cheaters. Folks are sick of the fakers and liars in our White House. Obama is the best , but not the only , presidential liar in my lifetime. I don't think Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan were serial liars. Kennedy only lied about his infidelity. Nixon and LBJ were really good liars. Eisenhower was a professional liar. I like the Bushes. But they both deceived and mislead when it was in their own self interest. It's no wonder that Hillary is such a good liar......she lives with the quintessential liar, she worked for Obama the master liar , and she is raising one in Chelsea.
How about Obama saying that global warming being caused by man is proven science. HA ! A scientists job is to prove existing science is not proven at all. As a matter of fact, 99% of all scientific facts since the first scientist began watching stars has been proven wrong . Literally, no science is irrefutable. The earth has cooled and heated and cooled ad nauseum since our planet was formed. Is being dumb a good presidential trait ? They scream about CO2. The CO2 levels are up less than ONE part per million in the last 50 years. The average temperature increase in the next hundred years that is scaring everyone is projected to be less than 0.10% of one degree f. Grounding Air Force One could take care of that !!!!
If I want to know who comes into my house , is that wrong? Is it wrong to want a safe place for my kids? Is it wrong to want to stop the flow of drugs, the flow of non qualified immigrants, and to find work for the young unemployed millennials? Or, on the other hand, is Hillary's approach to open our borders, take our guns, berate our police and military, increase our taxes, and ramp up bogus regulations be more presidential? What jobs can we create with her agenda? Only one category......government.
This blog site points out not just bad decisions in the innovation and technology world, but more importantly, it points out blatantly bad people with bad intentions . Amazingly , they all get gloriously wealthy during the process. The Zuckerberg/Clinton/ Summers/ Obama / Soros cabal uses every tool in the Saul Alinsky toolkit to coerce their outcomes. AFI has captured a true historical overview of their activities to control our lives . Folks that get in their way are called names like racist, misogyny, homophobe, haters, Islamaphobic, and deniers . Some of their opposition even had their lives shortened by weird accidents. If you doubt this statement, do a little checking on the Clinton's history of timely accidents happening to trouble makers.
The progressives say that science is their friend, but they must not understand science. They use the media as their imprimatur , but the media is anything but unbiased. These are VERY evil people. Sadly, they are so evil that they believe that they are helping us . We certainly are not smart enough to survive on our own.
More and more eyes are reading this site everyday. Please tweet your friends. Putting light on their evil ways is the only way that they can be stopped. Let's make America great again.
Have a great day, TEX
Hillary Clinton says If she's elected president, says she'll appoint her husband, Bill, to oversee the economy
(U//FOUO) Preparations are in full swing for the international SIGINT Development 2003
ReplyDeleteconference, "Creating Opportunities Through Collaboration", which will be held at NSA, 09-13
June 2003.
The agenda includes something for everyone involved or interested in SIGINT Development.
We are offering workshops on Convergence/Cross Media Chaining, Network Analysis, Follow the
Money/People/Goods, Target Templating, Social Network Analysis, Skills & Training, and Policy &
Legalities, during which briefers will present the latest SIGDEV tools and techniques and will
provide ample opportunity for valuable analyst exchange to help solve some of SIGINT's most
Email comment by TEX:
ReplyDeleteAs a Conservative man , I believe in a lot of things......I believe in laws which were derived from our Constitution ; I believe in our borders; I believe in X and Y chromosomes which scientists say is the main difference in men and women; I believe in using any words I want to communicate my thoughts , not the deceptive words that others want me to use; I believe that man did not create the universe but I believe it was created by something or someone greater than man; I don't believe that my Creator wants me to blow up or behead non believers; I believe that if I actually make an effort to make our world a better place for me and my family, we should reap the benefits of that effort, not those that aren't so inclined ; I believe charity is a thing I will do through being persuaded, not being coerced; I believe that men and women ( military and law enforcement) who through their goodness and training are willing to put their very lives on the line everyday so that me and my can live in a land of freedom and liberty , are very special......they deserve hero status; I believe that men and women are equal in terms of their standing in society but they are not the same.....never have been and never will be; I believe that Republicans will NEVER elect the person that all Republicans want because that person does not exist. The GOP is always on the defense because we believe in things.
My Liberal friends have an easier path......they believe in nothing. No God, no borders, no gender, no truthful words, no requirements for candidates other than they must NOT believe in our Constitution or anything else, because that belief could offend someone. They can elect many in their ranks because it's easy to believe in nothing and do nothing except take from those that DO and give to those that don't want to. They have to defend anything because they believe that anything goes. Democrats vote for the team, Republicans don't. That is a formula for Hillary and her "believe in everything ( which really is nothing )" party.
Grow up you big GOP crybabies. This is a vote for the least of evils.
Have a great day, TEX =
Mark, you there? Mark? ...Paulson and Bernanke just left the White House. ......There’s going to be a bailout....Well they had to Right?Paper markets would’ve collapsed.... They knew .... Cash would’ve stopped coming out of ATMs They had to backstop this......They knew the taxpayers would bail them out.-They weren’t being stupid.They just didn’t care......Yeah.Cause they’re fucking crooks. But at least we’re going to see some of them go to jail. Right I mean , they gonna have to break up the banks. I mean the party’s over..... I don’t know. I don’t know, Vinnie. I have a feeling that in a few years people are going be doing what they always do when the economy tanks.
In 2008 Obama talk about reform ..........2016 The Labor Department announced Tuesday that it completed one of the most ambitious economic reforms of the Obama era, finalizing a new rule that will extend overtime protections to millions of additional workers. IS THIS JUST OBAMA LOOKING FOR BIGGER SPEAKING FEE’S WHEN YOU LEAVE . Free labour is slavery.
Email comment by GH:
ReplyDeleteMore confirmation of this site's findings that social networking is a creation of a secret White House spy agency created by Executive Orders.
Kampis, J. (May 17, 2016). Visitor logs show Google's unrivaled White House access.
A project examining White House visitor logs shows the Obama administration has extended an open door to Google.
Johanna Shelton, Google’s director of public policy — in effect, the company’s top lobbyist — has visited White House officials 128 times since President Barack Obama took office in 2009.
To put that in perspective, senior lobbyists for other companies in the telecommunications and cable industry — including Comcast, Facebook, Amazon, Oracle and Verizon — have visited the White House a combined 124 times in the same span. (That data goes through October 2015.)
We carried coverage on this Google control of the White House on Apr. 18, 2016. Click here to read the section of the previous post:
Also see:
DeleteDayen, D. (Apr. 22, 2016). The Android Administration. Google's Remarkably Close Relationship With the Obama White House, in Two Charts. The Intercept.
On Wednesday, Zuckerberg will convene a meeting of bold-faced conservative names to talk about the issue. The guest list includes Washington figures as well as media personalities: Donald Trump
ReplyDeleteaide Barry Bennett, radio host Glenn Beck, and former White House press secretary, and current Fox News personality, Dana Perino are all confirmed to be attending.
Is Zuckerberg a REPUBLICAN who backed Chris Christie and held a fundraiser for Christie in Zuckerberg's Palo Alto home, Well NO Chris Christie got the IMs and Emails on how Zuckerberg stole Facebook
DeleteZuckerberg is to meet with about a dozen conservatives including political commentator Glenn Beck and Fox News talk show host Dana Perino, a Facebook spokeswoman told AFP in the run up to the meeting.
DeleteIn an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, Perino said she believed Facebook was taking the allegations seriously.
"I also think it is probably fairly solvable. So I am looking forward to going tomorrow to hear more about what they found," she said.
After 2008 when the dust settled from the collapse 5 trillion dollars in pension, real estate value, 401k, savings, and bonds had disappeared.
Delete8 million people lost their jobs, 6 million lost their homes and that was just in the USA
Mark Baum’s wife, Cynthia, says Mark actually became gracious after the collapse and never said ‘'I told you so to anyone [THANK YOU MARK]
Danny, Vinnie, and Porter all still run a fund together in Manhattan
Charlie Geller and Jamie Shipley attempted to sue the ratings agencies but were laughed out of all law offices.[RED UNDERWEAR ANY ONE, THE RATINGS AGENCIES KNEW THE TRUTH SHOVELLING SHIT OUT THE WINDOW AS FAST AS IT WAS LANDING ON THEM]
Ben Rickert now lives with his wife on a large orchard
Michael Burry contacted the government several times to see if anyone wanted to interview him to find out how he knew the system would collapse [BUT THE GOVERNMENT WAS IN ON IT BURRY?]
Michael Burry, No one ever returned his calls. But he was audited four times and questioned by the FBI. [THE FBI JUST WONTED THEIR SPYING RING THEY KNEW FACEBOOK WAS STOLEN BY ZUCKERBERG AND THE GOVERNMENT WAS IN ON IT WONTING LOLLY MONEY]
In 2015 several banks began selling billions in something called bespoke tranche opportunity which according to Bloomberg News is just another name for a CDO. [I WONDER WHAT BILL AND HILLARY GOT TO SAY ABOUT THS??]
trump zuckerberg will stab you in the back
Matt Schlapp: I refused to be Facebook's PR pawn [Its the nature of the beast]
ReplyDeleteSome Bernie Sanders-supporting users on Reddit already started to notice the changes on Thursday afternoon.
“This explains why my inbox turned to cancer on Tuesday,” wrote user OKarizee. “Been a member of reddit for almost 4 years and never experienced anything like it. In fact, in all my years on the internet I’ve never experienced anything like it.”
Correct the Record, which has received $5 million this campaign season and has spent almost $4.5 million of it, according to, outlined its strategy against “swarms of anonymous attackers” in a press release.
“While Hillary Clinton fights to break down barriers and bring America together, the Barrier Breakers 2016 digital task force will serve as a resource for supporters looking for positive content and push-back to share with their online progressive communities, as well as thanking prominent supporters and committed superdelegates on social media,” the statement read.
[Its the nature of the beast]
I just posted this on who carried a thoughtful discussion about the idiot sycophants who met with Zuckerberg yesterday. Sultanknish gives those Facebook crooks too much credit. Glenn Beck's ego bested his brain. He is now being such a suck up. The loss of his network appears to have extended to his reasoning. Zuckerberg and Hillary Clinton attended the same School for Pathological Liars, looks like Beck wants to attend their graduate school.
ReplyDeleteDear Dan,
Good analysis Daniel. A friend of mine put me on to your site recently.
Facebook is far from mere experimentation IMHO. Americans for Innovation lays it out bare. Suggest you pick up on their irrefutable findings of fact. Here's the link. There are over 100 entries, so suggest you read from most recent post backwards. Also, the timeline is devastating to any doubt that the three letter agency and their "public-private partnership" cronies CREATED the entire social media phenomenon as a mass spying tool founded on the social networking invention of Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies.
Here's the timeline and bibliography:
.)Zuckerberg’s motive It’s all a mental and spiritual disorder.
Delete"I'm CEO bitch" on his business card.
Lawsuit claims Facebook illegally scanned private messages
DeleteThe Verge
3D print a gummy version of your face Zuckerberg and eat it
Facebook may have violated federal privacy laws by scanning private messages, according to a lawsuit certified for class action yesterday in Northern California District Court. The allegations center around Facebook's practice of scanning and logging URLs sent through the site's private messaging system. Those scans serve a number of purposes, including anti-malware protection and industry-standard searches for child pornography, but may also be used for marketing purposes.
The plaintiffs allege that Facebook routinely scans those URLs for advertising and other user-targeting data — and claim that by maintaining those records in a searchable form, Facebook is violating both the Electronic Communications Privacy Act and California Invasion of Privacy Act
Walsh, M. (May 22, 2016). NY Post: ‘Clinton Cash’ Shows Hillary Bought and Paid for in ‘excruciating and irrefutable detail’. Breitbart News.
“Follow the money.” That telling phrase, which has come to summarize the Watergate scandal, has been a part of the lexicon since 1976. It’s shorthand for political corruption: At what point do “contributions” become bribes, “constituent services” turn into quid pro quos and “charities” become slush funds?