Larry Summers founded Chinese, Russian & U.S. social networks with support of U.S. Agencies, Banks and Tech

May 29, 2014—NBC broadcaster Brian Williams interviewed whistleblower Edward Snowden last evening. Snowden shared chilling facts.
The NSA is collecting data on every American without a warrant under internal interpretations of the Patriot Act that have never been scrutinized by public debate.
The NSA collects information on non-U.S. citizens and their leaders with abandon—conduct that begs the question: "Is the best way to support democratic ideals to abuse the privacy of others?" Snowden contends that having more data is not making us more secure. Clearly, the snooping is making the NSA the brunt of jokes across the globe. Brian Williams even admitted they made NSA jokes in the newsroom.
The FISA court, which is supposed to check abuses of power, is essentially staffed with "old boys" who approve virtually all requests, and therefore, do not protect our privacy rights. It appears the FISA court is like one drunk recommending to another drunk to quit drinking.
Snowden's concerns were rebuffed by superiors
Contrary to complaints that he should have taken his concerns through channels, Snowden said he did go to his superiors, multiple times. (Isn't it interesting that the knee-jerk reaction of many policy makers was that he did not, without having any insight into whether he did or didn't?) However, he said the responses were classically bureaucratic, ranging from we'll get back to you to shut up if you want to keep your job.
warrantless surveillance is a much bigger problem than the NSA—all roads lead back to Harvard and Lawrence "Larry" Summers
Investigations into the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption scandal have now verified intimate, direct links among Lawrence “Larry” Summers, President Obama’s first National Economic Advisor, and the world’s three largest social networks: Facebook (U.S.), VKontakte (Russia) and Baidu.(China). None of these conflicts have ever been disclosed. Such nondisclosures are in direct violation of Summers' Nov. 2008 Ethics Pledge to the American People:
Larry Summers' Ethics Pledge in 2008:
"As required by 18 U.S.C. § 208(a), I will not participate personally and substantially in any particular matter that has a direct and predictable effect on my financial interests or those of any person whose interests are imputed to me."
Summers facilitated the movement of approximately $33 billion in 2008 bank bailout funds to Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and State Street Corp starting within weeks of his appointment. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan underwrote Facebook's IPO where they were big takers, along with Goldman's partners in Moscow, Digital Sky,, Yuri Milner and Alisher Usmanov. Thus, Summers's ethics pledge was DOE (Dead On Arrival), not counting his almost $3m in Goldman Sachs speaking fees. Will anyone hold him accountable? If common car thieves serve years in prison, what is Summers's appropriate punishment? See Congressional Briefing.
1. Facebook (United States) started at Harvard while Summers was President on Feb. 4, 2004. In the 1990's, Sheryl K. Sandberg, Facebook’s COO, was Summers’ graduate student at Harvard, then protégé at the World Bank, then at the U.S. Treasury where she was his chief of staff. This alliance runs so deep that observers have concluded that Summers is the shadow power behind Facebook where Sandberg and Zuckerberg merely follow orders. See Congressional Briefing.

2. Baidu, Inc. (China), called “the Chinese Facebook” was funded by D.E. Shaw & Co. while Summers was Managing Director. Baidu’s list of financiers replicates Facebook’s (e.g., T.Rowe Price, Baillie Gifford, Vanguard, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, UBS, and a slew of secret Cayman Island investors). The current CEO, Robin Y. Li, was appointed the same month that Zuckerberg started Facebook on Feb. 4, 2004. Li named his Cayman Islands stock holding company "Handsome Reward." See previous post; See also Baidu S.E.C. filings.

3. VKontakte (Russia), called “the Russian Facebook” (a.k.a. DST, Digital Sky,, Yuri Milner, Alisher Usmanov) was started by Summers’ other protégé from the early 1990’s at the World Bank, Yuri Milner. Summers, Sandberg and Milner pressed upon the failing U.S.S.R. the now infamous and wrong-headed Soviet voucher system that spawned the current oligarch system. Chief among them is Alisher Usmanov, now “Russia’s Richest Man.” Usmanov and Milner funneled billions of dollars of funds from dubious origins to purchase pre-IPO Facebook private shares underwritten by Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan. Some suspect that these funds were redirected TARP funds originally given to Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley and overseen by Summers when he was appointed as Director of the National Economic Council by President Obama.
The Hubris of the Cartel could not admit that their ideas were trumped by innovators in Columbus, Ohio
Two law firms, Fenwick & West LLP and Chandler Law Firm, both with deep Harvard Law ties, appear to have provided Summers with the large-scale technological invention required to implement this global scheme—namely the social networking invention of their mutual client, Columbus innovator Leader Technologies, Inc.—U.S. Pat. No. 7,139,761.
Fenwick and Chandler are well known in Washington, D.C. circles to have deep, long-standing relationships with the NSA, CIA, DIA, Justice and FBI intelligence gathering. Leader's first director, Major General James E. Freeze, U.S. Army (ret.), was head of the U.S. Army Security Agency and #3 at the NSA. It would appear that Leader was thrown under the bus by this security cartel. Freeze and Chandler appear to have already been making plans for a universal Internet operating system at the time when Leader sought legal help from Chandler to protect their invention. Chandler's early website shows his collaboration with "The Open Group" whose mission is "Boundaryless Information Flow."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Jan. 19, 1961: Beware the military-industrial complex
Fenwick's associations and inter-relationships with the CIA's In-Q-Tel funding arm are notorious. In-Q-Tel's trustees include Marc Andreessen's former partner, James Barksdale; a former Chairman of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), Howard Cox; Stanford Professor Elisabeth Pate-Cornell; and, Fenwick's collaborator at venture capital company Kleiner Perkins, Ted Schlein.
According to Senate testimony, Chandler advised the entire government on matters related to the Economic Espionage Act of 1996. It appears that once these individuals learned of Leader's invention, they planned to feed it to their other clients, like IBM, Microsoft, Xerox, Accel Partners, Boston Scientific and the U.S. government.
For example, Leader v. Facebook trial testimony indicates that once Chandler saw Leader's invention, he advised them to "reduce it to practice" before he would file the patents. Patent experts say this advice was so horribly misguided, especially coming from a well-respected professor of patent law, that it had to have been intentional. Viewed in light of an intent to feed Leader's code to an international "open source group" network, it now makes perfect sense. Normally, a programming client would not give its attorney a full copy of its source code. In any event, Chandler did not file that code with Leader's provisional patent, even though he could have. Also note that Chandler taught intellectual property law both at George Washington University and at Harvard.
Fenwick has filed patents in Facebook's name that are really Leader's
According to trial evidence, Chandler claimed that Leader had over 60 patents or patentable inventions in 2001. It appears that Fenwick & West LLP filed those patents in Facebook's name instead. That same Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory CRADA (Cooperative Research and Development Agreement) document proves that Chandler and Fenwick were provided a copy of Leader's source code for ostensible safekeeping—all while Zuckerberg was still in high school. The question is: Safekeeping for whom? Clearly not for their client who invented it.
Accountable To No One
A common set of lawyers, financiers, regulators, judges and companies appear to be at the center of an emerging US-Chinese-Russian technocracy organized by Lawrence Summers & Friends that have relied upon stolen technology to organize and fund themselves, including:
Larry Summers' Global Technocracy
Tech | Lawyer | Financier | Agency | Regulator | Judicial | Public Funds Exploited |
Accel Partners | Blank Rome LLP | Baillie Gifford | C.I.A. | Baharara, Preet | Ellis, Thomas S. III | 12(g) exempt. |
Accenture | Chandler Law Firm | BlackRock | Commerce | Bauer, Robert F. | Horbaly, Jan | Bank Bailout |
Andreessen, Marc | Cooley Godward LLP | Fidelity | D.I.A. | Blank, Rebecca M. | Jackson, Amy B. | Facebook IPO |
Baidu Inc. cn | DC Bar Assoc. | Goldman Sachs | F.B.I. | Chopra, Aneesh | Kegan, Elena | En'gy Stimulus |
Boston Scientific | Fed. Cir. Bar Assoc. | IDG (China) | F.C.C. | Clapper, James R. | Lourie, Alan D. | |
Breyer, James W. | Fenwick & West LLP | JPMorgan | F.E.C. | Dunn, Anita B. | Moore, Kimberly A. | Ancillary IPOs |
Breyer, John P. | Gibson Dunn LLP | Lamont, Ann H. | H.H.S. | Freeze, James E. | Rader, Randall R. | |
DST Digital Sky | Latham & Watkins LP | Meritech | Int’l Trade | Holder, Eric H. Jr. | Roberts, John G. | |
Orrick Herng'ton LLP | Morgan Stanley | I.R.S. | Kappos, David J. | Stark, Leonard P. | ||
Groupon | Perkins Coie LLP | N.Ven.Cap.Assoc. | Justice | Kim, Thomas J. | Wallach, Evan J. | |
Hoffman, Reid | Weil Gotshal LLP | Sands Capital | N.S.A. | Kocher, Robert | ||
IBM | White & Case LLP | Soros, George | S.E.C. | Obama, Barack H | ||
IDG Cap. (China) | State Street | U.S.P.T.O. | Park, Todd Y. | |||
TIAA-CREF | WH | Pelosi, Nancy | ||||
T.Rowe Price | Petravick, Meredith | ||||| | Vanguard | Pritzker, Penny S. | ||||
Microsoft | Reid, Harry | |||||
Milner, Yuri | Schapiro, Mary L. | |||||
Thiel, Peter | Sheehy, Mike | |||||
Usmanov, Alisher | Siu, Stephen C. | |||||
VKontakte ru | Summers, Larry H. | |||||
Xerox | ||||||
Zynga |
A global data sharing ring has been established among them. was a key component of this plan. Healthcare spending is projected to be 18% of the Gross Domestic Product in 2014. Technocracy advocates evidently wanted that data to feed their algorithms.
To achieve their "big data" objectives, they arranged for Todd Y. Park to start Athenahealth and Castlight Health with funds from Cartel members. Then, they arranged to have President Obama appoint him CTO (Chief Technology Officer) at Health & Human Services to implement his technology and "Datapalooza" there. Then, he moved over to the White House as CTO to protect his creation. See previous post.
Robert C. Kocher, MD, the architect of Obamacare, then quit the White House and went to work for Park’s Athenahealth and Venrock financier to watch over their creation from the other end. No stone under the revolving door was left unturned, it appears.
H.H.S. & I.R.S. data—the mother lodes gives these technocrats visibility into the mothers of all databases, HHS and IRS. To tie those two together, they evidently blackmailed Chief Justice John G. Roberts to flip his vote so that the system would be defined as a tax as the ruse to tap IRS data. Never mind that Robert’s financial portfolio is stacked with Cartel crony stocks. Perhaps that was the blackmail.
Judges, regulators and agency heads have blessed this unholy union.
Could this hidden agenda be the cause of Washington's dysfunction?
When someone knows your thoughts, all the time, they don't have to compromise.
When Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi ran Congress, they shoved Obamacare down the public's throat, supported by lies from the President that you could keep your doctor. This plan for a lawless global technocracy required America's healthcare data. Reid's and Pelosi's handlers used this power to get access to HHS and IRS data.
Case in point, our sitting U.S. Chief Technology Officer, Todd Y. Park, has implemented Athenahealth's and Castlight Health's technologies into (Park signed the same Ethics Pledge to disclose conflicts that will benefit him that Summers signed.) This is a gross breach of ethics, yet the Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. is silent. Worse, Castlight just filed to go public—while Park is still working at the White House. These people don't even hide their disdain for law and ethics any longer. They know there will be no consequences for their lawlessness.
Why do "the masses" keep using these systems? —Titillation
People keep using their devices because certain unscrupulous vendors offer a continues stream of games, coupons, gossip, discounts, entertainment and sex—titillation. History teaches that unchecked pandering and titillation destroys empires from within. Compounding the problem, users leave their computers and iPhones on, which then allows these immoral vendors and intelligence compadres to take over the devices for any purpose.
This technocracy is clearly overtaking the sovereignties of smaller governments. Will the United States people allow it to overtake them?
The jury is still out.
* * *
What’s the difference between John Key and a Predator Drone? Trick question, there is no difference, both are controlled by Washington. Last nights astonishing revelations on Campbell Live prove how true that joke really is.The timeline Campbell Live have established is damning.
ReplyDeletedave23, will you kindly post the Campbell Live URL for our readers?
DeleteNotice to "Mark Goeings" - Please keep your posts to your opinions about the facts presented. Your speculations about the identities of AFI contributing authors are tiresome and will not be permitted. We are re-posting your comment absent your speculation. That's more than Facebook's and Scribd's censors do: We do find it humorous how many times you have referred to facts as "absolute rock bottom delusional." You seem to have a blind spot for hard facts. I guess that is not surprising when one considers the rate at which Facebook's attorneys fabricate evidence to keep the plates spinning. One look at the Baidu investor list and your arguments against collusion are refuted by the facts and the timing. A duck is still a duck, no matter what you call it.
ReplyDeletePost by Mark Goeings: May 29, 2014 at 5:19 PM
I think you've managed to hit absolute rock bottom delusional status. You really do seem to think that the universe revolves around you. Do you honestly think that if this conspiracy was as massively global, detailed, and lengthy as you claimed that it would have remained under cover. Ridiculous. I don't think there is a person in your past whom you haven't tried to throw under the bus. And now Chandler as well. Absolutely unbelievable.
And Baidu is not the Chinese Facebook. No idea where you're pulling that one from but if anything Baidu is the Chinese google. Renren is the Chinese Facebook. Whoops. So much for that conspiracy theory.
You can tell that you are on the right track when your detractors spend their energies trying to create controversies about side issues. Shades of Jay Carney. LOL. Goeings chooses to comment on labels and inconvenient facts about players in this abortion of a network that they have built, yet he-she fails to be concerned about the elephant in the room -- their gross violations of the 4th Amendment. I hear the clank of jail cells ||||||||
ReplyDeleteAnother thought, then I'll get to work... The NSA declassified one of Snowden's emails to superiors yesterday. Isn't it just amazing how this administration can sift through its archives and declassify a Snowden document within hours of a damaging national TV interview, yet can't seem to get Justice Department documents to the House Oversight Committee in a whole year? Priceless.
ReplyDeleteThey contend that he wasn't complaining, but what I read is that he was being appropriately diplomatic, and raising a question without point fingers. That's how one does it when one works in a big organization. It does no good to raise red flags before you know whether the higher ups will pay attention to the issue straight up.
Showden is a patriot Larry Summers is a Traitor, Sheryl K. Sandberg is a Traitor and a flea-bag and is still working her squeeze box at Harvard Sheryl K. Sandberg ’91 called upon the College's
ReplyDeleteClass of 2014 to be open to criticism and “see the truth and speak the truth LOL what a suck up you are, Summers is the shadow power behind Facebook where Sandberg and Zuckerberg merely follow orders. Zuck: Yeah so if you ever need info about anyone at Harvard:: Zuck: Just ask.:: Zuck: I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SNS:: [Name withheld]: What? How'd you manage that one?:: Zuck: People just submitted it. Zuck: I don't know why. Zuck: They 'trust me': Zuck: Dumb fucks
Corruption of U.S. federal courts, the U.S. patent and copyright system, and the U.S. financial system, its inconceivable but TRUE. The dictatorship is working in the U.S. as it is not even recognized as such. A perfect spying surveillance MACHINE controlling and manipulating the system, that has a grip on this planet. Morgan Stanley received approx. $32 billion in U.S. Taxpayer bailout funds. When U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley demanded an accounting, they admitted sending some $6 billion overseas. Goldman Sachs know and new that the idea facebook was stolen thanks to Larry Summers (received US bailout funds; then invested with DST in Facebook private stock via Moscow; took Facebook public; locked out American investors from investing) and then rip of American investors with the jack up IPO, Facebook (Larry Summers) cajoled employees at F.B to sell their stock in no-questions-asked, Larry Summers IS A RECIDIVIST ASS HOLE All this happening when the U.S. are accusing five Chinese military men of economical spying…sheer hypocrisy
Over the past few years we have been presented with scandals that seem to be evidence of powerful forces that are busy undermining both individual freedoms and the political system that is supposed to protect those freedoms. These range from the NSA and GCHQ, to global banks, private equity, giant international energy corporations, and parts of the media-industrial complex – like News International (and probably lots of other newspapers as well). But the scandals do not SEAM to join up to make a bigger picture. And our reactions are sometimes confused and contradictory – as in the case of transparency and surveillance. It is as if the scandals are part of a giant jigsaw puzzle – and what we are waiting for is someone to come along and click those pieces together to give a clear, big picture WELL EVERY ONE THIS IS IT!!??. WE HAVE THE PICTURE EVERY-ONE
BY THE WAY CLAPPER GET THE FLOCK OUT OF NEW ZEALAND and it was david that tip-of Campbell live (NICE ONE DAVID LOL)
Mark G,
ReplyDeleteJay Carney resigned yesterday. Maybe there might be an opening for you to be in line to take his replacements place. You seem to have the same knack for trying to dodge and bypass the truth. Otherwise known as a “Lie”! A lie is a false statement to a person or group made by another person or group who knows it is not the whole truth, intentionally. The facts stand for themselves and they are slowly being proven. Judge Rader’s “acknowledged” unethical act is one recent example. You would have us believe that is the only Ethical violation he has ever committed!
Mark G.,
ReplyDeleteThis is just a tidbit of an article. I don't think I will site it for you since you don't really care about the truth!
Excerpts from the article are;
"Facebook may have struck a deal with local search giant Baidu to launch a new social network in China, according to reports surfacing today. It won't be connected to, thanks to China's strict national-level censorship. But it will allowMark Zuckerberg to tap the huge Chinese population's online habits and make loads of cash.
Baidu stands to benefit from Facebook's technical and branding expertise, which could easily let it craft a social network that could unseat local social champion Renren."
Kinda blows your theory, doesn't it!!!!!!!
Dear "Mark Goeings:" As we indicated earlier, stick to comments on the facts. We are re-posting your comment sans your tiresome and inaccurate speculations.
DeleteYou wrote: No Darren. It doesn't. This blog likes to claim that Facebook and Baidu were founded simultaneously as social networks. They weren't. The article you are citing is very recent and only reflects a very new change. Whoops. But don't let these facts get in the way of the grand conspiracy theory that the entire worldwide media has somehow missed. It's adorable that you continue to think that something is actually afoot.
These "Goeings" comments about the label put on Baidu are silly misdirection. The elephant in the room is the heinous global surveillance system being constructed in violation of the sovereignty of the USA and many other countries.
DeleteTsk, Tsk, Tsk, Mark G. I see you have not been paying attention. Even Jim Breyer and Mark Zuckerberg wouldn't even call Facebook in the early years a social network. You must have missed their lecture.
ReplyDeleteAs for thinking I might have some "adorable" qualities is flattering, but ,it just proves the point that all you are doing is trying to muddy the waters and try and mislead people away from the facts!
In an ironic twist, Wayne Chang is suing the Winklevoss twins for the same reason they are suing Facebook. The Winkelvoss Somehow, they got from that disaster of an engagement with mark zuckerberg the Winkelvoss brothers got $65 million. What makes the disclosure doubly gasp-worthy is that the parties had gone to great lengths to keep the terms confidential, including by clearing the court room for some hearings. The idea facebook was not the Winklevoss idea but they new it was stolen?
ReplyDeleteOn a Crimson computer, Mark brought up what he described as the work he did on HarvardConnection. He gave Tim and Elisabeth a guided tour of the site. Mark's goal seemed to have been to show Tim and Elizabeth, the Crimson reporter and editor, that the idea facebook was not stolen, like pictures of farm animals, but Tim and Elizabeth, the Crimson reporter and editor had all the emails and IMs on how facebook was stolen
Zuckerberg hired attorney Lisa Simpson of Orick LLP who convinced The Crimson editor to take the emails down from public accessibility. These emails proved that Mark Zuckerberg had signed a contract with PAUL CEGLIA for 50% of thefacebook. So Lisa Simpson knows the Ceglia contract is genuine. lisa Simpson”of Orick LLP She has previously done some CDA work for Facebook, and was probably the only lawyer they new of who could get up to Allegany county and start asserting some of the procedural defenses. After Eduardo began talking to Mezrich, he and Facebook settled their lawsuits. Facebook went from officially denying Eduardo's status as a cofounder to listing him as one on its Web site. As a part of the settlement, Eduardo had to stopped talking to the press. But at the end of the day every one BETRAYS every one FOR THE MONEY$$
It all started when DAVID was logged in to the Harvard website, where I was listening in to the conversations of the Harvard students. One of these students was Mark Zuckerberg who was talking about Face Smash, he tried to date this girl, but I thought this was a bit odd, zuckerberg was talking about creating a dating site Face Smash, after this girl rejected him. zuckerberg was slaging her off – calling her a bitch and a whore on line On a public personal webpage, he wrote about an ex-girlfriend “Jessica Alona is a b*tch”
The idea Face Smash was to Smash, this girl Jessica Alona in the face, david talked to Mark about Face Smash and suggested he call it Face Mash, he replied ‘f*** off you c*** I’m calling it Face Smash.
david found the character of Mark Zuckerberg to be deceptive and dishonest and ended conversing with Mark Zuckerberg because of his dishonesty and lack of integrity.
director David Fincher and the writer Aaron Sorkin. The two worked without acquiring the rights from Mr. Zuckerberg and other subjects like David Kirkpatrick, relying instead on the journalist Ben Mezrich’s book, “The Accidental Billionaires,” Ben Mezrich got 80% of the emails and the IMs on how zuckerberg stole the idea facebook THE SAME emails and IMs that David Kirkpatrick got back in 2004 In the film social network the name Jessica Alona is cut and in its place is Erica Albright the film social network David Kirkpatrick got this name cut, zuckerberg did date Erica Albright she was a hooker from crags list?. (NICE ONE DAVID LOL )
CAMPBELLLIVE@TV3.CO.NZ piss of clapper
Ah Darren (aka we all know who you really are) don't let those facts get in the pesky way. There is no changing the cold hard fact that Baidu was founded as a search engine. Only a decade later did it have the remotest thing to do with social networking. Whoops. But of course the whole world is in on this conspiracy. Kind of like claiming that god left the fossils to confuse us.
ReplyDeleteMark G.
DeleteNot quite sure on your “obsession” of who you think I am, and as I stated earlier, I’m flattered that you think my ideas are adorable, but it doesn't really matter. It is evident by your comments that you have a stake in Facebook. As pointed out in the Blog, the public records from the SEC state the facts of investors and relationships of the players involved.
I think your earlier comment “I think you've managed to hit absolute rock bottom delusional status” might be more of a statement about your mental health.
As I stated earlier, you just seem to want to muddy the waters.
In other comments it has been pointed out as well, “You can tell that you are on the right track when your detractors” of this Blog, “spend their energies trying to create controversies about side issues.
To address another “side” issue you brought up, I am not sure God wanted to confuse you by allowing fossils to form. I don’t think that issue has ever been brought up on this Blog except by you. “Rock bottom delusional yet?
Getting off of the tragically irrelevant Goeing's comments...
ReplyDeleteNEW YORK TIMES, May 31, 2014:
"NSA Collecting Millions of Faces on Web" by James Risen and Laura Poitras
The agency intercepts "millions of images per day" -- including about 55,000 "facial recognition quality images" ... lifted off of Skype and other web tools. They collect it, then go get a court order if they want to use it.
This is bass ackwards. This is a dangerous tool in the hands of a global technocracy accountable to no one except their inflated egos.
Tom Hayes A former UBS and Citigroup trader has pleaded not guilty to eight charges related to the manipulation of an important benchmark interest rate. Tom Hayes is charged with conspiring with staff at other banks to rig Libor from AUGUST 2006 to SEPTEMBER 2010. Each morning at a meeting of UBS’s interest-rate-derivatives desk in Tokyo, Mr. Hayes would change his status on his Facebook page to reflect his daily desires for Libor to move up or down This feature first became available in SEPTEMER 2006 updates were followed by the "What are you doing right now in March 2009, the question was changed to "What's on your mind? (move it up or no move it down ) Facebook than added the feature to tag certain friends (or groups, bankers lawyer Shady traders etc
ReplyDeleteDavid Kirkpatick talk to Tom Hayes IN 2006 about the manipulation of important benchmark interest rate, and he did this under the disguise of doing an investigation. David Kirkpatick then set up the flow of INFO on facebook in SEPTEMER 2006 David Kirkpatick new facebook was stolen. and that Leader's invention source code was stolen The makers of Instagram new that facebook was stolen and even the idea Instagram was stolen
Robin Yangong Li established a Cayman Island presence to hold his Baidu stock, naming the company "Handsome Reward." Robin Yangong Li knows and new that facebook was stolen and he new this be for facebook went on line"??
If you were having doubts that these a-holes are robbing us blind under the cover of darkness. Or, you are still wondering about IBM's connection to Facebook, check out this IBM press release: See the second paragraph describing WHO is implementing the new MQTT "lightweight mobile messaging application."
ReplyDelete"Eurotech and IBM Contribute Software to Connect Next Generation of Wireless and Mobile Devices" from the IBM Newsroom
LUDWIGSBURG, Germany - 03 Nov 2011: IBM (NYSE: IBM) and Eurotech (ETH.MI) today announced that they are contributing software to accelerate and support the development of a new generation of smarter wireless and mobile devices. The technology, which could become the basis for a new standard of mobile connectivity and interoperability, will be contributed to the Eclipse Foundation open source community.
The Eclipse Foundation, founded by IBM in 2001, is celebrating its 10th anniversary at EclipseCon in Germany.
Originally developed by IBM and Eurotech, the contributed Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol is in use today among some industrial, mobile, and consumer applications, providing reliable device connectivity in industries such as transportation, energy, military, financial, social media and medical. Uses of MQTT range across projects as diverse as real-time monitoring for a ConocoPhillips pipeline, to a new lightweight mobile messaging application for Facebook.
(I saved off copies of this press release, just in case it gets scraped off the Internet, and sent them to my friends.)
Former members of an American administration are normally prohibited from walking out of their government jobs and into the arms of the private industry that they were regulating. Not so with the Obama administration. The SEC is letting U.S. CTO Todd Y. Park take his Castlight Health company public while Park still works for Obama.
The ink isn't even dry on David J. Kappos' resignation letter as Director of the U.S Patent Office and he has already jumped in bed with IBM and Microsoft ---- who directed Kappos' Patent Office judges to kill Leader Technologies' patent. Could this corruption be any more blatant. Where I come from, the only way you stop bullies is to take them down.
"Partnership for American Innovation (PAI)" my ass.It's just the opposite. It should be "Conspiracy to Kill American Creativity (CKAC).
1985-2008 David J. Kappos is chief IP counsel for IBM
ReplyDelete1990-current Chandler is outside IP counsel for IBM
2000-2005 Chandler is IP counsel for Leader Technologies
2009 Former IBMer Kappos appointed director of Patent Office
2010 Leader proves Facebook guilty of patent infringement on 11 of 11 claims
2011 IBM "donates" MQTT messaging software to Facebook
2012 IBM sells 750 patents to Facebook
2012 Former IBMer Kappos orders Leader's patent killed; USPTO employees salute and blindly follow along (never mind they'd collectively awarded IBM some 100 patents)
2014 Former IBMer and ex-USPTO director Kappos teams up with IBM and Microsoft to "preserve American innovation"
Interests associated with IBM are clearly driving the Patent Office bus. Let's just call a spade a spade and rename it "The IBM Patent Office."
ReplyDeleteA number of readers have asked our opinion on the new-found priority among some social media providers to offer encryption on email services. We'll answer with a question: If they really shared that priority, then why haven't they offered it before now? The technical reality is this: encryption of content hurts advertising revenue because the provider cannot then snoop your mail for clues to help target your buying preferences and sell that data to advertisers... or give your messages to their NSA handlers.
Also, encryption dramatically affects performance since it takes more computing power to encrypt each piece of content. These providers have built their systems on making you run naked through the public square. So, practically speaking, do you see them re-engineering their systems overnight to address this newly-minted security priority? They will likely only talk about encryption until the NSA bruhaha subsides and they can get back to reading your mail under the cover of darkness, and feeding your "big data" to the Cartel.
In any event, what good does it do to encrypt your messages in transit if they are simply de-crypted in both the sender's and receiver's mailboxes? The providers simply wait until your email comes to rest. It's all a big con game to keep users from dropping off of their networks and thus hurting their advertising revenue.
That's our two cents.
ReplyDeleteIn 2004 Henry Paulson the CEO of Goldman Sachs helped lobby the SEC to relax limits on leverage allowing banks to increase their borrowing, Goldman Sachs sold at least $3.1 billion worth of these toxic CDOs in the first half of 2006 the CEO of Goldman Sachs at this time was Paulson, in 2006 G W Bush announce Henry Paulson to be Secretary of the treasury, Bush says he's earned a reputation for candour and integrity (BS LOL) Goldman Sachs in late 2006 started to sell toxic CDOs and started to bet against them telling it's customers that they were high quality investment and Goldman was betting on the U.S housing crash. Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan and Lehman Brothers were in on it,
And what did The Securities and Exchange Commission do, it conducted no major investigations on the banks before and during the bubble, and 146 people were cut from the SEC Enforcement Division a systematic gutting of the agency through cutting back of staff. and then it was reduced to a staff of one, SO he could turn the LIGHTS OUT ,And Lehman Brothers was going bust the only bank interested in buying Lehman was Barclays, But British regulators demanded a financial guarantee from the U.S. PAULSON REFUSED?, Christine Lagarde finance minister of France was first told that Lehman was going to go bankrupt AFTER THE FACT? That same week AIG owed $13 billion to holders of credit default swaps and it didn't have the money, AIG is taken over by the government, Paulson and Bernanke ask congress for $700 billion to bail out the banks. WITH LEHMAN BROTHERS GONE no more competition for Goldman Sachs .HOLY FUCKING COW and Merrill Lynch was forced to sell itself, Paulson and Bernanke say they didn't know about foreign bankruptcy laws (BS)
When AIG was bailed out the owners of its credit default swaps one of them was Goldman Sachs, Paulson Bernanke and Tim Geithner and forced AIG to pay 100 cents on the dollar rather than negotiate, $14 billion went to Goldman Sachs at the same time Paulson and Tim Geithner forced AIG to surrender its right to sue Goldman Sachs and Henry Paulson was the former CEO of Goldman Sachs??,
September 29,2008 OBAMA says the era of greed and irresponsibility on wall street and in Washington has led us to a financial crisis since the great depression, After tacking office, Obama spoke of the need to reform the industry saying we want a risk regulator :- increased capital requirements :- we need a consumer financial protection agency :- we need to change wall street's culture : But it was all BULL-SHIT Obama rejects setting compensation limits on global banks, And buy mid 2010 the administrations reforms were weak its a wall street government and Obama was in on it????
When it was revealed recently that Facebook had agreed to pay $1 billion to acquire Instagram, critics of the deal wondered how Facebook's board came to the conclusion that a year-and-a-half-old mobile photo-sharing network was worth that kind of money. It turns out, it didn't -- not in a deliberate and thoughtful way, at least. That's because the board didn't have time to be very deliberate or thoughtful. CEO Mark Zuckerberg informed members of his decision to buy Instagram just a few hours before the deal was made, according to insights in The Wall Street Journal. He and Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom did most of the haggling privately at Zuckerberg's own home before finally settling on an even billion. Only when the deal was all but clinched did Zuckerberg inform his board about the situation, though at that point it was probably more like he was telling them rather than asking them. BUT Instagram was a stolen idea and the makers of instagram Knew that facebook was stolen??/
ReplyDeleteI think the reason the media has ignored this case is because there is no actual evidence that Facebook ever actually took or copied anything. It's all wild speculation based on the idea that Mike McKibben's son was supposedly living on the Harvard campus at the same time as Mark Zuckerberg. McKibben supposedly emailed a copy of a white paper to his son and claims that Zuckerberg hacked the son's email and got a copy of the white paper. That's wild speculation in and of itself, but we've all seen the white paper now and it contains zero useful information for creating a social network like Facebook. And it sure doesn't have any code.
ReplyDeleteBut here's why I think this conspiracy is really all fantasy. dave123 claims that he has hundreds of IMs and emails that conclusively demonstrate that Zuckerberg stole code, entered into a contract with Ceglia, etc. etc. etc. He says that he sent those messages to hundreds of journalists, government officials, etc. I'm calling shenanigans.
Remember that Donna Kline video where she interviewed David London? At the end of the interview, Donna says "stay tuned as I reveal fact after fact" that supposedly showed that Zuckerberg stole Leader's code. There were no further interviews or posts by Ms. Kline regarding these "facts"... I think we know why. My guess is that when it came time to actually offer up some proof that Zuckerberg stole anything, there was none.
If this incredible smoking-gun evidence exists, it's inconceivable that it hasn't been presented.
Note to Jason Atha, here are some more facts you are going to want to tip toe around. BTW. As we have posted numerous times. Ms. Kline's life priorities changed that are none of your business. This obsession is getting downright creepy.
"Judge Rader, Author of Controversial Email to Lawyer [Edward R. Reines, Weil Gotshal LLP], to Resign from Bench" by Ashby Jones, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL LAW BLOG, Jun. 13, 2014
This is great news for advocates of justice and the rule of law over crony capitalism and the Wall Street-Washington Cartel, for which Rader was a hired gun. Now we need to call for declarations of MIS-TRIALS on cases that have come before the Federal Circuit where Radar, Reines and Weil Gotshal LLP were involved and thus tainted the proceedings.
Is appears that Harvard has made a sport out of shady activities - with great support from its alumni. Maybe other schools could join in, since this treachery appears to be spreading. The definition of hooliganism is "disruptive or unlawful behavior". Harvard could name their team the "Harvard Hooligans". They're sure to win the national championship.