Alexander Hamilton. (Compiled May 19, 2022). Biography & Timeline. Anonymous Patriots.
Editor Note: A complete Hamilton Biography and Timeline with extensive bibliographic evidence links is being prepared now and will be available as an updated to this post within a week.
America has never controlled her banks
British debt slavery was hardwired into American banking from 1781
Hamilton’s opium-human trafficking co-conspiracy has been blacked out of American banking history; they include: Cruger, Church, Carter, Schuyler, Manning, Vaughan, Baring, Bevan, Barclays, King’s College (Columbia), Johnson, the Inner Temple (London), Rothschilds and Laurens
At this same time M.A. Rothschild was funding Hessian mercenaries, the Illuminati and Sabbatian Frankism
Hamilton copied the Bank of England charter in the First Bank of the United States (1791)
Did Washington, Jefferson and Adams know about Hamilton’s extensive British banking back-channels? Not likely. His Bank of England handlers pre-dated his move to America
Anglophile Hamilton secretly coordinated U.S. bank charters with the Bank of England
80% of his First Bank of the United States investors were British-controlled: Rothschilds, Baring & Sons, Hope & Co., Hottinguer & Co
Only now—as 300-year old historical databases are being liberated from library stacks—is this sinister picture emerging
See previous post: AFI. (Apr. 22, 2022). Why is the musical Hamilton so popular with the radical communist left? Americans for Innovation.
Click image to zoom in.

See S. Tomokiyo. (Aug. 26, 2009). Rotating Grille for Alexander Hamilton. Cryptiana.
See also: DNI. (Accessed May 23, 2022). THE CULPER SPY RING. Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
Archivist. (Accessed May 23, 2022). The Culper Code Book. George Washington's Mount Vernon.
May 20, 2022—The foundation of the American republic's first banks were largely delegated to Alexander Hamilton.
Hamilton became the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (Sep. 11, 1789 to Jan. 31, 1795) under George Washington and oversaw the first four banks that he created.
Despite these conflicts of interest—highlighted at the time—Hamilton plowed through, silencing and sidelining his critics, bolstered by the most powerful British bankers and human-opium trafficking sycophants of the age.
Republican Party formed because of Hamilton's treachery over banking (debt slavery)
Contrary to historical rewrites, during debate on the First Bank of the United States in 1790, George Washington records in his diary (p. 166) that Hamilton and Jefferson became estranged over Hamilton's (Federalist) insistence that the new central bank hold all the debt of the states (including all their British debt). The Republican party was formed as a result of this factional acrimony.
Banks created by Alexander Hamilton and his conspirators at the Bank of England: |
Year: | Bank: | Successor: |
1781 | Bank of North America | Wells Fargo |
1784 | Bank of New York | BNY Mellon |
1791 | First Bank of the United States | BNY Mellon, Citizens, HSBC, Barings, Rothschilds |
1799 | Manhattan Company | JPMorgan Chase |
Table 1: Alexander Hamilton created banks. |

It is doubtful that the Founders realized that their precocious Alexander Hamilton was, in fact, a major 007 spy for the British Crown and Bank of England, along with his fellow Washington aide-de-camp Henry Laurens, army supplier and MP banker John Barker Church, MP banker Benjamin Vaughan and his father-in-law General Philip Schuyler.

The Real 007 (the joke is on you, America)
Hamilton was born in St. Kitts and Nevis, British West Indies and moved to Danish St. Croix where William Manning and his family owned Negro Bay, and was a major slaveholder on many plantations in both colonies. On these small islands white slavers were outnumbered by slaves four to one.
Manning evidently recruited Hamilton for grooming in St. Croix. Fellow human-opium traffickers Henry and Nicholas Cruger paid for Hamilton's university education at King's (Columbia) College in New York.
From Columbia, Hamilton joined a militia, then soon appeared on General Washington's staff, along with Henry Laurens and John Barker Church, sponsored by commissar-ian loyalist Gen. Philip Schuyler. Hindsight shows that young Hamilton's favor among America's top patriots is just a little too slick.
Hamilton had no experience in banking other than depositing the human-trafficking checks of his St. Croix employer, Kortright & Cruger, who maintained one of the most prominent lower Manhattan docks at Cruger's Wharf. Given the confusion over Hamilton's illegitimacy, he may have been the illegitmate son of Henry Cruger, Sr., who took care of him thereafter, including providing housing for the family in St. Croix and fully sponsoring his King's College education in New York.

William Manning was Bank of England director (1790-1810), deputy governor (1810-1812) and governor (1812-1814). In 1817-1830 he was president of the London Assurance Company formerly led by governor John Barker for 34 years.
By the time Hamilton was appointed Treasury Secretary by George Washington (May 01, 1777), he had already set up two banks: Bank of North America (1781) and Bank of New York (1784).
Remarkably, he did this without any experience and with the limited knowledge of two books on currency and banks. Only now are we discovering the extensive British back-channel that controlled him.
Hamilton’s first two banks were dominated by his future brother-in-law—John Barker Church.
Church had hidden that he was the nephew of John Barker, the long-time British Crown-monopoly governor of the London Assurance Company. The company insured virtually all shipping worldwide, including Cruger's.
Despite Church’s British secrets (aka the British spy John Carter), within three weeks of the Declaration of Independence (Jul. 4, 1776), the Continental army, and later the French army, hired Church as a commissar. These supply deals made Church one of the wealthiest men in America by the end of the Revolution.

Carter-Church was hired by Church's and Hamilton's future father-in-law Washington's General Philip Schuyler — British Spy No. 2.
Hamilton and Church married two Schuyler daughters: Elizabeth and Angelica, Jun. 23, 1777 and Dec. 14, 1780 respectively. In other words, Schuyler sacrificed two of his daughters to the hijack of American banking by the Church of England during the Revolution.
History tells us that George Washington's Continental Army was chronically short supplied. Is it possible that Church, one of three Continenal Army commissars, intentionally short-supplied the Army in order to hobble their effectiveness in favor of his homeland's army.
Inquiring minds were also puzzled by the blizzard of bank charter writings by Hamilton. His commitment was so frentetic as to be unnatural. Also, the level of legalese was well above Hamilton’s age or experience. Somebody was evidently writing it for him.
We began to suspect that Hamilton had back channels to the Bank of England who were directing him on developing American banks that would serve the Bank of England.
Therefore, we began pulling on the threads associated with Hamilton’s first serious employer, the British-American opium-human trafficking traders Henry and Nicholas Cruger.

Cruger provided Hamilton’s college funds to attend the newly formed King’s College, later renamed Columbia University, where William Samuel Johnson was British Spy No. 1.

For context, Anglophile Nicholas Murray Butler was the 12th president of Columbia from 1902-1945—43 years. Butler was a co-founder of the British Pilgrims Society in 1902, and served as president of their American “branch” from 1928-1946. See The Pilgrims of the United States (2003: Profile Books). Butler oversaw the grooming of Franklin D. Roosevelt, Sir Walter Rothschild, William J. Donovan, and J.P. Morgan (The Manhattan Company), among others. Barack Obama was also groomed at Columbia.
Note: Columbia's 12th president, Nicholas Murray Butler, was the president of the British Pilgrims Society (1928-46)—28 years. His trustees included J.P. Morgan. His students included Franklin D. Roosevelt, Walter Rothschild, J. Edgar Hoover (FBI) and William J. Donovan (C.I.A.).
Cruger’s Wharf in lower Manhattan gave Hamilton walking-distance access to Cruger’s extensive sailing fleet to be Hamilton's private courier for his drafts to and from the Bank of England without detection using cipher key encryption.
Click image to view the PDF.

Cruger's and Church’s secret weapon in Parliament and the Privy Council was Benjamin Vaughan. Vaughan’s father-in-law was William Manning, director of the Bank of England and later governor.

In one of the oddest intelligence reports in British newspaper history, journalists tied Vaughan with Cruger and Church where they associated him with Cruger and Church and announced Vaughn was moving to America in 1795 with £100,000 (£14.2 million in 2022). Vaughan’s father-in-law was William Manning, director and governor of the Bank of England.
Click image to view the PDF.

Hamilton’s fellow aide-de-camp to General George Washington, Henry Laurens, had a son named John Laurens who married William Manning’s sister Martha.
Therefore, Hamilton had multiple interlocking back-channel relationships to the Bank of England.
Four years earlier, Cruger and Church had assisted Hamilton to start the First Bank of the United States—after closely aligning its charter with the Bank of England.
By then, 80% of the stock had been purchased by Bank of England-aligned investors, including the top three:
- Baring Bros. (London),
- Hope & Co. (London, Amsterdam) and
- Hottinguer & Co (Cie). (London, Paris, Zurich, Rothschild).

Much of this new evidence leveraged off new discoveries of a secret Hamilton spy cipher stored in Canadian spy archives.
Britain’s spy chief (General Sir) George Beckwith had designated Alexander Hamilton Spy No. 7. Tellingly, this spy-craft had been deleted in American archives. Some of it has returned, but not the cipher ledger as far was we have been able to determine. (Note to Readers: if you find a source, please share it and we adjust this reporting accordingly.)
The Wikipedia entry for (General Sir) George Beckwith (b. 1753-d. 1823) fails to disclose that Beckwith was the spy master handling Alexander Hamilton, Benedict Arnold, General Schuyler or William Samuel Johnson (Columbia University)!
Judging from Beckwith’s knighthood in 1809, it would appear that the Crown was grateful for his handling of Alexander Hamilton and the subjugation of America’s post-Revolution banking system.
Here is a list of assignments Beckwith received after handling Hamilton—obvious rewards for helping subdue America's post-Revolution banks to the will of the British Crown:
- Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Bermuda (1798-1803)
- Governor of Saint Vincent (1806-1808)
- Governor of Barbados (1810-1815)
- Colonel of the 2nd West India Regiment (1809-1818)
- Commander-in-Chief, Ireland (1816-1820)
- Colonel of the 89th Regiment of Foot (India, 1818-1823)
In addition to Alexander Hamilton, Agent No. 7, Beckwith identified Hamilton’s and Church’s father-in-law, American Col. Philip Schuyler, Hamilton/Church's father-in-law, as Agent No. 2 while King’s (Columbia) College president William Samuel Johnson was Agent No. 1. Further, Hamilton’s chief courier in negotiations with Spain, Col. Humphreys, was Beckwith’s Agent No. 21.
Click image to view the PDF.

Click image to view the PDF.

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Click image to view the PDF.

America’s banks have always been under the control of British imperialism.
The British system, repeated in America thanks largely to the duplicity of Alexander Hamilton—a British loyalist and traitor to America, was based on usury, debt slavery, human-opium trafficking and fiat currency.
Stillborn banking Values—not worthy of America's ideals
Since American banking was a British spy operation from inception, its values were stillborn from inception.
We also know that propaganda is a British spy operation, as is Senior Executive Service, U.N., educational, publishing and pharmaceutical tyranny—all fueled and controlled by British bank mammon and its demons.
America can finally win the first American Revolution now by throwing off Britain’s usurious, debt-based slavery and fiat currency.
Top 17 actions to finally implement the ideals of the American Revolution
- Close the British-controlled Federal Reserve.
- Proclaim a debt jubilee.
- Close courts and implement citizens tribunals.
- Prosecute current bankers (and their lawyers and accountants) for treason and conspiracy.
- Charter new banks without foreign investors and with total separation between banking and brokerage.
- Abolish tax-free British offshore banking; disclose all holdings, including secret accounts, return the money to the victims
- Close the Internal Revenue Service.
- Abolish the United Nations (British global meddling).
- Close the British Crown Agent-controlled Senior Executive Service.
- Close "Five Eyes"—the British Pilgrims Society's private intelligence operation running the C.I.A., FBI, NSA, DARA, U.S. Navy and the Pentagon.
- Abolish most federal agencies, most especially the U.S. Patent Office controlled by British SERCO.
- Return patent properties to the true inventors, disgorge the financial holdings of the theives, prosecute and jail them.
- Prohibit lawyers (agents of the London Inner Temple bar) from public office, bureaucracies and courts.
- Introduce true gold-silver-property backed, interest-free currency (or other accessible, real commodity; not opium, human trafficking and worthless paper).
- Prohibit public money for (British) propaganda.
- Prohibit foreign directors in American corporations.
- Prohibit public money in non-government organizations.
* * *
Described above is abject immorality.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.
Bookmark: #miller-act-notice | https://tinyurl.com/ywne4sb8

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump (the then-current President) It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
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