Shocking New History: Mayer Amschel Rothschild brokered the gold loaned to the British Crown that in turn paid his fellow Hessians (Frankfurt) to fight for the British Army against America in the 1776 Revolution! Then, he conspired with Alexander Hamilton to fund the First Bank of the United States. He became the instant darling of British world hegemony. These deals with the devil continue to this day through the Rothschild control of the Federal Reserve.
NEW, Apr. 09, 2022: Čŗўҏṭớḉurṝḕṋćƴ Unmasked - The Secret [Rotɧscɧild - Gօlḋmӑӥ Sachs - ĢơȭǵЇȅ] King of Čŗўҏṭớḉurṝḕṋćƴ : Pɧilip J. Ꝟenables.
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Fraud 1: Lord Victor Rothschild (1910-1990)—the butcher of biotechnology—ordered the Rothschild Archive in 1973 to lie about the real family name: BACHARACH.
Fraud 2: The Rothschilds pretend to be Palestinian Zionists descended from the 12 Tribes of Israel when in DNA fact, they are descendants of ethnic Khazarian Jewish-converts who were semi-nomadic pagans from the steppes of Eurasia (ca. 650-969)
Fraud 3: The Rothschilds were/are secret Frankists who abandoned Judaism, follow the Kabbalah and believe certain elect persons are exempt from moral law “since we cannot all be saints; let us all be sinners.” Sins like incest, pedophilia, adultery, ritual murder and homosexuality are their sacraments. (Explains why Jeffrey Epstein and Sir Jimmy Saville had no remorse.)
Fraud 4: Rothschild Frankists brokered German gold, then loaned it to England in 1776 to hire local Hessian soldiers to fight for Britain in the American Revolution
Fraud 5: Rothschild Frankists loaned 15 million UK pounds to finance the British to burn down the White House in 1814, then teamed with their secret agent Alexander Hamilton to finance the First Bank of the United States
Fraud 6: As satanic Frankists, the Rothschilds live double lives posing as, Crypto-Jews, Crypto-Christians and Crypto-Muslims (conceived while in prison for the debauchery of him and his followers in Częstochowa, Poland, 1760-73) while financing both sides of war among their banking customers
Fraud 7: N.M. Rothschild and his broker brother-in-law Sir Moses Montefiore brokered the loan to Parliament from 1835-1838 to compensate for the loss of slaves by British bankers—founding the offshore British banking system used to this day to finance war and debauchery worldwide
Conclusion: Fraud unwinds contracts once the victim becomes aware of it. All Rothschild offshore bank accounts must be seized to pay reparations for the damages that their frauds have foisted upon the world
(Feb. 16, 2022)—In the decades surrounding America’s Declaration of Independence in 1776, Europe and the Middle East were also battling demonic principalities and powers working to pull humanity into the abyss.

See Ephesians 6.
Our latest discoveries explain much about the old money behind:
Bioweapons, British hegemony, Communism, Corporatism, Credit, Debauchery, Depopulation, Eugenics, Frequency weapons, Hollywood, Jeffrey Epstein, Lawfare, Mass Surveillance, Mind control, Money, Monopoly, Patent theft, Pedophilia, Pharmacide, Pilgrims Society, Promiscuity, Propaganda, Sir Jimmy Saville, Socialism, Spies, The Bank for International Settlements, The Bank of England, The City of London, The U.N., The Vatican Bank, Transhumanism, Washington, D.C.

1791 Offenbach, Germany), in the last years of life. From a lithographed contemporary image. Property J. N. Reproduced for educational purposes only.Fair Use relied upon.
In about 1751, Jacob Frank (1726-91) claimed to be the Jewish messiah as the reincarnation of an earlier messianic claimant Shabbetai Zvi (1626–76). Jacob was the founder of the antirabbinical Frankists, or Zoharists.
Jacob Frank held that certain elect persons are exempt from moral law. This sect abandoned Judaism for a “higher Torah” (Jewish Law) based on the Zohar, which was the most important work in the Kabbala, the Jewish mystical movement. Hence its members are also called themselves Zoharists.

The icon of the Virgin Mary and Christ came to be called “The Queen of Poland” after the Jasna Gora monastery survived a Swedish seige that turned the course of that war in 1655 in Poland’s favor. The icon is a 6th-9th century Byzantine icon brought to the Częstochowa monastery in 1384.
In the icon, the Virgin Mary directs attention away from herself, gesturing with her right hand toward Jesus as the source of salvation. In turn, the child extends his right hand toward the viewer in blessing while holding a book of gospels in his left hand. The chared look was said to be from a fire, centuries of incense, or possibly faulty restoration.
From 1760 to 1772, a debauched Sabbatian Jacob Frank was imprisoned at the Częstochowa monastery in what was said to have been a humane imprisonment in order to stop the momentum of his cult in Poland. Frank devised the strategy of tactical deception while there whereby Frankists systematically lie to fool the unsuspecting (e.g., become a Christian, Muslim or Jes if expedient to profit.)
In the 1970's, Leader Technologies' CEO Michael McKibben was a musician in the Gospel music group Living Sound that performed numerous unprecedented concerts at this Częstochowa monastary sponsored by then Cardinals Stefan Wyszyński and Karol Wojtyła (later St. Pope John Paul II).
Jacob Frank was a proponent of an antinomian anarchist approach that rejected all the prohibitions and restrictions of Jewish law, including the laws of incest.
Frankists were master infiltrators. They were masters of living a double life. They practiced sexual orgiastic ecstasy as a sacrament.
After Jacob Frank was imprisoned for thirteen years in the fortress monestary of Częstochowa, Poland (see sidebar), he decided that he and his followers should, on the surface, convert to the predominant religion of their region. Then, they should secretly continue their debauchery with his messianic blessing. In business that meant say whatever it took to get the deal even if it meant breaking those promises when expedient.
Sabbatian Frankists are well documented in the Encyclopedia Judaica and in the writings of Israeli academics.
In a nutshell, these groups practiced incest, pedophilia, adultery and homosexuality and were otherwise depraved. The Talmud states that the Messiah will come only in an age that is completely guilty or completely innocent (Sanhedrin 98a). From this epigram, the Frankists would declare, ‘Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners.'” They ran afoul of Christian and Jewish rabbinical tribunals alike, including the Inquisition.
Coincidentally (?!), with the benefit of hindsight and current geopolitical events, a number of heretofore unconnected threads come together at this time in history.
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild (Bacharach) (1744-1812)
- Nathan Mayer 1777-1836 England
- James Mayer (1792-1868) Paris, bullion, specie 1812, Napoleon; married niece
- Jacob Frank (1726-1791); wife Eva Frank (1754-1816)
- Frankist messianic, orgiastic apostasy (1751-)
- Hell Fire hedonist club for the aristocracy including John Wilkes, ancestor of John Wilkes Booth, Abraham Lincoln's assassin
- Rothschild-financed German Hessian soldiers (1776-1778)
- Hyam Salomon (1740-d. 1785), Rothschild agent in America; First Bank of America (1781); Rothschild co-agent Alexander Hamilton
- Second Bank of the United States (1816-1836); Rothschild co-agent Alexander Hamilton
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They kept their enemies confused by refining the art of saying the opposite of what they really think.
If a Moslem was coercing them to convert to Islam, or a Christian to Christianity, or a Jew to Judaism, they converted without resistance, on the surface, while maintaining their Sabbatist beliefs and immoral practices secretly. Sound like Bohemian Grove? Epstein island? Marina Abramovic?
Frankists seek redemption through ritual sexual ecstasy and moral opposites.
Whatever the Ten Commandments taught, they did opposite. Don’t kill. They killed. Don’t steal. They stole. Don’t commit adultery. They swapped wives. Don’t lie. They lied. Don’t sodomize. They sodomized, especially children. Don’t mistreat children. They were pedophiles. And so on. They were a belief system of opposites, much like our maddening self-styled elitists today.
This Rothschild family heritage was certainly worth hiding. British Lord Victor Rothschild did just that in 1973.

Victor ordered the Rothschild Archives censored to obscure their real family name: "Bacharach"—respected rabbinical family. See previous post.
In 1973, British Lord Victor Rothschild ordered an official family timeline. This occurred just after The Rothschild Report (1971) to the UK Parliament recommended a complete overhaul of research and development investing by the British government with a focus on computers, communications and biowarfare.
The Rothschild Archive Timeline opens with:
"a detailed Rothschild family tree was commissioned which traced the family back to ‘Uri Feibesh’ in 1450."
Dubiously, “Feibesh” should be spelled “Feibesch.” Why misspell it? (Thwarts searches.)
Remarkably, neither the misspelling “Feibesh” nor the correct spelling “Feibesch” appears anywhere else in the Rothschild Archive!
This opening statement is an evident lie, not just sloppy editing.
The year “1450” is not certain, as Victor would lead us to believe. Numerous genealogies show that the Rothschilds ancestry includes:
Uri or Ori Feibesch (Fajsch) Zu BACHARACH (ca. 1475-1588) from Frankfurt, Germany
See BacharachDNA Project.
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![BACHARACH, SCHWAB, [ROTHSCHILD] AND WERTHEIMER. (Accessed Feb. 17, 2022). Family Tree. The Frankfurt Project.](
"Uri Feibesch" [BACHARACH] was identified by British Lord Victor Rothschild in 1973 as the source of the Rothschild family lineage.


See also Ungovernable Rich. (Feb. 24, 2022). WEF [World Economic Forum] the first 40 Years (now unlocked), Russian and English versions. Plebeian Resistance. (26.6 MB, 688 pgs.)

[The DNA facts show that the Bacharach and Rothschild lineage have common ancestors with Schwab. Curiously, in this chart, the smoking gun link is not identified. We will investigate this further. See new Fig. 8.]
Prior to Uri, the ancestry trail goes cold.
Why would the Rothschild Archive not disclose Uri’s full name, including “Bacharach?”
The Bacharach family is a rabbinical dynasty in Frankfurt, Worms, Poland. Remember Lord Henry de Worms, Lord Pirbright (html)? British Privy Council, Lord Rothschild collaborator. The Wellcome Trust. Biowarfare.
Also note that the official history of the London Stock Exchange has been censored re. the Rothschilds.
For context, the Frankfurt Jewish community was just being established then.
We first note that Wikipedia participates in this Rothschild misdirection. Their “Frankfurter Judengasse” page states:
“It is likely that Jews were amongst the earliest inhabitants of Frankfurt.”
Even a history novice knows that Frankfurt is a Stone Age city (ca. 3000 B.C.)!!!
World Guides states: “The first mention of Frankfurt in official history records dates to 794 AD. It was noted that Franconovurt, or 'City of the Franks', was the meeting place for an important ecclesiastical council of Franconian noblemen led by Emperor Charlemagne (Charles the Great).” This is confirmed by City of Frankfurt resources that further states: “Frankfurt, as the location of the most important north-south river crossing in Germany… has been inhabited since the later Stone Age (c. 2000 B.C.). Until the Romans arrived (Emperor Augustus, 63 B.C. to 14 A.D.), the area had been controlled by various Germanic and Celtic tribes.
Why does Wikipedia misstate Frankfurt’s history so ludicrously? Evidently it is because most drive-by “historians” will believe it. We see it as misdirection about Frankfurt’s true history and the central role of the Rothschilds in world corruption.
The Jewish Virtual Jewish World traces the earliest Jewish communities :
Evidence of a Jewish community in Frankfurt, a city on the Main river in western Germany, dates to the 12th century. At that time, a small group of Jewish merchants from Worms settled in the town, and quickly flourished and grew wealthy. Jews had been in Frankfurt prior to this period as well, but never as official residents – Frankfurt had long been a market town, and [Khazarian] Jews visited to trade there as early as the tenth century.
The Rothschild, Worms, Schwab families are European Jews descended from the diaspora of Khazarians, originally pagan semi-nomadic Silk Road horsemen and traders— not semitic Palestinian or Israeli—who converted in 737 A.D.
Zionist groups have worked hard in their propaganda to explain that the 9.5 million, largely Ashkenazi, Jews in Europe before WWII were/are descendants of the Levant (today Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Palestine and Turkey southwest of the middle Euphrates). See Figs. 6, 7 below.
Ashkenazi Jews make up 90% of the Jews in the world. Here is one example of this misdirection is Avotyaynu Online, posted on Mar. 22, 2020, obscuring their misdirection in indecipherable geneticist shop-talk (" Their study found no particular similarity between Ashkenazi Jews and Caucasian populations.).
However, their Ashkenazi DNA tells a dramatically different story.
On Jun. 21, 2017, Frontiers in Genetics published "The Origins of Ashkenaz, Ashkenazic Jews, and Yiddish." They concluded that even the term "Ashkenaz" has its orgins in four villages in Turkey. This area was the southernmost Eurasian steppe that comprised the Kazarian Empire.

See Das et al. (Jun. 21, 2017). The Origins of Ashkenaz, Ashkenazic Jews, and Yiddish. Frontiers in Genetics.

See Eran Elaik. (Dec. 12, 2012). The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses, Genome Biology and Evolution, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Jan. 2013, pp. 61–74.
See also Anatole A. Klyosov. (May 01,2012). The principal mystery in the relationship of Indo-European and Türkic linguistic families, and an attempt to solve it with the help of DNA genealogy: reflections of a non-linguist, (ISSN 1942-7484), 2010, Vol. 3, No 1, pp. 3 - 58. Journal of Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy.
See Eran Elaik. (Dec. 12, 2012). The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses, Genome Biology and Evolution, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Jan. 2013, pp. 61–74. Genome Biology and Evolution.
Victor Rothschild's "Uri Feibesh [zur Bacharach]" was the son of father Eichanan Ben Zur Bacharach Zur Roten Rose (1496-1550) and mother Fogele Rose "Tzipora" Bacharach (born Worms Haas-Grotwohl) (1505-1550). Eichanan had alias names Elchanan ben Uri, Han, Hon, Hane, Elkan, Elchanan Bauer.
Eichanan was the son of father Uri Feibesch (Fajsch) Zu Bacharach (1475-1588) and mother Zu Bacharach (nee Zur Roten Rose (ca. 1496-1550).
Rothschild deleted "Bacharach" from the family name
Lord Victor Rothschild dropped the "Bacharach" part of Uri Feibesch name? This is evident fraud.
We will not delve further into the Bacharach family name other than to say it has been a family with a strong rabbinical heritage.
The change from "Barcharach" to "Rothschild" is suspicious since the Bacharach name would normally be retained, and since Mayer Amschel would otherwise have thought so little of his Bacharach family heritage as to name it after a house instead!
Crypto-Rothschild Bacharachs infiltrated the U.S. government
Notably, many Bacharachs emigrated to America in the late 1800s. Three Bacharachs are notable in the British Pilgrims Society’s infiltration of the American government as crypto-Rothschilds (N.M. Rothschild and his son Walter were co-founders of the Pilgrims Society and tight allies of Cecil Rhodes, Lord Alfred Milner, Henry deWorms and Sir Harry Brittain.)
Bookmark: #bacharachs-bros-stealth-rothschilds | Rothschilds in the modern era
Bacharach brothers (Isaac, Harry, Benjamin) (...Rothschild): "strongest power in financial circles in South Jersey" courier Post, Camden N.J. (1927)
Fig. 15—Alfred Louis Bacharach (Rothschild) (1891-1966). Cambridge University Press.
S.K. Jon. (1967). Alfred Louis Bacharach, MA, FRIC, Obituary Notice (11 Aug. 1891-16-Jul-1966), Br. J. Nutr. (1677), 21, 235. Cambridge University.
Fred Skolnik, ed. (2007). Rothschild, Balfour, Bacharach et al. Encyclopaedia Judaica, Vol. 3, BA-BLO. Thomson Gale. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon. Source:
Alfred Louis Bacharach (1891-1966), British chemist; born in London; Cambridge graduate; Wellcome Research Laboratory; Glaxo Laboratories (1920); Pharmacometrics (1964); Science and Nutrition (1947); The Nation's Food Supply (1946); Vitamin E (1939); Exploration Medicine (1965), and The Physiology of Human Survival (1965).
Fig. 16—Benjamin Bacharach (Rothschild) (1865-1936). Asbury Park Press (NJ), p. 3, cols. 1,2, May 06, 1935; President, Atlantic Trust Company (now CIBC Atlantic Trust); secretary, United Paving Company, Atlantic City, NJ.; president, Atlantic City Chamber of Commerce; vice president, Union National Bank.
Benjamin Bacharach. (b. 1865). Grave Memorial, d. Jun. 18, 1936, brothers Isaac and Harry Bacharach. Findagrave.
Editor. (Jun. 22, 1936). 600 AT FINAL RITES OF BENJAMIN BACHARACH [Masonic grand master]. Courier-Post (Camden, NJ).
Editor. (Jan. 11, 1927). BACHARACH ELECTED HEAD OF SHORE BANK. Courier-Post (Camden, New Jersey) (""...makes the three Bacharach brothers [Isaac, Harry, Benjamin], each a president of a big bank, a real power in financial circles at the resort ...makes the Bacharachs the strongest power in financial circles in South Jersey."
Benjamin Bacharach (1865-1936), banker; merchant; pres.; Beth Israel Synagogue, Atlantic City; vice president, Union National Bank.
Fig. 17—Isaac Bacharach (Rothschild) (1870-1956). Asbury Park Press (NJ), p. 3, cols. 1,2, May 06, 1935; congressman, U.S. House (NJ-2nd); director, Second National Bank of Atlantic City.
Editor. (Jan. 11, 1927). BACHARACH ELECTED HEAD OF SHORE BANK. Courier-Post (Camden, New Jersey) (""...makes the three Bacharach brothers [Isaac, Harry, Benjamin], each a president of a big bank, a real power in financial circles at the resort ...makes the Bacharachs the strongest power in financial circles in South Jersey."
Isaac Bacharach (1870-1956), arrived Atlantic City 1881; banker; businessman; Councilman, Atlantic City (1907-13); Republican; State Assembly (1911); Congress (NJ-2nd, 1915); House Ways and Means Committee (1915-36); sponsored Federal Declaration of Taking Act of 1931—Eminent domain seizure of public lands permitted (the ability to seize public assets to back Rothschild loans).
Fig. 18—Harry Bacharach (Rothschild) (1873-1947). Cincinnati Enquirer, p. 6, col. 2, Aug. 25, 1930; mayor, Atlantic City; founder, president of Equitable Trust Company (1913).
Editor. (Jan. 11, 1927). BACHARACH ELECTED HEAD OF SHORE BANK. Courier-Post (Camden, New Jersey) (""...makes the three Bacharach brothers [Isaac, Harry, Benjamin], each a president of a big bank, a real power in financial circles at the resort ...makes the Bacharachs the strongest power in financial circles in South Jersey."
Harry Bacharach (1873-1947), arrived Atlantic City 1881; Postmaster, Pres. McKinley, 1901; reappointed by Teddy Roosevelt 1905-1909 during the ramp up of British Marconi Wireless in the U.S. in the run up to the first World War; Mayor, Atlantic City (1911-15, 1916—19, 1931-34); Chairman, N.J. Public Utilities Commission Member; Water Policy Commission; Banker; real estate developer; founder, Jewish Community Center, Atlantic City (1924-25); Betty Bacharach Home for Afflicted Children (Longport, New Jersey)
Conclusion—Call to Action:
The Rothschilds have totally hidden their real family name "Bacharach," their depraved Frankist religion, and their Khazarian nomadic roots. Then, they moved in their crypto-Bacharach family Fifth column into America in the exodus of their fellow Khazarian Jews from Odessa and climes in the 1880s.
Their sinister promotion of British Zionism and a new world order in conspiracy with the Pilgrims Society must be evaluated in a whole new light.
Are the Jews of the 12 Tribes of Israel actually their spiritual enemies since they are only crypto-Jews at best?
The fraud and treachery of this family is off the charts.
Now the Rothschilds must be unwound and prosecuted as satanic oppressors of humanity.
* * *
Described above is abject immorality.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.
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Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump (the then-current President) It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
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