Note: We are not talking about the British people here, but rather their tyrannical government, bankers, traders, politicians, corporations, lords, "ladies," knights, barons, viscounts, marquess, earls, dukes, princes, accountants and lawyers in The City of London who take their instruction from Mammon himself, we conclude.
Who is the master of the “deep state?” Mammon, headquartered in The City of London. Call him out. That ground cries out with Cain's curse—Genesis 4:11.
Overrun "The City" with feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace—Ephesians 6: 14-15.
Jesus Christ: “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon. —Matthew 6: 24.
Presidents Lincoln and Kennedy were assassinated trying to wrest control of America’s currency from British Mammon.
All other Presidents have gone along.
Only We The People can stop this demonic blight before it destroys civilization.
Bookmark: #debt-slavery | https://tinyurl.com/3dzrdr9h
Bitchute. Video: AIM/AFI.
Starts @ 31 min. 10 secs.

The McKibben Interview is Hours 2 & 3.
JOHN B. WELLS RADIO ONLY: Hour 1 | Hour 2 | Hour 3
![Tim Gielen. (Oct. 01, 2021). MONOPOLY - Who owns the world? [Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street]. Forbidden Knowledge TV. Video: Tim Gielen, Forbidden Knowledge TV.](https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/forbidden-tv.jpg)
A 5 min. summary of the above excellent Tim Gielen video is available here: Greg Reese. (Nov. 03, 2021). KNOW THEY ENEMY ref. Tim Gielen MONOPOLY - Who owns the world? Greg Reese. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
(Oct. 15, 2021)—Slavish subjugation of human labor (white, red, black, brown and yellow) to control profits has driven British banking for 500 years.
This immorality created an archdevil and his legions in Rome, the City of London, New York and Washington, D.C.
“We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:11-18
It appears that Mammon and his legion of British demons headquartered in The City of London run “deep state.”
People who cooperate with Mammon become possessed by these demons and willingly play along in return for payoffs. Some rise in the ranks to become lieutenants, banksters as well as their debased accountants and lawyers.
How did we get here?
As the five Rothschild sons of German Mayer Amschel Rothschild spread out across Europe in the late 18th century, they made Britain their base of banking operations.
The British East India Company (“trade with a sword”) drove that priority through the pirate merchants created by corporatism.
The Rothschilds and their interlocked allies in the British monarchy learned that slavery and war were the fastest paths to perpetual profit.
Wars generated windfall business for their war corporations that could be financed any time, and cheap labor could be delivered to maximize profits. Just consider how many trillions of dollars in profits have been generated in the wake of 9/11 where the 132-page Patriot Act was already written in anticipation and pushed through Congress in just six weeks, and Leader Technologies' invention of social networking was stolen by MI6-IBM-DARPA-CIA and distributed for free to all of Silicon Valley and The City-directed world banks.
Control the money supply
As moneylenders, the Rothschilds moved quickly to control the British money supply.
An example is their loan to the British Army to occupy the White House in the War of 1812.
They loaned nothing but paper since Parliament had just pronounced Bank of England notes to be equal in value to gold or silver on Jun. 27, 1811. The Rothschilds and their interlocked allies in the Bank of England, all attorneys, many slave owners, only traded those IOU notes to others with interest on the strength of the British government’s ability to pay—fiat currency based on debt and only theoretically backed by gold and silver had begun—HISTORY'S GREAT CON JOB.

On Jun. 18, 2020, the Bank of England removed, disingenously, Manning's portrait from their Governor's portrait gallery with an apology for his role in promoting slavery. Such tokenism was laughable given the fact that practically every director of the Bank of England prior to the great demonic compensation in 1838 relied upon the black and brown slave trade in their businesses. Note: This compensation was facilitated by a Rothschild loan on Aug. 03, 1835 to the British government (that started British offshore banking). In short, the directors of the Bank of England conspired with the Rothschilds to ensure their continued profits from the slave trade, that they were in the process of converting the British Empire economy to white and yellow debt slavery.
See GOLD COIN BILL. (Mar. 21, 1811 to Apr. 26, 1814). Commons and Lords Debates, including Errata. UK Parliament Hansard.
The Rothschilds and their interlocked insiders in Parliament were the first to profit from wars based on Bank of England paper notes—newly ordered by law in 1814 to circulate as legal tender (even though prior to that they were being deprecated by more than 82%).
Notably, the 26 directors of the Bank of England—all lawyers—were interlocked in the slave trade with Nathan Mayer ("N.M.") Rothschilds in 1812. Notably, Centre for the Study of the Legacy of British Slavery identifies the following slave owners on the Bank of England Board in 1812: William Manning, Governor; Alexander Baring, Deputy Governor; Henry Davidson (enslaved 3,702 souls); Ebenezer Maitland; Thomas Neave; John Pearce; Samuel Turner; John Horsley Palmer; and Jeremiah Harman.
Offshore Banking was Born in Slavery compensation, then expanded by fiat currency: sin upon sin upon sin—Mammon
The British interlocked priority among banking, currency and slavery (cheap labor) in 1812 is evident. These slavers were all compensated in 1836 by a Rothschild loan that started offshore banking as we know it today.
We should note that 1812 was a seminal year in Britain (certainly not coincidental). (1) The Luddite protest occured protesting banker and corporation greed at the expense of families and was brutally suppressed by Parliament (despite the strong objections of Lord Byron in his first speech), including ordering the death penalty for protest organizers. At the same time; (2) Parliament via N.M. Rothschild financing was pressing the War of 1812 with America; (3) Parliament was considering the renewal of the British East India Company charter; (4) the Bank of England Note was declared legal tender; (5) the coinage of Britain was being modified (for the first time) to increase the value of Bank of England Notes by 500% to be on par with gold, even when the notes were trading in a free-er market at a 5 paper notes to 1 gold coin discount; and (6) at least half of the 26 directors of the Bank of England were personally profiting from the slave trade along with N.M. Rothschild by their joint investment in the East London docks where slaves were auctioned. See director list above.

The Gold Coin Bill finally passed after Apr. 26, 1814 after being first introduced on Jul. 01, 1811. See also GOLD COIN BILL. (Mar. 21, 1811 to Apr. 26, 1814). Commons and Lords Debates, including Errata. UK Parliament Hansard.
Indeed, the Bank of England was so interlocked in the profit-taking of the slave trade that they apologized in 2020 in a suspiciously well-timed and widely reported "apology" in all the world media outlets controlled by the British Pilgrims Society via Reuters and AP. See Daily Mail coverage that somehow avoided identifying the notorious slaver and 1812 director Henry Davidson, among others. See also above.
Among other things, this 500% increase in Bank of England Notes value was a windfall for the Rothschilds who took payment, not in gold, but in Notes which they began to loan out without fear of "deprication"—protected by Parliament!
In 1868, N.M.'s son Alfred de Rothschild at age 26 was the first Jew to be appointed a director of the Bank of England.
Several examples might help. The Rothschilds loaned £15 million to Parliament (Parliament contributed another £5 million) to compensate the British slave owners for the loss of their slave “property” after the Abolition Act of 1833. (Among the Rothschild-compensated British slave owners was Jamaican attorney Hamilton Brown, the great great grandfather of Vice Pretender Kamala Harris.)
However, little actual money exchanged hands. Instead, the Rothschilds, with the interlocked backing of the Bank of England 26 attorney-directors set up offshore banks to market these credit-based notes—now made fully convertible to gold or silver. Those slavery-funded offshore banks operate to this day—tax-free offshore havens that gain the “Lions Share” (65% of GDP) of most nations.
Sins layered on sins create demons—political demons create demonic laws.
We won’t focus on the 1st (1839-42) and 2nd (1856-60) Opium Wars where the Rothschilds profited once the British Naval bombardments subdued the Qing dynasty and forced them to allow the British to import opium and export yellow slaves to feed their plantations, and even the American railroad expansion through Cornelius Vanderbilt. More demons.
This British addiction to slavery is truly demonic and the archdevil in charge of The City of London must be named. The Gerasene demon to Jesus:
“What is your name?” “My name is Legion,” he replied, “for we are many.”—Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39.

The battle grounds of the Revolution were not even cold before Rothschild bankers began lobbying the Founders to set up a privately-run U.S. stock bank where the government owned 20% and 70% went overseas.
A Second Bank was chartered in 1816. The U.S. government also owned 20% of the stock with 80% owned by the wealthy in America and European. They were both private banks with public duties. The 2nd charter was not renewed and banking matriculated to state banks.
Early American Pluralism defied Rothschild's interlocked Hegemony
In short, early American banking was pluralistic enough that the Rothschilds had difficulty getting a controlling foothold.
What the Rothschilds did learn is that when they withheld American business loans, they could depress markets and cause panics.
A strong argument can be made that the seeds of the American Civil War were in the competition between the British and Dutch East India Companies—that it was about trade. Just like in South Africa 50 years later, the British wanted the Dutch out.
The British wanted control of Southern cotton for their Manchester weaving factories. They did not want to share with the Dutch or American factories.
Slavery was also an issue, but not what you think. They sided with the Northern anti-slavery movement, not out of moral outrage, but rather as a bank strategy for a new type of white and yellow debt slave labor that no longer needed black and brown slaves—which were more expensive!
For the British, they needed to control the cost of labor in trade through debt-based money supply.
Their new slaves were going to be white and yellow indentured servants. This is proven in the newspapers of the era where London bankers are enticing poor English and Southern whites to emigrate to British plantation and mining enclaves around the world. They offered to pay their expenses to travel and loan them money. When the émigré could not pay them back, they were made a debt slave to the Rothschilds and their interlocked banks.

James Frederick Pattison, pres. (Jun. 05, 1869). The Chartered American, English and Venezuelan Trading and Commercial Company, Workmen's Emigration Society. Bee-Hive.
Margaret Amanda Pattison. (1868). The emigrant's vade-mecum or guide to the 'Price grant' in Venezuelan ..., 177 pgs. Trubner for The Chartered American, English and Venezuelan Trading and Commercial Company. Interactive version.

See also Margaret Amanda Pattison. (1868). The emigrant's vade-mecum or guide to the 'Price grant' in Venezuelan ..., 177 pgs. Trubner for The Chartered American, English and Venezuelan Trading and Commercial Company. Interactive version.

James Clarke Lawrence, Lord Mayor, President. (Mar. 22, 1869). PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE BRITISH AND COLONIAL EMIGRATION FUND, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1869 Session I, D-05. New Zealand House Archives.
Robert Wigram Crawford, Esq. was a governor of the Bank of England in 1869 when the EMIGRATION FUND was sponsored by City of London, Bank of England, and the Royal Household and Queen Victoria herself. He also oversaw the "Black Friday" Gold Panic in 1869 involving British agents who had compromised Ulyses S. Grant's younger sister, Virginia.
Alfred Charles de Rothschild, Esq. was approved as director of the Bank of England in 1868 when Crawford was deputy governor. The EMIGRATION FUND in 1869. Rothschild also donated to the fund along with Queen Victoria—they were evidently desparate to cajole their citizens to become whilte debt slaves in the colonies. At the same time, they were exporting Chinese girls into "service" and prostitution, and men for labor and sodomy in their factories.
A Few Prominent Patrons of the EMIGRATION FUND, 1869 'Send British & American 'deplorables' to work our gold mines once they fall into our unpayable debt.' DISCOVERY: In 1869, Queen Victoria, Lord Rothschild & Bank of England inside traders founded White & yellow Christian Debt Slavery |
Mammon = A + B + C | ||
A | B | C |
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Queen Alexandra Victoria (1819-1901). Her mother was Princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld (site of a Nazi concentration camp in WWII. Married her first cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld and Gotha. Leading funder of the EMIGRATION FUND (1869) with Lionel de Rothschild. Elevated Lionel to become Lord Rothschild in 1885. The Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld Demons Coburg was the first German town where the Nazi Party won absolute majority of the popular vote. Saalfeld was also the site of the Nazi metals factory concentration camp named Maksuta Camp (link to verified testimony of a 4-year Russian prisoner of the Battle of Moscow) (effectively written out of the history books). Patron to the alliance with the Pope to created the Knights of Malta, English Priory (1888) in close collaboration with Lord Pirbright Henry de Worms (maternal Rothschild), her under-secretary of state for the colonies, Lord Rosebery, prime minister (Rothschild by inheritance), Lords Rothschild (Lionel, Walter) & Cecil Rhodes, privy council. Bookmark: #rothschild-1869-arkancide | https://tinyurl.com/dehmwctj Click to enlarge. Rothschild/ Queen Victoria Arkancide?: ![]() |
Lionel Nathan de Rothschild, Esq. (1808-1879).
N.M. Rothschild & Sons, chairman; Bank of England director (1868-1889); first Jewish director of the Bank of England; Mother: Hannah 3rd de Rothschild (née Baret Cohen); Father: Levi Baret Cohen, merchant of London; Co-funder with Queen Victoria of the EMIGRATION FUND (1869) to finance white & yellow Christian debt & opium slavery (1869); MP, Ealing, Middlesex (1847-68); The City of London (1846-69 under Minority Clause; 1869-74) with Robert Wigram Crawford; Middlesex, judge; Deputy Lieutenant, City of London; Austrian Empire, baron; Alliance British and Foreign Assurance Company, director; Provident Clerk's Mutual Life Assurance Association, trustee, director; Northern Railway of France, trustee; Alliance Marine Insurance Company, president; 48 Piccadilly, W. London; married, first cousin Baroness Charlotte von Rothschild (Naples); three sons, one daughter (Nathan - 1st Baron Rothschild, Leopold, Alfred, Evelina) Arkancide? Lionel Rothschild acquired British political power as MP by unanimous proclamation by the unexpected death from bronchitis on Feb. 09, 1869, 9:30pm of MP-elect Charles Bell, Esq. ("even before he entered upon his Parliamentary duties"). The Clintons learned Arkancide well, it appears, from the Rothschilds. Suspiciously, the "urgent announcement" of Bell's replacement by Lionel de Rothschild was actually made in many of his obituary announcements! Rothschild' sponsors were well prepared to announce him right in the obituary, before his opponents had time to mourn and mount a counter-attack! Reminds this writer of the way the Bush Administration had the hundreds of pages of the USA Patriot Act already prepared and ready to put before Congress in the weeks following the 911 false flag. More Rothschild Arkancide? In 1890, Hannah Primrose (de Rothschild) Countess of Rosebery died aged 39 with typhoid. Henry Wellcome was doing extensive experiments with typhus at the time. Hannah was the namesake of her grandmother Hannah 3rd de Rothschild married to Lionel de Rothschild, her grandfather. Hannah the younger's untimely death paved the way for her gentile husband, Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, 1st Earl of Midlothian (Lord Rosebery), to inherit the N.M. Rothschild & Sons vast banking and commerce fortune. It also paved the way for Lord Rosebery's election as prime minister in 1894. It also facilitated Britain's experiments in imperial federal corporatism and the formation of the British Pilgrims Society. Also in 1890, Junius Morgan died in a carriage "accident" in Monte Carlo, leaving his vast Peabody-Morgan-Rothschild banking empire to his son, J.P. Morgan. Yet more Arkancide? Lionel de Rothschild acquired his The City of London MP political position in the curious untimely death by bronchitis of MP Charles Bell—not by winning an election. As a result of his death-appointment, Rothschild became the first Jewish member of Parliament, in the same year he was also appointed to be the first Jewish director of the Bank of England by bank governor John Wigram Crawford. He was also the chairman of the family bank, N.M. Rothschild & Sons. See Lionel de Rothschild. (1870). Replaced MP Charles Bell who died, House of Commons and the Judicial Bench, pp. 336-337. Dean & Sons, London. (10.5 MB). See also Robert Henry Mair. (1870). House of Commons and the Judicial Bench, 564 pgs. Dean & Sons, London. (45 MB). |
Robert Wigram Crawford, Esq. (1813-1889).
Crawford, Colvin & Co., British East India Merchants, managing partner (father’s firm); East India Merchants of London aka British East India Company, chairman (ca. 1840); Father, William Anderson Crawford, British East India Company, partner (-1827), MP, City of London (1833–41); British East India Railway, founder, chairman (1850-ca. 1886); Imperial Mexican Railway Company, Limited (London Bankers’ Clearing House - Agra and Masterman* Bank, “Iron Horse Imperialism” (1864-); facilitator, Chinese “coolies” for Cornelius Vanderbilt U.S. railroads; City of London, MP (1857-74); Harwich, MP (1851); Bank of England, governor (1869-70), deputy governor (1867-68), director (1871-89), appointed Lionel de Rothschild Bank of England director (1868); European Assurance Society, director (firm) (1867-); Provident Clerks’ Mutual Life Assurance Association, director (firm) (1867-); Commissioner of Lieutenancy for London (unknown); Royal Geographical Society, fellow, (-1889); Margaret Urquhart Cruikshank, married (1836); two sons, one daughter; home: 20 Easton Square, London; family crest: “Spotless lile the ermine" (royal-esque) It is noteworthy that the Jesuit Cardinal Manning (an Anglican convert), the son of Crawford's predecessor as Governor of the Bank of England, William Manning (see above), voted for papal infallibility at the First Vatican Council on Jul. 13-18, 1870, 17 months after the installation of Baron Lionel de Rothschild as City of London MP and director of the Bank of England. Yet to be explored is the involvement of the Bank of England governors and Baron Lionel de Rothschild in the interlocking relationships between the Vatican Bank and the Bank of England as a result of the Cardinal Manning quid pro quo on papal infallibility. * Winston Churchill relative MP Charles F.G. Masterman facilitated the theft of Nikola Tesla's wireless telegraphy invention and monopoly by Marconi Wireless, founded the British War Propaganda Bureau (Wellington House) in 1914. |
Table 1: Co-conspirators in the plot by the British Empire to seize control of humanity. |

James Clarke Lawrence, Lord Mayor, President. (Mar. 22, 1869). PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE BRITISH AND COLONIAL EMIGRATION FUND, Appendix to the Journals of the House of Representatives, 1869 Session I, D-05. New Zealand House Archives.
![Editor. (Mar. 06, 1870). CAUTION TO EMIGRANTS [re. Chartered American, English, and Venezuelan Trading and Commercial Company], p. 3, col. 3. Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper.](https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/caution-to-emigrants-Lloyd's-Weekly-Newspaper-Mar-06-1870.jpg)
Fig. 13—Editor. (Mar. 06, 1870). CAUTION TO EMIGRANTS [re. Chartered American, English, and Venezuelan Trading and Commercial Company]. Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper.
![Editor. (May 14, 1870). A WARNING TO INTENDING EMIGRANTS [re. Chartered American, English, and Venezuelan Trading and Commercial Company]. Globe (including "Copy of a Despatch [to Earl Granville, K.G.] from the Governor of Trinidad, reporting unfortunate results of Emigration to Venezuela, in connection with the Chartered American, English, and Venezuealan Trading and Commercial Company, Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, May, 1870, London, Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Stamford Street and Charing Cross, for Her Majesty's Stationary Office, 1870, [C.—107.] Price 1d.").](https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/1870-05-14-A-WARNING-TO-INTENDING-EMIGRANTS-[re-Chartered-American,-English-and-Venezuelan-Trading-and-Commercial-Company]-Globe-May-14-1870.jpg)
Arthur Gordon, Governor of Trinidad (1866-70). (Mar. 10, 1870). Copy of a Despatch [to Earl Granville, K.G.] from the Governor of Trinidad, reporting unfortunate results of Emigration to Venezuela, in connection with the Chartered American, English, and Venezuelan Trading and Commercial Company, presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, May, 1870, London, pp. 1-8. Clowes & Sons.
Abraham Lincoln was assassinated because he planned a money system that iced out the Rothschilds and their interlocked banksters.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated because he, too, threatened to break apart the C.I.A...
—that had just hoarded all the German and Japanese gold in Zurich and was leveraging it through the Marshall Plan,
—that was taking orders from British MI-6,
—that was taking orders from the British Pilgrims Society, and
—that is taking orders from the Archdevil of The City of London—Mammon.
President Lincoln wrote on Nov. 21, 1864 to his long-time friend Col. William F. Elkins (verified):
“As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.”
The British bankers wanted the South to win so that they could secure their supply lines for high quality American cotton exclusively to themselves to supply their Manchester and Nottingham weaving mills where they had destroy their middle class with automation.
See also The Real Lincoln (Minor, 1904), pp. 104-105 (interactive version): "CHAPTER 14, Attitude of England.: . . . Four-fifths of the House of Lords were 'no well-wishers of anything American,' and most of the House of Commons desired the success of the South.". Full PDF version.
President Dwight Eisenhower repeated Lincoln’s warning:
“[W]e have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. . . . This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”
Fig. 15—Dwight D. Eisenhower. (Jan. 17, 1961). President Eisenhower's Fairwell Address to the Nation; warns of the military-industrial complex.https://youtu.be/orEurY6HdXU | Raw *.mp4 video file
Despite these knowledgeable warnings, we have nevertheless allowed the demons that control the British to move in and control American money, labor and trade.

See Emanuel Hertz (1870-1940). (1931). Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) - A New Portrait, Two Volumes, ark:/13960/t6058n706. New York, H. Liveright.
The “Hazzard Circular” 1862 (& related “Buell Circular”)
We have recently discovered and verified written evidence of this inhuman British demonic lust to control American money, labor and trade.
It is very difficult to get criminals to voluntarily document their plans. They use word of mouth at dinners, parties, social events and exclusive smoking clubs. That way they cut out middle men who might betray them.
This is why the “Hazzard Circular” 1862 is such an astounding find.
Once the Circular started emerging from the private files of American bankers twenty years later, numerous patriots took great pains to verify its authenticity, perhaps the most notable was the affidavit by Judge Isaac Sharp, a Democratic Kansas pioneer attorney, newspaperman, explorer, mayor, councilman, mason, politician and candidate for governor (the “Governor” moniker stuck even after his narrow loss).
The Hazzard Circular was published in numerous city newspapers across America, but never in the high circulation dailies that were already under the control of the Rothschild’s banks.
Numerous patriots used the Hazzard Circular 1862 as hard proof of a British fraud on America’s monetary system, and treason by their American sycophants.
Various Congressional commissions ensued that cast further shade on the Rothschild’s hegemony. By then, a young J.P. Morgan, who appears to have knocked off his father in 1890 (our opinion), was leading the Rothschild agenda.
The London Rothschild banks distributed the “Hazzard Circular” to counteract Lincoln’ issuance of government-backed “greenbacks” by issuing bonds at interest to suppress them.
"Slavery is likely to be abolished by the war power and chattel slavery destroyed. This I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborer, while the modern European plan, led on by England, is capital control of labor by controlling wages; this can be done by controlling the money. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war that must be used as a measure to control the volume of money. To accomplish this bonds must be used as a banking basis. It will not do to allow the "greenback" as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, for we cannot control them, but we can control the bonds and through them the bank issue."
[Judge Isaac Sharp:] The possibility of its [Hazzard Circular] being true is again strengthened by the following sent out October 9, 1877, to the bankers of the country [the Buell Circular]…”
“Dear Sir: It is advisable to do all in your power to sustain such prominent daily and weekly newspapers, especially the agricultural and religious press, as will oppose the issuing of greenback paper money, and that you also withhold patronage or favors from all applicants who are not willing to oppose the government issue of money. Let the government issue the coin and the banks issue the paper money of the country, for then we can better protect each other. To repeal the law creating national bank notes, or to restore to circulation the government issue of money will be to provide the people with money, and will therefore seriously affect your individual profit as bankers and lenders. See your congressman at one, and engage him to support our interest that we may control legislation. JAMES BUEL, Secretary [American Bankers’ Association], 247 Broadway, [New York].”
Concurrent with these circulars, Lord Rothschild, W.T. Stead and Cecil Rhodes, homosexuals all, founded the “Society of the Elect” along with Lord Rosebery, another notorious homosexual, the inheritor of the N.M. Rothschild fortune (our opinion: probably knocked off his 39-year wife Hannah Rothschild in 1890), and Lord Pirbright (MP Henry de Worms), a maternal Rothschild and financial sponsor to pharma-vira-cide purveyor Sir Henry Wellcome (Wellcome Trust).
DeWorms-Rothschild was a Privy Councilor and Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, then, given the centrality of slavery to British banking, arguably the most powerful minister.
This insider group took over the Privy Council, Parliament and the Bank of England.
By this time these bankers had founded the YMCA and Salvation Army which were sources of cheap labor for British factories and to be sent to plantations and mines worldwide. They systemically practiced buggery, pedophilia and rape to subdue their new white and yellow slaves, just like they had done to their black and brown slaves.
In 1902, soon after Cecil Rhodes’ death, they formed the Pilgrims Society, whose stated aim was to implement Cecil Rhodes’ 200-year plan to reincorporate America into the British Empire.
From 1902-05, Pilgrims Society U.S. founder president Rev. Henry Codman Potter, mentored William J. Donovan, the future head of the OSS, then the C.I.A.—both subservient to British MI-6. Donovan oversaw the aggregation of Nazi and Japanese gold for the Rothschild banks in Zurich during WWII.
In 1909, these Pilgrims organized 650 British newspapermen at the First Imperial Press Conference 1909 to use their banking power to fully control propaganda, surveillance, pharmaceutical, communications and intelligence (spying: MI-6, MI-5, GC&CS now GCHQ).
In 1913, the U.S. Federal Reserve formed on Jekyll Island, led by Rothschild sycophant J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller father-in-law Nelson Aldrich.
In 1919, then Navy deputy secretary Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered American telecommunications to merge with British Marconi Wireless, forming Radio Corporation of American that then created the National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) led by British Pilgrims Society leaders Owen D. Young (GE) and David Sarnoff.
As a result, American banks, newspapers, communications and intelligence were totally controlled by the British Pilgrims.
In 1924, British Pilgrims Society member Harlan Fiske Stone appointed J. Edgar Hoover to "lead" the FBI.
On Jul. 18, 1926, RCA vice-president Pilgrim David Sarnoff published a ghoulish prediction that wireless and virus technologies were the future of war.
From ca. 2001-2009, Sir Henry Kissinger, a Rockefeller protégé, is a long-time vice president of the British Pilgrims Society along with former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker.
In short, over the 20th century up to today, these bankers have used their financial control to seize control of America.
How have these self-anointed world leaders done?
"Therefore by their fruits you will know them."—Matthew 7:15-20.
187+ million souls perished (est.) at the hands of these banker criminals | count the victims
Year: | Banker-inspired Conflict (Rothschilds likely led funding on them all) |
1812-1814 | +++ British-American War of 1812 |
1839-42 | +++ 1st Opium War (China) |
1839-42 | +++ 1st Anglo-Afghan War |
1845-72 | +++ Māori Wars (New Zealand) |
1853-56 | +++ Crimean War |
1856-60 | +++ 2nd Opium War (China) |
1856-57 | +++ Anglo-Persian War |
1878-80 | +++ 2nd Anglo-Afghan War |
1880-81 | +++ 1st Boer War |
1899-1902 | +++ 2nd Boer War |
1910-20 | +++ Mexican Revolution |
1914-18 | +++ WWI |
1917 | +++ Russian Bolshevik Revolution |
1918-21 | +++ Russian Civil War |
1919 | +++ Third Afghan War |
1919-21 | +++ Irish War of Independence |
1922-23 | +++ Irish Civil War |
1932-33 | +++ Holodomor (Soviet Ukraine Terror-Famine) |
1933-45 | +++ Holocaust |
1936-39 | +++ Arab Revolt in Palestine |
1944-48 | +++ Jewish insurgency in Palestine |
1947 | +++ Partition of India |
1948-present | +++ Israeli-Palestinian Conflict |
1948-60 | +++ Malayan Emergency |
1949 | +++ Yangtze Incident |
1950-53 | +++ Korean War |
1952-60 | +++ Kenya Emergency |
1955-59 | +++ Cyprus Emergency |
1955-75 | +++ Vietnam War |
1956 | +++ Suez Crisis |
1962-63 | +++ Brunei Revolt |
1963-66 | +++ Indonesian Confrontation |
1963-67 | +++ Aden Emergency |
1968-98 | +++ The Troubles, Northern Ireland |
1968-75 | +++ Cambodian Civil War |
1982 | +++ Falklands War |
1990-91 | +++ Gulf War |
1991-2002 | +++ Sierra Leone Civil War |
1992-95 | +++ Bosnian War |
1998-99 | +++ Kosovo War |
2001-14 | +++ War in Afghanistan |
2003-11 | +++ Iraq War |
2011-present | +++ Libya Conflict |
2011-present | +++ Syria Conflict |
2014-present | +++ Yemen Conflict |
2014-present | +++ ISIS Conflict |
Table 2: Major Conflicts in the 20th and early 21st centuries that were all financed by the British Pilgrims Society with its Rothschild overseers under the covers. |
The Rothschild-British cycle of evil: create & fund an enemy, hype the threat, fund the counter-enemy, give older technology to your designated losers, fund the war, fund the rebuilding on both sides... repeat.
Banish the Bankers from Public Life! Excise them from money creation. Look what they have done to us and our children! Enough!
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. “ Matthew 7:15-16a.
The long lesson of history is that Rothschild-inspired British banking system (central bank system) is abhorrently evil.
These bankers want slavery because it keeps their labor costs, and therefore their trade profits, high.
This explains the “no borders, no wall, no USA at all” chant. It explains the never-ending U.N. (British and Vatican) refugee and open borders priority.
These “Bank Demons” instinctively desire labor destabilization and migration, use of wars and false flag banking “crises” to stir panic, lowering of wages, and/or robotics.
See https://aim4truth.org/?s=luddism
These Demons loathe the middle class. As laborers get more prosperous, the higher wages depress bank profits and must be destroyed.
The British Demons must be named, and cast into outer darkness.
World banks are enemies of human prosperity and humanity itself.
We cannot allow the British Demons to control money supply any longer.
“The Great Reset” is attempting to collapse society before we get organized, now that we see what they have done.
Congress must immediately take control of the issuance of money and benchmark it against real property, gold or silver (as compared to British Mammon's carbon credits, social credit score, health passport and cryptocurrency).
All bank charters must be revoked, and new banks allowed to emerge competitively, with an entirely new set of regulators who work for We the People and not the banks.
Banks should no longer be allowed to control the money supply, including through fiat debt.
State banks should also be restarted to create competition and stop the abuse of the British Archdevil: Mammon—whose lair is The City of London.
* * *
Described above is abject immorality.
Morality must win the day.
"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."
The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
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