David appears to be the 2nd groomed cardboard cutout of the Pilgrims Society for wireless technology in the 20th century. The first was Guglielmo Marconi.
David Sarnoff, RCA (Oct. 17, 1919), NBC (formed Nov. 15, 1926)) was president of both companies and a Pilgrim Society member from ca. 1918. Wlliam S. Paley, CBS, president from ca. 1927. CBS was formed on Sep. 18, 1927, likely became a Pilgrim before 1927.
The recent arrest of Harvard bio-nanoscience Prof. Charles M. Lieber unlocked his family secrets that led us to David Sarnoff and his Pilgrims Society overlords when British wireless hegemony hatched ca. 1898
Charles' hidden father Robert helped Sarnoff build the AEGIS satellite, radar and missile systems now poised to unleash 5G bioweapons
Shockingly, Asst. Navy Sec. Franklin D. Roosevelt helped get the Pilgrims Society wireless terror moving in 1919
NBC, RCA, CBS, AT&T, GE, (SERCO, QintetiQ, Wellcome Trust), Westinghouse and United Fruit have always been propaganda, surveillance and weaponry systems for the Pilgrims Society headquartered in London, UK
We initially intended to focus this post only on recently indicted Harvard bio-nanoscience professor Charles M. Lieber.
However, the unexpected discovery that his father Robert I. Lieber was a senior satellite, missile and radar engineer for RCA, NBC and David Sarnoff unlocked a secret door on the Pilgrims Society "Deep State."
It led us into a three-generation dynasty, in this case, a (Byelo)Russian-Romanian Jewish dynasty. These discoveries tie the Lieber family directly to the Sarnoffs, Pilgrims Society and the British Monarch, in league with Guglielmo Marconi's theft of Nikola Tesla's inventions. Cecil Rhodes, their spiritual founder, envisioned a 200-year plan for a one-world corporatist government protected from legal liability for their crimes by the British Monarch. They plan great wealth and power for themselves, while they control the deplorables with communism/socialism. See Figs. 42b-d below for a prophetic analysis of this very Pilgrims Society belief system espoused by Sarnoff and the entire "Deep State" shadow government articulated in Congress by Rep. Rarick, LA in 1970.
We have sacrificed much blood for their previous failed experiments: Boer Wars, Soviet communism, Fascism, Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Kosovo, Rwanda, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. They hope their current American experiment with socialism will finally get it right (ANTIFA chant: "No borders, no wall, no USA at all.") They call it their "New World Order."
Once we discovered that Professor Lieber was hiding Sarnoff's secrets, we decided to do three posts. This one focuses on David Sarnoff. We encourage readers to persevere, this evidence will change our fake history books. No wonder many of us hated studying modern history. It was all a big fat Pilgrims Society, Carnegie-funded lie. For example, the Pilgrims Society's own histories DON'T EVEN MENTION DAVID SARNOFF, their prime mover of the 20th century. Oftentimes, what criminals don't tell you about themselves speaks volumes.
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American Intelligence Media "Doug & Mike" Show Audio Interview, Apr. 20, 2020
Click here to listen to powerful investigative journalism about the origins of RCA, NBC and how the British Pilgrims Society runs American media, propaganda, intelligence, banking and vaccines.
Click the Play button in the bottom left hand corner.
Click the Play button in the bottom left hand corner.
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Click here to read the details of the Shiva research posted at American Intelligence Media.
American Intelligence Media "Doug & Mike" Show Audio Interview, May 01, 2020
Click here for to listen to powerful investigative journalism into the claims of Shiva Ayyadurai to be the "Inventors of Email" as well as the inventor of a magical software to short circuit the need for vaccine trials.
(Apr. 17, 2020)—We have uncovered so much indictable evidence of the Pilgrims Society's treachery against America, the British people and the world (1902-present) that we decided to publish these findings in three parts.
Part 1: David Sarnoff
(This Post)

On Jan 28, 2020, Harvard professor Charles M. Lieber was indicted, arrested and is now out on $1 million cash bail.
He was charged with Chinese espionage and fraud, including conspiring with Wuhan University of Science and Technology—just weeks before the alleged Coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. We say "alleged" because as we go to press, we are told that no actual samples of the Chinese Coronavirus have been obtained for testing. The specter of a giant Coronavirus propaganda hoax is looming large.
On the surface, the Prof. Lieber “narrative” looks like a victory for the Rule of Law.
Lawfare to protect Lieber?
However, given what we now see is Lieber's total immersion in the Pilgrims Society military-industrial complex that has protected Andrew McCabe, the strong possibility is that this Lieber indictment is merely the corrupt Justice Department's lawfare. With the indictment they look tough, then they slow roll the prosecution until it is off the front page, then they'll eventually acquit him, like they just did for the obvious criminal Andrew McCabe.
Lieber's sins reach back to David Sarnoff, Marconi Wireless, Pilgrims Society, founder of NBC, RCA-GE-AT&T, now SERCO & QinetiQ
Our research into Charles M. Lieber has uncovered that he is a multi-generational C.I.A. spy with loyalties to the British Crown. The proof will be shown below in this post focused on David Sarnoff, then the two companion posts on Robert I. Lieber and his Harvard professor nano-bio son Charles M. Lieber.
A big takeaway from this research is the Lieber family's close association to the British-American Pilgrims Society (the real name of the "Deep State") and one of its leading members—David Sarnoff (b. Feb. 27, 1891 – d. Dec. 12, 1971).
Charles' well-hidden father Robert I. Lieber worked for David Sarnoff at RCA Research (1951–ca. 1990). We are uncertain what the "I." represents. Robert only uses it once in a WWII veterans application that we could find. A reasonable assumption is that it stands for "Israel" who was Robert's paternal grandfather. Israel was born in Austria. He then moved to Botoșani, Romania where all of his children were born, including Robert's father Leo Lieber, who emigrated to America in 1892 on the Bismarck, and establish a 50-year career as a Philadelphia candy manufacturer: Leo Lieber Confectioners. Again, Charles' biographies are silent about both his father Robert and his paternal grandfather Leo.
David Sarnoff was the son of Russian Jewish immigrants from the Minsk region of Byelorussia
Early in his career at Marconi Wireless (starting in 1906), an ambitious David Sarnoff interacted regularly with British and American Pilgrims in his positions as a Marconi station operator, inspector, instructor in the Marconi Institute. He became a close friend of Guglielmo Marconi.
Marconi would often dock his yacht Elettra in New York harbor during his many trips to America while he erected Marconi Wireless "Imperial Wireless Chain" of stations around the world for the British Post Office and Admiralty.
By 1914 and the start of World War I, Sarnoff was contracts manager for Marconi America. This meant that Sarnoff had regular, intimate contact with senior British MPs and, the Imperial War Cabinet—all Pilgrims Society. These were the very knights, barons and lords who had earlier orchestrated the Marconi Wireless monopoly with Baron Henry DeWorms 1st Lord Pirbright, and with the full approval of Queen Victoria, and then a malleable King Edward II.
In fact, in mid-1912 (while Sarnoff was already a Marconi station inspector and Marconi Institute instructor) David Lloyd George, the future WWI War Prime Minister, almost ruined his political career by engaging in insider trading of Marconi America stock without disclosing it to Parliament ("The Marconi Scandal").
Lloyd George and Sir Rufus Isaacs, Chancellor of the Exchequer, along with Attorney General Herbert Samuel, the Postmaster General, and the Parliamentary Treasury Secretary Alexander Murray, used their inside knowledge of the secret, long term Marconi Wireless deals with the British Post Office and Admiralty to buy stock in Marconi America before the Marconi Britain stock first went on sale. The resulting scandal, sort-of-apologies and libel suits that followed almost sank these criminals.
Sir Rufus' brother Godfrey Isaacs was Marconi Great Britain's managing director and would most certainly have worked daily with David Sarnoff.

Indeed, many of the Robber barons of the age on both sides of the Atlantic were eager to get their piece of the Marconi monopoly on wireless telegraphy —technology stolen from the inventor Nikola Tesla.
This situation is quite similar to the Facebook initial public offering where public officials and judges massively bought Facebook pre-initial public offering stock while knowing that Facebook was exploiting the social networking inventions that Facebook had stolen from Columbus innovator Michael McKibben and his company Leader Technologies, Inc.
Sarnoff most likely became a Pilgrims Society member before RCA was created out of Marconi-US, GE, Westinghouse, AT&T, United Fruit patent assets
We believe Sarnoff most likely became a member of the American Pilgrims Society shortly before the sales of Marconi America assets to the newly forming Radio Corporation of America (RCA) on Oct. 17, 1919.
These new facts make it very clear that the British and American governments, at that time largely being run by the Pilgrims Society on both sides of the Atlantic, wanted a completed monopoly on wireless technology in order to "create public opinion," as Viscount Burnham told an American Pilgrims audience in 1923.
Our research has uncovered much more deadly intentions involving the Big Pharma leader of the day, Burroughs Wellcome & Co. and Wellcome Trust (now GSK, GlaxoSmithKline... which is still controlled by Wellcome Trust). These people were experimenting on African populations with deadly viruses to be used to the lower world populations.
The Congressional Record confirms that both Sarnoff (RCA, NBC) and William W. Paley (CBS) were members of the Pilgrims Society. More on these proofs below.
At Age 15, Sarnoff began his grooming at Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co.

On Sep. 06, 1906, David Sarnoff began work at British Marconi Wireless in New York as a copy boy.
In 1907 (age 16), Sarnoff was promoted to junior wireless telegraph operator.
In 1908-1909 (age 17), Sarnoff was assistant, then full operator of the Marconi station at Siasconset, Nantucket Island, off Massachusetts.
In 1909-1910 (age 18), Sarnoff was appointed night manager of the Marconi station at Sea Gate, Coney Island, Brooklyn, New York.
By about this time, Sarnoff was arranging dalliances for 34-year old Guglielmo Marconi in New York. Marconi partied hard with Pilgrims Society New York socialites. It is inconceivable that Marconi was not grooming his protégé Sarnoff to become a Pilgrim himself.

In 1910 (age 19), Sarnoff was manager the Marconi station in Wannamaker’s Department Store, New York City.
In 1911 (age 20), Sarnoff's father Abraham died (from Uzlian, Minsk, Belarus; emigrated to U.S. in 1896). Sarnoff signed on as wireless operator on the S.S. Boethic and S.S. Harvard.
In 1912 (age 21), Sarnoff was promoted to a Marconi station inspector and operator instructor at the Marconi Institute.
In 1913 (age 22), Sarnoff was promoted to chief radio inspector and assistant chief engineer for the Erie Lackawana railroad line (NY-PA).
In 1914 (age 23), Sarnoff was promoted to contract manager for Marconi’s American operation.
By 1918, Sarnoff was the Commercial Manager of Marconi Wireless Telegraph of America.
Bookmark: #sarnoff-cuba-visa-mar-09-1918 | https://tinyurl.com/y7fu7lloPilgrims Society histories are pregnant with silence about one of their most productive members of the 20th Century
Official Pilgrims Society records we have been able to obtain are deafeningly silent about Sarnoff's membership.
Sarnoff's Pilgrims Society patron, Guglielmo Marconi, was the Pilgrims' star guest at the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909. Marconi is mentioned 30 times in their transcription of the Conference, A Parliament of the Press.
In fact, a key subject underlying the entire two weeks of meetings, including a luncheon at the House of Commons with Prime Minister Asquith, was how the introduction of wireless telegraphy would reduce the cost of Marconigrams! For the nefarious behind the scenes stories of the Conference, read The 200-year Information War.
First RCA radio photo ever was sent (by Sarnoff) to The New York Times pictured the speaker's dais at a London Pilgrims Society dinner
On Apr. 30, 1926, Sarnoff/RCA sent the first ever radio photo from London to the New York Times. It was a photo of the speaker's dais at a London Pilgrims Society dinner. An official Pilgrims document says it was a dinner for The Marquess of Reading for the Viceroy and Governor-General of India 1921-1926—Edward Wood, 1st Earl of Halifax.
Bookmark: #birth-of-tv | https://tinyurl.com/y853b6yr
David Sarnoff. (Apr. 20, 1939). THE RCA EXHIBIT BUILDING, New York World's Fair, 1939, The Birth of an Industry, "marks the first coverage by television of a news event. RCA. (Raw. *.mp4 video file).
From 1941 to 1946, Wood served as British Ambassador in Washington (during WWII). This was certainly heady company for a young Sarnoff showing off his newly-minted Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Perhaps Sarnoff's Pilgrims Society relationship with Wood explains why General Eisenhower hired Sarnoff to be his communications director at Allied Command, while the Pilgrims were busy organizing the post-War "Five Eyes" intelligence sharing nightmare for humanity.
See The Pilgrims of Great Britain - A Centennial History, p. 190 by Anne Pimlott Baker, Profile Books (2002); See also The Pilgrims of the United States - A Centennial History by Anne Pimlott Baker, Profile Books (2003). Both books were printed in the UK by St. Edmundsbury Press.
Bookmark: #pilgrims-society-archives-us-uk-flags | https://tinyurl.com/yb5ksqelWhy don't the Pilgrims brag about David Sarnoff?
Sarnoff's Pilgrims Society membership does appear on a prominent list that claims "membership photocopies" as primary sources. Unfortunately, this site does not make those photocopies available: Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics. We have found the Institute's list to be meticulously accurate, and have no reason to question their Sarnoff information.
Rep. Thorkelson (Montana) mentions Radio Corporation of America executives as Pilgrims Society members (most certainly meaning David Sarnoff) in the Congressman's extensive Aug. 06, 1940 to Sep. 27, 1940 time capsule of his research in the Congressional Record laying out the seditious Pilgrims Society relationships that he believed were undermining the American republic.
For certain, Sarnoff's membership in the Pilgrims Society is confirmed in the Sep. 22, 1970 Congressional Record by Rep. Rarick (Louisiana).
We believe Sarnoff became a Pilgrims Society member before the creation of RCA out of Marconi America assets in 1919.
RCA was never anything but Marconi-british-Pilgrims to the core with Sarnoff in charge
RCA was a separate company from British Marconi in name only. The global wireless telegraph system upon which American relied was built and controlled by Marconi Wireless, Great Britain—and therefore by the British Admiralty. RCA was nearly 100% reliant on the British Marconi Wireless stations to send messages around the world.
Sarnoff's meteoric rise inside Marconi parallels the breathless British propaganda for war with Germany & deposing Czar Nicholas in Russia.
![Editor. (Apr. 18, 1917). German Ghouls - Corpses Converted to Soap and Explosives, Dividends from Death [The Wellington House War Propaganda Bureau, formed Aug. 1914, anti-German propaganda]. Yorkshire/Sheffield Evening Telegraph and Star.](https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/wwi-anti-german-propaganda.jpg)
Challenge: As you read this fake article, list the journalistic illogic (e.g., exquisite details about the operations of an allegedly secret operation where even the workers are prisoners!) meant to bend British public opinion against Germany (remember, the Rockefellers (Standard Oil), Rothschilds, Kuhns, Loebs, Bernard Baruch, J.P. Morgan, Eugene Meyer; Paul Warburg, Max Warburg, Jacob Schiff, Louis Brandeis and Royal Family all loaned war money to both sides and profited handsomely from the carnage).
"[I]n 1925, the British Government announced that there had never been any foundation for the story."— The British Newspaper Archive
During Sarnoff’s ascendancy at Marconi Wireless, Britain was busy building six Marconi stations throughout the world. In parallel, the Pilgrims Society members who were soundly in control of the British Privy Council and a pliable King Edward II, were stirring the political pot for a war with Germany and deposition of Czar Nicholas. At the same time, they were grooming Vladimir Lenin in London. This included Pilgrims Society member Winston Churchill. Remember, Churchill, a war correspondent for the Morning Post, had supported Alfred Milner in the 2nd Boer War. He turned a blind eye to the concentration camp horrors where (Sir) Henry Wellcome was doing vaccine experiments on white and black prisoners alike. Over 14,000 children died in those hideous Burroughs Wellcome & Co. experiments.

David Sarnoff as a groomed Marconi America manager by this time was certainly learning from the Pilgrims Society masters at the Privy Council how effective these lies were in turning public opinion. He used these lessons well at RCA and NBC.
The German Kaiser Wilhelm II was the oldest grandson of Queen Victoria and Czar Nicholas II was his first cousin. Their outrageously false propaganda accused the Kaiser of bayoneting babies and using their little bodies to manufacture fertilizer and gunpowder.
The fact that the Pilgrims Society pushed both of Queen Victoria's kin out of German and Russia shows that a Robber baron Privy Council was in charge, not the Monarch.
A Prominent Pilgrim Philip Whitwell Wilson handled Vladimir Lenin in London (1902-1912) and likely handled David Sarnoff & "Intrepid" in New York
Sarnoff was very evidently a British spy who was likely being handled in New York by Vladimir Lenin’s London sponsor, and MI6 agent, Pilgrim Philip Whitwell Wilson.
Wilson was a "prime mover," along with Sir Gilbert Parker, in the organization of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 by the Pilgrims Society. Tellingly, the following month these spies and propagandists had organized the Empire Press Union and MI6, MI5 and GC&CS (renamed GCHQ in 1946) all organizations that hold the British hostage to this day. The Empire Press Union's name now is CPU Media Trust.
Wilson's spy cover was as an editor at The New York Times (1917-1956). That's all the proof you need about NYT's British spy pedigree.
Besides being Sarnoff's handler, Wilson was also very likely to have been the handler for "Intrepid" during World War II—Sir William Samuel Stephenson.
Remarkably, Stephenson worked out of 30 Rockefeller Center which was built by David Sarnoff RCA/NBC/GE and was Sarnoff's headquarters!
We had Britain's top spy during World War II being supplied his office space by David Sarnoff another British spy, pretending to be loyal to America, and ruling both RCA and NBC. This is the definition of treason.
Let's review the world events swirling around the young David Sarnoff while he rose thru the British Marconi telegraph ranks
Sarnoff at age 23, Marconi Contracts Manager: On Jan. 20, 1914, the British cabinet made Marconi Wireless Telegraph installations compulsory throughout the British Empire and America.
Sarnoff at age 23, Marconi Contracts Manager: On Aug. 05, 1914, England declared war on Germany after the British navy cut the telegraph cable between America and Germany. The British control of wireless was crucial to their propaganda campaign against America. Therefore, Sarnoff, as Marconi contracts manager, certainly played a pivotal role in the British propaganda campaign against America prior to, during and in the aftermath of WWI.
Sarnoff at age 23, Marconi Contracts Manager: On Oct. 18, 1914, The New York Times carried a full-throated defense by English writers of the English provocation of Germany after the British navy cut the undersea communications cable between America and Germany.
The fifty-three “Famous British Authors” included Rudyard Kipling, Arthur Conan Doyle, Thomas Hardy, G.K. Chesterton, H.G. Wells and Sir Gilbert Parker.
Parker was director of propaganda targeting America for the British War Propaganda Bureau established in 1914 as "Wellington House," which was the insurance office of Cecil Rhodes’ relative MP Charles F.G. Masterman.
Masterman was the chief parliamentary facilitator of the Marconi Wireless contracts worldwide—including with America.
Sarnoff at age 25, Marconi Assistant Traffic Manager, secretary of Institute of Radio Engineers (IEEE precursor): On Sep. 01, 1916, Gilbert Parker wrote in Masterman’s report to the War Cabinet that he had engaged in extensive propaganda activities for the British War Propaganda Bureau to target America. Three months after this report, in Dec. 1916 the Imperial War Cabinet was formed under Prime Minister Lloyd George with Earl Curzon, Alfred Milner, Arthur Henderson and Bonar Law—all Cecil Rhodes devotees and Pilgrims Society members. Milner was the lead trustee of the Rhodes Scholarship trust.
Bookmark: #america-is-a-british-propaganda-target | https://tinyurl.com/yd6fuba8On Jan. 01, 1917, Wellington House closed and its propaganda work was transferred to a formal War Cabinet department: The Ministry of Information. John Buchan, Viscount Milner’s 2nd Boer War concentration camp chief of staff, became the Minister Minister of Information (Propaganda).
In 1920, the British ostensibly created the Tavistock Clinic (renamed Institute in 1947) to assist shell-shocked soldiers. But, hindsight reveals that the true long term agenda was to study propaganda techniques for mass mind control and crafting of public messages to "create public opinion." When the Clinic became the Institute after WWII on Sep. 20, 1947, it received major funding from two Pilgrims Society mainstays, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and the Rockefeller Foundation. CITE to follow.
The British help America think "right"
On Sep. 01, 1916, Minister of Propaganda, John Buchan reported to the War Cabinet:
“SECRET: … selected visits to America of Englishmen known in the United States, and arrangement by which they are able to exercise their influence quietly to the best advantage… without any appearance of Government propaganda… assisting the people of America to form right judgment…” (emphasis added).
American Pilgrims Society traitors have organized a 120-year takedown of our Republic—as secretly documented by the 1916 British War Cabinet
Sir Parker highlighted many American Pilgrims who were assisting him. (Editor: The American propaganda pages from this 1916 report had been deleted in the British National Archives, until a helpful cleark supplied them recently).
Parker said Kenneth Durant and H.J. Whigham were "particularly productive… have done us great service by their reports and comments.”
Whigham was:
- Chicago Tribune correspondent,
- an amateur Scottish golf champion (1896-1897),
- The London Standard editor (owned by Pilgrim C. Arthur Pearson, executive committeeman of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909; co-founder of the Empire Press Union, MI6, MI5 and GC&CS, renamed GCHQ in 1946),
- The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, The Tribune, Scribner’s Magazine, The Morning Post, Town & Country special correspondent,
- Metropolitan Magazine editor, owned by The Daily Telegraph where Lord Burnham was a founding member of the Pilgrims Society, chief organizer of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, founder of the Empire Press Union and co-founder of MI6, MI5 and GC&CS, renamed GCHQ in 1946. Former President Teddy Roosevelt was also an editor of the Metropolitan.
Whigham was a pro-British 2nd Boer War correspondent contemporary of Winston Churchill at the Morning Post.
Kenneth Durant had received a bachelor of science degree from Harvard (1907-1911) and befriended communist journalist John Reed.
Durant “acted as Soviet courier in the transfer of funds and was treasurer for the Soviet Bureau and press secretary and publisher of Soviet Russia, the official organ of the Soviet Bureau. Durant's Soviet handler Ludwig Martens worked directly with Vladimir Lenin to establish an American propaganda beachhead. He also established many business deals with J.P. Morgan and more than one thousand firms before being deported from America in Mar. 1919.
Durant (who may have been deported for a year himself) opened and managed the American desk of the Soviet News Agency the Telegraph Agency of the Soviet Union (TASS) (1923-1944).
This means Durant was most assuredly being handled as a British agent by British Pilgrim Philip Whitwell Wilson who was Vladimir Lenin’s handler (1902-1911), where Wilson fronted as a New York Times editor, as stated above. This also overlaps the time when the British spy "Intrepid" had his office at David Sarnoff's building at 30 Rockefeller Center. Nothing to see here little doggy. Move along.
As if the treason above was not sufficient, we're just getting started. Sir Gilbert Parker praised many other Americans engaged in seditious British propaganda to steer American public opinion to war and Pilgrims profits:
- Paul D. Cravath, a Pilgrims Society member financier-lawyer (his law firm is now Cravath Swaine, where Obama former patent office director, David J. Kappos, is employed),
- Financier Otto S. Bannard (Yale Fusionist candidate for NY mayor in 1909; proponent of social Darwinism); William Randolf Hearst ally, a Pilgrim.
- Frederic [René] Coudert [Jr.], Constitutional lawyer who became a member of the Executive Committee for the American Pilgrims (Parker: “[Coudert] has shown himself a good friend of our cause.”).
- The “striking and admirable work” of Joseph H. Choate (Pres. American Pilgrims 1912-1917).
Sir Parker lavished praise on The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace whose first president, Elihu Root (1912-1925), later became vice president of the American Pilgrims and co-president of the Council on Foreign Relations.
The Carnegie Endowment's president Nicholas Murray Butler (1925-1945) was also president of the American Pilgrims Society (1928-1946).
(Editor Note: On Jun. 07, 1993, the Carnegie Endowment sponsored a secret conference in Washington, D.C., along with Clinton chief of staff John Podesta, national security advisor James P. Chandler, III, along with DoJ Robert S. Mueller, to give the FBI a universal encryption backdoor key on all Internet traffic. Congress balked, but they did it anyway through the Department of Commerce export licensing rules, requiring an embedded Dual_EC_DRBG algorithm.)
Pilgrims Carnegie and Elihu Root: "Great Eminence" in their British Propaganda assistance targeting Americans
The Carnegie Endowment and Root were singled out for their “great eminence” having "distributed great quantities of non-controversial literature... a very considerable number of our documents, and undoubtedly has had a powerful effect... to about 11,000 individuals, 621 public libraries, 214 historical societies, 106 clubs, 555 newspapers, 833 YMCA societies, 339 Universities and colleges, many members of the Royal Society of Arts and associates of the American Institute of Architects."
American Pilgrims on Wall Street paid for British propaganda movies
Parker said notably:
“One of our most striking successes in the United States has been the floating of our cinema pictures” and secured from Wall Street “big capital” for propaganda films that “have played to overflow houses, with many turned away.”
Then, British War CAbinet Pilgrims turned their propaganda on their own citizens
On May 18, 1917, John Buchan proposed that the Imperial War Cabinet start targeting propaganda against British citizens domestically (“I am anxious to be allowed to organise (sic) various lines of direct propaganda in this country…”). They did, and do to this day.
The Pilgrims Society's goal is to make American a vassal of the Crown, again
It appears that All 20-21st century wars were fabricated for Pilgrims profit and power?
Sarnoff was able to snoop on all Marconi traffic as the Pilgrims seized power in Britain, fabricated WWI, created the Empire Press Union, created MI6, MI5, GCHQ & commenced Tavistock mass mind control studies
Was Sarnoff the Jeffrey Epstein spy honey pot of his day (he listened in on many of the secrets of his day)?
As is the case with email today, users of telegraphy were indiscrete in their telegrams—the email of the day.
Before we turn our attention to Robert I. Lieber, a Sarnoff Award winning missile, radar and satellite RCA engineer-spy, we need to highlight several important details in the creation of RCA that further confirm the purely spy, propaganda and mind control nature of the company's formation.
Bookmark: #rca-nbc-marconi-investigation | https://tinyurl.com/y7nklm9nWhat the? A Fruit Company?
The United Fruit Company was at this time in history (ca. 1919) considered the most powerful company in Latin America. The company is notoriously known to be a spy front, now for the C.I.A.
For a detailed record of the RCA purchase of Marconi Wireless America patents and assets at the insistence of the U.S. Navy, where Franklin D. Roosevelt was secretary, see the 1,491-page Congressional Record (searchable) H.R. 4523, Part III. (Beginning Feb. 11, 1935). Pooling of Patents. Committee on Patents, Feb. 11, 14, 20, 25, 28; Mar. 7; Oct. 15-18; Dec. 2-6, 9, 10, 12, 1935, p. 3387, PDF p. 984. 74th U.S. Congress. (66.4 MB).
Lord Acton: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men..."
These hearings discussing the formative history of wireless telegraphy show that an unseen hand (we believe the British-American Pilgrims Society) forced General Electric, Westinghouse, United Fruit and AT&T to "pool" all their patent rights and provide them to the newly-forming Radio Corporation of America (RCA). The argument made by Navy Secretary Roosevelt that the development of robust international communications needed a single source for the technology. These hearings show that this argument was hogwash.
Here's just one example:
Bookmark: #roosevelt-navy-treachery-re-wireless | https://tinyurl.com/ya8j8fs5On Dec. 07, 1942, although not the focus of this post, President Franklin D. Roosevelt confiscated over 50,000 Axis and occupied country patents with the stroke of a pen
Bookmark: #roosevelt-stole-50000-patents | https://tinyurl.com/y8qy3kr8vBack in 1920, the United Fruit Company, besides being the most influential exporter in Central and South America, was the primary political platform for British-American Pilgrims Society regime change. They were used to control the Latin American countries in order to satisfy the trade wishes of the Pilgrims Society Robber barons.
In fact, in 1954 the C.I.A. is well-known for using its United Fruit Company front in the 1954 Guatemalan coup d'état of Colonel Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán.
U.S. Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, was a member of the law firm, Sullivan and Cromwell, which had represented United Fruit.
His brother Allen Dulles, director of the CIA, was a board member of United Fruit Company. The C.I.A. had also seized control of the telephone networks in Latin America through a United Fruit subsidiary Tropical Radio and Telegraph Company.
United Fruit is, and has been, a front for the C.I.A. (and its predecessor the OSS—Office of Strategic Services under William J. Donovan) since the formation of RCA in 1919.
David Sarnoff was certainly aware of the spying activity of United Fruit. In fact, in 1918, Sarnoff was the Commercial Manager of Marconi Wireless Telegraph of America and most assuredly represented both Marconi and United Fruit in his visits to Havana, Cuba to set up the Marconi station.
A year later United Fruit purchased 3.7% of RCA, as shown below from an FCC report in Fig. N above.
Conclusion, PART ONE: The evidence is overwhelming: David Sarnoff was a British spy working with a seditious Pilgrims Society in New York and London

In Part Two of this three-part report, we will focus are Sarnoff's RCA Laboratories. Besides building better systems for radio and TV entertainment, they also led the way in the weaponization of satellite, missile and radar. One of his award-winning engineers was RCA Engineer Robert I. Lieber. We call Robert "RCA Man." He was the well hidden C.I.A. spy engineer father of recently indicted Harvard nanoscience, chemistry and biology professor Charles M. Lieber.
In 1962, RCA/NBC president David Sarnoff awarded his RCA engineer spy Robert I. Lieber the 1962 David Sarnoff Outstanding Achievement Award in Engineering for his work in the Systems Engineering, Moorestown Missile and Surface Radar Division, Defense Electronic Products, Moorestown, NJ. Lieber's work laid down the bases for the current AEGIS global satellite warfare system. AEGIS is an integral component of the 5G weaponization plans for the "aggressive remote control of all things."

In Part Three of this report we focus on Charles M. Lieber who is currently out on $1 million cash bail after his arrest on Jan. 28, 2020 in Boston. Charles is very evidently the RCA et al research cardboard cutout to control all of the patents for carbon nanotube, nanowire and nanopore inventions. Charles Lieber represents the Pilgrims Society's shift of focus to consolidating patents under a single person who then assigns all their rights to Pilgrims Society corporations and institutions like Harvard and Oxford.
In, 1994, Robert Lieber's son, Harvard professor Charles M. Lieber began filing the first of 65 patents in carbon nanotube, nanowire and nanopore technologies used in the DoD Office of Net Assessment's weaponization of Lieber's nanotubes as a bioweapon vehicle for the mass distribution of viral weapons like Coronavirus.
Charles M. Lieber completely concealed his father Robert's work as a C.I.A. operative for David Sarnoff, RCA and NBC as he was being awarded $100's of millions in government contracts to corner the intellectual property space regarding carbon nano technology for which he was exclusively funded by DARPA, NIH, C.I.A. MITRE, Army, Navy, Air Force, Harvard and NSF. These agency are the very same agencies that funded RCA Research historically.
Tellingly, "The IBM Internet of Things" patents are all filed under a lone inventor Richard C. Walker, whose real identity appears to be Professor James P. Chandler. See Meet The Person Who Can Remotely Crash Planes And Can Your Mind.
Here's a teaser for what's coming on "Nano Man" Harvard Professor Charles M. Lieber:
The subject matter of Lieber’s 65 patents telegraphs a truly frightening biowarfare agenda and his obvious status as a "cardboard cutout" for the Pilgrims Society:
Lieber’s biographies are plastered on thousands of websites all over the world. Most notably Lieber, but also an obscure IBM researcher named Donald S. Bethune, are the most prominent figures in the fields of carbon nanotubes, nanowires and nanopores.
And yet, despite this deluge of information about Charles Lieber, he never mentions his family.
Charles M. Lieber funders and the patent(s) they funded:
National Science Foundation (NSF): U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,252,214; 8,883,568; 8,399,339; 8,153,470; 8,072,005; 7,956,427; 7,915,151; 7,911,009; 7,772,543; 7,666,708; 7,619,290; 7,595,260; 7,476,596; 7,385,267; 7,256,466; 7,211,464; 7,129,554; 6,963,077; 6,900,479; 6,190,634; 6,036,774; 5,997,832; 6,036,774; 5,997,832; 5,897,945.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA): U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,903,862; 10,119,955; 9,102,521; 8,698,481; 8,471,298; 8,232,584; 8,178,907; 7,858,965; 7,399,691.
National Institute of Health (NIH): U.S. Pat. Nos. 9,702,849; 10,436,747; 10,369,255; 10,355,229; 9,786,850; 9,638,717; 9,595,685; 9,457,128; 7,956,427; 7,911,009; 7,619,290; 6,716,409; 6,716,409; 6,716,409; 6,159,742.
U.S. Naval Research: U.S. Pat. Nos. 10,435,817; 8,154,002; 8,153,470; 7,956,427; 7,918,935; 7,915,151; 7,911,009; 7,858,965; 7,666,708; 7,619,290; 7,595,260; 7,500,213; 7,211,464; 7,476,596; 7,385,267; 7,301,199; 7,274,208; 7,301,199; 7,274,208; 7,256,466; 7,254,151; 7,172,953; 7,129,554; 7,073,157; 6,963,077; 6,900,479; 6,781,166; 6,781,166; 6,781,166; 6,036,774; 5,997,832; 6,036,774; 5,997,832; 5,897,945.
Please send us whatever corroborative information you have to further enlighten the public on this hidden history of the late 19th, 20th and early 21st century.
Send to our Anonymous Patriots email: afi@leader.com.
Evidently, our history books were faked to hide these lizards who have been slithering their way through our civilization.
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Bookmark: #sarnoff-pilgrims-society-front | https://tinyurl.com/ycsfvn6aSource of Viscount Burnham quote: Ernest F. Birmingham. (Mar. 03, 1923). LORD BURNHAM: NEWSPAPERS MUST CREATE PUBLIC OPINION WITHOUT REGARD TO INTERNATIONAL BOUNDARIES, Yr. XXX No. 1514, pg. 18. THE FOURTH ESTATE.
Source of Sarnoff Agencies of War quote: Charles G. Reinhart. (Jul. 18, 1926). Next War Over in few Minutes! Prophesies of Lt. Col. David Sarnoff, RCA, p. 39. Sioux City Journal.
Footnote 1
Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump today. It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and that Pilgrims Society that steals and weaponizes inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of its fascist insider military-industrial corporations.
Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.
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