Friday, June 30, 2017


Cisco CEO John Chambers built back doors into his I nternet routers, donated $5 million to The Clinton Foundation, and paid $1 billion into the Obama/Hillary "Russian Reset"

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Jun. 30, 2016, Updated Jul. 25, 2017 | PDF
John T. Chambers, CEO, Cisco, speaking at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) on Sep. 25, 2013
Fig. 1 – John T. Chambers, CEO, Cisco Systems. Chambers is emerging as a central organizing figure in the rogue C.I.A. Deep State shadow government's takeover of the American Republic. Here he is as special guest of Bill and Hillary Clinton at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) on Sep. 25, 2013. Chambers donated up to $5 million to the Clintons and donated $1 billion to the Hillary/Obama "Russian Reset" to promote Russian technology.
Photo: Hollywood Reporter.
Bookmark: #deep-state-goldstein
Andrew D. Goldstein
Andrew D. Goldstein
Assistant U.S. Attorney; Mueller Russia probe appointee; JPMorgan attorney; failed to prosecute any Wall Street executives
Breaking News! Jul. 03, 2017: New Mueller counsel tied to $13 billion Obama JPMorgan "slush fund"
Robert S. Mueller's appointment of Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew D. Goldstein (Yale Law, Reg. No. 4585675, formerly Paul Weiss LLP,[*] now Jeh Johnson's law firm) must be rescinded due to Goldstein's personal DOJ conflicts of interest. Goldstein also worked for U.S. Attorney Preetinder Bharara who was recently fired by President Trump. On Oct. 28, 2008, JPMorgan recieved a $25 billion TARP bailout from the U.S. Treasury, managed by Larry H. Summers under Barack Obama. On Mar. 09, 2009, five months later, Goldstein represented JPMorgan Chase and Ford Motor Company against a small NY brokerage firm involving a $20 million transaction. In 2010, Goldstein then joined Preet Bharara's U.S. Attorney's office. On Nov. 19, 2013, JPMorgan settled with Attorney General Eric Holder for $13 billion with no prosecutions of JPMorgan executives by either Bharara or Goldstein. Some experts called this JPMorgan settlement money an Obama political "slush fund." JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon had met secretly with Attorney General Eric Holder before the settlement. These close Deep State associations unmistakably tie Goldstein to Clinton-Obama Deep State collusion, and should disqualify him. This is more evidence that Rod Rosenstein and Mueller are organizing a hit job on President Trump. See previous post.

[*] Goldstein's work history at Paul Weiss LLP before 2010 is very evidently censored.


(Jun. 30, 2017)On Jun. 19, 2017, President Trump hosted a roundtable of technology and academic elitists. Perhaps unknown to President Trump and his agency heads is the fact that these companies have been working for decades to undermine the American Republic in favor of a globalist New World Order run by unelected bureaucrats and multi-national corporations.

Fig. 2: President Trump hosts an American Technology Roundtable as the White House on Jun. 19, 2017. | Raw *.mp4 video file | VIDEO TRANSCRIPT

The original authority for this Deep State shadow government Internet collusion is Executive Order 13231 which has been renewed six times by Presidents Bush and Obama. It is due for another renewal on Sep. 30, 2017 as Executive Order 13708.

If Executive Order 13708 is not renewed by Sep. 30, 2017, these Deep State conspirators will be officially rogue—having lost their dubious legal authority to support the White House's National Security Staff (NSS). These devious individuals have hidden their collusion in a mountain of government intelligence legalese that promotes "public-private partnerships"—in the name of national security, of course. Their collusion has been cleverly hidden from Congress and the public by stamping "classified" on almost everything they have done since Bill Clinton came to power in 1993. According to former Defense Secretary Robert Gates in his book Duty (2014), the NSS staff ballooned from 50 in 1993 to over 350 in 2016 under Obama. That is a lot of spies running around in the White House! Are they doing The People's business? That is doubtful.

The question is, for whom have they been spying? The answer is evident: Deep State globalists working for a U.N. New World Order run by the very multinational corporations, academics, intelligence agencies and media who comprise this "public-private partnership" of elitist spies.

The NSS is a rogue C.I.A. spy operation run out of the White House without Congressional oversight to which the 17 other intelligence operations, including the NSA and FBI, are subservient.

The NSS has numerous tentacles into policy, funding, intelligence, media, academia, judicial, research and development—all sustained by a long string of dubious "national security" executive orders from Bill Clinton through George Bush and Barack Obama. Note: AFI researchers interviewed a very prominent member of the judicial community in preparation for this post. He had no awareness of this unConstitutional exploitation of intelligence executive orders. Therefore, spread the word.

  1. Policy & Funding—National Infrastructure Assurance / Advisory Council (NIAC) and the “safe harbor” concept to get around the Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures. It requires governmental searches and seizures to be conducted only upon issuance of a warrant, judicially sanctioned by probable cause.
  2. R&D—The IBM Eclipse Foundation and theft of social networking invention from Leader Technologies to get around the Fifth Amendment, which protects personal property from confiscation by the government without fair compensation.
  3. Funding—Wall Street, offshore money laundering & drugs. See HSBC / SwissLeaks / Comey / Mueller. See also The Panama Papers.
  4. Media— NPR, New York Times, CNN, Washington Post hide behind the First Amendment to disguise their role as Deep State propagandists. See backdoor keys.
  5. Blackmail—C.I.A., FBI, NSA, use of pedophilia & ritual child sacrifice
  6. AcademiaHarvard, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, GWU, Ohio State M.O.O.C. (Massive Open Online Course—Deep State takeover of universities), Carnegie Mellon
  7. Judicial—Secret FISA Court exploitation and the “safe harbor” mutual fund concept for hiding bribery of judges and getting around judicial ethics prohibitions against the 'appearance of impropriety'

The White House roundtable participants gather regularly around the world in various forums (likely seditious) to further their anti-American globalist agenda in places like Bilderberg, Davos, Tri-lateral Commission, In-Q-Tel, IBM Eclipse, NIAC, NVCA (National Venture Capital Association), World Bank, IMF, Federal Reserve, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Brookings Institution.

"Ok, Houston, we've had a problem here"

This was the message that Apollo 13 Command Module Pilot Jack Swigert radioed to earth after an explosion in their spacecraft.

This Roundtable group almost universally backed Hillary Clinton for President. A president Hillary would have renewed Executive Order 13708 by Sep. 30, 2017.

However, without that renewal, the decades of digital sedition that has hidden under these executive orders will officially go rogue. The roundtable group members will have no legal authority to operate their warrantless surveillance of Americans and their unConstitutional theft of our privacy.

Said another way, the decades of collusion that have led us to the cliff of The New American Surveillance State will have no legal legitimacy whatsoever come Sep. 30, 2017.

Indeed, like Apollo 13, these conspirators just heard an explosion inside their own “command module.” They have a serious problem.

After September 30, 2017, unless President Trump offers them some sort of amnesty these people will be in trouble. They will need to disclose anyone who is 'blackmailing' them, or their Deep State collusion will likely land substantial numbers of the technology world in prison for treason and sedition. Indeed, former C.I.A. leader turned whistleblower Robert David Steele recommends that President Trump implement such a "truth and reconciliation" program to help fix the rampant rogue spy-generated blackmail that has overtaken our public institutions.

Officially criminals after Sep. 30, 2017

On Sep. 30, 2017, all of the companies and individuals who have colluded with the rogue C.I.A. / NSA / FBI and NSS in the White House to spy illegally on the American people will be officially criminals because they will no longer have the dubious executive order protections they have relied on since 1999 when these shadow government executive orders were instituted. (The first version of the NIAC, Executive Order 13130 was implemented by Bill Clinton on Jul. 14, 1999.)

How bad is it?

President Trump asked each Roundtable participant to introduce himself or herself. AFI researchers have compared that list of attendees to various other collusion membership lists compiled for the AFI TIMELINE:

People you trusted are now hijacking the Internet.

What emerged is a list that we have named the “Deep State Hive Mind Index.” "Hive mind" as in "groupthink." We have hard evidence of this groupthink, in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. We believe this explains the globalist New World Order elitist drive to seize power and control, at all costs.

The Deep State Hive Mind Index

We coined the term “Deep State Hive Mind Index” as a way to determine the relative contributions of the various actors involved in this massive collusion. Clearly, some of these players are more central to this hive mind than others.

Membership in the following Deep State shadow government activities were each given a “1” value, and Clinton speaking fees were given a “1” for each speech. Ohio State's Trustee President Jeffrey Wadsworth manages numerous intelligence units as CEO of Battelle Institute and therefore classifies Ohio State as a C.I.A. agent.

Ohio State is also the network hub for M.O.O.C. (Massive Open Online Course)—an evident agent of the Deep State shadow government to steal university research data and brainwash students using advanced C.I.A. MKUltra mind control techniques like virtue signaling and trolling. MKUltra never stopped despite Congress' order to shut it down. "Conspiracy theory!" you say? Open your eyes. Such reactions have been effective in hiding this diabolical program in plain sight. This is not 'conspiracy theory' if it is true. See FBI superstar Agent In Charge Ted L. Gunderson whistleblower revelations.

Criteria for the creation of the Index below:

  1. Policy & Funding: National Infrastructure Assurance / Advisory Council (NIAC), the “safe harbor” concept to circumvent 4th Amendment privacy protections; safe harbor protections will expire on Sep. 30, 2017 which will likely and immediately expose all NIAC contributors to treason and sedition charges
  2. FBI backdoor: On Jun. 07, 1993, Podesta and James Chandler sponsored CRYPTO 1993 to give the FBI a backdoor key to the Internet
  3. Judicial bribery: the “safe harbor” mutual fund concept
  4. R&D: IBM Eclipse Foundation and the theft of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention
  5. NSA backdoor encryption: NIST registration of backdoor keys. See also Dell ships backdoor keys
  6. Financing: In-Q-Tel / C.I.A. / Wall Street / Silicon Valley
  7. Gov’t contracting: using procurement to enforce conformity to the rogue agenda
  8. Blackmail data collection: Warrantless Surveillance (Snowden)
  9. Blackmail exploitation: Obama donors and  insiders. See Feb. 17, 2011 and Mar. 02, 2015.
  10. Blackmail exploitation: Clinton Foundation donors and insiders. See also The Clinton Chronicles
No. WH Roundtable Participants
Jun. 19, 2017
Deep State Hive Mind Rating
1 [Cisco] (conspicuously absent, see below) [15]
2 Oracle 11
3 Facebook, Clarion, Palantir / CIA 10
4 IBM / CIA 10
5 Microsoft 10
6 Amazon, Washington Post / CIA 8
7 Apple 8
8 Google, Alphabet 8
9 Kleiner Perkins / CIA 8
10 Ohio State / Battelle / CIA 8
11 Palantir, NSA, In-Q-Tel / CIA 8
12 Qualcomm 8
13 Carnegie Mellon U, Hoover Institution, Stanford 7
14 Intel 7
15 MIT 7
16 VMWare, Dell, EMC 7
17 Accenture 6
18 Akamai 6
19 MasterCard / AOL 6
20 SAP 6
21 Adobe 5
22 OpenGov 5
23 UNC 5
Table 1: White House Technology Roundtable Participants (Jun. 19, 2017).

What is the Deep State Hive Mind?

Is the adoption of the “Eclipse” symbolism merely coincidental? Or, is it intentionally selected Islamic symbolism signaling the unholy alliance between the globalist New World Order has and jihadi Islamic extremists?

One notable trend among these collaborators is their near universal involvement in the IBM Eclipse Foundation started on Nov. 29, 2001. This foundation distributed the social networking invention of Columbus innovator Leader Technologies at no charge to the entire tech community. Of course, embedded in that code were Deep State requirements for backdoor keys and quid pro quo data sharing.

Sacrificed morals for power and money

Evidently, these people sacrificed their morals and ethics to establish this unconstitutional and depersonalized “Internet of Things” to spy on you and steal all your best ideas to exploit among the hive mind elitists.

These people are like a hive of drone bees buzzing around their corrupt Queen Hillary.

Tellingly, Barack Obama even promoted the “Internet of Things” in his Executive Order 13718. They probably thought no one was paying attention.

Misprision of a Felony: Did the roundtable participants commit a felony by not disclosing their Deep State collusion to the President?

The law is clear. It is a felony to have knowledge of fraudulent activity involving a contract with the federal government and not disclose it.

18 U.S. Code § 4 - Misprision of felony

“Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by a court of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority [including the President and his agency chiefs] under the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

Each of these Deep State participants has contracts with the federal government.

By remaining silent about their decades of fraud and crony capitalist collusion, is not each person who introduced himself or herself to President Trump guilty of misprision of a felony? In the opinion of our legal experts, yes.

Why was the Deep State digital kingpin Cisco absent? Good Question.

Conspicuously absent from the White House meeting is one of the Deep State kingpins—Cisco and its chairman John T. Chambers.

Peter A. Thiel
Peter A. Thiel
Facebook director & major shareholder, funded Zuckerberg's first $500,000 in 2004, founder of PayPal, co-founder of Palantir NSA / C.I.A. spy software

We digress for just a moment to give readers more context for the insidious Washington, D.C. corruption machine. Also missing the roundtable was Facebook's Zuckerberg or Sandberg. However, since Peter A. Thiel is a director and major shareholder of Facebook, they were present, even if not introduced. This does not even consider that all or nearly all of the companies who did attend collude with Facebook. See Jim Cramer's CNBC rant about Peter Thiel's unethical sale of Facebook IPO stock on May 22, 2012. Also present were former Goldman Sachs executives who were the primary underwriters for the Facebook stock offering that substantially funded the Deep State.

The Facebook initial public offering provided hundreds of billions of dollars for the Deep State's campaign of bribery and collusion. For example, all of the Leader v. Facebook judges cashed in.

Remember, the real purpose of Facebook and Google is to be a rogue C.I.A. global spy data collection system for the Deep State shadow government to manipulate and control you—the wolf—who comes into your home dressed in the sheep's clothing of coupons, titillation and baby pictures—very devilish, insidious and effective. Isn't that right Alexa? (The voice of Google Home.)

Bookmark: #nsa-strategic-partnerships
News Update! Jul. 09, 2017: Snowden NSA documents prove Cisco, IBM, Google, Facebook helped lead the Deep State takeover

Greenwald. (May 14, 2014). Snowden NSA archive Documents from No Place to Hide, PDF page 12. Glenn Greenwald / MacMillian. (Glenn Greenwald, p. 102: "NSA Strategic Partners, Alliances with over 80 Major Global Corporations Supporting both Missions: Telecommunications & Network Service Providers, Network Infrastructure, Hardware Platforms Desktop/Servers, Operating Systems, Applications Software, Securty Hardware & Software, System Integrators: AT&T, CISCO, EDS, H-P [HP, Hewlett-Packard], IBM, Intel, Oracle, Qualcomm, Microsoft, Motorola, Verizon").
Fig. 3Glenn Greenwald. (May 14, 2014). Snowden NSA archive Documents from No Place to Hide, PDF page 15. Glenn Greenwald / MacMillian. (Glenn Greenwald, p. 102: "NSA Strategic Partners, Alliances with over 80 Major Global Corporations Supporting both Missions: Telecommunications & Network Service Providers, Network Infrastructure, Hardware Platforms Desktop/Servers, Operating Systems, Applications Software, Securty Hardware & Software, System Integrators: AT&T, CISCO, EDS, H-P [HP, Hewlett-Packard], IBM, Intel, Oracle, Qualcomm, Microsoft, Motorola, Verizon").
Bookmark: #nsa-strategic-partnerships
Cisco updated switch software to fix rogue NSA problems

Greenwald. (May 14, 2014). Edward Snowden NSA archive Documents from No Place to Hide, PDF page 64. Glenn Greenwald / MacMillian. (Glenn Greenwald, p. 150: Cisco provided software to fix NSA problems
Fig. 4Glenn Greenwald. (May 14, 2014). Edward Snowden NSA archive Documents from No Place to Hide, PDF page 15. Glenn Greenwald / MacMillian (Glenn Greenwald, p. 150: Cisco provided software to fix NSA problems).
Bookmark: #nsa-social-collusion
Deep State social spy net: social providers agreed to share their user data in exchange for profits

Edward Snowden. (Jun. 06, 2013). On Jun. 06, 2013, thanks to NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden, we learned that all the large online 'social' hardware, software and telecommunications providers were creations and certainly tools of their U.S. government spy state cronies. This strategy was hatched during the Clinton administration by his spy master advisor, Harvard law professor James P. Chandler, later Leader Technologies' patent attorney. AT&T played too.
Fig. 5Edward Snowden. (Jun. 06, 2013). On Jun. 06, 2013, thanks to NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden, we learned that all the large online "social" hardware, software and telecommunications providers were creations rogue C.I.A. This strategy was hatched during the Clinton administration by his spy master advisor, Harvard law professor James P. Chandler, III, later Leader Technologies' patent attorney. The companies revealed are Microsoft (9/11/07), Yahoo (3/12/08), Google (1/14/09), Facebook (6/3/09), PalTalk (12/7/09), YouTube (9/24/10), Skype (2/6/11), AOL (3/31/11), Apple (added Oct, 2012—one year after Steve Jobs died, replaced by former IBMer Timothy D. Cooke. AT&T also participated, see Fig. 3 above.
Bookmark: #nsa-cia-exploit-it-all
Rogue C.I.A. / NSA Lawless Admission: "Exploit it All"

Greenwald. (May 14, 2014). Snowden NSA archive Documents from No Place to Hide, PDF page 5. Glenn Greenwald / MacMillian. (Greenwald, p. 97: "New Collection Posture: Sniff it All. Know it All. Collect it All. Process it All. Exploit it All. Partner it All").
Fig. 6Glenn Greenwald. (May 14, 2014). Snowden NSA archive Documents from No Place to Hide, PDF page 5. Glenn Greenwald / MacMillian. (Greenwald, p. 97: "New Collection Posture: Sniff it All. Know it All. Collect it All. Process it All. Exploit it All. Partner it All").
Bookmark: #deep-state-admits-racketeering
Deep State colluders admit racketeering: "a lot of money being made by U.S. entities"
Greenwald. (May 14, 2014). Snowden NSA archive Documents from No Place to Hide, PDF page 96. Glenn Greenwald / MacMillian. (Glenn Greenwald, p. 167b: NSA admission: "Let's by blunt—the Western World (especially the US) gained influence and made a lot of money via the drafting of earlier standards.  –The US was the major player in shaping today's Internet. This resulted in pervasive exportation of American culture as well as technology. It also resulted in a lot of money being made by US entities.").
Fig. 7Glenn Greenwald. (May 14, 2014). Snowden NSA archive Documents from No Place to Hide, PDF page 96. Glenn Greenwald / MacMillian. (Glenn Greenwald, p. 167b: NSA admission: "Let's by blunt—the Western World (especially the US) gained influence and made a lot of money via the drafting of earlier standards. –The US was the major player in shaping today's Internet. This resulted in pervasive exportation of American culture as well as technology. It also resulted in a lot of money being made by US entities.").

See TIMELINE for more Snowden proofs of government collusion with the private sector -- unConstitutional crony capitalism at its zenith. (Please be patient! The Jun. 06, 2016 bookmarked timeline entry for Edward Snowden will load automatically.)

Cisco has helped lead the Deep State technology collusion

John T. Chambers
John T. Chambers

From 2002-2006 Cisco’s CEO John T. Chambers was vice chair of the National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC) started under Bill Clinton as the main policy arm of the rogue C.I.A.’s takeover of the Internet. It was during this period that IBM and Cisco conspired with the rest of the technology world to steal Leader Technologies’ social networking invention and convert it to a global spying platform.

These were also the formative years following the Deep State’s rogue C.I.A. orchestration of the 9/11 false flag and The Patriot Act. This council was established under Clinton/Podesta in 1999 and tasked to set policy for the Deep State shadow government's “Internet of Things” global spy grid.

Cisco’s timeline shows that they were helping lead the development of the rogue C.I.A. surveillance system—almost completely outside the oversight of Congress and the American People. It also shows that Cisco has been a central figure in the Clinton-Obama-Soros-Russia axis:

Bookmark: #chambers-cisco-treason-sedition
Cisco/Chambers score the highest—15 on the Deep State Hive Mind Index (see Table 1)
1993 Steven Wolff (later Cisco) collaborated with the Clintons, Podesta, Summers, Sandberg, Albright, Milner and World Bank to give the FBI a backdoor encryption key to all digital traffic and content; media attending were: NPR, New York Times, Washington Post
1997 Chambers/Cisco teamed with IBM, Microsoft, Intel and Wind River to build backdoors into all hardware and firmware for the "Internet of Things" offshore, in Italy, via Eurotech, Ltd.
1999 (Jul 14) Chambers/Cisco secret member of NIAC, v. 1
(Executive Order 13130, under Clinton)
2001 (Oct 16) Chambers/Cisco, secret member, NIAC, v. 2
(Executive Order 13231, under Bush)
2001 (Nov 29) Chambers/Cisco, secret member, IBM Eclipse Foundation
2002-2006 Chambers/Cisco, appointed vice chairman of NIAC (under Bush)
2005 (Sep. 02) Bill Clinton broker the UrAsia uranium mining rights in Kazakhstan for friend Frank Giustra
2006 (May 18) Chambers/Cisco paid Bill Clinton $150,000 for speech in Monterey, CA
2006 (Aug 17) Chambers/Cisco paid Bill Clinton $150,000 for speech in Las Vegas, NV
2007 (Feb 12) Bill Clinton's friend Frank Giustra sold UrAsia uranimum mining to Uranium One for $3.1 billion
2007 (Mar 29) Chambers/Cisco paid Bill Clinton $100,000 for speech in Kiawah Isl., SC 
2008 (Sep 09) Chambers/Cisco, public member, IBM Eclipse Foundation
2009 (Sep 22) Chambers/Cisco donated up to $5,000,000 in Clinton Foundation. See donor list (fn. 320)
2010 (Dec 29) Hillary identified Cisco in stonewalled emails on her illegal private server along with other Deep State Hive Mind conspirators Yahoo, Ebay, Semantec, MicroTech, FCC, Ford Foundation, Microsoft, Apple, Safaricom, Ushahidi, Twitter, Square, Google, Mobile Accord, Carlos Slim, HowCast, Mo Ibrahim Foundation, Mextel, NYU, Harvard. The notes of this speech were redacted as CLASSIFIED by the State Department
2010 (Jun 27) Chambers/Cisco committed $1,000,000,000 (one billion) in Skolkovo, Russia to Obama/Hillary’s 'Russian Reset' along with other funds from IBM, Google and Intel—now this is REAL RUSSIAN COLLUSION!
2010 (Jun 29) Renaissance Capital, Moscow, Russia, Uranium One underwriter with close Kremlin ties, paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for a speech.
2010 (Dec 17) Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton presented Cisco with the Secretary of State’s 2010 Award for Corporate Excellence (ACE). 
2011 (Feb 17) Chambers/Cisco guest of Barack Obama at an excluse Silicon Valley elitist dinner
2011 (Apr 10) Vladimir Putin's Rusnano company, Moscow, Russia, invested $35 million in Joule Unlimited where John Podesta was a director
2013 (May 29) Chambers/Cisco bought Joulex, Thomas E. Noonan, CEO; also long-time IBM shadow executive, and founding member of NIAC
2014 (Aug 28) Chambers/Cisco paid Hillary Clinton $325,000 for speech in Las Vegas, NV.
2016 (Jan 14) Chambers/Cisco given special access to Hillary Clinton at the State Department; admitted NSA penetration; pretended they were not partnered with the NSA
2016 (Aug 16) Chambers/Cisco admitted to building in C.I.A. / NSA / FBI encryption backdoors in Internet switches for many years
2017 (Mar 21) Chambers/Cisco admitted "critical bug" in 318 Internet switches to hide their decades of Deep State collusion with the NSA / C.I.A. / FBI shadow government; fails to admit these were features built in for the rogue C.I.A., not bugs.
Table 2: John T. Chambers, Chairman & CEO, Cisco Systems collusion with Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton and New World Order Deep State shadow government globalists.
Bookmark: #niac-power-abuse

How do we know the Deep State abused their bureaucratic power?

The NIAC’s own internal PowerPoint said that’s what they were doing—by design. They clearly state that they will essentially bribe vendors with government contracts to get compliance with the plan:

NIAC. (Nov. 21, 2013). National Infrastructure Advisory Council. Business Meeting Agenda, p. 117. Held at the U.S. Patent Office. DHS.
Fig. 8: PowerPoint Slide (page 117) proves that the NIAC colludes with its public-private partners to muscle technology vendors into compliance with their "Internet of Things." NIAC p. 117 from Nov. 21, 2013 | NIAC 126 pgs. Nov. 21, 2013 Meeting Minutes (4.5 MB)

ZIPPED archive of NIAC Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes from Nov. 26, 2002 to Sep. 16, 2016 (last accessed Jun. 28, 2017) (24.7 MB).

This circumstance is EXACTLY what President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about in his farewell address to the nation on Jan. 17, 1961.

The military-industrial complex hive members have become New American Tyrants

Bookmark: #eisenhower-warning
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's warning about the rise of a corrupt military-industrial complex
Click video to watch 2 min. 30 secs. of President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address on Jan. 17, 1961
Fig. 9: On Jan. 17, 1961, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned the world about the dangers for tyranny arising from a military-industrial complex. As the AFI investigation has uncovered, that day came on Sep. 29, 1999 when the C.I.A. began investing in hardware and software companies, thus essentially nationalizing, largely in secret, America's emerging digital infrastructure. This gave the C.I.A. an unprecedented and unaccountable ability to spy on everyone without a warrant. | Raw *.mp4 video

These criminals control the mainstream media as their propaganda arm, as Roger Stone so clearly describes in this video just released yesterday.

Bookmark: #roger-stone-on-free-speech
Fig. 10 Roger Stone breaks down key principles of American Free Speech and the First Amendment.


We the People must reassert our power over these criminals who have hijacked so much of our country in their stealth.

Bookmark: #roger-stone-the-three-amigos
In lawyers we trust?
Click the image to read Roger Stone's in depth analysis: "Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey: The Tree Amigos from the Deep State"
Roger Stone. (Jun. 22, 2017). Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey: The Tree Amigos from the Deep State.
Fig. 11: Roger Stone. (Jun. 22, 2017). Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey: The Three Amigos from the Deep State.

Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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Friday, June 16, 2017


President Trump and our Republic are in peril from Deep State operatives like Robert S. Mueller

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Jun. 16, 2016, Updated Jun. 26, 2017 | PDF
Robert S. Mueller, FBI Director (2001-2013)
Fig. 1 – Robert S. Mueller. The mainstream media portrays Mueller as a man of "impeccable integrity." This could not be more false. Mueller—along with Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, James Chandler, James Comey and Rod Rosenstein—turned his back on the Republic and the Rule of Law during his 12 years as FBI Director.
Photo: Jason Reed / Reuters (2011 Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing) / AFI Graphic.

(Jun. 16, 2017)—Here are 12 reasons why Robert Mueller must be immediately relieved of his duties as Special Counsel in the Russia probe.

With the collapse of the "Russians-did-it" fake news narrative, the radical left of Soros-funded Clintonistas are now morphing Mueller's investigation to focus on President Trump’s alleged obstruction of the non-existent Russian story. He was never hired for that, so how is that possible? Who is really running Washington, D.C.?

Trump clearly stated his support of investigation of Russian interference. Comey even stated that the President wanted the investigation to be thorough and to include even his "satellite" associates.

The level of mental illness among the Clintonistas has become dangerous. The baseball field shooting of Republican members of Congress illustrates this.

In law, Comey’s contradictory statements on Trump’s alleged obstruction must be thrown out as false statements since one or the other of his statements is a lie, and therefore, Comey is not a credible witness.

Here are 12 reasons why Mueller is profoundly unqualified to be Special Counsel. It is evident that Mueller's real task is to take down his Deep State political enemy: President Donald J. Trump.

  1. Mueller became FBI Director on Sep. 04, 2001, just seven days before 9/11. Do you think this is a "coincidence?" 9/11 was a false flag "inside job" according to numerous NSA/C.I.A./FBI whistleblowers like Susan Lindauer, William Binney, Ted Gunderson, Kevin Shiff, James Bamford, Thomas Drake, J. Kirk Wiebe, Colleen Rowley and Robert Steele. (See TIMELINE for the string of Deep State personnel "coincidences" before and after 9/11.)

  2. Mueller promoted the Deep State’s abuses of privacy under The Patriot Act; the Deep State used 9/11 as a "false flag" to scare Congress into passing the most massive give away of American constitutional privacy rights in history—this paved the way for the NSA/C.I.A. warrantless surveillance program first exposed by NSA leaker/patriot Edward Snowden

  3. Mueller abused the secret, unaccountable FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) Court and Project Stellar Wind to obtain dictatorial warrants on Americans at will. His powers to abuse privacy dwarf any such powers that former FBI J. Edgar Hoover used.

  4. Protected the Deep State takeover of the Internet. On Sep. 11, 2007, Microsoft started turning over user data to the NSA. On Jun. 03, 2009, Facebook did as well . . . See Timeline from Edward Snowden's release.

  5. Exploited NSA blackmail data to retain power—just like his predecessor FBI director J. Edgar Hoover

  6. Mueller held exclusive Cayman Island offshore personal investments

  7. Wrote a recommendation letter for Pres. Obama's Supreme Court nominee Judge Merrick Garland back in 1995 when Bill Clinton nominated him to be DC circuit judge—Mueller is clearly a Deep State Democrat operative. Here's is Mueller's Nov. 30, 1995 Garland letter.

  8. Failed to bring forward any prosecutions in:

    1. Fast & Furious

    2. 2008 Banking “bailout” (Wall Street tax dollar feeding frenzy); See 2008 TIMELINE

    3. Energy stimulus boondoggles

    4. IRS targeting of Tea Party

    5. The Clinton Foundation's enrichment in the Khazak, UrAsia / Russian Uraniaum One deal giving away 20% of America's uranium reserves to Russia

    6. Bureau of Land Management land redistributions (to give the Chinese more mining rights)

    7. America Invents Act (AIA) corruption that allowed deep-pocket globalist companies to file for "patent reexaminations" as many times as they wished, thus tying up real inventors in endless litigation while the globalist companies exploit the inventions with impunity. See AFI. (Nov. 26, 2014). How Judges Grow Rich On The Backs Of American Inventors.

    8. Theft of Columbus innovator Leader Technologies’ social networking invention. Failed to investigate Mark Zuckerberg's perjuries on the [IBM Eclipse Foundation] origins of Facebook. This is the motivating underlying subject line that triggered the creation of the AFI TIMELINE that discovered the Deep State shadow government's treachery.

    9. NSA / C.I.A. warrantless surveillance; see 2001 Project "Stellar Wind" setup, execution

    10. Judicial mutual fund bribery rules changes (See AFI. (Nov. 26, 2014. How Judges Grow Rich On The Backs Of American Inventors for an analysis of this scandal.

    11. 9/11 C.I.A. inside job

    12. Offshore money laundering

    13. Obamacare conflicts of interest fiasco

    14. Allowed Bilderberg Group sedition

    15. Allowed Davos World Economic Forum sedition

    16. Allowed Trilateral Commission sedition

    17. Allowed U.N. Commission sedition

    18. Allowed George Soros Open Society Foundations (Soros) sedition. See also AFI. (Aug. 21, 2016). George Soros: The epic global meddler. Americans for Innovation.

    19. Allowed The Clinton Foundation sedition

    20. Allowed Federal Reserve sedition

  9. Mueller's Net Worth increased from $1.8M (2001) to up to $7.0M (2011) on an FBI director salary! This period includes the disastrous 2008-2009 crisis and drop in the stock markets.

  10. His former Harvard professor Benjamin M. Friedman is director of one of his super exclusive Cayman Island offshore investments Mellon Optima L/S (long/short) Strategy Fund LLC, N-CSR 

  11. Mueller has more than 20 years of conflicts of interest with Rod J. Rosenstein, James B. Comey and Clintons. See numerous previous posts, search "Comey" "Mueller" and "Rosenstein".

  12. Failed to prosecute rampant rogue C.I.A.-run  global pedophilia blackmail rings.

Since our elected leaders in Washington, D.C. seem incapable of draining the swamp of people like Mueller, We the People are going to have to do it. Washington's impotence was affirmed this morning by Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who said he is leaving Congress because neither Republicans nor Democrats want to change anything.

It is now evident that the Washington, D.C. "Establishment" is compromised by sex and drugs, just as former FBI superstar Special Agent In Charge Ted L. Gunderson said. It appears that former FBI Director Mueller was directing the C.I.A. pedophilia blackmail rings instead of prosecuting them.

We will be linking the 12 points above to the AFI TIMELINE this weekend, but wanted to get these points into the national dialog without delay. Here is the latest version of the AFI DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT POSTER.

Here our previous posts on Robert S. Mueller and James B. Comey:

Bookmark: #comey-mueller-clintonistas
Robert S. Mueller, III
Robert S. Mueller
Mueller is a Deep State Clintonista:
AFI. (May 18, 2017). PROOF: Robert Mueller cannot be impartial in the Russia investigation. Americans for Innovation.
AFI. (Mar. 25, 2016). Betrayal: Former FBI director colluded with Cartel offshore money laundering havens. Americans for Innovation.
James B. Comey
James B. Comey
Comey is a deep state Clintonista:
AFI. (Apr. 01, 2016). Hillary Server-gate covered up by FBI directors. Americans for Innovation.
AFI. (Jul. 05, 2016). FBI Director Comey not qualified to decide on Hillary Emailgate. Americans for Innovation.
Click flow chart to view full five-page PDF flowchart and legend.Clinton-Comey Connections


Charles Benninghoff. (Oct. 05, 2016). COMEY-CLINTON CONNECTIONS [Flowchart]. Pray for Us.
Bookmark: #cesar-paz
FBI whistleblower: Cesar Paz's questions not  asked to James Comey by the Senate Intelligence Commitee

FBI Special Agent (Retired), Former U.S. Immigration & Naturalization U.S. Border Patrol Agent; full biography | Raw *.mp4 video file |
"Isn't it true, Mr. Comey, that . . ."
"Mr. Comey, you've been PNGed [Persona Non Grata]"
Bookmark: #monika-wesolowski-whistleblower
Monika Wesolowski
Monika Wesolowski
Breaking News! Jun. 19, 2017:
State Dept Whistleblower needs the protection of publicity. Why isn't the FBI protecting her?
State Dept. whistleblower Monika Wesolowski has had her brakes cut for the second time in three weeks. She was also poisoned recently, as were her animals, with "uranium"-related substances.
Eric F. Stein
Eric F. Stein, Clinton/Obama FOIA State Dept. holdover and stonewaller
Janice L. DeGarmo
Janice L. DeGarmo, Clinton/Obama FOIA State Dept. holdover and stonewaller
Larry L. Palmer
Ambassador Larry L. Palmer, Clinton/Obama FOIA State Dept. holdover and stonewaller
Ms. Wesolowski said in an interview with veteran corruption watchdog Dave Hodges [RECORDED INTERVIEW] that her Obama holdover bosses, notably Ambassador Larry L. Palmer, Eric F. Stein and Janice L. DeGarmo continue to stonewall FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests. She said her boss, Ambassador Larry L. Palmer—an unalloyed Clinton / Bush / Obama Deep State sycophant—had her charged under the Hatch Act simply for displaying Donald J. Trump election posters during the campaign. Such electioneering is expressly permitted for government employees under the Hatch Act! This radical leftist bullying is out of control. She said that her bosses are literally behaving like emotional children after Hillary's election loss. Ms. Weslowski says the attempts on her life have motivated her to speak to civilian whistleblower outlets like Dave Hodges' The Common Sense Show. She says she feels unsafe. So far, she has received no response to her appeals for protection from Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. If these were conservatives involved in workplace harassment of liberals, the screams of sexism and Soros-funded demonstrations would receive breathless front-page MSM coverage. But, since Ms. Wesolowski is a female conservative, the MSM is silent. These people condemn themselves.

Readers are encouraged to: (1) spread the word about Ms. Wesolowski's plight, (2) support her courage and patriotism, and (3) call for the immediate removal of Stein, Palmer and DeGarmo by Secretary Tillerson.
Bookmark: #david-knight-explains-deep-state-power
New! Jun. 26, 2017: David Knight explains why the Deep State calls trump's work to drive them from Washington, D.C. a "coup"

Intelligence agencies violated statutory law and the Constitution acting as political operatives, then covered up crimes by DNC, Hillary & the Obama Administration trying to blame everything on the Russian 'hacking.' People were worried 44 years ago about five Watergate burglars . . . now we have 17 Intel agencies serving as political police! Trump must go on the offensive against these criminals or they will destroy him and what’s left of the country.
Political Police: Reagan Official Calls Out Spy Agencies As Political Operatives For Obama

Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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